#anyways truly i hate liza
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badedramay · 2 years ago
i haven’t read the novel but some friends have and i’m a bit wary about the false harassment accusation ngl. it feels like that’s being used as a plot point all too frequently in recent years (so recent in fact as to be used in mujhe pyaar hua tha) and at a time when that kind of reception isn’t going to be really helpful in the public sphere i fear what the success of a plot like this may convey. but since you read the novel what do you think about it?
i don't know how this current cast will be able to fit in the story of the novel. like..i just cannot.
anyway...the major themes of the story were more about sibling rivalry and strained relationship between parents and children. both Sikandar and Liza, the protagonists, ended up having a tensed relationship with their fathers not due to fault of their own. Liza was essentially brainwashed by her sister to hate her father because she wanted to remain the only favorite child of her father. Sikandar ended up becoming the target of his father's anger and disgust that ultimately led to the tragedy that befell him. the story then becomes a story of healing from the traumas family can inflict on you. the false harassment accusation angle is a significant part of it but it's not the big bad evil here. like the accusation wouldn't have stood a chance had Zain not already nurse a one-sided hatred for his brother that had him trusting his girlfriend of few months over his own one true brother of 20 years. if not the accusation then something else would've been the reason Zain would've used to torment his brother.
also honestly, considering Maryam's character, the false harassment accusation is the least of her evils. she's shown to be a highly manipulative sociopath with daddy issues so potent that she didn't even spare her own mother phir Sikandar kya cheez hai? iirc when she's just a teenager she seduces her step father and ends up getting pregnant. while she's in school she gets involved in a sexual relationship with her teacher who she then ends up getting fired once she gets annoyed of his chipkuness. Sikandar is just one of her many targets. even until the present we see her as being involved in illicit affairs with men with no regard to anything else. she becomes so used to getting away with her actions that she doesn't even realize that her father, the one man she truly loved, was already aware of her actions and was only being silent because he was hoping and praying for her to repent. it is only when Maryam threatens Liza's relationship with Sikandar that their father steps in and forbids her from even daring to try that.
personally I think Maryam's character is the meatiest role of the story following Sikandar considering how twisted she is and by Pakistani drama standards, how utterly scandalous. JBHSSL would never work for TV cuz our sensitive audience wouldn't have been able to digest that. whoever ends up getting that role has the opportunity to give a truly strong performance provided the script and direction support the original story.
so yeah..i don't think the existence of JBHSSL will have any drastic impact on the landscape of PakDramas that will end up promoting the false accusation storyline more so than it already is. that damage was done by whatever that Sana Javed drama was that came at the worst time possible during peak MeToo era. at least with JBHSSL there's no doubt left by the end that Maryam was a vile and evil woman with a history of ruining lives and relationships without any remorse. also it's on Netflix so like konnn hi itna dekhega Pakistan mein where the majority of the audience watches stuff free on Youtube?
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wesxevans · 1 year ago
Wes used to hate his full name but he liked it when she used it and it made him grin even if she was teasing him. His face quickly softened though when she told him the cupcake was his favorite strawberry flavor. For as long as Wes could remember, he loved strawberries, but he often thought things like cakes and candies flavored as strawberry were just... too artificial. A recipe Liza made for him once, however, tasted perfect and even had little bits of real strawberries in it, and he bragged about how delicious it was. Not to mention, Wes didn't have much of a sweet tooth anyway, so finding something like that he liked that much was rare.
"Thank you." He told her once more, his heart swelling at the kindness she was showing him. Truly, he'd never experienced such a kindness before in his life. Liza was everything to him, she was his peace, his heart, his everything. He'd protect her at all cost.
Wes let out a soft laugh and he moved to sit up better on the bed as he watched Liza. Everything he was feeling was a bit overwhelming but in the best way. She'd tattooed his initial on her skin-- it was there permanently, and he wasn't sure how to take it. Not once did he think it was a bad thing or that it was silly, like she was worried about. He hoped it was a sign that they'd be together forever, even if that may have sounded silly.
"It's perfect, I love it." Wes smiled at her, trying not to get too caught up in his feelings about it all, because he was feeling a bit emotional but he didn't want to show it in anything other than a smile or in a kiss. "I'll get an L somewhere. Maybe next to my spider." While Wes was being serious about getting her initial, he was only teasing about the placement of it, knowing she hated his spider tattoo.
"But, seriously, I love it. Thank you." He leaned over and pressed a kiss to Liza's lips, lingering into it for a moment before leaning down and pressing a kiss to Elise's forehead as she lay in Liza's arms.
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"I am and you better get used to it now since you're stuck with me for the rest of your life, Westley." Liza grinned back at him as she said it and she gave him a gentle nudge before she focused on singing softly to him, a bright smile on her face all the while until he blew the candle out. Liza leaned in then, kissing him softly and leaning her forehead against his for a moment "You're welcome." she murmured before pulling back and handing him the cupcake. "It's the strawberry recipe you like."
As she handed it to him then sat more up on the edge of the bed, adjusting her hold on the baby. "And so. Today I have a lot planned for you and again, you don't get a say." Again she was grinning, "But..I um...did wanna show you something I did a couple days ago. It's not exactly a present but...it's a thing. Something I wanted to do for you--which maybe is silly. And maybe I'm just thinking too much on it..and I'll stop rambling now and just.." She pulled up the sleeve of her shirt then and held her arm out towards him, and there on her left wrist was a simple, elegant little W tattooed onto her skin. "I hope you don't think it's silly or too much or..anything like that. I just..really wanted to do it. To have you on me, in a sense." @wesxevans
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erlangs · 8 years ago
❤️ :)
truly i hate liza bc she knows id do this to outdo her ( mere ) 655 word compliment so she sent it even tho i didnt reblog the goddamn post sdfsdf and i hate myself bc im doing it anyway. the thing is under the cut bc its really fucking long and i hate u liza.
ok so, that disclaimer aside, where do i start with liza? man, i legit still cant believe that im ur oldest good tumblr friend?? thats such an honor?? honestly tho, it feels like its been longer than only two and a half years?? before u mentioned that on ur compliment, i honestly thought that weve been here for at least three years. sometimes its just v easy to forget for me that i havent known you for like, half my life ( it doesnt help that u know one of my irl friends irl too rip ). ur presence is constantly there, and for two people who can get irritated real quick by a never ending presence, ur right; we really do make it work. i really like how youre always around but not in a way that it pressures me or anything, i just know youre gonna be there always and i hope you know the same about me too?? even if we dont talk for a few days or only talk briefly i just know youre still gonna be there when im back, and i hope you know that the same applies to you too. im still gonna be here, ok.
tbh its amazing to me too how while we’ve both changed and grew up and all that, we’re also still kinda the same?? in the sense that, aside from bonding over emmastan bein losers and other things, a lot of our convos from the beginning were riddled w salt too?? and here we are, still getting salty every single day. SPEAKING OF SALT, u know one thing that im rly grateful of of u too?? its the fact that altho u indulge my saltiness and we get petty a lot, u always always without fail help me put a brake to that saltiness. u know to stop me when u know that the salt is gonna pull me under and drag me down, u know to remind me that sometimes bitterness isnt the right way to go, and im honestly really grateful that we have that balance in our conversations?? the fact that ur firm w me when i need it is smth that i v much appreciate too like i feel like ?? neither of us are scared to speak our minds w each other too and thats really nice?? honestly, idt ive ever really skirted around about anything with u and like even if it takes me a while to bring up ( usually nothing to do w u too lmao more like personal issues i have n stuff ) it always gets brought up?? u also got a good head on your shoulders ( altho sometimes we both know that u use it better when ur giving other ppl advice rather than looking @ urself LMAO ) and i really appreciate how i can always come to you to help me rationalize things too. i remember like i used to come to u a lot about getting second opinions bc i know ur always gonna look at from an unbiased pov if u can and ur always honest about what u think?? and thats honestly still something i do a lot too, whether its rp apps or personal issues or whatever else.
and see, thats the thing. i think sometimes criticizing can be rly tough but u?? make it so easy?? its v easy for us to proofread each others things and stuff and thats why i really like showing you my rp apps as well? there are a few people who id be like “ok i know my work is good if this person says its good”, and youre one of those people. bc youre honest, but not brutal, and i really appreciate that about you. i mean, u know we can be brutal w each other n not rly mind but even outside of me, ur always v v mindful and i find that amazing?? u just....always try rly but also!! another thing that i admire about u is the fact that even tho u always try to be there for ur friends too, u know when to draw the line and take time for urself. i think like talking to you about things like this helped me get a stronger grasp on myself too? someone complimented me saying that it seems like i know who i am v well and while i know i still have a lot to learn too about myself and my place in the world and im still figuring the fuck out of everything, i feel like the people around me defff helped me find my footing better and tbh, ur one of those people. u helped me find my stance while still grow and all, and just overall, i feel like a lot of our convos when we’re not talking abt our sims or charas being complete messes or we’re talking abt random things like rice, they help a lot w self discovery?? which idt ive ever properly thought about either, but since i basically said i could probably write u a 1k compliment, why not bring it up here?? writing this down made me realize that too, so.
jfk, this is so long already ( the end of that paragraph? thats when i told its already 914 words ) and i havent even gotten into like the more Aesthetic things n ur talentz and skillz n all that. but u know time and time again ive told you how much i love your writing?? i know sometimes we look at other ppls writings and yell about how pretty they are, but i hope you know never for a second have i ever thought that ur writing is inferior to any pretty writing. like u said, we have similar writing styles and by default LMAO if u want me to be confident abt my writing style ( which i am, and again a lot of ppl close to me have helped me w that n that includes u ) then i want u to do the same w urs bc we write kind of similarly. and its amazing, bc i think our writing is v different too but also?? a v similar tone?? it makes rping w u v easy for me too bc theres just?? so little pressure?? and before we know it our threads are 1k+ n we’re yelling at each other abt how its effort but we still try outdo each other anyway. but really, you know that im honest about ur writing and when something feels like it doesnt work for me or anything i always straight up will tell u but the thing is, it so rarely happens?? genuinely, i love love your writing and also your character creation process and everything else. just — the amount of work u put into ur fiction impresses me and also, as lazy as you are, it always amazes me how u would push urself and do replies and stuff too even tho i know u stare at them for 10 hours being like “effort”.
anyway, i really should end this soon lmao but one more thing!! i cant not bring this up ok!! i think my favorite thing about you is that youre always so genuine. like, i could be talking abt an anime that u dont even have any idea what it looks like and ud still genuinely listen and be interested and god, i appreciate that sooo much about u?? steffi yells at u abt kpop n kdramas and i yell at u abt games and anime and never for one second have i ever felt like u were dismissing us?? and truly, its amazing bc i know in some friendships ppl mostly talk abt what they have in common but i feel like with you and me, we can talk abt something the other has zero knowledge abt and its still chill. and i hope u know im always interested in what u gotta say too, sometimes im slow w responding n stuff or dont respond w multiple texts but u know im always interested. i mean, for fucks sake, i attentively listen to 4 of ur simventures and its been truly a wild ride.
our friendship as a whole was probably a Wild Ride, so much has happened in the past 2 and a half years ( u graduated, i graduated, amongst other things ) and here’s to many many more years of being trash saltmates i love u
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laurelleghuleh · 4 years ago
OCAF | Ch. 16 "Right-hand man"
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: read the masterlist first, additional notes at the end of the chapter
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Two troublesome adults trying to figure out how to properly communicate and work together. A lot of talking. Long chapter. Suggestion for a drink game: take a shot every time Levi tells Daphne to go back to sleep lol
𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬: “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards” by Tame Impala, “Beautiful Crime” by Tamer, “I Love You, But I Need Another Year” by Liza Anne.
“Where? If I’m allowed to ask, Captain.”
“The Underground.”
Daphne's eyes aimed at my lips obsessively. Her dark pupils frantically ran from one side of my mouth to the other, as if wondering where that word had come from. Have I really just said the Underground?
Her voice dropped to a whisper when she told me when she told me “Levi, please, don't joke with me…”
“Do I look like someone who wants to joke?” I remarked, but she still looked quite disoriented. Apparently, I needed to explain myself a bit better.
“Erwin gave me more days off to fully recover. As we speak, hundreds of citizens are descending into the Underground due to the breach. The situation must be kept under control. And we'll go on patrol…” I paused for a few seconds, trying to read her expression, “ And see what's going on with your sisters.”
Her head slightly tilted back as a tiny gasp left her mouth.
“What?? But-but wouldn't it be better if I went to help Eren and-?” she babbled.
“Are you by any chance a titan-shifter? Do you secretly possess the hardening technique, perhaps?” I thundered.
She just pouted in response and lowered her gaze.
“Yeah, exactly. Therefore, you are absolutely useless right now. Only Eren can close the breach.”
“Are you Eren Yeager? The professional fifteen-years-old pain in the ass?”
“No, fuck, I get it! But-” Daphne tried to object.
“Say another but and I'll let you rot down here, understood?”
After all, I guess I’m always the same: a coldhearted, messy captain who really has no half-measures.
My threat seemed to have had quite the right opposite effect I had hoped for just looking at the way her lips immediately curled into a shy smile. Two tiny dimples shaped at the sides of the mouth and her nose slightly wrinkled.
I couldn’t stand that face much longer and when I opened my mouth to speak again, my voice got unexpectedly softer. “However, it’s up to you. If you want to go and knit a net for the breach or just cheer for the kid, go. You’re still in time. Otherwise-”
“No.” Daphne firmly said, looking at me now straight in the eyes. “I want to stay with you. I mean, come with you. To the Underground .”
Then, she averted her gaze. “So, are we really going back?”. Her voice sounded so innocent, so helpless, like a little girl who could finally have her damn ice cream after dinner.
I nodded in response, without getting lost in further explanations.
Her mouth puckered and then opened in a twitchy “Thanks, Levi”. My chest suddenly tightened and all I could do was sigh and nod again, wordlessly.
A coldhearted, messy captain.
“There’s a cot in that cell, now sleep,” I ordered her, tilting my head in the direction of that tiny old room, right next to the priest’s. She immediately took a quick look at the cell, then eyed me again. She didn’t seem pleased, nor irritated, but her expression had definitely changed in a matter of seconds.
“Isn’t it funny, Levi? It’s been a while, but… Things haven’t changed at all. You still don’t trust me, do you?”
Yeah, it really felt like we were only going backward. No matter how hard I was trying not to perceive her as that night’s thief anymore, it still felt like nothing had really changed.
“It seems like you already know the answer to that question… ” I told her.
“Yeah, for the record it’s called rhetorical question …” she pointed out, walking towards the cell only to come out of it a second later, armed with a chair and an unmovable decision.
Daphne positioned herself right in front of the priest’s cell, next to the chair from which I was supposed to keep an eye on both of them. Once seated, she crossed her arms and legs and started bumping her foot on that old pavement in anticipation. I knew what she was up to.
What a brat.
“You’re going to fall asleep anyways,” I said as I took my position next to her, “Stop it already and go-”
“I’m not tired,” Daphne argued. A stubborn brat, as always, I thought.
“So, what’s the plan, Captain?”
“Drop the Captain .” I hissed.
“Alrighty, Levi … Listen, if I have to be your right-hand man or whatever you wanna call it, I need some more information, don’t you think? Otherwise, I really don’t know how to help you.”
“I’m going to explain everything you need to know tomorrow.” I cut off the conversation. I could sense her eyes rolling without even looking at her. The sigh she made in response got on my nerves beyond belief.
“Always so impatient I see…” I remarked, “Don’t worry, we have plenty of time to discuss the plan,” Then I added, low and deadly, “ And everything else that needs to be discussed between us. ”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” her voice trembled.
“Did you really think you could get away with that a million reasons why crap without a proper explanation?”
At that point, I guessed she had figured what I was referring to. I wasn’t still over her little tantrum in my office a few days before. I needed to know more.
After a quick moment of pure fear, she came back with another of her unrequested snarky comments: “Being so persistent doesn’t suit your age and title, Captain. Give up on that already. That was all I had to tell you.”
“We’ll see about that,” I promptly replied, “You should know by now that I always have my ways to get what I want.”
I could distinctly hear her gulp at the sound of my little tease.
“Anyways, I’ve told you we’ll go back to the Underground. Therefore, we’ll go back. Full stop.”
“It’s just that I don’t understand why!” Her voice suddenly rose, “Why are you helping me at this point? Just why! Don’t you hate me? You don’t even trust me, then how can you bring me back there-”
I didn’t give her the chance to finish that sentence properly when I turned in her direction, halting her just with my dangerous proximity.
“You’re right, I don’t trust you.” I hissed, “In fact, the only thing you need to know and get into that head of yours, for now, is this. So pay attention,” Her eyes widened, “You have already betrayed my trust. Twice . I dare you to try it a third time and see what happens, Daphne .”
That sounded like a threat. Indeed it was. But also, an outright lie. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust her. I just didn’t trust her bad decisions. I still had faith in her.
At the sound of my words, her expression got unexpectedly darker, her nostrils wide, her mouth just a thin line.
“Then, why the fuck are you trying to help me?” she spoke through her teeth, staring back at me, furiously.
“Because I want to. Is that so hard for that shitty brain of yours to understand?”
No half measures .
She stared at me, wordlessly, for a moment. Maybe she was digesting my words, or maybe just thinking about what to say next. Then, her shoulders relaxed and her head rocked from side to side, snickering. A slow, smug grin found her lips.
“Always so aggressive, so defensive , Levi…” she teasingly spoke, “I preferred when you were nice to me.” and then crossed her legs and looked away.
Me too , I thought, but all I could say was “If you behave,”
“Suuure, Captain. I’m at your orders,” a hint of sarcasm painted her tone. “But let me ask you this, since it seems like around the Survey Corps everything has its but , its price… What’s yours? What’s the catch here?”
“I’ve already told you that I just want to help you. It’s as simple as that.” I stated, my voice firm. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her submissively nod in response. But still, why was that so hard for her to get?
I might have gone way too far with my mind, but at that point, a thought occurred to me. A candid, yet legitimate one. It actually was that hard for Daphne to get that someone wanted to simply help her without asking her for anything back. Her body, her time, or even just a little favor. Most likely, that thought was what had truly remained hidden behind that smart mouth of hers.
“This has nothing to do with what happened between us,” I clarified, “Do whatever you want with that memory. I just want to be of help. No but , no price, nothing like that… I do have a request , though.”
She snorted. “Yeah, yeah, I know, you don’t have to tell me. No running away, no funny business, no-”
“ That goes without saying ,” my voice dropped down into another slight severe threat. “My only request is… Don’t have any expectations about it. About your sisters, about what you’ll see down there. You still don’t know what’s going on, so whatever that is… Don’t let it affect you.”
Her face was still facing the wall before us, but I could vividly picture her expression at that moment. Soon after, a small nod signaled to me she had understood my words. Or at least, I hoped so. Then, there was just silence.
Hours dragged on quite easily in that stillness, and with time Daphne’s eyelids started to slowly fall down. If it wasn’t for her pride, she would have fallen asleep even earlier. And eventually, she did. Her head fell forward and her neck soon followed, arching unnaturally in the same direction.
Without even looking at her, I used my hand to guide her head on my shoulder, so that she could sleep in a less weird position. I did it without thinking about it too much. Naturally. As soon as her body found mine, Daphne unconsciously adjusted herself on my shoulder, brushing her head against my jacket, looping her arm around mine.
“Hey brat, I’m not a pillow, you know,” I was about to say, but something just told me to shut the fuck up for once.
Her hand grasped the fabric around my forearm, pushing herself a little closer to me. The rest of her body followed as she molded against me. Her proximity was as risky as it sounds. I should have woken her, I should have done something… But I decided to indulge myself that little moment. The priest was sound asleep and the night was my accomplice. Nobody had to know.
I just kept looking forward, unmoving, in silence.
That was until something humid drew my attention back on her after a while of me completely spacing out. She was literally drooling on my shoulder. Tch .
I tilted my head forward and started to blot that bit of saliva from the corner of her mouth while she seemed to be still lost in her dreams. If that were anyone else, I would have just been grossed out. Apparently that time I wasn’t, not even in the slightest, not even close. The scene just made me internally laugh. She just looked so… How do I put this… Ad-NEVER MIND.
That light touch on her lips seemed to disturb her sleep and a low grumble escaped her.
“You were drooling…” I whispered, my hand still ghosting beside her mouth.
At the sound of my voice, Daphne brandished the most childish smile I’ve ever witnessed in my entire life. She giggled, still half asleep, and then completely caught me off guard when her head moved upwards, enough for our cheeks to brush one against the other. The contact made my knees weak, my mind spin, my pride almost crumble.
“You won. ‘Night.” She clumsily worded, just an inch away from my ear, enough to warm up my sensitive skin with her hot breath, enough to make my skin crawl.
She lifted herself up from the chair, wobbling with her feet from side to side, our bodies still connected as she leant against me for support. On her way up, her lips unintentionally brushed the outline of my cheekbone, sending shivers down my spine. I chewed my cheek as hard as I could and just watched her walk away and then lie down on the cot.
Sleep has never come easily for me, let alone that night.
When the morning finally came, first I arranged our departure, then woke both the priest and Daphne, and together we left the district in a short time. Inside the carriage that was bringing us back to Trost, the air was thick with disquiet and frustration. As for me, I already knew what kind of fuckeries I was about to face once at the military barracks. In addition to that, I couldn’t sleep a wink because of Daphne, and her impatient fidgeting didn’t seem to lessen during the trip. Seated next to me, she kept looking outside the carriage, drumming her feet on the floor, and sighing from time to time.
On the other hand, I couldn’t help but wonder if another interrogation would have made that damn priest open that filthy mouth of his. During the whole time, he looked like a mad man, his eyes opened wide, his forehead tense, his hands shaking on top of his knees.
I still don’t know who looked less insane among us three.
Anyways, I know I’m not one to talk about manners, but when we arrived at Trost, the military’s welcome was way worse than I expected. Unpleasant, to use a euphemism. Irritating, to be a bit more realistic.
Shortly after our arrival, we were received by the head of that district, a commander whose name was and still is among the least of my concerns. For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to refer to him as “Shitty Commander”.
So, once in front of Shitty Commander’s desk, inside his obnoxiously big office, two of his guards approached our little trio and tried to take the priest away. I instantly reacted.
“That wasn’t part of our deal.”
“First off, I made a deal with Commander Smith, not with you , Captain Levi. Second, our barrack, our rules.” Shitty Commander said as the men exited the room dragging the priest away. “Don’t get all worked up, Captain, we’re going to take good care of him.”
Yeah, sure. The idea alone of leaving the priest in those assholes’ hands made my blood boil, but we didn’t have any other alternative. Pastor Nick didn’t want to talk, therefore the jail was his only option.
“Whatever. Can we leave now?” I asked, not even trying to hide how annoyed I was.
“Not so fast. C’mon, you’ve just arrived, Captain,” Shitty Commander mischievously told me, “You can’t leave just now. This kind of situation requires some bureaucracy, you know that, right? Also, I’d like to confer with you…”
“I already see a bunch of lazybones here that could make themselves of some use,” my bad temper spoke on my behalf, “You have enough hands to sign those papers.”
“Mind your words, Captain,” I heard the voice of a police officer coming from the left, but I couldn’t care less.
“Don’t make this even harder than it already is, okay? First, that soldier behind you must leave,” Shitty Commander demanded, way too arrogantly for my liking. “This conversation is strictly confidential.”
“She’s my second-in-command,” I sternly declared, “Whatever you have to tell me, she stays.”
“She must leave.”
“What part of she stays was unclear? The she or the stays ?” I snapped.
“How dare you-” that soldier on my left tried to speak again.
Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I had seen a hand move forward, right in my direction, but nothing ever came. My reflexes weren’t fast enough to catch that, but apparently, someone’s were. Daphne, who had been silently witnessing the whole conversation from behind my back, had already made her move before I could even realize it.
Her arm instinctively stretched forward and stopped that soldier from coming any closer to me. Her hold was now strongly tightened around that officer's wrist, his hand an inch away from my arm, his feet fidgeting, poorly trying to advance.
“You bitch, let go-” he tried to protest and that was enough for me to stop that situation from getting any worse. We had already lost too much time for my liking.
I slightly rotated my head in Daphne’s direction, giving her a quick understanding look. Her eyes were now fixed on the officer, silently fighting his words back, burning a hole in his face just with her fiery gaze. Then, lowering her hand and moving it away from that filthy officer, I took her out of that room with me, dragging her by the wrist.
“Oi, careful, my wrist, ouch-” she complained as we rushed out the door. Once in the hallway, I immediately let go of her.
“Listen, let’s just give them what they want. I think I can handle a bunch of stupid questions about Erwin and our last failed mission,” I started to say as she fixed her jacket, “In the meantime, go and see if you can find where they have brought that damn priest. Try downstairs. If they ask you something, tell them you’re following my direct orders. I’ll come and find you as soon as I’m done here…”
She only nodded and then silently turned her heels.
“Be careful…” I told her before going back inside Shitty Commander’s office.
“You too.” I heard her say from a distance.
In the afternoon, hours and hours later, I was freed by those assholes and I finally had time to join Daphne. When I found her in the barrack’s jail - as I expected - , the scene I witnessed was priceless. She was standing still in front of the priest’s cell, arms crossed, jaw locked, forehead furrowed, completely absorbed in a staring contest with a police officer right before her. Priceless. It almost made me laugh.
As soon as she sensed my presence, Daphne left her opponent and simply joined me outside. Walking down the hallways, we updated each other about the past few hours. We almost looked like two perfect allies.
I was previously authorized by the Shitty Commander to use their offices and documentation for my - well, our - personal research. I knew they had the information we needed for our little mission in the Underground. But before we could reach the room we were heading to, Daphne halted right in the middle of that corridor.
“What is it now?” I asked her, visibly annoyed, and I turned around to face her. She stayed silent, completely still as she stared at someone on the other side of the courtyard.
“Nothing…” She spoke after a while, “I thought I saw someone I know… But that’s not possible. That’s not possible, right?”
My head tilted. “Someone you know? Here?” I asked, walking close to her.
“Nevermind, I probably got confused-” She murmured as she tried to step forward.
“Tell me where to look,” I ordered, positioning myself right in front of her body and preventing her from moving any further.
She looked rather reluctant at first but eventually neared and closed the gap between us. Then, Daphne grabbed me by the collar and pretended to fix the ascot around my neck as her fingers gently ran between the fabric and my skin.
In that tiny space between us, she started to slowly guide my gaze with her words, whispering, “The opposite side of the courtyard. The group of officers. The man on the right. Tall. Broad shoulders. Grizzled hair and a deep scar on his jaw.”
In all fairness, that little set-up was rather distracting, but I tried to stay focused and analyze the scene behind her shoulder. “I don’t think I know him,” I murmured, “Never seen him before. But I know the man on his left. A douchebag.”
“I don’t know, Levi, he just looks so familiar… A scar like that is hard to forget,” she said, quite concerned, “But that’s impossible, right?”
“Maybe just an officer who used to patrol the Underground?” I suggested.
“I know their faces like the palm of my hand… But I don’t know, maybe… ” she shook her head, “Yeah, I’m probably mistaken, let’s-let’s just forget about it for now,”
“Wait-” I tried to stop her, but she quickly pulled me by the collar and murmured a centimeter away from my mouth, “I said forget it, Levi.”
I peered down at her, my eyes automatically fell on her lips, and she noticed it. We were so damn  close, but, as always, that wasn’t the right place, nor the right time.
Daphne cleared her throat and patted my chest, signaling me she was done with the ascot. I nodded in response and guided her with my hand on the small of her back as we turned around the corner.
I took a quick mental note of that. She could have been mistaken, sure, but she could have also been right and simply not able to connect the dots on the spot. Officers, especially the ones from Trost, were always involved in some twisted shit - only the heavens know what.
Once finally inside an abandoned, moldy office, we started to leaf through maps and documents and set up our agenda for the next few days. Daphne looked at all that stuff as if she had just found a sacred treasure. Her Holy Grail. As we were both scanning the Underground’s map, another thought hit me. If she only had had that type of documentation earlier, she could have done so much more to help her family.
“So, this is the spot where you jumped to last time…” I started to say, giving her a quick angry look.
“Yeah, my bad…” She murmured, anxiously rubbing her nape.
“Anyways,” I moved my index over the map, traveling through the path we had followed last time again. “Here is the brothel. And over there…” I traced my finger on the right, just a few streets away from the mansion, “This is where we’re going to stay for the next few days.”
A big, invisible, question mark appeared all over Daphne’s face.
“I’ve already sent a letter to an old friend of mine. If he’s still alive, everything will be settled by our arrival. It’s just a hovel, really, but more than enough for our needs. It’s the place where I used to live with Farlan and Isabel… I guessed wherever you used to stay wasn’t safe for us given that we’re trying to go undercover, not to catch any attention, stuff like that.”
“Makes sense…” Daphne mumbled, then clicked her tongue and looked up at me, “You really thought this through, didn’t you?”
“Just had a lot of free time recently.” I replied, averting my gaze.
“Yeah, sure… Listen, again, I really appreciate this I-just-want-to-help-you thing, but let’s get one thing straight. I know I’m not in the position to talk, but just know that I want to have a word in this. I won’t let you boss me around or take decisions by yourself, Levi. We are in this together, ok? Cooperation? Teamwork? Do these words sound familiar to you?”
“Don’t push your luck, girl.”
She slightly rolled her eyes and right when her gaze found the map again, something unknown glittered in her eyes.
“Hey, quick question, when did you leave the Underground exactly?”
“Mmh… I wouldn’t say a decade, but definitely a while ago. Five, six years ago. I think I lost track of time… Why?” I asked her out of curiosity.
“No, it’s just that…” She seemed to ponder her answer for a few seconds, then pointed at the map and said, “Look. Look how close we used to live… Are you sure you have never seen me before?”
“I think I would remember a girl like you.” My quick response took her by surprise and a little reddish fog suddenly painted her cheeks.
“Emh, I-I mean… I was literally t-there,” she stuttered, “Are you sure you’ve never come to the brothel? Or even close? I promise I won’t judge-”
“No.” I don’t really like where this conversation is going…
“Not even for a bet? Not even a friend-” she asked again, but I immediately interrupted her.
“I’m not very fond of brothels.” I stated with control.
“Yeah… You don’t seem like that type actually. At least, you got morals… ” Daphne said almost whispering. There I couldn’t help but confess.
“No, because I was born in a brothel.”
Here we go , I thought.
“What…” she hissed between her teeth.
“My…” I took a deep breath, “My mum used to work in a brothel. We… I….” I was about to add something else, not even sure about what to say exactly. Luckily for me, at that point, someone burst into the room.
“Captain Levi, here you are. Premier Zachary has just arrived. He’s asking for you. I need you to come with me, sir.” The soldier said, with a tone I didn’t quite like. And yet I had just been saved from the only conversation I had been avoiding having with Daphne since the very beginning.
I sighed and rapidly glanced at her as I walked towards the door. Her face was still facing down on the map, still processing my words, stiff and silent. Just a moment before closing the door, I told her:
“Gather the maps and… Just wait. Please.”
Please .
I don’t know how much time had passed, I was just there, thinking, completely spacing out as my gaze and my thoughts wandered through the alleys drawn on the map. At some point, I collected the documents and exited the room, almost unconsciously. Then, I leaned my back against the door and just waited. I waited there.
After a while, a pair of dark boots appeared next to mine and a soothing voice called out for me. Levi . He didn’t say much more and simply beckoned me to follow him. We walked upstairs and right in front of a door, the Captain drew a pair of keys out of his pocket and suspiciously opened it.
Behind it, a small, shabby room appeared. The atmosphere was screaming “austerity” with its dark-wooden floor and those bare walls. There was barely enough space for the furniture: only two cots, a meter or so away from one another, and a night table right underneath an old, wrecked window. Nothing more, nothing less.
It really looks like a cell… Wait . What the fuck is happening? Is this my cell? Is he for real now??
I rapidly glanced at him. I was this close to snapping, but before I could say something Levi turned and moved his eyes around the room with a disgusted look.
“They told me this or the prison downstairs with that damn priest,” He said, interrupting my rambling thoughts. “ Tch . I guess beggars can’t be choosers… ”
“Oh…” So, that’s not my cell, I thought as we stepped in. It’s our cell.
Levi plopped himself down on one of the two beds, sighed deeply, and threw me a blanket that was folded next to him. I caught it on the fly as he spoke again:
“Those pricks made us lose way enough time today. Let’s just sleep and wake up early tomorrow. Please, don’t be a pain in the ass and just obey this time, alright? Will you do this for me?”
I instinctively pouted at his command and murmured as I suited myself on my bed: “ You are a pain in the ass.”
“Excuse me, what??”
“Sleep tight, Captain.” I cut off the conversation, ironically.
He didn’t argue, completely worn out by that long, exhausting day. I guessed appeasing all sides, compromising, trying to be as tactful as possible, all the while dealing with those assholes, wasn’t the ideal type of day for Levi. But still, as soon as I rested my head on that old pillow, I knew that was going to be just another long, restless night.
It didn’t pass long until a haunting thought suddenly occurred to me. We were there, alone, in that almost pitch black. Us two, alone. And I couldn’t seem to sleep a wink.
“Because I was born in a brothel”, “I was born in a brothel”, “I was born”, “In a brothel”
I was so tired and shocked I couldn’t even bring myself to ask him anything directly. I was just there thinking and thinking, twisting and turning in that tiny blanket.
And right when I thought I was sound asleep, a couple of hours later probably, I started to hear strange noises coming from Levi’s bed. After a while, all those tiny moans and laments rose dramatically into a final, long, agonizing scream and my body instinctively moved in his direction, reaching his bed in a matter of seconds. The cry was so gruff he sounded literally in pain.
I couldn’t see much but as soon as I positioned myself beside him, I sensed his body quite close to mine. Closer than expected. He was sitting on the bed, panting, and as soon as he felt me, he immediately grabbed me. His hug was tight and desperate, his fingers were piercing my shirt as they sank, skewered the fabric, his forehead pressed against my shoulder, his breath labored.
I called out his name, low and gingerly, but it took a while before he finally came back to his senses.
“Levi, are you okay?”
He was still panting uncontrollably when he held me even closer at the sound of my voice. His skin felt burning hot. I could even feel the sweat dampening his clothes.
“Levi, can you hear me?” I asked him, “Hey, what’s going on?”
A couple of other deep breaths, then his grip eventually loosened. His head slightly moved away from my shoulder, but his breath felt still so close when I heard him say, his voice hoarse from shouting: “Go back to sleep.”
“Hey. No. C’mon Levi. What happened?”
His thick swallow vibrated in the small space between us.
“Just a nightmare, go back to your bed.” he grunted.
There was a moment of silence. I wasn’t sure which was the right way to approach him at that moment. So, I only got closer, my tone as gentle as possible, as if I didn’t want to disturb him: “Okay… Do you want me to go get you a glass of water? Something to-”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“It will make you feel better… Was it that scary?”
“It was just a nightmare. I said go to sleep.” he harshly added as he squeezed my hand on top of the mattress, trapping it inside his. From the grasp, I could tell he was still shivering.
But again, the silence between us boomed in the room and all I could do was ponder what to do, or whether to even say anything else. Should I leave him alone or stay? The answer came quick, unexpectedly natural. If there was anything clear for me at that point was that, whether he liked it or not, I would have stayed by his side. None of his threats or insults would have made me step back.
“And what happened in this nightmare?”
“Someone died.”
“Someone you care for?” I whispered.
“Yes.” The saddest yes I had ever heard.
“You saw them dying or-”
“She was already dead.”
“ She … ”
“I thought that was my mum,” he confessed, his voice gruff, “I was in her room, like the day I found her dead.” he paused. “I thought it was just a memory.” another pause. “But this time there was someone else in her place.”
One of my hands was still trapped in his tight hold when I brought the other one over his, gently rubbing his skin as I figured what to say next. He didn’t protest, didn’t flinch.
“You know, dreams are just… Confused elaboration of our subconscious. Messages, mixed memories, or simply images,” I started to say and his thumb on my wrist started to move in sync with my little massage. At that point I didn’t know anymore who was comforting whom.
“Maybe your subconscious is just trying to tell you something about that person you dreamt of. How you feel about… Her.” his thumb halted, and so did my hand.
What if that person was…
I tried to change the subject at the sudden realization.
“Anyways, Miss Martha once told me that if you dream of someone's death, you give them five additional years of life. This person must be very lucky…”
Silence, again.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. It was just a dream, Levi, okay?”
He just hummed.
“How are you feeling now?” I asked him, trying to find his face in that pitch black. Just a vague, dark outline of a head, a couple of centimeters away from me.
“Better. Now, go back to sleep, please .”
“If you need anything, I’m right there. You just have to ask, alright?”. There was so much I wanted to add and I could feel my thoughts rushing up against my tongue, but my mouth instinctively closed. I needed not to repeat my past errors, I needed to draw a line and never cross it again.
“Thanks… ” his voice trembled.
That word was enough to encourage me to go back and sleep. But there another question suddenly rose in my mind.
“Hey Levi, one last thing…”
“Are we… Are we good?” My voice small.
“Otherwise why would I be helping you, dumbass?” He was definitely back to his senses.
“Right, right…” I quickly replied, almost laughing.
Until that specific moment my brain didn’t seem to fully grasp that reality. Going back to the Underground wasn’t an easy task for Levi, for anyone who had been lucky enough to get out of it. Still, he had decided to help me, to ask Erwin who knows what kind of favor and to get himself involved in all that shit again. Just for me. And yet, I kept making everything even harder for him.
I felt guilty. I felt so many things and I needed to say something.
“Speaking of which, Levi… I am sincerely grateful for what you’re doing for me. I really am…” A sharp sigh interrupted me. I was once again dancing on that thin line I had drawn in my mind. I was dangerously on its limit.
The pitch dark of the room, the proximity, the intimacy of that tiny room seemed to make me unexpectedly braver, more candid, ultimately vulnerable.
“I don’t want to argue anymore. I promise I won’t complain or make things harder for you. I won’t run away, I promise. I won’t mess things up this time, I promise. I-”
At that point, I had completely lost control over my words. My foot started to swing on the other side of that imaginary line, never landing on the ground, and yet I could already feel the void beneath it, the vertigo knotting my stomach.
“I just want to be by your side, Levi. Please, don’t push me away…”
The vertigo.
“I… I just want us to get along. That’s all. Can we do that?”
“If that’s what you want…” Levi finally replied.
“So, we good?”
I probably sounded way too naive, way too impulsive. The same old emotional girl that from time to time got on his nerves.
All of a sudden, Levi’s hand reached out and found my hair. As he playfully, yet gently stroked my head, he murmured: “Yeah, we good, don’t worry,”
His fingers slowly moved down and pushed a loose strand of my hair away behind my ear, as his lips silently lended close by. “Please, do as I told you and go back to sleep. I’m not thinking straight right now…”
When the light fog of his words settled on my earlobe, my mouth instinctively opened, shivering in anticipation as his name shaped through her teeth. His lips lingered over my neck for a while, his breath heating my skin as his hand ran down my arm.
I swallowed thickly, my eyes unfocused somewhere in the dark… Then, I heard him chuckle. When I realized what was going on, I snapped at him: “Do you think that’s funny?”
“What? You are allowed to mess with me whenever you want and I’m not, huh?”
“That’s- I don’t-” I tried to object.
“You’ve been messing with me from the very first day we met. Tell me, do you really want to deny it?”
“Well, you didn’t seem to despise it either.” I teased him back.
“Never said that, dear .” Levi whispered, lightly patting on my shoulder as if he was dismissing me. So, I simply obeyed and made my way back to the bed.
After a while of just lying in silence and staring at that dark ceiling, I called his name in the dark.
“What was your mum’s name?”
He took his time before actually answering me, then sweetly whispered a name. His voice had never sounded as tender as that.
“ Kuchel … That’s a lovely name.”
I kept that name in my mouth for a while, trying to guess her features. I imagined her as charming and magnetic as Levi. I thought I could see her in my mind: her dark hair and piercing eyes, high and sharp cheekbones, a mesmerizing aura.
“...And what was she like?” I dared to ask again. He didn’t seem to complain about that additional question, but again, he made me wait for his reply.
“Selfless. Indeed selfless. Way too selfless.” Levi said, his words sounded bitter this time.
“...And caring. A kind soul,” His tone softened.
“...And beautiful.”
“I bet she was…” I was only able to say. And Levi didn’t add anything else.
“I’m a woman of my word, so… Goodnight, Levi.”
“Night, Daphne.”
Now, we are good. Kinda.
Hi readers! Finally, I’m back (but not better lol)! Honestly, I still haven’t had enough time to correct the previous chapters, but I wanted to make something clear. From now on, I’m going to use they/them pronouns for Hange (and I’ll change them in the previous chapters as well). If you want to know more about it, I can suggest a couple of official sources or threads on twitter and tumblr where this topic is better clarified. I know Isayama prefered to not specified their gender, that an editor said that “it’s up to the reader/watcher”, I know that the anime mostly chose female pronouns but also made some “ambiguous” choices in terms of honorifics, I know that enby ppl strictly using they/them is just a stereotype (they can also use and accept he/they/she), I know this is just a fanfiction, I know they are fictional characters, I know, I know. However. I think they/them pronouns simply better represent the character. I hope it's all clear, if not lmk. Hope you’re all good and safe, until next time, Laurelle.
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wigwurq · 4 years ago
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You guys. Remember when just last week week I LOLed at my mom when I told her I had finally watched the lesbian holiday movie (The Happiest Season) and she thought I meant The Prom and I told her (and then you, dear readers!) that it would take me forever to hate watch that. WELL I JUST HATE WATCHED THAT. There is a lot to discuss, you guys. ALSO WIGS.
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We begin in “New York City” or the CGI hellscape replication of it. Nothing about this movie is authentic except for maybe NY1′s theater reporter, Frank Dilella at the opening of a fake musical called “Eleanor! The Eleanor Roosevelt Musical!” which is meant to be a hilarious joke (it is not) starring Meryl Streep as Eleanor and James Corden as FDR and JOKE IS ON THEM AND US because why are they in this terrible movie and why the hell am I watching it? Oh right: THE WIGS. YOU GUYS THE WIGS. Meryl, who is truly slumming more in this than any other actor in this garbage also has to endure the very worst wig. SHE DID HAVE AN EVEN WORSE WIG IN MARY POPPINS RETURNS. But here this wig is so very much a bad wig that I struggled for a while wondering if this was going to be a wig within the narrative but no. Sadly, it looks like a castoff from some QVC Liza Minnelli wig collection.
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AND EVERYONE LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE DRESSED IN A QVC LIZA MINNELLI NON-HALSTON SEQUIN COLLECTION GHOSTMARE (Liza should probably trademark that tho). I HAVE NEVER SEEN SO MANY SEQUINS OUTSIDE OF DAVID GEST’S GUEST HOUSE. Also, after the fake Eleanor musical opens, Meryl and James retire to “Sardis” or the CGI version of it where they discover that their show got (gasp!) bad reviews. EVERYONE LEAVES IMMEDIATELY except Meryl, James, Andrew Rannells who is another actor/bartender and NICOLE KIDMAN.
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SHE IS ALSO WEARING SEQUINS AND HAS A BAD WIG. But we are talking about Nicole Kidman, so the chances of her wearing a bad wig are 110%. I couldn’t honestly tell you what her role is in this other than “another Broadway actress”(?) Her wig is likely the same one that Joanna Lumley wore for 10 seasons as Patsy in Absolutely Fabulous which has in the last decade or so been slowly decaying in a crawlspace somewhere only to reappear on the head of Nicole Kidman in the role of “another Broadway actress” in this movie. Anyway, all these washed up randos decide they need to stop acting and start activist-ing and pin all their hopes on a lesbian in Indiana who wanted to go to the prom and got the whole prom shut down due to smallmindedness. They travel to Indiana in a non-equity Godspell touring bus during which time my husband asked me who designs bus seats and truly: that is a question more profound and interesting than anything you will find in this “film.” But I do have many questions! If these actors have all been on Broadway and Meryl’s character has a few Tonys even, why do they need to bus it to Indiana?!?!
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Anyway, over in “Indiana” (all places are actually LA or a set or a CGI hellscape), there is a big community meeting or something which is still all about not having a prom, because the only damn thing that matters in this community is THE PROM. The NYC actors show up and turn the meeting into a musical extravaganza with Meryl and her tragic wig center stage. More questions!! As a theater piece, it would make sense for this whole meeting to suddenly become a musical performance complete with spotlight entrances and sparkle curtains because it is already all fantasy. Ryan Murphy has no interest in creating a more realistic presentation in this new medium and just lets that happen here too? Sure - I guess the actors could have just arrived with all stage cues and crews to make this happen (LOLOL NO THEY COULDN’T) and this is honestly exactly why most stage to screen adaptations rarely work (though to be very fair - I had just about as much interest in seeing this on stage as on TV - negative 1000%). All realism, logic, quality, are not at all what this “movie” is aiming for. JUST SEQUINS! CONSTANT GODDAMNED SEQUINS! 
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It should be noted that Kerry Washington plays the conservative PTA mom at the center of canceling prom and bitch got away with the very best wig! Also the big spoiler here is that her daughter is the secret lesbian love of the lesbian she is trying to stop from going to the prom! GASP! Kerry also made really terrible career choices this year between this and Little Fires Everywhere which also involves secret lesbians. 
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Also those lesbians have a love song that looks like this - aka that one scene in the loathsome La La Land which was itself completely derivative. There are many (many!) derivative scenes in this movie - a later one on a staircase with Nicole Kidman is a clear nod to that one staircase scene in All That Jazz (RIP ANN REINKING!) This was all done intentionally for us theater nerds but also all the movies it ripped off I also hated so? NO THANK YOU THE PROM. ALSO THE MAIN LESBIAN’S GRANDMOTHER IS PLAYED BY MARY KAY PLACE AND I LOVE MARY KAY PLACE FYI. 
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Anyway! The NYC actors start their very ill-advised get-back-the-Prom campaign at......CGI monster truck rally wherein Andrew Rannells wears THIS GODDAMNED COAT. Trying to find any logic or realism in this movie is about as foolhardy as being Andrew Rannells wearing this coat and singing a musical theater song at a CGI monster truck rally in “Indiana.” 
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Also! Keegan Michael Key is in this (WHO I LOVE ALWAYS) as the liberal principal who is trying to make prom happen. He also is a HUGE MUSICAL THEATER FAN though that doesn’t actually translate to being gay - it translates to him being obsessed with Meryl Streep who is his favorite stage actress. Sure! It all turns into Keegan Michael Key being a love interest with Meryl Streep which I DID NOT SEE COMING but I would love to watch an actual rom com with the two of them and not whatever this is? THEY HAVE A DATE AT AN APPLEBEES YOU GUYS HOW DID THIS HAPPEN.
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At said Applebees (or “Applebees” more accurately because I’ve never seen one that sparkles like this), Keegan has a nice ballad which I couldn’t possibly hum for you now where he sings about the escapism of THEATRE and there is a flashback to him seeing Meryl in a musical called “Swallow the Moon” which is a pretty hilarious title and the whole thing looks exactly like another Liza Minnelli fashion show - this time with maybe a circus theme? At any rate, Meryl’s flashback wig is longer and more of a fashion bob but is still very fretful. 
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I would like to take this opportunity to say that although I never saw The Prom musical on Broadway, from the pictures I have seen, Beth Leavel’s wig (in the same role as Meryl) is vastly superior in every way, despite the fact that stage wigs are allowed to be different/inferior as they are viewed from further away and not in bitter bitter closeup. 
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Meryl looks great in close-up by the way BUT THAT WIG!!! I couldn’t find a good picture of it, but the hair part (if you can call it that?) is a dangerous ravine of mysteries none of which have anything to do with looking like real hair. MERYL HAS MORE OSCARS THAN ANYONE HOW WAS SHE GIVEN THIS WIG?! HOW!!!!!
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Anyway, back to the “plot” of this movie, the PTA somehow agree to having a prom and all the kids go around prom-posaling (which is an awful horrible thing that I’m glad I was never part of) and which truly begs the question: if the kids hadn’t prom-posaled (UGH) to begin with, how did word get out that two lesbians were going and how did this prom get derailed in the first place? WHY AM I ASKING ABOUT PLOT HOLES WHEN THIS ENTIRE THING IS A PLOT HOLE?!?!?! So they have the prom, but it’s all an elaborate and cruel ruse and the real prom is at some hotel and the fake prom only for this one sad lesbian is a really depressing affair in the school gym (THIS PART OF THE MOVIE IS LEGIT HORRIBLE AND SAD). So Nicole Kidman, in the very important role of “another Broadway actress” that definitely needed to exist, decides to tell her to just “razzle dazzle ‘em” (WHICH ABSOLUTELY MEANS NOTHING IN THIS CONTEXT) in a very Fosse inspired (AND INCREDIBLY NIGHTMARE INDUCING) and also very confusing number. Also Andrew Rannells convinces a bunch of teenagers in a mall to like gay people! Mazel!
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ALSO TRACEY ULLMAN IS IN THIS MOVIE AND NO ONE TOLD ME AND SHE HAS AN AWFUL WIG! So ok - James Corden, who I normally adore, plays a gay character with an American accent and in conclusion, is very miscast in this role. One of the few things Ryan Murphy has done which I actually liked was the revival of Boys in the Band (the play - I have yet to watch the movie!) And the entire cast was gay men playing gay men. Not sure why he then cast James Corden in this role because it’s not like we’re having a shortage of gay men who can sing? A friend of mine rightly pointed out that this character should have been played by Titus Burgess and VERY YES. Anyway, that’s not what happened and anyway, Tracey Ullman plays his mother who he reconnects with and I’m pretty sure the wig she wears was from her own collection from one of her past sketch shows and though I applaud wig recycling, bitch deserved better.
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So yes - all these Broadway actor characters inexplicably are still in Indiana just TRYING TO MAKE THE PROM HAPPEN and Meryl, who somehow has both a celebrity ex husband and a Hamptons house (AGAIN WHY DID SHE TAKE A BUS TO INDIANA) uses both to get the main lesbian a forum on TV but she doesn’t take it and instead makes a singer-songwriter YouTube video which everyone on earth simultaneously watched!!! We are supposed to believe that this random video got 8 million views and she decides to use that leverage to make her own inclusive prom. This is a very lovely idea but again: not based in reality so Keegan is all: girl we need $$ to have a prom and somehow she doesn’t immediately make a go-fund me from all those YouTube views she got and instead all these actors throw down their credit cards to fund The Prom which is really horrifying knowing about real events which will totally make all those actors very unemployed (#2020) and YES I KNOW THIS MOVIE IS THE OPPOSITE OF REALITY BUT STILL.
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In the end, ALL OF LIZA MINNELLI’S NON-HALSTON SEQUIN COLLECTION QVC FASHIONS get their own damn prom and even Kerry Washington shows up in the most outrageous sequined number after her daughter finally comes out to her and everyone dances it out and life is reaffirmed and Meryl’s wig IS STILL A PILE OF GARBAGE AS IS THIS MOVIE.
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dirtydobrik · 6 years ago
special guest - d.d.
plot: you and david just recently announced that you were dating and one night while david and jason record the podcast, they bring you on as a special guest
requested: yes! One where you’re a special guest on the podcast after David recently revealed his relationship with you?(love your writing 🥺💕)
author’s note: hi! this was requested over a month ago and i completely forgot that i had it in my drafts😅
if you want to send in a request for an imagine, send me a message! i am super behind on requests right now but i have a few pieces in progress that i am working on. i am hopefully back to posting daily because i am trying to get caught up.
word count: 1225
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 "What's up guys, welcome back to Views," David said, introducing the podcast. You were sitting in the bean bag in David's living room, half listening to the playful banter between David and Jason while scrolling through your phone. They talked and argued about a few different topics for a while, before David said something that caught your attention.
"If you didn't know, I posted vlog last week and revealed that I have a girlfriend. We've been together for a little over six months. She's absolutely amazing." He gushed, and you couldn’t help but blush at David's words, a smile spreading across both of your faces.
"It's good to see you so happy, Dave," Jason said sincerely. "Especially since she's helped mellow you out and it gives me a little more peace and quiet," he joked, earning a laugh from David and a small giggle from you.
"She definitely brings out the best in me," David grinned, looking over at you and meeting your eyes. "She's fucking incredible. I won't bore you guys with the details but, yeah, she's just the best." David "She's sitting behind us while we record this. Why don't we bring her out?" Jason suggested.
"Sounds great, Jase. That is, if you're okay with it," David replied, turning to you to make sure you wanted to do it, and you happily agreed. You moved from your seat on the love sac to the couch, sitting with your legs over David's lap since you two had to share a microphone. "I wish we still videoed the podcast so you guys could see how these two are sitting. It's disgusting," Jason scoffed.
"You're just bitter because you're single and I'm in love," David teased and Jason quickly flipped him off. "Why don’t you introduce yourself, babe?" David tilted the shared microphone towards you. You gave a brief introduction of who you were and what you did to let the listeners know a little bit about you.
"So Dave," Jason started, sounding like he was interviewing the two of you. "After your breakup with Liza, you said you didn't want to have a public relationship again. What made you reconsider?"
"I don't know, man. We had to keep our relationship a secret for so long and I just wanted to be able to talk about her." "We don't really want to publicize every aspect of our relationship. David just wanted to let his fans know that I exist," you added.
"I'm just so excited that I don't have to hide her anymore. And I mean obviously not everything will be shared because our privacy is important since she's not a public figure. And because she's just a normal girl, she shouldn't have to deal with hate comments, so guys please don't send my girlfriend hate. She doesn't deserve it. She's truly the best person I have ever met and she makes me a better person. And yeah, I just love her," David rambled, not able to shut up about you.
"I love you, too, bub," you smiled, looking up at him and reminding him that you were still sitting next to him.  
"The fact that you haven't left Dave yet blows my mind," Jason chuckled. "You could do so much better than someone with the mental age of a six-year-old."
"Jase, shut up," David groaned. "I know she could do so much better than me, but don't tell her that."
"I'm just saying. There's no reason for her to settle for you when she could get literally any guy she wanted," Jason continued.
"I'm sitting right here," you giggled. "And besides, David's the only guy I want." Then you dropped you voice to a low whisper and covered the microphone before turning to David, "I'm not going anywhere. Don't worry."
"So give me the details. Where and how did you meet? Who made the first move? All the good stuff," Jason insisted.
"I don't want to bore you guys by talking about my relationship for half of the episode but since Jason asked," David started, looking at you to make sure you were okay with sharing personal details of your relationship. You gave a small nod and David started talking again. "We met in a meeting. She was interning for a company that I did a brand deal for and she was the only person around my age. They brought her in because she had social media marketing experience and my manager wanted someone with those skills on the team to negotiate contracts because the older men in the company didn't know much about it. I technically made the first move because I asked for her number, but it was strictly for business at that point. She made the first relationship move by flirting with me during a business lunch. It was super distracting but I didn't want her to stop. Sorry, am I rambling?"
"You are, but it's fine. Joe will just edit this all out anyways," Jason joked.
"Anyways," David said, jumping back into where he left off. "She was flirting with me throughout the entire lunch and I didn't really know at this point so I didn’t know if it was her personality or if she was actually interested in me. But after lunch she sent me text that explicitly stated that she was flirting with me and was waiting for me to say something."
"Is that true?" Jason asked you, seeming genuinely shocked since you were a quiet person and didn't seem like the type to make the first move.
Your cheeks turned red and you were suddenly embarrassed as you gave a weak nod. "Yeah, I did make the first move," you confirmed.
"And I'm thankful that you did every day," David beamed, kissing the top of your head as you smiled up at him.
"Alright guys, well that's all the time we have for today's podcast. Thank you guys for listening and a huge thank you to our special guest this week. If you guys want to know more about her and our relationship, I'll try to convince her to film a Q and A with me something."
"Bullshit," you muttered, cutting him off, "I'll be the one that has to convince you to film one." And David couldn't help but laugh, because it was true.
"I'm David and that's Jason. Bye guys. My name Jeff," David finished, ending the podcast.
Joe packed up the equipment and Jason got up to go home since it was late, but you were comfortable and didn't want to get up.
"Thanks for doing that," David whispered, mindlessly tracing circles on your thigh. "I appreciated it."
"I know you two have been losing listeners, so I'm glad I could help out," you teased.
"I'm serious, babe. It felt so good to finally be able to openly talk about our relationship."
"It did," you sighed happily, resting your head on his chest and wrapping your arms around him. “Thanks for wanting to have me on the podcast. I know it’s yours and Jason’s thing and I don’t want to overstep.”
“You didn’t. Of course I want you on the podcast. I want you in every part of my life,” he said seriously, giving you a quick peck. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Dave,” you smiled up at him.
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thefandomhighqueen · 5 years ago
last christmas, i gave you my heart: cressworth one-shot
i finished the Stalking Jack the Ripper series around a week ago, and I have so much love in my hearts for Audrey Rose Wadsworth and Thomas Cresswell that i couldn’t not write this short little modern Christmas time au for them. hope you enjoy!
read on ao3
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Audrey Rose couldn’t quite remember how her cousin Liza convinced her to attend the Holiday Open Mic Night at the coffee house near campus, and definitely couldn’t remember how her cousin forced her to wear such a lovely black dress.
But what she could remember was Liza shoving makeup brushes in her face and naming products that Audrey Rose had never learned in her life.
Liza pulled her hat down over her ears, being careful not to ruin her makeup. In a sweet voice, she asked, “Are you still mad at me, dear cousin?”
It took every bone in Audrey Rose’s body not to turn to her cousin and push her into the snow. Instead, she cast a glance in her cousin’s direction before looking down at the footprints she was leaving in the snow. “I don’t know, Liza. How could I be mad at the woman who stabbed me in the eye with a mascara wand?”
“But I apologized! Profusely!” Liza yelled.
Audrey Rose chose to make her cousin suffer in silence as the two of them turned the corner and started nearing the coffee house. Outside of the two-story building, dim yellow lights glowed against the brick wall as snow kept trickling down from the sky above. The wind blew against the wooden sign that stuck out right above the doorway, making it seem as if the coffee cup on the logo was actually giving off steam.
It was one of the loveliest places that Audrey Rose had ever seen, and she wished that she was able to come here more often.
The only reason Liza has even found out about this place was through her ex-boyfriend, Harry. After he had graduated and left to tour the country, the place became a safe space for Liza to mourn the loss of her relationship.
“Isn’t this place beautiful at night?” Liza linked her arm through her cousin’s.
In awe and breathless wonder, all Audrey Rose could do was nod.
Liza nudged her side and said in a quiet voice, “Let’s go.”
Despite the cold, the girls took their time admiring the old building before stepping inside and walking toward the line of people in front of the counter.
There was a good amount of people already seated with their drink orders in front of the makeshift wooden stage. Liza had warned Audrey Rose that the place would be packed to the brim, but they seemed to arrive in just enough time to beat the rush of people before the night truly started.
The chalkboard menus hung from wires strung to the ceiling and were filled with loads of decorations and drawings of different drinks. There were all different kinds of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, small desserts, it was almost too much to take in at once.
Liza turned to Audrey Rose. “Will you get me my usual coffee order and a chocolate chip muffin? I’m going to go and find us some seats.”
With a quick wink, her cousin was off, speed walking toward a table in the middle of the room. Audrey Rose tried to open her mouth to yell after her, but closed it when no words came out. Instead, she pouted her lips and waited patiently for her turn in line.
“I should hate to think that pout is because of me, Wadsworth.”
She hated that the voice coming from beside her cause her heart to beat a little bit faster. Turning, she said, “Hello, Cresswell.” She looked him up and down. “I didn’t see you come over here.”
Thomas Cresswell had been a thorn in her side ever since the start of the semester. He’d hailed from Romania, where he studied under one of the most famous forensic scientists in the world. Now, he was attending her very school and apprenticing under her uncle with her.
He was almost too handsome, with his dark hair, sharp jaw, and eyes that seemed golden brown in the candlelight. Even with her wedge boots on, he still towered over her. Tonight he wore a dark shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of blue jeans which he tucked into the top of his boots.
His smirk was evident when he realized that she was checking him out, and Audrey Rose realized how badly she wanted to jam her scalpel into that pretty little smirk of his.
Before he could say anything, she said, “I’m here with my cousin, Liza. She was the one who just walked away from me over there.”
A lazy grin graced his features. “I’m guessing she couldn’t handle my dashing good looks like you can, Wadsworth.” “You’re so full of it, Cresswell,” she said, rolling her eyes.
He rested his arm on her shoulder. “But you didn’t deny my beauty. I think I might be growing on you, Wadsworth.”
The small stutter of her heart proved his words true, but all Audrey Rose could say was, “In your dreams.”
“Only every night.” He stepped a bit closer to her, close enough to send a small flush to her cheeks. She tried to play it off as just the cold from outside, shivering a bit and pulling her coat a bit closer.
Being Thomas Cresswell, of course he noticed. A bit of concern flashed in his eyes. “Are you cold, Wadsworth?” he asked, his voice a bit soft. “Maybe once you’re done ordering, you and your cousin can come and sit by my sister and I. We’re sitting near the fire.”
Audrey Rose searched for her cousin in the crowd of people, but couldn’t find her. She turned to Thomas and smiled. “I’m sure it won’t be necessary, but thank you. I’m sure my tea will warm me up just fine.”
He raised an eyebrow, looking her up and down before resorting back to his grin. With his deep voice, he said, “At least you’ll know where to find me if you need another source of body heat.”
With that, he walked toward the crowd, becoming lost in a sea of people.
It was really amazing, the effect that he had on her and her heart. She knew from the moment that he walked into her uncle’s advanced forensics course that he would be trouble, but she never bargained how much.
She needed to stop thinking about him. Thomas Cresswell should’ve been her enemy, he was really the only one she was competing for the top spot in the class for. And with all of the sly comments and not so subtle looks in her direction, it should’ve been easy to hate him.
But it wasn’t. He was actually kind, and nothing like the automaton that people said he was. In class, he would always speak his mind, but do it politely and not insult others. Hell, even when he was most annoying in the internship with her uncle, it was always just a friendly competition.
Oddly, Thomas was exactly the type of man she could spend the rest of her life with. And it drove Audrey Rose up a wall.
After she had ordered her items and grabbed them from the side counter a few minutes, Audrey Rose started to go through the sea of people in order to find her cousin.
There were many faces there that she should recognize, but none of their names came to mind. She had really ought to go out and socialize with people her age a bit more instead of spending time with cadavers.
She was able to find Liza after her cousin had stuck her hands up and waved her down like a maniac.
And to Audrey Rose’s never-ending pile of bad-luck, the table Liza had picked was right next to Thomas Cresswell’s.
Shit. “Hello, my dearest Audrey Rose!” Thomas exclaimed, a giant grin on his face. “Turns out you ended up right beside me anyway.”
The woman next to him elbowed him in his stomach, earning a delighted look from Audrey Rose, and an odd one from Liza. She introduced herself as Cresswell’s older sister, Daciana. Audrey Rose shook her hand after placing her items on her table.
Daciana’s eyes were alight with mischief. “It’s finally nice to meet the girl my brother talks about so often,” she said.
Casting a wary look at her, Audrey Rose said, “All good things I hope.”
“You wound me with how poorly you think of me, Audrey Rose.”
She smiled at him. “Your ego could probably withstand a few hits.”
Liza pulled her down to sit next to her. “Your flirting has improved over time, cousin!” Liza whispered excitedly into her ear.
Audrey Rose rolled her eyes and whispered back, “It’s not flirting.”
“Sure, hon.”
The two of them continued to talk to each other and to the Cresswells right beside them for a lot of the night. Acts came up and performed and they were pretty good overall. Most sang old Christmas time classics in festive sweaters.
It was a pretty great night in Audrey Rose’s book, she realized as she downed the rest of her tea. She had found a place she would visit more often, she got to spend some time with her cousin, and she even got to see a bit more of Thomas Cresswell’s life outside the laboratory and classroom.
Towards the end of the night, Thomas got up and told them, “I have matters to attend to, I’ll be right back.”
Despite being sad that he was leaving for only a few moments, Audrey Rose did quite like the view of his muscular back as he walked away from them.
Daciana smiled at Audrey Rose. “It’s nice seeing someone like my brother as much as he likes them.”
A blush appeared bright on her cheeks, and she tried to look down at the floor to avoid eye contact and get her emotions under control.
“I don’t think he likes me like that,” Audrey Rose confessed.
Before Daciana could refute her claim, a light smattering of applause went up in the crowd as the next performer came up to the stage.
Liza’s jaw dropped open as Audrey Rose turned to look at the stage. All she could do was sit jaw-dropped like her cousin as Thomas took a seat on the stage.
“Hello, hello, everyone. I hope you’re all having a good night tonight.” He grinned. “My name is Thomas, and I’ll be singing one of my favorite Christmas songs of all time, and it goes out to someone special who will get my heart this Christmas.”
Somehow, his eyes found hers in the crowd of people, and he winked.
The famous opening to the song started playing over the speakers, and the crowd cheered as they finally caught on to his play of words. “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special,” he sang, a smile gracing his features.
As the music continued playing, he pretended to be playing whatever instrument made the dinging noises, and it made Audrey Rose laugh and grin.
“Once bitten and twice shy, I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye. Tell me, baby. Do you recognize me? Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me. I wrapped it up and sent it, with a note saying, "I love you, " I meant it. Now, I know what a fool I've been, but if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again.”
His singing voice was actually as smooth and wonderful as his regular one, and Audrey Rose felt her heart catch every time he would make eye contact with her when he was singing.
Liza and Daciana kept glancing at her throughout the song, just to see if she was upset or if something was off, but Audrey Rose couldn’t be happier. Thomas was kind of making a fool of himself, for her. And it was amazing.
The crowd was loving it too, and Audrey Rose made sure to savor every moment, knowing that Daciana was recording her brother on her phone.
As he sang the last verse, he started getting a bit quieter. “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special.”
Everyone in the room burst into applause, and Audrey Rose stood to her feet and started cheering along with Daciana and Liza. Thomas, never missing a chance to be theatrical, took a large bow, and yelled, “Thank you, you all have a good night!”
He hopped off the stage and went over to where the girls stood. Still smiling, he asked, “Audrey Rose, can we go for a walk together outside?”
With Liza and Daciana tossing knowing looks her way, Audrey Rose nodded and grabbed her coat.
The two of them walked out of the coffee shop side-by-side as they walked toward the familiar direction of campus.
Despite his slight smile, Thomas’s voice held a note of worry as he asked, “Did you enjoy it?”
She turned to him, stopping them both under a streetlight, barely protecting them from the flurries of snow still falling down. “Thomas, I loved it, it was wonderfully entertaining and delightful,” she teased.
For a moment, time seemed frozen as the two of them stood still, smiling at each other like the love-struck morons they were. It was Audrey Rose’s most blissful moment of her entire year.
“Did you really mean it?” she asked tentatively. “Am I really the special person who has earned your heart?”
His eyes were genuine and full of admiration as he nodded. “You have had it for quite some time, maybe since the first day I saw you.”
She raised an eyebrow. “But we hated each other almost immediately.”
He scoffed. “You could never hate me, I’m just too good-looking and devilish for you to ignore, and that’s what you hated.”
Smiling, she clasped their hands together as she said, “Oh, my mistake.”
“I was actually thinking about giving you a heart as a present, but I didn’t think your uncle would be too happy with that, or you for that matter.”
Audrey Rose almost smacked him upside the head. “That would’ve been a ridiculous present, Cresswell. Besides, I like the one you just sang to me.”
Thomas stepped closer to her. “Bet that you can’t top it.”
Taking one step closer and tilting her head up, Audrey Rose smiled. “You’re on.”
With that, Audrey Rose closed the gap between the two of them and placed her lips on his for the best Christmas season kiss ever.
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lucadansembourg · 5 years ago
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highsocietyhq task forty-one —–  inspo.
“oh! i’ve made the wrong decision, haven’t i?”
i. william thacker // notting hill (1999)
luca is, at his core, sort of a bumbling idiot. truly, every time i watch this movie, i can’t tell the difference between them. will’s constantly making bad decisions, running around like a fool and risking it all for any chance at being loved. and then - in the end - he still manages to make the wrong decisions for himself, even if the right answer is obvious. i feel like luca is a bumbling hugh grant type, anyways, so you can find a bit of him in pretty much any 90s rom com starring hugh grant because jesus christ this dude gives off awkard vibes for MILES. 
here’s a few scenes that really give me luca energy: 
“oh, i’ve made the wrong decision haven’t i?” the luca vibes of fucking up and realizing it literally two hours later. also rhiannon is his insane roommate spike, no i won’t elaborate. 
the “whoopsie daisies” scene really just. it has all the awkwardness of luca trying to interact with anyone ever so. jot that down. 
i just think this scene is funny sorry i had to include it
ii. ben wyatt // parks and recreation (2009 - 2015)
let’s be real with each other: the invasion was definitely luca’s version of “ice town costs ice clown his town crown”. i have to laugh because of that, but the manic energy of ben wyatt managed to fit luca perfectly. i think ben carries the same “constantly fucking things up” energy that luca does, and he also has that awkward manner of interacting, even if luca definitely lacks that deadpan sense of humor that ben wyatt’s known for. also, during luca’s super depressive phases he would try to make “requiem for a tuesday” 
here’s a few scenes that really give me luca energy:
"do you think a depressed person could make this?” - luca trying to convince anyone he doesn’t have depression and failing wildly. 
the ice town chronicles is. yeah. 
“who hasn’t had gay thoughts?” 
iii. danny tanner // full house (1987 - 1995)
i’m just going to say it: luca d’ansembourg is what would have happened if a sitcom dad accidentally became king of a small country. and i will also, full disclosure, admit that i hated full house as a kid. but danny tanner in half of the clips i can find of him is just... the “proud widower dad” energy is too much and i just. why are half the 90s tv dads widowers? anyways! danny tanner was really trying his best to raise his daughters right and i think that’s the number one reason that i get luca vibes off him. 
here’s a few examples:
the dumbass energy that he carries in this collection is. luca vibes. 
this collection of scenes is luca vs anna & liza during the invasion SO. 
iv. bruce banner // marvel cinematic universe
i think most of this is the way that bruce banner in the mcu constantly reads like a strange, repressed and definitely depressed dude. all of which hold luca energy. even if i feel like luca doesn’t have the ability to “hulk out”or even truly get mad enough to get close, i think that the whole “suffering through everything” angle really fits him, too. 
anyways here’s the scenes with luca vibes: 
the not knowing how to do a fistbump in this scene. i just-
the entirety of this video
v. maxwell sheffield // the nanny
i won’t lie - i actually wrote my app for luca while i was watching “the nanny” and somewhere along the line my wires got crossed and i accidentally made luca a whole lot like mr. sheffield. oops! anyways, the widower with a heart of gold who adores his children and is weird about being allowed to move on from his spouse? yeah. that’s both of them. i hate this realization, because it’s only made me want to rewatch the nanny over again for like the 5th time this year. 
have i mentioned that this is my favorite show ever? anyways! here’s some clips: 
"i’m 42 years old and what have i achieved?” 
the entire “imaginary friend” sequence. 
vi. george mcfly // back to the future
now - this is all because luca is a goddamn doormat, just like george mcfly in the first back to the future movie. if luca wasn’t a royal, he’d be the guy getting bullied and forced into doing some asshole’s homework. also - it’s about the whole “loser gets the girl” trope, that’s basically the story of luca’s marriage. anyways! i think another point is that george gets this “big damn hero” moment, and i can definitely see luca managing that by complete accident, too. so.
ok here’s my 3 favorite george mcfly moments:
getting bullied is luca energy
going through the plan over and over again. luca before ever event. 
the “big damn hero” moment
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mentallyinwalmart · 6 years ago
Cressworth Modern Au- Dear Liza
I have a HC that even in a modern setting, Audrey Rose would still write letters to Liza when she was at Uni. Here are some of those letters throughout the first term of school~
Dear Liza,
Well the first week at Uni has been an absolute whirlwind. I miss father and uncle dearly (not to mention you of course). But I have made lots of new friends. You would love my roomate, Ileana. Noah from my anatomy class, and Anna from psychology are really cool too, and I feel lucky to have met such great people so early on. Noah and Anna are in my major study group, along with some stuck up bloke called Andrei and a few other people I don’t really know. It is a good group, all of us are very determined (though it is only the first week).
I have to tell you, Liza, the absolute funniest thing happened at orientation over the weekend. You remember Uncle’s summer intern? For the life of me I can’t remember his name, but, well he tripped coming down the steps to come over and greet uncle and I. I swear to you Liza, I almost died trying not to laugh out loud. Uncle says he is very bright, and that I will probably run into him at some point this term, seeing as he is in my same major, but so far, he seems to have disappeared. I spaced on asking uncle for his name, so it would seem perhaps I won’t encounter him again.
I am going to a party tonight, and I’m wearing that dress you made for me before I left. Ileana says I look ravishing, so cheers to you!
But enough about me, how is the school of design? How are your classes and flatmates? I want to know everything.
Love always,
Audrey Rose
Dear Audrey Rose,
The school of design is amazing! Paris is beautiful, and my flatmates are absolutely incredible! You must visit, because you would just die for the culture here. It is so different than home, even if it is just a train ride away.
Anna and Ileana sound just lovely. I think you’d get along swimmingly with my favorite flatmate Daciana. She has the most iconic grunge/vampy look, and it perfectly compliments my summer child vibe. We lovingly refer to one another as our “other halves”. I am dying for you to meet her. And perhaps one day soon you might! She has a brother who actually is enrolled at your school! I’ll be sure to ask if he’s the annoying Andrei. How funny would that be!
But anyway, Daci wants to take the train down to London to visit him in a few weeks time and unless something major happens between us in that time, I’m going to accompany her! It will be so wonderful, cousin!
But now that all that about me is out of the way, let’s talk about your encounter with Uncle’s (super hot) summer apprentice. WHAT LUCK AUDREY ROSE!!! I vividly remember the time the two of you met briefly, and how flustered you were when he walked away. Deny it all you want, but I know you were smitten.
If you see him again, I insist, for the sake of my romantic soul, that you speak to him, instead of laughing at him.
Love you, see you soon,
Ps- his name is Thomas you absolute fool
Dear Liza,
Before I get to my questions about Daci, and about the new aesthetic you’ve seemingly assigned yourself in the few short weeks we’ve been apart, I want to address how ridiculous your claims are.
I have zero feelings for Thomas. Except perhaps feelings of annoyance. True, I found him quite attractive when we met last summer, but i find plenty of people attractive without being “smitten” as you so foolishly put it.
And even if I had been over the summer (which I was not), it is surely gone after working with him this last week. Thomas was a surprise addition to my study group starting at the beginning of this week, and he has proven himself to be most insufferable.
Who has to be right all the time?
And dear Liza, I do not mean “stick to their guns even when they’re wrong” right, I mean, actually, genuinely correct, every damn time. It’s positively infuriating!
Now that we’ve established that the only thing I want between me and Thomas is a brick wall, tell me about your “summer child” aesthetic. Last time I saw you, you were neck deep in prep chic. What has changed?
Daci sounds positively lovely, and I cannot wait to meet her and to see you both.
Anna and I went on this unbelievable night hike last weekend, we went through the forest to the old ruins atop the hill. I’ll have to take you when you come to visit.
Ileana has a friend that goes to your school! She wouldn’t give me a name, saying since it’s such a small school she worries you’d know her, and is keeping her past girlfriends a secret from me ://
Hopefully someday soon I’ll get it out of her. It sounds like she was something special.
Love you, and I excitedly await your visit.
Audrey Rose
Dear Audrey Rose,
First off, I am, and have always been, a summer child. It’s too grey in London for me to fully unleash it. But now here, in Paris, it is lively and warm enough for me to embrace who I really am. You just like to imagine I was a prep because your taste is not nearly refined enough to understand my unique look. (Love you cousin, even if you have the fashion sense of an old woman ;) )
I can’t believe I not only go to school with Ileana’s ex, but also the sister of someone at your school! It’s fate! I’m not sure yet if what kind, but it’s something.
As for Thomas, he sounds infuriating. But then again, isn’t “hot-but-annoying” exactly the criteria for a hate sex partner? I’m just saying, maybe it’s time to ditch the sweaters for something a little more showy and get yourself some action ;)
Love you, please don’t disown me for my foul mouth.
Dear Liza,
I made the mistake of reading this in the mail room right after I opened my post box.
And who should I smack right into as my face was burning so hot I was worried my blood may boil?
Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was?!
Not that I care what he thinks of me, I would’ve been embarrassed if I’d run into anyone like that.
He asked what I was reading, and because I’m bad at making up lies, I panicked and just mumbled something about having to go.
He had the most infuriating smirk, I swear his already full lips probably doubled in size.
What an absolute buffoon.
Later that night I found him sitting in the (usually vacant) seat besides me in forensics. It’s such a big lecture, I didn’t even know he was in the class. I wasn’t about to ask him to move, even I’m not that harsh. He spent most of the class doodling around the edge of his notebook (he was the only one in the whole lecture who didn’t have a laptop) and yet somehow, he always had the best theories.
Though I don’t like him, I plan to glean everything I can from having him as a new seat mate. He is quite intelligent, but more than that he can insert himself into the situations. It’s fascinating the way his mind works, I intend to steal that trait from him.
As for trading in my sweaters? I will never. They are my truest love. And as for hate sex? Absolutely not. I’m not letting someone I hate be my first time.
Love, your fashion forward cousin,
Audrey Rose
My Dearest (fashionably challenged) cousin,
So what you’re saying, is if it wasn’t your first time, you would take the handsome Thomas straight to bed? You little slut.
Daci and I have set a date for our trip. It is to be two weeks from tomorrow, for neither of us have classes on fridays. We will take the evening train, and be with you by midnight!
Her brother is to pick us up from the station in his car, and drive us to your school. I can’t wait to see you!!!
My whole heart is bursting at the thought (just as yours is bursting with loooooove for Thomas)
Seriously Audrey Rose, no one can write that much about someone they “hate so much”.
I know just how frank you can be, and if you truly disliked him as much as you say, you’d have told him to move, or simply say somewhere else.
That and you wouldn’t have gone into such detail about how intelligent he is and how much you think you can learn from him (not to mention how full his lips are!!).
Stop denying it, and just embrace the fact that you are not only attracted to his face, but his intellect.
Can’t wait to tease you about it in person,
Dear Liza,
You’re wrong.
Enough about Thomas (though he did bring me a cup of tea to forensics lecture last night when I mentioned earlier that afternoon at study group how tired I was, and how I didn’t have a break until after our night lecture).
I don’t know why I felt compelled to tell you that, maybe just to do him the justice of demonstrating maybe he isn’t all bad.
But still, besides that courtesy he remains an annoyance.
I cannot wait to see you. Ileana and I have found the most wonderful little pub with this incredible live band. They’re from America, and they play this music called “surfer punk”. It is, the strangest thing, but I think you will love them. And if what you’ve said about Daci is true, she will too.
Oh, and speaking of women at your school, Ileana’s ex is apparently “the one who got away”. She told me and Anna the other night when we were all hanging out together in our room. How they only broke up because they were going to different schools. It was the saddest story.
Please don’t stop being my best friend just because you are a Parisian fashion queen surrounded by other Parisian fashion queens.
Love, your bff,
Audrey Rose
Dear Audrey Rose,
First of all, unless someone at school with me here can become better than you, they will never replace you as my best friend/future maid of honor. And spoiler alert, they won’t.
Daci is wonderful, but she will never replace you, no matter how alike we are, you complete me as my polar opposite in some aspects, and yet my mirror image in others.
Wow that was pretty, maybe I ought to be a creative writing major.
In regards to your little Thomas situation, i have been teasing you mercilessly, but in all honesty, that tea thing was very sweet. I think he may have a thing for you too. (Even if it’s just a “id smash if given the opportunity” kinda deal)
This feels like it’s going somewhere, I am thrilled to be experiencing this iconic love story second hand.
your bff,
Ps- if you get to insist Daci and my other fashion friends don’t replace you than I must insist that Anna and Ileana never replace me in your heart. If I find out you confess your feelings about Thomas to them before me, I will be infuriated. (That is mostly a joke, but in every joke there is a little bit of truth.)
Love youuuuu,
Dear Liza,
Of course no one will ever replace you. You’re stuck having me as a best friend forever.
Now that we’re done with that nonsense, I have so much to fill you in on.
We just got slapped with this massive midterm project that is due the day you leave, so naturally I am going to try and get it done before you come. I assumed I was working alone because Thomas didn’t bother asking if I might want to work with him, and I don’t know anyone else in that class. But two days ago, there comes a knock on my door. Naturally, I assumed it was Anna or that Illy had forgotten her keys, so I opened the door.
And who should be leaned against the door frame? You guessed it Liza, Thomas. He handed me a to go cup of Earl Grey and then strode right in like he owned the place.
“Messier than I expected.” was all he said before settling himself at my desk, spreading his notes across my own and launching into his take on the case.
He can be quite captivating when he puts his mind to it, and despite wanting to tell him off for barging in, the longer he talked, the more clear it became that our talents would go better together, and the only way I could get this project done on time would be if we worked together.
So I let him stay, and we have spent the last two days together working day and night trying to finish this. It seems to be driving him mad that he can’t crack it as easily as he can most things in that class. I think that must be what is suddenly making him more tolerable.
Only eight days til I see you, dear cousin. Love always,
Audrey Rose
Audrey Rose!!!
You are so smitten!!! When I tell you I canNOT!!! Don’t even try to deny it Audrey Rose!
I have, of course, been keeping Daci in the loop about you and Thomas’ whole “will they or won’t they” scene and she agrees with me that if his actions before hadn’t made it clear he was into you, what he pulled when he came to your room absolutely is. She says you should just make a move, and while I absolutely agree, I told her I bet you wouldn’t because that isn’t very you.
Prove us both wrong?
But even if nothing else comes of it, at least you will (hopefully) get everything done before I get in this weekend! I want every moment with you I can get! Daci and I have the whole thing planned out (of course your American band has made the schedule, Daci is very excited), you, me, her and her brother are going to be like a little posse this weekend, and it’s going to be amazing! And, if Thomas gets jealous you’re spending so much time with another man, you can just invite him. I don’t mind ;)
I’ll see you in six days Audrey!!!!
Love you to America and back,
Dear Liza,
I had not intended on writing you again before you visited, but a LOT happened tonight.
I penned this letter when I got back from Thomas’ room at three in the morning and honestly? The only reason I did was so that I wouldn’t think tonight’s events were some kind of strange fever dream.
We were in my room working on our midterm project to no avail, just as we have every night this week. It was infuriating. But then, suddenly I had this epiphany, and moved everything around, and it all made sense! I yanked Thomas over and I swear, he lit up like a firefly.
Before I knew what was happening, Liza, he had taken me in his arms and pressed his lips to mine. He tasted like chocolate, which mostly attribute to the mocha he’d been nursing all evening.It was the best kiss I have ever had, he put Will Blackburn from high school to shame, but he pulled away much too quickly.
His cheeks were flushed and his eyes had a mix of hunger and nerves. He opened his mouth, I can only assume to apologize, but before he could get a word out, my desire overcome me. I let my hands run through his curls as we kissed again, and as soon as it was clear I wanted it as much as he did, he was lifting me up and pressing me against the wall. My shirt was off faster than you can say “abracadabra” and his lips were making a sweet trail down my collar bone to my chest as I fumbled with the buttons on his shirt.
I had finally gotten his shirt off, and was running my hands over his abs, my legs wrapped around his waist as he left little love bites on my collar bones and upper chest until suddenly, I heard Illy’s voice outside and her key jingling in the door.
And then, the fire in my core was replaced with icy panic. Luckily, Thomas managed to get into the bathroom before she came in, and I managed to pull my shirt back on before Illy got in the door. I explained as casually as I could that Thomas was on his way out, he had just needed to use the bathroom.
When he reentered the room a few moments later, I was so worried he would give us away, but he looked perfectly put together. BUT LIZA THIS IS WHERE THINGS TRULY GOT INSANE!
Because apparently?? Thomas’ sister is Illy’s ex, and none other than Daciana Cresswell, your mother fucking roomate.
When I tell you I was floored Liza, I mean it.
Then this boy had the audacity to leave like nothing had happened. But at this point, I had nothing to lose, so after a few moments sorting through details and getting caught up with Ileana, I went up to his room to confront him.
He explained he had put it together when he saw me and Uncle because his sister had been telling him about you, her flatmate named Eliza Wadsworth.
You’d think I would be more upset that he had kept me in the dark, wouldn’t you? But surprisingly, I was not. I guess you were right, Liza. I think I have been smitten since he first stumbled down the steps at orientation.
He seemed nervous I would be angry he had held out on me, but when I told him I wasn’t, it’s like he let down a facade and suddenly he was a whole new person. Unfortunately there wasn’t much fooling around after that (besides the considerable ass grabbing that came with my kiss goodnight) because we both agreed finishing the midterm to be most important that way we can spend the most time with you guys this weekend.
He walked me back to my room despite me insisting he didn’t have to, and taunted me with another kiss, and the promise of taking me on a real date tomorrow night, ‘in the time we would have spent on the project you so brilliantly solved tonight’.
I cannot wait to see you, dearest cousin.
Audrey Rose Wadsworth
Ps- I will be with Thomas when he picks you up on Thursday night :)
Hope you all enjoyed! This is probably my favorite fic I have ever written!!!! I have decided it is going to inspire a tiny mini series of fic’s, so there will be at least two more coming 
Thanks, as always, for reading, and let me know if you want to be tagged as I post the next ones in this series
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bobasheebaby · 6 years ago
Shattered-Crimson Rain chapter 5
Pairing: Bastien x Liza; Liam x Raven Word count: 3,077 Warnings: angst, depression, self doubt Summary: Liza takes the result of the attempted hit hard.  A/N: @katurrade and @zaffrenotes kept pushing me to do a Mobster AU. Beta’d by my patient husband who is completely hooked. Series warnings: Mobster AU, there will be violence, and death. NSFW content to come. Possibly dark. If you ask to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age. Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist. Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters, I’m simply borrowing them for a bit.
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Present day; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Two weeks had passed since Liza woke up in the hospital, she still couldn’t bear to look at Bastien, her heart aching whenever she did. She hated that she was the cause of his pain, the added anger he was exuding. She was desperate to keep him from making a rash decision, but she couldn’t look at him, let alone speak to him. Her life had become one of avoidance, her days being spent sitting in her favorite chair wrapped in a blanket as she stared blankly into space. Her mind always racing, trying to decipher how she could have possibly changed the outcome, spared them this pain. Liza felt hollow, like the shell of the exuberant woman she was before. Her heart ached, her stomach felt oddly empty, her skin lacked the glow she had just weeks before. Even her hair hung limp around her face and lacked it’s usual shine. Her scar was starting to heal, but she could still see the dagger protruding from her wound. The scar mocked her, reminding her of her greatest mistake, the moment she failed everyone she loved. She hated that she was so weak, that it had cost her everything. She didn’t think she could handle staying put a second longer. Staying there, being with him was far too painful, she was constantly reminded what they had lost, what she had cost them, cost him. She loved him more than anything but Bastien deserved more than the weak woman that she was. Liza felt like she was drowning and she couldn’t find her way to the surface. She needed an escape, a way to break free, save them both from this horrible life they’d been sentenced to by her weakness. Hot tears stung at her dull, red rimmed hazel eyes at the thought of leaving him behind. Liza didn’t want to leave, yet she knew she couldn’t stay. Maybe he could find someone stronger than her if she left. The tears fell freely, blurring her vision as she haphazardly packed up her essentials. She hated the idea of leaving the gifts he’d given her over the years, but she knew in her heart she didn’t deserve them or the happy memories attached to them. She needed to break free, give them both the space she knew in her heart they needed. It didn’t matter how much it made her heart ache, she needed to do this for him, he deserved better than her. Liza threw on a dark hoodie, pulling the hood up over her head, tucking her lackluster teal hair under the soft cotton material. She grabbed her bag, taking one last look around the room that held so many now painful memories. She put on a pair of large dark sunglasses, trying to conceal as much of her as possible. She couldn’t be seen leaving as she snuck out like the coward she was. She thought about leaving him a note, but she wasn’t even sure how to truly convey how sorry she was for the pain she caused him. The words would surely escape her and if she tried to speak to him in person she knew his steely grey eyes would bore through her as they always did making her break. She couldn’t stay, she was leaving for him. Liza ducked her head down, pulling her chin into her chest as she snuck out into the hall, trying her hardest to leave unseen. She knew if she was spotted they would simply try to convince her to stay, or worse yet take her to him. She couldn’t be around him, his anger and hurt was all her fault. She was leaving behind her entire heart no matter how much it hurt, trying to spare the man who held it some pain, give him a new chance at the family, happiness he deserved. Liza stifled a sniffle as she maneuvered the halls of the expansive home as stealthily as possible. She made herself as small as possible as she made her way to the door, determined to make it out unseen. Liza froze when she heard the familiar clicking of heels on the hardwood floors. She stood rooted in place, fearfully looking around for somewhere to hide. She realized she was too late as she saw the shadow of the figure round the corner. Her heart felt as though it might beat straight out of her chest, her breath caught in her throat as she waited to be face to face with the only other person she truly didn’t want to see. The clicking of heels grew louder, Liza held her breath as the fiery red hair came into view. Her heart sunk to the pit of her stomach, she would never make her escape now. She was trapped, she had no escape, nowhere to hide, she stood there like a deer caught in the headlights, too fearful to flee. “Liza, there you are!” Olivia exclaimed, glad she tracked down her friend. She had been worried about her, not that she’d ever show it. Olivia pulled her ruby lips into a thin line as she spied Liza’s packed bag. Olivia knew Liza wasn’t doing well, but she never thought she’d leave. Olivia felt like all the air had been punched out of her lungs when she realized Liza’s intention. Liza promised, or was she just trying to silence a stubborn, hard headed, no nonsense sixteen year old girl who wouldn’t let Liza in and tried to push her away from the man who had raised her for the last ten years, the man who became her father. Olivia frowned, she wouldn’t let the only other parent she had walk away from her. It took her far too long to learn her self worth, she would not allow the woman who helped make her break her.
Ten years ago; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania- Olivia: Olivia frowned, her ginger eyebrows furrowed in disgust, her arms crossed over her chest in an attempt to shield herself from the offending person standing across from her. She couldn’t understand why she was being forced to meet someone who she knew wouldn’t be around long. No woman ever stayed long, they couldn’t handle the life that her father, Bastien led. They were always too pure, getting caught up in some fantasy of what they thought it was to be with a mobster, the reality was always too much. After the last one left Olivia demanded that he not bring any of them around anymore. Sure she sounded bratty, but she loved the man who raised her and she knew he deserved better than the weak woman he brought around. She refused to get to know another woman who would merely waltz out of their lives as quickly as she blew into them. So now she couldn’t understand why she was staring at the woman with pink, purple, and teal streaked raven hair. Olivia’s frown deepened as she scanned the woman before her. She was young, the woman couldn’t be much older than she was. She couldn’t figure out why she had to meet another one, why this one was considered to be different than the rest. Maybe her age made her more naïve than the others. Perhaps she was too young to realize what it meant to date man in his position, to date a mob boss. Olivia huffed, moving to turn away from the newest woman she would soon forget. “Olivia.” Bastien warned, his voice lacking all warmth it usually had when he spoke to her, he was using the voice he used when he was dealing with one of his men. Olivia turned back towards the pair rolling her eyes, her hands moving to rest on her hips. “What? This one is just going to leave like all the rest! You promised I wouldn’t have to meet anymore of them, remember? Or did you forget?” Olivia replied her voice going higher and dripping with disdain for the new woman she was being forced to meet. She narrowed her emerald eyes at the offending woman before her, she didn’t care to even know her name, it’s not like she would need to remember it anyway. The woman shifted awkwardly on the balls on her sneaker clad feet, a grimace forming on her face, unsure how to handle the tension surrounding her. Olivia smirked, her hand coming up to cover her mouth to conceal her snicker. She had never seen one this nervous before, this just proved her point that she wasn’t good enough for Bastien and would run like all the rest before too long. The woman shifted her stance, straightening her back, standing tall, her hand gently touching Bastien’s shoulder. “I got this Bas, give us a second.” She stated with a smile. Olivia stifled a snort at the multi colored hair woman’s sudden change in demeanor, she obviously thought she could could fool her younger counterpart. Olivia would show that she could not be won, could not be easily swayed. This one was no different than all the rest and she would not allow herself to be sucked in. She wouldn’t allow this one to change things for her, take the only one who ever showed her love and affection from her. “Are you sure Liza?” Bastien questioned, his eyebrow raising in question. Olivia stifled a snicker, even her father knew this woman couldn’t handle her. Who did this “Liza” think she was? Did she really think she could sweet talk her way in? Did Liza really think anything she said could make Olivia trust her? “I’m sure, I’ve got this, she doesn’t scare me.” Liza replied, her voice strong and sure. Olivia fought and failed to suppress a chuckle at Liza’s sudden one hundred and eighty degree shift. Bastien shot her a warning glare. He kissed Liza on the lips making Olivia want to gag at the open display of affection. Bastien shot her one last warning glare before leaving Olivia with the woman named Liza. Olivia narrowed her eyes, practically shooting daggers at the older woman. I wonder how badly I could scare her with my blade. A smirk curled on her lips at the thought. “I get it Olivia, I do. You don’t like me and don’t think I’ll stick around and therefore think I’m not worth even learning my name, am I right?” Liza stated, staring down Olivia, showing zero sign of backing down. Olivia rolled her eyes, huffing in disapproval. She didn’t have any interest in Liza or her reasons why she would be different. She’d heard it a million times before, it was always ‘give me a chance to show you I’m different, that I’m not going anywhere’ and in the end they all left—every single one of them. At first Olivia had allowed herself to get attached, by the time she was twelve she realized none of them would stay around and kept them all at arms length. Nothing this one could say could make her change her mind or let down her guard.   “What you don’t realize is we have far more in common than you think.” Liza stated moving closer to the teen. Olivia forcibly rolled her emerald eyes, recrossing her arms over her chest. There was no chance she had anything in common with this latest fling, there was absolutely nothing she could say to make her change her mind. “My father isn’t a boss, but he holds rank. My mom ran off when I was young, she wasn’t fit for the life, or to be a mother. I clung to my father and didn’t trust any woman he brought home either, they could never handle it. I worked hard to drive them all away. Eventually he stopped dating altogether. He was respectful of my feelings, but now he’s alone and has no one. I’m across the country and he’s all alone because of me and my behavior. He still refuses to date to keep from upsetting me. It may be his choice now, but it’s because of my actions he’s alone. Believe me when I say I’m different, I’m not going anywhere. I will never leave, you or your father. I came from this life and I understand it. I can be good for Bastien, and you if you let me in.” Liza explained. She calmly turned on her heel, her multicolored hair swishing behind her. She turned back towards Olivia, “you may want to be a tad nicer to him. Stop giving him a hard time. Do you really want to be the reason he’s alone when you’re grown up?” She turned back around leaving the room allowing Olivia time to think about what she said. Olivia stood staring slack jawed, she truly never thought this woman could know anything about her, let alone understand how she was feeling. She didn’t want to be the reason that Bastien would be alone. She wasn’t sure, but she felt like maybe she could give this one a chance.
Present day; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: “So you were just planned on slinking out of here?” Olivia asked, her voice tinged with hurt and anger. Liza opened her mouth, only to close it again. Could she make Olivia understand that she needed to leave? She hated that she was this weak woman, she had always prided herself on being strong. She thought she could handle this life, but she was wrong. If she was stronger she could stay. If she had been stronger she never would have lost their child, never let that weasel get the better of her. But she wasn’t, she wasn’t strong, she never was. She was this weak woman who couldn’t protect herself, let alone her child. Bastien deserved someone strong, someone who could protect herself. The tears fell freely once more. Will they ever dry up and let me be? She was weak enough, she didn’t need to cry every time she thought of what she lost, what she had no choice but to give up. “You wouldn’t understand Liv.” She replied, voice breaking with emotion. “Wouldn’t understand what? That you lied? That when you promised me ten years ago you had known one day you’d leave? Did you even mean to stay this long?” Olivia questioned, her anger growing, arms crossed over her chest like when they first met. She felt hurt, she hated feeling hurt, it made her feel weak. She needed to put back up her walls and defend herself.   “Liv, you have to understand, I never intended to leave.” Liza responded. She pushed up her sunglasses wiping at the tears, but they kept coming, she was starting to think they’d never stop. “I thought that I was meant to be here, that I belonged here. I’m just not strong enough Liv. He deserves better than me.” Olivia’s eyes went wide, her mouth forming an o, as she gaped at Liza. She was surprised by Liza’s admission. She always thought she was strong, she was the only person besides Bastien to ever put Olivia in her place. And she’d done it on more than one occasion. Why would she now think she was too weak? What could have changed that much in her that she would question her own strength? “What are you talking about Liza? Did you see the way you took down that greasy weasel?” Olivia questioned. “That’s the thing Liv, I failed. I failed Bas, our child, myself. Sure he’s dead, but so is my child, if it wasn’t for you I would be dead too.” Liza sobbed. How could Olivia think her greatest failure was a win, a proof of her strength? “Liza, I didn’t do anything. You took him down by yourself.” Olivia responded more confused than ever. “Maybe, but if you hadn’t been following me I would have bled out and died from the wound he managed to inflict. I was so focused on the blade I could see I completely forgot he might have one concealed. My misstep cost me my child and if it weren’t for you it would have cost me my life. So no Liv, I can’t stay, I’m not strong enough.” Liza replied, moving to walk around Olivia. Olivia sidestepped, blocking Liza. “No. He caught you off guard, so what? I didn’t see that second blade until it was sticking out of your side. So no. Stop saying you are weak, stop blaming yourself. I know you, you are tougher than you know. Any other woman Bas brought home would have wilted and walked away that day, but not you. No you saw me for the scared girl I was inside and you called my ass out and then helped me become who I am. What did you tell me the first time some dumb boy broke my heart?” She asked. She refused to just let her leave. “You’re stronger than you think and don’t let any dumb boy break you.” Liza recounted, her bloodshot hazel eyes rolling back into her head. “But this is different Liv.” “No it’s not. You are stronger than you think. Don’t let him break you. Get angry, fight back! Don’t wallow and cry and slink away. That’s not the woman who raised me.” Olivia countered. “Besides, Bas would completely lose it if he lost you because of this. He needs you, we need you. I may have been a stubborn brat, but you pushed back, you need to do that again. Sure be sad about what you lost, but don’t let it destroy you, don’t let it destroy your relationship.” Liza stood rooted to the ground, she knew Olivia would never get it, never understand. Why did she think she could explain and make her see her side? She was still the stubborn girl she had met all those years ago, of course she wouldn’t break. She stared at her best friend, willing herself to speak, her feet to move, anything but just stand there. She loved him, loved them both, this was the girl she helped raise, she was as much her daughter as her friend, could she really walk away from them both so easily? Liza shook the doubts from her head, she had to leave. Leaving was for the best, wasn’t it? “Olivia, move.” She said, her voice shaking less than she expected. She had to, this was for the best.
Crimson Rain Masterlist Masterlist Tags: @imafictosexual @speedyoperarascalparty @liamxs-world @annekebbphotography @tanyaschoices @hopefulmoonobject @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @ao719 @blackwidow2721 @katurrade @leelee10898 @stopforamoment  @akrenich @gardeningourmet @bella-ca @carabeth @bobbersb-fanficfun  @endlessflame @kadencantarella @innerpostmentality @imma-winchester-addict @tornbetween2loves @cora-nova @indiacater @traeumerinwitzhelden @blackcatkita @darley1101 @alexpottrechoices  @lolablackwrites
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1358456 · 6 years ago
Review Response, Destiny #043
The count reached past 10, so here it is. Even with one review being for a chapter that does not exist (???), the count is still past 10. So... yeah!
1) You really made a bitch cry during this chapter, like damn I already guessed it but all my Hoenn favs lost in the waves. Just thinking about what happened to Tate and Liza who are even younger than emerald just haunted me. I had said in a previous review that emerald was gonna lose all his loved ones(by that I mean the ones closest to him) and that’s what happened. One can only pray that there’s even a hint of an ethnically Hoenn population left after this entire ordeal As for everyone else Red and Blue lost their bestie’s and brother but have each other, the Johto kids gained nothing and lost everything, Sinnoh kids are traumatized but otherwise fine, Black and White have each other, and X is probably a level of depressed incomprehensible for the human mind. This story was a fun emotional roller coaster and I’m happy I could be apart of the ride.
Ah, the review for a chapter that does not exist. Given the buggy nature of this, I will consider this review to be for chapter 43.
Emerald has indeed, lost everyone. In fact, if the epilogue scene played out like a video game and you could explore around, on the skeleton around “Emerald Gate”, you’d find a secret chamber containing a lot of worn out journals and two Soul Dew. ... Ouch, huh? And yes, there would be Hoenn population left, having evacuated to the other regions. While most of Hoenn cities have catastrophic casualties, the towns and cities near the fringes but away from the calamity (such as Fallarbor and Rustboro) would have most of their dwellers alive, just evacuated.
Red and Blue are happy (in fact, the popular “rivals” for that pairing are all dead) and will have their own happy ending sooner or later, the Johto folks got a doom ending, the Hoenn folks got a doom ending, Sinnoh got a happy ending, Unova got a happy ending, and Kalos got a doom ending. 3:3. BALANCE!
2) The chapter title honestly reminded me of Avengers: Endgame XD
And thank you as well! It's fun writing Ruby and Sapphire so I don't wanna miss the opportunity. Thank you again! TwT
(Still don’t know anything about the Avengers or whatever)
Thanks so much, Cap! I really love what you did for that segment, and I really appreciate it. I hope we can do something similar once again!
3) That was a great way to end,can’t wait for the other stories to unfold!
Thank you very much. Legacy will certainly get interesting later on!
4) Damn, pretty much all of Hoenn is gone. That's death on a far grander scale than anything I was expecting. Still, the ending is oddly satisfying. Hmm, not sure how else to word that.
Anyway, this entire story is awesome! Kinda wish there was a bit in the epilogue as to what happened with the surviving dex holders, but oh well. Amazing writing as always~
Destiny has the highest death count of all the stories I’ve ever written. Even in terms of named character deaths, SA has the most, since everyone notable in Hoenn are gone. ... It’s a good thing Emerald never got confirmation... “... Even the Shoe Store Guy...”
I was originally going to put in some stuff for the survivors, but they were kind of out of place and incorrect in terms of timeline, as Emerald would seal his two friends and a few days later, the survivors would’ve returned home for their happy endings or whatnot. And thank you!
5) Jeez, what an incredible story. I've been following this since 2014 & all I can really say is damn. Looking forward to keep reading your other stories.
Thank you very much!
6) Why have a cliffhanger ending without a sequel? It's not a horror movie.
Because it’s FUN! Hehe. In truth, I always liked the concept of a teaser ending, especially a teaser ending that shows a new threat/event that it not going to be elaborated on. At least not by the original creators, anyways. Besides, I did this once before back in SA. Never created SA2, you know. Same deal here. Hehehe...
7) Wow...
That was...
Let's just say, I was NOT expecting that.
At all.
Hehe... then it was as intended. Huhuhu...
8) Both of the Unova casts survived?! What is this blasphemy! Hooray for finishing Destiny, really good work. Cya at your other stories.
What a shocker! Black and White lived!!
Ahem. Okay, to be REALLY fair, I did intend to kill White in Destiny. In fact, the “fake Destiny” short story I made years ago (Short Story - Mercy) was supposed to happen exactly in the actual story. White gets mind controlled and convinces Black to kill her to spare her from the torture and to stop her from bringing Unova into ruin by pissing off Kyurem. I just decided to not go with it at the last moment to show some mercy, and because the Kyurem issue will be brought up in another story later on and I didn’t want a repeat. So... now you know! Hehehe...
9) As Ethan Kironus said, "Why have a cliffhanger ending without a sequel? It's not a horror movie." I freakin' hate when someone do that. I'm disappointed and will not read this story, and I regret I ever followed it.
I’m so glad you decided to not read the story after you followed and read it all the way to the very last chapter. Well done.
10) Heheh. You and your cliffhanger endings. They almost always end like that which perfectly sets up for a sequel. Then you never make it to leave us in suspense forever.
Okay. I feel really bad for emerald. Everybody he loves is gone. Like Ruby and Sapphire, he has nothing left. He chose the hard thing to do, however, and spend the rest of his life guarding the orbs. It’s pretty noble, and pretty depressing. At least the others got a somewhat of a happy ending...except for X.
Whats this? Black and White actually lived through a full story?! I didnt think it was possible!
I think this is the most people you killed in a story since everyone in an entire region died.
Anyway, great job with this fic! Its been a very enjoyable one, and I’m glad I got to read it! There truly aren’t enough good stories that involve the dex holders!
Hehehe... them teaser endings!! Though to be fair... I only did it once before with SA. But in terms of “plot based, long story”, there are... 3. SA, Destiny, Legacy. So... with 2 of those stories finished, and 2 teaser endings... 100% rate thus far. Ha!
Poor Emerald indeed. Lost Crystal. Lost Gold. Lost Ruby and Sapphire. Lost even the Trick Master. And later on, loses Latias and Latios. Poor boy. Curious that no one thus far had said “poor Sapphire”. And yes, X had a horribly sad ending too. Because he gets to go home and “bury” Y in Vaniville Town, which means he also has to talk with Y’s mother and tell her of Y’s death. Ohh...
Hehe. About Black and White... To be fair (again), the... er... misconception that I tend to kill Black and White a lot started with how I kind of... tossed them away in SA. And I only had them die in SA because they were post-plot-plan additions. Generation V as a whole debuted after SA started and its plans fully set. So the two did not have a place in the finale thus were thrown away. While it’s true that I bullied the crap out of them in DE, I didn’t really kill them much. ... I think. Ahem. Now, similarly, Sun and Moon both debuted after Destiny began. Which means if I decided to include Sun and Moon in Destiny, they both would’ve died in the final battle to increase the death count. And the misconception that I bully and kill the Alola cast will begin. Maybe. So... yeah. ... That said, I do find a bit of amusement in torturing Black & White, but... hehehe...
Not everyone in Hoenn died, but pretty much everyone. I think the population focused cities are Lilycove (doomed), Slateport (doomed), and Mauville (doomed), so... yeah. A LOT of deaths of faceless nameless people.
Thank you so much! I’ll see you at the other stories!
11) Sorry to give another review, but...
Like I said, wasn't expecting the ending.
The destruction of Hoenn was pretty much the death-wish I asked for. Thanks.
Can't be a 135 story without a cliffhanger ending, can it?
Anyways, as many others have said, the Unovan cast surviving was very surprising.
To end this off (for now), all I can say is that I'm glad I read this. Thanks for giving us a story that can make us feel so many different emotions. There aren't as many out there as there used to be, but you pulled through and that's what mattered.
And to the people who say that the cliffhanger ending was unnecessary... What did you honestly expect? It's a 135 story. Whenever you read one of those, you're always going to be left with one of them. And people actually can LIKE cliffhangers. I'm one of them. No hate to those who disagree with me. I'm just stating my opinion.
(To 135): I'll be back eventually.
You aren't getting rid of me just yet.
Thanks for the story.
You made the “death wish” years after I decided to obliterate Hoenn and its population. So... hehehe. Nice. Works out, eh?
Can’t be a 135 story without one? ... Ehh... maybe. I mean, I guess all the post-endings in SE/DE kind of do that too. Hehehe...
Yeah, yeah. Unova cast... the “usual” targets, apparently.
Thanks for the compliments!
And looking at it strictly, the loose ending is technically unnecessary. And do not cause disputes, s’il vous plait.
“I’ll be back”. ... Do not drive a vehicle through a building? (REFERENCE!)
Well then. I will wait. Thank you!
3 notes · View notes
moczothe1st · 7 years ago
Let’s Play Fire Emblem IV: Genealogy of the Holy War, Part 19: He’s a Late Blume-er
Part 18
Welcome back to FEIV! You may recall last week we killed Ishtore, a man with amazing lightning magic and truly astounding (not GOOD, but astounding) hair. He will be missed. I mean, not by me, but someone will miss him.  I mean, not his girlfriend, she also died, but…. Look, it’s a whole thing. The key is that we took his castle, and nobody is gonna be happy about it.
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(See? No happiness.)
Bramsel: Men, this is our chance! Jabarro, send in your brigade! Hit them hard while their backs are turned! Leave no survivors!      
Jabarro: At once, sir!
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Lene: Don’t you get it? He’s just using your loyalty to treat you like a weapon! I… I hate him so much!  
Ares: Lene… no, that isn’t…
Lene: Okay, fine! Whatever! Go with him, if you love him so much! It’s your life to waste, after all! But you can just go forget we ever met!
Ares: Lene…
(In her defense, judging by last week we can safely assume she’s worked out Ares is the only thing keeping her from getting locked up in Bramsel’s rape dungeon.)
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(Yeah, here it comes. And meanwhile, at the other evil castle…)
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Blume: I want you to show these rebel pigs just what the empire can do!  
One of those Three Names he Just Said: Yes, Milord. Leave it to us.  
A Second One: We will never let you down, milord.
The Third: The rebels shall be destroyed quickly, cleanly, efficiently, and utterly. Excuse us, milord.
(All three of them are identical except for eye color and the game never says which is which until they’re on the field, so.  NO clue.)
Blume: Hmmm. Everything depends on you.
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(You may recall Tinni as being mentioned by a village two weeks ago, wherein they said she was much nicer than her family and the best person ever and definitely recruitable. And if Blume is her uncle, that means Taillte is her mom.  Arthur will want to have a chat with this one!)
Blume: Hmph. One would think I could expect more gratitude from someone I raised out of the goodness of my heart after her mother died. Or have you forgotten my many kindnesses?
Tinni: No, uncle…
Blume: Good. Now get moving! Remember, these rebels are responsible for murdering my dear son Ishtore, and his true love Liza! Avenging them is your mission, Tinni!
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Banba: We will be the ones to claim Seliph’s head as a trophy this day. We mustn’t be beaten by Tinni’s unit.  
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Tinni: I… don’t know what to do anymore. Oh, mother… what would you do…?
She would probably shout a lot, if I remember her right.  Now, our phase begins and…
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(Dammit, everyone needs to shut up!)
Lene: I see right through you! The moment Ares is out of sight you think it’s okay to act all tough again, you vile louse! Don’t even think about coming any closer. I don’t need Ares around to stop you!
Bramsel: Of all the nerve! You little wench!  Throw her in the dungeon! You’ll have plenty of time to think about what you’ve done there!
Lene: No! Ah… Ares…
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Jabarro: Oh well. I guess it’s all in the past. You’re gonna forget ‘er sooner or later.
Ares: I beg your pardon? What exactly are you trying to say, Jabarro?
Jabarro: Heh… oh, nothing. Well, ‘cept that I bet Bramsel’s right about to…
(Oooooh, that was the wrong answer.)
Ares: T-this can’t be… Jabarro! How could you know his foul intent, yet let your tongue lie still?!
Jabarro: You can’t worry ‘bout the fairer sex, Ares. Have your fun with ‘em, but never stick around for when their lives come crashing down…
Ares: How dare you?! And to think you held my trust for so long… I must return to Darna! Lene needs me!
Jabarro: Nah, that ain’t gonna happen, see. Nobody, and I mean nobody, blows off my orders and turns tail on my watch! Not even you, kid.
Ares: … I’ve come far in your company, Jabarro, but our association ends now. If anyone wishes to stop me, Mystletainn will eagerly welcome your necks!
Jabarro: Grr… I’ll show you your place, whelp!
And with that, Ares reveals what sets him apart from his dad: he puts his personal morals above his oaths to jerks! Or he just really digs dancers, one of the two. Either way, he is now on the team!
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And here’s our new BFF.  Ares is an overall phenomenal unit; like Shanan he joins up with his Holy Weapon and can therefore wreck most of the enemies on the map, but unlike Shanan he actually has pretty solid growths and will likely be a much tougher unit by the end of the game than he is now. Better still, he has a horse and comes with three great combat skills, Pursuit, Adept, and Vantage. TL;DR, we need to get this man to an Arena. For now, though, I run him south toward the rest of the army to meet his new friends.  
Now then. We have three armies to deal with. One moving south at us, following Ares. One moving west at us, with Tinni and the Three Stooges.  And one moving north to try and make one more shot at conquering Leonster.  Time to split the army. First, Fee is going to head toward Leonster, she can fly so she’ll beat the enemy there. She has an armorslayer sword and the enemy is all armor knights, she can hold the castle.  
Second, to the east, there’s two swordsmen blocking us off from getting Leif, Finn, and Nanna to the rest of the army.  Let’s move them. 
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 … Finn. For shame.  But at least you can promote now. I am going to send him off to our home castle ASAP. Going north to help Ares I send Oifey, Lana, Dermott, Shanan, Ulster, Johan, Patty, and Seliph since he needs to take the castle to save Lene.  Going east are Leif and Nanna, as they’re already there, and backing them up will be Julia, Larcei, Lester, and Arthur, who is needed to recruit Tinni.  I can’t see any reason this won’t work off the top of my head, but… I mean. Fire Emblem.  
End turn!
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Only one person could reach us, so this was a boring enemy phase. Next one will be much more… active. For now, though, let’s try to purge some of the northern enemy. 
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Well. This didn’t go badly, but not great either, barring Lana finally getting an Aideen-tier level. I just didn’t kill off as many as I’d been hoping to, and the enemy phase will be pretty dicey.  I think I’ll have Finn stick around to help this group, rather than letting Lana warp him back to promote right away.  
End turn.  This will be…. Fun.
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… *sigh* Well, I knew something could go wrong, but I didn’t see it being everyone dogpiling Johan of all people. Well, nice to be surprised, I suppose.
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This is becoming a pattern. I do something interesting, die, and have to go back to boring old ‘sit at the edge of their range and bait them out’.  I know it works, but really.
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Not bad at all! They tried to dogpile Ares this time, and like I said: he’s pretty badass. Probably would have died if Jabarro had taken a shot at him, but since it was specifically Jabarro’s range we were staying away from, we pulled through just fine. Now, to the eastern front.  
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… That was just sad, Leif.
Okay, our turn.  First thing to do is clear out Jabarro’s unit. The man himself is a giant pain, packing both a Silver Sword and a Skill Ring to leave him obnoxiously accurate. Let’s send in some heavy hitters to roll him down.  
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And Shanan gets the skill ring, which he absolutely does not need. He does need money, however, so selling that later will be a nice source of income for him to keep Balmung nice and shiny.  And from here, it’s really just a nice, normal purge.  
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And hey, Ares can chat with Seliph.  I wasn’t planning to do it right now, but they ended up next to each other, so why not.
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Ares: They call me the black knight, Ares. Perhaps you would recognize me better, however, as the son of Eldigan.  
Seliph: What?! It cannot be… you don’t mean the legendary Lord Eldigan of Nordion, do you?!
Ares: The very same! I am the son of Eldigan the Lionheart, the man your father killed in cold blood! My noble mother, the Lady Grainne, died wracked with grief and rage at Sigurd! It is high time you knew my family’s pain!
(Weeeeeeren’t you an infant at the time, bro? How do you know?)
Seliph: That’s… I don’t understand. As I was told, your father and mine were the closest of friends. As tragic as their end was, I don’t believe our fathers would ever have begrudged each other.
Ares: That’s impossible… Sigurd was my father’s mortal foe! This… this is all I’ve known my entire life…
Seliph: Please listen, Ares. Would you consider traveling with my army? I know we can resolve this misunderstanding, if we just give it some time. I hold the late Lord Eldigan in the utmost respect, just as my own father did. Please, understand this.
(I don’t respect him very much, if that helps.)
Ares: Seliph… very well. I can stay my hand for now. However, be warned. Should I learn that even a single word of your claim is false, your life is forfeit in your father’s place. Do I make myself clear, Seliph?
Seliph: if that happens, then do as you must. Ares… I wish you could know just how ecstatic our fathers would be to know we’ve met at last. If only it had been under better circumstances…
Neat. Now, where were we? Oh right, IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR.
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*snerk* I like how it took three people together to bring down the first Mage Sister, and Arthur alone completely wrecked the second.  Anyway, I have him and Julia blocking off the enemy; as long as Tinni doesn’t fuck this up and try to kill her invincible brother, I think we’re in a good place.
She’s gonna, huh.
*sigh* End turn.
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Okay. So far so good. But there’s still one more…
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Julia, I know you hunger for blood, but please don’t kill this one.
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Tinni you magnificent bitch, dodging on a 93% hit chance. I love you.
Our turn, and I start it with Arthur:
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Arthur: Really?! Then you’re Tinni! Oh, I’ve finally found you!
Tinni: Er… who are you?
Arthur: Here, maybe this will clear it up. This pendant is exactly the same as yours, and I’ve had it my whole life.
Tinni: Y-you’re right, but… what are you saying?
Arthur: See, years ago, my mother was a warrior in Sigurd’s army, and after the war she fled to Silesse with her children. When I was little, my mother and my newborn sister disappeared… I was left behind with nothing but this pendant. I only recently learned what happened. It was King Blume of Alster. He abducted them. He took my family from me. The rumors all said Mother had died awhile ago, but they also said my sister is still alive. That’s you, Tinni! I’ve finally found you after all these years! I came all this way just to see you again…
Tinni: I… I never even knew Blume did that to Mother… it makes sense, though. I can’t remember much of her, but I know I never saw her smile or laugh. You’re… my brother… ohhh… sniff…
Arthur: Would you play down your arms and join our army, Tinni? We’ve still got so much to talk about.
Tinni: Mm. Thank you, brother. I never did want to fight…
And that’s that. Let’s take a look at our new recruit:
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And there’s Tinni! She gets a lot of flak because she’s hard to build super-well, but honestly I like her. She’s also hard to make bad; she doesn’t have Pursuit, but neither did Taillte and she did just fine. I suspect the people who don’t like Tinni are mainly the people who didn’t really like her mother either; I know she has a pretty wide selection of the fandom who view her as too poorly-built to use and she should be left childless. But unlike most of these chuckleheads, Tinni actually has a character arc, and for me that’s enough to bring her along. And you know, it’s not like she’s bad at combat. Wrath, Adept, and Critical are all fine skills, and while she won’t have growths as good as her crazy brother’s, she’s still got two different Holy Bloods.  In my experience, she’s gonna get on just fine.    
And then, I don’t know, either I forgot to save or my file got corrupted and I lost the last two turns. I… I was very sad. So I had to re-do them, and since that many shots would make the update unbearably long, I will summarize:  Ares got half the levels (people kept ignoring him to go after Ulster this time?) but he was able to kill his old boss and get the Skill Ring, Patty got a very good level thanks to Dermott leaving some half-dead dudes behind, and Julia almost murdered Tinni.   But, on the plus side, Finn finally got warped home to promote.  
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*whistle* Take a look at that 25 Strength. That much power and a Brave weapon basically sets him up for the rest of the game, because he is gonna hit like a runaway freight train. Might have to be careful on defense, he’s only above-average in Speed and Defense and has no resistance worth mentioning, but as an offensive unit he’ll be a monster.  Let’s test him out in the arena while we’re here, he won’t be needed on the battlefield again for this map.
Finn: Seven wins, gained no levels. He might be a bit overpowered.  
Okay! End turn, this is going pretty well barring the occasional horrible glitch that I hate.  
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…. Well, other than that. I underestimated how quickly they’d get to Leonster and… *cough* may have forgotten to move Fee once or twice, so I think the enemy will be taking the castle after all. It’s not a big deal, they’re really expected to, but I’m still a little annoyed this is happening because I didn’t think.  Ah, well, it will just be a quick detour to liberate it after Seliph finishes up at Darna. I have him head toward it, his army pausing at the edge of the defenders’ movement range (see, I can learn) and have the eastern group start moving up toward Leonster. Fee pauses in a position to challenge one or two of the armors, hopefully the whole group will turn to chase her and she can run up to the castle and hide inside.  End turn!
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Jerks. You know, it’s kind of unfair that any of them can take a castle, but we can only have Seliph do it.  
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God, you are just like your mother.
To the north, Darna’s defense line doesn’t take the bait. They must not move until attacked. Well.
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Their loss. At our other army, I have Fee take out one armor unit:
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And then run away, hiding out over the ocean to her west to avoid any other counter attacks.  She hasn’t got much health left, so she needs to avoid any damage until I can get Nanna or Julia up there to help her out. They’re on their way, so this will be turning around shortly.  End turn; no enemies are close enough to take a swing at us, so it goes immediately back to our player phase.  
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Fantastic. Darna will fall on our next turn, and shortly after that the other team should be running into the unit who took Leonster. Fee probably won’t even die.  End turn! Once again, nothing on the enemy phase; they’re moving toward us, but they’re on the slow side.  On our turn, Julia patches up Fee to gain a level.
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Hehehe. I’m legit impressed by how well her speed is doing, it tends to be a lower growth.  The rest of their unit parks on the local villages to await the incoming storm o’ units.  
Now then, Darna. First, clear the last defender:
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 Bramsel is a general, despite appearances, and stat-wise he isn’t super impressive. His one and only real trick is that he’s packing a Horseslayer weapon, so cavalry had better be sure they’re gonna take him down if they take a swing at him.  He’s got no defense against distance attacks, but, like a doofus, I sent all the mages to the other army.  So, uh, Oifey… wanna try that javelin?
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Bramsel: Darna is my city! Mine! Nobody will ever take it from me!
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Well, it’s a start. Not sure this will work, but… Seliph, wanna give it a shot?
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FUCKING PAVISE. Okay, so Darna will fall next turn.  End turn. Ya jackass game.
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And that’s Bramsel. Our turn begins, and Seliph takes the castle.  
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Lewyn: It was the last free land in Jugdral. In battle after battle, the overwhelming might of the Loptyr Empire had devastated the resistance. Ultimately, the last of the resistance soldiers barricaded themselves within Darna’s walls. Battered and wounded, they were nonetheless determined to fight to the bitter end. But then, suddenly, there was a miracle… from the heavens descended twelve gods, who bestowed upon twelve young warriors miraculous weapons and immense power. Thus were born the Twelve Crusaders, the heroes who led the resistance to victory.
Seliph: That was the legendary Miracle of Darna, yes?
Lewyn: The very same. And even as we speak, Seliph, another miracle is dawning. Just as the resurrection of Loptyr looms on the horizon, so too are the Crusaders themselves arising in our world once more…
Seliph: I beg your pardon?
Lewyn: Heh… don’t worry Seliph. You’ll understand soon enough.
(Well. Seliph may not have a ton in common with his father, but he clearly has Sigurd-tier obliviousness.)  
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And of course he can’t rescue Lene because Seliph is standing in the way. Ironic, really; we could save Lene, our dancer, if we had a dancer to move Seliph. That’s Fire Emblem Philosophy 101, kids.  In any case, Lana starts warping people back to Melgen so they can have a shorter walk to rejoin the remaining action; Shanan goes first and Lana levels up.
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Then, while he’s at a friendly castle, Best Prince takes the opportunity to run the Arena.
Shanan: Seven wins, gained one level: +1 HP, +1 Skill, +1 Speed, +1 Defense.
*sniff* I may cry. He’s doing much better than I’d expect from him, I tell you that much.
Now, to deal with the Leonster enemies, who are (finally) in range.
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… Am I being trolled? Nanna? Are you trolling me? Because you’re doing the same fucking thing Ethlyn did.  You aren’t her child, Nanna. Leif is. If Leif didn’t get any magic ever I could understand it.  That’s genetics. But you’re just the same damn class!  I hate you.  
End turn.  Bitterly end turn.
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…. Bitterness increasing.
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*sigh* 25% chance to hit and she took it right on the jaw. Fire Emblem, ladies and gents!
Let’s… try this again. This time, let’s go mainly for the commander and try to take away their Leadership Stars, see if that works out better.
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… Welcome to the team, Ethlyn 2. 
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*sigh* Well, better. Nobody is dead, anyway.  Lana warps Seliph back to Melgen so he can start the long trek over to take some castles for us, and Ares goes into Darna to rescue his gal.
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Lene: Ares…
Ares: Oh! Is everything okay, Lene?!
Lene: N-no… it’s not… but someone from the liberation army rescued me… and… I knew you’d come, Ares…
Ares: Lene… I beg your forgiveness… I was a fool! I should have heeded you…
Lene: It’s okay… after all, you’re here now…
Ares: I swear to you, I’ll never let this happen again.  
Lene: And I swear I’ll try to keep my big mouth to myself from now on! Don’t ever leave me again, Ares…
… Dark! Anyway, Lene has no signed up, and as you might have guessed she is Sylvia and Claude’s daughter. And like her mother before her, her stats and all that junk are irrelevant so I don’t need to waste time showing it! She’s a dancer so she’s amazing and will be very, very useful to the army in any situation. And unlike Sylvia, we can actually use her from day one because it doesn’t matter if she gets married.  Go team!
Oh, and speaking of the team, time to finish that actual ‘war’ thing.
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Not bad at all, barring the fact Arthur has apparently decided he’s done with Perfect Levels. And with that, the map is basically over. The only enemy units remaining are Blume himself and the three generals in front of his castle. So it’s time, I think, to have assorted folks and units do stuff. I sell Seliph’s Brave Sword so I can pass it around, and have anyone who hasn’t finished the Arena take a shot at it.
Patty: Up to seven wins, gained two levels: +2 HP, +2 Skill, +1 Strength, +2 Luck, +1 Defense
Julia: Up to seven wins, gained one level: +1 HP, +1 Magic, +1 Luck, +1 Defense, +1 Resistance
Ares: Seven wins, gained two levels: +2 HP, +2 Strength, +1 Speed, +2 Luck, +2 Defense
Nanna: Seven wins, gained three levels: +3 HP, +2 Strength, +2 Speed, +1 Magic,, +1 Defense, +2 Luck, +1 Resistance
Leif: Seven wins, gained two levels: +2 HP, +1 Skill, +2 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Luck, +1 Defense
Tinni: Seven wins, gained three levels: +3 HP, +2 Skill, +3 Speed, +1 Magic, +3 Luck, +1 Resistance
Also, Lana gains some levels from zapping people around:
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And some conversations happen.
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(“Ugh. More of the commonfolk. Oifey, where is my peasant-beating stick?!”)
Lene: I’m Lene, the Dancer!
Seliph: Y… you’re Lene?
Lene: Ooooh? Mister Seliph, is this the first time you’ve ever seen a dancer?
Seliph: Y-yes, miss…
Lene: Hee hee… that’s adorable!
(And it ends there. Lene knows what she wants in life, and it is to laugh at dorks.)
... Picture here an image of Leif introducing himself to Seliph. No such image exists because I’m a doofus.)
Leif: My parents both died in the Battle of Belhalla’s prelude… they were felled by a Thracian ambush. My homeland, Leonster, soon founds itself in the clutches of an Imperial occupation, and fell under the reign of its Duke Blume. If not for my knight, Finn, I wouldn’t be here today. He raised me in hiding in nearby villages, and we awaited the day Leonster would rise again.  We thought that day had finally come, but…
Seliph: … We both took to the battlefield around the same time, did we not? By now practically all of Jugdral knows of King Blume’s brutality. I sorely wish my army had arrived soon enough to properly aid you. You have my deepest apologies, Prince Leif.
Leif: No, Lord Seliph. I’m the one who should be apologizing. Our failure was squarely my fault.  However, this isn’t over yet. I am the son of Quan, a man worthy of being dubbed a Knight of Nova. I refuse to shame his legacy, and so I’ll live on. I’ll fight on, no matter the cost. To that end, Lord Seliph, my comrades and I would like to join your army.  I may not have much of an army left, but what I do have is yours. May we serve you well in restoring honor to Grannvale.  
Seliph: Thank you, Prince Leif.  Often have I heard it said that our fathers were inseparable friends, bound together to the bitter end in both life and death.  Not to mention your mother, Queen Ethlyn, is also my aunt…
(“Oh yeah, we’re literally cousins, forgot for a bit!”)
Seliph: Both of your parents gave their lives to support my father’s cause. Prince Leif, you have my deepest, most heartfelt apologies for their sacrifice.
Leif: Thank you, but that isn’t necessary. I’m proud of my parents, and have the utmost respect for Lord Sigurd. The only hatred I bear is for the true villains, Emperor Arvis and King Travant!
(Holy crap, Leif is logically blaming the people actually at fault? Are we sure he’s an anime teenager?)
Seliph: As do I. Prince Leif, in the name of our late fathers’ last wishes, I seek to restore peace and light to all of Jugdral. Please, join me in my cause!
Leif: Yes, milord! You have my blade as your own!
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Dermott: Perfect! I’m your brother, Dermott!
(“Excuse me? I was always told my brother’s name was Diarm-“ “YUP, DERMOTT, THAT’S ME.”)
Nanna: What?! What… are you talking about…?
Dermott: I didn’t know until recently, either. King Lewyn told me everything.   In the war seventeen years ago, I was with the kids who fled to Isaach. But you were born after our mother went to Leonster.
Nanna: You… you’re my brother? Then where’s Mother now?!
Dermott: Er… ‘Where’s Mother’?  What are you getting at here, Nanna?
Nanna: I haven’t seen her in so long… when I was around three years old, she left us and traveled alone to Isaach, to try and find you. She never came back. I’ve waited to see her again for years…
Dermott: She did? But… but I never saw her…!
Nanna: You… didn’t? Then where is she…
Dermott: The Yied Desert… it’s a treacherous place. Very few lone travelers survive it…
Nanna: … No! Oh, mother…
(And Nanna gains +1 Luck from that, because… tragedy… builds character…?)
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Tinni: I am Tinni… Arthur’s sister…
Seliph: Ah, of course. I’ve been told your story, Tinni.
Tinni: Um… I’m sorry!
Seliph: You’ve nothing to apologize for, Tinni. With the likes of King Blume for an uncle, I completely understand. You had no choice.
Tinni: Are… are you forgiving me, sir?
Seliph: Certainly! There’s no question that you’re not our enemy, and it would be an honor to have you with us.
Tinni: Wow… you’re everything the stories say you are! I wish we could’ve met sooner…
Seliph: Heh… thank you. Listen, Tinni… I know fighting your own family is a painful prospect, so please, don’t force yourself if you’re at all uncomfortable.
Tinni: Sir…
He actually means that literally.  Tinni vs. Blume is very painful to her, in a very literal, physical way.  He’ll kick her ass.  
All right. Now that we’ve gotten that all done, and Seliph has gone up to retake Leonster, the rest of the army turns to Blume.  He’s guarded by three generals, all of whom have Silver Blades and Steel Bows, so there isn’t a safe range to hit them from. But that’s nothing new. The real problem is Blume himself.
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Yeah. Yeah. You remember Mjolnir, I hope, from when Reptor made our lives hell with it.  Well, Blume takes after dear old dad.  He can’t double attack with it, his only ability is Pavise, but he’s still very fast and hits very hard. And to make matters worse he has a droppable Silver Blade, so ideally we want someone who can use swords to bring him down. Realistically that means ‘Shanan or Ares’ because another Holy Weapon is your best shot at doing it without dying.    
So first things first, let’s move the guards.
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Geez, these guys are beefy. That was to kill one of them.  Ulster, can you do better?
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… Sorrrrrrta? He didn’t get hit in return, at least. But I also can’t get anyone else in position to support him, so he’s probably gonna get pounded in the face next turn.  Speaking of next turn, end turn!
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Okay. Our turn, and there’s only one general left. Let’s clear that fucker out before we do anything else.
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Ugh. I should point out that this is not actually the land of the Omni-Generals; Blume has four leadership stars and he buffs his troops up considerably. I take a few turns here to rest up, heal up, and send Shanan to liberate the remaining villages because he’s desperately short on cash.  Julia levels from healing:
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You might have noticed she didn’t gain a point of magic? She’s already hit the cap. Can’t go higher until she promotes. I love my princess. <3
Now. Blume. He has conversations with three different characters, two of whom should not be allowed anywhere near him.  Since I love you guys, and I’m willing to use save states to cheese for story content, here they are.
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(Frankly, I’m just amazed she hit him.)
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Blume: Hmph! A likely retort, but only one of us will die this day, and it shall not be me!
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(Well, he wasn’t wrong.)
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Blume: Gah… impudent whelp! Just try me!
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*whistle* Well. It was a close thing, but he clearly tried real good. It was caught at a bad moment, but that last shot was a crit that left Blume with only 13HP. And Ares is in range!  
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Yeah, we’re not done with this jackass just yet.  Still, for the moment, Ares has a backup sword to use so he doesn’t burn through his Mystletainn all the time, and that’s all I asked for. Shanan spends the next few turns getting paid:
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(Well. Only one now.)
Info Master: Ishtar’s ruling over Manster right now, and Ishtore’s posted at Fort Melgen, both doing Blume’s dirty work. Unlike their folks, they’re fine youths. You’ll be sure to face ‘em sooner or later… be on your guard, stranger.
(“They’re great kids! But, you know, they definitely will try to kill you.”)
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Why Is He Smiling: His rule’s been one tragedy after another… Just when we thought he couldn’t get any worse, now he’s just letting those child hunts happen! We can’t take this anymore…
And with that, nothing else to do on this map, so let’s call it a day. Seliph, do the honors!
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Lewyn: Eh, these sorts of things can’t be helped. After all, the war’s only just beginning.  
Seliph: And yet, the citizens are already all so eager to support us! I’ve seldom seen such joy…
Lewyn: For the first time, they’ve got hope for a future free from the Empire’s abuse.  YOU are the people’s last hope, Seliph, but the worst of the war still lies ahead.  
Seliph: Mm. And yet, I’ve so much incredible talent fighting by my side! With such amazing men and women with me, I know no challenge will be too great!
(I kind of morbidly wonder what he says if you let everyone die except him at this point.)
Lewyn: Yeah… you’ll all do just fine, Seliph.
 *whew* Well. Thank you for being chill about this for once, Lewyn.  I enjoy you more when you aren’t bitching at me.  Now then, see you all next week when… *shudder*
When Blume calls in… … … …
Resets: 24. It’s all downhill from here, folks.
Part 20
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searchin-for-an-urchin · 7 years ago
Like a Test You Forgot You Had Aaron Burr x Reader Chapter 8
I freaking HATE grad school.
Forever Tag @fangirlandnerd
Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9  Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
You remember in 8th grade that you were surprised to walk into Algebra and have the teacher tell you that there was a test. The feeling of pure panic that you experienced eventually faded into a calm demeanor, then confidence when you realized you knew the information you were being tested on. Even though you haven’t taken a test since university, that feeling was what you were reminded of when you offered to take Theo home with you, Charlotte, and Peggy. The panic of voluntarily arranging it so Aaron would have to come by the house was not something you were prepared for, but the calm settled when you truly realized the part of your heart that was reserved for the adorably sweet girl who was clinging onto you in that moment. Charlotte and Theo grew closer and closer, and Theo even latched on (both metaphorically and literally) to Peggy. By the end of the day, she called her Aunt Peggy, just like your daughter.
When Aaron picked his daughter up at the end of the day, your stomach was churning again, although the nausea disappeared when you saw him. Aaron was dressed in his normal black suit with a maroon dress shirt and black tie. His appearance froze you for a moment but when you unfroze, you noticed his smile seemed embarrassed and uneasy.
At that moment- with that unsure smile from Aaron, you truly realized that you missed having him in your life. In that moment, you glance behind at Peggy who is smirking at you and nods knowingly as you grab Aaron’s arm, which you not is surprisingly fit for a lawyer, and push him into the hall. His face shows a shocked expression as you close the door behind you, and without even thinking, you throw yourself into his arms. Instinctively, Aaron’s arms close around your waist as your arms rest around his neck. The two of you stay embraced and comfortable for a few minutes before Aaron pulls back only far enough to see your face as he speaks to you.
The friendship between Char and Theo was astonishing to you, and it warmed you to think of how much both of the girls had grown in a short amount of time. Theo would come home with you a couple days a week in order to allow Aaron to work a bit later on a big case that was coming up. It was entertaining to be around two children rather than just one, and it allowed you to actually feel put together on occasion.
Charlotte and Theo would come to the restaurant with you and talk and play board games in one of the tables that John and/or Peggy could see from their station. Even though you only saw Aaron when he picked up Theo or you dropped her off, the “pep in your step” as Lauren would call it, was clearly back. You were content with your life once again.
On a normal mid-afternoon on your commute to pick up Charlotte, you hear your phone ring. As you look at the caller ID, you notice it’s Eliza.
“Hello?” you answer, and you hear an annoyed voice on the other end, which is not typical of your sweet friend.
    “Y/N, I’m glad I caught you. Can you come pick up your brother? He’s been skulking around the house in a foul mood for some reason and he won’t talk to me. He just keeps mumbling “Y/N”, and then when I ask him about it he wants to wait for Alexander to come home.” She takes a brief breath and finishes with “I’m not sure I’ve ever been this irritated with him.”
You sigh and glance at the time on your phone and reply, “Yeah, ‘Liza, I’ll come grab him now. I’m just about to pass your house anyway.” You hear your friend sign with relief as you take a sharp turn down a different street. After five minutes of walking the opposite direction of Charlotte’s school you arrive at the doorstep of the Hamilton household, a gorgeous 3 story brownstone uptown, and knock. And knock. Right when you about to knock once again, the door opens abruptly and over the threshold is your brother. John looked distraught for whatever reason and he just stared at you.
“John?” you ask, still unsure with what was happening. You’ve never seen you brother look at you like this. His eyes were dead and his hair was a mess, falling out of his ponytail. His appearance creates panic in your mind, but you try not to let it show. When you call his name again he looks down at the ground and mumbles,
    “I’m supposed to apologize.” You try to catch his eye and are surprised at this statement.
“What?” You reply, incredulously. John’s face contorts to frustration and he repeats,
    “I’m supposed to apologize for how I acted about you and Aaron.” He takes a beat before continuing, “I didn’t realize how much you liked him, and even though I don’t like him that much, I will get along with him for your sake.” You look at your brother, searching his face for any dishonesty or if he just wants to shut you up for now, but his sincerity shines through. With a glance at your watch you link your arm through John’s, who has his hands in his pockets, and start walking towards Charlotte’s school. You throw out a “thanks!” to Eliza, who waves the two of you off.
“He is a good guy, John,” you say, ready for the conversation to be over, but feeling the need to speak these last few thoughts. “He isn’t going to intentionally hurt me. I’m not the type of person to fall easily, so the fact I’ve fallen for him…” you lose the last few words of your sentence for two reasons. One- you came to the realization (and the panic) that you actually do like him, and two- you and John have arrived at the school and you see Aaron trying to comfort your daughter, who is visibly upset.
Aaron’s demeanor is calm and empathetic, and his face reflects the same. You’re 30 minutes late. Most of the kids and teachers were gone, and Charlotte looked terrified because of it. A pang of guilt hits you hard as you unlink your arm from your brother, who noticed Charlotte’s appearance as well, and the two of you begin to rush over to her. When Charlotte sees you, her tears grew and she reaches her arms up in your direction. Without a second thought you sweep her up in your arms and tears swell in your eyes as well. You hear a whisper,
“I didn’t k-know what had ha-happened, or w-why you weren’t here!” Charlotte chokes out, as you try to soothe her.
    “I’m sorry, baby, nothing bad happened, your Auntie Eliza just asked if I would pick up your Uncle John and it took longer than expected.” You pull back to make eye contact and continue, “Everything is okay, Charmander. I’m so sorry to have scared you.” She nodded, and leaned her forehead against yours, sniffling and slowly returning her breathing to normal. After a minute you cheerily nudge her attention to your brother.
“You know,” you start with a coy voice. “Your Uncle John missed you a lot. He insisted on coming with me because he knew I was coming to get you.” Her eyes, no longer filled with tears, light up as she raises her arms towards John who happily gathers her into his own arms. You watch your daughter and your brother embrace and you truly feel relaxed watching them interact. Glancing over towards Aaron, he’s making eye contact with you. Once he in turn realizes you were looking at him he starts to talk in a soft voice.
“Is everything really okay, Y/N?” Sighing, you nod and answer,
    “Nothing is wrong anymore. John and I weren’t speaking, but we made up which is why it took so long.” Taking a beat, and a breath, you suppress a shudder from the wind. “Thank you for waiting with her.”
“That’s never a problem. In fact, it’s my pleasure to have the tables turn for once,” he lets out a chuckle. At this point, you here a mild yelp coming from John. Not only has Charlotte’s mood improved, but she and Theo were playing a very unfair game of tag with your twin who is now on the ground, frozen. A snort-like laugh escapes you, and Aaron laughs along right beside you.
“Hey Y/N?” Aaron inquisitively starts a new conversation with you.
    “Yes, Aaron?”
“Theo no longer has an appendix to explode on her. Would you like to try a date again?” You’re sure your face has turned pink, but you hope it comes across as just irritated by the weather. The panic from seeing Charlotte so upset and Aaron trying to console her was long gone and it was replaced with the confidence of how much you feel like you can be yourself has overcome you. Turning back to Aaron, with an earnest, dare you say hopeful, look on his face, the sounds of your family and his daughter giggling and having fun fading into the back, your smile finds its way back on your face.
    “The answer is yes. Absolutely.”
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tiasgarden · 4 years ago
hello to anyone who may see this. it’s me liza. since sunday i’ve been feeling extremely down as some of you may know. i am emotionally tired of trying to pretend that my day is “ good” or that im “fine”. i do it as i  truly don’t know what else to say. i hate ranting to people about my issues, its one of my least favorite things about myself but i refuse. anyway im debating on  what to do. to leave here for a little or to stay.  that is all. just an update.
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I seriously hate that rediculous pineapple that writes the anti Be*larke ff (but it’s technically B*liza they are writing about but using B and Cs names, its fucking weird. Also I’m just putting the * in the names so they don’t pop up on any tag they probably follow to make sure they are tormenting people 🙄) on the be*larke ao3 tag, I learned how to filter their username out from the tag and then they changed one digit in their user when they realized people weren’t giving them enough attention and learned people figured out how to filter authors out. This is why ao3 NEEDS a block button, the filter is not good enough. They are such a vile and toxic person to me, they seriously do have no life it’s truly pathetic and embarrassing they go out of their way to do this 💀
Haven't see or read it nor am I planning on it. The fact that someone is giving so much time and energy to this is hilarious to me. Anyway, have a productive life whoever you are writing fics like that, lol 😅
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lizacstuff · 8 years ago
Liza! I didn't know you watched Riverdale!! I have to admit, that's a show I never had any initial intentions to watch, but then my sister and I hung out and watched the pilot and kind of became obsessed with it. When you've got the time, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the characters and ships and all.
I typed out a long, involved response to this earlier and *poof* it disappeared. Argh!
Anyway, I do enjoy Riverdale. You can usually count on me to sample most new shows on the CW, Riverdale is one I stuck with.  I like the creepy atmosphere of the town and it’s seedy underbelly and the murder mystery kept me interested and engaged.
As for characters...
Jughead - Love him.  They’ve done a really nice job with this character, he could have been the stereotypical outcast, rebel-without-a-cause type, however Cole Sprouse plays him without affectation and with a very appealing earnestness.
Betty - Love her. In the Betty or Veronica sweepstakes, I definitely pick Betty. I like the twist they’ve done with the girl next door, and given her layers which when peeled back reveal a bit of darkness. I also like that she doesn’t let peer or parental pressure determine her course. Very appealing character.
Veronica - Like her. She’s fun on screen and is interesting because her inner rich bitch often shows through, but you can see her trying to change. (though some of the Rivervixen dance offs have made me cringe) 
Archie - Uh... not so much. I definitely think the actor is the weakest on the show (is it me or does he sound like he’s baby talking?)  and Archie’s major storylines were my least favorite.  From the creepy relationship with Grundy to the jock that just wants to make music... not great. I did enjoy his one truly heroic moment when he pulled Cheryl out of the ice.  That did a bit to raise the character’s esteem in my eyes so maybe I’ll like him better in S2.
Cheryl - Love her. Sometimes love to hate her, sometimes love to love her.  The actress is almost mesmerizingly beautiful, and has a great screen presence.
Adults - Like on most teen shows, I enjoy the parents’ storylines almost as much as the kids.  I liked the soap opera-y stuff they have going on with most of them, like Hermione and Fred, I think Mark Consuelos is great casting for Hermione’s husband. I’ve long enjoyed Skeet Ulrich so it’s nice to see him, and Madchen Amick is doing a great job weaving between reprehensible and sympathetic as Betty’s mom. (However, Molly Ringwald is embarrassing. How can someone who was a major movie star in her teens be this bad of an actress? Did we have that bad of taste in the 80s?)  I look forward to the season 2 stories involving the adults. 
Ships -  Bughead is great, they are super cute. I do no like Archie with ANYONE, they’re all too good for him. All the other relationships and potential relationships I’m open to. Nothing I have particularly strong feelings about yet. 
How about you?
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