#anyways time period au’s get me FUCKED up and ancient Egypt is one of my faves
lacheri · 3 years
Merry Christmas here’s your gift
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thank you, Katerina. I have ascended now.
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Catching Murphy, Part 1
Warnings: Swearing, possible nsfw content Word Count: About 2391 Summary: You, Miss (y/n) (y/l/n), had a crush on Connor Murphy for years, from a distance of course. You had always been too shy to approach him, and the fact around school that he was an aggressive stoner caused you to become even more shy. One day, in history class, your teacher decided to assign a project and assigned everyone a partner—you and Connor were partnered together. Could you two grow close during the project and remain close? Or will Connor go back to ignoring you after the project comes to a close? A/N: I apologize if Connor is a biiiiit OOC… ;-; Obviously takes place in an AU where Connor is alive Masterlist Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
You sat in history class, your face resting in the palm of your left hand as you looked out of the window. Your teacher, Mr. Boulden, was droning on and on, meanwhile you were staring out the window, not even paying attention. Flickering your gaze to Connor Murphy, you smiled to yourself and bit your lip, before your eyes returned to gazing out of the window.
“…artners,” Mr. Boulden’s droll voice flooded your ears.
That perked your attention, silently asking what the hell he had just said. Thankfully, Connor asked for you, “What did you just say?”
“I said that I will be picking your partners. This is a partner assignment,” Mr. Boulden restated.
Connor grew angry, “You old man! I refuse to work with anybody!”
Mr. Boulden’s nostrils flared and he said, “I don’t much care, Connor, you will be working with someone. And that someone will be (y/n) (y/l/n). Do you understand me?!”
The aggressive Murphy grumbled out an aggressive, “Fine, whatever, old man!”
“Excuse me?” you squeaked out. You partnered up with your long-time crush who you were way to shy to even look at for more than five milliseconds? No way, no how. There was way on God’s green Earth that you could do that without possibly making an idiot out of yourself. Hell, even your best friend commented on how you can’t even say Connor’s name without stuttering. “M-Mr. Boulden, sir, are you sure you want to partner me up with C-Connor?” you stuttered.
You teacher looked at you and answered your question, “Yes, (y/n), I do want to partnered up with Connor Murphy. He is failing my class while you are doing brilliantly. Therefore, you could be a good influence on him. Maybe you could teach him how to take my class as seriously as you do.”
“B-b-but…” you stuttered out, “H-how can I possibly be a good influence on C-Connor, sir?”
“You just can be, I know you can be,” he told you, “get started on the project, (y/n). You get to pick what time period you want to do this project on and do it. Make a PowerPoint about it.”
Connor begrudgingly sat beside you and grumbled, “God damn old man, partnering me up with the teacher’s pet.”
“I-I can hear you, C-Connor…” you mumbled.
“Yeah? And what of it, teacher’s pet?” he growled.
You shrank down and placed your head onto the desk, pressing your forehead against the cold wood-like object. “A-anyways, what time period do you wanna do?”
“Whatever fucking period is the easiest to bullshit,” he answered.
With your forehead still pressed to the desk, you spoke quietly, “Ancient Egypt? I know a lot about that period of time… I-I can do most of the work… if you want, C-connor…”
“Stop stuttering. It’s really fucking annoying,” he said, leaning against his hand.
Wanting to bang your head against the desk at your obnoxious stuttering, you gulp and answered him, “Sorry…” Turning your head to face him, you continued, “But, Ancient Egypt is good for you, yeah?”
Connor rolled his eyes and sighed irritatedly, “Sure, I quite frankly don’t give a fuck.”
“G-good. C-can I come over so we can do some research?” you asked.
Staring right at you, his eyes bored into your very being as he said, “Why the fuck would I let you come over? You said that you would do most of the damn work, didn’t you, what’s-your-name?”
Sighing, you said, “Y-yeah… I did say that, didn’t I? I guess I should start on the work then, huh?”
“Might be a good idea, what’s-your-name.”
“(Y/n),” you said, picking up your head.
You looked at Connor and said again, “My name is (y/n) (y/l/n), or you can call me (y/n/n). Please don’t call me what’s-your-name, it’s rude.”
Connor smirked at you and crossed his arms, nobody really talked to him like that. “Okay, (y/n). I won’t call you what’s-your-name. Now, get to that damn work.”
“Yeah, I know…” you said as you start planning out what your presentation. “Wanna focus on the Old, Middle or New Kingdom?” you asked him.
“Which ever one is more interesting so that I can finally get an A.”
You hummed and stared intently out the window, chewing on the cap of your pen as you thought. “Each of the periods of Ancient Egyptian history has its own unique characteristics that could qualify it as interesting. I’m not sure which one is necessarily the most interesting Kingdom,” you said out loud. “During the Old Kingdom, the first period of Ancient Egyptian history was the time of Pharaoh Djoser, who ruled in the Third Dynasty, and he moved the capital to Memphis. Also under his rule, Imhotep, Djoser’s architect is credited with having created the Step Pyramid at Saqqara. Is that interesting enough?”
Connor Murphy looked at you in amazement, you really did know what you were talking about. “Umm…” he said, at a loss for words.
“Oh! Or maybe the Middle Kingdom, or the era of reunification of the whole of Ancient Egypt. Nah… not for now. Maybe we should do the Golden Age of the Fourth Dynasty during the Old Kingdom? That’s where some of the most interesting things happened. Pharaoh Khufu and the Great Pyramid being built. But we can start with Sneferu, the first pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty,” you mused to yourself. “Or I could talk about the amazement that was Tutankhamun’s life and burial. OH! I can talk about Ankhenaten and his family’s heresy?”
Connor’s eyes watched as life fluttered in your eyes as you talked about that. He came to the deduction that this ancient history must have been your passion. It made him smile to himself, he had never really seen you so animated, let alone so talkative. “Which king is the most interesting?” he asked you.
“Dude! There isn’t one single interesting pharaoh! Also, the kings were called pharaohs, and I will have to ask you to refer to them with the respect they deserve. One of the most interesting is the Boy King, though, but also Pharaoh Hatshepsut,” you said, snapping your gaze to him.
Blinking, Connor gave you a brief, small smile as he answered, “Well, you sure get really fucking bold when you’re talking about Egypt, don’t’cha, (y/n)?”
It took your crush saying that for you to realize what you had done. “O-oh god! I-I’m sorry, C-connor. I didn’t mean to be rude,” you stuttered out an apology.”
“It’s fine, I guess. Anyways, who’s the Boy King and who is Hatchu… Hatschu… whoever that second name is?” he asked, almost curiously.
Now it was your turn to blink. Was the Connor Murphy actually interested in what you were saying? You decided to tread lightly, as you asked, “Are you actually interested, Murphy?” After you questioned him, a silence fell over you two and you cleared your throat, “Okay, so you are. Okay, so the Boy King is the son of the Heretic King, Akhenaten, and his actual name is Tutankhamun. King Tut was born as Tutankhaten, his original name means Living image of Aten. And just to clarify, Aten was the one true solar deity that Tut’s father, Akhenaten decided to flip Egypt’s religion on its head for. You following me?”
Connor took a moment to try and comprehend what you had just told him. “No… not really,” he answered after a long pause.
“Oh, well, I can always try and teach you about it later, if you want. Now, as for Hatshepsut, she was a fantastic pharaoh. Under her rule, Egypt flourished. She established trade routes that had been disturbed during foreign occupation of Egypt during their Second Intermediate Period and thus built the wealth of the Eighteenth Dynasty. She also commissioned hundreds of building projects across Upper and Lower Egypt during her reign. All in all, she was an amazing pharaoh.”
“She?” he asked, “Weren’t all the pharaohs men?”
You laughed as you answered, “Yeah, usually they were men, but their were a small number of female pharaohs. UNFORTUNATELY, Hatshepsut was almost erased from history by her jealous step-son, Thutmose III, who hated that she had ruled before him and been such a success.”
Connor was actually really interested. “You know, you’re actually a really fucking interesting person, (y/n). Maybe you should come over so I can actually help you out, if you want.”
“I mean, that wouldn’t be that bad if you at least tried to help, Connor. It would be different for you, the so-called freak and loner of school. So, yeah? Sure, why not,” you said with a grin.
Connor let out what sounded like an amused chuckle as he said, “Alright then, how about you come over today? We only have two or three weeks to do this project.”
You looked at him with widened (e/c) orbs and said, “Umm… sure. Yeah, that’ll work. I just will have to text my momma saying you’re going to take me home to work on a project.”
“Okay, cool. See you at my truck after school?”
“I-I guess, yeah…” you answered, unsure of what was really happening. Did your long-time crush just ask you if you wanted to have him drive you to his house? Your heart sped up at the thought. How the fuck did this happen?
That was when the bell rang and ended the class. Connor picked up his stuff and walked away. You also gathered your stuff together and left the classroom. You were really shocked that any of that happened. A blush made its way onto your cheeks. “I can’t believe that I did that!” you muttered to yourself.
“(Y/n)! How was class!” came the voice of Alexa, your good friend.
You whipped your head around to look at your gorgeous friend, your blush dying down. “Lexy! Hi! How are you?” you said with a smile.
Alexa stopped beside you and answered, “I am doing great! Now you never answered my question; how was class?”
The blush came back as you whispered to her, “I-it was fun… I actually talked to Connor.”
Your brunette friend gasped and covered her mouth. “You what?! You actually talked to Connor Murphy? The friendless druggie?”
“Hey, don’t talk about him like that, Lexy! I told you he’s not that bad! I used to be a friend of his waaay back in elementary school,” you snapped.
She threw her hands up into the air, defending herself, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sorry, (y/n/n). I meant no offense by it, but it’s just that he’s known as a druggie who has no friends… now.”
“I know he is, but I’ve seen him talking with Evan and Jared,” you said.
Alexa stopped and thought about it. “I mean, it’s not wrong. He has been seen with those two. However, (y/n/n), that doesn’t mean that they’re friends. They could’ve causally bumped into each other in the hallway.”
You laughed, “That could be a possible answer.”
“Yeah, (y/n/n). God! Don’t assume they’re all friends,” Alexa laughed as the two of you started to your next class—English.
It was after school and you almost hesitantly walked out of the school building and looked for Connor. Your hand squeezed your backpack strap as you looked for the loner’s truck. As you looked around for the truck, you were almost hit. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” you screamed at the driver, “I was fucking walking here, you cunt!”
At that moment, Connor’s head popped out of the driver’s side window and he said, “Well, damn, (y/n), I never thought you could scream that loud. Or have the guts to call me a cunt, which I am obviously not.”
Your face fell and immediately you covered your face. “O-oh my God! C-Connor!! I-I’m sorry I screamed at you! I wasn’t prepared for you to almost run me the fuck over!! Like, the fuck is your gotdamn problem?! I was scared half to death, dammit!”
“Are you gonna keep yelling at me for scaring you? Or are you gonna get in my truck so we can work on this damn history project?” Connor asked, sighing almost annoyed.
You sucked in a breath and said, “Yeah, I’m coming… sorry.” As you approached his truck, he unlocked the doors and you hopped into the backseat. You noticed someone sitting in the front-seat and you assumed it was his sister. “Soooooo… are we going straight to your house, C-Connor? Or are we dropping someone off?” you asked.
“I’m his sister,” came the female’s answer.
“O-oh… okay then, so straight to your house?”
Connor scoffed and started driving, “No shit, dumbass. Where else would we fucking go? 7/11?”
You hummed nervously and said, “Maybe…? Or somewhere where I can get some food, please? I can’t eat the school’s lunches because they’re so fucking bad.”
“Are you fucking serious? You want me to stop and get you some damn food?!” snapped Connor.
Seemingly shrinking, you answered him, “Yes… please…? I’m hungry… o-or if there’s something to eat at your house… c-can I eat that?”
Zoe looked at her brother and said, “Connor, just take her to get food.”
“Be quiet, Zoe, no one asked you. We’re going back home and that’s that. No stopping at 7/11. No stopping for food. Nothing. Fucking copy that, (y/n)?” Connor hissed and looked back at you.
You simply nodded, not wanting to anger the aggressive dude. “F-fine…” you answered, your voice kind of breaking unintentionally. And that was that, you three rode in the truck, silently all the way to the Murphy’s house.
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Catching Murphy, Part 2
Warnings: Swearing, possible nsfw content Word Count: About 2219 Summary: You, Miss (y/n) (y/l/n), had a crush on Connor Murphy for years, from a distance of course. You had always been too shy to approach him, and the fact around school that he was an aggressive stoner caused you to become even more shy. One day, in history class, your teacher decided to assign a project and assigned everyone a partner—you and Connor were partnered together. Could you two grow close during the project and remain close? Or will Connor go back to ignoring you after the project comes to a close? A/N: I apologize if Connor is a biiiiit OOC… ;-; Obviously takes place in an AU where Connor is alive Masterlist Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
When you arrived at the Murphy residence, your breath immediately left your lungs. You had never thought you could have ever gotten this far. And never had you thought that your love of Ancient Egyptian history would get the guy you had crushed on for years to notice you. Just this whole situation was incredibly weird—first Mr. Boulden partnered you and Connor up, then you are being brought over to Connor’s house. Not to mention Connor had, before you apparently interested him, told you he wouldn’t let you go to his house. You were lost in thought and you didn’t hear Connor calling your name from next to you.
“…ello!? FUCKING HELLO!!” Connor screamed into your ear.
Immediately, you covered your ears and answered, “Ouch! My fucking ears! WHAT, Connor?! WHAT IS IT!!?”
“Get the fuck out of my car, we’re at my house.”
“Fine. You had to scream in my ear, why?” you asked as you got out of his truck.
Crossing his arms, he answered, “Because you didn’t fucking answer me when I said it the first ten damn times.”
You huffed and retorted, “You could’ve done anything that wasn’t screaming in my ear, Connor.”
“Are you going to sit in my truck in the heat or do you wanna come the fuck inside?”
“Do you have food?”
“Oh my fucking God, yes, we have food for your fat-ass,” he grumbled.
“I’m not fat, Connor. I have some flab, but I’m not a fat-ass. Also, I thought you brought me to your house so you could help with the history project, not insult me and ridicule me when I want food,” you said.
Connor walked into his house, demanding you follow him, “Just come the fuck inside.”
“Fine,” you snapped and followed him inside. Oh God, I’m snapping at Connor fucking Murphy… I’m a deadman, you thought to yourself. “Now, can I have some food?”
Zoe walked through the den and said, “You can make yourself some food, (y/n), because Connor won’t make you shit. If you know how to cook with a stove, we have some noddles you can cook. Pans are under the sink.”
You smiled at Zoe and thanked her, “Thank you, Zoe… is it really okay?”
She looked at you, then to her brother, then back at you. “Yeah, it’s fine. Like I said, Connor won’t make you anything, so you might as well make yourself something.”
“Zoe, go fucking do something that’s not talking to (y/n). She’s here to work on a project,” Connor sneered at his sister.
You looked at Connor and crossed your arms. “That’s no way to talk to your sister, Connor,” you told him.
“And what do you know? You barely even know me or my family? All your here for is a fucking project,” he snapped.
That kind of hurt you. He had seemed so interested earlier at school, what had caused him to do a complete 180? You bit your lip and turned away from him. Speaking of what happened, what happened to you? Not even 24 hours ago you never would have even thought about talking to Connor Murphy, let alone the way you were talking to him now. “You know what, Connor Murphy—you are so confusing! You seemed soooo fucking interested in what I was saying at school and then the moment we are out of school, you act like we didn’t have a rather interesting interaction. Are you actually interested in helping me out with this fucking project or am I just going to have to do the whole damn thing by myself?! Because if you’re going to act like this, I would much rather you take my fat-ass home so I can do this myself!!”
Zoe rolled her eyes and left with a, “Keep your girlfriend calm, Connor.” Did she completely tune out what you had just said?
“I-I’m not his g-girlfriend, Zoe!!” you yelled, voice breaking in embarrassment.
“Yeah, okay. Sure, (y/n). He never brings a girl home and here you are, a girl, and he brought you home,” she said with a grin.
You blushed and stammered, “N-n-no! That’s crap! I’m just fucking here for a stupid project that I might as well do myself!”
As soon as Zoe left the room, Connor seemed immediately relieved. He even sighed, adding to the fact that he was relieved. “Geez, I thought she would never leave,” he said.
“Why does it matter?” you asked. “Anyways, are you going to fix me food or not?”
Connor sighed, “I can fix your dumbass some food.”
You bowed ironically as you said, “Thank you, Sir Connor.”
Connor had fixed you some simple mac and cheese, not that you were complaining, his mac & cheese was surprisingly delicious. You were half-way through your bowl of food when Connor asked you, “So, continue from where you fucking left off today.”
“Right now?” you asked with food in your mouth. You were completely taken by surprise by his words.
He looked at you for a moment, with a spoon hanging in your mouth and eyes looking up from your bowl, and gave you a small smile. “Yeah, right now. What do you have planned for our project.”
You swallowed the food in your mouth and cleared your throat. “I, umm, well, I was thinking more of Akhenaten. The more I was thinking of him, the more I decided we could cover his family’s heresy,” you said.
“Who and what?”
“Pharaoh Akhenaten, born Ahmenhotep IV, was the head of religious upheaval that turned Ancient Egypt on its head. He went from worshipping the plethora of Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses to just one god—Aten, the solar deity. Akhenaten’s whole family were a bunch of raging weirdos, though, so it wasn’t just him who was the special one of the bunch! Thutmose III, the bastard that tried to erase Hatshepsut from history, was the Heretic King’s great-great-grandfather—so yeah, great family already. Now, I’m not saying all of Akhenaten’s family was as fucked up as Thutmose III, but his great-grandfather, Amenhotep II began some religious shit. The same religious shit that spiraled out of control and ended with Akhenaten’s Amarna Period. Amenhotep II decided to build a fucking temple to the Sphinx of Giza and be crowned ruler of Heliopolis instead of Thebes, which started everything! And when I say everything, Connor, I mean everything! So, after this slight deviation, for the next three pharaohs, the religious deviation continued until Akhenaten decided to flip EVERYTHING!!”
There you went again, you got so animated when you talked about Ancient Egyptian history. And Connor noticed it and it caused him to smile a tad bit. He tried to focus on what you were saying, and he half did, but he was more focused on the way your eyes lit up as you shared your knowledge. He noticed how you abandoned the mac & cheese as you fidgeted with the spoon, like you were tying not to leave a single detail out. “Mhmm… cool, what happened?” he asked, waiting to see how animated you could get.
Of course, you did not disappoint. “Oh my Osiris!! Everything happened!! Akhenaten’s family slowly deviated from the Theben religion and shit! Ooh! I can’t even get into it! It wasn’t like Aten was some god that Akhenaten decided to make up just to fuck with the polytheistic religion of Egypt, no! He can’t take that credit! Aten had his own little cult back then,” you laughed. You noticed Connor’s eyes on you harden as you said cult. “N-no! Cults back then weren’t negative in the slightest, so don’t take it like that, C-Connor. Cults in the ancient past were kinda like the different secs of modern religions, like Baptists and Catholics of Christianity. So, yeah, Aten was a lesser god who had his own cult. The priesthood of Amun, the de-facto chief of gods, had grown large and almost out of control. They literally owned more land than even the fucking pharaoh did! Like, what the fuck? How the hell could they get that much fucking land without the pharaohs before Akhenaten noticing. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back and it was one of the reasons that moron tried converting the whole of Ancient Egypt from polytheism to monotheism.” The spark in your eyes was enough to start a fire and you spoke with so much passion that it was almost suffocating. You took a spoonful of mac & cheese and stuffed it in your mouth, saying, “It was better when we were all fucking pagans.”
The way Connor was looking at you had you thrown for a loop. It was like you were the center of the world for a small amount of time. Taking a few moments to absorb what you had said, he spoke, “Oh really? And why were things better when we were all pagans, (y/n)?”
Scoffing, you answered, “Because when we were all pagans, we focused on fucking peace and harmony! None of this oh let’s go conquer this land in the name of God/Allah/our own selfish bullshit reasons! NO! When we were pagans, we only fought when we wanted to expand our land or settle something with another kingdom.”
“Ah,” he answered. Connor honestly didn’t know nearly half of what you were telling him. Everything you said was new information to him and it honestly made him lowkey smile about it. He had never really met anyone who could speak to him as freely as you did, or snap at him like you did for that matter, and it made him feel like he wasn’t just some druggie who people avoided. Connor Murphy actually felt grateful to that “old man” that was Mr. Boulden for partnering him up with such an interesting person. Never once had he thought that he could have been paired up with someone as interesting as you. “What makes you think that pagans didn’t go to war for stupid reasons, (y/n/n)?” he asked, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Boy,” you deadpanned, “you’re kidding me? A core idea in any monotheistic belief system is the encouragement of the belief that, in order for it to be right, other systems must necessarily be wrong. It is because of that stupid insistence on being the sole administrator of ultimate truth leads to intolerance of other beliefs and their suppression. That is why pagans are seen to be unholy and blasphemous, because of that damn central idea of monotheistic belief systems! Ugh!! It’s infuriating that a religion that promotes peace and harmony is considered unholy because some moron created a serious monotheistic religion.”
Connor chuckled in amusement, “You don’t seem to like monotheism, do ya, (y/n)?”
You laughed at his comment, “What gave you that idea? Now, don’t peg me as an atheist, because I’m not, I’m more agnostic than anything. And I don’t dismiss anyone’s religious views because umm, no, that’s fucking rude.”
“That’s good to know, I guess. Miss Agnostic,” Connor quipped.
“Oh, aren’t you just too funny, Mister Loner,” you quipped back.
“Ahaha… you’re hilarious, my spleen may burst.”
“Aww, thanks, Con.” Connor blinked at that name. You noticed what you had said and stammered, trying to fix your mistake, “C-Connor! I meant to say Connor, but it came out too soon! M-my brain… my mouth… my something wasn’t keeping up with everything else! I-I’m sorry!”
He chuckled softly at your cute stammering and said with a shrug, “You can call me that, (y/n). I can call you (y/n/n), you can call me Con. Anyways, we should probably get to work on the project. I like whatever your doing with the whole Heretic King thing, so let’s do that. But, you seem to know fucking everything there is to know about that shit, so you probably don’t need my help.”
You looked at him and smiled. “I might not need any help with research and shit, Con, but having some company while I do the project would be nice. If you can handle being around me for two to three weeks,” you answered.
“I can’t see that fucking killing me, (y/n/n),” he said, a smile could be heard in his tone.
Smiling, you continued to eat. “Okay, coo. We can get started once I’m done with my food. Sound good to you, Con?” you asked with a smile.
“Yeah, sure. I did make you the food, I fucking expect you to eat all of it, dammit!”
“I’m working on it,” you laughed.
TAGS: @saturdayschilddrivesmewild you told me to tag you and here you go bby ;)
Also, I’ll be gone for the next few days on a vacay with my family, so you won’t really hear from me from today, the 23rd, until Wednesday the 26th! I’ll be working on some stuff while I’m gone and I may upload some stuff, but not as frequent as I upload usually! I just wanted to get this out since the thought is fresh~! Hopefully I’ll have something cutesy with Michael to upload at some point in the next few days!
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