#anyways this is just a random drawing I wanted to draw trixx and it got away from me
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carpetbug · 9 months ago
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A fluffy fbau!trixx offering to eat his new holders bratty sister for her. what a gentleman. ignore how completely random the shading is
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pandawritespoorly · 5 years ago
With Time: A Rainy Day - Chapter 1
Author’s Note: I have returned! *grand flourish* I missed you guys! I just couldn't get myself to write. Then I remembered that I had some random fics that I'd written that I could finally make use of! Woo! In case it hasn't become clear, this series isn't going to be posted super in order, though I will keep it chronologically order. I'm just kind of writing as it comes to me. Still working on deciding which reveal scenario I want to go with, but in the meantime, I have been working on an old idea that had to get scrapped to tide you over. It won't be canon to this series, but should be fun.
Anyway, let's get on with this story!
Summary: Marinette decides to patrol in the rain.
“Hey,” Claude calls from the front door, “Anyone know if Mari had plans tonight?”
Allan pauses as he’s scrolling through his phone on the couch. “Uhh, I think she was scheduled for patrol tonight, but given the rain, she probably stayed in. Why? You try t’ text her or something?”
“No actually. I just opened the door to a completely drenched and shivering Doodlebug.”
“She didn’t.” Allan stands, turning to look at the doorway.
Sure enough, Claude is shutting the door with his foot, carrying Marinette inside. The woman is completely soaked, shaking from the chill. The man can’t tell if she’s conscious or not.
Allegra looks up from where she’s piled herself in blankets on a chair. “She didn’t even use the balcony?”
“I guess not.” Claude looks at the designer. “I know using the front door is polite and all, but really, Mari.”
She just mumbles incoherently.
“She’d better have taken the elevator at least,” Allan mutters, “I’ll get the heated blankets.”
Allegra walks over, taking Marinette from them. “I’ll get her in some dry clothes. Good Kwami, she’s freezing. Marinette seriously.”
“Going out in this weather. I cannot believe it.” Pollen grumbles from her own spot near where Allegra had been.
Claude grins. “Bee-lieve?”
The Kwami doesn’t respond, cuddling closer into the blankets.
Allan returns. “I sent a text to Adrien. ‘e’s probably sleeping, but when he wakes up, at least he’ll know where she is.”
Allegra returns with Marinette, who is looking much better in some warm pajamas she’d left behind once. She’s still pretty out of it though.“Wayzz, Trixx, you guys want to help Tikki?”
The Ladybug Kwami is curled up on her chosen’s chest, not faring much better from their bout in the storm.
The two Kwamis float over, and Wayzz brings her over to where Pollen is still keeping warm. Allegra attempts to set her friend on the couch, but in her sickly state, she’s clingy, and won’t let go.
The blonde sighs. “Mari, honey, you’re adorable, and great, but you are freezing, and I refuse to hug you until your skin is at least back to normal.” When she doesn’t let go, Allegra looks up. “Claude get over here, you mammal,” She spits the word out, fake venom behind it, “With your warm-bloodedness, and ability to go out in the cold.”
“Oh, how dare I. Ma’am, you do realize you’re a human?” He teases, walking around the couch.
“A human who hibernates.”
“Hey, Bug, you gotta’ let her go. Ms. Bee here isn’t about to freeze because of your poor choices.”  He reaches towards the drowsy girl, carefully separating her from Allegra. Marinette complies, grabbing for Claude instead.
“You’d better get comfortable, she’s not gonna’ let you go.” Allan approaches, plugging the heated blanket into the wall.
Claude adjusts himself slightly, letting Marinette rest on top of him. Allan tosses the blanket over the pair, and Claude gets out his phone taking a picture of the girl to send to Adrien, before going back to what he’d been doing before he’d heard her at the door.
Allan heads to the kitchen, and Allegra curls into her blankets further. She glares out the window at the rain that dared interrupt her spring day, before getting out her phone to text her girlfriend - if the expression on her face is anything to go by.
Claude mindlessly combs through Marinette’s damp hair with their fingers. After about an hour, the rain begins to let up.
“Claude, could you get her up?” Allan calls, “She’s got t’ eat something warm.”
“On it!” With that, he shifts, sitting up more so that Marinette would have a harder time sleeping comfortably. He shakes her shoulder gently. “Come on, you gotta’ get up now.”
She groans, moving a little, but not committing to anything.
Allegra glances up. “Mari, dear, get up or Mom will hit you with his shell again.”
That draws a reaction. Marinette jolts upward, ready to get up before her brain decides it isn’t putting energy into that anymore and she slumps, though upright now.
At the same time, Allan screeches, “That was one time, and an accident!!”
“What was an accident?” Adrien asks, having arrived through the balcony.
“I told Mari to get up or Allan would hit her with his shell again.”
“It was an acCIDENT!”
“Oh, yeah, that.” Adrien turns to Marinette. “So. You.”
Claude grins. “Yes. Her.”
The woman just mumbles feverishly. He shakes his head, walking over and picking her up, carrying her over to the kitchen and placing her in a chair.
“You baby her,” Allan teases, setting some soup down.
“At least I haven’t hit her wi-”
“Finish that sentence and all your food will be burned and bland for a month.”
Adrien raises his hands, turning and backing off.
“He doesn’t have the heart,” Claude chimes in, “He lasts two weeks at most, and even then he doesn’t-” He catches Allan’s expression. “-not that I’m trying to give you any reason to practice! Your threats are threatening, spare me please.”
“Felix says we’re all fools, but Marinette especially,” Allegra informs, having updated the other blonde on what’s going on.
“Well duh, what else would we be?” Claude rolls his eyes. “Oh, uh, someone might want to grab Nettie. Or her soup. Or both.”
Adrien and Allan both turn, the Cat holder supporting his Lady, while the turtle holder moves the bowl out of the ‘potential faceplant zone’.
Marinette did manage to eat a fair amount of soup, but now she’s slumped against Adrien, which, though more comfortable than a table, isn’t exactly what’s considered bedrest. Allan shakes his head affectionately, simply handing Adrien a  bag holding a reusable container with more soup. The blonde pulls it over a shoulder, then scoops up his girlfriend.
“Time to get this one home. Bye guys!”
The group exchanges goodbyes, before Adrien transforms and heads out.
Author’s Note: 💜💜💜 Yes, there will be more of this, but it isn't finished yet. Once I can get myself to write this will get finished eventually. I meant to get something up yesterday, but I got distracted by getting sucked into an amazing game series. If any of you guys like puzzle games with some crazy mystery and creepy vibes, then the Cube Escape series is for you. I literally spent my entire day on that over skype with my friends. It's free, though the developers have other games that you can buy. Definitely reccomend! I know, I know, you're not here for my app recommendations (#NotSponsored, obviously). That said, I got sucked into Sky: Children of the Light, and all I'm going to say is that it's adorable and wholesome, and I'm going to stop talking about it now. (It’s a delight though, let me tell you) In writing news! (You know, what you're here for) I have another one-shot that I'll probably have posted in a few days. I wrote it a while ago, but now that the main story is over I can finally post it. I would have put it up today, but I figured I'd be nice. 😉💞💞💞💞 Love you guys! Stay safe!
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sweetlydraws · 5 years ago
Painted Lady AU Tomorrow Old meets New.
The final part of the countdown series. To be continued in the next animatic... Hopefully. 
Warnings: Bad Language, Chat Noir Bashing. (He doesn’t show up, but he still an ass in spirt.)
Please Enjoy!
Marinette P.O.V
“MOM! Have you seen my drawing tablet!” I yelled with my arm all the way under the couch. Panic was covering my whole body. My heart was pounding. I need to find a tablet! I’m leaving tomorrow!
“Sweetie you don’t need to yell I’m just over here. Did you check your bags?” Mom said from the kitchen. Pulling my arm out, my hands are shaking.
“I-I did! Sorry... I checked them, check them again, and again.” I stand up and start pacing. Where would it be? I check the bakery, the kitchen, the bathroom, my room, my bags… Where! I run my hand over my face.
“Did you check your balcony?” Mom said not looking up from the dishes she was washing. Freezing, I couldn’t have left it there. I couldn’t! I did, didn’t I. I was up there this morning doodling.
“Do you want me to check sweetie? You look pale.” When my eyes focus, mom is looking at me with concern. I smile. Shaking my head, I turn and head to my room. When I’m out of view, my smile falls. I’m leaving tomorrow, I don’t have time to explain that I’m scared to go on my balcony because of Chat Noir. I quietly climb the ladder. Peaking in I see that Nooroo and co are still asleep. I sneak past them to the ladder. They have been helping me pack and keeping me from panicky.
Opening the trap door quickly.
“Huh?” I see a person. Not Chat Noir. She? He? I can’t tell. They kinda look like their wear a Ladybug inspired costume. Their hood is blocking their face. But I feel their eyes on me. Looking them up and down-
“My tablet!” I said in shocked.
“Oh, so your Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I think you would like this back.” They hand the tablet to me. Getting a good look when I climb all the way up. They’re sitting and grabbing at there side.
“Are you okay? You're holding your side…” I ask as I take my tablet from them. “Who are you?” I thought out loud. Covering my mouth. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say that. It's just you’re a random person on my balcony and--”
“No, no, no.” They laugh. “It's fine. I’m the Crimson Beetle, Ladybug’s successor. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I would stand to greet you, but a certain alley cat was mad that I was going to give this back to you.” I thought I saw a faint red glow coming from their hood when they mentioned an alley cat. Wait? Alley cat? Chat Noir.
“Alley cat… Chat Noir had my tablet?” My grip tightening. Why? Why would he steal my tablet? Tears threaten to fall. I won’t let them, I wasted too many already.
“Do you know him?” They asked.
“Kinda… He came around and we talked sometimes. Did he hurt you?” I sit in front of them. Guilt filling my stomach. They’re Ladybug successor, no doubt that Chat would not like them.
“He tried to cataclysm me. Luckily the cataclysm doesn’t destroy other heroes. Hurts like a bitch tho. Sorry, language. Any idea why he would steal that from you?”
“I’ve been avoiding him. I was akumatized… I-I-” My vision starts to get blurry.
“No need to explain it to me. Being akumatized is traumatic. I would know. Also if the alley cat was your friend I can only imagine the pressure you must have felt.” They move to sit next to me. The pat my shoulder.
Wiping my eyes. “So your Ladybug replacement?” Why did I say replacement? Maybe I’m still not over her ‘Ladybug, was always better than you. And now this person is too.’ I put a hand over my eye to shake off the thoughts.
“Nah, not a replacement. Successor. I was told that she retired after the last Akuma… I suppose that was you. Did you know her like you know alley cat?” Their voice is kind. At least it seems that Fu chose a nice person.
“Kinda... I helped her interact with the Ladybl-” The words got caught in my throat. “ The ladyblog in the past.” The Beetle tsked. “If you don’t like the blog I don’t blame you.” They pull their arm away.
“I don’t hate it... I don’t hate the idea of it. A blog to help people be aware of akumas could never be a bad thing. But that blog is a gossip blog at worse, at best a uniformed after school project. Also even if you only knew LB a little, the pressure you felt knowing both of Paris heroes must be sickening.” Beetle’s hand disappeared into their hood. ‘Imagine being her.. I guess you do now Beetle. If Tikki is the same with you as she was with me, your going to go mad also.’
“Doesn’t matter now. I’m leaving tomorrow anyway.”
“You're leaving Paris?” Their hood tilted to the side.
“No, kinda. I’m going to be in-”
“Stop. If you want to leave, then you can. You don’t have to explain anything.” Their voice sounded warm. I felt like I could trust them.
We sit in comfortable silence. After a few minutes, Beetle stands up.
“Are you feeling better?” I asked quickly. Standing up with them.
“Yeah, I am. Sorry alley cat stole your tablet. I’ll make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid when you leave. Miss Dupain-Cheng.” They nod to me. They make a cross over their heart, then make a cut-throat motion. I give a small smile.
“It’s not your fault, and thank you. I hope you give him shit if he tries anything.” They laugh.
“Language, Miss.” They pull out their yo-yo.
“Marinette. Call me Marinette”
“Miss Marinette. I hope where ever you go, you're happy.” With that, they swung away. I stand there watching them leave before the chill of the night goes across my neck. Turning I head back inside.
“Nh-what are you da-doing?” Pollen slurred speech startled me.
“Just finishing up. Go back to sleep.” I wave my tablet a little. Pollen seemed happy with the response and fall back into a peaceful slumber. Pollen was sleeping in a potted plant that I was going to bring with me. I put my tablet into my bag, and get changed into pajamas. Tomorrow. I smile at the thought of the future.
 Elsewhere in Paris.
Crimson Beetle P.O.V
 As I swing towards home, my vision becomes blurry. I almost fall in panic. Landing on a rooftop, I pull my hood down. Tears?
“Why am I crying?”
‘I’m sorry that would be me.’ Oh, Tikki.
“Why are you crying.. Oh, I guess in a way you also knew Miss Marinette huh.”
‘I did. I feel as though I failed her.’
“Don’t she seems like a strong lady. Everybody has bad and good days you know.” I shrug. I still remember being akumatized. Sometimes I have nightmares that I’ll wake up and be that monster again. “You and Ladybug could only do so much. Now I’m here to help. Don’t worry Tikki!” I pat my chest in hopes that she feels comfort from my words.
‘Thank you.’ Pulling my hood up. We still have to finish patrolling, then head home. I have a test tomorrow… I HAVE A TEST TOMORROW! I throw my yo-yo in a panic.
 Tomorrow 10:30
At Clover-Bloom Academy
Marinette P.O.V
I stand at the gates of Clover-Bloom. Nooroo, Pollen, and Trixx all in a stir in my bag. Clover-Bloom is less of a school, and more like a whole town. I look down at the map. My things were picked up and dropped off earlier today.
“Honestly I still can’t believe that I’m here.” I giggled with joy.
“I’m so happy Marinette!” Nooroo cheered.
“You worked hard for this Mari. You should be proud to be here.” Trixx grinned.
“Oh! I forgot to tell you,” I looked down at the map. “There is a new Ladybug. They go by the Crimson Beetle. We met last night.”
“A new Ladybug?! Are you okay?” Pollen asked in a hushed tone.
“Of course I’m okay. I have a new role. I need to save Duusu.” A smile formed. I will save Duusu. I know I will.
“HEY! Your the new girl right?” A loud voice screamed. I stopped and turned to the voice. A girl is rushing towards me, with another following behind her. “I’m Aurora!” She holds her hand out. I shake it. “This is Vivienne!” The other girl gives a shy smile.
“I’m Marinette.” I smile still shaking Aurora's hand.
“Where are you heading to?” Vivienne asked.
“I’m not sure.” I laughed. I wiggle the map slightly. “This place is bigger than I thought it would be.”
“We could show you around if you want,” Vivienne said. She pulls Aurora hand away. I give a smile in thanks.
“I would be grateful if you would. My room is building D 6-14. I’m not sure what that means.” Aurora's face seems to start glowing.
“You're my neighbor!” She squealed. “ I’m 6-13!”
“Your building D, sixth floor 14’th room,” Vivienne explains. “I’m D 7-3” I nod. “Would you like to head to your room, or walk around?”
“I’m not ready to unpack yet. So let's walk around then.”
“Oh, we can show you the Green House Cafe!” Aurora grabs both mine and Vivienne hands and starts pulling us. I laugh. I haven’t felt like this in a while. I look over at Vivienne, she mouth I’m sorry. She’s smiling tho. I can’t help but smile back. I think I’m going to do a lot of good here.
 End of Count Down.
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