#anyways sorry for being depressed on main it’s dark and rainy and there’s no power and nothing to distract me and I’m sad and my phone is
deityofhearts · 9 months
currently I’m just having to like accept that I’m not anyone’s best friend or favourite person, I’m not even like in anyone’s top five fav people
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birthdaylobotomy · 6 years
Webcomics to Read!
If you are anything like me, you are always searching for a good web comic to read. To (Hopefully) help some people out, I made this list of my favorite comics. Hope you like them as much as I do! (Long post sorry!)
Gunnerkrigg Court
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Gunnerkrigg Court is an amazing web comic, hands down. It’s a story about a young girl who goes to a strange school with strange creatures and even stranger people. Annie, the girl, slowly realizes she is more powerful, and more tied into the court than she could ever realize.
Content Warnings: Mild violence, parental neglect, and a good amount of death.
Read here!!
Countdown to Countdown 
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CTC is a gorgeous, atmospheric tale of Iris Black, a young mentally-ill adult who has seen little of the outside world, and instead has lived most of his life in lab. Charming characters, intricate lore and unique powers all make this a must read for sci-fi fans. 
Content Warnings: Gore, death, animal violence, vomit, injury and slight body horror. 
Read here!!
Long Exposure
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Long Exposure is a something any fan of Stranger Things or Gravity Falls fan will love! It’s a wonderful comic, featuring characters Mitch (In the pic) and Joey, both of which are polar opposites but equally caring and lovable. In a small, woodsy town the nerd and criminal end up doing a science project, which leads to much more...
Content Warning((SPOILERS)): Parental neglect and abuse, hinted sexual abuse, violence, mild gore, bullying, harassment, drug use, crude language, sexual imagery.
Read here!!
((Warning for this next one!!))
Ghost Eyes 
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Ghost Eyes in a horror/BL comic, and is extremely disturbing at times, and comedic and adorable at others. It has a large cast of complex and round characters, a still growing lore, and an intriguing and dark story line. It follows young Tobias, who grew up in a Church with his many siblings and strict father, finally being allowed to go to a public school, only to realize the monsters there are almost as bad as the ones at home- or the ones that seem to be only in his head. 
Content Warning((Whoo boy)): Abuse, sexual assault, animal abuse/death, heavy parental abuse, graphic self harm, severe mental illness, slurs, underage drinking, rape(?), mental abuse, gore, heavy injury, graphic scars, body horror, suicidal ideation, mental illness, etc.
Read here!!
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Colorless is-well- an amazingly colorful, absolutely stunning comic, which follows Joki around a twisted city, warped with strange creatures that want him dead. Every single page is artful, and the characters are all likable and different. An amazing comic I highly recommend.
Content Warnings: Drug use/language, violence, gore, mental illness, sexuality, crude language, body horror, and trippy imagery. 
Read here!!
Heart of Gold
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Heart of Gold is such an amazing comic. It deserves far more fans than it has. The art is soft and elegant yet powerful, the colors are graceful on every page, the dialogue is written like a poem, and the story is deep and entangling. Lionel is a former pianist, albino man who is getting back in touch with religion, in hopes of being healed by the holy Priest, Dunant. However, something dark and hidden lurks behind every healing, every action. 
Content Warning: Death, disability, religion, and depression.
Read here!!  
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Sakana is a hilarious, quirky, and never ending rom-com that actually works. It is so funny that I will have to shut my computer just to not laugh, and it has some of my favorite characters EVER. ((I would die for Taisei)) It really is something light-hearted and fun- while never being shallow- that always cheers me up on a rainy day.
Content Warning: Comedic violence, death, anxiety, alcohol/smoking, abusive relationships, hinted parental abuse, and many bad decisions.
Read here!!
Knights Errant
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Knights Errant is a dark fantasy comic focusing on Will, a (Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler), who is much more morally unaligned than the average main character. This comic features twisted protagonists and darker antagonists- no one is left without flaw, without weakness or strengths. The setting is realistic yet magical. It has been on hiatus for some time, but hopefully will be picked up again soon.
Content Warning: Intense gore, torture, death, violence, depression, genocide, manipulation, toxic relationships, dependence, etc.
Read here!!
And, last but not least...
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Ava’s Demon is, by far, my favorite story of all time. Not just my favorite web comic- which it is. There are so many reasons to read this wonderful comic. It has amazing art, lovely and flawed characters, elements of both sci-fi and fantasy, and absolutely amazing lore, which included gods, ghosts, and mythical beings. It follows Ava, a shy and self-doubting young adult, who has been haunted by a cruel ghost her entire life. Through the death of a planet, kidnapping of a former friend, and her own slow death, she makes a deal that will change that course of many lives, including hers. I cannot say enough for this comic- the only thing that I can do is beg you to read this fantastic tale of Ava Ire. 
Content Warning((SPOILERS)): Death, gore, extreme body horror, self harm, nail horror, torture, mass murder, vomit, nudity, sexuality, impaled body, mental illness, abuse, manipulation, violence, drug use, smoking, alcohol, death, lots of blood, implied forceful over dosage, etc. 
Read here!!
This is the end of my list for now. I hope you all enjoy these comics as much as I do. If anyone wants I would be happy to make a second part to this! Anyways, thank you for reading, and thank you to these artists for their wonderful comics!! 
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simonmeadows · 5 years
Character’s full name: Simon Benjamin Meadows Reason or meaning of name: The name has greek/Hebrew roots and basically means “He (God) has heard”. In his case, however, the name came from his deceased Grandfather. Character’s nickname: No known nicknames have been given to this date. Reason for nickname: Birth date: 20th April, 1990
Age: 29 How old does he/she appear: Depends on whether he shaves or not, but around 26-28 Weight: - (i never bother with this part sorry) Height: 6′2 Body build: Broad shoulders, look far more fit/athletic than he is. Shape of face: Soft, oval/round Eye color: Blue Glasses or contacts: None Skin tone: Caucasian Distinguishing marks: Light freckles Predominant features: His eyes, he has a unqiue shape along with his eyebrows. Hair color: Dirty blond Type of hair: Flat Hairstyle: Short, messy  Voice: Garrett’s own (bc unf) Overall attractiveness: This would be biased to answer so I’ll let you rate him on your own. Physical disabilities: None, atm ;) Usual fashion of dress: Casual, t-shirts/sweatshirts and whatever pants he can find clean. Favorite outfit: Simple one colored t-shirt, jacket and dark colored jeans. Jewelry or accessories: None
Good personality traits: Helpful, open-minded, supportive Bad personality traits: Unlucky, paranoid, prideful Mood character is most often in: Mostly helpful and chatty, a little tired at his worst. Sense of humor: Dark, ironic and sarcastic Character’s greatest joy in life: His daughter Character’s greatest fear: Losing the little he has/not being enough Why?: Due to his parents' constant habit of ripping everything he cares about and for out of his hands and because of emotional/mental abuse. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: Losing his stability, mostly Hayley. Character is most at ease when: He’s home or out doing things with the people he loves and cares for. Most ill at ease when: Stuck with his parents, especially his father. Enraged when: Something unfair happens to him, Hayley or a close friend of his; or when his father starts to demand impossible tasks out of him/demand too much. Depressed or sad when: He’s tired/had a fight with someone. Priorities: Hayley Life philosophy: He doesn’t have one. If granted one wish, it would be: To cut off contact with his parents and gain full custody of Hayley.  Why?: Because it would remove at least 70% of his overall stress and pressure.  Character’s soft spot: Children, cooking  Is this soft spot obvious to others?: Children are, cooking not so much as it’s a new hobby he picked up after Hayley’s birth. Slowly building his skills!  Greatest strength: His ability to get back up after a harsh experience. Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Is easily stressed out, panics when it gets too much and his daughter, of course. Biggest regret: His teenage years. He was quite an asshole during high school.  Minor regret: Not trying harder during high school. Biggest accomplishment: Finding a form of stability for himself. Minor accomplishment: Actually graduating from the University with a degree. Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: His criminal records and dyslexia.  Why?: Hm, wonder. he has a pretty heavy stigma around his dyslexia as well. Doesn’t want to acknowledge it.  Character’s darkest secret: His actual relationship with his parents. Unless you’re involved with them/know about their closed-door behaviors he’s not gonna breathe a word about it. Does anyone else know?: His aunt and cousins + old babysitters/employees.
Drives and motivations: Making sure Hayley has a stable childhood. Immediate goals: Get better at cooking, learn some further life skills!  Long term goals: Same as drive!  How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By powering on and becoming a better parent. Keeping Hayley away from her mom and his parents is another.  How other characters will be affected: Thus far, no one beyond Simon and Hayley. 
Hometown: Montréal, Canada Type of childhood: Wild/Unstable Pets: None First memory: Often recalls himself playing in the backyard of their mansion, digging around in the dirt and pulling up plants, much to the gardener’s disliking. Most important childhood memory: "I think that would have to be my first Christmas at Merveille Hotel. I was six and my parents had decided to go out of town for the weekend so I was stuck with the staff during the day. Yes, my parents paid someone from the staff to babysit me whenever they left, always someone who wanted to spend two days in a big house and make a quick buck. Anyway, Christmas at that place is just… amazing. Lights everywhere, people who are dressed up to entertain kids, live shows, candy and food in masses and it’s basically heaven for a six-year-old. I spent the day following my babysitter around and her family came by during dinner and we sat together around the main family table – I remember everyone laughed, awe:ed at the live music and I ate so much I didn’t even own the will to drag myself home. Sadly enough she quit her job only a few months after that… but I still appreciate that she had the heart to treat me like a person. I’ve always lived to give Hayley that same feeling whenever a holiday comes around.” Why: It reminded him of everything he wanted to have and it’s the feeling he often lean on during his own parenthood journey as he wanted Hayley to have the same reasons to smile and feel at home. Childhood hero: The typical 80′s - 90′s action heroes. Dream job: None, wasn’t allowed to have one. Education: Has a business degree. Religion: Atheist Finances: Wealthy
Current location: Perfection Valley, Nevada Currently living with: His daughter Pets: None (but Hayley always ends up with a cat named Thomas omg) Religion: Atheist, but wouldn’t mind discussing religion if it happens with the right person Occupation: Waiter at Saloon Finances: Lower to middle class
Mother: Patricia Meadows Relationship with her: Bad, if she’s drunk she can’t even remember his name. Father: Benjamin Meadows Relationship with him: Bad, strict. Siblings: None Relationship with them: Spouse: None.  Relationship with him/her: Children: Hayley Meadows Relationship with them: Close, not about to change. Other important family members: His aunt, two cousins
Color: Yellow or green Least favorite color: Pink Music: Rock and electro Food: Hamburgers Literature: HAH. (Has literally never finished a book) Form of entertainment: Social activities Mode of transportation: Car or by foot Most prized possession: Besides a few pictures Hayley’s made, most of his possessions are fairly new.
Hobbies: Cooking Plays a musical instrument?: No Plays a sport?: Used to play basketball How he/she would spend a rainy day: Watch a movie with Hayley, play around with some new recipe he’s found. Might even take Hayley outside if the rain isn’t too rough.  Spending habits: Slim, he has learned to value money quite a lot. Smokes: No Drinks: Recently started again Other drugs: No What does he/she do too much of?: Worry What does he/she do too little of?: Make choices of his own Extremely skilled at: Nothing, he hasn’t been allowed to really discover anything to such a degree. But he has things he’s slowly working up his skills with. Extremely unskilled at: Math, processing information, focusing on too many things at once. Nervous tics: Avoids eye contact, laughs Usual body posture: Straight, feels confident and open.  Peculiarities: None
Optimist or pessimist?: Tries to be an optimist Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert Daredevil or cautious?: Used to be a daredevil, is now something in between. Logical or emotional?: Also in the middle, depends on why or what Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Very messy Prefers working or relaxing?: Both! As long as the work is right. Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Acts confident, is unsure. Animal lover?: Not quite. Scared of dogs. 
How he/she feels about himself/herself: Due to abuse, Simon doesn’t value himself highly. He’s not proud of the person he used to be and often thinks people can spend their time more wisely than with him. One word the character would use to describe self: Stupid One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: Simon would describe himself as unstable, but reliable to those who matter to him. Insecure, but confident enough to establish his part in this world as a hardworking father. He wouldn’t call himself bright, but he’d tell you that he tries – even if it might not always be enough. He’s a man constantly learning from past mistakes and someone ready to fight for a better future. What does the character consider his/her best personality trait?: His newfound compassion What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait?: His paranoia What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic?: His face, it has gotten him far What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?: Nothing, really, he’s actually pretty confident when it comes to his looks. How does the character think others perceive him/her: Outgoing, positive and helpful What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: His attitude against himself
Opinion of other people in general: They’re fine, often fun to be around. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others?: Opinions, no, emotions, yes. Person character most hates: His parents Best friend(s): Audrey Wright Love interest(s): None atm Person character goes to for advice: Audrey Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Hayley Person character feels shy or awkward around: None atm Person character openly admires: People with a good spirit, those that mean well and care for others. Person character secretly admires: People who seem to have their lives together Most important person in character’s life before story starts: His cousins, they’ve always been pretty tight and it was a welcomed break whenever they came to visit.  After story starts: Hayley, Audrey (maybe some more later on!)
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