#anyways so in hindsight? yeah im a fucking heart player.
taxi-boi · 2 years
happy cascade day, heres my trollsona.
tackzi buoiye
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why aren't they getting rid of him NOW so that someone new can be in place for Olympics and then have had time to bed in properly before the Euro's in 2022. Also fuck off he should not be involved in picking a successor he's useless. im glad he's going but the wait is annoying as hell, get him gone now, he's worthless as a manager. This guy is 10000% no Desert Hearts, lol.
good question, although I imagine it’s something to do with contracts or not having anyone suitable in place now or the instability of the current situation or a combination of these. Yeah I really hope his involvement in deciding on the new manager is extremely minimal. It’s quite funny (not really though) as the commentary on the 2017 world cup qualifier match that the FA Player streamed the other day was talking nonstop about the election of a new manager and the debate over whether it should be a woman or not and basically just saying that it should just be the best person for the job. And the best person they came up with was Phil Neville, I was cringing very hard with the benefit of hindsight... Anyways tangent aside, I really do hope that this time round they will pick someone who actually has coached professional women’s football before and if we’re really lucky someone who is actually competent enough to win tournaments. Oh yeah Phil is the absolute polar opposite of Desert Hearts, The 100 or worse I’d say
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