#anyways sm fucking release a statement on yuta
gohyuck · 4 years
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hyuck said “Renjun said fuck!” like the rest of us
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Beyond Lovers || Chp. 10
{More Than Friends Sequel}
Chairman!Jaehyun AU x CEO!Reader AU
Summary: You find yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with the former CEO after overcoming your fear of love. Although there were rough patches, both of you are now stronger than ever. However, you realize that maintaining a relationship and a company at the same time can be very difficult, especially if someone is out to destroy the both of you.
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Jaehyun’s pov
I don’t know what happened to me. At first, I was peacefully talking to Taeyong and the next thing I knew, I was beyond furious and fought Yuta until he fell to the ground. Enough to make a statement but not powerful enough to seriously injure him. He was SM’s CEO after all. That piece of trash. Emily already hurt y/n enough. I won’t ever let that shit family, or anyone else, hurt her ever again. 
Y/n’s pov
Releasing a long sigh, I stared at the large hole that shaped the wall of our bedroom. Just a few minutes ago, Jaehyun and I broke out into the biggest fight we’ve ever had. Usually, our fights were nothing special-- a few bickering here and some disagreement there. This time, however, Jaehyun was furious. He looked at me with eyes that could kill. I’ve never felt as intimidated as I had just a few moments ago.
I tried to reason with Jaehyun. Meeting Yuta was just a last resort to saving our company, but he didn’t want to hear any of it. 
“Are you out of your mind?,” Jaehyun shouted as soon as the bedroom door slammed shut. “Actually don’t answer that. It’s clear you weren’t in your right mind if you met with Emily’s fucking cousin. Do you not understand how shady the whole fucking family is or are you just that dumb?”
I paid no mind to his angered spews and dug in my brain for a logical explanation that will calm him down. You spoke gently to him, “Jae listen to me. I was only trying to talk business with SM’s new CEO. He personally invited me so we can discuss how to put an end to the mess Emily started. He’s isn’t as bad as people imagined. Yuta isn’t Emily or her dad.”
I knew I have said the wrong thing as soon as his hands shot up to run it through his hair. His lips flattened to a straight line and I heard a low groan from him. “He isn’t that bad?” Before I could open up my mouth to correct my words, his fist went flying towards my face. I flinched and shut my eyes tightly as a gust of wind fanned my face. Turning around in horror I see the wall decorated with a large dent. Jaehyun left his fist connected to the wall as blood dripped from his knuckles and onto the wall.
I saw Jaehyun’s eyes soften back to reality as soon as he saw the fear in my eyes, but it was too late. His reckless behavior and possessiveness were way out of line this time. It sparked unknown resentment and fear in me. Before he was able to say another word, a tiny whimper left my voice as I told him with all the strength I had left, “Get out.”
Jaehyun’s pov
I promise to never let anyone hurt y/n, but I hurt her instead. Why do I always do this? I wanted to protect her. Let her know that family was dangerous, but I resorted to violence instead. 
“One iced coffee please.”
I took a seat at the cafe near our building as I waited for my order. I never thought a little cafe shop would mean anything to me, but ever since y/n’s disappearance, every little thing made me think of her. Ever since we started NCT, I would go here every morning with her. Now that I think of it, I don’t think NCT would have even happened if it weren’t for y/n. I came to this shop every day, stressed about starting NCT, but I left the shop happy every time. It was her who listened to my rants every day. It was her who made me laugh when I wanted to pull the hairs out of my scalp. She made me feel better every day. It was always her. 
But now, every morning, I’d come and leave this place missing her. It’s been weeks now and I still haven’t heard from her. In fact, none of us have heard from y/n. I’d call her every morning and every night, but to my disappointment, I would always end up in her voicemail box. 
The waiter placed my drink on the table and asked me, “You’ve been coming here alone for quite some time now. Where is the pretty lady who’s always with you? I wanted to get her number.”
I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I heard those words. “What did you just say?”
I was about to put the waiter in his place before I looked up and realized who it was. He glared at me and sat down across from me. “See? This is why she left you. Why do you always have to act like you have a stick up your ass?”
I scoffed, “What do you know Taeyong. Just stay out of it, you headass.”
“Headass? How childish can you get Yoonoh. How did y/n even want to date you?”
I crossed my arms, ready to challenge him. “What do you know about dating?”
Taeyong scoffed and sat up a little straighter, crossing his arms as well. “Oh so we’re gonna go there now, are we?” 
I smirked waiting for his comeback.
“If you weren’t such a dumbass maybe your girlfriend wouldn’t have ran away from you.”
Taeyong continued relentlessly, “And don’t get me started about our high school days. You were always so cold to every girl that confessed to you. Did you even know they cried? And I was the one who always cleaned up your mess.”
I rolled my eyes, “It’s not like they actually liked me. Why are you so worked up anyway? You’re my best friend. I thought you came to comfort me, not drag me.”
I pouted at him and he reciprocated with a disgusted look, “Don’t get all sulky. You call me your best friend but who was the one dissing my love life earlier?”
Laughing at his response, I told him, “It was just a joke. Chill Yongie. You started it first.”
“Don’t ‘Yongie’ me. Get your shit together and show y/n you’re sorry for acting like a beast all the time.”
I sighed at the reminder of y/n. “Look, it’s not as easy as it seems. I fucked up big time.”
Taeyong got up and pat me on the shoulder before sympathetically saying, “Look dumbass she loves you more than you think. You just got to look at things from her perspective sometimes. You may think you’re protecting her but it may look like the opposite to her.”
I circled the edge of my drink with my finger, thinking deeply. He pats me one more time as he said, “I gotta go back to the stupid board meeting bro. Just stop acting so aggressive and put more thoughts into your every action alright?”
I nodded slightly as he headed towards the exit. Even as he started leaving, I heard him call out, “Kiss the girl!”
I laughed. At times I feel the most powerless, Taeyong was always there to give me strength. I recalled the times we were in high school. Where everything went wrong.
“Hey dumbass why do you look even colder today? Failed the test? Broke another girl’s heart?”
My eyes never left the ground, even as Taeyong wrapped his arm around my neck and dragged me to our main hall. Fury took over my eyes and my body was boiling with anger. That witch.
Taeyong stopped moving and grabbed my face, making me stare at him. His smile dropped as his tone got more serious, “Whoa whoa whoa, your eyes can kill bro. What happened?”
I spoke through gritted teeth, “That witch took down Mom’s portrait. She told me I couldn’t do anything about it because Father allowed it.”
Taeyong’s face immediately fell and I can already feel his pity seeping through his expression. I didn’t need that. I hated that. I hated looking powerless. I hated being powerless.
Suddenly, Taeyong scoffed and continued dragging me with his arm around my neck, “That mother fudger can kiss my donkey. She thinks she’s all powerful and all? She ain’t got nothing on my man Jung Yoonoh.”
I sighed, knowing those were just words of affirmation, “She is powerful. She got Father trapped under her spell and can get anything she wants. She continues to take all of his money and manipulates everyone, trying to make me seem useless…”
I received a face from Taeyong as he stopped me once again, strongly punching me on the arm. “Ow! What the heck?” I glared at him and rubbed my arm.
“Man up will you! How are you useless? Are you not the top student at this prestigious high school? Are you not the person who single-handedly punch that douche, Adam, in the face when he looked down on our class?”
My eyes wandered to the ground again, feeling helpless as he mentioned my past. With zero energy in my voice, I told him, “I’m currently useless, so why does all that even matter?”
He rolled his eyes at me, “Stop acting all stupid! I know you have it in you. You can either keep fighting this battle to prove to that witch that you are the strong person she doesn’t think you are, or you can stay here, moping, being the useless person she thinks you are.” He crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently, “So what’s it gonna be? Fight or mope?”
I smiled, thinking of the decision I chose. The decision that led me to become Korea’s most successful bachelor. The decision that drove the bitch far away from me.
Taeyong was right. He has always been right. I’m going to find y/n again and make things right again.
• I’ve been so busy lately with midterms ಥ_ಥ •
• More updates to come tho I promise~ •
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just-nc-tea · 6 years
Can you please write a scenario where Mark’s and his non idol s/o’s relationship is revealed to the public? Like Dispatch caught them on a date or something like that?
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Keep on ∣Lee Mark
genre fluff/ a tiny bit of angst?
pairing ⌲ Mark lee x female reader 
warning ⌲ none
word count ⌲ 1,1k
requested ⌲ yes ⌲ open
You two knew you had to be careful. And you usually were careful. Nobody beside a few members of SM and of course NCT knew that you and Mark had been dating for almost a year now.
Tomorrow was your anniversary and you two wanted to go on a special date. Actually you two just went picknicking and visited a amusement park, just like what you did at your first date. And you were just as nervous as you were back then.
You were standing in front of your door, waiting for Mark. Nervously you swiped your sweaty palms on your dark jeans, praying that you wouldn’t ruin your white blouse. You bought both with Marks advice so you knew for sure he would like them. But you were still nervous about what he thought about you. Apparently, you two were still in the honeymoon phase.
You slightly jumped when the bell ringed. Mark stood infront of your door and you both just started smiling like idiots. After you gave each other a kiss, which almost led to you both not going anywehre but your bed, you started to giggle : „Happy Anniversary babe“
„Happy anniversary to you,too. Today is going to be special!“, he opened the door of his (Taeyongs) car and closed the door after you sat down. Mark went to the driver’s seat and started driving. 
Hand in hand you two walked up to the trees where you had your picknick and you were talking about everything in your mind. You two were just enjoying each others company and the evening in general , not hearing the clicking of a camera or the fact that there was a paparazzi following you. You were lying on Marks chest after you two ate all the food you two had prepared on the day before.
“I miss this.”, Mark said, while combig throug your hair with his hand.
You simply hummed and nodded your head causing marks hand to tuck on your hair lightly.
“Do you realise we´ve been a couple for a year now? Time flew by so fast”, Mark shook his head in disbelieve.
“But I am still as much in love with you now as i was last year.”, you turned over so that you could look into Marks eyes.
“I love you too.”, Mark leaned to you and kissed you.
The kiss was sweet and the butterflyes in your stomach were moving so fast you thought you wouln´t be able to controll your heart.
“I love you so much.”, you burried your face into his chest. 
“Thanks for today, babe.”, Mark held your hand while you were carring a big Ryan plushie with your other hand. You two did your best to win a peachy for him and a ryan for you.
“Why are you thanking me? You had to practically run out of the Entertaimnet and you probably have the stressiest day ever tomorrow so i have to thank you.”, you laughed and opened the door to your house.
Mark laughed too and played with the little bracelet you gave him. Your initials were engraved on it. His present was a little necklace with a heart chain. It was small but there was a little M on it. Your presents matched eventho they were a surprise for each other. You loved it.
“Can´t i just thank my girlfriend for being a cutie and makeing me happy?”, Mark took your face into his hands.
“Nope”, you kissed him and said goodbye, only to be called by a very hysterical Mark two hours later.
“Y/N! Freakin Dispach revealed our friendship there was a paparazzi taking photos of us while we were picknicking. And it´s obvious that we were kissing eventho you can only see the back of your head.”
“What?”, you just woke up through Marks phone call and were a little bit caught of guard.
“Our relationship is public now.”
“Oh fuck”, you sat up , “What are we going to do now? I don´t want you to end like HyunA or Edwan. Do we have to break up ?”, you were biting in you lip.
“Taeyong and Johnny said we should not rush anything now and wait for the entertaimnets statement and that the CEO wants to see us tomorrow morning at 11 am in his office.”
it was silent for a bit, till you heared a :”i really love you Y/N and i won´t stop loving you.” , Mark was obviously crying.
“I love you too, Mark.”, you said and before you could start crying you ended the call.
You two were standing infront of the CEOs office eyes puffy and hands intervined . Taeyong, Yuta , Taeil, Johnny and Haechan were with you for some mental support. They all assured you two that you would not have to break up and that Mark would not be banned from SM. 
“You two do know that we only allowed you to date if you could keep your relationship a secret. And i think you two know what happened recently at Cube entertainment with HyunA and Edawn.”, the CEO looked sternly at you two. You weren´t able to look into his eyes and kept your gaze on your hands.
“Yes sir we are aware of that.”, Mark answered.
“So you do know that they both got removed from the company for dating?”
“Well after we discussed a while and looked at the fans reaction we decided to not remove you from the entertaiment but we don´t know if it would be good to deny that you were in a relationship . After all ,those pictures were pretty obvious . So we decided that you both should make a statement to the fans and reveal your love for each other on various platforms.You´re allowed to keep on dating ”
Your head shoot up and you starred at the CEO and at Mark with wide opened eyes.
“You men post pictures togheter and stuff like that ?”
“Exactly, Miss Y/N. But there is one thing we would like to do before you two do this. Would it be a problem for you to featured in MVs?”
“No? Or at least i think so . Why ?”
“We want you to feature in a MV in a song about your relatinonship. I am sure MArk already wrote songs about it and we want you two to record a sweet MV to it so that there will be much attention you you both.”
“I could begin recording the song today so we can release it soon!”, Mark said excited.
“Then i would say our conversation is brought to an end now. Have a good day.”, the CEO left the room.
Part 2 ?
I am soo so soooo sorry that i could write this earlier but school is killing me rn:(
Anyway youre my first request and i am super happy and thankfull about that
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i hope you liked this and it´s like you imagined it ( i don´t think so tho cause i dunno whats wrong with ma head but i´m crazy)
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