#anyways shouting for joy my dear gothweebcleats anon has returned from the war <333
justablah56 · 9 months
life happened and i quit my job and almost lost my car so i took a break from online activities bUT I’M BACK BABY
also thinking of remaking my entire tumblr blog and system so. possibly coming off anon soon if i work up the nerve. big changes to come
anyways. the real reason we are all here. gothweebcleats.
i started season 2 again recently bc i got my partner into it (!!!!! its fave is taylor :3) and we got to the beginning of the fbi arc
beth rolling a natty 1 on the roll to have scary hold on to link is so </////////////3 even tho it gave us great great swiftli content
recently i have been thinking abt car rides and like. obviously taylor’s the first to get a car (rich mom life) but i think scary is the first to be seriously Attached to her car. it’s a home away from home yk? when she’s upset she can go to her car and either let it out or see her friends and i think that is so unbelievably important for a teenage girl. also just first space that is Her’s fully and truly (hc that she bought it herself) and she can decorate it however she wants. she keeps markers in the glove compartment so people can doodle on her ceiling and she lets taylor put his anime girl stickers on the dashboard and there’s a dent in the side of the rear passenger door from a rouge soccer ball and a little teen high bumper sticker next to a joker bumper sticker DO U SEE MY VISION. (she is just like me fr.)
linc never gets their license imo (passenger princess 4ever) and normal does not get a car until he Absolutely Has To (he’s like 32. darryl wilson energy)
back to taylor. taylor got his car detailed so it has anime girls on the sides and back. this is a non-negotiable headcanon. BUT outside of that i think his car is super clean and fairly organized, a couple stray monster cans maybe but he cleans his car on the weekends. can and will yell at people for putting their feet on the dash. always has a full tank and complete first aid kid kinda guy. i love him your honor
no one knows if hermie has a car. they kinda just appear
okay ta-ta for now see u later <3 peace and love
GOTHWEEBCLEATS ANON YOU ARE BACK !!! YIPPEE !!!!!!! actively celebrating your return I am so happy !! welcome back !!!!
anyways , hngnngng scary being attached to her car 🥺🥺 ough so important to me !! it's a space that is fully and 100% hers !!!! sobs !!!!! AND ALL THE LITTLE PERMANENT PARTS OF HER FRIENDS INCLUDED ON IT IS SO IMPORTANT EXPLODES EXPLODES EXPLODES it's her space to decorate how she wants and she wants to decorate it with the people she loves !!!!!!! literally everything to me !!!!!!!!!!!!
and ough yeah <3333 passenger princess Lincoln <33333 beloved <333333 so real and true <3 and normal <333 they are both just like me fr <3 scary is driving everyone everywhere <333333 and everything about Taylor's car is so !! him having the most absurd and extra car imaginable and then you go in and it is So Clean and he Will yell at you if you put your feet on the dash <3 beloved <3 and hermie sbdnwkkdksd that's so in character for them i love that
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