#anyways otgw is my favorite seasonal rewatch so drawing them was so fun!!!
feeling--pink · 2 years
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With Halloween coming up I HAD to do an Over the Garden Wall sticky note week!!! :D
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pupkinpumpkin · 2 years
Spooky Season!🎃
Spoilers for Over the Garden Wall probably
So I would do Inktober for this wonderful month in probably Hollow Knight or podcast themed, but
1. I forgot about it entirely and only got reminded of it by a friend of mine who was doing it but it's already too late to start now
2. Even if I did start it I'm not gonna finish it, let's not kid ourselves I'm lazy as hell I only post on this place like once ever 5 months
BUT I do have fun drawings to share from Stardew Valley!
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My favorite older guys and gals! Well actually my favorite guys are Willy and Linus, but I kept having trouble with trying to make Linus' hair more white but the lead kept smearing so I just drew Rasmodius instead :/
I do adore Caroline and Jodi tho, so it was fun to draw both of them, though Jodi looks a bit off for me, might redraw her.
If I had to rank how hard each one was to draw I'd rank it as (least to most difficult)
Wizard (the man only has like three different colors on him)
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Caroline (her striped shirt was a bit hard to get right and I never noticed she was wearing a necklace)
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Willy (I hated drawing his hat so much it looks like a decomposed dead old lady)
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And Jodi. The dots on her shirt were hard to replicate, I kept putting her eyes too close together, I couldn't really match her hair color, and her hair style in general was tedious
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Overall tho, pretty fun to do, only stayed up till 1 AM 👍
I did some fun Over the Garden Wall sketches cuz I rewatch it annually ever October and got in the mood, but since I suck at backgrounds and trees and leaves and basically everything that makes Over the Garden Wall's art appealing, I only did a few sketches
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I tend to be a tad more realistic than OTGW 's art, so I more or less traced with some artistic differences than I did actually draw in my style because giving Greg a neck is really hard for some reason?? Like I tried that stance with him turning into edelwood like 5 other times and it was so hard bc I COULD NOT give him a neck without him looking really weird
Anyway, it was fun, I had fun, I really need to find a way to make my posts shorter, if you read this and you haven't watched OTGW or played Stardew, do those things, OTGW takes only like an hour to binge entirely and Stardew is heroin levels of addicting
Be a good costume this Halloween!
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shima-draws · 5 years
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And now, to end the year off!! With my 2019 art summary uvu
I think I came a really long way this year, I’ve improved a lot and I’m really proud of my progress so!
Last few years are under the cut for comparison!
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Looking at 2015 every year it just gets WORSE LMAO but it’s so nice to see how drastically my art has changed since then c:
And now time for a rehash of this year, as per tradition~
PMD TIME...I think I was right in the middle of my PSMD playthrough, and of course these two had my heart and always will...it was a really fun playthrough!
ELIAS AND GIFRE’S 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! You can see them in February of 2017, too, when I drew them for the first time! My favorite kids
Ah, yes...when I finally got back into Mother 3 :’D It became Claus Time for me again essentially LMAO 
It’s been tradition since 2016 to draw an anniversary piece for Mom 3, so of course I had to include this year’s! Unfortunately since it’s a long vertical piece I couldn’t really fit the whole thing into that square (so Claus is cut out :’0) but it still turned out really nice I think!
YUJIKIRI TIME BABEY!! I watched season 3 of SAO and that was it. I was a goner. These two are so perfect together, please just let them be happy sOB
I didn’t actually do a lot for June other than tons of pride icon requests, so I decided to go with when I designed Ikaia!! He’s baby. 
I fell back into Gravity Falls HARD lmao and it was so good to come back after like three years of being away. I got really into Timestuck fics back in July and so I drew some Timestuck kids!!
August was when I came up with the concept for The Time Marauder, as well as my designs for Emilio and Alekos!! This is the first original thing I’ve done in a while outside of ATS, so it was really refreshing to work on something brand new. I LOVE THESE KIDS SO MUCH
It was REALLY hard for me to pick just one piece for September because that was a month where I did a LOT of really good art;; but I settled on Diodeshipping because 1. I love them and 2. it was appropriate since I was right in the middle of rewatching XY back then!
OTGW time...I redrew a really old piece (the one for October 2015, actually!) and it was crazy to see my progress!
The time when PnF struck, and the rest is history...this is still one of my favorite artworks, I really love Perry and the boys, so much :’0c
I had a lot to choose from in December as well but I settled with the Secret Santa gift I made for my pal Kourt because I REALLY liked how it turned out! I don’t do complex backgrounds like this often so it was a lot of fun to experiment. And I love Lapis and Peridot!
Anyway I’d just like to say thank you to all of you again for sticking with me and watching me grow this year...it’s meant so much, and I’m SO grateful. This year I graduated college and I hit 15k followers on here so a lot of wonderful things have happened, and I just. THANK YOU for your support! I honestly couldn’t have reached this point without you guys. I hope you stick with me in 2020 as well! New decade, new beginnings right? :’D
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