#anyways lise deserved better
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my most unpopular take on war and peace is that i dislike andrei. it’s not that i don’t understand him, he’s definitely an interesting character, but i’ve never been able to get over how he treated lise.
#idk what it is about him tho cuz there’s other characters i like in spite of their flaws#the way he treats natasha also bothers me#anyways lise deserved better#and andrei deserved what he got#just kidding#but i still don’t like him#war and peace#leo tolstoy#andrei bolkonsky#lise bolkonskaya#natasha rostova
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do you remember slippy? yes the fish. you had him for a year or so, you were so good at making sure it was fed, healthy, honestly, you (and your parents) took really good care of that guy.
you and Lise fought over him for the first few weeks, who’s fish he was, because of course, he can’t have two owners. she gave up after a while, you obviously loved that fish more than anything at the time.
after a while, it was revealed how sick the fish was. it wasn’t your fault, you had no way of knowing that the food you had been lovingly feeding your beloved friend was actually toxic to him.
you were distraught. (your parents were distraught, one because they couldn’t get a replacement, since the tank was in your room, you’re the one who found poor slippy, and two, because there wasn’t anywhere else in the area to buy a betta fish.) you cried and cried and cried and kept your poor mother up all night for almost a week. i remember when you told jimmy about it later. he laughed, he thought you were hyperbolic for mourning a fish so heavily.
i wonder if jimmy ever thinks of that. if he ever thinks of the sad little boy crying over a fish when he sees you. i think jimmy might have Reactive Attachment Disorder. it’s when a child doesn’t bond to their caregivers, usually on part of the caregivers. it essentially just screws the kid up for the rest of their lives, it’s honestly a pre-diagnosis for Narcissistic Personality Disorder in his case. none of that really matters in the… BIGGER PICTURE, if you will, because these are choices he made. no diagnosis can alleviate personal responsibility. i was just thinking out loud.
anyway, slippy. i actually think about that a lot. you have made your differences with jimmy visible since you met him. standing next to each other, you basically look black and white. jimmy has… very little love in his heart, let’s say. he doesn’t, and has never, thought of anyone except for himself (RAD tendencies, perhaps.), you on the other hand, you’re a good guy.
i also remember this one time in year 3, your classmates were giving speeches or something about dead relatives as an assignment , and you had to leave the room, you were crying so hard. that’s what i think is the scariest thing about this whole thing.
you’re not very… hmm… good when it comes to serious stuff, but you have a big heart, and your situation is fucking terrifying. i don’t want to exasperate it, but god damn. it’s treacherous to see someone so naively loving so badly hurt, so badly hurt by who they loved unconditionally.
i’m glad that the universe or your mind or magic or whatever brought you little friends to talk to in your head. you deserve the company, and honestly, you would have slipped into depths unforeseen even by me without them.
here’s a song written by a tree who was turned into a girl in return for making music.
Of course I do, yeah. Not sure how good we were considering how poorly that lasted, but thanks.
Hah. Yeah. It felt like a much bigger deal back then. If we'd been a few years older we would have agreed to co-own him without a second thought.
...Mhm. I wasn't the one who bought the food, being a little kid and all, but I was so sure I should've been the one researching it and should've known better.
Did I keep her up that long? Damn. Didn't realize it was that bad. Yeah, it didn't much click for Jim. Don't remember how old we were when that conversation happened, but it was old enough that we thought we were too old to cry over little things. Have to say though, it didn't feel little when it first happened. I can still remember that, at least.
Doubt it. We met as teenagers. So he wouldn't have had any reason to fixate on that image of me before I ever knew him. Hm? I don't know. He did— have a bond, of sorts, with his parents. It just... wasn't a good one. But I guess that's the point you're making here. I don't know what Jimmy has going on in his head. I knew there was something. He knew there was something. But he didn't want there to be, so we never did anything about it. Much like how I never wanted to deal with the disassociation on my end. And they let us fly a fucking spaceship. What a world. But... yeah. He... he made his choices. I know— I know things are hard for him sometimes to wrap his head around, but that doesn't make up for what he did to her.
You do? Huh. Okay. I can't agree with you there. We're both grey. I'm not the best person and he's not a monster. You say you know everything about our lives, so you must know that. He isn't a good person, clearly, but he's a person. He's still a person. And he didn't have to be the way he is. He likes birds, did you know that? And— and dogs, he likes dogs and lizards and— he's a person, underneath all the shit he's done. He didn't have to be this way. He doesn't have to. He can stop anytime. I— I don't think he will, but he still can. Anyway, crying over a fish when I was ten doesn't make me a good person.
God, yeah, I remember that, too. I wasn't the only one who cried that day. Not by a long shot. It— it got to me, how upset they all were and how unfair it all was. But mostly I was scared that the same thing would happen to me. I'm not so selfless as you seem to think.
Mhm. I'm not. And— yes, yes, it's terrifying. But I don’t— I… Thank you.
Yeah, I’m… I’m lucky. I don’t want to think about where my mind would have gone otherwise. Don't know how it happened, but I'm very, very grateful.
Song is nice. Thank you.
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the thing about critiques of "self-care" and such as too individualistic and selfish is that. okay. the problem I have is that I:
do not like myself very much
have very high standards and expectations for myself
am not very good at slowing down or resting
so it's been a project of mine for the last few years in a very genuine way to, like, ~get better at self-care~ - letting myself off the hook sometimes, giving myself nice things, generally doing nice stuff for me, as an individual.
another thing about me is:
I have a lot of meta-emotions. which is to say, I do a lot of thinking about what I'm feeling and then having very strong opinions/judgments about what I'm feeling and then having opinions/judgments about what I'm thinking about what I'm feeling.
so what happens to me when I read stuff about how this concept is used in selfish ways that don't consider the needs and feelings of other people looks approximately like this:
see? you were right. you, personally, are bad and self-centered for even thinking about this stuff and you were right the first time. working all the time and denying your own needs is a virtue, actually.
this isn't about you, lise, this is an opinion about a cultural trend that is not specifically applicable to your particular situation
wow look at how self-centered and arrogant you are thinking everything's about you, incredible, why are you like this anyway, this is why you don't deserve nice things
okay!!! put on the brakes there, that isn't the point, the point is that it's okay to ~practice self-care~ in moderation and inasmuch as it makes you function in society
oh, because you're only worth as much as your function to others? (simultaneously: NO! and EXACTLY!)
you're getting really hung up on this. maybe it would be good to stop obsessing so much about one article you saw online.
yeah, it would be good! why aren't you doing that! dumb bitch. come on. what's your problem anyway
and so it goes. for a while. how many layers of metafeeling can we go? i'm not sure there is a limit actually
anyway. sometimes you see one thing and it sends you on a whole journey, and, like, simultaneous to that you recognize that this is entirely out of proportion, but then also get mad at yourself for making such a big deal about something pretty stupid, and also get mad at yourself for being wrong and bad.
i'm going to get myself some ice cream and leaving the internet for a couple hours
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artist ask meme answers
i deleted the reblog to keep my space uncluttered but for reference the meme is here
3. What ideas come from when you were little?
The main characters in the Mez/medieval mech setting - the two knights and two smiths - are all characters from my first writing project. Which didn't resemble Mez at all, it was an alt Earth in which people had powers, and each of the characters I mentioned lived in different parallel dimensions. The story was about "first contact" between parallel dimensions. I started writing that in 2008 (age 14) and finished in 2015. The setting had a lot of technical problems (unsurprisingly) but I couldn't abandon those characters and felt they deserved better than what I had given them
4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
Human faces in general. There's a reason I keep blanking out people's features and it's not because I want to be mysterious. I'm highly face blind and have immense trouble even looking at photos of human faces lmao
7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate
I was gonna say physical block printing but actually I do that now (did my first prints yesterday lol). Second place is definitely sculpture, I adore sculptures but it was always my least favourite medium to try myself
12. Easiest part of body to draw
Torso for animals, legs for humans
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
One of my favourite artists on tumblr is @mech-monster .. I've admired their work for years and as a lover of biomechanical art and aeroplanes it's right up my alley. I think their style is pretty emblematic of "art styles nothing like my own" lol but it's so wonderfully precise and technical. Love it
4. Fav character/subject that’s a bitch to draw
I mentioned faces in general but for a character I find challenging, I really struggle with drawing Pantera!
how could i possibly have known what I was setting myself up for when I made this design. A lot has changed true but its visor helmet thing is a key part of what Pantera is to me, so I can't get rid of it. But drawing that thing head-on is nightmarish
14. Any favorite motifs
I draw a lot of fleur de lises in the Mez setting because I like the design and think it's a nice visual shorthand for the time period. But each knight has their own motif - Victory's flames, Heaven's rounded more floral designs, etc. These reflect Pantera and Leun's primary weapons respectively.
One motif I'm sure everyone has spotted is the barley pattern that accompanies Pascal (modern inver setting), and one or more of his eyes are usually visible in the bg of any art of him (behind his body)
3. What ideas come from when you were little?
Another idea - honestly, the holy beasts (the mechs) in general. I was a massive zoids fan as a kid and I used to collect and build them. I was always fascinated by the setting, particularly the contrast between "ancient" advanced mech technology and the humans' relatively low-tech society (in the original anime/toy line). I wanted to make something like that. I still really enjoy contrasts like these. I mean the holy beasts WERE sort of just.. dug up out of the ground, exactly the same as zoids were
7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate
Hrm honestly traditional painting. It's been years since I did it and I don't have the space or time to pick it up (i chose block printing instead) but I love it
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
If I REALLY want to listen to a certain podcast, I'll often start drawing just so that I'll be able to focus on the podcast and have something to do with my hands at the same time. A lot of my art comes from me just wanting to get through an episode of whatever. In early 2021 that was the magnus archives, these days I'm getting through Candlelit Tales Irish Mythology podcast which i SUPER recommend if you're interested in that kinda thing. It's on spotify
But generally I listen to music. I have a playlist for each setting, and each character in those settings. So if I'm drawing Pascal I'm listening to his playlist which is largely disco these days. Gets me in the mood
anomalydetection asked sanctus-ingenium: 30, 19, 25
30.What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Finbarr & the Moon tarot card!
This is from before I aged up Finbarr from early 20s to mid 40s lol but you could say this is just him as a kid I suppose. But I really like it and all the details I managed to sneak in, and it was what got me started wanting to draw watery scenes more
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Armour!!!! Who doesn't like armour. I also really enjoy drawing clothing from historical eras. Modern clothing and most futuristic/sci-fi ish takes on clothing are solidly boring to me though.
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
ohhh god where do I start. I got an ask comparing it to dangan ronpa recently lmao. Bluecifer. Disco Elysium. The Last Unicorn. Nope (2022 movie). I have nothing against any of them and I enjoyed those last three a lot but my art was not inspired by them and has nothing to do with them.
Also western/cowboy stuff in general. A LOT of people tag my horse art with #cowboy or related tags. I don't mind it but it is something that is not on my cultural radar, and not ever at the forefront of my mind when I draw horse things
3. What ideas come from when you were little
Round 3! Most of the Inver setting is very new (relatively, I mean it has no legacy characters from earlier stuff and I made it all within the past few years) but the decision to use the Púca as the main supernatural entity to base the story on did come from my childhood. My mother used to use Púca interchangeably with Taibhse so there was a lot of talk about him around hallowe'en in general when I was very young. I didn't realise that Púca and Taibhse meant different things until I was older lol but I still associate the Púca with hallowe'en and going out as a kid dressed in a black binbag (I was a scary witch). Because it had this nostalgic connection with my childhood and an era where I believed in scary ghosts and faeries around every corner, it was a very easy decision to make for my Inver setting, where there are in fact scary faeries around every corner
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TWO!!! THINGS !!!!! maybe three ill see as i go
1. im currently reading war and peace and i am Enjoing it and i love your blog you seem like a cool person with whom id enjoy being friends
2. for the chARACTER GAME if you're still doing that could you please do either andrej because i despise him (affectionate) or denisov because i love him ??
i hope you have the most beautiful day keep on being Cool and Amazing
also last thing as an aroace i LOVE your headcanons and i want to say that andrej is aroace as well methinks
1) that is so sweet of u ty you also seem real cool !!!!!!
(also aroace andrei methinks yes.........)
2) I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE I HAVE SO MUCH IN MY HEAD ABOUT THEM LETS FUCKING GOOOOO ok let's do BOTH also this prob has 534967569 typos because i didn't spellcheck it because im lazy
Sexuality Headcanon: oh i never thought of it actually? i mean i ship him with women and men so def not straight lol. bi? bi. bi. on the aro spectrum definitely but not strictly aromantic.
Gender Headcanon: idk probably like,,, man. he seems like man. cis or trans idc he is man.
A ship I have with said character: andrasha his one redeeming trait (always keeping in mind i have mentally aged most women in the book by five years and aged down most men by five years) and then andrierre,,,,,, g ar b a g e. i love them.
A BROTP I have with said character: i guess i can say pierre although they were very clearly gay,,,, his relationship with marya is something i'd like to see more i like sibling dynamics and i got really hyped whenever they had like a Sibling Moment.
A NOTP I have with said character: andrei/lise i suppose, he just treated her like shit and she deserved better
A random headcanon: very touch starved. extremely so. will not initiate any physical contact himself because y'know he is Strong and Manly and thinks we're all stupid and worthless but if you touch his hair he will literally be at your mercy.
General Opinion over said character: bastard man fuckin IDIOT literally did not deserve a single good thing that happened to him. but also he's just like me fr. also i like to talk about this, but andrei was DEFINITELY a character written to die. from the moment he appeared in the story i was like yeah this bitch is dying. i genuinely think that he wouldn't be as good (and good i mean like well structured) of a character if he had lived. and then i also have a LOT to say about how SHIT his death was written but,,, anyways !
Sexuality Headcanon: idk. def likes men. maybe women too? definitely fruity that he never got married. idk i'm not good at,, labelling people as you may have noticed.
A ship I have with said character: denisov/nikolai,,,, denisov/nikolai. there is a bit of a power imbalance at the start i'm not gonna lie to you but i feel like it,, kind of evens out throughout the story.
A BROTP I have with said character: once again the denisov/dolokhov/nikolai friendship is a real fun one. denisov as petya's cool mentor was rlly cute as well "where WERE you i've been worried SICK omg petya". he's so funny.
A NOTP I have with said character: denisov/natasha i guess idk
A random headcanon: denisov definitely knows music. i don't know what he plays but he plays something. also a sad one lol, AND BOOK SPOILERS BC YOU MENTIONED YOU'RE CURRENTLY READING THE BOOK AND IDK WHERE YOU ARE EXACTLY THAT'S A PRETTY BIG SPOILER, when petya died he avoided nikolai and the rostovs for so long because he just felt so guilty that he couldn't keep him safe. at some point he found himself in the same place as nikolai and that's when it becamse really clear that he was avoiding him and nikolai was like ayo what the fuck, and they had a nice talk about it, and eventually it all went well.
General Opinion over said character: he is my FAVORITE he is the BEST i love him,,, so so much. such a good little guy.
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Do you have any fic recs for The Untamed? :)
boy howdy, i sure mcfuckin do! here you go! this list is organized by my own internal heuristic, aka: not. we have a little bit of everything here; long, short, gen, smut, finished, wips, soft, angsty, cql canon, mdsz canon, crackfic, canon ships, you name it, it’s in this list and not labeled very well!
a lot of edges called perhaps - hansbekhart, LWJ/WWX if you read zero other things, please read hansbekhart. if you haven’t read hansbekhart, go read hansbekhart immediately. theirs was the first fic i read in the fandom, and i will continue to stuff their words into my eyeballs as long as they keep producing them!!! this one is tagged “risk aware consensual patience” and it is 20k of emotional edging that is simultaneously soft and funny and very good. also read their fashion designer!lwj/model!wwx au. do it. it’s a wip and it doesn’t matter read it anyway (it updates weekly).
out of the bin and into your heart - alaceron, LWJ/WWX modern au! fake dating! everyone hangs out at the chinese cultural center! except wwx is banned from all events because of that time he punched jzx during an orchestra concert!
the yunmeng accords - cafecliche, JWY & WWX it’s a series, just read all of it! the good brother reconciliation content that we NEED AND DESERVE
this river runs to you - sundiscus, LWJ/WWX a modern cultivation au; labeled “the dragon one” in our groupchat; feels like reading a studio ghibli movie
four days in lanling - halotolerant, JWY/NHS converted me wholeheartedly to this ship, dang, what a good fic!!! really deft characterization and unreliable narration
with absolute splendor - lise, LWJ/WWX, JWY & WWX jiang cheng is going to MAKE SURE that wwx has a PROPER WEDDING, how dare he think about having a small ceremony in gusu, no jc does not care about things like “complicated history” and “you hate my fiance” suck it up you’re getting married the right way so help me god!
until only the mountain remains - idleorbitals, LWJ/WWX (wip) a big what if about sizhui growing up in the burial mounds with the wens. it got me by the heart!!!
before you stumble - ribena, JWY & WWX jin ling thinks that maybe his uncle should like, be better at this brothers thing. probably everything can be solved by fighting a monster!
i hope that you will come and meet me - feyburner, LWJ/WWX it’s just really SOFT and GOOD and LOVING!!!! lives in my head as “the one where there’s a lotus pond and a really good hug”
hunters seeking solid ground - atilla, LWJ/WWX wwx has nightmares and can’t sleep, hurt/comfort ensues in spades. it’s excellent, the cuddling is out of this world
human places - ilgaksu, JGY/NMJ/LXC (wip) crimson peak au!!!!! crimson peak au!!!!!!!!! brilliant, inspired, i’m never going to recover from reading this. if you’re anti-wip, try their series where lxc is a lord of the fae and jgy is a half-mortal with Big Plans
gentle exile - rynleaf, LXC/SZC lxc and song lan have issues to work out! lots of them in fact! what if they did it...together...and wrote each other letters....wow....
an elegant solution - giraffeter, NMJ/LWJ/WWX (wip) arranged marriage! nmj getting the hots for how much lwj and wwx want to fuck! just go with it, okay? if you don’t do wips, try giraffeter’s finished detective!lwj/kidnapped!wwx modern au, which is also worth a read
grief negotiations - nomette, JGY/LXC post-canon seclusion time: lxc is sad and what is this mysterious music left behind by jgy hm hm sure would be a shame if he were to play it to see what it does... there’s a sequel in the works and it’s so so so good
year of night call - ailuridae, LWJ/WWX the one where they’re all trauma surgeons and there’s only one bed in the on-call room! the juniors have a group text!
attempting the impossible - ariaste, LWJ/WWX, JWY & WWX post canon: wwx and lwj have...seven kids. somehow! jiang cheng learns this, is furious, and goes on a campaign to be the best uncle OR ELSE
half cloak & half dagger - fahye, JGY/LXC canon-divergent au where things are significantly less tragic, and jgy’s main problem is how is he going to get lxc to stop being such a kind, considerate lover and COMPREHENSIVELY RAIL HIM???? technically a sequel, stands alone just fine
a compromising position - verity, JWY/LJY WE ALL KNOW IT, OKAY, WE ALL KNOW THE JIANG CHENG/JINGYI FIC, i’m sorry, i had to put it. i’ll go now.
the one with the emotional support biceps - mongrelmind, JWY/LJY PSYCHE, i’m not gone yet, if you’ve read the verity fic, why don’t you read the version where jiang cheng is a sexy firefighter and jingyi has lit his dorm’s kitchen on fire five times this month?
go forth, enjoy!
#i used everyone's courtesy names in the ship labels#for consistency#even though JWY looks very strange#the untamed#read hansbekhart though#Anonymous
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21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
fanfic writer asks
oh HELL yes time to wax on and on about the amazing writers in my life
@apaladinagain — bruhhh okay isaac not only has an amazing capacity for getting into characters’ heads and giving them this exquisitely compelling humanness but then also utilizes that for Pain. like, Sir, you were not supposed to make me care so much about these characters and then use that to hurt me?? Rude. i know we’ve discussed at length our mutual tendency to hurt our babies BUT i’m still going to steal your OCs and cuddle them in blankets bc it’s what thEY DESERVE also just like the sheer depth of creation in his writing is SO fun to witness — from the worldbuilding to the relationships and different dynamics, it’s just all really rich and inviting
@bosstoaster — i mean for anyone who’s been around for a few years, y’all know Boss is who accidentally dragged me into the Uliro Canoe way back when. Boss’ fics are the kind where I want to reread and reread them to peel back the layers and better understand the craft behind them because hot damn! how!! the characterization (Look i am a characters person you’re going to hear a lot of this in this post), the plots, the worldbuilding!! i feel like i learn how to be a better writer just from witnessing her fics
@aurumdalseni — Aurum writes the sweetest fics and also some of the moments that most have me cracking up as I read them. there’s always such a nice balance of levity and heartfelt moments in them especially between characters that gives you a wonderful window into relationships and the world beyond the specific plot moments you witness in the story itself, like they’re all living past the screen
@givemeunicorns just please i’m begging you go read the 20 pages of JC introspection HOLY SHIT. anyway you wanna talk about poetry and lyricism and imagery and also PAINFUL EXCRUCIATING characters? Ya Girl is Here. there’s just this lovely almost song-like quality (think ballads, not bops) to her writing that tugs you in and pulls you along in the current of the story and inundates you with everything the characters themselves are feeling
@veliseraptor ahhhh BROTHER FEELS (& also the only hatefucking fic i’ve ever actually read) okay we are back to talking about characters because WOOEE. Lise just gets into characters’ heads so goddamn well it’s borderline painful. I don’t want to empathize that much with them!! show some mercy!! jk i do and it hurts in the best way. like her — okay brief interruption because it was driving me nuts that I *knew* I’d read her work before CQL and guess what!! she wrote two of my literal favorite marvel fics ever (we were the whirlpool, we were the reef; you do not have to walk on your knees) what the FUCK — anyway that is to say Lise’s stories dig right into your heart and apparently embed themselves there so that 7 years later you’re still feeling the echo of that emotion
@it-goes-on i mean i’ve already rambled on about this in tags for the last several weeks ahem but anyway, speaking of stories that burrow into your heart and just stay forever. i honestly am?? flabbergasted by their ability to craft such exquisitely, wholly, painfully human characters out of two-dimensional text. like y’all know i’m petty and picky about my favorite characters but?? i would entrust literally all of them to Rae. Plus the drama and imagery of their writing is literally like painting with words which creates a wonderfully rich world for those characters to breathe into
#ask games#asked & answered#ah sorry i know i'm leaving ppl off but this is already a really long answer ;____;#i am blessed with an excess of incredible writers in my life#it's absurd and i am constantly astounded#Anonymice
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The Wedding That Never Was
Love All The Marvel Ships Challenge
Day Eight ~ Formal Wear

“Hey. Are you ready?”
Pepper pops her head round the door and finds Darcy standing in front of the mirror. The lace covered satin she wears is off set with golden embroidery of tiny Fleur de Lise. She makes a beautiful bride. Her thick dark hair has been swept up in an elaborate up-do, each strand perfectly placed.
“I don’t know….”
“Darcy?” Stepping into the room, Pepper closes the door behind her. “Oh honey, come on, tell me what’s wrong?”
“Pepper, I think I’ve made a huge mistake…. I don’t know what to do?” Darcy stares at her through the mirror, her skin too pale against the pink of her lips. Huge blue eyes plead with her for help.
“Darcy, come on, sit down. They say everyone gets cold feet right before they get married.”
“I know, but that’s not what this is.” She shakes her head and then sits carefully on the chair, trying not to ruin her dress. The struggle to get the words out is very real, Pepper waits patiently, she’s never seen Darcy so distracted and worried… not for a long time at least, not since… the less thought about that the better.
“I saw him again…”
Pepper didn’t need anything else to know who Darcy meant.
James Buchannan Barnes had made an impact on them all in some way. However it had been Darcy who had been affected the most. It had been the most fascinating thing to watch the two fall in love. Pulled together like magnets, orbiting around one another like the earth and the sun. It had been fast and passionate and the two were soon joined at the hip. Where one was the other was sure to follow. They had been like a tempest, their love for each other clear to any who even glanced at them. Then like any good tempest, they’d blown out.
Pepper still doesn’t know what happened to end things between them, not really. She has theories and nothing more. One day they had been happily snuggling on the couch and the next he’d packed his bags and left.
Darcy had been a wreck, for nearly a year the girl had been grieving, utterly heart broken by his departure, but she wouldn’t talk about, not a word passed her lips about why.
She had slowly picked herself back up and moved on. Now two years later she was happy, in love with a good stable man. It might not be the epic romance of the ages, it would never burn with as much passion and fire as her relationship with Barnes, but is was gentle and kind, a still pond compared to the raging ocean storm. Ian was good for her, a little easily walked over, but he didn’t seem to mind. Where Barnes was complicated Ian was simple, where Barnes had been physically imposing Ian was anything but. They were as different as different could be and that helped Darcy more than anything else had.
“Did he contact you?”
Darcy shook her head and wiped a finger under her lashes, catching the tear before it could ruin her makeup.
“No… I was out yesterday, I went down to the park for a walk, feed the ducks, I just needed some time to think and then as I was coming back… I swear I’m not going crazy Pepper, but he was there, watching me. He was by the gates, I was close enough I could see the blue in his eyes. A crowd came through and when I tried to find him again he was gone.”
“Darcy… if it was him, if he wanted to talk, don’t you think he would have approached you… I mean, well… Does it really change anything? Does it change all the things you’ve planned, just one look at him can’t have disrupted everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve.”
When the younger woman looks up at her Pepper’s words turn to ash in her mouth.
Darcy gives her a refuel smile.
“Yeah, oh is right. I don’t think I can walk down that aisle Pep. Not with Ian. I’m no good for him, I’ll only make him miserable if I do. I know he’s in love with me but… I’m never going to be in love with him. There’s only one man that I ever felt that way for, it’s time I recognised that and face up to this. It wouldn’t be fair to Ian, he’ll spend the rest of his life trying to make me happy and he’ll always fall just a little short. I’ll ruin him if I marry him. It took seeing James yesterday to understand that. I’m never going to be over James Barnes, he’s in my blood, he owns me, body and soul, he’s a mark I’m never getting out. A mark I don’t want to wash away no matter how much it hurts.”
“Darcy… What happened between you? Why did he leave?”
She stands suddenly at the question and crosses the room, her back to Pepper. There are lines of tension across her shoulders and the way her head dips before she speaks again tells just how heavy a weight she was carrying.
“I asked him if we could have a baby… That talk did not go how I thought it would.” She says with a bitter laugh.
“He didn’t want children?”
“No… that… he asked me if that’s what I wanted, children, with him. God help me Pepper I was honest, it’s all I had been thinking about for months. I was 34 of course it was weighing on my mind. Jane, you, even Maria Hill, you all had had babies within a year of each other. He just looked all wistful like as he listened to me. I didn’t have any reason to think he was… anyway, everything seemed fine we went to bed and made love…. When I woke up in the morning there was just a note. He said he didn’t want me to be held back, that he could see how much I wanted a baby, that he wanted that for me, but not with him. Hydra sterilised him way back, he thinks they were trying to make it easier to control him. Idiots, that man’s an ornery as a bull. He said he’d be a danger to a baby, that he wasn’t safe and that I should find someone else who could give me the family I deserved.”
Pepper goes to her and wraps her in her arms and lets her cry.
“Why didn’t he just tell me? I would have told him it didn’t matter, that I wouldn’t want that with anyone other than him… I felt like I was dying… he cut off his phone and no one seemed to know how to get in touch with him… Fucking Steve wouldn’t even tell me anything and I know that he must have known where James went or he’d have been right on his tail looking for him and not sitting in the Tower without a fuckin care in the world.”
Pepper sits her down again and grabs the tissues for her.
“Pepper, could you…”
“Just sit tight, I’ll go take care of it. I’ll get everyone cleared out. Do you want me to talk to Ian, send him up here?”
“I can’t face him right now, I guess I’m a coward. Tell him I’ll call him tomorrow.” She picked up her bag and withdrew an envelope, she pulled the ring off her finger and slipped it inside as she passed it to Pepper.
“Could you give him that? I guess I made my choice last night after all. I came home and wrote it after I saw James.”
Pepper’s heart breaks for her friend all over again as she leaves the room, letter clutched tightly in her hand. James Barnes was an idiot.
Steve tugged on his tie irritably as he stood outside the small church. He hated formal wear, it made him feel like he was wearing a monkey suit all over again. He’d come out for some air when it looked like the bride was going to be a little late. He’s had a feeling all week that something is off, it’s part of why he’s out here right now.
He was happy that Darcy had moved on, that she was getting married. She deserved to be happy. Ian was a bit of milksop, not much back bone, he was happy to jump to Darcy’s tune, but if he made her happy, that was all that mattered. When Bucky had left two years ago, truthfully Steve had been a little relieved. Bucky and Darcy were like oil and fire, both of them too stubborn and loud and wilful, they were two of a kind, both unable to back down when they thought they were right, they had been explosive together. When Bucky finally told him why he’d left Steve had wanted to shake him. Darcy would never have put up with that if he’d given her the chance to make the choice herself. But he’d kept his word to Bucky and told Darcy nothing.
From the corner of his eye he caught movement in the tree line across the street. Suspicion curling up his spine he made his way over, the blue eyes that met his as a man emerged from the shadows proved him right.
“What are doing here Buck?”
His friend looked past him to the steps of the church where the flower girls were playing together. The tiny girls all wearing matching dresses. Morgan Stark, Freya Thorsdottir and Robin Hill were deemed old enough for the responsibility. At age three and half they were all big enough to have their role in the wedding.
“I wanted to see… I wanted to know that she was happy.”
“I told you Buck, she’s moved on, she’s happy with Ian, you don’t have to worry about her anymore.”
“I’m not so sure of that.”
“I got back two weeks ago, I’ve been watching her. She’s not herself. She’s…. there’s no spark, do you know I haven’t seen her smile reach her eyes once?”
“She’s about to get married Bucky, don’t do this to her.”
“I love her Stevie.”
“She loves Ian now.”
“No she doesn’t.”
Steve sighed and shrugged helplessly.
“No, she doesn’t… So, what’s the plan?”
“They still ask if anyone objects at these things?”
“Need a grand gesture.”
“You need a suit.” Steve counters holding up his car keys. “In the trunk.”
Bucky grins and shakes his head.
“How’d you know, Punk?”
“I just did, Jerk.”
Bucky adjusts his cuff-links then opens the duffel still in the trunk. He’s wearing the same suit he wore to Stark's wedding four years ago. The dark blue silk shimmers in the sun. From the depth of the bag he pulls out a small box. It’s something he should have done years ago, something he had been about to do before Darcy had started talking about babies. He sighs and opens the box, the ring is just a perfect as he remembers. He tucks into his pocket. Better to have it and not need it than to need and not have it. He’s still not sure what she’s gonna say, but he knows he gotta try.
Across the street people begin to file out of the church.
“Stevie, what the hell’s going on over there?”
Steve glances up from his phone and hold it up for Bucky to read. *Wedding off. Don’t ask questions. Give Darcy her space.*
“Pepper sent it, I guess Darcy changed her mind.”
“Do you think that makes it more of less likely for her to give me another chance?”
“You really going to go in there right now?”
Bucky stares at the quaint stone building. Inside is the love of his life. She’s gonna be upset, guilty and sad at what she’s done and she’s gonna be pissed at him if he walks through those doors, but he’s got to try. He’ll take her raging and furious at him over the apathy and resigned complacence he’s watched her live with the last two weeks.
Darcy pulls the pins out of her hair, the strands were pulled tight, tugging on her scalp. This really wasn’t her style. As the pins drop to the vanity she wonders what she’d been thinking at all, agreeing to go through with it. This wasn’t who she was, some elegant socialite, cover ready for a magazine. But she’d tried for him, tried to be someone new, someone that didn’t love James Barnes.
It turns out that was impossible. She’ll always be that Darcy, the one that drinks a little too much, laughs too loudly and tells the dirtiest jokes. Bucky’s girl, with her red lips, sex hair and a permanent blush. Even when he’s gone, that’s who she is in her mind. Picking up the tissue she wipes off the pale pink lipstick and pulls the cherry red from her purse. She paints the line of who she truly is back on. Then she looks in the mirror and smiles for the first time in months. Darcy Lewis grins back at her, bee stung lips a bright blood red, her hair a tousled mess around her shoulders and she feels like she’s stepped back into her own skin again.
In the mirror, behind her, the door opens and a man steps inside the room.
Darcy can’t breathe, can’t think, wondering if she’s imagining it after the stress of the day.
“Hey, Doll.” But no, it’s his voice carrying across the room, that thick Brooklyn drawl heating her blood and making her mouth dry.
She doesn’t move and continues to watch him in the glass, afraid if she turns away, he’ll vanish again like he did that day in the park.
Their eyes meet and hold, she lets a shuddering breath out slowly as her heart pounds in her chest. She swallows as they silently continue to gaze into the other’s eyes. He was here, he was really here. He’s right behind her now, she can feel the heat of is body radiating into the bare skin on her back. When his hand comes down on her shoulder and brushes back her hair, she closes her eyes and breathes. She is not going to cry, nope, this is not the time to cry. Briefly she wonders if she should shout instead, scream until she’s horse and broken at what he did. But with his hand touching her, the callouses of his fingers rubbing gently into her skin all she feels is relief. Like the pain she had held in for two years was suddenly numbed.
“What are you doing here Bucky?” He sits on the bench beside her, his thigh pressing into hers, even through layers of lace and silk and satin she can feel the play of his muscles flexing as he twists to take her hands in his.
“I came to stop you. To ask you for another chance. To apologise for being an idiot, for hurting you the way I did.”
She gives him an incredulous look.
“You were going to stand up in the middle of my wedding with some sort of speech about how I couldn’t marry Ian?”
“When you put it like that is sounds stupid.”
She’s about a half a step from hysterics. Biting her lip, she stifles the peel of sobbing laughter threatening to get out.
“Jesus, James, did you think it would work?”
“Seemed like a good idea at the time… Would it have?”
Darcy pauses for a moment, yeah, it would have worked, or course it would. And he knew that, he knew her inside and out, grand romantic gestures aside he'd always known what pushed her buttons.
“Depends, what were you going to say?”
“You really need me to say it?”
“Yeah, I really do.” She bites out a shade bitterly because fuck him, why should she make this easy?
He stands and runs a hand through his hair, it’s shaking, barley, but she sees it and she softens just a little. He looks at her, completely open and exposed, she can read his sincerity in every line of his body, in his eyes that plead with her to listen. Nothing could have prepared her for what came next, for the desperate honesty and heartbreaking sorrow in his every word.
“I’m an idiot. I ran when I should have stayed. I stayed silent when I should have spoke up. I’m sorry, from the bottom on heart, I’m sorry, I never should have left. I love you, I never stopped and I never will. Don’t marry him, marry me. He doesn’t know you like I do, can’t see the spark and the fire and understand it. Don’t marry him, marry me, because you don’t love him, you still love me. I don’t deserve it, but I want another chance, I’ll do better this time, I’ll talk even when it hurts, I’ll stay even when I want to hide, I’ll be there, from now until you tell me to go, but don’t marry him.”
When he goes down on one knee before her and brings out a ring she thinks she might just faint.
“Marry me, Darcy. I promise, I will never, leave you, again. I’m gonna love you for the rest of our life doll, if you’ll let me.”
“You left me.” Her voice is small in the wake of his naked emotion.
“And I’ll never forgive myself for it. But I’m here now, I’m staying, even if you won’t have me back, I’m not leaving.”
Darcy feels even the token resistance leaving her, James Barnes could charm the birds out of the trees.
“If I wake up to a note and an empty bed ever again I swear I will track you down and kill you myself.”
“And I’ll let you. Just, I’m begging you sweetheart, give me a chance to fix this.”
“A chance with a ring? That’s a pretty big ask James.”
“You took a chance on me once, hoped you might again. Marry me. I ain’t too proud to beg, I’ll do whatever you want me to… Just, marry me.”
“I hate you.” He grins.
“I love you too, Doll.”
“Well? What are you waiting for, put the damn thing on me.”
He slides the ring on, it fits perfectly on her ring finger, the bright garnet like blood in the light from the window. It was his mothers ring, three slim gold bands, two with small diamonds bracketing a third with three garnet stones. She smiles as she admires it, it’s everything she would have chosen herself. It’s warmth and sparkle and speaks of the past. The ring Ian had given her had been cold and hard, with a modern sleekness that could never match the charm of the vintage ring James had just placed on her finger
James kisses her fingers one by one, lingering by the ring before tugging her closer and meeting her lips in a soft slow kiss. His lips are firm against hers, drawing her into him, she twines her hands into his hair and grins as she feels his hands lift her up and onto his lap as he sits on the bench. God she’s missed it, the way he would move her like she weighed less than air. His arms come around her, one hand sliding into her hair causing her to let out the tiniest of whimpers. It’s safety and home, the brilliance of summer and the comfort of a winter fireplace. She would always want him, always need him, just like he did her. He licked into her mouth, stroking his tongue against hers until she couldn’t think or feel anything but the man whose arms she was in.
This was the kiss she’d wanted today, this was the perfect conclusion to the day she didn’t get married. He was home and so was she.
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My letter
(Note: I’m aware I can’t personally directly send this to him, but I still felt like sharing this with you, my dear comrades, I was feeling really rubbish yesterday but after typing out all of this I felt a lot better, a lot of the thoughts in this letter are what has been buried under the subtext of some of my poems and that one writing piece I did, some of the topics discussed reference mental health, personal aspects of my life and spirituality so TRIGGER WARNING!..you may keep reading)
Dear Doctor Rik Mayall
I’m Kelsey, I’m a huge fan of your work, old and new, a 17 soon to be 18 year old from Northern Ireland I, unfortunately, wasn’t around to see your Bottom stage shows when they came to Belfast, I was too little at the time.
I did know some of your work though, that short-lived King Arthur cartoon was a show I’d frequently watch, and I remember when you’d voice the Andrex puppy and narrate who let the dogs out!
In later years I’d eventually watch that Young ones show you did, I fell in love with that show, your character too, that show helped me at a time after I finished secondary school when I was feeling really depressed because of drama going on with someone who used to be my so-called friend who I had learned later was manipulating me.
Your show made me realise a lot about myself and the world around me, as someone raised tory you helped me express the true socialist and anarchist views that I wanted to show, I’m now the me I always wanted to be,I’ve met a lot of my new mates the ones in my college and the ones off the internet because of you, because of either them and I mutually liking one of your shows or me introducing them to your shows and them enjoying it.
I used to study drama as you did, but then I had to study media instead, my dance instructor really tainted my confidence, however, I did get a good grade in LAMDA, the drama school that Nigel Planer and Peter Richardson went to, I just did the exam though,I still love drama and I write poetry (like your character did) and my own comedy monologues while it took time to realise I lowkey wanted to be a comedian as well as an actor and artist,but I used to think I wasn’t capable enough, but I’ve written 7 monologues since last summer up to now and I’m quite proud of my progress.
My media course is going well too, I’ve often referenced you in some of my sources for projects like my Moving Image class and one time we had to pitch a film idea and poster, so I chose that Drop Dead Fred film, because it’s one of my favourite films of all time and I felt like the only reason it didn’t get the proper praise it deserved at the time was due to bad marketing.
Outside of that, times have been less than stellar, a bloke last October manipulated me, I just wanted to be friends with him, but he ended up being very mentally abusive,I have Autism so sometimes I hyper fixate *gush* about my interests too intensely,and sometimes I overshare and make weird pop culture references only a few people get,it’s ok at times but other times it can weird people out and it makes me seem annoying to others when I don’t intend to be.
That and my childhood was quite lonely, and often I get traumatic flashbacks from old and modern incidents, and some of the flashbacks are made up and create “intrusive thoughts in my mind, I hate that, I haven’t had my other issues diagnosed, because I’m too busy to find therapy, my country has a backwards mental health system, and some people in my life don’t completely understand the issues I go through.
You and other icons in my life, help encourage me to keep going through the tough times and I’ve been able to help others going through similar problems too, I am so thankful for my friends and I’m so thankful for your presence in my life.
Barbara is a very lucky woman and so was Lise when you were with her and your work has heavily inspired my own.
I feel like whenever I’m acting or when I watch you acting, I see a spiritual philosophical wall beside us, I’ve read and watched all your interviews, most of your tv and filmography and your book is fantastic.
I feel like our personalities are similar, we are both kind, but cynical, we have our cold moments and times when we just want to be cuddly teddy bears, we love audiences but we’re also shy and sometimes timid,I can’t list all the traits here basically I can go from entranced and hyper-fixated to Pessimistic and Quiet and Timid to Mellow and Loud to dazed, relaxed and happy. Quite a mix of traits, in the past I was an ignorant coward, now though I’ve learned from that and I’ve grown a lot as a person literally and figuratively.
I have taken your mantras to heart, after I got kicked out of my old performing arts course I reenacted your Theatre monologue and posted it on the internet, It got lots of positive feedback not too long after that I continued the poetry,eventually the monologues and in between I got my first job as an assistant stage manager on a local theatre production of West Side Story.
I have a lot in common with both you and your characters,well mainly the positive traits, the negative traits I try to work on, even through our appearances, people have said I look like you, that has helped me accept myself, my identity and my own appearance, I’m far from a portrait but if I’m compared to you then I’m also very gorgeous,I also sort of scrapped through my GCSE’s, technically some of them were BTEC’s, they’re like extension course things, but then some of them I was average at anyway and the performing arts course didn’t let me show my full potential while there I mainly did villain and minor character roles. I shouldn’t be defined by a piece of paper, I should be defined by who I am, a wonderful, creative, smart, kind and beautiful person...like you.
Some of the “poems” I’ve made were tributes to you, and how while yes you had your flaws too, you to me are the perfect person, never before have I been so inspired or so connected to someone who wasn’t a Japanese cartoon (apologies, if that sounds odd, while I liked celebrities not many of them were relatable to me)
I even sometimes dream about you, I dream about being apart of the comic strip, I dream about performing alongside you, I dream about simply hanging out with you, going to pubs, Bowie concerts and that Groucho club you were banned from.
While there were some moments in my life, that I can’t remove or were learning curves for me, to have been around at the time, would’ve been interesting, yeah there’s the political rubbish but that hasn’t changed in the 2010s either, we still have Thatcher but her name is Teresa now, and a talking orange called Donald Trump is ruling America but he’s also literally just a white blonde Hitler.
I understand there are time rifts and time zone differences in the universes around us, but I do really wish I could’ve met you in person, sometimes the lucid dreams give a similar experience except you in those is like an animated hologram,I often try to “spiritually communicate” with you,sometimes it works other times I just end up talking to an imaginary clone of you,I can tell because they look like how you did in the 90s, and not the chill grey-haired grandpa you are now, sometimes I see your real self in those dreams, other times I only hear your voice.
I want to carry on the legacy, I don’t just want to spread my own ideas while teaching the world about your masterpieces, I want to spread the love, I want to remind the world to laugh at misery,I want to bring more light into where you left off,you aren’t dead,your just not physically with the world anymore, your mind, spirit and memory are still alive, in most people,your memory lives on
People still talk about you, I think about you, while the tories are still twats, the young revolution of the new generation is getting more attention.
I’m going to be one of the youths leading it, I’ll never lose my wisdom and you’ll always have a presence in my life and the world.
as long as I, your kids and all your fans try to retain your memory, you’ll never “die”.
After all, you're the Rik Mayall, are you going to let God prevent you from occasionally visiting earth, visiting your family and friends? Of course not, I’m sure they miss you very much, and I’m sure Ade is sorry about that drama he caused about the Bottom spin-off.
Making the universe more bright and colourful
Lots of love as a fellow fan, performer and admirer but also as someone who sees you as a philosophical figure
That twit on earth from Northern Ireland who will never stop thinking about you
You utter pan-global phenomenon
I could only be talking about the one, the only, the Doctor Rik Mayall~
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so I finished dp2....... I don't hate it, I can understand the intention of certain choices more after finishing the whole thing, but if the execution had been better I think it would have worked better
anyway I'm gonna ramble about it a bit in a completely unorganized just talking as I think of it kind of way
so like, if the actual investigation was longer, and you had more time to interact with every character, including galena and lena, before the additional murders started, I think that would have helped. You had multiple chapters in dp1 to interact with folk before things started popping off, and I think that would have helped the story in this case. Cause like, the scene with Melvin and Patricia is actually pretty depressing, as those are some of the only characters you actually get a chance to form a relationship with, and the others deserved that kind of chance. For me to like, actually care they died, rather than getting a bunch of expo about why I should feel sorry for them at the end of the game after the deed was already done
though, that being said, I think Melvin should have appeared in his cult robes throughout the game like the raincoat killer did, so you actually had a potential murder mystery and possible serial killer, instead of just being told immediately who killed lise. You were never given a chance to have a mystery in this game (though I dont think, in retrospect, this game was meant to be a mystery game like dp1 was)
alongside that, it shows that houngan exists literally just to shuttle york from place to place, because there is no logical connection in this investigation, it lacks all the little clues and details that the first game had that you pick up on when doing a second playthrough, and the lack of connection between events means a random character had to exist to put you from place to place. And what did houngan exist for otherwise? It would have been interesting if he was involved somehow, or was actually kaysen in disguise trying to lead york off the trail the whole time instead of helping him, and it turns out all those oracles were red herrings, and york doesn't realize until the end. But instead kaysen just. Shows up in le carré the exact same way he did in greenvale, and houngan serves no actual purpose
I do find what they tried to do with zach's story to be interesting. Most of what fails in the le carré portion of the game makes more sense when you realize it was to make you be suspicious of zach, dp2 exists as a continuation of his story, and not as a new murder mystery to solve, so no effort was really put into the murder mystery aspect of the game. It comes across as everything zach was doing was to try and find someone who will understand the importance of the red seeds when he dies and be able to carry on his work in that regard. The mystery in this game wasn't the le carré portion, it was the present day sections, and what zach was planning the whole time
on the subject of zach, just to complain a little bit, I do hate the borderline obsession they gave him about emily to the point of hallucination. Realistically, while greenvale was traumatizing, I see no reason why her death should have been more traumatizing than the other victims. He spent just as much personal time with george and thomas as emily, as they all worked together and had lunch together and bonded. I don't like that this game is often about men who are obsessed with women doing terrible things to women, and then we make our protagonist obsessed with a woman who he really only knew for a short while and never actually got into a relationship with. It's been 9 years yknow. I would appreciate him not wanting to talk about her, since he did like her, and I like him having her necklace as a token, but the way it comes across with the fairy thing is a little... I don't like that choice much
Also york ? I'm curious what it meant with what he said to Patricia at the end in exchange for saving zach. At first I thought maybe york was going to be part of her now, like he was with zach, since protecting zach was York's job, and now patti wants that job. However, in the end scene, she acts surprised to hear how york feels about her, and york is actively talking to zach at the same time despite Patti not being shown to be typing at the computer or anything, she is actively doing other movements and walking around (they got IM in the forest?), as well as zach telling york to say hi to emily, somewhat implying he is still in the forest and not playing copilot with patricia
Also york you're a liar about this being your last goodbye with zach : / or did you mean last goodbye because you're gonna torment him 24/7 again because that's sure what it seems like you needy little fuck head, of course you use the animated OK graphics in the instant messenger you little bassard
anyway. I don't regret playing it, it definitely had potential, I feel like I can see what the purpose was, i just wish it had been handled differently. I also wish they hadnt retconned so much stuff, particularly the idea that york has worked on dozens of red seed cases before greenvale, cause it would have been fun to get multiple prequel type games about their adventures with the seeds. Kaysen could be using disguises in those games to keep continuity but prevent york from recognizing him come greenvale, etc.
I just hope if we do somehow get a dp3 after the commercial performance of dp2, that we can return to the more murder mystery aspect of the series. Though the retcon kinda sets us up to have a new protagonist if it were to continue and that makes me sad, I'm team york and zach forever u_u
oh also the stamp book is stupid, I enjoy pointless reward systems, but ones that require literally absurd levels of effort (such as spending 360 days to grow out 30 beards) is simply too much, I just want my goddamn teal suit with the little red lipstick stain on the collar 😤
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Don’t Fuck With My Heart !
At Nezumi’s place……..
Nezumi : (was calling Center) Damn, Center..!! Tell me where.. (Gekikara calling her) Gekikara ?? What do you want ?! What ??!! No. Go fuck yourself !!! (Hung up) (taking weapons, leaving)
Nezumi decided then to go to Choukoku and Shibuya’s place to give back her gloves to Choukoku. She was about to knock but she was surprised when she saw the door open. She decided to enter anyway. She heard moans and was excited to surprise Shibuya and Choukoku, just to scare them.
Nezumi : AH !!!!!! AAAH !!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Choukoku was fucking Center on her couch. The 2 girls jumped, surprised !
Center : N..Nezumi ????
Nezumi : IT CAN’T BE TRUE ?????????!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH CHOUKOKU..!!!!!!! AFTER ALL THE THINGS I’VE DONE FOR YOU, CENTER !!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BETRAYED ME, YOU BETRAYED MEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Center : Nezumi, I just wanted to..
Gekikara : HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!! (Clapping) HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!
Nezumi : YOU SHUT UP FUCKIN SICKO !!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ???????!!!!!!!
Gekikara : I just came to check if you’re mad… HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!! AND YOU’RE REALLY MAD HAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!
Choukoku : Nezumi, as a friend, Center needed to be comforted, so…
Nezumi : AH NO !!!!!!!!!!! DON’T START WITH HER PLEASE !!!!!!!! DON’T MENTION HER FUCKIN NAME !!!!!!!!!
Nezumi : I..It was… It was just service..!!
Center : YOU’RE LYING !!!!!!!! STOP LYING !!!!!!!!!! I’M TIRED, NEZUMI, YOU KNOW THAT ??????!!!!!! EVERYTIME IT’S THE SAME THING !!!!!!!!! STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Choukoku : Thank God I saved my couple, otherwise I don’t know..
Shibuya : (came in, holding hands with the Kabuki Sisters) What the fuck is..???!!! Why are you two naked ????!!!! WHAT THE HELL CENTER IS DOING HERE ?????!!!!! CHOUKOKU !!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, SHE SLEPT WITH YOU ???????!!!!!!! YOU FUCKED HER ????????!!!!!!!! YOU FUCKED HER YOU FUCKIN..!!!!!
Choukoku : It was a payback !!!!! Nezu..
Shibuya : PAYBACK ??????!!!!!! PAYBACK FOR WHAT, WHAT PAYBACK ????????!!!!!!!! DON’T YOU THINK WE HAVE ENOUGH DEBT ??????!!!!!! (turning to Nezumi) YOU FUCKIN RAT !!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M SURE YOU’RE BEHIND THIS AGAIN, HUH ??????!!!!!! YOU WANNA RUIN MY COUPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nezumi : E..EH ???!!! NO, I SWEAR I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING !!!!!!
Center : It’s true, Shibuya !! I’m the one re..
Shibuya : SHUT UP, JUNIOR !!!!!!!
Center : HEY, IT’S CENTER !!!!
Shibuya : I DON’T CARE GODDAMMIT !!!!!!! I’M GONNA KILL YOU !!!!!!!!!!!! (Drinking an entire bottle of whiskey) S-SEE T-THAT BOTTLE..?????!!!!! I’M GONNA SMASH YOUR FUCKIN HEAD WI..
Kabuki Sisters : (stopping Shibuya) SHIBUYA, NO !!!!!!!!!!
Kokabuki : HEY !!!!!! WATCH YOUR WORDS !!!!!!
Choukoku : TELL ME, SHIBUYA !!!!!!! YOU TOOK MY EXES !!!!!!!
Gakuran : Choukoku, baby why are you not..????!!!!
Everyone : BABY ??????????!!!!!!!!!!
Gakuran : (proud, big smile) Yeah, we’re together, what’s with those faces ??!! You didn’t know ???!!! 6 months now, wow time flies !!! Why are they naked, is it a strip tease party ???
Shibuya : CHOUKOKUUUUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Drinking strong alcohol) WHAT’S THAT FUCKIN BULLSHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH GAKURAN ???????!!!!!!!
Gakuran : (smiling) Shibuya, stop drinking ! What the hell are you saying ?? Choukoku and I we….. euh… wait !! You were together ??!!
Nezumi : She just realized, wow.
Shibuya : GAKURAN !!!!!! WHY YOU TOOK MY CHOUKOKU !!!!!!!!! YOU ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!
Gakuran : What ???!!! But I didn’t know that you guys were together !!!
Gakuran : Girl, don’t shout at me !! If you kept an eye on your lover these things wouldn’t happen !!! If Center is naked, could it be that you slept together ??!! Is that true, Sophie ??
Nezumi : THAT’S NOT FUNNY..!!!!
Center : I sort of… felt sorry for Choukoku…
Shibuya : (breaking the bottle) YOU FELT SORRY FOR HER ?????!!!!! THAT’S A REASON TO BRING YOUR CUNT IN MY COUCH HERE AND TAKE HER, YOU BITCH ??????!!!!!!
Gekikara : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!
Gekikara : She’s right, Center !! (Smiling) I hope you told Nezumi that I fingered you hard last night… hahahaha !!!!
Nezumi : WHAT ??????!!!!!!
Center : GEKIKARA !!!!!!!!! (Blushing)
Everyone : BEEEEEEEERK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gakuran : Oh my..BEURARK..!!!!!!!
Center : AAAH, GAKURAN..!!!!!!
Gekikara : (laughing) And you know, Center sucked them after !!!!!
Everyone : STOOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gekikara : And it was in Nezumi’s bed !!!!!!
Nezumi : WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY ???????!!!!!!!
Center : I..I can explain !!!!!
Gekikara : And you kn..
Black : GEKIKARAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST HEAR ??????!!!!!! YOU WANNA DIE ???????!!!!!!! YOU DID IT AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : (singing) Oops ! I did it agaiin..!! I played with your heart, got lost in the game oh baby baby baaa..hem.
Everyone was looking weird at Shibuya.
Nezumi : Like this is the moment to sing Britney… tss !!
Center : Sure, it’s better than drinking…
Daruma : So guys, what’s happening here ??? You want my chicken wings of victory ???? It’s a new recipe !!!!!!!!!
Gakuran : Girl now it’s not the right time !!!
Daruma : Huh ?? Ooh come on, you’re all too tense here !!! Eat them all !! (Everyone taking Daruma’s chicken wings, not to hurt her) Mmmmh, see !!!!! The juices it’s from Black’s vagina !!!!
Everyone : (all disgusted, throwing away the chickens !) BWEUAAERK !!!!!!!!!!!
Gekikara : EH ???????!!!!!!!
Daruma : (eating at the same time) Yeah ! Last night when I put my 12 chicken wings in Black’s vagina, her liquid was so delicious that I decided to incorpore it with them !!!
Ookabuki : OH MY GOD, THAT’S DISGUSTING !!!!!!
Gekikara : (mad) BLAAAAAACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU LIED TO ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FUCKED THIS FAT FUCKIN PIG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daruma : HEY !!!!!!!! APOLOGIZE, GEKIKARA !!!!!!!!!!! RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Center : I want to throw up..!!
Daruma : You guys haven’t eaten them yet, how can you say that it’s disgusting ????!!!! You’re not nice !!!!!
Gakuran : But we’re not gonna eat something coming from someone’s pussy !!!!!!! Think before saying bullshit !!!!!!
Sado : (smiling) Black’s pussy is one of the most beautiful…
Everyone turned to Sado, shocked.
Gekikara : SADO !!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sado : I mean, I didn’t check deeply but… I heard it from you, Gekikara.
Gekikara : (happy) Sado-saaan !!!!!
Sado : By the way, why are you all here ?! Is th..ooh Choukoku !! So sex….
Choukoku : (blushing, embarrassed) P..Please don’t look at my body like that !!!!! And…And what are you doing here anyway ???!!!
Sado : I was tracking Nezumi, as she didn’t answered my calls…
Nezumi : (scared) E..EH ?????!!!!!
Sado : Yeah, you left those at my place… (showing Nezumi’s lingerie, throwing them at her) Maison Lejaby, Lise Charmel, Aubade… This bra from Empreinte too hehehee ! Girl, you left quite a lot !! Oh ! This one is wet, your pussy showed it… guess it’s from 4 days ago…
Center : (mad) NEZUMI !!!!!!!!!! I’M GONNA CRUSH YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jumping on Nezumi, beating her) YOU LYER !!!!!!!!!!!!
Nezumi : C-CENTER !!!! AIIE !!!! I’M REALLY SORRY, PLEASE NO..!!!! AAAAH !!!!
Akicha : Guys, there’s a fight !!! Scandal Scandal, look !!
Scandal : Yeaah !!! (Both of them high fiving)
Unagi : Who’s fighting who’s fighting ???
Bungee : Aah Romeo and Juliet !!
Mukuchi : Hahaha !!
Center and Nezumi : HEY !!!!!!!! SHUT UP !!!!!!!!!
Akicha : Ooh Romeo Romeo can I fuck you Romeooo aahhh yees !!!
Scandal : Juliet lick my ice cream aaahhhh !!!!
Everyone laughing hard and talking in an exaggerated way.
Sado : Show me your collection please, Mademoiselle Chanel !
Shibuya : Wait, there are so many Dear, don’t you see she’s got the last one from Victoria’s Secret, look Calvin Klein too !!
Everyone laughing again.
Nezumi : Stop making fun of me, you assholes !!!!!!!
Sado : Ooh sweetie, she’s upseeet ! So riiich !!
Black : May I have this dance, Miss ?
Choukoku : You’re all ridiculous, leave them alone…
Gekikara : Relax Choukoku, rooh !!
Nezumi : Thank you Choukoku !! At least there’s someone intelligent here !!!
Black : Ooooh that’s sweeeet !! Kiss her, Nezumi !!
Center : HEY !!!! I WON’T ALLOW THAT !!!!
Gakuran : Stop being ridiculous, Center ! With all the things that happened between you, you can bear this one !
Kokabuki : KISS ! KISS ! KISS !
Gekikara : We wanna see the kiss !!
Nezumi : Seriously..!! How old are you ???!!! Acting like stupid kids !!!!
Sado : If you’re not a kid just prove it, Nezumi !! Hehehe….
Choukoku : There’s no way I’m doing that and this is my home here okay !!!!!! You should all get the fuck out of here !!!!!!!!
Gekikara : My goood now they’re both playing nuns !!
Team Hormone : COME ON, DO IT !!!
Sado : Hurry Nezumi…. (showing Nezumi’s bra)
Nezumi : HEY GIVE ME THAT !!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING..????!!!! YOU’RE CRAZY ?????!!!!! THIS IS VICTORIA’S SECRET !!!!!!!!!
Sado : Poor her. I don’t give a shit you know !
Shibuya : Bye bye Victoria ! Girl, it’s time to get new stuff you know cause it’s old…
Torigoya : Aaaand I have exactly what you need !!!!
Gakuran : Oh shit. Torigoya.
Torigoya : AWWW CHOUKOKUUUUUUU SWEETIIIIIIE !!!!!!! (Jumping on Choukoku !)
Choukoku : (blushing, embarrassed) DON’T TOUCH ME LIKE THAT..!!!!!
Torigoya : Your breasts !!!! They are healthy !!!!
Center : What kind of shit is she saying..?!
Choukoku : AAH..!!! DON’T FUCKIN TOUCH ME, TORIGOYA !!!!!!!
Torigoya : See ! They look up, not down, that’s a good sign !!
Sado : (joking, laughing) What more, doctor ??
Torigoya : Breasts are like flowers, you need to talk to them !! That’s what I did 5 days ago, you felt better while I massaged them, right Choukoku ??
Shibuya : WHAT ?????!!!!! BUT YOU ALL WANT ME TO KILL MYSELF OR WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sado : TORIGOYA !!!!!!! YOU DID THAT BEHIND MY BACK ??????!!!!!!
Torigoya : You’re jealous Sadoooo aww so cute !! I love champions so I couldn’t resist to her sweaty body…. And fighters need to have the best masseur hehehee….
Black : We wonder what things can resist you anyway !!
Torigoya : Choukokuuuu kiss me here again !! (Showing her pussy)
Choukoku : N..NO !!!!!!
Shibuya : (mad) CHOUKOKUUUUUUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gakuran : I miss your body too, Choukoku…
Maeda : Gakuran ?? Why are you here ?
Gakuran : (jumped) AAAH !!!!!! A-ATSUKO !!!!
Center : Come on, tell your virgin Mary that you’re dating Choukoku since 6 months now !
Maeda : W..What ??!! No… Gakuran, no…!! It’s not..
Gakuran : Well… hahaha hem… You know me, I’m a pussy hunter and..
Sado : You know she’s taking her assault rifle, one shot and BANG !! They all squirt !
Everyone laughing.
Sado : Look at the rainbow look at the rainbow !! (laughing)
Gekikara : Man you killed me..!!
Maeda : I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!! (was about to cry) YOU HURTED ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : (ironic) Holy shit ! Now if we’re making virgin Maeda crying…
Maeda : (breaking her glasses !) STOP IT YOU BLOCKHEADS !!!!!!!!!!
Black : (imitating Shibuya) Bloody hell, now Maeda broke her mythic glasses… It’s the end of the world, people !
Nezumi : (ironic too) Shh virgin Maeda is speaking, everyone !! (Acting, crossing herself like the others) In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…
Everyone : AMEN !!
Choukoku : You’re all crazy.
Maeda : I’m gonna get married… with Shaku !
Gakuran : WHAT ??????!!!!!!
Daruma : ATSUNEEEE !!!!!!! (Panicked, throwing into the air her chicken wings, Team Hormone catching them, eating)
Unagi : Mmmmh !! Delicious, Daruma !!!
Bungee : What did you put in it ??
Black : Glad to hear that you love eating my creamy pussy juice.
Team Hormone : (spat out, shocked) BWEUARK !!!!!!!!
Everyone laughing.
Choukoku : So, Maeda…
Gakuran : But it can’t be I was in Shaku’s bed last night, she said she wanted to marry me !!!!
Gekikara : Since the hospital many years ago…
Maeda slapped her.
Maeda : I… I believed in you..!! Look at all of you… You’re all cheating !! We don’t even know who is with who anymore !!!! This is a harem !!!!!
Center : And ?! Are you involved in all our stories ??!! Plus, as it was said, for a girl like you who claimed to be the perfect innocent angel who never said anything, you surprised us !!!!
Maeda : I’M NOT LIKE YOU ALL !!!!!! (Turning to Gakuran) DON’T COUNT ON ME FOR ANYTHING NOW !!!!!! (leaving)
Gakuran : ATSUKO, BABY !!!! WAIT !!!!!
Everyone whistling.
Daruma : Aren’t you going after her ??
Gakuran : She does whatever she wants, I don’t care. I’m a pussy hunter, I don’t have time to cry ! You know it, there’s other fish in the sea or should I say in the aquarium, so…
Sakura : Center ?? Where have you been ??? Hi everyone…
Gekikara : See Gakuran, when we are talking about fish…
Gakuran : Ugh, not her !!
Sakura : I don’t know what the fuck are you talking about but I came for Center ! You left that…(Showing a condom on which was written ‘Center’)
Center : Aah… Aaah..!!!
Nezumi : YOU GOTTA BE KIDDIN ME ????!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS CUNT DOING HERE NOW !!!!!!!! (Quickly searching for her weapons in her bag)
Sakura : (provoking) Sorry, it was stuck in my vagina ! (talking to Center) I guess you pushed too hard 2 days ago, honey….
Nezumi : (took out a machine gun !) I’M GONNA WHACK HER !!!!!!!!!!!! COME HERE YOU BITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Center : (trying to stop her) HONEY PLEASE, NO !!!!!!!!
Sakura : (scared just like the others) W-What did I say ??? AAAAH !!!!!!
Nezumi : SHE’S PROVOKING ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SWEAR I’M GONNA KILL HER GODDAMMIT !!!!!!!!!!!!
Center : NEZUMI STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEZ..!!!!!
Sakura : I’M SORRY OKAY, YOU’RE HAPPY NOW ?????!!!!!
Nezumi : NO, I’M MAD I’M MAAAAAAAAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON’T WANNA SEE YOU STEALING MY PRECIOUS LOVE, MY CENTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (suddenly chasing Sakura, both of them running in the apartment, Nezumi starting to shoot)
Shibuya : HEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU WANNA KILL GO FUCKIN DO IT OUTSIDE, NOT IN MY APARTMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEZUMI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS NOT A FUCKIN PLACE TO DESTROY HERE, YOU GET IT DAMMIT ???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sakura : I’VE ALREADY APOLOGIZED, WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nezumi : I DON’T WANNA SEE YOUR FUCKING FACE AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON’T TOUCH MY CENTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sakura leaving quickly the apartment, panicked, trying to avoid the bullets.
Nezumi : YOU WON’T GET AWAY LIKE THAT..!!!!!!!!!
Center : SHE’S GONE SHE’S GONE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone helping Center to stop Nezumi.
Gakuran : Well, if she does after this, she’s courageous…
Torigoya : Love leads to massacre just to prove that there’s a private territory where we’re not allowed to enter ! So cuute !!
Shibuya : I think we got it !!!
Shaku : Choukoku, what..AAAAAH !!!!!!!!!! Holy shit, what happened here ????!!!!
Choukoku : Shaku..!!!
Shaku : A bomb exploded or…??!! Anyway, Choukoku !!!! You didn’t tell me which size it was, L or XXL ??!!
Shibuya : (turning to Choukoku) WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS STORY NOW !!!!!!!!!!!
Shaku : What business ???!!! Choukoku, I’m not very patient you know !!! Give me your size, hurry !!!
Otabe : Hey, you’re all so noisy here, calm down people ! Ah, Center !! Next time you’ll come to my room for the game, okay ?
Nezumi : (holding her machine gun, mad) WHICH GAME ????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Center : Aah..!!! Well… hem…
Minami : Nezumi, honey, throw that away please ! It’s dangerous.
Center : HONEY ?????????!!!!!!!!! NEZUMI WHAT THE..!!!!
Nezumi : I-I’M SORRY !!!!! C..CENTER !!!!!
Bakamono : Minamiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!! (jumping on Minami, kissing her)
Minami : Bak..HMPHH..!!! Hey, stop that !!
Bakamono : We need to go to Salt’s private party tonight !!! Look (showing to Minami her hickey on the neck) !! Isn’t it good ??? Salt just gave me one here, and she promised to give me her panties after so..
Otabe : WHAT ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!
Nezumi : (handing her machine gun to Otabe) You’re welcome.
Bakamono : O..Otabe-san ???
Gekikara : HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE IS SERIOUSLY MAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Magic : Ah, Bakamono, you’re here !! Thanks for your personal lube, it saved me for..
Yoga : SORRY ??????!!!!!! MAGIIIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU USED BAKAMONO’S LUBE FOR OUR NIGHT ?????????!!!!!!!!!
Magic : AH..!!! N..NO !! YES..!!
Maeda : (coming back) Don’t complain, it can’t be worser than my relationship.
Bakamono : Aaah..! Having spent a night with Salt and Magic… I’m the luckiest girl in the wooorld !!!! I’m haaaaappyyyyyyy !!!!
Gakuran : (smiling, happy) Atsuko !!
Maeda : I forgot to tell you that finally, I’m going to marry God ! At least, he’s faithful !!!
Gakuran : (shocked) E..EH ????
Daruma : (putting a hand on Gakuran’s shoulder) Good luck, man.
Team Fondue : (followed by Team Hinabe) HORMONES !!!!!!!!!!!!
Team Hormone : HAH ?????!!!!!
Docchi : Is it true that you’re dating Team Hinabe’s members because they taste better than us ????!!!!
Bungee : We’re free to date anyone you know, girl !! Shut up !
Jisedai : But is it also true that you’re dating Team Fondue’s members because they’re cuter than us ????!!!!
Akicha : And ?! This is the truth !
Daruma : (happy) Aaaah you guys !!! You who love eating, please eat my new chicken wings of victory it’s a new recipe !!! Here, have some !!
Lemon : Girl, last time we ate them we ended up in hospital… I hope we’ll stay alive today !!
Team Fondue and Team Hinabe eating the chicken wings…
Daruma : So, how is it guys ???
Team Fondue and Team Hinabe : Delicious !!!!!
Daruma : Hahahaaaa thank you guys !!!!! It’s all thanks to Black’s vagina !!!!
Team Fondue and Team Hinabe : (spat out) EUARK !!!!!!
Uonome : I’M GONNA DIE, BEURK..!!!
Black : Apparently, this is a total success…
Daruma : (eating) Mmmmh aaaah I see !! Those taste different it’s juices from my pussy hahahaha !!! I haven’t washed very thoroughly for ages, so…
Team Fondue, Team Hinabe and even Team Hormone, fell unconscious.
Daruma : Eh ???? Guys ????? What’s wrong ????!!!!
Gakuran : Well done, now they’re dead… congrats !
Daruma : Wait, no they’re kidding right ?? Hahaha, come on guys wake up !! (trying to wake the Teams up) I know you’re playing but it’s not working hahahaaa !!! (seeing no reaction) Guys ????? NO GUYS PLEASE WAKE UP, YOU CAN’T BE DEAD !!!!!! I KNOW BLACK’S PUSSY IS POISONUS BUT..
Black : IT’S YOURS, NOT MINE !!!!!!!!!
Kamisori/Zombie : Sakura-san we..????!!!! Eh ?? Where is she ???
Nezumi : Far away from here.
Katsuzetsu : What the fuck is that ??!! You’re seeing Sakura ??!! Ah, finally… Center, baby ! (Noticing Nezumi’s bag, seeing weapons) I-I mean…
Nezumi : REPEAT THAT AGAIN ????!!!!
Center : NO, PLEASE..!!!! KATSUZETSU GET OUT !!!!!
Katsuzetsu : Who hasn’t fucked Center yet anyway ??!! No need to react like that, not our fault if she’s a whore !!
Nezumi : I’M GONNA KILL YOU !!!!!!!
Katabutsu : Holy shit ! Are you okay people ??!!
Team Under : So many troubles here !!
Choukoku : This place is not a meeting point !!!!
Sanshou Sisters : We go wherever there are tensions in relationships !
Erena : I’m looking for Maeda…
Gakuran : What do you want from her again ?!
Yuko : (coming) Wow, there’s a big event here !!
Gekikara : (happy) Yukooo !!!!
Sado : If you knew…
Yuko : Choukoku, beautiful body… (applauds)
Choukoku : Yuko… you’re humiliating me again..!! In my home..!!! (a reference here to the 2 girls in MG 1 when Yuko taunted Choukoku)
Yuko : Eh ???
Salt : Otabe..? What are they all doing ?
Nezumi : YOU..!!!! THIS BITCH, THIS BITCH IS HERE !!!!!!!!! SALT !!!!!!!!!!! (quickly taking her machine gun) YOU FUCKIN SLUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yuko : (talking to Salt) Girl I think you’re in a big trouble..!
Nezumi : YOU FUCKED MY CENTER LAST TIME HAH ??????!!!!!! YOU THINK I HAVEN’T HEARD ???????!!!!!!! LEAVING HICKEYS ON MY CENTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BANGING HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU’RE GONNA DIIIIIIE SAAAAAAAAAALT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (starting to shoot)
Salt : (panicked, running in the apartment) I..IT’S NOT THE FIRST T..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Center : NEZUMI NO !!!!!!!!!!!!
Salt : I’M DEEPLY SORRY !!!!! (running to Otabe)
Otabe : (who had one of Nezumi’s weapons) SO THERE’S A PRIVATE PARTY TONIGHT AND I’M NOT INVITED ?????????!!!!!!!!! YOU WANT TO GIVE YOUR LINGERIE TO BAKAMONO, SALT ???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (shooting)
Yuko : Hahahaha !!!!! So funny here !!!
Nezumi : WHOEVER FUCKS MY CENTER IS DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (shooting)
Shibuya : STOP THEM, STOP THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY’RE GONNA DESTROY MY PLACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sakura : (coming back) Hem… sorry…?
Otabe and Nezumi stopped, turning to Sakura.
Nezumi : YOU AGAIN ????????!!!!!!!! THIS TIME YOU’RE DEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sakura : I-I CAME FOR SALT !!!!!
Otabe : WHAT ?????????!!!!!!!!!
Yuko : HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!
Otabe : (slammed Salt against the wall) Now… You’re gonna obey me…. I’ll fuck you and I want you to scream as loud as possible without stopping…. or I’ll shoot you for real. (showing her gun) Cause there’s no milk shake inside this time….
Salt : (shaking, uncomfortable) O-Ok P-President..!! M-Master, D-Director..!! But please, I just need to do something before…
Otabe : Hurry.
Salt : (4 meters away from Yuko) Yuko… let’s fight !!
Everyone : WHAT ????!!!!
Gakuran : Oh please, NOT AGAIN !!!!
Yuko : (after 3 secs of silence, smiling) Okay !
Sado : Yuko..!!
Otabe : Salt… why..?!
Salt : It won’t take long. If I lose I want you to fuck me.
Everyone : EEEH ????????!!!!!!!!
Yuko : It’s ok for me.
Black : YUKO !!!!
Bakamono : Salt, you promised me..!!
Salt : I want my revenge and this time my Kamehameha will beat you !!!!
Yuko : Eh ??? Hahaha, girl what the fuck are you talking about ???
Salt : DON’T LAUGH AT ME, I’M SERIOUS !!!! KA… ME… HA… ME… HAAA !!!!! E-Eh ?? Why it’s not working ??!!
Yuko : HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!! She’s so funny hahahahahaaa !!!!!!
Gakuran : Wake uuup sleeper, welcome to reality !!
Black : What an idiot, really !
Bakamono : Don’t insult her or you’ll find us !!!
Otabe : Everybody, please ! We’re not gonna fight again.
Salt suddenly jumped on Yuko, feeling humiliated. She hit her, Yuko hit back. The 2 girls were fighting. The Rappappas from both gens stopped them.
Salt : LET ME CRUSH HER FUCKIN FACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yuko : FUCK YOU ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU’RE JUST A BIG C..
Sado : STOP !!!! Yuko don’t..!!
Otabe : Salt, don’t you see she’s provoking you ??!! Come on, stop !!
Gakuran : If the Majijo bosses give the signal, then we all follow !!! Let’s settle this !!!!
Everybody was now fighting, accusing each other of having sex with another, I let you imagine a domino effect, a giant mess ! Yuko and Salt fought again but obviously not for the same reasons, and only 2 girls weren’t fighting…
Center : (grabbing Nezumi’s hand) Come !! (lead her in front of the bathroom) Nezumi… (kissing)
Nezumi : C..Center..?
Center : Shh…. (sexy smile) I wanna check which lingerie brand you’re wearing…. (kissing, taking off Nezumi’s shirt) Victoria’s Secret…?
Nezumi : (smiling) No…. Sorry to disappoint you baby…. (kissing)
Center : Mmm…. what is it…? (taking off Nezumi’s pants)
Nezumi : That’s a..Aaaahhhhh Center..!!! Aaahhhh nooo….!!
Center : Whatever it is…. (kissing) I’m just gonna tear it off, honey…. Hehehehee…. (kissing)
Center fucking Nezumi.
Choukoku looked around her, distraught, seeing the others who were still fighting. She felt guilty, knowing that it was her fault.
Choukoku : STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everybody stopped immediately, looking at Choukoku, all surprised. They weren’t used to hear her yelling like this.
Choukoku : I… I’m sorry… Please, stop..!! This is my home…
Nobody said a single word.
Choukoku : (walking to Shibuya, stopped) Shibuya…
Shibuya : (seeing her girl sad was making her in the same state) Choukoku…?
Choukoku : I’m really sorry… for everything… I love you more than anything, more than anyone… Sorry if I hurt you in any ways… This wasn’t my intention… (tears coming out) I… I… I’m really..!!!
Shibuya : (smiling) Hey… it’s okay, I get it…
Choukoku : I love you..!! (kissing her)
Everybody clapping, whistling.
Shibuya : Me too…. (kissing) It was a shy kiss…. (smiling)
Shaku : She’s right ! (teasing) Come on, Choukoku !!
Choukoku : (feeling embarrassed) A… A fighter never shows feelings…
Everyone smiled, Shibuya too.
Sado : Hm… Choukoku Choukoku… (smiling)
Shibuya : I love my favorite fighter…. so you won’t mind if I show you my feelings…? (giving a passionate kiss)
Everyone whistling again.
Choukoku : (shy, smiling) P..Please… can you all…..?
Yuko : Oh, sure !! (smiling) HEM HEM ! Come on…
Torigoya : Ah, put this guys ! (throwing some lingerie to the girls) It’s ‘Koji Erotic’ by me, of course…. Have fun…. (smiling)
Shibuya : (smiling) Tss ! Thank you…
Everyone was now leaving, Center and Nezumi too.
Choukoku : It’s quiet now…
Shibuya : Yeah…. soo baby…. let’s express your feelings…. (kissing)
Choukoku : With pleasure…. (kissing)
Shibuya biting her lip, smiling, taking Choukoku’s hand, leading her to their bedroom. Choukoku smiled too, picked her up and carried her, kissing.
End of the story. Thank you for reading ! Choukoku's actions pointed out here. She can make mistakes too but we forgive her because she’s different.
#watanabe mayu#akimoto sayaka#matsui jurina#itano tomomi#miyazawa sae#kabuki sisters#nachu#kashiwagi yuki#matsui rena#shinoda mariko#majisuka gakuen
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Relationships aren’t always perfect, especially with Rich’s habit of sabotaging himself and his own happiness. Their relationship is still fairly new, but he and Harry Carlyle have a lot to work out if it’s going to last.
Rich was feeling incredibly restless. Lately he’d been spending nearly every evening in Harry Carlyle’s quarters and, while it had been pleasant at first, doubts were beginning to creep in. He’d promised himself that he wouldn’t do this again, and yet he’d practically jumped head first into this relationship without a second thought nearly as soon as they’d arrived. And now, here he was, taking up space in another person’s life. How long until he screwed it all up like always?
He genuinely liked Harry. He’d liked him from the beginning of course, he just didn’t expect the relationship to last as long as it had. Any reasonable person would have dumped his ass long ago, but Harry seemed to have infinite patience. The longer they were together, the more likely it was that Rich was going to ruin his life and at this point he felt like he was just waiting for it all to go bad. He couldn’t do that, not to Harry.
But Rich was selfish. What else was new? Every time Harry looked at him, that hint of a smile around his eyes, the deep wrinkles at the corners from how easily he smiled; it made Rich feel things he wasn’t at all used to feeling. It was happiness and affection and, while not exactly hope, it at least allowed him to set aside his general gloom for a time and just enjoy Harry’s company. And he didn’t want to lose that. So, every day, knowing full well that he should break things off before he hurt him, Rich simply held on all the tighter.
Unfortunately, simply waiting for things to go wrong only pushed them more quickly towards it. Rich’s restlessness made Harry tense, and their uncomfortable silence only allowed things to fester. Rich could see it happen but he still couldn’t help but dodge every serious conversation. Not that that could last forever, of course.
Harry was in the bathroom shaving, towel wrapped around his waist and hair still damp from his shower, when Rich came stumbling in to join him. He hadn’t even gotten dressed yet and was just wearing boxers, yawning as he grabbed his toothbrush. Harry paused and simply watched Rich through the mirror for a long moment until Rich raised a questioning eyebrow at him as he brush his teeth.
“What are we doing?” Harry asked suddenly.
“What, like, right now?” Rich asked sarcastically after spitting out a mouthful of toothpaste. “Or do you mean later? Or...?”
“All of this,” Harry said, gesturing to the two of them. “This can’t work, can it?”
“You probably should have said something before you gave me a drawer,” Rich said, eyebrow raised, trying to joke, but it felt like the floor was opening up under him. He hadn’t had any coffee yet and he felt like death anyway, hopefully his disappointment wasn’t too obvious. He berated himself, he’d known full well this was coming, so why did he feel this way?
“Rich, look at me. Every day I’ve got more grey hairs, more wrinkles.”
“I dunno, it kinda gives you a silver fox sorta vibe,” Rich said, shrugging, still desperate to change the subject, but there was no chance of that this time.
“I’m being serious,” Harry said earnestly. “All I can hope to do is hold you back. You should be out doing things, having a life, not withering away here with me.”
“I don’t exactly get out much. To be honest, you’re lucky I talk to you at all. Going out isn’t really my thing.”
Rich hated that Harry was talking about himself like this. He was a good man, strong and kind, and Rich hated that he might blame himself for things between them going south. Harry was a good person, he didn’t deserve any of this and Rich hated himself for ever causing him to feel this way.
“Rich, we’ve been spending so much time together; I don’t want to get in the way of your other friendships.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but people don’t really like me,” Rich said too matter-of-factly and that seemed to annoy Harry.
“You’re not as unlikable as you make yourself out to be.”
“I assure you, I am,” Rich said, hating that Harry was trying to defend him. Rich didn’t deserve it. He put his toothbrush back in the holder a little too roughly. “I don’t even know how you put up with me.”
“Right about now, neither do I,” Harry said with a huff of laughter. He was joking, of course, but somehow that hurt Rich more than he thought it still could. He was right, of course. This was where he’d been leading things, after all, constantly being difficult. Still, Harry hating him was better than him tearing himself apart. Rich told himself this was how it had to be. He turned away, face stony, and left the room. “Rich?”
He didn’t stop. He went into the bedroom and began pulling on his clothes. When Harry followed, he’d wiped most of the shaving cream off of his face and he leaned against the door frame watching him. Rich just tried to avoid eye contact because if he looked at him he wasn’t sure he’d be strong enough to do this. He wanted to move closer, to wipe the remaining shaving cream off of his jaw, to kiss him and apologize for being an ass. But this was better. Being an ass now would spare him infinitely more pain if they stayed together. So he kept his face blank and focused on anything else.
“Talk to me, Rich,” Harry said.
“There’s a pattern with me,” Rich said, digging through a drawer looking for his socks. “A pattern with my life. I’d burned all metaphorical bridges back in the Milky Way, I was hoping I’d learned my lesson and would do better here. Connections are… inadvisable for me.”
“You mean you came here to live as a recluse and never speak to anyone?” Harry asked, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice.
“Things obviously didn’t go as planned,” he said, sending a meaningful look towards Harry.
“So, what, you got too attached and now you’re just waiting until you piss me off enough that I break things off?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Are you kidding? It’s me,” Harry said incredulously. “Do you really think I’d do that?”
“I am not a good person, Harry. I’m sarcastic and petty and cruel. I do what I can as a doctor not out of the goodness of my heart but because it pays well and maybe somewhere along the line I’ll do enough to at least quiet the guilt. Maybe this was a mistake. I don’t do relationships.”
“Let’s face it. Even this was selfish,” Rich said because it was cruel and he knew it would hurt him. “You’re attractive, your company is enjoyable, and I was desperate for any sort of human contact. You were just convenient.”
“You can’t mean--”
“You know me better than anyone. Surely this isn’t a surprise. I’m a selfish bastard and I always will be.”
Harry was too stunned to reply so Rich took the opportunity and pushed past him before he could recover. Even as he hurried out and down the corridor, Harry’s face, looking so hurt, was burned into his vision. As soon as he found himself in a fairly secluded hallway where he was unlikely to be disturbed, he collapsed against the wall and slid down to the floor, the ache in his chest so great that all he could do was bury his face in his hands. He didn’t have the right to be so upset. He’d brought this pain on himself, on both of them. He deserved it for what he had just done to Harry. He told himself it was for the best but even that was more selfish lies. He never should have gotten involved with him to begin with. No matter how hard he tried to be a better person, he would always be the same self-absorbed ass he always was.
The medbay was thankfully empty this late at night so Rich made his way back back to the cryo pods, knowing exactly where to go. He’d memorized which one his sister was still held in stasis inside. He’d come here often just to sit beside her and pretend she could hear him. Today, though, he had no words. He leaned back against her pod and covered his face, trying not to feel anything at all. He wanted to tell Lise that he’d fucked up again, but that wasn’t really a surprise, now, was it? He was good at fucking up. If she were here, she’d buy him a drink or suggest they go somewhere new and leave all the hurt behind, as if that were even possible.
How ironic that she’d suggest they come here, to Andromeda, the ultimate of “going somewhere new to start over.” And Rich had already fucked that up and she wasn’t even awake yet. She’d be better off without him; everyone would, really. He was only capable of screwing up, of hurting the people he cared for most. He slammed his fist down against the ledge he was sitting on. It didn’t do much to relieve the tension but he deserved the pain that radiated through his hand.
“Now now,” a familiar voice called out, echoing slightly in the open space. “Don’t hit the pods, what did they ever do to you?”
Rich flinched. It was Harry. How had he found him? And how can he sound so casual after what had just happened? He had his hands in his pockets, seeming perfectly calm as he moved to stand on the floor blow his ledge.
“What do you want?” Rich wasn’t sure what else to say. It came out harsher than he’d intended and he winced again.
“Your sister?” Harry asked, nodding towards the pod and ignoring his question.
“Nice of you to visit her.”
“I doubt she cares,” Rich said, glancing up at the pod. “It’s not like she’s awake for it.”
“Still,” Harry said. “It’s the thought that counts.”
“You don’t know my sister,” Rich said with a little laugh.
Harry watched him for a long moment and Rich glanced away, guilt churning in his gut.
“You were right,” Harry said at last. “I do know you better than anyone else here, your sister excluded I’m sure, and I know what you said back there was bullshit. Do you want to talk about it?”
Rich sighed. “I owe you an apology at the very least. I know I said some awful things. Not all of it was bullshit, though. I’m not a likable guy.”
“And yet, I do,” Harry said, adding a muttered, “for some reason.”
That stopped Rich. He was so sure he’d ruined everything like he always did. Why did Harry still like him? Why was he still giving him a chance?
“I suppose I owe you an explanation,” Rich said with a heavy sigh. “Things got-- pretty bad for me, back in the Milky Way. I wasn’t in a good place. My boyfriend at the time, I told him he needed to go, but he still stuck with me. Idiot should have gotten out while he could. I ended up ruining his life as well as mine. He was a good man, he didn’t deserve any of that. By the time we finally broke it off he hated me, which I guess was what I’d intended. So, success I guess?”
“So everything you said back there, you were trying to get me to hate you?” Harry asked, eyebrow raised.
“Trying to get you to leave before I have a chance to ruin your life too,” Rich said, studying his hands.
“And here I thought you were getting antsy because I’m the most boring man in Helius,” Harry said with a little chuckle. Rich felt annoyed that he wasn’t taking this seriously and Harry waved him off. “Don’t give yourself so much credit. You couldn’t ruin my life even if you wanted to,” Harry continued and Rich couldn’t help but shoot him an incredulous look. “Do you know how close I am to retirement? I’m on easy street from here on out.”
“Right,” Rich said, scoffing a little as he looked away.
“Just get down here so we can go home and talk this out.”
“You can’t be serious,” Rich snapped, looking at him again. “Were you not listening to everything I just said?”
“Look, I get it, I do,” Harry said, rubbing at his forehead. “You thought this was inevitable and tried to hurry things along. I’m not exactly innocent here either. In a way I was pushing for this as well, thinking I was too old for you. But we’re both adults and can make our own decisions. If we both agree to actually use our words and stop trying to make decisions for each other, I don’t mind giving this another shot.
“Seriously? Just like that?”
“Rich, we got in a fight, it happens. I’m not gonna drop you just like that. As long as we can learn to communicate, that is. Well, and as long as you stop acting like such an ass, you ‘selfish bastard.’ Now get down here and let’s get back.”
“That part was true,” Rich said, studying his hands guiltily. “I am selfish. I’m actually considering it, after all.”
“Then I’m selfish too,” Harry said with a small, fond smile. “Now come on.”
Rich had said a lot of terrible things to him. He wasn’t sure he could ever make up for it. He had tried so hard to be better after everything that happened in the Milky Way. All this just showed him how far he still had to go. He couldn’t believe Harry was even interested in associating with him anymore, but if Harry really wanted this, he owed it to him to try at least, and to work harder to be someone Harry would be proud of. Rich studied him for a long moment before he hopped down and the two of them headed back together. They had a lot to talk about, but maybe Rich had found someone as stubborn as himself. Maybe they had a chance after all.
#harry carlyle#harry x oc#richard galen#mea#mass effect andromeda#mass effect#fanfic#cal writes stuff#my fic
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Leslie and Salem - you're too young to hate the world. (If you're still doing that)
!!! I’m so sorry this is late, I didn’t have internet most of the day this was received and forgot to post it until now…I’m a terrible writer I’m so sorry.
But! Here it is? It’s a little more Leslie than Salem since I ended up going with her point of view, but I hope it’s okay? Prompt under the cut. Warnings for reference to past abuse, imprisonment, etc. Leslie and Salem have fun backstories, I’ll say that much (fun for me, not for them. They Suffer).
Hope you like it!! It feels a bit rushed tbh but I didn’t want to keep you waiting too much.
You’re too young to hate the world.
A former rebel said that to them, once, in the training room, right before Leslie proceeded to blast him into a wall on accident. Well, mostly accidentally. (He did tell her to “not hold back”, but maybe that was a bit too much). He’d laughed at it, too, shaking his head as he did so. “What are you?” he asked. “Barely sixteen? You’ve been through a lot, don’t get me wrong, but ‘hate’ is a bit of a strong word there.”
M had glared him down and offered to beat the shit out him for them. Leslie and Salem, seeing the bruises that were already forming from the bonding moment with the wall, both declined. It was fine, they’d said. It wasn’t a big deal.
But by the end of the night, it wasn’t. And it was.
Do humans measure their experience in age? Salem asked, though Leslie never had an answer. She was technically the more ‘human’ one of the two of them (according to Salem, anyways, who said they didn’t quite feel as if they were deserving of the title, not after everything he put them through). Do you require a certain number of years before you can say that you’ve suffered?
Leslie had shrugged, because what what she to say? She’d only spent the last few months around their culture - the same amount of time Salem had. If they couldn’t answer the question, then neither could she, really. They didn’t even know their own ages, let alone if they qualified.
But they had suffered. Leslie knew this well.
She had been locked for days in a single room with no way to communicate with the outside world, or even catch a glimpse of it. She’d been starved, beaten, and ignored until she forgot what it felt like to not be deprived of those things. She’d been stuck with needles and hooked up to strange, loud devices all meant to shape her into a weapon against..what? She couldn’t tell. She never knew. All she knew was that it was her job to do, and that was all.
(And if she didn’t do it, then she would be disposed of, because useless things did not live. But that was a universal concept that they all faced, even now, when they were supposed to be safe. Maybe they’d never escape it. Who knew.)
Salem wasn’t much better off, from the pieces Leslie managed to put together. They had scars lining their back from what Leslie could only assume were whips, rough scratches around their wrists and ankles from chains (matching her own, and Asphodel’s for that matter), and even a few around their neck, right below the black numbers that made up their ID number. It was the closest thing to a name they had before choosing one for themselves.
Salem had their very being torn apart over and over again by the man who made them, and Leslie could barely even control any aspect of her powers outside of what had been carefully crafted and molded by that same fucker. They both spent their lives dedicated to destroying that of other people - not because they had a choice, but because that was their purpose. Without that, they would not exist. For not obedience, they would have died long before the real war had even begun.
If anything, they had every reason to hate the world, and everything and everyone in it.
Except…they didn’t. Not quite, anyways. Leslie couldn’t stand the people who made and shaped her, but the nice intern with red hair who worked with Vlad sometimes made a point of talking to her and even listened in return. She even blushed once or twice around her (which, hopefully, was a good thing), and she wasn’t interested in destroying the world through the use of overpowered teenagers. And Harvy, who showed them around and asked every now and again if they needed anything, and was patient with the both of them when they were indecisive and panicking, was a good enough person. Lise had battle scars and blood on her hands like the rest of them, but she never missed an opportunity to make her younger sister Diana laugh or bother Harvy into a playful sparring match. Even James himself, who wasn’t the nicest or most comforting person most days, did what he could to at least accommodate them and converse with them every so often.
And, like Salem reminded her once or twice, they were free. There was an entire world outside - trees and flowers and foods and people and cultures and so many things they didn’t know existed before. It was overwhelming how large it all was, and how small they were in comparison. Certainly it couldn’t be all bad. Not everyone was an enemy, or saw them as such. Right?
Even when the bugs bit her skin and the flowers made her sneeze.
Even when people pointed oddly at the scar on her face or shielded away from the unsettling aura Salem always seemed to have, despite never meaning to.
Even when the other ex-rebels they shared the facility with suggested killing them before they could cause too much trouble.
Even the time one of them tried and failed.
Leslie may not be old enough to hate the world, but she wasn’t quite young enough to love it, either.
But that was okay.
It would be okay.
They would all be okay.
She smiled.
#asks#ink's ocs#ink's writing#sorry this took so long#and is longer than you probably wanted#hope it's okay though?#district arcana tag#long post
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how do you not feel guilty about writing self-indulgent content? lately I feel like everything I produce must be a literary masterpiece to earn the time I spent writing it, which is in itself a pretty arrogant thought, and it means I haven't written in too long. I can't figure out how to break through the guilt, or failing that ignore it and write anyway.
oh, I feel guilty about it all the time! I just sort of...power through it. I mean, I feel less guilty now than I used to, fifteen yearsish into my fandom life, but like. the guilt is still there.
I’ve talked at some point previously how one of my self mottos is “do it anyway.” I’m an anxious perfectionist who is terrified of failure. at some point I think I realized that if I decided every time to not do something because I felt guilty or anxious or bad about it, I’d never do anything, and my drive to be productive and need for validation was strong enough that I basically was able to go “well FUCK IT” and keep going.
and now I just kind of. live with that. what’s worse, Lise, the terror of failure and guilt over indulging yourself, or your horror of being idle and not producing the work to justify your existence at all?
my brain is a complex ecosystem of various complexes keeping each other more or less in balance.
I guess the upshot here is really a mixture of “find the reasons that work for you to convince you it’s worth it” (maybe it’s ‘any practice is good practice, I’ll get better the more I do it’, maybe it’s ‘someone out there is going to have the same self indulgent as me and they deserve to have this.’ maybe it’s a reward system that you can give yourself for doing any writing at all. (I love rewards systems, though I know they don’t work for everyone.)
I don’t know how helpful any of this is. a lot of times when people ask me “how do you do [x]?” (write as much as I do, do as much as I do, whatever) the answer is just “I’m a mess and I’ve found possibly dubious coping mechanisms to work around that fact, and I don’t necessarily endorse anyone else actually using the same tactics, because yikes.”
#advice column apparently#still can't believe people want advice#from me!#i'm not qualified!#anonymous#conversating
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1, 10, 14 for... W&P and Ekaterina?
For this meme.
War and Peace
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Ehhhh….I can’t say that I don’t get them. I mean, both Andrei/Natasha and Pierre/Natasha are both canon; I just personally have zero interest. I guess, with the popularity of Andrei/Natasha, especially among Natasha-stans, I’m not sure what the mass appeal is? Especially if you’ve read the book. She would have just ended up like Lise. (Seriously, Andrei has no f-ing idea how to relate to a woman.)
Most disliked arc? Why?
Sonya. Deserved. Better.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Too much improperly cross-tagged fic lol.
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Russian-fandom, what exists anyway, seems to really like shipping Peter/Catherine which…WHY? They are so obviously wrong and bad for each other. Catherine’s bad for everyone but that’s a different issue.
Most disliked arc? Why?
IDK if it counts as an arc, but like everything about the Sophia/Paul stuff was creepy af.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Sadly, this fandom is so tiny, I think it’s hard to have an unpopular opinion about it. The canon, is a different issue…
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“You’re still here.”
He ran towards me to catch the pieces of my art project that were falling out of my arms.
“Uh, yeah, I thought you could use the support.” I hadn’t heard that southern drawl in a while, and it was almost comforting. “Not that you needed it, Ms. First Place. Congrats.”
“Thank you.” A wide smile spread across my face. I’d worked for months on that project and right up until the end I wasn’t sure I’d even place at all. Andy stepped back and shyly shoved his hands into his pockets. In all the years I’d known him this was the first time I’d ever seen him look…bashful?
His big brown eyes sparkled when he smiled; they always did, and this time was no exception. He usually stuck to t-shirts and sweats but on this day he went with a bright white t-shirt, a contrast to his sun-kissed skin, and dark distressed jeans that (knowing him) cost almost as much as my rent. Andy stepped from side to side, his hands fidgeting with his pockets and his bottom lip being grinded away by his teeth.
“Correct me if I’m wrong Andy, but you seem to be a little nervous.”
His skin flushed pink and he let out a hesitant chuckle. “Um, yeah I guess you could say that.”
The wheels in my brain started turning. Almost five years I’d known Andy, and in those five years I’d seen him sit stone faced through one nerve-wracking situation to another, some that I don’t even know how he made it through. But that day, standing in front of me, Andy looked like he was facing his biggest fear.
I looked to my left and saw an empty table that no one had broken down yet and set my project down on it. Andy followed my lead and my arms crossed over my chest as I stared straight into his eyes. “Andy Sullivan, I don’t see what could make you so nervous about being at a tiny art show with your best friend’s ex-girlfriend. So spill.”
Andy’s eyes dropped to his feet, but not before flashing me a bright white-toothed grin that would make anyone melt. And to my surprise, it was working on me this time. I felt a head-spinning, heart-fluttering feeling I hadn’t felt before with Andy standing in front of me.
Andy stammered and stuttered, pacing back and forth on the spot and doing everything possible to avoid all eye contact with me. “I-I was wondering if um…”
I made a motion with my hand to hurry him along. Not only did I have somewhere else to be, I was wondering what had him so nervous in the first place.
Andy took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I was wondering if you’d let me take you to dinner tonight.” He rushed the sentence out, almost slurring all the words together.
My eyes widened and my heart dropped into my stomach. Did I really hear what I thought I just heard?”
“I-I’m sorry,” I said very taken aback, “Can you repeat that?”
“I don’t think I can,” he said looking down at his feet, “I feel like throwing up having just said it once.”
“Does Matt know you’re here? Does he know what you’re doing?”
Andy shook his head. “No, and I don’t care to tell him. After he did what he did to you I haven’t spoken to him in almost a year.”
To say I was shocked was an understatement. Matt and Andy had been friends their whole lives. You couldn’t pry those two apart with a crowbar. Yet, here Andy was, standing in front of me without Matt trailing behind him, and apparently them not having spoken in nearly a year.
“Y-you tossed aside your best friend, your longest friendship because a girl got her heart broken?” I asked.
Andy took a couple steps closer. “Not just any girl. I knew when Matt met you that you were different; that you were something special. And I told him that. And I told him that if he ever did you wrong in any way that I would never speak to him again, and that I would be the first in line to show you how you deserve to be treated. He knows better than what he did. His parents raised him better, and I know I taught him better than that. He knew what he was doing was wrong and he still did it anyway so as far as I’m concerned, he has no respect for either of us, and you deserve better.”
I was speechless. All I could do was look at him. Was I being pranked? Was Matt standing around the corner waiting to run out and high five his best friend once I fell for the game they were playing? As sick and twisted as I’d come to find out Matt was, I wouldn’t put it past him to pull something like this.
Instinctively, I looked over my shoulder to my left, then to my right. Then I stepped aside to check behind Andy, and he knew exactly what I was doing.
“You can scour every square inch of this place with a fine-tooth comb Lise, he’s not here.” Andy took another step forward and gently tilted my head to where I was looking up at him. His deep brown eyes carried a look of compassion I’d never seen before, and after five years I’d finally become one of those helpless girls that melted at his gaze. Maybe I was still fragile. Maybe I should’ve said no, and maybe I should’ve walked away, but for whatever reason, I didn’t.
“You know he might literally kill us if he finds out.” I whispered, not wanting anyone to overhear. I’d done my best to keep what happened with Matt under wraps and I wasn’t about to let everything come out now, especially when I was on my way to a state and hopefully a national art competition.
“I won’t let that happen. I meant every word I said. I understand if you’re not ready, but whenever you are, my offer still stands, and you know how to find me.”
Andy’s eyes quickly darted down to my lips, then back to my eyes. And as if he’d decided against what he was thinking, he dropped his hand and turned to walk away.
I quickly wrestled back and forth in my head as I watched him walk towards the door.
Oh, screw it.
Just as his hand touched the handle of the door to push it open, I found myself calling, “Andy wait!”
He turned around as I charged towards him, eager to get what I wanted to do out of the way before I changed my mind. He opened his mouth to talk but was interrupted by my own pushing against it. We were both tense at first but relaxed into the kiss. Andy’s left arm wrapped my waist and his right hand cupped my neck. He’d thought about this before. I hadn’t. My hands wandered aimlessly around his arms not really knowing where they were supposed to be.
The kiss only lasted a few seconds before our lips separated. It felt like I wasn’t in control of my own body. I’d never thought of Andy that way before, and I don’t know what possessed me in that moment but for some reason I had to follow through with it.
“Let’s try it.” I said, breathless.
Nothing could beat seeing the smile on his face then.
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