#anyways let men wear dresses and be cute k thanks
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angelnightrose · 1 year ago
I find it funny how I've been on this thing of wanting to draw Jougo in dresses but I keep picking dresses he would never actually wear. It's not that he would be against wearing a dress, it's more that he just hates getting dressed up in general and I keep drawing him in fancy ball gowns. XD
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years ago
Author's Notes ♡: Hey Hey, it’s me, ya girl and I’m back with another collab! Ive always loved the roommates theme and have a few ideas for some other ones in my head making this. It’s kinda all over the place because it was a professing with their friendship! Yes I made a Zelda reference and I land about it no. I know Rapp is seen as violent and dense but but this is in a collage au so he’s just a bit...aloof I just love the idea of him actually being a big softie ʕ⊙ᴥ���ʔ. I hope you enjoy! ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : NSFW!!! (◎_◎;)
Sweet caring sorta himbo(meh?) Rappa, female oral, Big Dick Rappa , sorta size kink if you really sqint,cheater ex mentioned like once , language
Word count : About 5k! Yikes ^^’
Paring(s) : Kendo Rappa x F! Reader
Enjoy ♡
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Having Kendo Rappa as a roommate is an interesting feat in itself. He is big, and loud , very very loud. He wasn't a bad roommate he just..was like a cute large and fluffy puppy that didn't know his size...or power. Their interactions started as the two met during a halloween party one of the frat houses down the street thew. [ ] went as Midna, her best friend Rumi was dressed as Impa while the last two of her friend group , Amaya and Asa, a pair of sisters, were dressed as fairies. “[ ]! Rumi! you two are so cute! Zelda costumes?” Asa asked as her sister ran up to admire their outfits. “Yeah! [ ] wanted to do some characters that matched us y'know?” She said as she nudged her quiet friend , the girl jumped and laughed , scratching her neck as she gave the excited sisters a small smile “If i was coming out tonight I was gonna wear what i wanted to really wear” [ ] said as the group of them laughed and mingled with their other friends and classmates. While heading to get juice , she heard loud screaming , as the sport boys were starting to show up. First was the football team, then the basketball. Baseball and wrestling came next, then the smaller clubs finished them out. Sighing [ ] was content away from everyone as she watched mayhem ensure, chugging of barrels , more music, girls swarming around the players they crushed on as they did minor things, like talk to their teammates or eating from one of the big food trays laying around. Feeling a tap on her shoulder broke her from her people watching, Rumi giving her a bright smile as she took a cup and joined her. “How's my favorite antisocial babe doing now that all of the party has arrived?” She asked as [ ] gave her a pained smile, going to get more if something to drink “Well I don't feel the need to smack anyone is that a good sign?” she chuckled as she got a hug from the more energetic girl “That's my girl! Don't worry, i wanna get out asap but we’re gonna need our favourite pair of sisters before that can happen and it seems like they're fawning over some of the baseball boys as we speak” Rumi said as they watched a familiar tutu of blue go by, followed by a pink one going a similar way. “I don't get it… but at least their taste in men isn't too bad” [ ] joked as Rumi agreed , laughing “Yeah miss tsundere, you can't stand saps, or most of the jocks either” giving the white haired girl a look she rolled her eyes and gave her own laugh back “Yeah I guess i'm either picky or just got high standards” “Ain't nothing wrong with that we all do!” She said as she elbowed the girl beside her.
As the two of them sat there and talked Rumi glanced past her and her eyes widened, causing [ ] to stop talking “What is it-” before she could question her, the white haired girl jumped up, waving at someone “Rap! Over here!” Constantly yelling to someone [ ] started to ask again when a booming voice came from above her “HEY RUMI” a very loud voice called as stomping could be heard before it stopped “I see you took our idea huh?” With that comment [ ] turned around only to be face to face with a dark cover chest, only to then look up to some of the most warm and amber colored eyes looking down at her “Hello there little lady, I like your costume! Erm..Midna aint it?” The giant ganon dressed man questioned as all she could do was shake her head in agreement, causing the giant male to laugh “Awe don't be shy of me kitten i ain't gonna bite!” He chuckled some more as her friend jumped in “I told you she was shy! Be nice Rappa!” Rumi yelled at the flaming red head as he gave her a toothy grin “Oh I was just teasin’ , I bet I ain't hurt her feelin’s did I sweetheart?” Rappa questioned as [ ] face felt hot, hiding her face in her hands as the teasing duo laughed causing the girl to huff “I'm tired of you two already” She said as a giant warm hand touched her shoulders “Awe dont be like that hun, in time ya’l love me” Rappa teased as he gave her a smile,making her stomach flutter “Yeah! This is who wanted you to meet anyway [ ]! This is Kendo Rappa, our top wrestling boy, Rappa this is my adorable best friend [ ]!” Rumi said as the two gave each other a shy smile , a sly one creeping up on Rumis as she thought to herself “Yeah, this'll definitely happen”
Since then the two had become more acquainted , having many classes together and sharing some similar friends [ ] was used to the bruting and sometimes dense man making a random ( and loud) appearance. As [ ] sat in her mostly empty room thanks to her last roommate moving out after constantly breaking sound rules and getting into it with the girl downstairs for being in her bed with her boyfriend (Yikes) she felt a sense of calm. Closing her chemistry book and letting out a relieved sigh [ ] thought about the fact she was going to get a new roommate, the thought was nerve wracking but also it was exciting as well. It was almost too quiet , having the last room by the stairs meant she didn't have to deal with many people besides her friend group. They weren't loud , unless one of her friends decided to get laid and made way too many sounds, or if their neighbors under them threw parties or also had...extra partners coming around. She definitely could feel she was sorta excited she was going to have a roommate again. The sisters had a room to the left of her while Rumi had the one to the right, sharing it with a girl they knew from math. The rooms were not gender defined, some girls having rooms with guys and vise versa so it made it easy to get a room.
These dorms were also quite spacious, the walls not paper thin and a large enough area space that could house two or maybe even three people. So when she heard a knock on her door she expected it to be her new roommate she was advised would come today. Happily opening the door she was shocked and almost terrified to see just a box, well actually a few boxed stacked hiding whoever it was behind them. But if the faed rustic orange hair and wide shoulders meant anything she knew her new roommate already “K-kendo?” [ ] said as the boxes walked by her , landing with a soft thud as bangs covered the male “[ ]? Is that you?” moving his hair out of the way their eyes had the same expression, shocked. “Uh h-hey there sweetheart why isn't this cute, we’re roomies hun?” he laughed as she couldn't help but give him a smile back. “I never expected to see you as my roommate” [ ] teased as Rappa gave her a hardy laugh “Well it looks like me and you are gonna be close friends here darlin’!” With a wide smile he picked her up and gave her a tight hug, taking her breath away ‘ Oh boy i wonder how this will turn out’ she thought as she was eye leve with her giant puppy like friend, his eyes filled of joy
Which leads into now, [ ] trying her hardest to read up on what her next project could be. As she sat there thinking she heard the tale tell sound of her roommate entering with some of his teammates, the boys loud and rambunctious as they entered. Feeling a heavy hand on her shoulder she looked up to the towering boy that was her roommate, his eyes just as bright as usual. “Hey darlin, we're just gonna talk up sum strats a for the upcoming match and play some games in the back , is that alright?” He asked with pleading eyes as one of his more cocky and jock like friends spoke up “Well youre the man here, dont let some women say if we cant or can be here” Rolling her eyes and proceeding to stand up and push past the wide eyed boy who knew what was going to happen. [ ] took in a breath before opening her eyes to look up to the boy “Well it is my room, i pay shit here and the man over there didnt get this place, so i do choose who can and cant come through my place” She said as she pointed a finger to the boys chest. Trying to push his luck he pushed back against her finger “ I bet you just haven’t gotten a good enough dicking for you to just stay out of the way” He laughed. Before [ ] could hit him hard enough her rust haired friend moved in , clearly towering the boy “Yer better watch yer mouth, she has her right around here, im invatin her space so watch it before there's no place for any of us to relax without rules” He said as the boy sucked up any laughing and nodded his head in understanding. Surprised by her usually aloof roommate [ ] stood back and went back to her work, the other boys scrambling behind kendo as the boy who tried to challenge her jumped to follow, never making a move to mock or do anything again.
The boys picked back up and were having fun in the back room of kendo’s , sighs and groans when they lost and victorious laughs and screams if someone won. Once they all left and everything settle to a quiet rumble as the last few funneled out [ ] could here herself think, reading up on chemistry as she felt a presence behind her. “ ‘M sorry, i didn't know my question wouldve cause a roar outta ya..” Kendo started as she smiled gently, turning to face the wounded boy “Its okay….guess it just lit something in me i always did y'know?” She said with a small laugh as she went to type again, but was stopped by the hulking boy. “I gotta make it up to ya alright? I know i aint say anythin that he did but…. It feels like my fault y'know?” He admitted as his large hand covered hers. “You wont live this down will you?” She questioned as his eyes flickered up to hers, sparking. “Nope, not at all. Lemme treat ya right okay?” For such innocent words [ ] couldnt help the shiver that ran down her back at his words. Maybe it was because he was so close, or that the smell of his cologne was too much, either way her head was spinning as she let him still hold her hand as he tugged her away from her computer , his smile widening as she reluctantly shut the bright screen “Great! Now let's get something to eat im starvin” He rasped out as [ ] gave him a giggle that made the boy stop in his tracks. He always thought she had a cute giggle but this one,for some reason , made his heart and chest feel warm and tight. Ignoring the feeling he took the girl with him, the two headed out to get something to eat as they headed down , the sound of her giggling still running though kendos mind.
Getting a random frantic text from Kendo wasn't unusual, in fact it was quite common for him to do such, which now didn't faze [ ] at all but this one was...particularly odd giving what he was asking ‘Hair? And messy? What in the world is he up to’ [. ] thought to herself as she headed to her shared room with the boy, nervous of what scene she could be entering.
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Sighing after his last text she hurried her way to their dorm room and in fact he did leave the door open, making her more nervous as she entered the living room. “Kendo?” [ ] called out as she heard a gruff sound come from her bathroom. Entering was a sight of its own; towels, a bowl of some..substance , bags and bottles of body wash and a one flustered and shirtless Kendo. “[ ]! ‘M so glad yer home here take this” The large man said as he handed her an old toothbrush that was frayed and covered with the same odd substance in the bowl. The lingering smell from the room eventually gave it away ; shampoos. “Uh why do i need this? And why is there shampoo on a toothbrush” She questioned as he groaned, taking the towel off his head as she blinked owlishly at his very faded red orange hair, the color now more of a neon pumpkin. Shaking off extra water caused even more of his hair to fall, landing between his shoulder blades as he gave [ ] a desperate look. “It wont come out, and the more i scub the more...orange i become. I look like a orange peel” He whined as [ ] figured out what he was trying to do
“ You wanna remove the color right? A bowl of shampoo and body wash isnt strong enough” Going into their kitchen she grabbed some baking soda and lemon juice , coming back to the hopeless boy “Let me mix something up ive used before okay? Then we can proceed with your hair” Two and a half hours later the boys hair was now a light peachy orange, just light enough to take up with bleach “Well, if were gonna go for blonde ill go get some bleach and some masks, deep conditioners too, your hair is definitely gonna need it and I don’t want it breaking off because you're impatient to take care of it” she sighed as he was amazed at his hair, running a large hand through the still damp mess atop his head “Wow yer good” He said as she smiled at him, taking her keys “And you have a lot of hair. I'll be back” She said as she hopped up “Wait! Lemme go with you?” He asked but also seemed to demand, pleading eyes looking down at hers as wet hair dropped onto his still bare chest.
Trying not to be hypnotized by where they landed and proceeded to slide down she looked up at her amber eyed friend, who was staring intently as he waited for her answer, soft “Please?” coming from his lips. Sighing dramatically on purpose [ ] laughed at him, giving him a grin “of course you can you big puppy” she said as he picked her up in a hug, a gesture that shows his excitement she's come to learn. Putting her down he went to go to the door before his friend called him out “uhm Kendo? You don’t have on a shirt” she said plainly as he looked at her, raising a brow as he gave his rebuttal “Its hot” He responded. Giving him a side eyed look she turned from him and towards their bedrooms, [ ] sliding into his. Soon she came out with a sleeveless one, throwing it at the hulk of a guy infront of her “You can't come in the store without one” She said as he gave a growl of his own, sliding the shirt over his head as they left their apartment “Well at least ya got me one without sleeves” He huffed as they started back to the door, heading out to finally go to the store to start another process on Kendos hair, the male just excited to finally get rid of his pumpkin hair.
As Kendo sat in the shared living room with [ ] , deep conditioning his hair at her yelling request (‘If you dont re nourish it before you want me to bleach it , I won't do it!’ ) he watched his roommate and now his best friend wanderer around and do housley things for their apartment, the girl content as she cleaned and sorted out things in the kitchen, her body turned away from him as he started to think over how beautiful he thought she was. He want the type to brag or gloat about having so many girls comment on his size , height wised and well sometimes other ways , trying to tempt him to them. All while his friends wanted him to explain how he got the attention from the other gender , Kendo hated to admit it but ,he only wanted his roommates' affection. He knew how put together she was, smart and kind. He saw what her previous boyfriend did, a cheater that didnt take care of the beautiful soul he lived with. He couldnt stand seeing her come home and cry herself to sleep broke his heart, and when he fought the cheater, in the act he didnt feel bad once. Of course it ended their relationship, and [ ] yelled at him for fighting , explaining how he couldve ended in jail for fighting her ex, but he argued it would be worth it.
Sitting and mulling over everything he realized Rumi was right, hed do anything for [ ] but not the same for the other females that passed through his life. She actually, was the first person he did that for and that thought made his head dizzy. Moving from his place on the couch he went to stand in the kitchen, waiting for [ ] to come back from her room. Hearing the iconic sound of her feet pittering across the wooden floor he gave her a lopsided smile as she jumped, smacking into the chest of Kendo. Before [ ] could fall from impacting with his chest he caught her, holding her arm to his chest. “K-kendo! You shouldve told me you were in here! Why are you in here anyway?”[ ] scolded as he laughed, moving out of the shorter girl's way as he started his staring again, this time [ ] noticed him “......What?” She asked as he looked down at her, an unreadable look on his face. “Kendo” she called as he hummed, moving closer “Yer gorgeous” Kendo blurted out as [ ] started to stutter, eyes going wide. Taking teo steps forward he essentially trapped his friend between the corner of their kitchen canopy. “Remember when I fought that bastard of an ex you had?” Kendo asked as he saw [ ]’s eyes go soft , shaking her head “What about him...i'm still mad you almost lost everything just to fight him yknow” she huffed as he poked her cheek “Id do it again if it meant you'd be happy again yaknow” Kendo said as he leaned down to push his head against hers, amber and [ ] eyes mingling. Lifting his large hands he traced each side of her cheek, analyzing over her face as he nuzzled against her nose “Stop playin hard to get would ya? Bad enough you got my heart all in your little hands” he whispered as [ ] just started at the giant , her arms gently coming over to cover his that were place on her cheeks “K-ken..i need to start you hair..” She hopelessly try to argue as he groaned, burying his face into her neck. Squealing at his damp hair touching her shoulder [ ] jumped ,pushing the large boy back “Your hair's wet!” She whined as he chuckleed, mo\ving back as it turned into a booming laugh “Oh my ‘m sorry babe , you look surprised” He said as she smacked hsi chest “Go to the sink, i need to rinse the conditioner” She yelled as he hwld his hands up in a mocked surrender, pulling his shirt up and off in one fluid movement. Caught up by him stripping his shirt off [ ] gave him a glance over, the heaviness of him admitting feelings for her in his own unique way still lingering in her mind as the toned and strong back of her friend made her head hazy. Turning around from the lack of notice of his smaller friend Kendo caught the eys of [ ] staring, her eyes quickly flickering to his curious ones as he grinned “See somethin you like darlin?” He teased as she grunted, reaching up to push his head in the sink “Shut up and let me do your hair”
And like clockwork, Kendo rappa was an icy blonde after two days, a break given to his long ,thick and wavy hair, the giant boy looking over his new look as he sighed happily, loving to have his hair finally look normal. “Well damn [ ]! Ya made it even better than what i was thinking. Look! My hair’s all wavy at the ends and it's soft! Whatever you made me do made it feel better!” He raved as the girl looked over her work. And in fact it was highly even, his hair consistent and lavishy soft. Giving him a shy look she giggle “That's what a deep conditioner will do to damage hair and the way i'm always untangling your hair for you, i knew it would need it before you wanted to go white” She said as he just kept running his hands in his hair, turning back to her “I could just kiss you right now!” He blurted out as they both froze at his words, eyes wide from both parties “I-I aint mean it [ ]” He croaked out as she giggled, stepping back from him “O-of course you didnt, why would you i mean aha..”She said as she moved away more , his own words started to hit him as he realized the reverse effect it was having “NO! No, I'd want to kiss you, I really really want to. I just...want it to be on your terms okay?” he said as he grabbed her arm, holding her in front of him as if she'd float away if he didnt.
“Kendo...I..” [ ] started as she came back to his hip, laying between his legs onto his thankfully covered chest “I just dont want to lose you if you decide you wouldnt want me around” She whispered as he pulled her even closer, kissing her forehead as he stared at her “Dont you ever say that again ya hear me? Youll be my princess and ill be your humble er..knight” He hesitated as he tried to think of a sweet way to explain his feelings. [ ] looked up to him as she felt here eyes feel heavy with tears. Before one even fell Kendo pushed his lips as soft as the strong boy could, wrapping a large and beefy arm around her waist as he slipped his tongue in her mouth, letting his hand slide down to pull her up to sit on the tops of his thighs while he leaned against his dresser. Softly [ ] pushed her hand on his chest and pulled away, now eye to eye with Kendo “Sorry , d-did i overstep my place” He asked as she let out a snot, before laughing. Confused, Kendo went to talk before she stopped him “No no, youre good, just that if we keep kissing on this dressed there's gonna be a hole in the wall” She said as she pointed to where the mirror kept tapping a spot, scrapes already aroring it “R-right!” He laughed too, picking her up to set her on his bed “Now then...lemme serve you princess” He said before kissing her again, not letting her rebuttal his own comment. As the two kissed he made sure to be as gentle as he could be , at times clumsily nipping her lip or his hand pulling hard at her clothes.
All in the name of wanting to show how much she meant to him. Soon he pulled away, a small string of saliva strung between them from the hearty kissing. “[ ]...i think i love you” He said as she gave him a soft look , trying to catch her breath from the dramatic kiss they came from “Good, because i love your loud ass too Kendo” She teased as he smirked,leaning down to bite her neck, causing her to moan loudly “We’ll see whos loud after im done wit ya” he gave his own tease back as he moved between her plump thighs, kissing the flesh there as he pulled her shorts to the side, exposing her flushed lower lips. Gasping she reached for his hand that held her legs apart causing the fresh blonde to look up at her, eyes wandering over her face for signs of him to stop “I-Im not used to being this bare sorry..” She whimpered out as it dawned on the other side of her words “Have you ever ate out baby?” he asked as she hid her face from him, shaking ehr head as he groaned, pulling her shorts down as he saw her lacy panties , a smirk placed on his lips as he peeled them off too, a string of arousal keeping them plastered to her lips “fuck, that bastared really didnt take care of you” he growled as she sat up to see his darkening eyes kiss up to her lips whispering out a “but i will” as he sucked one of her lips into his mouth, causing a lound moan from the woman he was inbetween. Slowly he licked up her lips, searching for that small pearl as she whined, a hand coming down to tug his hair. Grunting he soon found it, sucking onto her clit as she gasped, her thighs shutting over his head as he looked up to her, watching as her back arched off of the bed once her pressed his tongue hard against her clit. Softly he let a hand run under her thigh, a single thick finger tracing over her twitching hole as he pushed it in gently, making [ ] squeal. “K-Ken!” She called out as he looked up again, catching her eyes and flushed face on his actions. Making a show of what he was doing he let a second one join the first as he sucked hard on her bud at the same time making [ ]’s eyes roll back as her hand fell from his head, nervous od pulling too hard. Kendo however had other plans. Feeling her walls tighten around his fingers he made sure to find that spongy spot and hitting it, finally pulling his lips from her clit as he smiled “Uuh Uh doll, look at me” He growled as she hesitantly glances at him, regretting that she did. He looked way too good, hair a mess as he was panting, catching his breath from being down on her. With evry pump of his fingers his muscle in his arm twitched, making her own walls spasm as she watched it “Ya like it sweetheart?” He asked as she shook her head, watching him move back to her pussy “Good, cause i aint done” He said as he gave her clit kitten licks beofe slurping on it, throwing a wink at her as he picked up his pace, making [ ]’s voice rise as she felt herself getting close before quickly snapping at a particular hard thrust of his finger to her spot on her walls.
Letting out a light scream she came over his fingers and tongue, the male laughing gleefully as he sucked up her juices. LEtting her come down some he watched her face as bliss spread through her body and a sense of confidence whent though his. Slowly he picked up the pace of his fingers again, going from a shallow push to more stroking as he heard [ ] whine, grabbing at his hand “Uh uh sweetheart, you taste too good fro me to only let you cum on my tongue once” he said as he pushed her down by her stomach, letting her take his spare hand as he went back to suckling on her lower lips. He knew he had a lot in stored for her, and watching the newly admitted love of his life cum from his pleasing was enough for him to realized he needed to do more. Popping off her clit as puling his fingers gently out he looked at her ravished body, using his non wet hand to pull at his sweats. “Youre beautiful like this [ ]” kendo said as she took in heavy breaths, feeling her throat close as he stroked his massive size, rubbing the swollen head as he looked at her , giving her a soft smile “Ya dont have to take me just yet , hes just throbbin too much” He groaned as he twisted his hand hard over his leaking tip, feeling himself throb as he laid back on his bed. “Ride my face?” he asked with one of the most sinful looks [ ] had ever seen ; lustful eyes watching her as his large hand stroked his larger dick, the soft and fleshy muscle jumping at watching her crawl to him, throwing a leg over his neck
“I-i dont wanna suffocate you..” She said as he smirked before saying “Ya cant suffocate me i want it” Soon he grabbed her hip, pushing her onto his awaiting mouth as he picked up his pace, sliding his tongue into her twitching hole as she rocked her hips, keeping a steady pace as she held herself on his shoulder and headboard, ,depreate moand and cries tumbling out as he rocked her too, going from her clit to her dripping entrance, stoking his dick harder and harde as her moans spurred him on. Soon he felt the bud in his mouth twitch and throb harder, the sounds [ ] made increasing as his own hand sped up with his throbbing head, the telltales of them both getting close. A moan erruptred from the girl on his lips as she came again , her essence running down his face as he groaned, ropes of cum shooting onto his hand and stomach as he came himself, still stroking out what he could as the pressure he felt subside. Sliding off softly [ ] saw the mess behind her, taking it upon herself to lick up some of it as she was met with his same aber eyes, watching her move to his still hard member “Let me take care of you too?” she asked shyly. Fuck he was done for as he felt himslef hardend worse at her words, a large hand coming up to smack her ass as he psuhed her up and over his head, letting his tip and her swollen lips run over eachother. Slowly he pushed his tip past her budding lips, entranced by the way it swallowed her whole “Fuck...i love you [ ] and by the time im done with ya...youll know it” he whispered in her ear as she felet him push, more and moreof his large size spreading her lips father than shed ever had. Her eyes rolled up as she felt him bottom out, both moaning as he picked up his pace, making a soothing rhythm as little moans and whines came from [ ], deep grunts coming from Kendo as he kissed her shoulders and back, marking where he could as he felt himself get closer with how she was throbbing over his member.
Digging his fingers as deep as he could in her plush hips he let our a mantra of ‘Cummin’ i and ‘ I love yous’ in her ear as she pushed back against him, feeling herself teetering as he pushed as deep as he could go ,letting himself cum as she came too, the overwhelming feeling of him throbbing against her spongy walls and previous orgasms enough to push her over a third time. “[ ]” Kendo rasped as [ ] hummed , feeling her legs still shake with him in her “Im serious, i'm never leaving you...you're mine and i love you…” kendo said as he kissed the back of her neck, nibbling her ear as he stayed in her “Mhm….i love you too Rappa..”
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nctsjiho · 4 years ago
King of Hearts
warnings: none
era: July 2021
❀ Lucas decides it’s time to take JiHo out for her first date
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Leaned over the kitchen counter, rolling an orange from hand to hand, JiHo was deeply invested in the conversation she was having with her manager. Not Yebin, but her Esteem manager she was currently living with. The poor piece of fruit had suffered bruises from the few times the young girl had dropped it or tossed it too hard, but JiHo paid no mind as she listened to Sihyun – the manager – talk about the latest gossip in the model and acting industry. Yes, JiHo had the ‘privilege’, or whatever you wanted to call it, to get the insider-scoop about that industry before stuff got public, if it ever went public anyway.
Mid-conversation the two women heard the keypad of their front door beep, indicating that someone was trying to get inside. Usually this would concern the residents, definitely because they were the only ones living in the apartment, but Sihyun knew. She knew JiHo had practically given the password to their house to all her groupmates.
And even though Sihyun wasn’t initially comfortable with 23 men being able to walk inside her house at any given moment, she quickly came to terms with it when all the boys had been nothing but respectful of her privacy and 99% of the time would announce their arrival. The only times they did not announce it was during the early afternoon hours when they knew JiHo would be home alone, or on the occasional moment they would just forget. This time seemed like one of those moments.
“Hello princess!” A loud voice boomed through the apartment from the small corridor. Sihyun who stood on the other side of the counter had a clear visual of the surprise visitor and smiled watching his goofy stance. JiHo however didn’t need to take a look at him to know who the visitor was. “Took you long enough, how many days have you been in Korea already? And you hadn’t visited.” JiHo continued to play with the abused piece of fruit earning a scowl from Sihyun – she knew the girl wasn’t going to eat that orange afterwards and it would be headed straight for the bin.
Soon enough two long, strong arms slithered around the girl’s waist. “I’m sorry, but I’m here now.” JiHo felt her bar stool turn – it wasn’t even a swivel chair – until she was met with a bright smile. She couldn’t help herself but smile back, yet her smile quickly turned into a confused frown when she saw the bag in Lucas’ outstretched hand. “What’s this? A house warming gift? You know it’s a little late for that now.” Lucas just smiled as he shook his head. “We’re going on a date! Now go change.” He pushed the bag into JiHo’s lap.
The girl’s confused expression quickly turned into one of shock, while Sihyun just tried to contain her excited shrieks behind her hands. The 26 year old woman felt like she was watching some sort of K-drama and no one would blame her, since Lucas looked like a handsome main-lead with his hair styled back and wearing a nice pair of jeans along with a crisp looking white button up. Oh how Sihyun wished she could get him to agree to work under Esteem, but he was already successful enough getting modelling jobs without having to look for any. Every clothing brand and fashion magazine in Korea and China had their eyes on him already. Esteem had nothing more to offer to him.
“A date?” The boy – man might be a more appropriate title for him – nodded his head wildly, messing his hair up a bit in the meantime. “Why?” “Because I heard you’ve had a stressful time these past months and so I want you to relax. Plus! I missed you and I want to hang out.” JiHo’s face softened at the confession, but she couldn’t help but feel the nerves flutter in her stomach. “But we can hang out inside and just order some food or something-“ The feigned disappointed shake of Lucas’ head cut JiHo off mid-sentence. “Chenle told me you’ve been playing Valorant every day after your schedules, practise and recordings. It’s time for you to get your butt outside.” Before JiHo could protest a sigh from behind the kitchen counter caught their attention.
Sihyun’s eyes widened as she saw the two young idols look at her, but she quickly regained her composure. “I agree with Lucas. You seriously need to leave this house more.” “I have been! I literally went skateboarding all the time with Yangyang this month.” JiHo defended, yet Lucas faked a cough to grab her attention. “What?” “I’ve heard you haven’t went since that last time when you invited He-“ “Okay! I’ll get dressed, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” JiHo pushed herself of the chair and ran towards her room. Lucas and Sihyun both just smiled knowingly before engaging in a conversation together.
Dresses weren’t completely foreign territory for JiHo, she had worn a handful now for work and she was well aware that her taste in fashion had changed over the past few months. She now wasn’t completely opposed to wearing a dress casually, even though this had not yet happened so far. However, as she looked at the dress she felt her hands get a bit sweaty.
It wasn’t that the dress was ugly, or too revealing. Not at all. It was just that JiHo actually really liked it, she didn’t know how to react. Slipping the yellow fabric over her head, she noticed how the dress fit like a glove, as if it was made for her. It was a silly thought, but somehow JiHo felt like she was having her princess moment right now – which was fitting because this was all thanks to Lucas who liked to call her princess. For once JiHo felt super feminine in a comfortable way and she wouldn’t like to admit it, but she really loved the feeling.
JiHo quickly put on one of the necklaces Lucas had bought her months, maybe even years ago, did her makeup in record time – well the makeup really only consisted of mascara and a lip tint – and made sure her hair looked acceptable to go out. Once finished she walked back to Lucas who was still talking to Sihyun.
“Oh you look so cute!” Sihyun almost squealed causing JiHo to roll her eyes. “I’m ready to go.” The young girl said to catch Lucas attention. He turned his body so he could see JiHo standing beside him. It took a few seconds before Lucas could form the right words to say, taken aback by how different JiHo looked right then. “Wow~ You look even prettier right now.”
The bright smile and breathy words coming from Lucas didn’t fail to make JiHo flustered. She’d already gotten used to Lucas calling her ‘pretty’ and ‘beautiful’ a lot of times and she knew that he meant it every time, but right now the words just seemed to register differently and catch her off guard.
An open hand “harshly” made contact with Lucas’ arm to which he winced. “Let’s just go.” JiHo mumbled going to the corridor where her shoes and bags were located.
Lucas couldn’t stop himself from helping to choose a bag and a pair of shoes for JiHo which he thought would fit best with her outfit. “Where are we even going?” She asked curiously after slipping on a pair of low, cream, sandal-like heels. “It’s a surprise, but we’re definitely getting some food as well and we won’t have to walk too much. So don’t worry.” He teased, but JiHo couldn’t help but smile. “You know me too well.”
To say that JiHo needed this “date” was an understatement; with how she was beaming and laughing nonstop, Lucas could’ve sworn that if JiHo was locked up in her apartment one more day she would’ve completely lost it. He could visibly see how the tension in JiHo’s muscles melted away. The twinkle her eyes held looked so innocent and childlike, as if she was experiencing things for the first time. And as the duo now sat across each other at a table in one of the nicest rooftop restaurants in the area, Lucas couldn’t move his gaze from the everlasting smile on JiHo’s face boosting his pride.
“I didn’t know there was a butterfly garden in Seoul.” JiHo deeply exhaled, thinking back at how beautiful all the butterflies looked up close. “Did you like it?” Lucas asked, awaiting a positive answer. When JiHo’s eyes widened, Lucas started to get slightly worried, but the girl’s passionate answer quickly eased his nerves. “What do you think? I loved it! Every part. The butterfly garden, the café, and now this restaurant.” She then shoved the piece of steak that was on her fork into her mouth, not waiting until she had swallowed it she continued, “I think this is the best food I’ve ever eaten.”
A low chuckle left Lucas’ lips as he watched JiHo chew and swallow the rest of her food. “I should take you out more often then.” He smiled, mostly to himself, but JiHo perked up at his words. “Hm? Why?” Lucas looked up to meet JiHo’s eyes. “I mean, today was great, so yeah I’d definitely wouldn’t mind doing this again. But why would you want to?” “Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile this beautifully before.”
At his words JiHo couldn’t help but blush, the comment completely catching her of guard. She wondered how after those years of compliments Lucas managed to make her blush like that, but somehow, today, Lucas had found a way so that any- and everything he said or did would make her feel like a young teenage girl going on a date with her crush.
“You always try to be so professional and even if you have fun and play around sometimes, it’s like you’re always on your toes. Seeing you let go and genuinely be happy, being able to forget about your worries, it looks absolutely stunning on you JiHo.” JiHo looked down at her now empty plate before mumbling, “Did China turn you into a cheesy heartthrob or what’s up with you?” It was barely a question and definitely a coping mechanism – JiHo didn’t know how to react to Lucas sincerity – but Lucas was all for it, laughing at how adorable JiHo looked.
“What? Are you falling in love with me princess?” JiHo looked up with a gasp. “Don’t call me that in public! If someone hears you and recognises us, dating rumours are definitely going to spread and SM won’t be happy.” JiHo scolded, but Lucas could only laugh. She was clearly just trying to avoid the question because she was already very aware that Lucas rented out the whole rooftop for the two of them, no one would be able to hear them. And even if she did forget, with just one glance it would’ve been obvious it was only the two of them there, besides the 2 waiters who were enjoying their own conversation at the bar.
Once the duo had finished their dinner and after they continued talking for about 2 hours afterwards, they headed back to JiHo’s apartment. Luckily all the boys’ dorms weren’t too far away from the apartment, so Lucas wasn’t rushing to get her home or to leave after she arrived safely.
“You really didn’t have to walk all the way up here. You’re acting like we’re in some teenage chick flick.” JiHo smiled as she pushed in the code into her door’s keylock. With that Lucas leaned against the wall next to her – in the most cliché way – while sending her a smile of his own. “Do you not like it?” The keylock dinged at the correct input and JiHo began to push open the door with one hand, the other hand pushing at Lucas’ chest. “Careful or I’ll tell Yuta oppa about this and I don’t think he’d be too happy.” For a second Lucas smile faded as he felt the tiniest bit of fear arise at the though of his hyung’s possible reaction, but his smile returned just as quickly. “I’m sure he won’t after he sees all the pretty pictures I took of you today.”
Again JiHo felt her cheeks flare up just the slightest, but this time purely out of embarrassment. “Don’t show those pictures to anyone.” “But you looked pretty today. And it’s not as if the boys haven’t see you wearing a dress before.” JiHo just shook her head and sent him a warning glare. “But I don’t mind being the only one who’s allowed to see you look this pretty- Ouch! What was that for?” The boy held his arm where he just got pinched.  “For being annoying.”
A pout formed on Lucas’ lips but it quickly got wiped away once JiHo pulled him into a quick hug, making sure the front door didn’t fall back into the lock with her foot keeping it open. “Thanks for today. Thanks for being my prince and taking me out on my first date.” Normally JiHo would cringe at her own words, but somehow every ounce of shame was thrown out of the window now that she was around Lucas. “It really was your first date huh?” He smirked, cocking one brow. “Yeah yeah, now don’t go ‘bragging’ about it to the others, okay?” However Lucas just smirked again as he began making his way to the elevator. “No promises princess!” JiHo hushed him, but he was already inside the elevator, doors closing behind him. “Oh God, Doyoung, Yuta and Kun are all going to kill him.” She mumbled to herself walking into her apartment.
Just as the door closed behind her she heard her phone vibrate. And then vibrate again. Until it just became one constant buzz. Looking at her phone she saw the notifications of the NCT group chat along with the words ‘Lucas and JiHo’ as well as ‘date’ and ‘princess’. Shaking her head in disbelief and deciding to ignore the messages until tomorrow, JiHo mumbled to herself again. “At least if I don’t get to him and kill him first.”
Side Note: The only reason that this writing is called ‘King of Hearts’ is for me to tell you that you should listen to that song. Winwin’s vocals 👌 Yangyang’s last verse 👌 Hendery during that live performance of this song in Bangkok (he’s so hot and talented, please stan him)👌 How this song was literally made for Lucas 👌 Yes I’ve listened to it 10+ times on repeat one day and I’d gladly do it again!
Also someone tell me to stop posting every other day, why am I doing this to myself also me feeling writing/creative withdrawal when I don’t post😅 
Have a nice day/evening/night loves 🤍💚🤍
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letsperaltiago · 4 years ago
even in a crowded room, it's just me and you
Summary: Jake and Amy spend their date night staking out a nightclub in Brooklyn. It's safe to say that it doesn't go exactly as planned.
Rating: T-M ish (for now 😌)
Words: 10.3 k (welp)
Read on AO3 here
Pink, blue, green, yellow, purple. Every color imaginable cuts through the dark venue like a knife, quick strokes of light appearing only to disappear just as fast, to the beat of loud techno music that definitely doesn’t strike a chord with the two young detectives, Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago.
See, they’re not exactly here to party - there are so many other places, places that aren’t Club Enzo, they’d much rather pay a visit on a Friday night - but rather to work. They’re here to stake out the location and hopefully gather evidence that can put their perp, Axel Manson, in jail for handling and dealing a new drug called ‘Kandy’ - yes, with a ‘k’. Very creative. 
It isn’t exactly the date night they’d planned but Holt really needed their help and at least they’re spending time together - plus, there was no way Amy would ever deny their captain her help. The second the captain’s name flashed up on her phone screen, Jake knew date night was about to take a turn. 
Having just arrived at the nightclub and watching Amy shrug off her coat to give it to the cloakroom staff, thus introducing him to her undercover outfit, he doesn’t mind the sudden change of plans. Not one bit. Sure, the instant he’d met her outside the club and could see her bare legs, he knew she wasn’t exactly wearing a pantsuit or her usual jeans. Although her coat was hiding everything down to her knee and he didn’t know what to expect. It’s safe to say that he in no way, shape or form expected this. 
A dress, not too short but without a doubt short enough to make him do a double-take, clings to her body molding all the right places (which is everywhere, if you ask him) and, to top it off, it’s red. A deep, burgundy red that has him biting his lip to keep his jaw from falling to the sticky floor. Being the talented detective that she is (plus, Jake is shamefully bad at hiding his excitement) Amy notices the response, and in the darkness of the street, there’s no hiding the blood that immediately rushes to the apples of cheeks. 
“Looking much, Peralta?” Even if he’s the one to make her blush, he’s still the one who’s dropped his jaw on the cold pavement and there’s no way she’s letting him off the hook. A few months ago she would’ve swept gazes or subtle compliments under the carpet, rationalizing by telling herself that he was dozing off, not minding what he was doing, or simply being friendly. Although things have since then changed. Now Amy knows for sure that he likes her, thus doesn’t have to shrug his actions off with stupid excuses to protect her hopes and feelings, and can allow herself to act on his advances. A dynamic that’s been there since the day they met but has blossomed into honest to good flirting. Butterflies take over her belly every time she catches him looking at her, but She collects herself and her cloakroom number. 
“Was I that obvious?” He grins much like a kid getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar but is quick to recover because this is good - they are good - and he doesn’t have to worry about loving the way his girlfriend looks. Especially when she’s got her back turned and grants him a view that has him questioning his professionalism. 
“Yes.” In the meantime, she’s turned on her high heels and it all happens so fast, so smoothly and Bond-like. It offers Jake no chance of keeping up with her which means it’s safe to say he’s surprised, very pleasantly so, when she closes the gap between the two of them to help him unbutton his coat. His nice coat, she notices, compliments a sleek, navy blue button-up shirt that comes into view once enough coat buttons have been popped open by her nimble fingers. Having already dropped his jaw in the street outside and never fully recovered, there’s no way he can allow himself to do it again. Although a small hitch in his breathing does make an appearance and outs him. The sight of his girlfriend focusing on opening his coat for him as if it were part of their mission will do that to him. She’s too good, he thinks. 
Finally, she gets to the last button without her eyes straying, not once. Looking into his eyes as she pushes the coat - the first layer of more to come, later, he hopes - off of him, another hitch, one that travels through his entire body, shakes him to the core. Brown eyes and lipstick coated lips smirk at him, up through her dark lashes, because she knows he’s obsessed and she’s about to leave him hanging in that moment, all by himself. “You good?” 
“Uh- uhuh.” Jake swallows loudly, unable to speak. Five seconds later he’s proven right: she spins on her heels, away from him to hand his coat to the cloakroom staff, and creates yet another torturous distance between them. 
Jake is equally frustrated and thankful - frustrated because she should never be allowed to look at him like that and then turn away as if nothing happened; thankful because it gives him the time to reassemble himself. 
Amy stoves their cloakroom tickets away into her little clutch and then, for the first time, gets a good look at her boyfriend’s full attire. God, she loves it when he’s cleaned and dressed up nicely. He’s freshly shaved, hair is washed and as wavy as the length will allow, and has it paired with his nicest button-up shirt and black trousers. There’s no doubt, in her or anyone else in that club’s mind: Jake Peralta cleans up more than just nicely (when he wants to).
“This is giving me mad James Bond and Maxi Pads-vibes.” He’s the first to break the momentary silence between them, thumping bass in the background, and it’s as if it brings them back in the zone. Not a very sexy remark but definitely funny and, work-wise, probably pretty smart. 
“Shut up,” she chuckles immediately getting the reference, remembering Jake in his fancy three buttoned-tux and them tiptoeing around an abandoned building (and their feelings for each other) in an attempt to catch her nemesis, Minsk. As she hooks her arm with his, slightly leaning into him as they walk further into the club, lights, and loud noise, she wonders why she back then backed out of her initial plan to ask him to dance and used Gina’s grandmother as an out instead. Luckily, that’s in the past, and tonight, she has nothing to be afraid of or back out of. It’s them, him and her, against the world - or this loud club and Axel Manson, at the very least.
They walk into the dancing crowd, a sea of drunks, Amy comments making Jake laugh. After being bumped into multiple times, never being apologized to, they arrive at the bar where they’ll have to order anything but a tempting and delicious-looking cocktail. They should go out for cocktails someday, when they’re off the clock, Jake notes to himself as the woman next to him walks away with two enormous drinks while he on his part is left ordering sodas. Orange for him, a coke for Amy.  
“Thanks.” As silly as it might seem the butterflies in Amy’s belly make a reappearance at the thought of Jake knowing exactly what to get her, without even asking her, and it reminds her, bittersweetly, of the past boyfriends who’ve thought they got her what she wanted only to end up serving her what they thought she wanted. In more mays than one, Jake constantly reminds her of exactly why she’s with him.
“I would’ve gotten you Orangina but this club has the decency of not serving poison to their guests.” Jake hides a smirk by taking a sip, knowing she won’t punch or shove him, risking his nice outfit being ruined. When it comes to joking and messing around, something they’ve been from day one and won’t ever change. they’re just kids, both of them, It’s an eternal dynamic that can’t be changed. 
“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” She sips on her coke, leaving Jake hanging with a first-row experience of her lips perfectly enclosing the edge of the glass. “Anyways, what is the plan?”
Can’t she just tell him what the plan is? Sure, he could think of something but she’s already one step ahead of him, she always is, and has probably already thought of something brilliant - also she’s just that much hotter when she’s telling him what to do. 
“I’m thinking…” 
Thank God - his prayers have been heard. She picks up right where she left off. 
“... We play it cool, act like regular guests. Then we can split up, hope that either Mason himself or one of his men seek one of us out to sell us drugs. That would be proof enough for us to take him down. Although, objectively speaking, there’s a higher chance of them approaching me since I’m-”
“Super hot?” Wow, he certainly hasn’t gotten any better at holding back his first thoughts, has he? Proud of it or not, the words are out in the open and have earned him an amused look in return. Amy featuring a crinkled nose, grinning lips, and, all in all looking, cute as ever. Cute and hot at the same time ’cause his girlfriend has range. 
“I was gonna say “Since I’m a woman” but good to know where your head is at, Peralta. Very professional.” 
There’s that voice again, the sultry one he can’t act casual around; the one that gets him all hot and bothered even during times like these where it’s rather inappropriate and not very HR-friendly. Clearly, she’s joking around, messing with him on purpose, and normally he’s okay with that but not tonight - not when she’s looking like this and talking to him like that. On a night like this, there’s an extra-fine and fragile line between professional or personal. 
 The shape of a smirk on her glowing face paired with the insanely gorgeous dress and her let-down hair? She must know what she’s doing to him, right? And while it isn’t her responsibility whether or not he can control himself, the evening has just barely begun and he’s already miserable. There won’t be a lot of solving crime on his part if this moment sets the tone for the night. Damn his smart, incredible, gorgeous girlfriend. 
“If either of us makes contact with Manson, the goal is to lure him outside while the other calls for backup. If Manson is here then the rest of his gang surely must be here too, and the club will need to be ransacked. Sellers and buyers must be arrested. Our priority is to arrest Manson though. Got it?”
“Got it.” 
Drink in hand, plan agreed upon, they dance their way into the big crowd. Even sober, trying to keep up with the rhythm of the music whilst balancing liquids isn’t nearly as easy as everyone around them makes it look. A few songs later, having gotten used to the crowd’s unpredictable swaying and their cups gradually being emptied, Jake and Amy get into it. They feel themselves being a part of the sea of drunks and, even sober, it’s pretty fun. It’s been a while since they’ve gone out just the two of them, and despite the fact that this isn’t their usual spot and they’re on the clock, the sentiment remains the same.
Amy has her own, very unique, dancing style, and Jake is very much aware of this. It’s safe to say he’s grown to love her dancing, finding it adorkable (Amy told him that it’s not a real word but he doesn’t care) and another good reason to think of her as the coolest human being alive. Amy is a pro at getting caught up in people’s opinions but when she’s dancing? She forgets everything around her and simply has fun. Tonight is no exception: Amy’s limbs are kicked, punched, thrown right and left to the beat, accidentally hitting a couple of guests who, luckily, are too drunk to care. It’s her very own form of art and Jake is her biggest fan. 
“Dance with me!” She yells over the loud music, smile as wide as the Joker’s. She knows there’ll be missteps, she’ll fall out of the rhythm and eventually step on him. That hasn’t changed and probably never will. Although what has changed is the fact that now she doesn’t care. Now she’s confident in Jake’s feelings about her, knows that he finds her small missteps adorable, never annoying, and nothing she can do will push him away. 
“Is that a work tactic of yours?” He speaks into her ear once he’s finally closed the gap between them and they’re moving in somewhat synchronization to the beat of a remix of a song that was better off in its original format.
“Sure.” A giggle fights its way through the obnoxiously heavy bass and Jake is very thankful. Every sound she makes equals a spectacular symphony. One that he doesn’t want to miss. “Makes us look more legit. Will keep out cover intact.”
“Wow, look at you throwing around slang, Santiago. So legit.”
His teasing grin deserves a playful punch to fight off his smartypants comments.
“But do you think Manson will approach us if we come off as a couple?”
“Who says we’re a couple?” She grins devilishly, leaning in close so that their noses a pressed together. “We’re drunk. We don’t know what we’re doing. We might as well be strangers.” 
This time around she can’t hear it over the loud booming but his breath gets caught in his throat at the thought of Amy Santiago being his scandalous one-night stand. Of course, one night with Amy would never be enough for him but there’s something about this specific roleplay, undercover role, and the way she’s looking at him with luring dark eyes that has him fumbling into unprofessional land. Focus, Jake. He counts down from ten and Amy, oblivious to her boyfriend’s internal fight, pulls back, offering him a chance to collect himself. The bright lights illuminate her as she moves with a confidence that completely erases the dorkiness and leaves her looking like a goddess clad in red. Red as wine and all he wants to do is get drunk on her. 
The couple falls into a comfortable rhythm of moving about the floor, somewhat dancing, as they keep an eye on the constantly switching crowd. In the back of their minds, they have a picture of Axel Manson keeping them alert. Hopefully, it’s enough for them to be able to recognize the criminal if he were to show himself. 
“I wish we worked cases like this more often!” Jake yells, trying to make himself heard over the music. Even basically pressed up against Amy, hands on her waist, focused, she can’t make out what he says.
“What?” She yells back, leaning in further to listen as she tries to keep up the dancing, letting Jake’s hands lead her around the floor. 
“I wish we worked cases like this more often!” 
“You look really hot in that dress.” He emphasizes his point by stroking her hip, getting a good feel of the red fabric hugging her beautiful curves. Curves that under more intimate circumstances would have him explicitly worshipping her. 
“Shut up, Peralta.” She rolls her eyes and tries to shake off his compliment, because, in reality, it does something dangerous to her. Dangerous and unsuitable under the given circumstances. 
“You do! In anything you wear but tonight is like... Wow, my mind is extra blown, babe.” 
She quickly pecks his lips in thanks, the light in her eyes enough for Jake to know that she appreciates his flirting - even when she tries to shrug it off. 
To allow herself some space, she takes a step back and thus the dancing recommences. Her very own moves are throw up, do, left and right while Jake stands back and admires the goofiness unraveling before him. Fortunately, everyone around them is too hammered to care and he’s got the view all to himself. He sticks to doing the bare minimum to look like he’s dancing. Shufflin on the spot at best. This way he can surveil the club (and Amy). 
“Incredible,” he cheers on, meaning it even though this kind of incredible isn’t for everyone. Although her moves indeed are questionable, Amy herself deserves every positive adjective in the dictionary. Wow, did he just make a grammar-based compliment? The Santiago-gene has really rubbed off on him, huh? 
Everything is easy, like fun and games, or at least it is right up until some drunk idiot, tall and handsome, Jake will admit, accidentally stumbles into Amy. She’s a trooper though: shakes it off and keeps dancing as if nothing had happened. Instead of apologizing, said man apparently sees this as an opening, a prompt for him to act on, and smoothly allows his hand to travel across the sleek fabric hugging Amy’s hips which, upon noticing the touch, abruptly stops moving. 
“Why’d’ya stop dancing, babe? You looked so good.” The strange’s voice is as sleazy as his rapprochement. Overall representing the kind of person no one deserves to be approached by. Drunk or not, Jake doesn’t care the least: this kind of behavior can’t be excused. No woman, or just person in general, should have to put up with this. Admittedly, the fact that the subject of this stranger’s idiocy is his girlfriend doesn’t make matters any better. From the feeling of his fists clenching, he can tell it makes it much worse. 
“Excuse me?” Amy challenges the stranger, takes a step back, not even caring that she bumps into someone else in the process of doing so. Her priority is to make sure that the unwelcomed hands let go of her. 
Then they both see it, both Jake and Amy, and like lightning coming from a clear sky, it takes them by surprise. It takes everything within them to not flinch or freeze in a way that’ll come off as suspicious, because this? This is without a doubt Axel Manson. 
“No need to be prissy, babe. Take it as a compliment.” 
Amy’s got her arms crossed in front of her chest and it’s clear as day, at least to Jake, that she’s in a standby position - a position where she isn’t fully sure of what her next move should be. On one hand, the perp’s moves are extremely inappropriate, especially with Jake around (even though he knows it’s a part of the job); on the other hand, she can’t act out and risk scaring Manson away. Now that he’s fallen right into their lap they need to figure out how to go about this in the smoothest way possible.
If they weren’t currently undercover, working a case that very much relies on being discreet and staying unnoticed, Jake would tell the prick to get lost. Instead, he has to take on a different role that he definitely hasn’t prepared for: the role of the random bystander that won’t intervene.   
Amy still has her back turned to Jake, facing their perp, and unfolds her arms to instead put one behind her back. Firstly, it makes her look less defensive and closed off; secondly, it allows her to send Jake a signal with her fingers: a thumbs up. Jake notices and even though he wants nothing more than rid his girlfriend of this creep, Amy is now his partner and not his girlfriend. Now is not the time to act on emotions, instead, he has to go along with whatever she leads him into. He trusts that she’s thought of a playbook to follow and knows what she’s doing. 
“Sorry, I was just... surprised, I guess,” she laughs off the momentary tension, at the very least tries to, praying that Manson won’t see right through this innocent, flirty act she’s about to put on for him.  
“That’s alright, baby. I can take it - especially when you’re as beautiful as you are.” 
Right amid people dancing and pushing their way through the crowd around them, Jake makes sure to stay at safe distance, hopefully staying out of the scene Amy and Manson have proceeded into. On his part, Manson has reached over to grab the hand of his newest catch and gives it a gallant kiss. Charming but not at all representative of his overall behavior, Amy thinks, meanwhile she acts as if the move truly impresses her. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had to stay in character for the sake of the bust, she would’ve told him off the second he bumped into her. Jake, feeling rather exclude but know it’s how it has to be, discreetly stays behind and watches the scene unfold. Sipping on orange, shuffling on the spot, acting as if some creep isn’t making a move on his girlfriend and colleague. An unpleasant feeling boils in his gut, but it’s not exactly jealousy - or so he tells himself because it’s his least favorite emotion and, more than anything else, he trusts Amy. There’s no reason for him to feel jealous. Amy is just doing her job and so she should. 
… Although he does feel unquestionable mistrust towards the other man and the urge to push him off of her is even stronger. Scum like him don’t deserve even a second of attention from a woman as lovely as Amy - undercover persona or not.  
“Wow, thank you. I sure don’t mind my view either.”
From a time preceding their current relationship and up till now, Jake has witnessed a bit of everything in terms of Amy’s flirting skills. Not that his own are any better but Amy’s can sometimes be… awkward and questionable. In reality, Amy Santiago is a natural but as soon as she’s consciously flirting, she gets all weird and fidgety about it. Her game is much stronger when she’s doing it unconsciously, going with the flow, like with him. As if they only know how to flirt with one another. 
Yet here she is, completely nailing this coquettish act, and even though it should bother him Jake also feels… captivated. This bold and cutthroat side of Amy that usually only appears when it’s just the two of them, within the intimacy of their bedroom, is suddenly out in the open and luring in a stranger with so much ease. Amy Santiago is without a doubt the best detective slash genius.
Mason takes a step closer, smooth to a point where it’s embarrassingly obvious that he’s done this a lot, and puts a hand on her hip. It isn’t until he can taste fresh blood that Jake realizes he’s been biting his lip. Focus, Jake, he tells himself and joins the random group of dancing people next to him, hoping this will keep his cover intact while he can keep an eye on the situation. Hopefully, he hasn’t noticed him and Amy dancing together before bumping into them. Amy knows what she’s doing, he keeps repeating to himself, completely drowning out erratic beats, people singing off-key to some pop song, and other distracting sounds. 
“What’s your name, gorgeous? And even more importantly, are you here with someone?” Manson’s dark eyes drill into hers with great, sleazy purpose. In all honesty, it throws her off a bit to be looked at like that by someone who’s not Jake, even worse a criminal. Concentration is key and Amy falls right back into the game with ease. On the outside nothing unusual is to be noted; on the inside, she fights to ignore the stranger’s strong fingers digging into the flesh of her hips as if she were his property. 
“Cassidy, and no. I’m just here to… explore my options.” Amy gives him her best flirty smirk, personally hating the reaction it earns her but, professionally, happy to see him fall right into her sensuous trap. 
“Well, Cassidy, I’m Axel and that sounds right about perfect to me. I also love to… explore.” He emphasizes his ulterior motive so obviously that it falls right under the category of an explicit plan. 
It’s funny to see someone who couldn’t be leading a more different life from her own think they have something in common, Amy thinks. It sure helps the fake smile she currently has plastered on her face, even when Manson strokes her hip and causes the soft fabric to bunch up around her thigh, revealing more of her golden skin. That’s her cue - it’s go time. No more fooling around. With the hand behind her back she signals towards the club’s exit and prays that, in that very second, Jake happens to be looking her way right. Get him outside echoes in her mind and she hopes it does in Jake’s too. 
What Amy doesn’t know is that Jake hasn’t left her out of sight for even a second. On the contrary, he’s quick to notice the signal and knows exactly what it means: things are about to start moving. His galloping pulse confirms it and he’s ready to follow them wherever they go. 
“How lucky for both of us, Axel. Should we, you know, get out of here then?” 
Amy feels like she’s in a movie, coming up with one smooth line followed by the next. Dropping line after line, spontaneous and mysterious, to a point where she almost can’t recognize herself. Although she can’t wait to bust this guy and be back with Jake, she does have to admit that it is very satisfying to see just how easy and indiscreet criminals are. It’s a fine line to walk. 
“Nothing would make me happier, doll.” Axel promptly places an arm around Amy’s waist, a bit lower than expected and the move is as smug as Axel’s grin. A grin that only grows from the satisfaction of having his arm around a beautiful woman who, he thinks, will get him laid. 
In the momentum of the turn they do, directing themselves towards the exit, Amy catches a glimpse of her boyfriend’s stare. There’s no begrudging his displeased demeanor, Amy thinks imagining if it were her in his place. There’s a lot of trust between the two, never any reason to feel jealous, but this kind of situation is different and (luckily) not circumstances any regular couple would ever encounter. There’s no room for jealousy - this is a matter of doing your job properly whilst also keeping your partner safe and unharmed. A partner which you more than just care for. Jake certainly has begun to entertain himself with the thought of love and this only enhances the pondering about his feelings for his co-detective. 
They share a look of mutual understanding, brief but it’s there, and it puts Amy at ease to know that he’s got her back in these most trying times of their operation. Manson’s hand keeps sliding further and further down her waist, obviously and shamelessly yearning for her hip and ass as if it were his right, and if it wasn’t for the fact that it was a matter of making the bust or not, Amy would’ve smacked his hand. Alas, she lets it slide, plays the role of the infatuated prey, and doesn’t flinch under the foreign palm taking a handful hold of her dress and the flesh beneath it. 
“Sarge?” Jake speaks into his phone, never letting Amy and Axel out of his sight. He can physically taste the disgust he’s feeling upon seeing his girlfriend be felt up but he’s putting his anger to good use. “Amy and I have found Manson. We’re currently luring him outside. Send back up and catch them the-”
Jake feels himself flinch at the sight of this criminal having his hands all over Amy while feeling more than just delighted by this conquest. Jake knows Manson has set himself up for great disappointment, but still, he can’t help it when the sight of Axel being a major creep has his word’s caught up in his throat. 
“I- uh, yes, sorry. Just keeping an eye out for Amy. They’ll walk out onto Fulton Street. Meet us there with backup ASAP. Not sure if he’s armed or not so be careful. He’s got Amy with him.” 
He hangs up the second he sees Axel and Amy make their way to the cloakroom. Needing to be sure of what to make her next move, without Axel noticing, Amy runs her hand up the perp’s strong arm, wardrobe number in between her index finger and middle finger. 
“Just need to stop by the lady’s room and... “ She bites her bottom lip into a natural pause. “... get ready for whatever you and I are gonna do once we leave this place.” 
She bats her long eyelashes at him. Past experiences with Jake have her trusting the simple but sultry move and its effect. It should work wonders. “Grab my coat for me, please? And perhaps I’m even lucky enough to find some candy in my pocket when I come back?” Cocked eyebrows suggest Manson read between the lines.
“What’d’ya mean, princess?” 
During the course of her career, Amy’s seen a lot of perp bluff which means Mansons already steps behind her. Even with a hand on her hip and trying to play it off as confused, the detective doesn’t fall out of character. She needs proof. 
“Oh please, Axel…” Amy grins before leaning in, lips almost grazing his ear. Lucky for her their perp can’t see how her legs are trembling from the adrenaline. “I know what you do around here. Share your candy with me and I’ll share mine with you. No one will know.” Her vixenish whisper echoes in her ears while her lips tease to touch the sensitive spot. Amy cocks an eyebrow playfully and there’s no way Axel can say no to that. 
“Of course, babe. I’ll be right here waiting. Don’t be too long though.” Axel’s warm, alcohol-drenched breath hits her face when he pulls back and it takes every fiber in Amy’s body to not pull back from where the man is leaning in close, smirking like he’s got her figured out. “I’m getting impatient.” 
“I’ll be quick.” She promises. 
Even from a safe distance away, Jake’s glowering gaze certainly doesn’t miss how Amy seals the deal their perp and how he runs starving eyes up and down her body as she walks off. While Jake would prefer that it was him she was torturing like that, he also feels confident about this operation. It’s going to work, he’s sure. Then he’s going to need a lot of making up for how little he’s gotten to enjoy her company tonight.
Purposely brushing past Jake, discreetly bumping his shoulder, Amy makes her way to the bathroom.
One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Jake spins around on his heels and follows her into the bathroom, making sure to do so unnoticed by Axel. 
“We’re in the clear,” Amy informs him when she sees Jake peep his head into the room. 
“You’re brilliant, Ames!” Jake beams, stepping up to her and instantly earns himself a proud smile in return. Amy can’t help but notice how right it feels when he places his hands on her lower arms, almost as to make sure she’s safe and really there with him. Her warms skin feels so good in his hold and it hits him how much he needs her to be okay and… his. “You okay?”
“Yes, I’m okay. And I think he’s buying it, Jake! I tried to lure him into giving me some drugs. I will let you know if he does… Did you call Terry?” 
Jake can tell she’s proud of herself and can do nothing but nod in agreement. So she should be. “Yes, backup should be here within a couple of minutes, ready to take him down when you exit the club. Also of course he’s buying it! That act you’re putting up? Impossible to resist.”
“You been thinking about that a lot, babe?” 
They’re on the clock, Jake is aware, but she sends him a teasing wink (oh, she knows), and before he can even wrap his mind around just how turned on he is, she’s moved on as if nothing had happened. Moved on to apply lipstick in the reflection of the dirty bathroom mirror as if he wasn’t even there. The red tip of her lipstick traces her full lips oh so slowly, taunting him with every inch and curve, and it has very unprofessional, untasteful per se, scenarios flash before his eyes. The muffled sound of the bass is momentarily replaced by the remembrance filthy sounds. It all crowds his mind so fast, making remaining focused almost impossible, and if they hadn’t had a major drug lord waiting for them then he’d definitely taken advantage of how Amy was currently leaning against the sink, back turned to him, in an attempt to apply the lipstick as precisely as possible.  
“Oh, Ames…” Though he really shouldn’t, he allows his hand to wander onto her hips, the ones he’d hated Axel so much for touching… Besides hating him for the obvious stuff, like being a criminal and whatnot. “You’re all I ever think about.” 
Even with her hair let down, falling in raven waves and covering some of her exposed shoulder, neck, and arms, there’s little left to the imagination. As animalistic and primitive it might sound, Jake internally thanks Amy for her pick of dress, a spaghetti strap dress that shows off her strong upper body. Handling perps might just be the best workout.  He does realize that he’s only making it worse, more agonizing, for himself to wait out their mission however he simply can’t help himself, and before he can bring himself to cease, his lips are attached to her shoulder blade… then back nape of her neck… then the other shoulder. Her skin tastes like a mixture of her vanilla body wash and the smoke-filled air of the club. 
Their eyes meet in the reflection of the mirror, both smirking knowingly; they’re both fighting the urge to throw professionalism out the window and tear each other apart - right here, right now. How wonderful it would be to simply unhinge, give in to the vicious atmosphere of the club. Take each other home like a spontaneous hookup on a night out. Alas, right now is not the time for adulterated play pretend. Right now, even with his hands feeling dangerously good on her, closing in on the zipper running along her spine, their duty and urgent matter at hand is somehow stronger. With one last kiss to the skin of her neck and a shared look in the mirror, they wordlessly promise each other: later…
 He offers her hip a squeeze and clears his throat. Smiling to show support. 
“Let’s go get him.” 
“Y-Yes. Let’s.” 
After checking herself in the mirror one last time, she spins on her heels. Their eyes meet, outside of the mirror this time, and Amy feels confident walking out - Jake is right there behind her. Like always, he’s got her back. 
“You look great!”
Having already exited the bathroom, Amy knows not to turn around, risking looking suspicious, but she can still smile to herself, and oh does she. Blush, a lot of it, as well. Luckily said blush simmers down and impossible to detect by the time she’s back with Axel. From the dance floor, Jake keeps an eye on their every move and it’s with great delight he notices Axel’s wallet falling from his pocket when the man shrugs on his coat. Having already put on her coat, Amy checks to see if her flirting worked and to her happy surprise, it did. In the depth of her pocket, her fingers come across a tiny, sealed plastic back containing a couple of tiny heart-shaped pills object: kandy. 
Amy smiles to herself and Jake is quick to notice: she’s got the drugs and all the proof they need to take Manson down. 
To the detective’s advantage, the pumping music drowns out the wallet’s fall and Amy is quick to latch onto Axel’s strong arm thus prompting him to lead her outside, into her trap. Coats hanging off of their frames, walking side by side, they make their way through the front door. Amy’s lungs hitch for the fresh air outside, nervously so, internally praying that reinforcement is waiting for them outside as to not be left alone with the shady criminal for longer than needed. One thing is being told they’ll be there: another thing is actually seeing the familiarly blue-clad reinforcement there waiting for you. 
Click clack. 
Her black heels hit the pavement, they have officially left the safety of the crowded club, and this fact, along with the absence of the blinking red and blue lights, triggers a certain nervousness in Amy. An uneasiness screaming that everything is at stake right now - the case as well as her own life - and that there’s no room for indiscretion. 
It’s a well-known fact: Amy Santiago always brings her A-game. Although this specific mission demands even more detail-oriented and throughout thought decision-making on her part. One little misstep can cause a domino effect of danger and chaos, and she’s not about to topple over the first piece. 
On his part, Jake feels just as uneasy, if not even more, about the lack of backup. There’s a limit for how close he can stick to Amy and their perp; walking too close will only raise suspicion meanwhile walking too far behind could compromise the mission and, more importantly, Amy’s safety. 
“Where are you guys? Amy and Manson have left the club. They’re making their way south on Fulton Street, and I don’t know for how long I can trail behind them before Mason grows suspicious.” 
There’s an irritated undertone to Jake’s voice he simply can’t bite back - it’s not as if he’s trying to hide it - but his girlfriend is currently charming a dangerous criminal and no one but Manson himself knows where he’s taking her. If they get into a car this entire case will turn into a chase and ticking clock situation.
At this point, if Manson as much as hails a cab, Jake will have to do something. Step in, one way or the other, to free Amy from the situation or at least stall. There’s no way Jake is allowing a criminal to drag his girlfriend along as bait for a wild-goose chase. Alonge the thought is a hard pill to swallow. He always worries when she’s working a case; the second she’s out of sight a thousand horrible scenarios flash before his eyes because he can’t imagine a world without her. Amy is very much capable, he knows, and she doesn’t rely on him for anything, nor should she, but if he can keep her safe then he sure as hell will. 
Then it happens. What he dreaded the most. Mason waves over a cab which immediately pulls over to park next to the couple. 
A hundred feet or so keep Jake, and Manson and Amy apart. Step by step he gains speed, gains in on them, with fiery eyes glued to his girlfriend in hopes of some kind of signal from her. Manson gallantly opens the door to the cab for her. Polite for a criminal, Jake thinks to himself as his fists turn white from clenching. 
Dutiful as ever, Amy she gets into the car. He catches a glimpse of her face and certainly isn’t met with what he had imagined; Amy’s shaking her head no at him, frowning and warning him with a harsh stare. Does she just expect him to keep his cool and step back from the situation? It feels very much like a punch to his gut. Can’t she see she’s in danger? 
His feet never cease, on the contrary, they pick up the pace, completely disregarding Amy’s deterring signals. The car door smacks shut capturing Amy inside the cab but even then, through the dirty cab window, she’s very clearly telling him off. Her expression only becomes clearer with every step he takes. 
Manson, still very much oblivious to the situation that’s about to be called into existence, makes his way around the cab and gets into the back with Amy. The sound of his door shutting behind him affects Jake the exact same way the sound of a gun going off would: adrenaline overrules his clear thinking and protocol for the given kind of situation is off the table. Protocol means nothing when a dangerous drug lord is about to drive away with your partner - partner slash girlfriend, that is. It doesn’t matter that she’s the NYPD’s best detective. All Jake sees is red and the following words come flying out without warning. 
He waves his arms in the air to hopefully catch Manson, or at least the cab driver’s, attention. Perfectly synchronized with Jake’s outburst, Amy’s eyes send him daggers but there’s nothing she can say or do… It’’ll blow their cover. So instead she sits back, acts as if she doesn’t know the lunatic who’s calling out for her date, and waits for the horror that is Jake Peralta’s improv skills. 
“You forgot your wallet back at the club. They’re holding onto it for you. They uh- told me to run after you and let you know.” He’s out of breath from running up to the cab and leans against it as he tries to catch it. Jake has to admit that he deserves the prize for the worst cover story in the history of cover stories. All he can do is pray that their perp will believe it - even if it’s with an inch of mistrust. 
“What?” Manson spits, halfway out the cab and sure as hell looking pissed - pissed like a man who’s getting momentarily cockblocked by a random stranger. 
“Your wallet. Someone’s found it and I was sent to tell you.” Jake stutters from his position on the sidewalk. He can feel Amy glaring at him from her spot behind the window, begging him to look at her so she can let him know exactly what she’s thinking: idiot!
“You couldn’t have brought it with ya, ya moron?”
All night they’ve seen him in nothing but a good mood so it sure does intimidate Jake, just a tiny bit, to experience Manson growling and scowling like an agitated beast. 
“I- uh, sorry. I’m just… super hammered. My brain is probably broken from all the vodkas and… orange drank and whatnot.” 
Jake doesn’t even have to look at Amy to know that she’s rolling her eyes at him. 
“Whatever.” Manson peeks into the cab. “I’ll be right back, darling.” 
Amy smiles without saying a word, but the second Manson is out of sight she’s practically kicking down the cab door. 
“What the hell, Jake?! What are you doing?” 
During their few months of being together, he’s never seen her this mad. Not at him, not at anyone. Even the mattress incident has nothing on the pure acrimony she’s currently displaying. The red color of her dress suddenly carries a whole new symbolism. 
“What do you mean? Ames, he was going to drive you off to God knows where!” 
Why is she so angry when he’s just trying to protect her? His expression slowly starts to match hers and he doesn’t like this color on him - not one bit. 
“Don’t Ames me! And I have my tracker and gun on me, plus backup is just around the corner!” She refuses to step down from her case and it’s as if they forget that Axel Mason will be back before long.
“You don’t know how far away backup is. Also, a tracker and gun won’t keep you safe against a man like Manson!”
It takes a clenching of his jaw to contain himself. Heavy breaths have him feel like an enraged bull, provoked by her red dress (even though technically bulls can’t see color - Amy told him so) and matching stubbornness - an attribute of hers he usually admires. Right now it’s hard to admire though. Even if he knows his girlfriend is very much capable of doing whatever she puts his mind to, he also knows he’d never forgive himself if she was to be harmed in any way, shape, or form; even worse if he’d done nothing to stop it. He’s read through Manson’s criminal record and knows what the man is capable of. 
“So what? You’re running interference because you, the great Jake Peralta, need to keep me safe and be the one to save the day?” 
She’s taken a few steps away from the cab to join Jake on the sidewalk. It’s not for the sake of keeping him company though. Oh no, her arms are very much crossed, body language very clearly cutting him off completely, and if it weren’t for the fact that they’re in the midst of quite a fight, Jake’s eyes would comment on how the crossing of her arms enhances her chest. 
“It’s not like that, Amy. It’s not about being the best or saving the day.” 
“Then what?” She barks and all at once everything around them seems to go silent. It definitely doesn’t ease the weight on the young man’s shoulder, the feeling he seems to be holding back for reasons unknown. How does he explain that he cares deeply for her, perhaps more than he’s ever cared about anyone before, without saying the three magic words? That would be too soon and most definitely the wrong time. 
Still, with Amy Santiago looking at him like she currently is, eyes begging to understand but also filled with fury, he knows that he’s in the wrong and she, as so often, is right. He had no right to interfere. She had it under control and he let his personal fears overrule his professional rationality.
“I’m-” the words get stuck in his throat and he has to clear it to continue. 
“I’m afraid of not doing enough. I know that you’re a total badass but it’s so hard for me to stand by and act like it’s all out of my hands, when my mind is telling me that I can do more and that I’d never be able to forgive myself if something were to happen to you. It’s hard to stay out of your way when I feel the way that I do about you - even if I know you’re fully capable.”
 His nervous shuffling on the spot and adverting gaze cuts right through his previous angry demeanor, a much more insecure side of Jake shining through at perhaps the most inconvenient time. Amy wants to listen and discuss this with him, she truly does, because no matter how much she pisses her off, she also really likes him too. 
Timing is damned, not on their side, and Manson is now once more walking out of the club as he lights a cigarette. Jake, back turned to the club, remains perfectly oblivious to the incoming confrontation. 
 On her part, Amy has a perfect view of her undercover admirer. “Shit.” It’s unclear and mumbled under her breath, enough for Jake to notice but without being able to see Manson, the detective remains confused. “We need to stall.” Manson makes his way towards them and an oh so familiar situation presents itself: they’ve got to think fast.
“Kiss me,” Amy commands through her teeth. 
 “He’s back! We need to stall till the 99 gets here so I need you to shut up and kiss me. Now!”
To an uninformed Jake, this very sudden order profoundly confuses him. The very specific kind of confusion and disorientation reminds him a lot of that time Johnny and Dora staked out the park - he can almost feel the tree pressing up against his back and Amy’s lips on his - and the similarity of the situation will soon catch up with him.
 Usually warm and kind but now burning and stressing brown irises glower at him and Jake knows: he needs to act now; trust her and whatever process her brain has mapped out. So he acts.
Like a whirlwind, he pulls her in by her dress’ soft fabric and shoves her up against the side of the cab, so hard that a thump can be heard. It’s a kiss that, in more than one way, takes her breath away. It’s warm, passionate, and quick but still deep enough to make her toes curl. In a perfect scenario, she would let Jake go on, deepen the kiss and take them where she wants to be, but an entire case is relying on her self-control. 
 “What are you doing, you perv?!”
She pushes him off of her, as dramatically as physically possible, and the anger in her eyes makes an encore.
 Jake has never heard her scream with such high pitch and power, and it’s an understatement to say that it takes him a second to recollect himself - both because of the insanely hot kiss and the sudden scream fit. 
 “Hey! What is going on!?” Manson’s cigarette is long gone, adding itself to the collection of cigarette buds in the streets of Brooklyn. Too focused on hurrying back to the cab where his sidepiece of the evening seems to be in trouble, he fails to notice the exchange glances between the two detectives. Glances that confirm that this is is - their new plan. Like an actor walking onto her stage, Amy quickly switches from Amy to Cassidy.
 “I wanted to smoke a cigarette while you were getting your wallet, but this freak forced himself onto me!” She makes sure to spew out the word freak, hoping it’ll cover up her true feelings for her partner. 
 Amy Santiago is unrecognizable, fully merged with her role as club girl Cassidy, and Jake can’t do anything but play along as they both embark on the craziness that is a very serious game of play pretend. Hopefully backup will make their way to them before Manson has the chance of reducing him to a pile of blood and bones.
 “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, you little shit?!” Their perp forces himself in-between the two, punching Jake in the shoulder, hard enough to have the smaller man trip backward. Only by a thread does Jake manage to stay on his feet. 
A threatening that has Jake backing up against, so much that he eventually hits the wall behind him. Now he’s really begging for backup to arrive. 
Yes, he does have his badge on him, hidden under his shirt, but flashing it could cause further hostility and threat to him and, of greater importance to him, Amy. Jake stares straight into the eyes of an enraged Alex Manson, scared but also mildly annoyed by the fact that this macho idiot feels such strong entitlement when it comes to Amy – a woman whom he’s known for approximately thirty minutes. 
Not that there’s ever a good time to feel entitled to decide over a woman.
 “We were just talking.” Hopelessly so, but still, Jake tries to reason with his opponent. Mason obviously caught them with their lips locked. All according to Amy this is the plan that will get them out of this disaster, safely and successfully, and, more than ever before, Jake really hopes she’s right.  
 “Talking? Do you think I’m blind!? I saw you making out against the cab, feeling her up with your filthy hands and lips!”
 At this point Manson has a strong hand on Jake’s chest, keeping him captive against the wall with what feels like a promise to not only threaten but also hurt. A million thoughts race through Jake’s mind. 
He’s not dying, not today, not when an idiot like Axel Manson thinks he can get away with miscellaneous criminal activity and treating women like garbage. Over his dead body, only metaphorically, of course, he thinks and bites the inside of his cheek.  
Over Manson’s notably broad shoulder he manages to get a hold of Amy’s eyes. For the first time since he, to Amy’s great dismay, chose to confront Mason, Amy’s death stare is directed at their perp rather than him. Discreetly, making sure to not make any sudden moves and draw attention to herself, Amy reaches down for the hem of her dress skirt. Her eyes never drop from Manson’s figure, even as she gently lifts the skirt a bit, revealing the handgun she’s been carrying around - Mr. and Mrs. Smith-stylez.
 By all means, even with his life is at stake, Jake takes a millisecond to notice just how fucking hot that is. If this is the last thing he sees before he goes then he won’t complain. If he does survive, then he’ll have to suggest that they buy her a nice garter for them to mess around with. He’s quickly snapped out of his fantasy when Manson pushes him harder into the wall.
“Did you hear what I said? Do you think I’m blind!?”
 Jake’s floundering. 
“It was- uh- an accident.”
 The weight on Jake’s chest instantly increases even further, threatening to crush his bones (or so it feels). Then he sees Manson’s free arms being lifted from his side and prepared to throw what Jake guesses is the first punch.
 “Don’t fuck with me, shithead. Me and a couple of friends from the club are in search of a new punchbag and right now you look like the perfect candidate…”
 Jake knows he should be fearing for his life but all he pays attention to is the fact that their perp has practically just admitted to his gang being inside the club. Just as he’s about to flash a self-satisfied grin, the first punch collides with Jake’s chin.
Amy hears Jake groan out in pain, the gun ready to go, out of the corner of her eye, she sees a familiar blink of blue and red lights around the corner. Backup - she can safely reveal herself and help Jake. 
 “NYPD! Let go of him and put your hands in the air!”
 In one swift motion, well-practiced and with ease, Amy has her gun pulled from her thigh holster and pressed into Manson’s back. The criminal freezes on the spot just as he’s about to throw another punch and allows Jake to free himself as three cop cars pull up to the scene and surround them. Amy doesn’t budge, continuously holding Manson at gunpoint. Her arms tremble from the rush. Still, she doesn’t cease until the sarge tells her to and two of her colleagues have Manson handcuffed.
 “We’ve got him, Santiago.”
 A heavy breath, one she’s held since Manson forced Jake up against the wall, is set free from her lungs. Newfound calmness and satisfaction rush through her veins. 
After carefully securing her gun and putting it back in its holster, slowly coming down from the adrenaline-driven high, the thought of Jake and the punch he just took floods her mind. Adrenaline and anger fully clouded her mind but now that she can think somewhat clearly again, worry takes possession of her entire body. It’s as if her legs, without her brain having to order them to, instinctually take her to where Jake is being taken care of by Terry and a first aid kit.
 “Jake! Are you okay?”
 He barely has the time to turn around. Amid his turn, she throws herself at him, arms around his neck and if Terry hadn’t been right there, holding the bloody cloth that’s been drying Jake’s bloody nose, she would’ve kissed him to the moon and back,
 Her hug punches the air out of him, and he should care (with being punched and crushed and whatnot) but he doesn’t, because it’s her and all he wants is for her to be okay. He recovers from the hug attack right away and naturally his arms come to wrap her up. The pounding ache in his lower face, nose, and lips, swollen and slightly bloody, somehow melts away under her touch. Technically, that doesn’t make sense but that’s what he does to her. A loud pounding reappears, this time coming from his heart rather than his head and he knows he’s alive and back with his favorite person - the most badass person he knows, too.
 “I’m okay, Ames.” A pleasant mixture of her lavender shampoo and the feeling of her soft skin (she always brags about moisturizing) lets him know he’s back in his safe house and for a second he closes his eyes, lets himself slip into a momentary trance where no one or nothing can touch him. Neither of them knows for how long they stand there, simply holding each other in silence but eventually, the sarge clears his throat, obviously feeling like the odd one out during this happy reunion.
 “Amy, you and I will head back to the 99 with Manson for your debriefing. Jake, I’ll have officer Wilson drive you to the hospital for a checkup and debrief you there.”
 The couple quickly pulls apart, brutally pulled back to earth, and realizes that there are other people, notably their boss, around.
The night is far from over. More than anything else, Amy wants to be the one to take Jake to the hospital, hold his hand while they wait for the final verdict, but she also knows better than to make professional demands based on personal needs. She opts for a simple “Of course, sarge.” Jake as well.
 To the couple’s relief, Terry sees right through them, smiles, and nods approvingly. Terry loves respecting HR-guidelines but, more than anything, Terry loves love. 
“I’ll give you five.” He gives them both a pat on the shoulder, then he walks off to help with Manson who’s currently painting the dark Brooklyn night with a quite colorful chain of curses. 
The blue and red light flash across Jake’s side profile, enhancing his bruised lip, as his eyes follow the Sarge. Amy watches him watch the scene unfold, and while she would’ve preferred no punches and bruises at all, it definitely doesn’t make undercover, dressed-up Jake look any less hot. She might even go as far as thinking it’s… extremely sexy.
 “You’re an idiot.”
 Her voice instantly catches his attention and him looking right at her only gives her a better view of the slightly split lip. So much for a solid plan, she thinks and cups his cheek in her hand as to inspect him. 
He winces a bit but never refrains. 
 “I know.” The sigh is one of defeat. 
Amy is quick to catch on a runs her thumb across his cheek in a soothing pattern. “But at least we got him,” she comforts. 
 “Yeah, but you were right. I was being reckless and impatient. I should’ve stayed back and let you handle it... Like I know you can. I’m sorry if it came off as me not trusting you or whatever. It wasn’t my intention to compromise you or the mission.”
 “I know…” Carefully to not hurt him her hand slides off his face to instead grabs his hands. “But I do appreciate you apologizing.”
 “Of course. I was wrong and you were right. The Jake and Amy story.”
 A warm, familiar chuckle is shared between the two, somehow resynchronizing them, because this really does feel like Jake and Amy – whatever story they’re currently writing.
 “But there’s one thing I’m going to need you to apologize for, detective Santiago.”
 A charming grin is enough to let Amy know he’s about to hit her with something for her to roll her beautiful brown eyes at. And he, on his part, can’t wait.
 “Oh, and that is?” 
 “I’m going to need you to apologize for looking so fucking hot tonight.”
 “Jake…” Blush instantly replace her normal skin tone. Even months into their relationship he still manages to do things to her that she can’t control. Especially looking like this, all dressed up, tussled hair and bruised face working in contrast. 
 “Like, even with Manson all up in my face, all I could think about was you in that red dress…” He runs his hand along the fabric hugging her hip. “And don’t even get me started on the thigh holster. I was so afraid that I’d die tonight and never get to peel it off of you.”
 “Jake!” She skips forward and shuts him up by planting her hand across his mouth. “The officers or the sarge could hear us!”  
 “Oh my God, your lip! I’m so sorry!”
 “It’s fine.” He winces once her hands fly off of him and free his sore lip. “I really should head to the hospital, huh?”
 “Yeah, you really should. Are you going to be okay?”
 “Totally.” Jake confirms, nodding his head yes. “See you at your place later? I’m sure the hospital will let me go home tonight.”
 “Sounds like a plan.” She nods, trailing off but then the opportunity for a clever comment presents itself and she can’t resist.  “If you can you stick to it this time?” 
A teasing glimmer in her eyes and cocky smile lets him know just how proud she is of her own comeback.
 “You got me, babe. But yes, promise I will stick to the plan this time. I’ve learned from my mistakes.”
 “Good...” Without further prompting his girlfriend leans in close, close enough for her breath to tickle her ear, and drops a bomb that’s been threatening to explode since they first walked into the club.
“... And if you can’t then I’ll have to teach you a lesson, detective Peralta.”
Oh, how the hospital better let him go home tonight. 
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years ago
Hey hey!
Can you like make a fic about the cast (plus Mira's actress Riisa)
On a field trip to the hot springs ♨️??
Like just them chilling and chatting telling jokes nd stuff...maybe a bit of chaos sprinkle in there while they are in their cars with their car buddies
And the chaos still continues in the hot springs-
Characters: Kento Yamazaki, Dori Sakurada, Nijiro Murakami, Nobuaki Kaneko, Keita Machida, Tsuchiya Tao, Riisa Naka
Genre: Fluff. Just a little trip to the sauna. :D
1.1k words
Aaaand I finally got around to it! Huzzah! It's not the best, but I sure did try. Sorry I didn't put Riisa in more. :D
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The bus rolls up to the street, the doors opening up. Sakurada and Yamazaki both board, greeting the bus driver before taking their seats, the others all waving and greeting the two.
“ Hi Yamazaki!” His friend Tsuchiya greeted as he took a seat next to her. Yamazaki greets her back, smiling. The bus shuts its door as it chugs forwards once more, Tsuchiya watching the outside begin to pass by. “ I’m excited for today, aren’t you?”
“ It’s just a spa day, right?”
Tsuchiya nods. “ Yeah, but they’re going to feed us-“
Yamazaki gives a soft laugh, Tsuchiya giggling a little. “ You’re more excited about the food rather than the hot spring waters.”
Tsuchiya nods again, happily patting her lap. “ It’ll be a good afternoon spent after a nice bath~” She leans against the back of the chair, absolutely vibing. Yamazaki just continues to smile and moves his attention to watching the others chat amongst each other. Sakurada was sitting next to Murakami at the moment, just across the lane from Yamazaki, Murakami excitedly talking about the shirt he was wearing, Sakurada also rather invested in the shirt. Yamazaki had to lean forward a little bit to see the smattering of cats all over the shirt over random splotches of paint. It was incredibly pretty, so he could see why the two were happy to take about it.
Yamazaki turns his attention to the seat right behind Sakurada and Murakami to Nobuaki. The man just had a seat to himself, earbuds likely in his ears as he bopped his head to music with his eyes shut. Yamazaki couldn’t tell what kind of music it could be, possibly his own music, maybe just some other music choices.
Maybe Barbie Girl. It was his life after all, and sometimes life requires a little silly song just because.
Yamazaki waves to Nobuaki anyways, even though it was likely the older gentleman didn’t even notice him waving back. It didn’t matter, he didn’t want to pull him out of his musical bop.
“ There’s just one more stop before we head to the hot springs.” Tsuchiya says, pulling her friend’s attention back to her. “ I hear we’re picking up Naka!”
“ Oh, really? She’s free today?” Tsuchiya nods excitedly. “ Yeah. They thought that we deserved more girls at the place, so….. We got Naka!”
“ Sounds great! How much longer though until we get to her?”
Tsuchiya goes silent, thinking. At that moment, a voice pipes up from behind them. “ It’ll be another 20 minutes to her, then an hour or so until we get to the spa.”
Yamazaki raises his head to look behind him with a grin, Machida waving with a grin. “ Hey!”
“ Hi Machida!”
“ How have you been?” Machida questioned, Yamazaki giving a nod and a thumbs up. “ That’d great! You look healthy.”
“ Thank you, you too!”
Machida’s smile somehow widens even further, Yamazaki sitting down and vibing as he listened to the others chat around him. Occasionally there was a a laugh somewhere in the bus, likely from a funny joke or quote. Tsuchiya didn’t let Yamazaki down with conversation either, the two getting into a light chat about funny dog videos the other has seen.
Well, the conversation spread to Sakurada, who got into it with Murakami, which led to the entire bus getting into a massive conversation about cute dogs. Yamazaki couldn’t help but laugh at how animated everyone got about dogs, some conversation slipping about the pet dogs a few of them owned.
The conversation lasted so long and deeply that they didn’t notice the bus stop, and the bus door his open until a new voice chimes in, everyone’s eyes shooting to the where the door was.
“ Man, am I missing all the fun? And about dogs no less?”
“ Oh, hello Naka!” Nobuaki chirps, waving from his seat. Naka smiles and waves back, walking down the aisle as Nobuaki scooted over so she could have a seat. The other were quick to greet her as well, and just as easily they went back into their conversation about dogs as if she had been there all along. There was laughter as the topic shifted into animals in general, then somehow into what everyone had been up to, each other having a turn to share. Nobody really had anything not to share, even if it was something minimal, the rest willing to somehow stretch it out to a few minutes of conversation.
The time passed by rather quickly, and at some point they ended up playing hand games as the bus chugged onwards to the hot springs as the sun slowly went downwards. At the moment it was a giant game where they went around the bus circle to try to remove everyone else’s fingers through aggressive rock scissors paper.
In the end, Tsuchiya wins, the girl cheering in her seat, Yamazaki clapping for her even though he had to face a bitter loss.
“ Good game! And would you look at that!” Riisa points out the window as the bus pulls into the lot. “ We’re here!”
The bus opens, and everyone files out, heading to the building with excited energy in the air. The staff greets them, and they all head out to their changing rooms so they could have a nice night in the spa areas.
It was truly nice, of course, Yamazaki sinking into the heated waters the moment he was able to, letting out a sigh of relief. The others apparently felt the same, all letting out their stresses.
Nobody talks for a few minutes, basking in the warmth of the water. Yamazaki shuts his eyes and takes a breath of the fog that enveloped the place, quiet chatter occurring between the older men. Nobuaki lets out a chuckle as he started going on about how he accidentally threw a drumstick under a chair and couldn’t find it for ages, although Yamazaki barely takes notice of the actual words as his body slips him into a pure bliss state of zero thought.
The next thing he knows, there is warm water poured over his neck and chest, and he shoots up a little in surprise, Murakami chuckling as Yamazaki opens his eyes and looks at the man, who was standing still waist deep in the spring.
“ Come on, it’s dinner time!” Murakami says, setting the cup down and carefully striding over to the edge, hoisting himself out and grabbing a towel to wrap his waist in as he made his way out. Yamazaki was quick to follow after, and soon they were back in the dressing rooms, outfits prepared for them already. They all get dressed and head to the large room where they would be given their food, all prepaid for them.
Yamazaki takes a seat by Sakurada and Murakami, everyone else still somewhere in post spa happiness. Not even a minute later their food gets brought out to them, everyone thanking for the meal before digging in.
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ohtheseboysilove · 5 years ago
Finally home. [AU Soldier!Ben Hardy x F!Reader]
Words : 3, 700 K +
Warnings : tiny bit of angst, fluff
Summary : High-school reunion and Reader has to go all by herself. But Ben has a little surprise for her at the last minute.
Note : I got a thing for men in uniform and I got a even bigger thing for Ben so here we go, hope you like this oversweet little piece :)
x Masterlist x
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“Yeah, I’m still coming tonight” You replied to your friend through the phone, biting absent-mindedly on your nails. “No, Ben is still in Kenya, he should be home around next week, not before” You hated the pity in your friend’s voice and quickly said your goodbye before hanging up and threw your phone on your bed.
Tonight was the ten-years reunion with your old classmates from High-school and you said that you would go when you got the invitation. Now you were bitterly regretting it. You weren’t sure why you said yes, honestly you didn’t even have a good time through your fifteen to your eighteen, seriously who did ? You had few friends, few bitches in your class too and a meaningless boyfriend. Nothing too horrible but nothing you remembered like good old time. You didn’t see most of these peoples for ten years and you knew what was the point of this reunion, most of them just wanted to show how good their life was now compared to the other old mates from school. That was stupid but now it was too late to cancel. And seeing few good old friends from their early years of your life couldn’t be so horrible after all.
And Ben wasn’t even here. It wasn’t his fault, he was in the British Army and his team was deployed in Kenya to track illegal wildlife trade until next week. If nothing happened before. It didn’t sound like but it was actually a dangerous mission. These people were ready do anything to keep their merchandises then sell them, including killing those who would try to stop them. You were worried most of the time about his safety but you knew Ben loved his job and you were incredibly proud of him. But sometime it was hard to be alone for such a long time. And for an event like this one…you would have loved to have your fiancé at your side. You were twenty-eight years old and it would be a bit depress to show up alone.
But you had to go anyway. Even without Ben by your side.
You were in the cab, going to a very fancy restaurant which was entirely ranted for the evening. A ball of nerves was stuck in your stomach. No one was very confident as a teenagers and the thought of seeing these people again brought you back to this period, with a very low confidence. You were wearing a pretty dress, a light but classy makeup and sadly, you were all by yourself.
Not everyone was coming tonight but you were pratically the only one without a date. You felt crappy but you kept your mouth shut and smiled at every of your old classmates.
“Hi Jeanette” You quickly hugged the little brunette, one of your old friend which you didn’t see in almost eight years.
“How my god, (Y/N), hi! How are you doing?” She was still as happy and bubbly as you remembered. “This is my husband Devon”
And this went on for solid forty minutes. You met every girlfriend/fiancée/wife and boyfriend/fiancé/husband of all your old classmates, receving the little pity look when you explained that your fiancé couldn’t come because of work. Delia, probably the worst bitch during high-school quietly scoffed and you were pretty sure she called you a liar when you talked about your engagement with Ben.
“So (Y/N), what was the name of your boyfriend again? Barry ?” Delia asked as you were speaking with few of your old classmates at the bar. You knew what she wanted to do and it was pissing you off. She never directly attacked you at school because you were basically quiet and invisible but right now, you were the number one target as everyone was rather nice about you being by yourself rather than mocking you like she probably hoped they would. Apparently not everyone change.
“My fiancé’s name is Benjamin” You gave her a fake smile and took a big sip of your wine, knowing you would need that to go through the evening. “But just Ben is fine”
“Oh sorry, I’m bad at remembering name” She shrugged and rested her chin on the palm of her hand, clearly not finish with her interrogation. “So why he isn’t here tonight? I forgot what you said”
“He is working” You bit the inside of your cheek to not just tell her to fuck off.
“Working? Pity really, my Trevor took the night off to come with me” The pretty redhead giggled, apparently proud to rub in your face the fact that her fiancé was here and that you were alone. “This little boyfriend of you should really review his priorities” She scornfully added, throwing dramatically her hairs back.
This was the last drop. You stood up brutally and was ready to throw your Martini right in her face when you felt a warm but firm hand on your shoulder, making you turned your head.
“What the— Ben ?” You felt tears immediately pooling in your eyes at the sight of your fiancé, still wearing his military clothes with the most charming smile ever.
“Hi, love” He smiled warmly and wiped with his thumb the single tear on your cheek. “M’ sorry I’m late. Just came from the airport, traffic was insane” You giggled with glossy eyes and threw your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.
“You’re here. I can’t believe you’re here” You cried, face buried into the crook of his neck as he gently rubbed your back, hugging you back.
You could feel every eyes of the room in you but you couldn’t care more. Ben was in your arms and alive. He tried to break the embrace but you refused to let him go, like if he would disappear as soon as you would. He murmured something about the bathroom and practically dragged you in there.
“Love, stop crying, please. I’m here now” He pressed several kissed on your hairs, feeling your body shook between his arms. “I’m sorry I’ve been away so long but I won’t be deployed away for the next six months, alright?”
You haven’t see him in almost sixteen weeks, worrying to death every day, wondering if he was alright. You couldn’t contact him like you wanted, sometime he wouldn’t have Wi-Fi for several days and you could help but imagining the worst.
“I— I was so, so worried for you, Ben” You sniffled against his skin, savouring his familiar and comforting scent.
“I know, love but I’m fine, I promise” He felt his heart tightened at the pain he was inflicted you. “Look at me, I’m totally fine”
“Gimme a minute” You rested your head against his chest, listening to his stable heartbeat, quite not believing he was here.
“Take your time, love” Ben ran his hand up and down your back, waiting patiently until you collected yourself. “How your evening is going?”
“Better now. I was…I was about to throw my drink into this bitch’s face” You chuckled and slowly broke the hug, sighing loudly. “But you stopped me right on time” You smiled and he imitated, showing his high and cute cheekbones in full display.
“Meh. I would have loved to see that” You giggled heartily and he squeezed your hips, bowing his head slightly to reach your lips. The kiss was sweet and slow, the both of you savouring the long-waited reunion. “I missed you so much” He whispered against your mouth, sliding his palms against your cheeks to bring you closer.
“Me too, H. So much” You deepened the kiss, hooking your hands behind his neck and simply melted against him, wondering how did you survive four months without your Benny and his plump, delicious lips.
“Maybe we should go back before it becoming suspicious” He teased through the kiss, gently tugging on your lower lip.
“We should” But none of you stopped kissing though, continuing to make out for few more minutes. “Now we really need to go back” You chuckled breathlessly and grabbed a tissue to clean the smudged makeup around both of your mouths, grimacing as you noticed the large bruise on his jaw. “What happened ?”
You were used to see Ben come back with bruises and scars, it was part of his job but you still didn’t like it. That always made you remember how his work could be dangerous.
“Got hit by a guy who tried to run away. Little fucker knocked me off with his gun but we caught him anyway” He shrugged like if it wasn’t a big deal and it probably wasn’t for him but for you it only made your stomach churned, thinking about him getting hurt. “It’s doesn’t hurt much more, don’t worry" You nodded and pressed a little kiss on the purplish bruise before straightening your dress and combing slightly your hairs.
“How do I look?” You twirled on yourself and giggled when he whistled wolfishly, smacking playfully your arse.
“Gorgeous as always” He grinned and pecked your lips once again before opening the door. “I love you” He murmured into your ear then slid his arm around your waist, walking back to the dinning table.
"Love you too, baby ” You replied with a dreamy smile and blushed slightly as, once again, every eyes went back on the both of you.
He pulled the chair for you and you thanked him before seating and interlacing your fingers as soon as he was next to you.
“This is fuckin’ fancy, didn’t get the dress code before coming” Ben commented with an amused smile and few of your classmates chuckled, looking at his clothes.
He was clearly looking out of context with big military jacket, the dark green shirt matching his camouflage pants and then his large ranger boots to complete the perfect army look. Every guy were wearing suits and every woman were in fancy dresses but you couldn’t care less, he always looked good.
“The invitation indeed said that there was a dress code for this evening” Delia gave him a fake smile through her champagne glass, looking at him like he was an annoying little bug.
Ben recognised her poisoning tone right away, a slight smile curling on his lips. He squeezed your hand to calm you, knowing how easily you could bit back when someone disrespected your friends or family.
“Forgive me darlin’, was a bit busy and didn’t get the invite. The postal service in Kenya is not as good as is it in England” The curly man smirked and the all table bursted in laughed, making Delia clenched her jaw.
“Should we order now that everyone is here ?” A girl who you barely remembered, Matilda, said to calm the tension and waved to the waitress.
“I’m fucking starving” Ben mentioned to you, his fingers playing with yours, both your hands resting on your thigh. “The food was shit in the plane"
You chuckled at his little pout, knowing how grumpy he could be when he was hungry.
“Be patient, baby” You gently stroked his sweet face, smiling widely when he kissed your knuckles. "I’m so glad you’re here” You murmured with a honey-coated voice, heart fluttered at his pretty eyes.
The moment was broke by the waitresses bringing several plate of food and putting them in front of everyone.
“But we didn’t even order yet” Jeanette furrowed her brows as she looked at the fancy dishes.
"Oh that’s normal, it’s Trevor’s company which pay for everything tonight so we already set a menu for everyone” Delia stepped in, rubbing her fiancé’ shoulder with a proud smirk. “For the starter we have a watercress and celeriac soup with goat’s cheese croutons” She explained with a haughty voice, asking a waiter to pour more champagne in her glass.
“That’s a really fancy name for a vegetable soup” Ben commented quietly, a little grin on his face. You giggled silently and he winked at you.
The portion was minuscule and in three spoonfuls you were done, craving for more.
“It’s was delicious” You complimented to no one in particular and few guests agreed with you, nodding and repeating your words.
"I’m glad you’re please , all the food is cook by our personal chef, Louis” Delia bragged immediately, her fingers tugging on her — obviously — expensive diamonds necklace. “He is french and he is one of the absolute best !“
"Only the best for my fiancée” Trevor smirked and she matched his smirk, visibly both of them happy to rub their money in the face of everyone.
“I always forgot that you went in a fancy ass snobby school” Ben murmured after the ridiculous intervention of Delia and Trevor, making everyone awkwardly chuckled. “Thanks god you didn’t turn like that”
“I would kill myself seriously” You mumbled and played absent-mindedly with your engagement ring.
For the ten next minutes, Delia monopolised the conversation to talk about her wedding coming up in few months. You and Ben exchanged few glances, quietly laughing at the fanciness of everything. She was getting married in a freaking castle in France, of course, during summer and their were apparently a big number of important guests invited, including few celebrities from Hollywood.
“And then I’m still not sure for our honeymoon, I want Bali but I heard that the Bahamas is great too” She shook her head and pouted slightly, seeming to have a true dilemma. “Uurgh I hate that, it’s so hard to choose !”
You pinched your lips to not laugh and you looked at Ben who was rubbing his chin, watching your old classmate like she was some kind of alien.
“Baby, I wanna go to the Bahamas too” You falsely pouted and a large smile broke on his features. “And I want the Queen of England to bless our union" You added as you crossed your arms, mimicking perfectly Delia.
“Only the best for my fiancée” Ben repeated the precious words of Trevor, laughing heartily. “You can also have a unicorn to ride toward the aisle, would it make my girl happy ?”
You snorted loudly and immediately clasped a hand on your mouth, blushing a bit as everyone glanced at you.
“And what about you (Y/N) ?” Delia didn’t miss the occasion to drag you into her competition of who would have the best wedding. "Where Ben is bringing you for your honeymoon ?”
“On the moon” The blond man replied with a cheery voice and few people laughed.
“We’re going to Argentina” You said fondly, you and Ben had talk about going there for years and it was finally the best occasion to go. “Road trip all around the country for two months” You beamed and locked eyes with your fiancé, both of you very excited about this trip.
“Argentina ? Isn’t it a bit…rural ?” Delia arched her brow, visibly not impress by the choice of destination. “I mean if you want to go in South America, which I strongly not recommended, I had been robbed twice there, you should go to—"
“We’re already made our choice but thanks for the advice” Ben cut her rather harshly and she seemed offended by it. You were happy he stopped her because she was being rude and insufferable. “Argentina is our thing, had bee for a while now, isn’t it, love ?” You nodded with an adoring smile, looking at him fondly. His smile was matching yours and it warmed your heart.
His last comment relaxed the atmosphere and the conversation went back smoothly, even if Delia was a bit less loud than before.
“You’re the best” You mouthed to him and he winked at you, squeezed your thigh.
You raised your head to the waiters back, bringing the main dish, in a perfect synchronisation, giving to the meal a really snobby tone.
Delia cleared her throat once everyone get their plate, ready to explain the probably really fancy name of the ridiculously small dish.
“This is a duck breast with pomegranate and citrus glaze” You had no idea what on earth was a citrus glaze. “Bon appétit” She said in french, trying her best to suppress her english accent.
“I guess it’s too late to say that I’m vegetarian” Poppy, probably the coolest girl who was in your class during high-school – she offered you your first and only cigarette – sarcastically said with a fake smile for Delia.
The redhead chuckled awkwardly and went back to eating her plate, cheeks a bit redder than before. You glanced at Poppy who rolled her eyes and pushed on the side the duck before taking a spoonful of vegetables.
Ben gave you a distress look at the size of the dish and you shrugged, cutting a piece of the duck.
Once again, it only took few minutes to eat the small meal and you couldn’t wait for the dessert. You were in deep conversation with Denis, one of your old lab partner which was an absolute sweetheart and Harry was talking to Maggie and her wife Tracy, both clearly charmed by your fiancé’s aptitude to adapt everywhere. You loved that in Ben, he wasn’t really fitting the standards to be here tonight but he didn’t care, simply enjoying the night without any problems. His hand stayed linked to you knee, rubbing it sometimes.
“So Benjamin, how could you be here tonight ? If I remembered correctly, (Y/N) told us you were deployed for few more days" You glanced at the blond man because even you didn’t know how did he manage to be here.
“Well, easy, we caught the big fish we were after and wrapped our mission quicker than we thought. Our colonel was satisfied with our job so he let us go home sooner” You absolute adored how everyone seemed to admire his work and how brave he was to go this kind of mission. Rudy asked him what he did in this mission and so Ben explained simply that he was, for now, affected on the capture of the traders of illegal wildlife merchandises like rhinoceros’ or elephants’ horns for the ivory mostly.
“That’s very impressive !”
“Do you need guns during your work ?”
“For how long have you been doing that ?”
You smiled at the flow of questions for Ben which answered every one of them like it was simple office job. Delia didn’t look very happy to not be the centre of the attention anymore but even her fiancé was asking question, clearly impress by Ben’s job.
The questions finally calmed down when the deserts came and Delia announced it what again : It was a mango and coconut verrine with on the side, a pistachio macaron. Ben immediately dove into the sweet little thing, the glass looking ridiculously small into his large palms.
“When did you know you could come back home ?” You pushed your empty plate away and pressed your hand on Ben’s shoulder, rubbing softly his — probably — sore muscles.
The blond man glanced at you, his mouth full of macaron and chewed exaggeratedly before swallowing. A cheeky smile blossoming on his face.
“Yesterday morning” He replied, wiping his lips with a napkin.
You cocked your head and watched him leaned back against his chair, clearly knowing where you were going with your questions.
“Before or after our phone call ?” You slid your hand up to his neck, stroking his warm skin.
He squeezed your knee in return and stole you a quick kiss.
“Before” Ben said with your favourite boyish smile.
“Why didn’t you tell me ?” You cheekily pinched his skin and pouted. “I was so nervous to go by myself at this stupid reunion !” You brought your chair closer to his and he threw his arm around your shoulders, pressing a peck on your cheek.
You felt yourself snuggled closer to him, immediately relaxing at his touch. God, how much you had miss him. He brushed his nose against your skin then raised his hand, tracing the shape of your cheek’s bone and you couldn’t do much expect giving him a dreamy gaze.
“I wasn’t sure if I could catch a flight early enough to go with to your party, didn’t wanna give false hope” He explained with a soft voice. “And I also wanna surprised you” He grinned and squeezed your cheeks together, making you pout like a goldfish.
“Seriously ! I cried like a baby, It was embarrassing” You pushed his hands away making him laughed.
“No, that’s was adorable” His features turned more serious and his thumb went back on your cheek, caressing it sweetly. “You don’t know how much I love coming back home to you and seeing you so emotive and happy to have me back…” He gently cupped your face and gave you a loving kiss, you sighed quietly into the sweet moment. “That’s my favourite thing, ever. You’re my favourite person, ever” You sniffled and took a deep breath to not just burst in tears right now. “No more tears, lovie” He chuckled softly and you hid your face against his shoulder.
“Sorry but it’s your fault" You brushed a little kiss on his jaw and sat back correctly, you were in a fancy ass restaurant after all. “You’re too cute and I’m extra sensitive when you’re away for so long”
“I know, I’m sorry” Ben whispered and interlaced your hands together, smiling softly at the sight of your engagement ring.
“It’s not your fault” You smiled tenderly and sighed, looking around as everyone were in deep conversation. “What about we go home now ?” You whispered, suddenly the only thing you wanted was going back to your and Ben’s flat and cuddling in bed for at least three days straight. You didn’t wanted to be here anymore, you just wanted Ben, no one else.
“That’s a fuckin’ great idea” The blond man grinned and stood up, tugging you with him.
You said your goodbye to everyone and Delia seemed glad that you were finally leaving, a satisfied smirk adorning her face.
“Wanna go to McDonald’s before home ?” You asked Ben as he helped you put your coat on, grinning wildly at your suggestion.
“Hell, yes. I’m fucking starving”
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katahnisharma · 6 years ago
the press tour [5] | t.h.
Word Count: 2.5 K
Warnings: none, i don’t think??
Summary: You’re a new, inexperienced actress plucked from the obscurity of everyday life to play the lead in the reboot of a famous British Jane Austen novel, and Tom Holland just so happens to be playing your love interest.
A/N: This one is a mini chapter so it’s shorter, but next week’s will be longer. Also Tumblr apparently won’t let me link things so if you’re looking for my masterlist, playlist, taglist, or writing challenge it’s in my bio <3 
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Tom Holland and Zendaya Officially Together! Is Marriage on the Cards?
“Ugh! It’s on BBC too?! I thought they had journalistic integrity!!”
For the past two days, every news channel had been carrying Tom and Zendaya’s whirlwind romance. Everywhere you looked, there were pictures of the two of them being cute somewhere. Out to lunch, taking a stroll in New York City holding hands, kissing in Paris, even posing for photos with fans at Central Park. It hurt every time you turned on the TV, it was like you were intentionally trying to see the new reports. You were shocked Tom had moved on so quickly, and with the girl he had always said he felt nothing for.
Guess that was a lie.
There were so many thoughts running through your mind about Tomdaya that you didn’t hear Bailey come down the stairs and stand next to you with her hands on her hips.
“That’s it, you need to leave the house. You haven’t moved from this couch in two days. You need to get out and date.” She said, pulling the blanket off you. You winced and glared at her, snatching the blanket back. You were also clutching a near empty tub of Haagen-Daz cookie dough ice cream, but you had mixed reactions about it because the brand was apparently Zendaya’s favorite.
Wow, you were petty.
“Really? What, just like that?” You muttered, poking around the tub with your spoon. You’d been picking out the cookie dough bits, and Bailey used to tease you for it. She thought it was stupid that you bought ice cream just to pick at it, but now it just made her sad. You looked so tired and upset, it was killing her.
“What, like it’s hard? You’re Y/N Y/L/N! All you have to do is bat your eyelashes. flash a smile and you’re set!” Bailey cried, sitting next to you and throwing the tub over your shoulder. You let out a yell, but she pulled you back before you could go find it. She looked at you and you felt yourself shrink from her eyes. You knew she was right, but you weren’t over Tom yet. Your heart needed time to heal.
“Fine, give me some time to get over him and I’ll do it. But I’ll only date on one condition.” You said, and Bailey let out a sigh of relief. If it meant you would finally leave the house and get out a bit, she would do whatever it took. She leaned forward and motioned for you to continue.
“You have to date too.” You smiled, and Bailey immediately recoiled. She jumped up from the sofa and began to pace around the TV. You watched her, rolling your eyes at how dramatic she was being.
“Yeah, no. No, absolutely not!” Bailey said, standing in front of you shaking her head emphatically. You got up and threw the tub in the trash. Surprisingly, you felt a little lighter having done it, and you turned back to see Bailey staring out the window.
“Too bad then. Bumble would have been perfect for you. The women get to pick the men, which is perfect for a powerful, independent woman like you. No more creeps and losers. Plus, I mean Priyanka Chopra created it so....” You said, and you swore Bailey perked up a little. She turned to look at you and she pursed her lips.
“Shut up, you’re just trying to flatter me. And you know I love Priyanka.” She whispered, and you laughed for the first time in a while. You had almost forgotten what that sounded like.
“Well, duh. Is it working?” You giggled, and Bailey threw a pillow at you which just narrowly missed. You threw it back and it hit the vase that held Tom’s lilies. They were dying anyways, and the vase hit the floor and shattered. You weren’t one to believe in signs, but it seemed like one.
“Yes. Alright, I’ll think about it. Now get up, the Met Gala is in three days and you need to meet with designers.” Bailey said, giving you a dress to change into. You took it and realized it was the same one you had worn on the date with Tom. Bailey saw the look and gave you a “come on, just wear it” look, and you weren’t about to argue with her while she was considering dating for the first time in five years.
“On it, boss. I’ll be back in a bit.”
Three days later and you were standing in front of the mirror, completely taken aback at your appearance. There you were, looking ethereal in a custom Maison Valentino gown and your makeup done to perfection. The theme for the Met Gala was Ethereal Fairytales, and Pier Paolo Piccioli had outdone himself. Your inspiration was Rapunzel, and you couldn’t be happier with it. The dress was a light purple satin that draped to the floor in a long train. The sleeves were a light chiffon that extended into a lacey, embroidered cape in the back. The rest of the dress was done in brocade, with jewels and flowers sewn into the fabric. With the lace and embroidery, the gown looked much heavier than it was. In reality, it was so light that you felt you were wearing feathers.
“You look so beautiful!” Bailey squealed, clapping her hands behind you. You turned and smiled, thanking Pier for his handiwork. Bailey looked gorgeous herself. She was wearing a strapless pale pink Stella McCartney dress with clear sequins. When you had asked her to come with you to the gala, she’d nearly had a heart attack. And then she had pulled out the only formal dress she had, and your heart nearly broke. Bailey hadn’t bought a new dress in years, though you knew you paid her enough for designer clothes. All the money she made went back to her family, keeping only what she needed to survive.
So you bought the dress for her, whatever she liked. At first, Bailey protested and refused to wear it. She thought it was far too extravagant and she felt embarrassed that you were spending all this money on her. But you assured her that she deserved it, she was the world’s best personal assistant. Plus, Priyanka Chopra was going to be there and she had to look stunning in case they bumped into each other.
They weren’t actually going to “bump into each other,'' you'd asked Priyanka if she would mind meeting Bailey at some point in the night. But Bailey didn’t have to know that. As far as she knew, the meeting would be purely kismet.
“You think so? I feel like a goddess.” You whispered, and Pier nodded in agreement. Bailey took your hand and twirled you around. The dress moved with you, and it made the most beautiful sweeping motion. Your hair was curled slightly and left half up and half down, and somehow Christian Louboutin had gifted you a pair of Degrastrass. Bailey had done her own makeup, she insisted upon it, but you bought her a pair of nude Sandale du Deserts which you wouldn’t let her refuse.
“Well, you look like one. And thank you for letting me come, and spending all this money on me. You shouldn’t have.” She whispered and you slung and arm over her shoulder.
“You don’t have to thank me, we’re best friends first and foremost. I wanted you here, and as for the money it was no big deal at all. I’m just glad you actually agreed to wear everything.” You laughed, and she nudged you slightly. You asked Pier to take a picture of the two of you, and he agreed graciously. You’d post it to your instagram later. After Pier had taken a picture of you and you’d grabbed your clutch, the three of you were planning to leave.
That is, until something on the TV caught your attention.
Pier had turned on the live red carpet updates for the Met Gala, because you loved seeing what everyone was wearing. There were some big names at the event, and Bailey had screamed when Nick and Priyanka arrived. The couples of course looked amazing, and you found yourself wishing that you had a date too. You wished you were here with Tom.
And that’s when you saw them.
Tom and Zendaya had stepped out of a limo, and your heart stopped. You almost weren’t breathing as you realized they were wearing coordinated outfits. Law Roach guided them up the steps and Bailey rested a hand on your shoulder to console you. They looked so beautiful together, you almost cried. Then you remembered Nina Park had done your makeup, so you couldn’t cry. Zendaya was wearing a gorgeous blue gown in the style of Princess Tiana’s from the Disney movie The Princess and the Frog. Except it had been elevated, so that the dress was a modern take. The left sleeve was satin and hung from her shoulder and the bodice was lace to match the lace trimmed hem. Tom was so handsome it hurt. He wore a cream colored suit that was trimmed with gold around the edges. A blue sash went across his chest and it accentuated his body. Tears pricked your eyes and you physically willed them away.
You cried for days over Tom, but you refused to do that today.
“You okay?” Bailey asked, and you nodded, straightening up again. Pier stood by the door, giving you a sympathetic look. You knew he meant well, but it rubbed you the wrong way. You didn’t want people to pity you, you wanted them to just see you.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s go, we’re holding everyone up.” You said, and Pier took your arm to lead you out. Bailey walked behind, making sure your train wouldn’t catch and keeping photographers at a distance. There were lights everywhere, and you could barely focus as the cameras flashed. People shouting your name, telling you to turn, asking you about Tom, it was almost too much. Thank God for Pier, or you would have fainted on the spot. A particularly bold photographer moved forward, jostling to get your attention.
“Y/N! Y/N! How do you feel about Tom and Zendaya?” He yelled, and for a brief moment Bailey looked as though she was about to physically throw him out. But you held up your hand, and tried your best to plaster a smile on your face. Pier steadied you and you gave the photographer a defiant look.
“Why, am I supposed to say something scandalous?” You laughed, and the photographers laughed with you. For the first time in a while, you felt as though you had the upper hand. The photographer went red, but he persisted.
“I mean, how do you feel after Tom dumped you for Zendaya?” He shouted over the noise and your face went slack. You felt sick to your stomach, hearing someone say it for the first time. Sure, you had never officially dated each other, but the man was right. Tom had dumped you for one of the most beautiful women in the world.
“I’m happy for them, Tom and I are just friends. Nothing more. That salacious enough for you?” You asked, and the photographer went silent. Bailey came to your aid and told the photographers to stop asking questions. This wasn’t an interview, she said, and they needed to respect your privacy. Pier took your hand and lead you farther up the carpet. You were still shaking from the encounter, but you forced yourself to smile. Your father had always told you to never let your detractors know they hurt you.
It was a sign of weakness, and you weren’t weak.
“Alright, this stretch is just cameras, Pier will be answering the questions.” Bailey said, and you breathed a sigh of relief. You didn’t think you’d be able to endure any more questions about Tom and Zendaya. Pier stood with you as you posed and looked on as Pier talked about the process involved in creating your dress. From the corner of your eye, you could see Beyonce and Saoirse Ronan climb the stairs behind you. Bailey was watching, completely starstruck.
“See Priyanka anywhere?” You asked and Bailey shook her head.
“No, she’s probably inside with Nick already. It’s fine, it was cool just getting to see her on TV.” Bailey gushed, and Pier helped you up the steps to the top to take your final picture. Bailey stood next to you, because you made her, and you both looked down onto the street below.
“I would never have imagined I’d be here.” You said, and Bailey looked at you. She had more faith in you than you had in yourself, and though she wouldn’t say it aloud, she was extremely proud of you.
“Well, I would have. I know I don’t say this often enough, I’m really proud of you Y/N.” She said, and your mouth dropped a little. Bailey wasn’t one to talk about her feelings, so this was a big deal.
“I love you, you know that right?” You said, and Bailey rolled her eyes. You could see her eyes start to well up, and she dabbed at them lightly.
Awww, what a softie.
“Yeah, yeah. Stop making me cry, my makeup actually looks good today.” Bailey whispered, and she helped you up the stairs as Pier followed. The carpet began to get thinner, until you reached the doors of the Metropolitan. One more step, and you’d be inside one of the biggest events of the year.
“Ready?” Bailey asked, and you smiled at her and Pier.
“As I’ll ever be.” You replied, and with that you walked out of the frying pan and into the fire.
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petri808 · 6 years ago
The Position is Filled
Day 2 @nalu-week  Stranger prompt
*Gomen.  I got nothing against Sting, just needed a bad guy for this story, and it’s a bit rushed to get it done in time. 
Lucy scans over the ad for the tenth time maybe, who was counting.  It wasn’t like anyone she knew would know she had placed it because a fictional name and generic email contact address should keep it on the low.
Looking for single hetero male, toned and fit body, clean cut, preferably charismatic, charming business type, fresh faced cute with positive disposition to take to an event.  Must provide a picture taken within the last month, stats (height, weight), and a job resume in your response.
She takes one last deep breath and closes her eyes as she clicks the send button.  Desperate times lead to desperate measures, and this was one of those times no matter how crazy the idea was.
Her 10-year high school reunion was coming up in just two months and according to gossip, her ex-boyfriend would be attending with a plus one.  The bastard.  Sting Eucliffe had been her high school sweetheart, but after twelve years together, she caught him cheating.  Lucy was devastated.  Well now she knew why he always changed the subject when the idea of marriage came up. But that didn’t mean she wanted him back, oh no.  What Lucy wanted, was to make him jealous and to show Sting she had moved on. Unfortunately, she hadn’t found anyone worth dating, hence the need to fake it.
The first few hits looked promising, but each one had something she didn’t like.  Not fond of the hair, no blonde guys.  Too short.  Visible tattoos, not that she really cared, but it wasn’t part of this vision, and problems with something on their resume.  After a week, the responses had petered down to a trickle and Lucy was starting to lose hope.  Maybe this idea wasn’t going to work after all.
She was almost ready to give up by the end of the second week when she heard the ding on her phone, signaling a new email.  ‘Please, please be decent,’Lucy chants in her head as she opens the message. Natsu Dragneel.  Her eyes widen to the selfie photo.  Cute smile, pretty green eyes, nice height.  Lucy bites her lip, he had a verynice body. So far so good.  One year older, works at a brokerage firm Dreyar & Dreyar as a junior broker.  ‘Hot dayum!’  If the BMW M5 parked behind him was his car…
“Wait a minute.” She pauses, a bit confused.  What was a guy like this doing answering a dating ad?!  He was hot and looked like he had some money, how was he still single? Was there some major flaw hidden behind the perfect features and pristine resume?  Oh, what the hell, her curiosity was peaked, and besides, he was the only candidate so far that looked good for the part. Lucy sends off her reply to meet for coffee and tosses the phone back on the couch beside her.
‘That was quick,’she glances over and picks the phone back up.
Tomorrow, 11am at Fairies Cafe? Lunch my treat ;)
Lucy fires off a response. See you then!
Nervous was an understatement when Lucy walked up to the cafe.  She’d worn a casual summer dress, nothing fancy, but she had taken an hour just to settle on wearing it.  Her make-up was redone a couple of times, too heavy at first, now lighter to match the outfit.  Flats and hair done in a simple ponytail, completed her look.
She scans the room and almost immediately notices a pink head of hair in one of the booths.  It’s been a while since she’s patronized Fairies and the place looked exactly the same as she remembered it, cozy.  To her Starbucks felt more hectic whereas this coffee shop still had a homey feel thanks to the owner Mira.
“Hi,” Lucy walks up to the booth, holding her hand out in a gesture. “I’m Lucy, are you Natsu?”
“That’s me,” he shakes her hand but runs his other through his hair.
It was obvious the man was a little nervous too, but his smile looked genuine.  She sits down across from him.
“Order whatever you want,” Natsu pushes the menu closer to Lucy.  “I already know what I’m gonna get.”
Lucy opens the menu scanning its contents.  “Have you been here long?”  She hopes she hadn’t kept him waiting.
“Oh no, I got here a few minutes before you.  I kind of come here often since it’s close to work.”
Once their orders are placed.  Lucy gets right to it, starting with the one question that plagued her.  There’d be no point in staying long if she didn’t like the answer.  “To be honest I was surprised to get your response.  Tell me the truth Natsu.  You’re cute and have a good job, how is someone like you still single?
Natsu blushes, and there goes the head scratching again.  “Well would you believe I wasn’t the one who sent the response?”
“Come again?!  What do you mean?!”
“I was with my buddy and he took my phone when I wasn’t looking and found your ad.  I’m really sorry, he’s been trying to get me to date cause I’ve just been so focused on work, so at first, I was pissed and was gonna apologize and renege but then I thought what the hell, why not.  He’s right I do need to get out more.  Then when I saw you, I’m glad I agreed to come here cause you are smokinghot!”  He hangs his head.  “I’m sorry, I’m rambling.  Truth is I’m still single cause I get flustered with girls.  It’s okay if after learning that you wanna change your mind…”
Lucy’s soft laughter stops his blubbering cold, and he looks up wide-eyed at the giggling blonde.  He was sure he was bright red by now because he swore the temperature in the cafe had doubled.
“You’re so cute!”  Lucy chuckles.  “It’s quite endearing to me.  I was so nervous that you’d end up being some stuck-up playboy just looking for a one-night-stand or something, that to see you all flustered makes me feel better.”
“Um, thanks,” he cocks his head with a silly grin, “I think?”
She chuckles again. “Let’s start over, shall we?”
Over lunch Lucy tells Natsu that she was hoping to find someone to accompany her to her high school reunion, leaving out the part about Sting.  Of course, he asked her why find a stranger as a date, to which she replied, since she’s still single, she just wanted someone no one would know.
“So basically,” Lucy blushes lightly, “I was hoping we could pretend we’ve been dating for a while already.”
“Oh, so I’m gonna play like a fake boyfriend?”
“Yeah… if that’s something you’d be okay with.”
Natsu hunches his shoulders, “Yeah, why not.”
Over the next upcoming weeks, Lucy and Natsu spend as much time as they can in order to learn about each other.  The plan wouldn’t work if they messed up on simple questions, especially if cornered by anyone that knows Lucy’s past.  Family history to when they met, how long they’ve been dating all needed to be memorized. As a writer that works from home, her schedule was open, so they mainly worked around Natsu’s, sometimes at her apartment, sometimes at his.  
Once their nerves had calmed the friendship bloomed.  Natsu was a real sweet-hearted goof and Lucy loved spending time with him.  It was definitely a little awkward at first since Sting had been her only boyfriend since high school, leaving Lucy with very little experiences to draw from before or after.  But frankly, Lucy was also a bit surprised how natural their friendship was coming along, and by the fifth week she’d almost forgotten this was supposed to be a fake relationship.  She didn’t want to admit it, but the stock broker from Dreyar & Dreyar was really growing on her.
She fidgets on the couch one evening.  “I think we should practice um,” Lucy cheeks darken as she tries to get the words out, “you know k-kissing.”  They were only two weeks from the reunion and while they’d done things like holding hands, first base had not been attempted yet.  
Natsu gulps and nods. This was something he’d been dreading for a while, now that his feelings for the pretty blonde had steadily grown. He knew this was only supposed to be a faux situation, but in the back of his mind, he hoped it would turn into something more.    
They awkwardly shift their bodies closer until their legs are touching.  Despite his trepidation, he’s dreamt of this moment for the last couple of weeks and the only way it could work was, to give in.  Natsu reaches out to cradle Lucy’s face in his hand, sweeping his thumb along her milky skin.  It was so soft under his touch!  He lets his eyes drift over the lips he needed to claim next.  Would it be everything he’d imagined?  With a pause and coquette nod by the blonde, Natsu leans in coveting Lucy’s ruby lips.  Slow and gentle, he applies pressure to the kiss allowing the blonde to tell him how far to push things.  But she never pulls away, rather adds to the mix with a nibble to his bottom lip.  He swore his heart jumped into his throat by her actions and a light groan slips out.  
Emboldened by his response, Lucy runs the tip of her tongue against the seam of his lips.  Natsu relents and allows her to slip through.  She hums her pleasure and savors what this man was providing her.  The fears of allowing someone else to get close again seemed lost in this moment they were sharing.  A simple kiss that set off fireworks in her brain.  It was amazing, and something she hadn’t felt in so long.  Her fingers weave into his hair, threading through, gripping tightly as he suckles and cavorts with her tongue.  Oh wow, Lucy moans, this man was really good at finding hidden buttons she didn’t even know had existed till now.
She was almost saddened by the loss of contact when Natsu slowly pulled away out of breath.  It was probably for the best that they slowed things down anyways.  Her goal was supposed to be, just get through the reunion, not fall in love with the next guy that came her way.  But as he rested his forehead against hers, and she felt his hands gently resting above her hip, a crack appeared in Lucy’s resolve.  Natsu was so sweet, so attentive compared to how Sting had treated her.  How had she not known that men like the ones in her stories may actually exist.
Needless to say, sleep didn’t come so easily for either of them that night as they replayed the kiss they had shared on her couch.  Natsu knew he was hopelessly in love, but Lucy was more torn than ever.
The night of the reunion came swiftly enough and they both were not truly ready for it emotionally. They were dressed to impress, having pulled out all the stops with a custom fit Armani suit for Natsu, and an elegant red gown for Lucy that accented all of her assets.  Her plan was to make Sting jealous, but Natsu was still unaware of this secondary reason.  Lucy had toyed with the idea of telling him the truth, but every time she built up the courage to do so, she balked and now it was too late.
And low and behold, as they pull up to the valet station in Natsu’s M5, who but Sting and his date are exiting another vehicle.  Lucy takes a deep breath, willing herself to calm down.  She couldn’t believe it!  Yukino Aguria was his date!  The cheerleading captain and the football quarter back from their high school years. Oh, how cliché could this be?!  
“Are you okay,” Natsu had taken her hand when he’d noticed her jaw clench.  “Is that someone you know?”
“Yeah,” Lucy exhales, “they’re here for the reunion too.”  Like hell she was going to tell Natsu now, that they were the reason she’d brought him in the first place.  She turns on the fake smile, “let’s get this over with.”
It wasn’t all that bad Lucy realizes an hour into the event.  A few of her old friends, some she hadn’t spoken to in years were in attendance and it was nice catching up with them.  So far Natsu was playing his role perfectly, holding her hand or keeping his arm around her waist, making small talk with people, and doing what any old boyfriend would do.  But every so often, her eyes drift over to wherever Sting was hanging out.  As she suspected, he and Yukino was mainly around their former teammates.  Well it did make sense.  Theymade more sense.  Lucy hadn’t been part of that crowd to begin with because cheer just wasn’t of interest to her.  It still didn’t make her feel any better, only wonder if she’d been the one played their entire relationship.
She didn’t wanna see much more of it and excuses herself to the restroom to calm her nerves.  
After freshening up and composing herself, Lucy exists the lady’s room and is startled to find Sting waiting right outside, alone, leaning against the wall.
“Didn’t think you’d come,” he smirks at her, “I knew you wanted to see me again.”
“Oh please,” Lucy tries to get around him, but he blocks her.  “Sting, move.”
“You thought you could just break up with me and I’d let you go so easily?”  Sting corners Lucy against a wall with his arms braced on either side of her.  “That ain’t happening baby.”      
Lucy seethes.  “Y-You’re the one who was doing the cheating Sting! I wasted 12 years of my life on you and I’m glad to have found someone new.”
“Who, Armani boy out there.”  He scoffs, “think I don’t know you only met the guy two months ago on some dating site.” When he sees Lucy’s eyes widen, he taunts her more.  “Yeah…” Sting trails a finger along her jaw and down her neck, “that’s right, I found out from Minerva cause she works at that company checking through profiles.  Couldn’t land a guy so you dug one up.  Cute baby, real cute, but you’re not gonna replace me so easily.”
“Y-You have Yukino,” Lucy spat back.  “Why are you still bothering me…”
Sting grabs Lucy’s jaw hard.
“You’re hurting me Sting, stop it!”
He narrows his eyes, “I just don’t like losing what’s mine.”
Natsu had grown worried at how long Lucy was taking and went to investigate.  As he rounds the corner of the hallway, he sees the same man from earlier pinning her to the wall.  Furious, he runs as fast as he can, cold cocking him before he even knew what hit him. Sting flies a few feet away but quickly scrambles to his feet.  “Back off pretty boy.  This is between me and my ex!”
Ex?  Natsu glances at Lucy confused.  
“Oh, I see,” Sting snickers, “she never told you.”
But Natsu didn’t care. No woman deserved to be treated the way this bastard was hurting Lucy.  “Last chance,” he narrows his eyes, brows furrowing in a death glare.  “Walk away and don’t ever come near her again or I’ll lay you out right here right now Eucliffe!”  Sting’s eyes widen a tad, that this guy knew who he was.  “Yeah I know who you are.  Quarterback of Crocus High.  I recognized Cheney too from the times we whipped your asses on the field.”
Sting does a double take. “Magnolia.”
“Exactly.  You stuck up rich kids always looked down on us, but on the field, we owned you.  Now walk away or I’ll refresh your memory.”
By that moment, other partygoers had flooded into the hallway.  Rogue grabs Sting telling him it ain’t worth it and to just come with them.
“Fine,” Sting spat back, “you can have her cause she ain’t worth it.  I’m outta here!”
“Are you okay?” Natsu grabs Lucy and pulls her to him.  
She collapses against his chest, sobbing.  “I’m sorry Natsu.  I should have warned you…”  
“It doesn’t matter if he’s you ex, that doesn’t give him the right to put his hands on you.  But tell me the truth Lucy, is he the reason you wanted to come here tonight?”
Lucy hesitates a moment but nods and hangs her head.  “I’m sorry Natsu…. When I’d heard he had a new girlfriend, I just wanted him to think I’d moved on too.  Just never thought he’d do something like this.”
Natsu exhales and kisses the top of her head.  Speaking in a soft tone, “I know I was supposed to just play a role but, after spending the last few weeks with you, I don’t…  I don’t want things to end between us.”
“You don’t?”  She looks up.  “Even after all this?”
He shakes his head and smiles, cupping her cheek gently, “permission to kiss my new… girlfriend?”  
She smiles and pulls him in for a kiss, “permission no longer required…”
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honestsycrets · 6 years ago
Like Me VI: Giving In
Tumblr media Tumblr media
❛ pairing | ivar x oi!reader
❛ word count | 3k+
❛ type | multi
❛ summary | ivar misses his dear friend. he seeks to give her all she wants. even if it includes him.
❛  warnings | rivalry, jealousy, arguing, one of them will kill the other.
The worst part of being a walking cripple was to have to endure the need to be in the goodwill of the only other cripple you knew that could walk as well.
“Ow!” Your fingers deepen in strokes upon the bird whose claws hollow the glove you wear. The blacksmith recoils from your nasty cry in the back of the royal quarters. Your earrings jingle as you shake your head to rid yourself of the sting that came from the blacksmith’s clanging. Your friend rears his head from his goblet of ale to your seat, grinding tooth together.
“What are you doing to her?” Ivar seethes. “She is screaming.”
“It is too tight on her legs, King Ivar. It is restricting movement.” He rumbles. “I was only adjusting them for improvement.”
Ivar droves off of his chair, dragging himself along the floor toward you. He sits himself up, dragging the leather strap of his bound legs directly in front.
“If her legs come out of that injured, you’ll answer to me, hm?” Ivar resounds with his war pick, flipping the blade at the blacksmith to reassure the man without question what will become of him.
“Uh-- of course, of course, my king. I will take these for repairs” He slips the braces off of your legs again, pulling the heavy straps of metal onto his arms as he stands. It doesn’t escape Ivar’s notice that you quickly chuck your dress over your notched legs to shield them from your view. Mangled legs, he reminds himself.
“Goodman,” Ivar replies with sycophantic smoothness as the man makes himself scarce from the room. You sit with your hands in your lap, one on top of another. Your lips have gone flat, calming your strokes across the bird. “Goodman… (Y/N)?”
“Yes?” You look toward the silken straps that bind your legs down. You need to bind them to be able to return home, this time on your forearms. The spirit of relaxation that you previously had with Ivar seems to have eviscerated in exchange for a tense and wary background.
“I did not mean what I said of your legs. And the prince. I was led by anger.” He reaches out to set his hand upon your knee.
“Rorik?” You say, leading him on to say the prince’s name. Ivar much rather eat his words than say the ruddy-haired prince that came with strange Persian, Swede and dark-skinned thralls. Yet if he had to in order to repair this relationship, he would.
“Rorik of Novgorod.” His thumb strokes your kneecap through your warm dress. Then, bouncing off your knee, he looks to you. “Sigrunn told me you saw him in the waters the other day. You enjoy his company, don’t you?”
“More than anything.” You answer too quickly. Enough that his face drops completely at your assertion. They are too soon, too raw. He clenches his jaw to avoid a raw reaction, tightening his grip upon your knee. He’s about to blow again, you know. In order to curb his brash reaction, your hands drop down to his gloved fingers. His Viking skin is calloused-- reflecting the days of his childhood and those of being truly Viking. The first touch that you had given him since the wedding and so he’ll take it.
“In another way, Ivar.” You say. “You are my friend, I understand our relationship. Freydis is a fair queen and you are a k--”
“A god.” Ivar cuts you off, dry in nature. “And you are a goddess. My equal.”
You’ve heard such things before from Freydis who worshiped Ivar’s feet in her own way. Still, you do not know what to say nor how to respond. Ivar brings the back of your palm to his lips, planting a gentle kiss upon the knuckle in tender care. Your love of the king always went like this. At times, tender and loving. At others, harsh and unforgiving.
“I have decided. As a goddess, you should be free to spend your time with who you wish without fear.”
Should you bend down on the floor and thank him for being such a fair and pious ruler? Your lips quirk into a smile, unable to contain it. Fighting Ivar in this state-- where his mind was degenerating… it would get you nowhere.
“So you approve of him becoming my lover?” You ask.
“I never said that.” Ivar sibilates when a white-hot prick of anger sears through his bones. “Only that I’m giving you an opportunity to choose.”
Your jaw relaxes, bending with your great beast on your arm. You lean to the shaved side of his head, planting a small kiss upon the scar that follows his cheekbone down. His cheeks almost could have reddened.
“Thank you, Ivar.”
He hates to admit it, but a gale of glee fills his stomach when you speak to him like that. Your voice is sweeter than his cups of mead. He feels as if he’s done something right when he notices the sharp eyes of the falcon on your other arm, his wings lifting as if he’s gotten too close.
“Where did you get that beast anyway?” He grumbles.
“Oh, the falcon?” You ask. “Rorik brought it to me from somewhere past Jorvik. Isn’t he cute?”
“He is anything but cute.” Ivar looks up and down the beast on your arm. “Babies are cute.”
“I heard Freydis is with child,” You gleam and know full heartedly that well, any child from their union was likely not Ivar’s in blood. You realize moments later, that it did not matter. The child was his in the soul. Freydis was right… this, this was good for him.
“I’m going to be a father.” His lips prick up, shifting the short hair of his mustache up along with it. “Do you want to be a mother, (Y/N)?”
Your heart drops, weak as you consider his suggestion. You shake your head at the absurdity of the statement and then look down to your skirts. Your face is practiced in emotion, eyes almost empty when Ivar shifts to look at you. No one expected a family of a cripple, of someone that could barely walk. How were you to chase a child? To care for a child? The thralls you would need!
“I don’t think so. I am a cripple.” You say after a moment in which your heart beats painful and deep. You relax your shoulders when Ivar leans up, coursing his hand along your thigh to your hips.
“So am I.” He leans in. His hand shifts up to the sky. “And Frigg has given me a child.”  
“It is easy for you, Ivar. You are a man.” You then groan, a tremulous sound from your lips. “I can’t imagine the strain in carrying a child. I have heard of bleeding, malformations and small children in women like me as little as they may be. Even sex makes me...”
“Whitehair hasn’t fucked you?” Ivar asks.
“Of course not!” You shout. Dyr, or so you decided to name him, flared his wings. You hush him back down. “I’m sorry. I-- Can I tell you something, Ivar?”
“Yes.” Ivar hands you a chunk of meat for your beast. He pecks determinedly at his dinner. You take a wary breath as you decide to put it out there and far more than that, trust Ivar again. Your bird takes the meat with keen interest.
“I want to be a grown woman. Not just because I am married. But everyone will see me for only my legs. Like you.”  
“I don’t see you as--”
“If I had been born like a normal woman.” You say sharp, but diaphanous in tone. Ivar feels the words before you actually finish them. “Would I have been your queen?”
There is no witty comeback from his lips this time. He turns to stare at you as if you’ve slapped him across the face instead of the other way around. You could have been, you think, and for a moment, you take in a long breath.
“No that-- that is…” Ivar stumbles.
“Ridiculous.” You say. The words scrape off your tongue, disdainful in an answer. Ivar has no other desire but to stop his slip up. Dyr swallows his dinner much like Ivar swallows his words. The gulf of emptiness in his stomach spreading. “Sigrunn!”
“Yes?” She turns the corner, clutching dark leather veils that are curtains. Her hands in front of her lap.
“Take Dyr. I am going home.”
As much as Ivar wants to ask you why you are like this… why you push him out, well, he can’t. He knows your affliction all too well. It’s his own.
It was late at night when Rorik heard the knock upon the door. His men shared the living space of the longhouse they took up in. His men were about the fire, roaring in laughter. He settles them down, roaring shut up! Shut up! As his booze sloshes over his pasty knuckles. As he works the latches, each harder than they should have been-- he hears the banter on the other side of the door.
“Why am I doing this?”
“To show her how deeply you care.”
“Yes and when she shows with child, what then?”
He pops the door open. Therein flesh and blood is Ivar standing arm and arm with his wife. Rorik stands in trousers alone, legs wrapped and stuffed in lazy boots. His tattoos blotch over his shoulder and chest.
“If it isn’t the god Ivar!” He roars, giving a lazy bow at the waist. Ivar’s hand flexes about his crutch, clearly debating if he should kill him now or later. “And Queen Freydis-- she’s far too pretty for you, you know.”
“Rorik.” One of his warriors intervene and cause a banter between the prince and his warband in words that Ivar truthfully cannot follow. They argue shortly in a quick swap of tongues before Rorik huffs forcefully out of his nose and steps aside to let them in.
“What can I help you with?” Rorik asks, forcefully closing the door with a lock. If Ivar was here to burn them too, as he learned Ivar was fond of, he probably wouldn’t do it if he was in here too.
“With her,” Ivar says.
“Her? Who her?” Rorik leads. Given the other day, he’s not sure if the moment in the bar or the wedding is the question. The men about him consider their prince as if they were entitled to know whatever was going on in his life.
“(Y/N).” Ivar starts. His headache was welling up in the front of his head. A furrow of newfound concern creases Rorik’s brow. He comes to sling his arm around Ivar’s shoulder to pull him from Freydis.
“Let us talk in private.” Ivar looks away from Freydis who sits confidently among the men. She motions him forward with a face as flat and hard as she ever wore among foreigners. His patience is visibly unwinding.
“What about (Y/N)?” He shows Ivar to his backroom, gripping the waistline of his pants once they got in. Ivar shifts around, head bobbing as he looks to the dark wooden walls, a spiraling shield up on the walls. A half wobbly smile takes his face. “Have you done something to her?”
“Have I done something to her?” Ivar’s gaze goes hard, voice grating at Rorik’s assertion. “If I were to do anything it would be to you.”
“Then get on with it.” Rorik flicks his hands into the air. He could have-- Ivar thinks. The man is drunk and incredulous. With his queen in the other room though, he would do nothing. To Rorik’s obvious amazement, Ivar holds up his gloved fingers.
“Shut up.” Ivar orders, soothing over any bite to his voice. “As little as I like you, I like seeing her upset less.”
Rorik snorts as he takes a few lazy paces around the room. The longer he stayed, the itchier his skin became. He scratches the long runic marks of his arms when finally Ivar finally admits why he is here.
“Have sex with her.” He says.It aches him to say, but he knows Rorik is the only one to see you than more than your disability. Perhaps, more than him. “She wants to be made a woman.”
Rorik’s brow lifts. He wants to laugh, but he can’t, he can only run his hand up through his loosened braids.
“Ahhh. King Ivar.” He says, acrid amusement festering in his gut. “I know you think you control her. I know you do! But you are late. She has asked me herself.”
“What?” No answers come to him though-- Rorik’s cocky smile simpers the waters of his tolerance into a full-blown boil. The foreigner comes up, patting Ivar’s shoulder.
“She wants me to deflower her,” Rorik says in a would-be-good-natured tone. “But I appreciate your approval, keeper of the keys. Truly. I’ve never heard anything better. I’ll keep it in my heart. Now is that all?”
Ivar’s hand flexes at his belt. His patience blown-- and the last semblance of a relationship torn.
“Yes.” He sneers, incredulously. “That is all.”
Perhaps Freydis was right. You needed someone. But there is no way that this man deserved you.
Rorik had sex with many women. But… not a cripple. He tried not to think of you in that way; crippled. His men consider it a fetish because why, in their eyes, would he want a cripple if he could want an able-bodied woman? Even Ivar did, making that heated request in the deep of night.
They didn’t understand.
“You won’t like them.”
“I’m certain I will.” He almost fights your hands upon your skirts, wet kisses moistening your neck as he ground himself against your shy body. Your knees knock together, too shy to let him see your pretty pussy behind your skirts. His other hand grabs all that you offer, squeezing your nipples between his thumb and index finger to tug gently.
“But what if you don’t?” You breathe out in a hushed gasp. “What if they are so disgusting that you run from them? Women are supposed to have gorgeous legs.”
He knows why you’re so anxious. King Ivar, as he was told, told you that you had ‘mangled legs’ as you later recounted to him. It took work to dispel those fears and still you fought him. Even with Ivar’s so-called approval, men watched him wherever he went. They look for a foul up. A reason to kill him in justification so that you would not hate the king. His pride must be wounded because now, more eyes than ever, he feels the hate.
“You will,” Rorik says, growing hard in his heated desire against your side. The prince shifts over your body. “Just let me see them.”
You tug your blue skirts over your legs, squeezing your eyes and shifting your face away. It lets him take your body in. His piercing eyes glance over your twisted legs up to your hips. Rorik slides down between your legs, shifting one over each shoulder.
“Oh!” You squeak adorably.
“See! Look at you and that glorious--” Rorik spreads your lips apart, gazing at your well-kept pussy.
“Rorik, stop.” You say. He leans in, swirling his tongue against your inner lips. He pulls his head back once again, sweeping his tongue against your puffy wet pussy in smooth licks. Your head drops back, adjusting to this strange new feeling. Slowly you roll your hips down upon his tongue, gasping when Rorik gave a playful suckle against your outer folds.
“Why?” His laugh almost vibrates hot breath against your pussy. “I can’t wait to get my dick in that pretty pussy.”
Rorik moves on when you don’t respond, suckling playfully. The pads of his fingers playfully slap your wet pussy, delighting in the knowledge that you’re moist and wet for him. His tongue shifts down, flicking his tongue in the tight little hole.
“Mm, do you touch yourself, hm?” Rorik hums, nudging his nose against your folds. His beard tickles against your wetness, a soft but prickling feeling against your body. He goes to work, lapping and licking at your sweet pussy with loud slurping noises.
“No-- No.”
“You should. I can see it in my mind already.”
“Do you have to talk so much?” You weave his hair between your fingers, shoving him forward into your cunt when there’s a long, loud thwack, thwack, thwack at the door. You shift with your forearms, legs slipping off Rorik’s shoulders.
“Ignore it.” He says, turning his head to huff against your thighs.
“I have to get it. It could be Ivar.” You say and push past him. Rorik lets loose a long draw of annoyance. You slide down onto the ground, using your forearms and palms carry you over to the door, ignoring the hot pulse of your pussy engorged with the need for your orgasm that you denied yourself.
“It’s always fucking Ivar,” Rorik growls, low under his breath. You throw a look back at him that leaves the prince exasperated upon the bed.
“Be patient.”
“Patient!? Děva… I was that close!” Rorik drops back, flopping on the bed while you reach-- unfortunately with difficulty toward the door. The locks of the door are too high up when you’re out of your braces. Unfortunately, the blacksmith yet still had them.
“Rorik, please. Sigrunn needs her rest.” You call out to him, pointing toward the door. He flips his hand midway in the air, dramatically dropping on his chest.
“I’m coming.” He pushes himself off the bed, jamming his hand into his pants to adjust his cock comfortably. He grasps his uncle’s sword from the wall and sways over to the door, jerking it open. You drag yourself out of the way to avoid getting smacked.
The first thing he says, of course, is said with a sigh.
“Queen Freydis.”
@igetcarriedawaywithyou, @kylobien, @titty-teetee, @breathlessouls, @nejijjeoroo, @bcat1291, @readsalot73, @mslothbrok, @romanchronicles, @captstefanbrandt, @ailucascen, @michaeliskindahot, @cbouvier23, @naaladareia, @cbouvier23, @the-geeky-engineer, @dorned, @lisinfleur, @funmadnessandbadassvikings, @tephi101, @akamaiden, @ethereallysimple, @venusloviing, @happylittlepuppydog, @beyond-the-ashes, @slutforrpg, @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns, @mixedwiththemoon, @sparklemichele, @alicedopey, @lif3snotouttogetyou, @rubyquartzshades, @noregretsandyeteveryregret, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @deathbyarabbit, @unacceptabletatertots, @beyond-the-ashes (no sig), @babypink224221, @ivarandersen, @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @icarus-fell-in-spring, @end-of-night, @gruffle1, @lol-haha-joke @arses21434,  @smileyparrots, @Moosemittens13, @miss-artemis-wild, @two-unbeatable-beaters, @wonderwoman292, @wish-i-was-a-mermaid, @fangirls94, @mcuimxgine, @killerb00sdeath, @heartbeats-wildly, @boo20017, @acacheofstrange, @shaelyn102, @astoryoffireandlight, @smokealone, @shaelyn102 @laketaj24, @peaceisadirtyword, @ly--canthrope, @cris101071 @daughterofthenight117 @unassumingviking @ladyofsoa, @inforapound @winchesterwife27 @oneofthelothbroks
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funsize-lucifer-hongjoong · 6 years ago
We Are Stars For Each Other
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Genre - Fuffy eventual Smut
Female Reader x Hongjoong
Word count - 3,379
                        Chapter 2 : Combat Boots and Leather Skirts
The next morning you wake up earlier than you expected. The warmth spreading through you at the dream you had woken up from. Grey hair and your hands running through it, whispers and moans. Once you fully open your eyes you can’t believe your own mind going there. “Damn brain, we got some good taste in men.” All the while trying to remember the dream that is quickly being lost to the morning light.
Getting out of bed has always been a chore to you. You’d rather just stay there and live your best life. Anxiety had made your life Hell for years, and you knew the bedroom was your safe space. You do eventually get up, begrudgingly so. Groaning as your knees pop on standing and stretching.
Your normal morning routine consists of coffee, breakfast of some description, a shower, and pajamas on your days off. What a lovely day off it is too. Min Seo had a meeting with someone and you had the entire apartment to yourself. You grabbed up your laptop, plopping down on the couch.
“Let’s see who these boys are, shall we?” Your fingers begin to run across the keys. You’re searching every site typing in ATEEZ and every other keyword you could think of until you come across a Kpop Wiki page for them. “Hmm, Kim Hongjoong, 21 years old, Rapper, leader, and main composer.” You start to scroll down, but stop yourself, and quickly scroll back up to read it again. “Wait, What the hell?! He’s a composer?! Like he writes his own music? Wow. Big things in small packages, I guess.” You shrug and continue reading. Eventually making your way to Jung Wooyoung, “Oh, he’s beautiful. He looks like the devil and an Angel all at once, if that’s even possible.” Your absent mind can barely scroll past his picture to get to his bio below. “Jung Wooyoung, 19 years old, Lead dancer, vocalist, and visual.” You continue scrolling a bit farther, “What the hell is a visual? I mean he’s gorgeous if that’s what it stands for. I need to learn more about this K-pop stuff.”
That’s how your day remains, on the couch in your pajamas reading everything you can about K-pop and this group called Ateez. You listen to all their songs, and pick your favorites, numerous dance videos and performances live and otherwise. Soon enough, you stumble upon the glorious fancam, and you make it through all of Wooyoung’s that you can find until you hear the door beep, as Min Seo unlocks it. “Oh no, I can’t let her know, she’ll never let me live it down after trashing K-pop for so long.” You slam your laptop closed, throwing it on the table in front of the couch, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.
“Hey Y/N, how was your day?” Min Seo yells from the entryway.
“Ugh, boring and uneventful as usual. Would you expect anything different?” You reply as she walks into the living room to sit down at the other end of the couch.
“Honestly? No probably not. You’re a boring person.” You roll your eyes at her, “Jeeze, Thanks Minie. I really appreciate the vote of confidence.”
“You’re welcome!”, She chirps as she flicks on the Tv and changes it to some variety show she watches regularly.
The evening is spent with your best friend. You order in for dinner and while watching a movie together, she pipes up out of nowhere, “Hey, um, I know you weren’t crazy about the fan sign event, but Ateez has a concert next weekend. There’s going to be another Hi-touch and I really want to see San again. I think I’m getting somewhere with him!”
You lay your head back against the couch, trying to pretend you didn’t really want to go, even if you did. “When is it Minie?” You say with a sigh.
“It’s Friday night. You could do the Hi-touch yourself this time. Meet them, and maybe if you talk to them you’ll like them more. I’ll pay for everything, all you have to do is show up.”
You look over at Min Seo, “You’ll pay for everything, even dinner where I want to eat after?” She turns her full body towards you on the couch excitement flashing on her face. “Even dinner wherever you want, and drinks too. I promise.”
You side eye her with your head on the back of the couch, “Alright Minie, I’ll go, but don’t expect me to fall head over heels in love with any of them. I’m just doing this because you bribed me with free food and alcohol.” Though deep down you know, that’s all a lie.
As the days pass, you get more nervous. Anxiety flaring in your stomach, making your head swim. “I’m going to be touching them, should I get my nails done? Shit, I can’t have my nails done, I have to work and they don’t allow it.” Your brain runs through these thoughts constantly. What will you wear? How will you wear your hair? Will you wear any makeup? You know you want to make a good impression on Wooyoung. “He probably has a girlfriend anyway, and why would an Idol want someone like me.” Your confidence took a nose dive from its already low point.
In your turmoil, you hear a knock on your bedroom door. “Come in, it’s open.” Min Seo opens the door, and walks in, sitting at the edge of your bed beside you, seeing the outfits thrown haphazardly around the room. “Are you trying to find something to wear for Friday?” She asks you gently. “Yeah, but I don’t have anything but pajamas and work clothes Minie. I wore the only casual type outfit I had last time. I can’t wear it again.” you put your head down, the facade of you trying to act like you didn’t want to go, was crumbling away fast.
Min Seo’s face lights up, “I’ve got so many different outfits you could try on! I’m sure I’ve got something for you to wear.” With that being said she jumps up and runs out your door, down the hall, and into her room. You stand and follow her, not knowing if you’ve made a mistake or not.
Hours pass, and you’ve tried on all of her tops and a few pairs of jeans. “No Skirts, Minie! I don’t wear them unless I’m working.”
“Come on, Y/N. Just this one. it doesn’t look anything like the skirts you wear to work. It’ll be so cute on you!” She pushes what looks like a leather jacket into your hands, “Try it on!” You roll your eyes and look up, saying in a hushed voice “God, please help me not to strangle this poor girl and get sent back home. Amen.” Without too much more fuss, you pull on a leather mini skirt, it has belts crossing the front with tiny skulls on, and a red plaid patch on the hip. “Hey, this isn’t bad, Min Seo. My ass looks like a dream.” You say, looking at yourself in the mirror on her closet door.
She puts her hands on her hips, “Y/N! Language!” You smile at her, “Yeah well Minie, when your ex used to stay over I heard much worse than the word ass. These walls are paper thin, dear.” You wink at her, and her face turns a shade of red you’ve never seen before. You start to laugh, then you double over, tears leaking from your eyes. “Calm down, Min Seo. It was just a joke, but seriously did he really make you call him Daddy?” You ask with a quizzical look on your face.
Playfully slapping at you as her embarrassment flares, “Oh go on! Take it and get out! You’re making me remember the trash can I once dated, and yes, I called him daddy.” She says as she pushes you out the door, still in the skirt. You fall over into the floor howling with laughter as she slams her door in mock anger. Slowly getting up to walk into your room and change back into your trademark sweatpants, still wiping tears away from the occasional laughing fit that overtakes you.
Friday is upon you before you know it. You rush out of work early and even spend the extra money to get a cab home. “I’ve got 2 hours to get ready, and an hour to be there, that’s not nearly enough time.” There’s that anxiety rearing it’s ugly head again.
When you walk in the apartment, you don’t have time to worry. Min Seo is already home and practically shoving you into the shower. “Hurry Y/N, we need to get you fed and dressed before we leave!” You jump in the shower, washing as fast as you possibly can, and brushing your teeth while you’re in there. You turn off the water and wrap a towel around yourself. No sooner do you step out and dry off is Min Seo shoving you again, this time into her room. Your outfit laid out neatly on her bed.
“Y/N, do you have any cute panties?” She asks while pulling out her makeup and laying it across the bed.
“Excuse you Minie. Do I have any what?!” You raise your eyebrows in surprise at her asking such a forward question, she always seemed so shy.
“I asked if you had any cute panties. This skirt is short, and if the unexpected happens then at least you can be happy knowing you showed them your best.” You cock up your eyebrow before thinking about it. “Yeah, actually I do have a red lace pair of high cut boy shorts, but those are for special occasions, not to mention the price I paid for them. ”
“Y/N, it’s been a year. You haven’t been laid ONCE. Not one time. I’ve introduced you to a hundred different guys, and none of them made you go as far as you’re going right now.” She looks down, putting different shades of eyeshadow on her hand. She brings her hand up next to your face. “Ah, well since you’re wearing red panties, let’s go with it.” She says smiling brightly, and all you can do is groan at the whirlwind of makeup brushes and curling irons.
It takes just at 2 hours for you to get ready, and when Min Seo is done you stare at yourself in the mirror. A red high collared shirt with sheer sleeves, the leather mini skirt, your favorite red panty set, fishnet hose, and Min Seo’s combat boots. You barely recognize yourself. Your lips are stained red like you’ve eaten a popsicle. Your eyes are dark, glitter across them, and your skin looks amazing. Your hair lays across your shoulders in curls. All the while thinking to yourself, “This is how Minie pulls it off, eh? Hours of work, but the results are pretty good”
Min Seo, throws her handbag over her arm, looking back at you. “Hey Y/N? Why are you going all out like this, if you don’t really like it anyway?” Oh no, you’re caught out, best just to tell the truth and let her have her fun. “Well Minie, I can’t lie to you. I’ve been kind of obsessed with these guys since you took me last time.” She squeals with delight, grabbing your hands, she asks you, “Who’s your bias?! Is it Hongjoong?! It better not be San, you know I called him first.” You start to laugh, but stop yourself, “No it isn’t San or Hongjoong. It’s Wooyoung.”
“Ooooh Y/N likes the bad boys does she?” She gives you a sly smile as she shuts the door behind you both. You grab your phone and call a cab. Your nerves flare again, this is it, your chance to make an impression on Wooyoung. Let’s just hope this works.
As you’re getting out of the cab, you see why Min Seo told you to wear cute panties. You can feel a slight breeze, and you know you were keeping your legs together as politely as possible. Walking up to the venue, your heart starts to race, seeing those same posters but now they mean something entirely different. You look at Wooyoung’s face, and down at yourself. “I hope this works.” You think as you close your eyes, trying to calm your heart. Min Seo is pulling at your arm, “Come on we have to hurry, the line will be so long if we take our time.” You start to move faster, as fast as possible in a mini skirt and boots.
Before you know it, you’re in the line. Wringing your hands, and breathing heavily. You see them, all sitting at their table. Not having had a chance to learn all their names yet, the only ones you can spot are San, Wooyoung, and HongJoong. They’re all at the far end. You breath deeply as Min Seo sits in front of the first boy, she says a few words, he smiles at her, and she moves on. Clearly making a beeline for San. You sit in front of him next, he seems nice enough as do the others, but he isn’t who you’re waiting for. When you sit in front of San, Min Seo is with Wooyoung, and you feel a pang of jealousy.
“Hello beautiful, your friend told me you’re new to this” San says in a low voice, patting your hand gently. “Uh…Um, Yeah, I uh, don’t know much about pop music at all” You reply back, squeaking a bit. Then you overhear Min Seo next to you, “My best friend, Y/N says you’re her bias Wooyoung. Be nice to her won’t you?” You could kill her right now and send her to Jesus. Tapping her leg frantically “Minie, shut it will you?!” She just smiles and moves down to HongJoong, at the same time you’re moving down a chair, to sit in front of one of the most beautiful guys you’ve ever seen.
You sit in front of him, and you take a few seconds to soak it all in. His eyes are soft, and with his contacts in, they look like the morning sky. His nose is slightly sloped, and his jaw looks as though it were cut from granite. You can’t help thinking to yourself, “He can’t possibly be real.” This is your chance to make some kind of impression on him. “Hi Wooyoung, I’m Y/N.” He lifts his eyes and smiles widely, “Aw Y/N it’s nice to meet you. I’m glad Min Seo brought you here, she told me I’m your bias.” He smirks, and your cheeks flush a rosy shade. “You are, I think you’re an incredible dancer, and singer. You’re amazing.” He barely looks up, seemingly uninterested, your face falls a bit. Your confidence goes with it. His reply is quick and sounds almost robotic, “Thanks sweetheart, enjoy the show.” You smile at him and bow slightly, but your heart feels like it’s been smashed now.
You stand and move to sit with Hongjoong, Min Seo was waiting for you at the end of the line. He notices your outfit, and unlike Wooyoung he’s very impressed. Almost a bit bashful, which is new for him. He immediately remembers you and grabs your hand playing with your fingers. “Hello gorgeous, what’s your name?” You register him speaking to you, and look up almost in a daze, “Oh, uhm, it’s Y/N. You’re Hongjoong?” He smiles and you notice right away his teeth are nearly perfect, and so are his lips.
“You look like you’re actually enjoying yourself this time, unlike the last time I saw you.” He dips his head as he says this, catching your eyes again. You blush, this time it spreads down your neck, and you can only hope he doesn’t notice. “Yeah, I wasn’t into this stuff, until I saw you guys. It changed the way I view pop music.” You try to avoid his gaze, he had contacts in and they were a shade of lavender and grey. They matched him well, you thought.
“You’re blushing for me, it’s adorable, can I call you Pink cheeks from now on?” You think he’s joking, but upon looking at him you can tell he’s quite serious. Without putting too much thought into it you reply, “Sure, why not? Can I call you shorty?” He balks at that and Wooyoung laughs beside him. Hongjoong leans in closer, just before you’re supposed to get up and whispers softly “Sure you can, but only if you promise to pay attention to me tonight while we’re performing.” He pulls your hand up and kisses the back of your knuckles softly. “I’ll think about it” You reply nonchalantly and stand, feeling a breeze again, you know someone got a look and you can only hope it was Wooyoung.
It wasn’t Wooyoung that seen the flash of red when you stood to walk away, it was Hongjoong. You were nearly his undoing just then, he had to lean back a bit to breath. “That woman must be the devil in combat boots.” He laughed to himself, as the next girl in line sat down. He felt kind of empty after you left though. Your hands were so soft. He wondered how those hands would feel running down his back, or up into his hair. How that blush would look spread across your body, and if it went lower than your neck. He shook it off and told himself, “Get it together Hongjoong, be a professional, you’re the leader.”
Min Seo pulled you over to the side, “This is gonna be over soon, let’s get close to the front like last time. I wanna see San in all his glory.”
“Or you just wanna see San hip thrust his tightly clothed dick in your face, but maybe I’m wrong.” You retort. Wooyoung’s indifference to you, with all the effort you put into yourself, did hurt. You kept glancing over to see if maybe he’d try to steal a quick peek, but you only found one set of eyes on you, and those belonged to Hongjoong.
After the formalities were finished, the boys all grouped up and Min Seo dragged you back to the front again. “Great, just great. I promised Hongjoon I’d pay attention to him, but Wooyoung looks so good today. UGH!” You inwardly chastise yourself.
Then a new song comes on, one you haven’t heard before. The boys are surrounding Hongjoong, and then the music picks up, and He pops out from the middle, rapping his verse while looking you dead in the eyes. “Unlike the daytime, the night is dark. It gets colder when the sun goes down, but we already know. Why are you worried? We are stars for each other.” You try to keep your eyes on him, but Wooyoung just looks so handsome. You can’t help but look at him as his body moves fluidly across the stage. Hongjoong picks up on it, looking over at the younger boy. It hurts him, but he notices your face drops a bit when Wooyoung doesn’t acknowledge you. He’ll take care of that.
The next and final song is Pirate King, and when it comes on, it the same thing as last time. Hongjoong desperately trying to get your attention, but you were having none of it. When they split the group He walks up and tells Wooyoung something, he looks back at you and to his hyung with a wicked smirk on his face. “What are those two up to?” you ponder. Before you know it, your favorite part is nearing. Wooyoung steps out in front and says “Will you be my friend?” With a tilt of his head, and the cute tiny wave but this time he’s looking at you.
“Am I dying?! Is this Heaven?!” Your brain is burning to bits under Wooyoung’s intense stare, even if it doesn’t last but a few seconds. Your smile, and blush returns. Hongjoong notices and his heart feels like it’s flying. He just wants to see you smile even if it’s not at him.
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lovedinapastlife · 6 years ago
3x12 “Bizarrodale” - Riverdale Reaction
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Not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping from the title that this episode would have things like terrifying Jughead with a giant carving knife from outtakes of the fever-dream sequence of season one. Or floating babies. What we got was a generally cohesive plot with the minor characters. So like...I’ll take it? 
Let’s see some “inspired lunacy,” Riverdale!
“I’ll check my calendar, Sierra” — OOOOOH BURN. They didn’t even tell you the day, Marcus.
Hermione has no investment in procreations now that she’s not getting laid. DO IT YOURSELF is her new go-to response.
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Who is this smug bug for finding Kevin and Moose in some random room making out? You want a gold star? A pat on the butt?
Oooof, Josie! Using ‘em and losin’ ‘em while wearing cute clothes! Sweet Pea wants something steady now that he can’t play G&G with his boyfriends on the regular.
Twice-widowed?! Did I miss something??? Maybe there’s a deleted scene of Penelope marrying Tall Boy. Or Malachai (who could be dead for all he’s been in this season). Or Claudius? That seems extra shady.
Is Tom just unemployed and Sierra’s sex bunny now? Because that’s weirdly adorable. Also if people could get more beds in this town so I’m not horrified wondering if it’s the same place Bughead has canoodled that would be great.
So…the main reason Kevin doesn’t want to break up with Moose is because…he doesn’t wanna cruise in the forest? Too much effort to get laid? This episode is not doing their relationship any favors for me, even if they’re both attractive young men. It’s like Kevin has to convince himself he even likes Moose outside of his enormous appendage.
Anyone else get chills when Cheryl reached out to touch Kevin’s hand? I was fairly certain she was going to set him on fire. Maybe that’s just me worrying about Cheryl in general. Let the former fat kid stress-eat!
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Did they run out of costumes? Why is that one kid in full ROTC uniform and nobody else is? XD I get it. The metaphorical “divide” between Moose’s dad and their relationship but wow. That hat stands out in a classroom.
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Cheryl getting excited for their first fight and then quickly crumbling into pleading is so…sad? I feel like Toni could probably manipulate her really horribly. Or for the better. Um. We’ll see. I’m not holding my breath.
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Josie can’t drive? She ran her own band, her mom was mayor, dad’s a jazz star, but no car? No driver’s license? Shoulda taken advantage when she was dating Reggie to get a great deal on a ride! I know the pictured scene is later, but Archie is just so excited to be someone’s date and play music again that I wanted it up here.
Also it’s been 15 minutes without Bughead and I am physically in pain.
Oh good. Veronica finds robbing banks impractical, but she’s all about encouraging “inspired lunacy.” I think that’s how the show would describe itself.
The bad parents club is at it again.
“50 Shades of Blackmail” - the Choni spinoff
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“I can’t believe I was shot…” — Reggie, unaware of what happened to Veronica’s “exes.” Honestly, seems like he got let off easy.
Archie - mauled by a bear, branded, buried alive
Nick St. Claire - “Car accident,” multiple ass-kickings
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Now THAT’S what I call “dirty money!”
Okay I liked the throwback to the beginning of this season when Kevin surprised Moose with locker kisses
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I don’t know how to feel about Choni cheating their way into a broken system. I like their outfits? I don’t care?
Ohhhhh Gladys. “More teenagers.” You and me, both. If only drug dealings could be kept between adults. I’m so annoyed with these people! Stop being involved in shade! Clearly you’re boss bitches and can manage an actual legit business instead of “borrowing” fancy cars and laundering dirty money with a bunch of rowdy teens and gang members. SET AN EXAMPLE, LADIES
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Ha. Throwback to the Midnight Club entering through the window is kinda hilarious. What is with this poison-drinking nonsense? Again?!
OH MY GOD they’re setting it up for “jealous” Mason man to be the Gargoyle King. Yep. He is. Okay then.
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30 minutes in, I get my shot. I’m crying. The hair. The beauty. I can’t handle it. DON’T STOP. My Bughead heart needs this! They are so lovely! Someone light their face and silence all the phones, k thanks.
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Why does Kevin presume Betty would infringe on bunker boinking? She’s probably the one who came up with the damn schedule!
They look so damn satisfied. Can no one have peaceful pillow talk in this town?
What is with all this “gay=weakness” nonsense? Love is love. Sit down, ignorant, self-hating villains.
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I squealed when I heard Jughead’s voice and saw him come in. Oh man. And now my heart is broken. Because the Jones girls are faking it. And Jughead’s gonna get his heart broken. NOOOOOO! I knew it the second JB hugged FP.
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Good call Sierra and Kevin just keeping a giant cake for themselves with that bizarro topper. Was he sunk into the cake? On his knees? What are you two up to?
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Goodbye, Moose! Bon voyage! Kevin seemed proud of him being out but sad he loses another boyfriend to crime in Riverdale.
It’s like this episode wants to highlight all the minors having reasons to cry. Ironically, Reggie was SHOT and was the least teary.
Oh, really?! A new gang/FAMILY? Of strangers?! In leather?! We need more aesthetic options in this damn town. The Pretty Poisons. My guess is if they can get the rights, Cheryl and Toni are gonna dress up as Harley and Ivy. Because they already dressed up like Catwoman.
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I’m sorry, Archie and Josie, I can’t hear your duet over the sound of my heart breaking.
I don’t know, was anyone excited about Archie OR Josie dating someone new? Y’all need some time to work on yourselves. Revisit this after some therapy. Time is good. Look what it did for Tom and Sierra. I can’t imagine Julliard is much for aspiring pop stars anyway, but what do I know? She’s about to go to her own spinoff so I’m not emotionally invested.
I don’t know when I’ll get to see my darlings get the short end of the stick again. Oh well. Time for fanfiction, I suppose. Every time I think we’re thinning the ensemble they just swoop in with more. Fingers crossed our favs get to finish spectacularly next time ;)
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tetrakys · 6 years ago
Five Songs - Chapter 4: Quit Playing
I looked around the place trying to decide where to start first. Luckily, food had been cooked elsewhere by the catering service so the kitchen was clean and all the dirty dishes had been taken away once they left. What I had to do was to collect the garbage lying around the room and clean the floor. I could have easily done it in the morning I guessed, but I knew that the moment my head was on a pillow I was going to sleep for the next 12 hours straight.
I came back from the kitchen with a big rubbish bag and a broom. I paused for a moment and looked at my phone, cleaning up was always easier with some background music. I accessed my music app and selected a random playlist. 
I had just started swapping the floor when a thought crossed my mind. I was very visible from the outside, with all the lights on in the café at this hour of the night, anyone could see me being alone in here. I went to the light switches and turned off all the lights in the room except for the ones in the kitchen and the lamps that Nina had lent us. The room was now lit enough that I could see the furniture and avoid tripping every two seconds, but it would have been almost impossible to spot me from the street.  
I started collecting all the rubbish I could find. Someone had lost an earring, I put it in a drawer by the till in case they came back looking for it. There I also found my keys lying on the floor, thank god I hadn’t gone back to campus, I would have ended up spending the night on the floor locked out of my room.
I had been cleaning for an hour or so when one of my favourite songs came up on the playlist. I started singing along while brushing the floor pretending the broom was a microphone. I got really into it headbanging and twirling around the room when, suddenly, I caught something in the corner of my eye. I stopped immediately with a frightened cry, there was someone sitting in the darkest corner of the room, someone who… was laughing his ass off!
“I’m sorry Candy” Hyun said with tears in his eyes “I didn’t want to frighten you” he kept laughing “you didn’t hear me coming in and I thought I might just…”
“You thought you could just sit and enjoy the show, right?” I said annoyed, ashamed but also a little bemused.
“I’m sorry, really. It was just too funny!” he went on “I swear I have only been for like… well… most of it.”
I was mortified, that really wasn’t the image I wanted popping in his head whenever he thought about me. “What are you doing here, anyway? You left ages ago.”
“Yeah, sorry about that, my parents sent me a text asking me to call them. I was worried but I shouldn’t have, it was nothing serious. I was just about to go to bed when I had the terrible thought that Clemence might have ‘asked’ you to stay and clean the place. I came back to make sure it wasn’t the case but, apparently, I was right.” He looked around the room “You are basically done, sorry for being late. At least it seemed like you were having fun” and he started laughing again.
“Hyun!” I cried stomping my feet on the floor and puffing my cheeks like a child.
“Sorry, sorry!” He raised his hands looking at me apologetically “It’s just that… you are just too cute.”
I felt myself starting to blush a little when I noticed that he was still grinning like an idiot and realised that he was just trying to appease me, as if I was a child or a puppy. I knew in my heart that it wasn’t exactly the case, I knew that he liked me, at least a little. We had been flirting every now and then for a while now, but he had never stepped up. Could that be because he only saw me as a girl and not as a woman? He had seen me being a klutz at the café many times, and even though he was also a bit of a dork sometimes, I really didn’t want that to be the only impression he had of me. Suddenly an idea came to my mind, it was risky and could totally backfire but I was willing to try, he had just seen me at my lamest so I had nothing to lose.
“You know what Hyun” I said with fake confidence crossing my arms “since you apparently like to watch, you can give me your opinion on something. A while ago a friend and I prepared a small choreography for a contest which we never ended up performing, she broke her leg a week before. I have always wondered what people would have thought of it.”
That really got his attention, he sat straight on the chair and looked at me intently. “I’m not an expert but I can definitely give you an honest opinion.” He said blushing a little.
“Thanks” I replied and pulled a chair in the middle of the room. “Please sit here.”
He complied while I headed to my phone and selected the song I was looking for. During my third year I became good friend with a girl who was a huge K-pop fan. She was so passionate about it, that she begged me to enter a contest together to attend a famous boy band concert in Seoul. She was devastated when she fell from her bike right before we could perform. The first notes of “Quit Playing” from U-Kiss started and I headed towards the centre of the room, a few feet in front of Hyun. I saw a surprised and somewhat embarrassed look crossing his face, he must have recognised the song. K-pop was usually more cute than sexy, but this song… it really hit it out of the park, it had an upbeat but sensual rhythm and the MV showed a 2 boys/1 girl threesome… between other things. I briefly pictured myself squeezed between Hyun and another man who looked suspiciously like Mr Zaidi… Nope, nope… it was not the time to go there… I came back to the present and let the music lead me.
The choreography was purposefully as sensual as the music, I raised my hands and let them slowly run down along the curves of my body. I turned around and let my hips swirl while I slightly bended on a side. I looked him right in the eyes and I saw him quite affected by the show. He was staring at me with a hunger I had never seen him display before. He looked at me from top to bottom, and I felt his gaze caressing my skin, my calves and the length of my legs. I was still wearing my Charleston dress, which proved to be quite fitting in these circumstances as the fringes jumped around at the smallest movement of my hips, leaving my thighs mostly bare. He seemed to be painfully aware of this since, even though he looked at me all over, his gaze kept slipping back to that particular spot.
Once the song reached its peak I slowly started heading towards him. I bent down leaning on the back of his chair while looking at him straight in the eyes. I saw him swallow, appearing completely bewitched. Once my lips where just an inch away from his I smirked, got up again and moved at his back. I hugged him from behind and run my nose along his neck leaving a small kiss on his chin. Stop messing with my mind said the song, I twirled again and landed on his legs, straddling him. On the last notes of the song I put my hands on the back of his chair so that he had to tilt his head up to see me and I let my lips hover over his, just a few inches away and… stopped. Panting heavily just a breath away from his lips.
“So?” I asked once I caught my breath “What do you think?”
He looked at me pensively “That I am really glad you ended up not performing” then he added “Do you know the meaning of the lyrics” I only had a general idea so I shook my head to say no. “The guy is basically pleading the girl not to mess with his head because men are simple minded and easily bewitched” he stared me straight in my eyes and added “Is this what you are doing?”
I cocked my head on the side “I don’t know… is it working? I can’t tell.”
At those words he put his hands on my hips and pushed my lower half closer to his and a breath escaped my lips. Oh, it was working indeed… “I’m not that cute then…” was the first thing that came to my mind.
He smiled timidly and raised his head leaving a feather-like kiss on my lips “Always.” I felt his hands moving slowly along my thighs while he added “You are cute, sexy, funny, smart and passionate… and I am simply crazy about you.” I looked at him surprised, had he just… confessed? I quickly got up from his lap and pretended to straighten my dress from some invisible wrinkle. How could I feel shy… now? When two seconds ago I was grinding on him with my ass basically in his hands? We started rearranging chairs and tables. The atmosphere was now heavy and I didn’t know what to do or say. I like you too? No, too ordinary… and he hadn’t exactly say that, had he? I was going to spend the next several days analysing his words and reactions, God… I was trying to act like a femme fatale but I really was a klutz! Once we were done, we turned on the alarm, locked the door and headed towards the campus. I tried unsuccessfully to make same small talk but we were still really embarrassed.
Once we reached the dorms entrance I said goodnight and tried to quickly run towards my room.
“Candy wait” he said. I turned around and saw him stopping in front of me. “I know you were playing and I freaked you out, but…”
“No, Hyun” I tried to explain but he stopped me.
“Let me finish, please.” He said, looking at me sweetly. “I really do like you. A lot. I wasn’t kidding.” He put a hand on my cheek “One day soon I am going to ask you out, and I really hope you say yes.” He leaned and left a sweet kiss me on my forehead. “Goodnight” he said smiling, and headed towards his room.
I stayed there looking at him walking away, a smile also on my lips.
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writingsofadream · 6 years ago
Chapter One | The Beginning
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Pairing : Jungkook x Reader
Story: You knew being an intern at BigHit wouldn’t be easy, but you’d never imagined Jungkook would make it even harder. 
You are a new intern at Big Hit, and you get to meet the boys. Set in the real world (as opposed at an AU), and just before the Love Yourself: Tear Comeback. 1.8k words in this chapter.
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The harsh and unforgiving buzz of your 6am alarm screeches through your bedroom, penetrating the soft blankets and making its way into your dream. For a second your thoughts are confused and muddled with the morning noise, but then you feel your body wake with a start.
Today’s the day.
Hurriedly you push the blankets off your body and slip out of bed, into your comfiest dressing gown and the ridiculously old slippers you refuse to replace. Their sentimental value outweighs their depreciating quality, so you continue to wear them to pieces.
Your internship starts today. With Big Hit.
You couldn’t believe your luck at being chosen from over 15, 000 college applicants, especially as Korean was only your second language, (though you were undeniably fluent), and you had just arrived in Seoul a little over six months ago. Somehow you had been picked, and your astonishment had turned into realisation and immense butterflies in the weeks since the fateful letter had arrived. And now today was finally the day.
Big Hit was such a huge contributor to K-pop and the music industry through BTS, but most of all it was an undeniably successful music production company. You were overwhelmed at the thought of being able to see first-hand the work that goes into such a huge corporation, and as a business major it was pretty much all you could think about. Most of your friends had been shocked at the prospect of you being near BTS for 4 months, but you just couldn’t keep your mind off the school side of things. After all, that was why you applied, and no doubt they were going to be perfectly normal boys anyway. Well, men.
The shower was warm and enjoyable as it flooded over your body, and you shut your eyes for deeper enjoyment. Mixed with the sound of light rain from outside, the butterflies in your stomach were almost calming rather than anxiety-inducing. You shave, and wash your body and your hair - the light and flowery scents were your favourites, and you’re all too aware your self-presentation will be taken into account by all officials you meet.
Hopping out, you put on your pre-selected outfit, looking at yourself in your bedroom’s full-length mirror. A white button-up shirt, with tightly flattering black jeans cuffed at the ankles and your faithful black and white vans. You look presentable, yet still young and obviously intern-esque. Appropriate for an 19 year old intern, you thought.
Heading through to the kitchen, you quickly pop some 3-minute oatmeal into the microwave, and begin cutting up the banana and strawberries to go with it. Your tiny kitchen hugs around you reassuringly, and you look around gratefully. It was truly the perfect apartment, modern yet tiny and with a surprisingly modest rent. In the middle of a strawberry cut your phone rings, and you check it with nervousness. A text from Shia, your best friend and long-suffering brother’s girlfriend.
“Good luck, Y/N! We all love you and are rooting for you!”
Beneath was an adorable photo of them together with your parents, giving you genuine open mouthed smiles and a thumbs up. You couldn’t help but smile too, it was too damn cute. No doubt it had been taken in advance, since the time difference had to be accounted for. You quickly tapped out a thankful reply, sent it, and retrieved your warm oatmeal from the microwave to dig into the early breakfast.
Your phone buzzes again, this time reminding you to take your daily birth control pill. Gulping it down with water, you wondered why you were even still bothering. It’d been almost a whole year since your last kiss with a boy, let alone anything more promiscuous than that. Still, shorter periods was a plus and you didn’t seem to have any negative side effects, so you figured it was somewhat worth the routine and $30 a month. Seeing the time, you grabbed your bag and double checked you had everything you could possibly need. Gum, cards, offical ID… everything seemed to be in its rightful place, which seemed promising. You’d even remembered to fill up your metal bottle with fresh cold water and ice, which you loved regardless of the raining weather outside. Stepping out of the apartment, you locked the door behind you and headed down the copious stairs leading to the outside of the building. Sure, you didn’t have to be there until 8:30am and public transport would get you there by 8:10 - you still wanted to be on time for one of the events that could turn into a momentous event for your college work, or even your career.
The train is packed, and you find yourself squished between a businessman who pays you no attention and an old lady carrying three purses. The smell is rather damp, and the Monday mood is evident throughout all passengers’ moods. You were undeniably glad you had remembered your tiny bottle of perfume, your favourite travel-sized scent; a little bottle of Marc Jacobs in the scent ‘Daisy’.
A young boy, most likely around 17 is eyeing you up and down from across the train, and his eyes are making you slightly uncomfortable. Sure, you have a nice body and you’re not stranger to their gaze, but it never gets easier being openly gawped at. You shift from foot to foot, hoping that the train has no delays and he doesn’t get off at your stop. He gets off one before, and makes sure to brush against your ass as he makes his way past and out the doors. Gross.
You try the door of Big Hit Entertainment nervously, only to be met with resistance. Looking next to the door, you see a keypad clearly needing a set of around 5 numbers to be punched in. Dammit. Shit. How fucking awkward. Waving through the clear door, you try and get the attention of the woman behind the front desk. Eying you with a steeled look, she simply goes back to her mundane work. She must think you’re just a crazed fan. Perfect.
Knocking again, she looks up with clear annoyance on her face. You quickly snatch your ID and the acceptance letter from your bag and bang them against the glass, motioning for her to come and take a closer look. Clearly rolling her eyes, she gets up in a clear movement of frustration.
Once close enough, her eyes go wide and the look on her face is replaced with that of surprise. She swiftly punches numbers in, and the door swings open. Some of the fans who had been standing further back, from the other side of the road start to rush forward, and as soon as you’re through the door she slams the door behind you.
Now up close, you see she’s quite beautiful with wide doe-eyes and perfectly Korean features. She looks as through as was ripped straight from the pages of a magazine, particularly in her dark blue dress that’s tight and works her small curves to the best of their ability. Her lengthy legs in their sky-high heels make her a good 10 inches taller than you, and you feel considerably uglier in comparison.
“I am SO sorry,” she gushes. “I thought you’d be older, and not here until at least 8:30. Again, I seriously apologise! You must think me so rude.”
Her previous annoyance has been completely wiped away, and she now flashes you a sheepish and apologetic smile.
You give her a quick, reassuring smile back, and even laugh a little about the situation.
“No doubt young girls like me try and get in all the time, no doubt! I definitely don’t blame you for being good at your job!”
She laughs in return at this, nodding enthusiastically.
“You’d be astonished at how many young girls want a glimpse of BTS, it’s no wonder they come in through the back! I’m Jinwah, by the way, it’s nice to meet you Y/N… even if our first meeting has been a little difficult!”
You flick your wrist up and check the time on your small gold watch, a present from your father before you'd left for Korea. Your deep sentiment definitely transcends no-longer-fuzzy slippers. 8:24. Definitely time to go.
“I’m so sorry, but I definitely have to get to where I’m supposed to be now. Room 753?” you ask quizzically.
“Take the elevator to floor 14, then it’s the 8th door on your right. Good luck!”
She flashes you another award-winning smile, and you can’t help but seriously like this girl. We could definitely become friends while you’re here, in fact, you might make it a personal goal. You could do with more friends in Korea, since you’re currently sitting at only two.
You send a quick “thanks!” her way, and walk over to the elevator. Pushing the button, it pops open right away for you. Getting in, you repeat to yourself that it’s the eighth door to your right, and you punch in the 14th floor.
Whizzing up, your stomach is in knots as you attempt to mentally prepare yourself for your first impressions. A spritz of your perfume and the doors open, allowing you to step into a white-walled and modern looking hallway. It screams office building, and the buzz of talking is thick. People are all throughout the hallway, and going in and out of the rooms, much busier than the lobby downstairs. You suppose they must all come in through the secretive back entrance, being staff and all. A large and busy woman in a black and white dress notices you, and comes striding towards you with her clipboard. Her smile makes you less nervous, though you feel exceedingly out of place and awkward.
“Welcome! You must be my intern, yes? You’re Y/N?”
Her smile and her warm demeanour melts your butterflies, and you feel much better having met the woman who you’ll be shadowing for the next few month.
“Yes, that’s me,” you reply, “I’m very honoured and excited to be here!”
“Good, good!” She replies, bustling with enthusiasm. “Shall we get started? The very first thing I’ll have you do is meet the boys, they’re all in dance practice right now so I’m sure they’ll be happy to have a quick break.”
She says this with a chuckle, but you suddenly feel nervous again.
On our way towards the room you hear it from all the way down the hall. The loud, banging sound of all their feet falling to the floor in synchronisation, and it sounds almost mesmerising with their music playing in the background.
She doesn’t even bother knocking, and simply opens the door with blatant familiarity. Of course she knows the boys well, you chastise yourself. It’s you who’s the outsider.  
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peaches-of-1 · 7 years ago
The College Crush ~ Chapter 1: Twisted Girl
Black!MC x E’Dawn
| Next >
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Just a flash of red and brown, and E’Dawn couldn’t help but stare. His smile fell and it felt as though his world had stopped. Your hair was in twists and so was his stomach after seeing you. The other guys didn’t fail to notice their friend’s new infatuation with the girl who had just passed by.
“You think she’s cute, huh?”
He nodded and fell off the wall since he had been too occupied staring at the beautiful brown girl who had passed by to worry about his own safety. Hyojong just had to know one thing. Who were you?
[Two hours earlier...]
Hyojong woke up and stretched, turning off his phone alarm and almost forgetting he wasn’t living on campus this year. He was so used to seeing the cream colored walls, that his black painted ones surprised him. Yawning, he smacked his lips together and tasted last night’s sleep on his tongue. It tasted like spit.
“Good morning, Cheolsoo! Yeonghee, how was your sleep? Is Nari thirsty this morning?” He said cheerfully as he watered the growing sprouts on his windowsill before getting ready.
Skipping forward, Hyojong spit foamy toothpaste into the sink and wiped his face. Only as he double checked his freckled face did his roommate Hongseok came out of his room to do his morning routine.
Scratching his tummy, he said his usual greeting, “Mornin’”
“Sleep well?”
Hongseok nodded and yawned, splashing his face with cold water, “Ah, we’re meeting the guys at the brick wall outside the library today for lunch. Bring cash. Jinho says the card swipe thing got stolen over the summer.”
 “Well fuck,” He pouted. “Ok.”
The be-speckled blonde beauty opened his closet and changed his bottoms to the black slacks required by the school that sported his grade’s color. He slipped on a white tank top after flexing in the mirror a bit. High white socks and black tennis shoes. They could have been any color, but Hyojong decided to keep it simple.
He’d put on his jacket last in case something spilled on his shirt and he had no time to change. Speaking of which. Breakfast. Nothing too big as he’d get coffee with his friends soon enough. Yuto was in the kitchen, toast waiting on the counter with jam and butter surrounding the green plate.
“I made two slices for everyone. Do whatever you want with them.”
The three waited for the last one to wake up as they ate in the living room and played a few video games. None of their classes were until 11am, and it was just now 9:23. Wooseok shuffled in his pajamas and drank some juice.
“Cute.” Hongseok smiled.
They talked about their classes and what they heard about their teachers until it was time to go. They buttoned up their gold buttons that shined brightly against the black fabric
“These look like Japanese high school outfits.”
“And here I thought I had gotten rid of these awful collars when I graduated.” Yuto looked at himself in the mirror. “Why are they trying to copy the uniform style?”
Hongseok shrugged, “Don’t know. But I don’t exactly hate it. You look adorable, Wooseok.”
Hyojong smiled, “He’s always adorable.”
“Oh, be quiet. These pants are so stupid. Why aren’t they full length?” The adorable one turned his ankle to emphasize the fact that it showed off his navy blue socks instead of covering them like regular pants.
“Fashion!” Yuto said. “I like that feature. Makes me feel young.”
“I feel like I’m cosplaying.” Hongseok laughed. “Anyways. Let’s go. We’ve got classes to get to, and it’s best not to be late on the first day.”
After their first classes, the boys met up where they had the past two years after making their rather large group of friends. There were ten of them in total, Jinho, Hui, Hongseok, E’Dawn, Shinwon, Yanan, Yeo One, Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok. Hyojong went by E’Dawn because he messed up creating his first semester schedule so badly that he had classes at the crack of dawn for a whole term.
Most of the others had regular nicknames. They always met for lunch outside the library since Jinho worked at the school cafe located on the library’s first floor and got off at the time. He always brought his friends food that was fresh but would be thrown out after his shift. It was ok as long as he didn’t get caught, and his boss didn’t tell on him.
Even in this large group, they talked about the new uniforms for guys. Every grade had its own color that they had to wear. Freshmen in red, Sophomores in green, Juniors in pink, and Seniors in blue. Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok wore red while Yeo One, Shinwon, and Yanan got green. Hui, E’Dawn, and Hongseok got to wear black this year and Jinho was the only one who wore blue.
The colors were on everyone’s Student IDs. For the guys, they had two sets of pants. One were plaid and whatever color they needed to be. The others were black with a colored stripe down each side. The color also showed up on their ties they wore for their alternate uniforms.As for girls, their skirts signified their current academic level. Although girls could wear pants, there was just social pressure that made skirts more common than not.
Hyojong had decided to wear his black pants today. He met Yuto and Wooseok during their summer orientation since Hyojong was their Orientation Leader. They mentioned not wanting live on campus but not wanting to stay with their parents and E’Dawn said he had two empty rooms in his apartment. They’ve been close ever since.
The guys were taking turns walking on the red brick wall in front of the library to see who could do it the fastest without falling. Hyojong fell and landed on his ass, making the others laugh. He laughed along with them until your red skirt caught his eye. Your legs were an earthy brown, and you wore high black socks in combat boots.
Looking at the rest of your body, he saw that you had on a blazer with red accents and a white dress shirt underneath, red ribbon tied under the colar. The messenger bag you held was an army green color and covered in all sorts of buttons. Some E’Dawn recognized since he was a fan of the shows and bands.
Your hair was natural and in a plethora of twists, but you didn’t really notice him among all the other handsome men. You just saw them as a group of men you had to pass by. It didn’t occur that one of them had been captivated by your presence. Then again, while you were trying to see if you were headed towards the right building, E’Dawn was trying to get a better view of you. He sat up from his first falling position, fingers hanging off the edge of the wall.
After you passed the group, you didn’t see your newest admirer fall to the ground after losing his balance since you were already inside the building and taking everything in. So this is what the inside of a Korean library looked like, you mused.
Hyojong scrambled to his feet and followed you. He just had to make sure that what he saw was human not a goddess made from his imagination as he currently believed you were. When he got inside, he saw a red skirt go around a corner. Your twists bounced with every step and suddenly stopped as you searched for the right room. Hyojong couldn’t help but reach out and touch your shoulder.
You turned around, “Yeah?” You spoke English.
He didn’t know a lot of English. Right now, he barely remembered any Korean as you two met eyes. Yours were such a dark brown, tunnels to another world. E’Dawn had to say something.
“Hi. I’m Kim Hyojong.” He bowed. “I help with new students. Are you lost?”
Having bowed when he did, you sighed and spoke Korean, “Yes, I’m lost. I’m looking for this classroom, but I don’t see this number anywhere.”
He loved the sound of your voice. You showed him the number, and E’Dawn saw the number written in both Hangul and Romanized alphabet.
“Ah, I’m guessing you didn’t get the email. That class is now upstairs in the computer lab.” He pointed upwards. “I can take you to it if you want.”
The way you smiled made his heart skip, “Could you, please?”
Hyojong smiled back, “Sure. Follow me. What’s your name, by the way?”
“I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you.” You gave a small bow and your twists trickled down your cheeks.
“Nice to meet you.”
There was no way he was going to tell you how easy it was to find the classroom since they were mostly glass walls and had the teacher’s name on the door. E’Dawn wanted to spend more time with you wanted to learn more about this beautiful black girl with a voice like the sea.
“Where you from?”
“I’m from North America. And before you ask, I learned Korean and moved here because of K-pop. Mostly the fashion aspect.”
He smiled, “Sounds about right with all the foreigners here. What’s your major?” E’Dawn asked as he opened the stairwell door for you.
“Thanks,” You grinned. “And I’m undecided at the moment. Just trying to get my general studies out the way and try a few things out before committing to a specific field just yet.”
“You’ll find your place here rather quickly. Um, let me see that paper one more time?”
You hands him the paper, and he took a pen out of his pocket to scribble something on it. He handed it back to you, and you noticed a few extra characters along the bottom.
“Wow” You heard a voice whisper.
Both of you turned your heads to see the stairwell door closing even though it should’ve already been shut after E’Dawn and you stepped out. You guys decided to ignore whatever it was.
“It’s my KTalk. You can message me if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy your class.” He opened the glass door leading to the largest computer room.
“Thanks. Hyojong-oppa?”
He wanted to clutch his chest as he was having a heart attack from how cute you were, calling him oppa. He almost forgot you were younger than him, but the red skirt was obvious. You were just very comfortable to be around that you didn’t feel younger. Must’ve been because you were American.
You took his reaction the wrong way, “Oh, sorry, I guess we’re not close enough for me to call you that yet.”
“No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s fine. You can call me oppa if you want.”
“Oh, that’s a relief! Thank you, oppa!”
Hyojong nodded, caught his breath, and put on a charming smile, “Yes. You’re welcome. I’ll see you around. Your Korean is very good.”
“Thank you! I’ll see you around.” You bowed to him and went inside.
He nodded back at you and let go of the door. Releasing the breath he didn’t even know he was holding, E’Dawn gave you one last glance and headed downstairs to rejoin his friends. However, as he opened the door that lead to the stairs he saw several of them standing on the landing.
“Hey, guys. What were you doing?”
They all looked at each other until Yeo One spoke, “Nothing, oppa~”
The others joined in teasing him about having the freshman girl call him oppa even though they had just met. Hyojong was a blushing mess, and nothing could hide it. The librarian shushed them and pointed outside.
Once outside, Jinho was the first to tell the other five, “She called him oppa and almost took it back, but he said it was ok. Dawnie’s got a crush~”
“So, is she Korean?”
E’Dawn shook his head, “American. Not sure which area. Her name is (Y/N).” He touched his cheeks, starting to blush even more. “She’s really cute.”
This was fun. Should I write more? I should. Five chapters. I’ll write five chapters of this with this one being the first.
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ohtheseboysilove · 6 years ago
Joe’s mermaid [Joe Mazzello x F!Reader]
Words : 700 K +
Warnings : nothing else than fluff
Summary : Joe introduce is girlfriend to his borhap co-stars.
Note : Wouhou unbelievable but first writing about our cutie pie Joe ! So I wasn’t sure if the request was a joke or not 😂 But anyway I went for it, im not good for fantasy stuff so I kind of cheat, it was pretty fun to write so thanks for the request ✨
🌼Requests are open 🌼  ☀ Masterlist ☀
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(Oh my gad this gif is pure gold😭)
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@/ none of these gifs are mine xx
"Did she really exist at least ?"
"Ben, don’t be jealous. She does exist and unfortunately for you, she’s way sexier" The ginger teased with a smirk, earning a roll of eyes from the blond. "My delicious girlfriend is somewhere in this sweaty mess"
They all glanced around them, the house was indeed really crowed. All the cast were in America for the award season and one of Joe’s friend from school had throw a massive party, inviting everyone. It was the perfect opportunity to finally introduce you to his co- stars and friend after months of teasing from them.
"Do you know what is her costume at least ?" Lucy asked peering through the crowd even if she had only see few pictures of you.
Yep, it was a costume party, no one could entered if they weren’t dressed properly.
"Of course I know, we got matching costume ! Like every powerful couple, Lucy” Joe laughed as he kept looking for you.
"So you’re a pirate...is she a parrots ?" Ben joked as he playfully lowed the pirate hat on the ginger’s head, obstructing his view.
"Oh fuck off you with your ugly face, my girl isn’t a parrot" Joe put correctly his hat as Ben poured dramatically.
"Hey ! I did his makeup very well Mazzello so shut up !" Lucy had, indeed covered Ben’s face to look like the joker in batman, and the result was very impressive. "It take me long enough, thank you"
"Your makeup is amazing Lucy, don’t worry”
“I didn’t know Sherlock Holmes was an ass licker like that" Gwilym chuckled at Joe’s comment and gave him a slap with his cane on his bottom. “Ouch, Gwil ! Only (Y/N) can slap my precious ass"
"I thought it was only me but I guess I was wrong” Ben sighed deeply, pretending to me disappointed. "Speaking of witch, where is she ? I can’t believe someone really handle dating you more than six months, she deserved a fucking medal"
"Oi ! You’re just fucking jealous Benny, that’s cute" Joe almost pinched his cheeks but Lucy’s death glare, as he would probably ruin the makeup, stopped him before he did. "Anyway...she is somewhere...here she is ! The prettier girl in the room. No offence Lucy honey” Joe pointed toward of group of girl with a large and proud smile.
"Is she the one wearing that sexy devil costume ?” Asked Ben with he checked out the girl discreetly.
"Not this one, the other !"
“The unicorn one ?" Gwilym wondered as he frowned. "I don’t see the link between pirate and unicorn"
"Oh for god’ sake, are you all blind or what ? I’m talking about the mermaid !" Joe exclaimed with a toothy smile, every gazes falling on you.
An Oooh collective echoing between them, finally getting a piece of the mysterious girl you were for them. You were chatting with your friends, excited to meet Joe’s friends but you had quickly lost him in the crowd both you being social butterfly. You were wearing a long and tight skirt covered in fake sparkling scales, imitating perfectly a mermaid tail. For the top, at Joe’s demand, you played cheeky and only wore a bikini with two shells to decorate it. Classic but effective. You let your hairs loose with a nice starfish clip to stay in the theme.
"(Y/N) !" You turned around when you heard your name and there your goofy boyfriend waving enthusiastically at you.
You smiled, amused by his excitement and joined him, kissing gently his kiss. He did look very gorgeous in pirate, giving a wild side that you weren’t complaining about.
"There is my pretty mermaid. So this is Gwil, Lucy and Ben. Guys, this is my girl (Y/N)" No one missed how proud was Joe when he said my girl, his arm wrapped around your waist.
"Oh my god Lucy, I love your Rapunzel costume, it’s amazing !” You beamed as you examined his complicated dressed, looking very similar of the one from the Disney movie. "And I love the hairs !”
The blond blushed with a soft smile and made a little twirl to show you the rest of the dress.
“Thank you (Y/N), I love yours too, you and Joe matches perfectly”
"Told you my girlfriend was real, guys" The ginger joked to the two men who teased him endlessly for months. "And like I said, sexier than you Benny” He winked at you and pressed a kiss on your red lips, earning an aaaww from the group.
"Dude, you’re dating a fucking mermaid, doesn’t look real to me” Replied the blond a smirk.
"Oh fuck off blondie"
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lookastarlightnight-blog · 7 years ago
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[Admin Lyric: For all those fans that are really cheesy]
Characters: Reader, Changkyun (I.M), Jihae (your friend), Joshua (for a little bit), Soonyoung?
Word Count: 1,619
Genre: Fluff
Type: Soulmate Au
It was your birthday and you were at school, yeah, you were at school. You got many birthday wishes and a lot of birthday punches from your friends and they hurt you like hell. You were the one of the few girls who went to school on your birthday without wearing a dress or a tiara because you personally thought that it was too much. You really just wanted to stay home and do nothing, but the worse thing was that one of your favorite boy groups were coming to your city.
You’ve loved Seventeen since before they debuted as a group and it saddened you that you couldn’t go. When your parents had asked you what you wanted for your birthday, you simply replied saying that all you wanted was concert tickets to go see Seventeen. You had also told them that your best friend Jihae was going and already had a ticket, but they said that it was really expensive and couldn’t afford to pay for a single one.
You had never been to a concert of your liking, considering the fact that you were the only person in your family that actually liked Korean music. Jihae was sad that she’d have to experience seeing them all by herself which had made you even more sad then you already were. This was your birthday! You’re supposed to be happy! Yet you were sitting in your boring ass classroom accepting gifts from others forcing yourself to at least be happy and failed.
“Y/N! What are you doing later at 7?” You looked at Jihae with a pissed off expression. “Very funny Jihae. I wanted to go with you to see Seventeen you know that!!” You were whining and you knew you sounded stupid but you couldn’t help it. You were used to the fact that nothing ever went you way, but I mean come on, it’s Seventeen for fucks sake! 
“Well, maybe you still can.” You had stopped looking up bus schedules on your phone and looked at your friend. “What the hell are you talking about?” As soon as you asked, Jihae had pulled out a concert ticket from her bag and placed it in you hand. 
“Happy Birthday!!!” She put her arms around you in a tight hug. It took you a while to respond back to her hug because you were in shock. You never knew that Jihae would ever be sneaky as to buy you a concert ticket without you knowledge. I mean she did in fact show you her buying process on her phone.
“Jihae!! Oh my god!! I gotta tell my parents and-“ 
“They already know. I told them to tell you that they couldn’t buy it for you because I wanted to give the best birthday present I could think of.” 
You had tears in the corner of your eyes. Jihae had shown you Korean music in the first place and had made you fall in love with it. You’ve know her for about 6 years now and had never thought that she’d be the one to buy you anything so expensive. 
 “Thank you so much!! I LOVE YOU!!” You went to give her another hug. 
“Hahahaha! I love you too Y/N”
To be quiet frank, you were jittery, really jittery. You had to remind yourself that you couldn’t fall so hard for them (even though you were smitten by all of them) because you did have soulmate. Fuck! You had actually forgotten about the stupid useless color in your left eye. It really bugged you that all of the people that you’ve met that had one light blue eye and one light red eye was always never your soulmate. 
You’ve come across K-Idols who’ve had the same eye colors as you, but they were never exact. Even Minghao had one blue eye and one red eye, but they were both dark and very vibrant. As much as you wanted to not have a soulmate, you really wanted to meet them at the same time. Anyways, you were glad that you had entered the arena soon enough because it was always hot in New York City during the summer. 
You were also happy that Jihae was generous enough to buy a concert ticket in the front row, which was considered the V.V.I.P area. It was packed with a lot people, but you were just glad that you were able to see the stage and surprisingly, you didn’t lose Jihae in the crowd.
You tried to get the thought of your soulmate off of your mind but it just wouldn’t go away. You really just wanted to absorb yourself in Seventeen’s music, which you eventually did and you were glad.
When the concert was over, Jihae, who was next to you, pulls out from her pocket 2 backstage passes to meet Seventeen. You squealed internally. You’ve always wanted to meet Seventeen and take photos with them, but you didn’t know what it was like to be backstage after a concert. While you were on your way to see 13 beautiful men, you accidentally bumped into someone. It was a male. He was a little shorter then any average boy, but was still taller then you.
He had on a black hoodie, black ripped skinny jeans, light brown hair, almost blonde and a black face mask. This guy’s favorite color must be black, you thought. You lost your balance considering the many, many people around you. You were gonna fall right on your butt and people would trample all over you, it scared you but you knew it was gonna happen so you braced your self for the impact but it never came. 
You opened your eyes and was met with a beautiful pair of lilac eyes. You were confused, you had never seen this boy ever in you life, but yet you felt comfortable in his hold. He eventually let you go. 
“Are you okay?” His voice was deep, yet soft and delicate. You realized that Jihae had grabbed you and pulled you away from the boy with the pretty eyes and was heading backstage. “We gotta hurry! People are gonna be there before us!” You loved Jihae, but you were pissed. You wanted to talk to him, he seemed interesting to you.
We eventually ended up backstage. We showed the security guards our passes and they let us in between them. As soon as you saw Seventeen, you froze. You really didn’t know what to do, but Jihae grabbed you and pulled you towards them. You were greeted with open arms, Seungkwan’s to be exact, and you have him a hug. You were a smiling and blushing mess because you had never thought that Jihae would not only buy you a ticket, but a backstage pass. When you got to Joshua, his eyes were wide open. You were confused. Did you have something on your face? You tried wiping at your face to get whatever it was off. Joshua laughed. 
“You don’t anything on your face.” He noticed and you felt kind of embarrassed. He gave you a hug. “Your eyes are really pretty, I was surprised cause I’ve never seen someone’s eyes a lilac color before.” 
You froze. He noticed and he began to worry, thinking he said something wrong. You were confused. Your eyes weren’t lilac, one was light blue and the other was light red. Your eyes widened after you put 2 and 2 together. You had to find that boy, no you needed to find him. 
“Are you okay? You don’t look too good.” He put his hand on your shoulder and you jumped, reality setting in. “I’m fine, I’m just ah-“ 
You heard the rest of Seventeen yelling. They were greeting someone. You turned around only to find yourself looking at the same pair of eyes you saw earlier. “Changkyun-hyung, can you tell Jooheon-hyung I said to respond back to my messages.” You recognized the person talking as Soonyoung. 
You looked at Soonyoung then back at the boy “Changkyun” who had took his face mask off. Fuck. Changkyun, Jooheon? Where have you heard those names before? As you were in thought, Changkyun looked at you. You blushed and looked away. Why was he so familiar looking? He started to walk up to you. Jihae was talking to Woozi, oblivious to the situation at hand. 
You turned your head back to in front of you and immediately regretted it. Junhui spoke up and said something to Changkyun in Korean. Your Korean wasn’t perfect but you understood exactly what he said. “Your eyes are the same color, are you…soulmates?” 
 Everyone stopped talking and turned their attention towards you and Changkyun. You felt like you were naked. Changkyun looked at you then at his phone, probably checking his reflection. That’s when it hit you. That’s I.M! He’s in Monsta X! He is friends with Seventeen. You felt stupid. All of Seventeen started to coo at the both of you which made you blush even more. 
“I guess your my soulmate…um...” He looked down at the ground. His English was really gentle and his accent was very cute. You tired really hard not to squeal. 
“Her name is Y/N!!” You turned around and was met with an evil looking Jihae. “Yah! Y-yeah, it’s Y/N.” You felt shy, but not as shy as you would’ve been if he weren’t your soulmate. You felt somewhat comfortable being in his presence.
“That’s a very pretty name…I guess I owe you a lot of dates” You laughed and he smiled. You could tell that he was blushing but he tried to hide it, and you let him. 
“Thank you, I owe you too.” 
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