#anyways i love lum <3 shes so silly
hiddencircus · 16 days
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cyanwings · 7 years
4. least favorite character from your favorite anime / best ending of an anime you’ve watched?? 22. any endings that you would rewrite?
Thanks so much for sending me more asks!! I really appreciate it a lot!!
4. least favorite character from your favorite anime
Since all the characters in “Kino’s Journey” are mostly one off characters, I’m gonna talk about another favorite series I love, “Princess Tutu.” And the least character I enjoyed was… Mytho.
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Now, maybe it isn’t fair of me to choose him. After all, his whole character existence is for Princess Tutu / Ahiru to try to achieve his heart shards back to him in order to feel his emotions again that the Raven shattered and sealed away. I can understand that he’s emotionless and probably has some memory loss in the process of it and that’s fine. What I’m not fine with is making him not suitable in his every day life. He’s met Fakir and Rue since they were little kids so I’m sure they would’ve taught him the facts of life in order to live in their society. But, once we get to their teen years, Mytho is so dependable on them it’s ridiculous.
It just seems like he also lost shards of his mind to gain information in order to learn new things from people. He couldn’t even put on his pants in a few scenes when he was next to his window. Even his common sense of being careful of the dangers around him weren’t making him aware of his surroundings either. It just felt like Fakir and Rue were taking care of a child than someone their own age. Maybe I wasn’t aware on the side effects of the curse on him but it just irritating on how he was acting in the series. I also wasn’t too pleased on how Mytho is probably much older than Rue since she was a child when they first met and he apparently doesn’t “age”  but it still makes it creepy age gap. Or any of the pairings involving with him. And it’s a shame cause the focus is on him getting his heart back and he’s the most boring and forgettable character in the show.
Not to say I HATE Mytho. It’s not like that all. In fact, the way he grows towards the end is really quite fascinating. We see him change over time, especially in the second act of the series, and get his emotions back so he could return to being the valiant prince he was. Just because he’s the least character I enjoyed doesn’t mean I despise him. If anyone enjoys him, that’s cool! Keep enjoying his character cause this is my silly opinion and I still want people to enjoy the series for what it is.
4. best ending of an anime you’ve watched
I know I haven’t mentioned this series in my previous posts but it is one of my favorite animes ever. In fact, it was actually the first series Rumiko Takahashi ( creator of the famous series “Ranma ½” & “Inuyasha” ) had created at the age of 21 and that series is called “Urusei Yatsura.” And I choose it’s amazing series end for my choice as the best ending and also known as the fifth film,“Urusei Yatsura: The Final Chapter!”
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I’m not sure if the finale includes in it’s films series but I’m counting it anyways! This ending had me over joyed of how well done it was! If you don’t know the main storyline it goes like this:
An alien race known as the Oni arrive on Earth to invade the planet. Instead of taking over the planet by force, the Oni give humans a chance to fight for the rights to the planet by taking part in a competition. The competition is a variant of the game of tag (literally “the game of the Oni” in Japanese), in which the human player must touch the horns on the head of the Oni player within one week. The computer-selected human player is Ataru Moroboshi, a lecherous, unlucky and stupid high school student from the Japanese city of Tomobiki, and the Oni player is Princess Lum, daughter of the leader of the Invasion force.
Despite his initial reluctance to take part in the competition, Ataru becomes interested in the game when he meets Lum. When the competition begins, Lum surprises everyone by flying away and Ataru finds himself unable to catch her. Before the last day of the competition, Ataru’s girlfriend Shinobu Miyake encourages Ataru by pledging to marry him if he wins. On the final day of the competition, Ataru wins the game by stealing Lum’s bikini top, which prevents her from protecting her horns in favor of protecting her modesty. In celebrating his victory, Ataru expresses his joy at being able to get married; however, Lum misinterprets this as a proposal from Ataru and accepts on live television. Despite the misunderstanding, Lum falls in love with Ataru and moves into his house.
It’s one insane series but it’s why I love it. There isn’t a main plot other than Lum and Ataru’s relationship from time to time but it’s such a fun series that I couldn’t possibly spoil any of the enjoyment. With that being said, the fifth film aka “THE FINAL CHAPTER” is completely adapted from the manga and it’s animated so well!
Lupa, yet another one of Lum’s fiancés, arrives on the scene, and Lum and Ataru must repeat the game of tag played out from the first episode of the television series, or the Earth will be infested with mushrooms larger than buildings.
Further, should Ataru lose, Lum will leave forever and everyone’s memories will be changed so that they don’t remember she, or her friends, were ever there. Finally, Lum refuses to allow Ataru to win unless he says to her those three words, “I love you”, that he has steadfastly refused to say over the entire series.
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In the beginning, Ataru’s cold-hearted towards Lum and sees her as a nuisance preventing him from girl hunting. Thought he may not seem to really care for her, it’s crystal clear Lum is the only one he truly shows sincere feelings for. And when faced with the prospect of losing Lum, Ataru goes all-out to try to prevent it from happening, even at the expense of his own health.
Near the end of the series, in the story introducing Inaba and from the OVA “Inaba the Dreammaker,” he decides to protect the future where he and Lum get married after he sees how happy she is in this future. In Ataru’s own ideal future, he had a harem containing every female in the cast but he decided to abandon it after he learned Lum would not be with him, further signifying the love he has for her.  The fact that he sacrifices to rescue Lum is enough to prove he truly cares. Also, when she leaves for an extended period of time, he becomes very depressed and lonely in her absences.
In the “Final Chapter”, when he’s faced of the prospective of losing Lum and all of his memories of her, he refuses to give in to her request of a proper love declaration, only because he wants to say it properly without being forced into it so there’s more sincerity to how he feels about her. But, the fact that * SPOILERS * Ataru saved her former horns in his hand before time runs out, proves to Lum his love for her without words.
This film is just fantastic in every way possible. Mostly if you become a big fan of the series and just the great out come this will bring out. I honestly didn’t expect such a well made movie for this type of series but it blew my expectations!! As I recommended you many other series, I highly recommend you watch the series “Urusei Yatsura.” I know it has such a long run of episodes, OVAs. and films but the pay off is very much worth it!
22. any endings that you would rewrite:
There’s one ending that I would rewrite and that is “Fruits Basket.”
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If you don’t know what “Fruits Basket” is, let me explain the plot:
After the accident in which she lost her mother, Tohru decides to live with her grandfather. Renovations on the house and uncooperative and unkind family members cause her to move out of her grandfather’s house and becomes homeless. Tohru begins living in a tent and starts supporting herself. That is, until she finds a home inhabited by her popular classmate Yuki Sohma and his cousin Shigure. After being invited to stay with them, Tohru discovers something big about the Sohmas.
The Sohmas live with a curse. Twelve members of the family are possessed by spirits of the Chinese zodiac and turn into their zodiac animal when they are weak, under stress, embarrassed, or when hugged by someone of the opposite sex.
When Tohru discovers the Sohmas’ secret, she promises to keep it a secret and is allowed to continue on living with them. Although the Sohmas’ curse is deeper and darker than Tohru realized, her presence and her acceptance of them soon becomes a large, positive influence on those possessed by the zodiac. She sets out to break the curse and, on the way, meets and discovers each member of the Sohma family. Each has a different personality, just like the animals in the Chinese zodiac. One by one, Tohru’s existence changes the Sohma clan’s lives forever.
Onto to the ending, and I’m gonna put a spoiler warning in case no one’s seen this anime:
After Tohru asks Shigure permission to speak with Akito, the head of the family, he talks to her privately, mentioning that Akito bears the core of the curse and does not have very long to live. Yuki, Shigure, and Hatori accompany Tohru to the Sohma main residence to see Akito. After an initially tame exchange, Akito attacks her as he grabs her hair in a rage after Tohru is unable to say why she came, but Yuki and Shigure restrain him from hurting her further. However, she begins to feel sympathetic, explaining that he still has a life to live. Releasing his grip on her, Akito eventually realizes that Tohru accepts the Sohma family curse. The series ends on a bright future with Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo back at the residence where they live.
Now the reason why I would change this, or possibly more aspects of the series, is to match up what the creator had intended.  The anime adaptation was produced while Takaya (creator) injured her wrist, since she was heavily involved in the adaptation. But, she would clash with director Akitaro Daichi over every little detail. Studio Deen decided to reject Takaya’s feedback, and in turn, she has blocked all attempts at a second season or a remake.
It’s a shame that we never got a second season cause this is such a heartwarming series that I cherish greatly. And while looking back on it now that I’ve read the manga, it did stray away from it’s manga counterparts. Several changes were made such as Tohru’s first meeting with Momiji and all references to Tohru’s baseball cap, never happen. The anime makes no mention that Yuki or Kyo have met Tohru’s mother or that Kyo blames himself for her death.
While the anime faithfully adapts most of the characters from the manga series, it does make some changes. In the manga, Momiji is half-German and half-Japanese and regularly speaks German, particularly when he first meets Tohru. In the anime, no German is spoken at all towards her. Shigure’s darker side is toned down in the anime as he makes in the manga that hint at a hidden agenda are left out, along with most of his early scenes with Akito.
In the anime, Akito is biologically male and will die at a young age because of the curse, while in the manga, *SPOILERS*  Akito is biologically female but brought up as male and is not dying. This served as a shocking plot twist in the manga, since almost everybody thought that Akito was male.  Additionally, Isuzu “Rin” Sohma, the Horse, and Kureno Sohma, the Rooster, are never mentioned or shown in the anime. Finally, the curse is not lifted in the anime because it only covers the first third of the manga, at the most, and the happy ending does not occur until the series is finished.
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If it could be rewritten, I would have it connect more towards the main source material than a “Anime only ending” that most studios did at the time or even now as well. Again, it’s unfortunate that it didn’t end on good terms with the creator cause I LOVE this series and I hope maybe in the future we’ll get that second season or a possible reboot. It’s just too amazing not to adapt into anime.
I also highly recommend you check out this series as well. Especially with the English dub cause it’s just OUTSTANDING! It was one of the first series when I got into anime and I’m so glad it influenced me the way I look at life and people around me. It’s very sincere and compassionate. Not to mention it can be funny as heck as well. But, give it a shot if it’s your type of show! You won’t be disappointed!!
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