#anyways i just bought a pair of short shorts because I was transfixed
visgae · 2 years
I need to say this here because I don't feel comfortable saying it in a reblog but I've been having Gender™ feelings for a few years now and that post about Gerard's androgeny has made me realise that the way they gender is exactly how I want to gender. I'm not transmasc, I'm AMAB like Gerard but I want what the transmacs want too
Thank you for sharing this! Yeah I've been thinking about their presentation and gender expression recently and trying to find a way to articulate it from a personal point of view and that post did it pretty well. I hope there's a similar post about trans fem expression on here because I would love to hear it from their perspective too.
Honestly the power of someone like Gerard Way to make you think about your own personal gender identity is so strong for so many fans. MCR were my first music special interest when I was 12 and they made me Feel Some Kind Of Way (no pun intended) that I couldn't really understand at the time. I didn't even know what being transgender was until I was like 15 or something but now I'm like....... yeah Gerard Way was an early Gender Moment for me!
Now I've gotten back into them, I can really appreciate the impact their music and aesthetics had on me at such a young age. I also love how much more openly unapologetically trans and queer the fanbase is now compared to 2008 - 12, it's really refreshing and I LOVE the trans readings of songs and albums. x
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halpertstuna · 4 years
Could you do 8 and 10 on the prompt list with JJ?
A/N: i’m so sorry it took me so long to answer, i’ve been pretty occupied lately and so i didn’t really have time to write and when i did it was for ‘someone to stay’, anyway, here it is i hope you’ll like it🥺
and PLEASE don’t hesitate to send me requests, questions, messages whatever you want. i would love to make friends and mutuals on this platform plus i love feedback and would really like to hear your opinions(:
also, this turned out way longer than i intended it to be, it was supposed to be a blurb but i guess i’m just gonna turn it into a whole ass imagine cause why not
-> prompt list <-
word count: 1,899 (oops... guess i got a bit carried away)
prompts: “i’m not jealous!”, “you’re hot when you’re mad”
pairing: jj x kook!reader
warnings: a pretty heated make out sesh, jealousy?, platonic Kie, Pope and John B. oh and typos probably.
btw, i was kinda in a rush to post this so please forgive me if it’s not that good, i’m too lazy to edit this again (and this is the first time i wrote something that’s kinda smutty? i mean this isn’t really smut but you get my point. don’t know how i feel about it), anyways, if you’ve made it this far in my insanely long intro congrats! enjoy <3
-> masterlist <-
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(gif credit: @anakin-skywalker )
It’s been almost two years since you started attending the kook academy, almost two years since you became one of the pogues.
On your first day there you met a brown haired hippie chick named Kiara. The two of you had chemistry together and were paired by your teacher to be lab partners.
On your first encounter you didn’t really talk, and on the following couple of lessons it developed to only small talk and warm smiles if you saw each other in the hallway.
Kiara didn’t like kooks, even though technically she kind of was one.
Judging by the way you dressed and the people you surrounded yourself, she didn’t think you were really the type of person she’d get along with.
But when the two of you got assigned to do a project together, you instantly proved her wrong.
You met up with her at the wreck, the two of you talked about the project then yourselves and bonded almost immediately.
You revealed that you actually hated the people you usually associated with, thinking they were all fake, stuck up snobs with their heads way too far up their asses, and the only reason you hung out with them was your parents.
You turned out to be really reckless and funny which she wasn’t expecting at all, but she liked, it kind of reminded her of someone, her best friend, JJ.
She was quick to introduce you to the rest of the pogues and they welcomed you with open arms into their group. You instantly befriended them and vice versa.
Just as Kie suspected, you got along extra well with one particular blond.
The two of you had a lot in common; you were both hot headed and impulsive which often got you into trouble. You two were pretty competitive, always challenging one another.
You being so similar was the reason you got along so well, but it was also the reason you fought a lot, neither of you ever willing to admit you’re wrong or be the first one to apologize, but you couldn’t stay away from each other for too long. The sexual tension between you two could be cut with a knife.
Hungry glances, longing touches, needy desires that were transparent on both your faces.
Everyone on the island could see it but you. You were both so terribly oblivious.
You tried treating him like the rest of the pogues, you pushed your feelings for him to the back of your mind, thinking he was just being friendly, knowing he was a flirt, and for almost two years, it worked.
But seeing him flirt with Harleen tonight was literal torture.
Harleen was your neighbour and former best friend. A tall, tan brunette you hated with all of your heart.
The two of you have known each other since birth, you were practically inseparable, but as you grew up you noticed she always wanted what was yours, and she always did whatever it took in order to gain it. Whether it was the new shoes you got for your birthday which she bought herself the following day, or the guy you told her you liked in middle school the week prior to her dating him.
With time your friendship grew toxic and you felt like she was bad for you, constantly bringing you down and never caring.
So you decided to defriend her and ever since that moment you despised each other.
You were sat on a log beside Kie at a kegger, Pope next to her as they argued about god knows what. You tuned them out, far too focused on each and every one of JJ’s actions, watching as he whispered in her ear.
He probably said something funny since she started laughing, leaning forward and grasping his bicep for balance, which made your blood boil, you felt like history was repeating itself.
The grip on your red solo cup tightened, you stared and it seemed as if lasers were about to shoot out of your eyes and burn her pretty face off, but you diverted your gaze down to your hand, jumping up slightly when you felt a cool sticky liquid on your fingers, noticing you accidentally created a hole in your cup of beer with your milky white painted nails.
“Wow, what did the poor cup ever do to you?” Pope joked, his and Kie’s attention averted to you the second they heard a pop coming from your direction.
“Huh? Oh, well it didn’t tell me how pretty I look tonight, take that as warning sign” you trailed, trying not to look suspicious, “are you sure it isn’t because JJ told that to the girl beside him instead of you” she implied winking, causing Pope to cackle with laughter.
“What was that?” You asked rhetorically trying to act intimidating, “oh nothing” she gave you an innocent look.
“Anyways... i’m gonna go get a new drink” you swiftly stood up and started walking until you made out John B. from afar who was stood by the keg.
“Refill?” He questions once he spotted you making your way towards him.
You nodded “I accidentally poked mine” you admitted lifting the ripped cup in your hand and pursing your lips as you came to a stop beside him.
As he poured you a new cup of beer with the tap head connected to the keg by a tube, you searched the crowd with your eyes and focused your attention on JJ again.
You’ve seen him flirt with a countless amount of chicks before - kooks and torouns mainly, but none of those times pissed you off os much as seeing him flirt with Harleen did.
I mean he probably didn’t even like you back, so why where you so pissed? It wasn’t different from any other time, except that this was Harleen. She was a bitch. But he’d probably catch on quickly, right?
He placed his hands on her waist and you clenched your jaw at the sight grinding your teeth, you were irritated by the whole situation.
John B. noticed, a sly smile spreading slowly across his face.
“Hey, want some peanut butter with that jelly?” You turned to face him, a dumbfounded look on your face, “what are you talking about?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re obviously jealous”, he chuckled at the bewildered look on your face and you felt your cheeks heat up. “am not!” You denied huffing.
“Tell that to the vein popping out of your forehead” he teased.
You gasped and jabbed his chest playfully with your elbow, you mumbled a “shut up” then channeled your attention back to the two.
Her hands were rested on his chest, like that wasn’t enough already to send you off the edge. But when he pecked her cheek you lost it.
Abruptly you stormed off from where you were stood, John B. shouted from behind you “where are you going?“ but you ignored him.
When you approached JJ and Harleen you clutched onto his wrist dragging him away from her towards the chateau, ignoring both her and his protests. You led him inside then turned around to face him.
“Hey! What did you do that for? It was going really good for me! This better be an emergency” he sneered.
“Are you fucking serious? Out of all the people in the party you chose to hit on Harleen?” You scoffed.
“What’s the problem with that?” JJ was clueless, he knew nothing about your and Harleen’s rivalry. You never told any of the pogues, well except for Kie but she didn’t recognise her as the one flirting with JJ.
“The problem is Harleen hates my guts and the other way around. We used to be best friends but she became toxic, trying to take everything that I had and I’m not going down that road again JJ”
Your words confounded JJ, what did you care if she flirted with him? It wasn’t like he was yours, although he really wanted to be.
Does you caring about whether they end up together or not mean you wanted to be his too?
Then he noticed what emotion your eyes held, he’d never seen it before on your face, but he immediately recognised it.
“Wait.. are you jealous?” He questioned, the corners of his lips perking up into a smirk when he noticed the furious look on your face from his revolution.
“I’m not jealous! Would everyone please stop saying that?! I’m mad ok?!” You defend.
“Ok! Ok!” He surrendered lifting his hands up in the air “but just know, you’re hot when your mad”. Your mouth slightly agape as you weren’t able to form words to deny, far too transfixed under the fact he directly called you hot.
He started walking towards you slowly, you didn’t want to cave, to admit you have fallen for his charms, so you backed up until you felt your back gently hit the wall. Chest rising and falling quicker as your breathing started getting heavier and your heart beat faster.
The second his hand landed on your waist you felt a million butterflies erupt in your stomach, he tenderly stroked the exposed skin of your v line between your low cut shorts and crop top. You felt as if the skin under his finger was being set on fire.
He brought his other hand to rest beside your head on the wall, he leaned in, inches away from your face. His breath mingled with yours, fanning your lips, it smelled of cheap beer and weed.
He slowly moved to your ear and extolled in a low voice “I mean, really hot”, his warm breath sent shivers down your spine.
He left a sloppy, open mouthed kiss on the skin under your earlobe and you could’ve sworn you were seeing stars.
When he detached his lips you bit down on yours holding in a whimper at the loss of contact as he brought his face back to yours.
His blue orbs gazed into yours, they seemed darker than usual, lustful.
He waisted no more time and captured your lips with his. You didn’t hesitate to kiss him back.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled on the edges of his hair deepening the kiss. As your tongues fought for dominance, he brought his other hand to your ass and squeezed it causing you to moan, he took the chance and slipped his tongue in.
you tugged on the hem of his shirt and he got the message. He separated his lips from yours and within less then a second, practically tore it of his body and discarded it on the floor. The two of you were panting at this point, completely out of air but you didn’t care. Breathless, you reattached your lips to his, desperate to taste him again.
You caressed his much bigger length with your petite hand, signalling you wanted more and he groaned into the kiss.
“Up” he demanded mumbling agains your lips. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist, he grabbed your thighs and without breaking the kiss led you into the spare room.
Almost two years of yearning and craving dissolved in that night at the chateau, and to think it happened because of Harleen.
As much of a bitch as she was, you did owe her that.
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piixelatedpastries · 5 years
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Know it’s been forever since I updated..but more updates will be coming..we are so far ahead in writing but my game crapped out so couldn’t get any pictures. I know pics are sparse, but and can’t wait to share how things are developing in the story! To read the previous parts go to the Port Stone Rp link on my tumblr
"He promised it would..but it won't..I'm going back..I have to go back..I didn't mean to.."
 My words trailed off, it wouldn't make much sense to admit I wasn't supposed to even be here this morning, but I had all but said exactly that now.
 I sat up, wrapping the robe back around myself and tying the strap as I gathered up bedding wrapping it around me as well.  Another realization dawning on me.
 "I don't have anything to wear..not really.."
 The last thing I could fathom doing right now was putting that horrid outfit back on, not until I had to anyways.
 "Xanthos..have you always had him?"
I watched as she wrapped yards of material around her little body as if it would protect her and sat up. Getting off the bed I walked to my closet to find clothing for the day.
 "I'll get you some clothes, do you know what size you wear? I'll take you shopping later today once a friend brings something by for you to wear" "
 Shrugging on clean jeans I walk out of the closet pulling a black tee over my head, covering myself as if I could cover the scars and the shame of having a side of myself, I couldn't always control.  How many times had I had to apologize for the terrible things he did, for the things he made me want to do. "
 With a sigh I turned back to her, scrubbing my face with a hand.
 "Yeah, I was born with him, courtesy of my father. The Wolf is courtesy of my mother. I really am so sorry you had to meet him that way. Given the time restraints there wasn't much time to warn you of him, I didn't think he'd be making an appearance so soon..."
 Walking to the bathroom I lay out a fresh towel and cloth before coming back out to her still sitting on the bed.
 "Why don't you take a long hot shower. clean the night off and try to relax. I don't have anything of the girly variety but the travel pack of soaps I bought had a conditioner at least.  I'll have Jen bring you something over while you're in there."
"Is there ever a good way to meet a demon?"
 I asked wryly as I slid from the bed, taking the sheets with me, letting them trail behind as they engulfed my body in their soft cloth, tickling against my skin.
 A soft moan escaped as I stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water trickle against my skin and soaking my hair. I wasn't sure how long it had been since I had last been cleaned with more then a sponge bath of murky water from a bucket. It would be so much harder to return now, memory of what it was like to feel human was awakening more and more.
 I didn't step out from beneath the water until it finally ran cold, the last of the dirt and disgust of that place circling the drain in sudsy finality as I wrapped the giant terry cloth towel twice around me.  The sheet was wrapped again before I emerged from the bathroom, steam billowing out around me.
 "You don't need to take me shopping..you need to take me back..the longer I'm away, the worse it's going to be for me. Just a clean t-shirt of yours will be enough, I won't be keeping it there anyways."
"Probably not so much, no.... but I suppose it would have been nice to have more than 24 hours to prepare you for him. If you see him again just tell him Tianna would hate you for this and he might go away quicker"
 As I watched her walk away, I placed a call to Raven and asked her to get my things from the bar and her an outfit, guessing she was a size 0 and bra I guessed was about a 24b or c cup. also guessed her feet were a size five and told her to get her a pair of sandals of some sort.
 Walking into the kitchen to make her something to eat I wondered just what the fuck I had planned. Obviously I couldn't keep her captive here forever but what would I do with her, how could I let her go now?  The questions swirled in my mind as I made bacon, eggs and pancakes for her, cut up strawberries and squirted a generous dollop of whipped cream on top "
 Hearing a knock I open the door to Jen, taking the things she brought, thanking her and shutting the door on her well-meaning questions.  I place the items on the bed  and go to the living room to wait. "
 After what felt like an eternity, I finally heard the water shut off and her pad her way into the bedroom. Ignoring her words completely I walk in and point to the bed.
"There's your clothes sweets, put 'em on and come eat breakfast."
 Not waiting for a reply, I head back to the kitchen and wait for her to finally emerge. anticipation running heavy through my veins making me restless. I couldn’t wait to see her clean, dressed and no doubt breath taking.
I frowned a bit, but didn't argue, taking the clothes into the bathroom and shimming quickly into them. The jean material was strange feeling, not a fabric I was used to, but it felt good to be covered, to be..presentable, was the word I suppose they would use. I took a few extra moments to brush out my hair, quickly  tying  back, loose strands framing my face softly.
 I headed towards the sound and smell of the food, my mouth already watering before I stepped into the kitchen and scrambled up onto a chair.
 "Tianna was your wife? She had control of your demon?"
I was not disappointed in the least as I watched her walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, her hips naturally swaying as she walked. She was a sight, no doubt about it. The way the shorts hugged her hips had me transfixed and made me jump as she scooted to the table.  Sliding her plate towards her and making a gesture at the pancakes I turned to pour another cup of coffee.
 Her question took me aback, as questions of her usually did. Even after 55 years it was still a raw spot that had me emotionally on edge whenever I thought of her. I truly loved her as much as was possible to love another person. My once little family was perfect until it was taken from me.
 Clenching my jaw, I swallowed a few times, checking my emotions were under control before turning to answer her.
 "We were all in love with her in some form or another. He had his fair share of fun with her that I always ended up having to apologize for, but over the years he grew to respect her enough to not scare her or hurt her and couldn't stand to see her cry any more than I could.  There was a time when she actually told him she was proud of him I guess and he would have done anything for her after that."   Sitting down beside her I take her hand in my own, stilling her from eating for a moment.
 "I truly am sorry about this morning Shaylee, he's.... complicated. but not something to play around with. He can be a completely evil bastard, or he can toy with you. He's an asshole with no conscience and that makes him unpredictable. He does things for his own gain, has his own desires that he will do his damnest to fulfill. I am sure that was scary and the absolute last thing I wanted for you. But I swear to you, I am not him. We may share this body but his actions and thoughts are entirely his own."
The bacon was cleaned from my plate first, and the sweet pancakes and fruit were quick to follow, leaving me to pick a bit at the eggs before his hand wrapped around mine and his eyes locked with me, the pain in them palpable making my own heart ache for him and his loss.
  I bit my lip for a moment shaking my head, my bottom lip glistening as I released it to speak.
 "That's not true..he has a conscience, or he wouldn't have been bothered by Tianna's tears or wanted her praise..if those things mattered..he isn't totally lost..he can't be."
 I gave him a small smile shaking my head as I placed my free hand over the one that engulfed my other.
 "I know he is separate..mama spoke about demons often..they..like our kind..almost as much as vampires do."
I roll my eyes, pushing the bar stool back with a huff and standing up. She was wrong thinking there was something worth saving in Xanthos. He was the pure evil side of me, and I really needed her to see that, though now was hardly the time.
 "He is lost, when she died, whatever she had given to him died with her. He was only good, or as good as he could be, because of her, for her. We all died a little with her....." I let my words trail off as the pain crawled its way up my throat and into my eyes once more.  I needed to change the subject. This was going nowhere.
 "Now get your ass off that chair and let’s go do some shopping. I will hear nothing of this bull about wearing my 20x too big of shirts. You are a lady and you will look the part!"  With that I swept her up in my arms and marched out the door with her, ignoring her feeble attempts at protesting and placed her in the passenger seat.
I could sense his discomfort and the need for a subject change, and what right did I really have to push it anyways. I was only here temporarily. I still couldn't resist one last observation though.
 "He could have hurt me..but he didn't..just..just scared me."
 I shook my head as he plopped me into the seat of the truck again.
 "Everything you have is like..giant..your bed..your shower..your truck..everything!"
 I knew it was a waste of breath to remind him I couldn't stay, he was ignoring everything I said about it anyways, acting as if he just didn't hear, or maybe as if I didn't speak.
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agentbarton12 · 5 years
Sticky Business
AN: so, yeah, i was bored and decided to post this so here we are! also, just in case it wasnt clear, this is a slow burn. like, really sloow. strap in, folks, its gonna be a looong ride.
masterlist | series masterlist
About an hour later, I was saying goodbye to Mr Torres and promising that I’d visit him tomorrow. I walked out and left for my apartment. I expected to see my mom waiting outside the locked door but the voices I heard from next door were a clear indication that she wasn’t done. Instead, I found a tall and well-built boy in basketball shorts and a loose Lakers jersey hanging off his body, revealing his perfectly toned arms. I swear he wears tanks on purpose.
“Where have you been? I have been waiting here for fifteen minutes,” he said when he noticed me. I brushed him off with a wave and proceeded to unlock the door.
I walked in with him on my heels and watched as he rushed to the bathroom. I chuckled at his childish demeanor and poured myself a glass of water. He came back with an angry look on his face.
“What?” I asked.
“Where were you?” he asked reaching for my now empty glass and moving around the counter to fill it again.
I shrugged. “I was visiting Mr Torres.”
“Felt like it,” I said shrugging again.
He pushed no further. He looked around the room and sighed. “Where’s your mom?”
I pointed to the wall separating our apartment and Miss Crux’s.
“Miss Crux?” he asked incredulously. “Why?”
I shrugged for what I assumed to be the third time since I stepped foot in the place. “Spider-Man,” I said as if it explained everything. Apparently, it did not.
“Ah, because that makes sense,” he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the couch and switched on the T.V. “Michelle? I’m talking to you,” he said frustrated.
“You know where to find me,” I called over my shoulder not looking back once. I was too transfixed on the T.V. to notice what was happening. Before I knew, he had dropped his heavy behind onto my lap and was squishing me with his weight.
“Terrance! Terrance, get off!” I screamed hitting his arm. It was no use; those things were like bricks.
“Do you promise to give me your full attention?”
“Terrance, off now!”
“MJ?” he said in a sing-song voice.
“Fine,” I huffed out. “You have my attention.”
“Thank you.”
“Now get off,” I said pushing him off my lap. I crossed my arms in annoyance and blew a strand of my curly hair out of my eyes. I shot daggers at Terrance who was looking over with me a cocky smirk. “What?” I snapped.
“Why’s your mom there?” he asked pointing at the wall behind the T.V.
“Spider-Man asked her to go.”
“How did she run into Spider-Man?”
“She was out on the terrace looking for me when he swung by.”
“Why was she looking for you?”
“I might’ve been on the roof.”
He raised a questioning eyebrow but continued nonetheless. “I thought you were with Mr Torres?” he phrased more like a question than a statement seeing as he didn’t know the details. I could’ve easily lied to him and he’d believe me, but when it came to Terrance, I felt inclined to tell the truth. Sometimes.
“That’s what I told mom after I came down from the roof. I just decided to visit him for an alibi, you know?”
“Wow. Using poor, defenseless men to keep you out of trouble. You are a monster.”
I rolled my eyes at him. “I think that is all the honesty I can release for the night, so if you’ll excuse me, I was watching something.”
He raised his arms in defense and walked over to my room. It was silent for a while, just the sound of the voices from the T.V. filling the space, until Terrance broke it with his big mouth. “MJ!”
“What?” I yelled back.
He came out of my room and came around the couch to face me, standing directly in front of the T.V. Again. “You need to stop doing that,” I said gesturing to his body and the T.V. behind him. He ignored me and lifted a pair of shorts that he got from my room. His shorts.
“What did I say about taking my clothes?”
“Don’t,” I admitted.
“So why did you take my shorts?”
I shrugged. Terrance didn’t like that answer. He bent over me, his face inches away from mine. His breath fanning my face. “I’ll steal your sketch book,” he threatened. That sketch book was pretty important to me and I swear if he lays a finger on it I will not hesitate to snap his hand in two.
I kept my face indifferent when I spoke. “You…you smell like…sweat, perspiration and…broken dreams.”
He sighed as he backed away. “Sweat and perspiration are the same thing,” he said with a hint of a smile in his voice. “You’d think that someone going to that school for smart people would know that.
“Oh, I know. I said it thinking your little jock brain wouldn’t catch on. And besides, you sleep in my room, so of course your clothes are going to be in there.”
He flipped me off as he went back to my room, no doubt rummaging through my clothes looking for any other items of ‘stolen clothing’.
Terrance had been living with us since his last year of high school when his mom left for a year long work trip to the Middle East. Seeing as his mom is my dads sister, it made sense for him to live with us until she got back. He slept on the couch I was sitting on until we were able to bring his bed into my room. It was a tight fit, but we made it work anyway.
As the year past, we grew closer; no longer just cousins but siblings. Brother and sister. We kept the bond we had created even when his mom came back, and he went back home. We still had sleepovers and we’d go to the movies together, but ever since his mom found out about my mom and what she did, Aunt Rey wanted nothing to do with us. We never bothered reaching out to her, because we didn’t blame her. My mom was involved in some shady stuff and it made sense that she wanted to steer clear of that. We stayed in our corner and she stayed in hers. The only bridge between the gap being Terrance. He had some knowledge of what had happened, but he wasn’t going to walk away from the relationship we had created.
He came over more and would sleep on the floor in my room. Even though his mother opposed of it, she never said anything because that would require her actually talking to my mom about it. And anything that required talking to my mom, she stayed away from.
It was the second weekend Terrance had spent here since he went back to college. I was glad for his company because, and I will never admit this out loud, I kind of enjoyed having people around me. Select people. People that I liked.
I focused my attention back to the movie that was playing. I wasn’t really enjoying it, but laziness had overridden my distaste and I didn’t change the channel.
My mother walked in not so long after and dropped bags on the kitchen counter. I turned around to see if she had bought food. She had. My mood lifted substantially at the sight of it.
“Michelle?” I heard her call from the kitchen. I murmured in response. “Is Terrence here?” I murmured an affirmative answer. “Cool.”
“Terrance! Mom’s here!”
Terrance stumbled out of my room not too long after and greeted my mom. He offered to help her prepare dinner, but she shooed him away. He came and plonked himself next to me on the couch. My mom heated up the food in the microwave and brought three glasses of juice and placed them on the coffee table in front of the couch.
When the microwave dinged, my mom brought the food. We sat together and ate, laughing at the movie that was playing. By the time nine rolled around, I went to my room to read after saying goodnight to Terrance and my mom, and I could’ve sworn I felt someone watching me through my window, but I didn’t see anything. I shrugged it off and climbed into bed with my book without bothering to change into my pajamas.
An hour later, Terrance stumbled in looking groggy and gravitated towards the matrass at the foot of my bed.
“Night, T,” I said from my perch.
“Yeah, MJ.”
The sounds of his soft snoring filled the room and I decided to join him in the land of slumber. I switched off the light and pulled the duvet over my head. ~~~~~
Being a loner was harder than it looked.
On the bus ride to school, I sat in the middle row — everyone gravitates to the back to do their…things or the front to avoid the people who are doing their…things — on the chair by the aisle. That way no one will bother asking if they can pass and sit next to me. At least that’s what I was hoping for.
A girl and her oblivious crush asked to occupy the two seats next to me. I’ve been watching them since they were the last people we had to pick up. Riley and Blake, Sophomore’s. When they got on, I did a quick and discrete sweep of the bus to see where all the empty seats were. There were a couple scattered around, but there were none where they could sit together. And I could tell that is exactly what they wanted to do.
I released an inaudible sigh as I realised that the only option for them was to sit together…next to me.
They didn’t seem to want to though. My reputation seems to have spread far and wide. Blake, being the oblivious gentleman, he is, opted to sit next to me. Bad idea.
You see, I had already pegged Riley as one of those groupies. Seeing as Midtown is more of a STEM school, it didn’t really focus on materialistic hierarchies (which is why no one cares about how much money Flash’s family has) but more so on the intelligence level. That doesn’t mean it didn’t have the occasional clique of people who thought the only way to showcase their brains is by making everyone else feel bad.
“She’s got to be kidding,” I heard Riley whisper not-so-discretely to her friend. “She is really wearing pajama pants. Pajama pants, Blake.”
Blake shrugged, glancing over at me ever so slightly. “So? Maybe she’s comfortable.”
“Or, she needs a serious fashion intervention.”
“Not everybody is a denim skirt loving fanatic like you, Riley,” Blake countered sounding a little exasperated.
Riley scoffed at that. “I think she purposely tires not to care, actually caring that she doesn’t care.”
“That doesn’t make sense, Riley.”
“Trust me, Blake. Girls do crazy stuff for attention.”
Blake merely rolled his eyes and stole a quick glance in my direction. I couldn’t tell (yet) if he had some personal struggle in the past when it came to clothing or if he really just wanted Riley to shut up because, duh, I was right there.
I kept my face devoid of emotion and burned my gaze into the chair in front of me. The bus finally pulled up in front of the school and I rushed to get off, not before confronting the Undercover Fashion Police.
I turned to Riley who was starting to get out of her seat. “I’m not looking for attention. You and this whole school just seem to want to give it to me because I don’t want to conform to the social standards of what is deemed ‘normal’ to wear. The same way no one says anything about your obnoxiously miniskirts because you want to wear them, I want to wear my pajama pants. So, you and everyone else can take their unwanted attention and shove it because in case you haven’t noticed, I don’t want it.”
And with that I turned around and got off the bus, leaving a very shocked bunch of students gaping at me.
It didn’t take long for word to travel about the scene I had caused on the bus. Did I care? No. Well, kind of. Did I care that I had caused a scene? No. Did I care that I was now the centre of everyone’s gossip? A little bit, yeah. But my loner reputation didn’t allow me to confront too many people about it. Two annoying girls in the bathroom, okay. A boy in my English class, allowed. A whole cafeteria full of people? No.
The staring didn’t bother me much. While I was eating my stale and sad excuse for pizza, eyes trailed all my movements. It didn’t bother me. I could always shield myself with a book thicker than my head and bury myself in the contents of its pages. And that’s what I did. Despite the thickness of the book, I could still feel a pair of eyes boring into my skull. It was unnerving and the fact that I knew exactly who it was, bothered me even more.
Without so much as a glance up from my book, I turned my head in the direction of the person in question and snapped. “What?” Brown eyes bulged out from their sockets after realizing they had been caught.
Peter was staring. Not Liz-Allan type staring, but creepy-stalker type staring. (Although Ned would argue and say they were the same thing. They weren’t.)
Could you blame him, though? He had just saw one of his school mates in their natural habitat and had to adapt with this knowledge, act nonchalant like he didn’t see them fall off the railing of a roof. Sure, he met a lot of his fellow class mates — sometimes teachers too — when he was out on patrol, but he wasn’t close with any of his class mates (besides Ned) so it was easier to act like it wasn’t him who saved their life. Like it wasn’t him who fetched their cat from a tree, or helped their grandfather cross the street. Because it wasn’t him, it was Spider-Man, and Peter had gotten pretty good at keeping the two separate.
But it was different now. Michelle was different. It was hard for him to act like he didn’t cover for her when her mom was looking for her on the roof the day before. Like he wasn’t worried that she was planning on jumping. Like the sight of her didn’t make him feel nervous about looking cool, because it sure did.
If there was one thing Peter knew about Michelle, it’s that she was a very tough cookie to crack. Really tough. It was hard enough to get her to acknowledge when one of his jokes were funny or when he got something right in AcaDec practices as Peter, but she didn’t know Spider-Man and he sure wasn’t going to ruin her first impression of him by doing something stupid, like staring at her without speaking (oh wait. He did do that. He was doing that right now).
It was worse when he found himself ignoring his usual route home after patrol and swinging in the direction of her apartment, ignoring KAREN’s constant reminder that home was in the other direction. It was even worse when he decided to watch her through her bedroom window. He was pretty sure she didn’t see him, but it was hard to tell. Again, tough cookie.
He didn’t know what time he left but he eventually did. (Keyword being eventually.) He swung back to his apartment and crawled through his window, only with the thought of Michelle sitting in her bed, her curly brown hair free of its hairband.
Telling Ned about it had been the absolute worst part of that day. He wouldn’t stop teasing and offering unhelpful Star Wars quotes as advice. It was in that moment Peter thought that he and Ned should widen their movie viewing spectrum. Ned didn’t like that idea.
But now, in this moment, with Michelle giving him her famous steely glare and pursed lips look, he was unable to form words. He knew exactly what she was talking about. The staring. He was just surprised she didn’t catch on and call him out on it sooner seeing as he’d been doing it the entire day. Then again, the whole school had been too.
“Your words, loser.” Michelle’s monotone voice broke him out of it. He needed to speak. Like now.
Peter sighed. She was impossible.
“I like your book,” he blurted out. That was not supposed to happen. He didn’t even know what book it was. Ned and Michelle both seemed to have caught onto this and gave him skeptical looks.
“Dude, you read?” Ned asked incredulously.
“Yeah, I agree with nerdier over there,” Michelle admitted motioning with her book to Ned who was sitting in front of her. “I’ve never seen you with anything that the school didn’t hand out to us, and this,” she held up her book, “was not handed out.”
“Umm…I-uh meant I like how it looks. Yeah, yeah. I meant I like how it looks. Like the cover. It’s cool.” Nice save, Peter. This lie only caused Michelle’s eyebrow to rise higher (if that’s even possible).
“I didn’t know that you found black slaves being tortured and stripped naked purely for the amusement of the white man ‘cool’.”
Dang it. Peter had really just put himself up against a wall. How to get out of this one? “Well, I meant the concept of the cover was c-cool. You know, the-um raw and-and brutal truth of the uh…cover hits home. Like the honesty is super cool.”
That only caused Michelle’s eyebrow to rise even higher (how? Seriously how?). “What home does it hit for you, Parker? Were your ancestors slaves? Taken from the only home they ever knew and forced to raise children that weren’t their own?”
“What? Of course not. I just meant — ”
“ — Dude, shut up.” Thank the heavens for Ned Leeds. He shot Peter a warning look and shook his head. Peter read the signal clearly: Don’t even. Peter saw this look a lot on Ned.
The table was silent as Peter stared at the table and the wall behind Michelle, and the double doors over on his right and well, anywhere besides Michelle’s face.
If he didn’t look at her, it was as good as her not being there, right? Wrong. It was hard not looking at Michelle. It’s not like she wore a sign above her head that read Look at me! (if her scene earlier was any indication) but it was the absence of one that made it impossible for Peter to look away.
His neck hairs were on edge (like they have been since Michelle gave them her attention) and he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was still watching him. Why? Maybe it was payback for the staring that he was doing, but it felt…different. Analyzing, even.
He heard her release a sigh. “You never answered my question, loser.”
He looked up and saw her giving him an unreadable expression. He glanced over at Ned, but he was no help at all, seeing as he had been watching the whole exchange with an amused grin. Ned raised his arms in defense signaling that this was Peter’s fight and Peter’s alone.
“I-uh-I did. The book remember?” It came more like a question than a statement, which was not what Peter was aiming for. He was trying to be confident, not to reveal too much about how nervous he was, but nervousness was in his DNA.
Michelle gave him a disbelieving look. “You and everyone here knows that is a lie and — ”
“I don’t think everyone knows that — ” Peter interrupted, gaining enough confidence to defend himself even though his attempts were thwarted by Ned’s comment.
“Dude, everyone does.” Guess who finally decided to join the conversation. Peter gave Ned an incredulous look because this was the second time Ned had sided with Michelle and Peter couldn’t tell if it was because he truly agreed with her or if he was just avoiding getting reprimanded. Peter chose to believe the second one.
Michelle regarded Ned with a nod as if to say to Peter, see? Even he gets it.
“Don’t worry, loser, I don’t blame you. I know you were born with this inability to lie and it shows in your everyday activity,” Michelle admitted shrugging. Peter just stared at her, mouth agape.
When Ned reached over and pushed his bottom lip back up, Peter finally collected his words. “W-wha-what are you talking about? I don’t lie every day.” That was a lie. He had lied on three occasions to excuse himself from being late. Peter hated it that Michelle was right.
“Yes, you do. You wanna know how I know?” She rested her chin in hands as she stared at Peter in a challenging manner, daring him to say yes, her book long forgotten. Peter wasn’t able to form words under the intensity of her gaze, so he numbly nodded, afraid and unsure of what he had gotten himself into. If he knew where it would lead, Peter would had said no.
“You are hiding something, Parker. The constant flaking, the unmistakable injuries, your inconsistent excuses, your — spider.”
Peter’s mouth fell open for what seemed to have been the fourth time since lunch started. His eyes were darting out and when he looked over to Ned, he wore similar expression of shock and bewilderment. How could Michelle possibly know? Sure, she was one of the smartest people at school and did have a reputation for sitting silently and watching and observing the lives of those around her, but Peter never thought he’d be the centre of her observations. He was sure that he and Ned were discrete and always spoke in hushed tones when talking about Spider-Man. They were always extra careful about where and when they brought it up — Peter more so than Ned — making sure there were no ears that might put them at risk.
But Michelle was known for being able to fade into the crowd, so it wouldn’t be so farfetched if she had happened to catch them when they were whispering to themselves.
But Peter couldn’t risk another person finding out about his alter ego — he drew the line when Aunt May stumbled into his room with the suit on — so he did the only thing he knew how to. He lied and denied.
“Wh-what I-I-um…I’m not a-uh-a spi-spider? Why would you-uh…why would you think that? Me? A spider? That makes no — ”
“What are you talking about?”
It never occurred to Peter that Michelle might be joking. Why would she? They weren’t friends (at least that’s what he thought), so it didn’t cross his mind that maybe, just maybe she was messing with him. Hoping to reduce him to a blubbering, stuttering mess. If so, mission accomplished.
“Uh, you-uh called me a spider? When you were making your point?” Peter wasn’t sure why he phrased it like a question. It’s like the fact that Michelle questioned him, he was questioning himself. She had that effect on people. Just one look from her could send you in a spiraling pit of self-doubt.
She cocked an eyebrow. Peter was now convinced that her eyebrow had a life of its own and acted whenever it saw fit. “I never called you a spider. I was making my point and then I noticed a spider and informed you about it.”
“What spider?” Ned asked, as scared and worried ad his friend, seeing as Peter was too dumbfounded to speak.
“That spider,” Michelle said pointing at a small creature moving near the sleeve of Peter’s grey hoodie. Peter and Ned released a breath they had both been holding.
Michelle noticed it and Peter hoped that she’d at least give them a break, but Peter knew better than to hope for the best when it came to Michelle. “But calling you a spider wouldn’t be too far from the truth.”
Peter looked for any signs that would inform him if she knew. He found nothing. Just a nonchalant look and a hint of a smirk on her lips, although that could be from the amusement that came with watching him squirm.
Michelle’s eyebrow quirked even higher. “It’s a metaphor, loser. A direct comparison between — ”
“We know what metaphors are, MJ.” Ned deadpanned. “But why would you compare Peter to a spider?” The nervousness in Ned’s voice was so evident, you could hear it from India.
Michelle rolled her eyes. “Please, Leeds. If I wanted to, I could make an entire list about the similarities between your friend and spiders.”
“Prove it.”
The words left his mouth before he could even begin to comprehend what he had just gotten himself into. His eyes widened and he visibly paled. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Peter wished he could time travel and stop whatever cosmic event happened in the past that caused him to be such an idiot.
“Fine.” Michelle shifted her body to face Peter and he swallowed the lump in his throat deep down to the deepest parts of his stomach. “Both Peter and that spider — a wolf spider, pretty venomous, someone should tell a teacher — are both small for their average age. Seeing as Peter is what, sixteen, and still looks like a fourteen-year-old, says a lot, and wolf spiders aren’t known to live quite long — unless they’re female — and the average size is around about thirty-five millimeters, this one is roughly nine.
“Both Parker and the wolf spider are dangerous yet are not known to cause any harm — don’t try and deny it, Parker, your oversized shirts are fooling everybody but me. I know that you and this spider could both easily take Flash down, but that’s just not how you role.
“That was merely a comparison between you and that spider. Not all spiders in general. If it were to be about all spiders in general, we’d be here way longer, and I don’t feel like spending any more time with you guys today.”
She had left both Peter and Ned speechless (major accomplishment) with nothing more than a few words and the casual eyebrow lift. She had returned to her side of the table and had gone back to ignoring their existence.
Peter and Ned shared a glance, and both just shrugged. Before any of them knew what was happening, she had gotten up and was making her way towards the door.
“Michelle,” Peter said to her retreating form. He considered it a minor victory when he saw her slow down and stop. She turned around fully and looked in his direction. He missed the way her eyes glanced down at the table, because it happened so fast it almost didn’t even happen.
Next thing Peter knew, Michelle was screaming in mock fear.
“Aah! Spider!”
She pointed at Peter’s table and sure enough, the spider was there. Everyone within earshot stopped what they were doing and started panicking and running out of the cafeteria. Amidst all the pandemonium, Peter still managed to find Michelle’s figure and what could be a smile on her face. He watched her weave her way through the melodramatic teenagers and exit in a calm manner. (Peter was sure that they were the only three who had even seen the spider.)
He watched until he was sure she had left.
And yeah, Peter was still staring.
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mysmesomespacechips · 7 years
Merry Choi-mas! - Day 2
Summary: 12 days of Choi-mas: A collection of fluffy holiday-themed one-shots with the Choi twins. (AO3)
Cuddling by the Fire: Saeyoung x MC
by @spacechip707
MC was rudely awoken when her husband decided to recreate an earthquake against her shoulder.  She mumbled a few incoherent insults and tried to yank the sheets higher on her body.
“Hey,” Saeyoung called, his gentle whisper prickling at her neck. “Wake up and come into the next room.”
He nudged her side again, this time successfully rousing her from the depths of slumber. She glanced out the window and observed  the darkness blanketing the sky. “It’s still night,” she said.
“I know,” he said, his fingers brushing her shoulder as he pulled at the sheets. “Just come on.”
His footsteps faded past the bedroom door. MC attempted to snuggle back into the bed, but the air was cold in their little cabin and without Saeyoung’s body heat, the draft invaded the cloths, rendering them useless.
She swung her feet to the ground and followed after the redhead.
She found him in front of the fireplace, his silhouette a stark contrast to the crackling flames.
Her eyes adjusted to the light, allowing her to take in the atmosphere of the cozy cabin.
It was like a scene straight out of a Christmas magazine. Fairy lights were strung across the walls, bathing the room in a soft glow. Forest green wreaths rested on the shelves, filling the air with the soft aroma of pine.
It was so different from the first night she and Saeyoung had stayed there—long ago when danger was their reality and the future was uncertain and dubious. Back then, the place was tattered, rough, and in severe disrepair. Sort of like them at the time.
But ever since Saeyoung bought the cabin as a rather expensive “wedding present” to themselves, they had gradually renovated it to better suit short visits like this. It still held signs of wear in its mahogany walls, but overall it was brighter, sturdier, and warm. Sort of like them now.
MC’s eyes shifted from the scenery and towards the huddle of blankets she presumed to be her husband. She padded across the dimly lit floor, afraid the slightest creak might shatter the delicate calm that had settled.
Despite the effort to dampen her movements, the floorboards protested under her weight. Alerted by her presence, Saeyoung twisted around to face her. The bundle of cloth swaddling him fell away to reveal his face, and MC’s breath caught somewhere between her lungs and throat.
His glasses were absent, allowing her an unobstructed glimpse of those amber eyes. They both reflected and mimicked the fire in their blazing curves. Specks of gold mingled with the auburn haze, giving the illusion that they were their own flickering flames. Even his red hair emitted an almost ethereal glow when paired with the soft light.  
He was beautiful.
At least until he hooked a candy cane onto the edge of his mouth. “There you are,” he said, his lips presenting  a ghost of a smile.
“Sorry,” she said, making her way around the mess of pillows and blankets he had created. She snapped off a piece of his candy, to his displeasure, and lowered herself onto one of the cushions. She noted the pungent aroma of wood wafting off his clothes as well as the shortened supply of logs in the corner. “How long have you been awake?"
He shrugged, readjusting the blanket on his shoulders. He rested his chin on his knees, his eyes fixated on the fire, occasionally following the popping embers. “For a bit,” he said finally. “I was cold. Thought you might be too, so I woke you."
“Why didn’t you just bring these blankets to bed?” she asked, gesturing to one of the many coverings he had scattered on the floor.
“Wouldn’t have helped,” he said. “Besides, you kept putting your cold feet on me.”
MC turned on him with a glower, but it wasn’t menacing enough to stop his snickering. So, she shoved him, pleased when the weight of the blankets caused him to topple sideways. She snorted in triumph when the covers slid off his form and exposed him to the chill. “That’s what you get,” she muttered.
His throat rumbled in a playful growl, but before MC could register that dark glint, it was too late. He grabbed her middle, dragging her onto his lap despite her giggly protests. He trapped her thrashing legs in place with his own and slid his hands under the hem of her shirt.
MC stiffened as his cold fingertips skimmed her bare skin. She moved to escape again, but found fighting only made it worse. His icy grip would spread to other parts of her middle, leaving goosebumps trailing down her stomach.
It was his turn to laugh. “Not so fun, is it?” he said.
“I get it! I get it!” MC said, batting at his wrists until he surfaced his icicle fingers.
He continued to lock her in place however, reaching to his side to grab an abandoned blanket and wrapping it around the both of them. His arms enveloped her frame and shimmied her closer to him. In spite of his freezing hands, the rest of his body was a hearth, banishing the frigid temperatures inside their bubble.
“Anyway, it’s more comfortable just to sit in front of the fire,” he said.
MC hummed in agreement, snuggling further into him and tracing her finger down his knuckles. Fragile silence once again weaved its way through the cabin. It rested on them like another blanket, adding another layer of warmth that external heat couldn’t provide.
But it barely survived under the strain of worry burrowing into MC’s chest. She knew the cold couldn’t be the only reason for his insomnia.
“Saeyoung,” she began. “Was there something else that brought you out here in the middle of the night?”
His muscles tensed under her. His embrace became a little tighter, his breathing a little more erratic, and his heartbeat a little faster as it hammered against her exposed back.
“Just thinking,” he replied.
MC frowned at the dismissive answer. Saeyoung had come a long way since their first night here. He was more vulnerable and honest, but he still had those ghosts which he tended to bear alone. Especially this time of year.
He tried to hide it, and did it well with his blithe grins and cheery answers. But MC caught the falter when he thought nobody was looking. Those times when he ascended to that isolation he called “space.”
Even now, she could feel his presence growing more absent despite his body being flush against hers.
“About what?” She said, once again startling him out of his own head.
“About how much I love Christmas.”
She wasn’t expecting that. She shifted in his lap to gape at him and to check that he wasn’t being facetious. “You what?”
He laughed. It wasn’t silly or nonchalant. It was one of his rare, creamier laughs that wound its way from the depths of him and splayed through the air like a strain of music. His hands twisted her head back towards the fire as he rested his chin on her shoulder. “I know. It’s weird, especially with me being a Scrinch or whatever a while back.”
“Scrooge and Grinch,” she corrected. “And you weren’t really. I get why...why it was such a hard time for you.”
“Sometimes it’s still hard for me, ” he confessed. A quavering breath slid past his lips and tickled her ear. “Bad memories  just come up at the smallest things and open old wounds.”
MC’s heart constricted as his emotions bled into her. He was trying his best to adjust to normal life—to leave behind his past and his old self and better for his new found family. But, seeing him in moments like this, haunted from years of undeserved loneliness and cruelty... it hurt.
“Were they coming up tonight?” She asked, her throat feeling suddenly dry.
He nodded. “Which is why I was thinking of reasons I love Christmas. I was hoping…that if I could find a favorite memory, it would make all the Christmases fade into a grey haze just by remembering it.”
The words fell from his mouth like honey. Sweet, but heavy and laden with emotion.  MC sucked in a sharp breath when a drop of moisture fell against her shoulder—and it wasn’t from her own eyes.
A pang bombarded her chest, and her fingers instinctually intertwined with his. She settled backwards against him, the nail of her thumb tracing along his calloused hand. “And did you find one?”
“That’s the thing. There were so many to choose from,” he chuckled. His head cocked to one side and his eyes travelled across the ceiling. ”Decorating our first tree. Dragging Saeran out of his room to help. The smell of cookies and pie in the bunker. Going Christmas shopping in those huge crowds, and seeing the smiling kids.  Those Christmas carols that get on everyone’s nerves, but we hum them anyway.”
She couldn’t help but laugh then. He did too, until something tender overtook his features. His cool fingertips grazed across her cheek, and shivers ran down her spine. This time, not from the cold.
“But then I started thinking about you,” he said, his voice hushed. “And that’s when that pain started disappearing."
The comment was spoken with brazen honesty. It was a truth that caught MC’s heart in a vice grip, stifling her entire body with heat until she could barely breathe.
She tried to say something witty in attempts to alleviate it, but she was too enraptured by those two golden irises transfixed on her form. They burned straight through her with such intensity that it rivaled the fire in front of them and demanded her full attention.
When she couldn’t speak, Saeyoung went on.
“I think the reason I love Christmas so much...is because I finally see it,” he said, his sigh drenching her in the scent of peppermint.  “As a kid, there were always the songs about joy and the feeling of home. But, I never found anything except emptiness. Until you…”
A strained chuckle erupted from his throat. MC touched the droplets dangling from his lashes, and her own heart quivered as they slid down her palm. She managed to look away from his coal like eyes long enough to release the tightness in her chest.
“Is that why you woke me from my precious sleep?” She breathed with a small laugh.
“Yes,” he returned with equal mirth. “I’m sorry for being selfish. I just needed you here to help me chase away the shadows.”
“I didn’t really do anything though,” she mumbled.
His nose brushed against her temple, and his mouth caressed the shell of her ear. “You did,” Saeyoung whispered, once again sending those delightful shudders down her back. “Your kindness is so inviting, that I just stumble into it and forget everything else. You...”
His hand pressed against her ribs, right over her thudding heart. His lips twitched upwards, expelling a breath that was both warm and chilling. “You are that feeling of home to me.”  
Her breath hitched at the statement, and suddenly her chest was inundated with so many emotions, she didn’t know how to process them. MC wanted to cry and laugh and scream all at the same time. She did none, however, her tongue rendered useless in her mouth.
So she slid her arms around his neck and pulled him into a crushing embrace. He returned it equally as strong, and their bodies melded against each other as if they were handcrafted to do so. MC wondered if they hadn’t been.
Saeyoung pulled away only to close the distance between their lips a moment later. He reiterated every word he spoke with each one of his tender kisses, closing with a feverish, “I love you” against her forehead.  
MC mouthed the words in return, hoping he would understand through her overwhelmed state. He did. Beaming with contentment, he buried his face into the crook of her neck just as she rested her head right over his heart.
They remained there, not bothering to count the hours. The fire dwindled down to embers, barely providing any more heat, but neither moved to rekindle it. They were warm enough in their little haven of cloth and limbs. MC didn’t know where her body ended and where his began—only that he was present with all of his affections radiating off of him in waves.
As the rising sun poured through the dusky windows, his fingers combed through her hair, rousing her from her silence. She leaned into his touch, intoxicated with every brush of his skin.
“MC,” he said, his voice a hoarse murmur. “I think I found that favorite Christmas memory."
“What is it?” she asked.
His mouth shifted in a smile against her collar, and his arms held her just a little closer. “This one."
“Mine too,” came her quiet agreement before they both returned to that tranquil quiescence.
If the feeling of home could ever be captured within a single moment, MC thought it would be something like this. Tangled blankets, tangled fingers, and the unspoken adoration of two people irrevocably fallen for each other. It was a little messy and scattered, but in that way—it was perfect.
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