#anyways i don't have a problem with anyone who believe his prev relationships (okay maybe not all of them) were real
non-binharry · 4 years
hi ! i recently found you, which i’m excited about as i’ve always felt that harry isn’t cis, but not really sure how or if i should even speculate on that because i’m not trans. i just don’t want it to come across as fetishizing or disrespectful in any way. i don’t agree with everything you talk about (i unlarried a while ago, i think he does have multi gender attraction, i don’t think haylor or camille were “stunts”) but i do really love a lot of what you have to say! what made it seem the most clear that he’s trans was when his friend said he asked her to call him H, that just made it seem to me that he’s not always comfortable being referred to by his birth name. also, idk if this is a dumb question but i was wondering if you think harrys shared this with people close to him or if he’s just keeping it to himself if that makes sense lol
okay so i've actually been having a discussion with my friend carla recently because apparently the same thing is happening with one of the members of bts. but there's nothing wrong with wondering about someone's gender identity. i think there's a question of "what are your reasons for believing this to be true?" that can get messy real quick if you're building your curiosity off of a misguided perception, but i'm never going to knock someone who genuinely means well from deviating away from cisnormative thinking. it's a step in the right direction to stop viewing every single person as cis until said otherwise. just don't be invasive. (i know the irony of me saying that when that's literally what everyone who hates me thinks i do here on the blog but no <3)
as for your question, i think it's definitely something he has opened up about with his mom and gemma for sure. i feel like at this point he's probably discussed it with harry lambert, maybe even alessandro. probably a few close friends. he definitely keeps his secrets close and i think with this, even closer.
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