#anyways here's nearly 5k words of not-quite-a-fanfic
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muiromem Ā· 1 year ago
Just... repeatedly rotating An Idea around in my head
(and yes it's still Tom/Harry/B'Elanna OT3 because I'm obsessed with them, but I also love Janeway's and Tom's weird friendship)
Basically, something Big and Insane and Sci-Fi happens, and somehow all of the known universe in time/space is just sort of.... gone. Or dying, or being destroyed. Stars are going out, everything is vanishing out of existence. Planets, galaxies, creatures and anomalies and time/space itself - all completely gone.
Of course, Voyager is in the eye of the storm (so to speak) of this catastrophe that happened around them, and therefore one of the few things that remains for now (much like Kirk and the crew still existed after McCoy accidentally changed the timeline in "The City on the Edge of Forever"). Obviously, they're trying to stop it - to fix whatever this catastrophe was that could unmake all of existence.
With the wonders of Science-Fiction, there is a theoretical way to fix things; a jump-start essentially, to reset everything to what it was before this catastrophe and repair the wound it created. But even with this theoretical plan, there's something missing: a blueprint, of sorts. If they set off this insane spatial-temporal reaction, everything would be reset, but there's no telling what state the universe would actually be in after it was done. It would be like setting off a Genesis device on a war-destroyed Earth and hoping it would magically return everything and everyone to how they once were. There was nothing to guide this theoretical process of rebirth - and literally everything was at stake.
Even the great minds of Tuvok, Seven, B'Elanna and everyone else are at a loss for what to do. Unless they had someone like Q, omnipotent as he was, how could they feed something into this reaction of theirs to tell it what to do? How could they ever have enough information to rebuild all of existence from scratch?
It's Tom, of all people, who comes up with the answer: let him go.
At first everyone just sort of looks at him like he's insane because, what? What could he possibly be talking about? But even though he can't really remember, Tom still has a theory: the Warp 10 flight.
For a brief time, he was literally everywhere in time and space, all at once. Existing throughout all of existence simultaneously. Could his body, his unconscious mind, have somehow remembered that time? Could it have imprinted something onto him? Perhaps his very cells? He figures if there was a chance, even a small one, that his theory was correct - they had to take it. Because if he was right, then technically he was a living, breathing blue-print of all the known and unknown universe... and their only chance at saving everything.
That's when the riot starts, a great uproar of arguments. Facts and theoretical probabilities from Seven and Tuvok, horror and concern from Harry, even more from B'Elanna and the Doctor. They're startled, angry, because even if that were true the process would almost certainly kill him. And then there's Janeway, putting a stop to all the noise with a hand and saying that if there was a chance this theory would work, if the Doctor or someone could find even a speck of evidence to support it, then she would do it. Because even if everyone else forgot, she'd passed the transwarp threshold too.
Tom tries to argue, Chakotay and the Doctor too, but Janeway insists. She sends Tom to be looked over by everyone for proof of his concept, but says that if the time comes, she'll be the one to do it. As Captain, it's her job to keep everyone safe, no matter what. No one can argue, but no one is happy. Even this one chance at survival feels like it will come at too great a cost.
Time passes, with everyone rushing to do what they can before Voyager is also consumed by the nothingness. But eventually the verdict comes - Tom's idea has merit. His very atoms are somehow encoded with cross-temporal chronotrons and other signs that the theory may work. Once he knows what to look for, the Doctor scans Janeway and sees that she has these markers too, though hers are... fainter, for lack of a better term. She theorizes that it's because she only went through the Warp 10 process once, while Tom did it twice. The Doctor admits that there is a possibility Tom's the better candidate for this mission, only because he has a stronger "imprint" so to speak. Janeway still insists, refusing to send one of her officers to die in her place.
When everyone finally gets this complex and theoretical "reset" device figured out and constructed in one of the cargo bays, Tom begs to come with Janeway. He says that after everything she's done for him, he wants to see her off one last time. She relents, and once B'Elanna has started the reaction up from the safety of Engineering, shining beyond the doors like an imploding star, the two make their way there.
The entire deck has been cordoned off to keep chroniton and other radiations from killing the crew before they can set this whole thing in motion. It's just the two of them there. Tom takes a moment - as the doors open and they're both hit with a wave of heat, energy, and the unknown - and he thanks Janeway properly. For giving him a second chance, for believing in him, and for everything that followed after; like meeting Harry and B'Elanna, and finding a home aboard Voyager. Then he says "get them home" and before Janeway can realize what's happening, briefly thrown by his intense sincerity, he's shoving her aside - hitting the mechanism to shut the cargo bay doors. Inside, Tom grabs some tool and smashes the console so the door won't open without a manual override. That would probably buy him enough time.
Inside the cargo bay, it's like being trapped with the birth of a star; plasma, light, and colors all swirling in strings and shapes and a great sphere of something. There's no special switch for Tom to flip, no complicated sequence he has to follow. The best Voyager's brightest minds could figure out was for him to simply... walk into the singularity and hope for the best. He thinks of his family on Voyager, he thinks of his father and so many things unsaid, he thinks of B'Elanna and Harry and hopes that they'll still take care of each other when he's gone. And to keep them safe, to preserve everything that ever was or ever would be.... he walks into the fires of rebirth.
Outside the cargo bay, Janeway is screaming - trying to get in, to override the doors. She gets them open, only in time to see a tall silhouette disappearing - almost disassembled before her eyes, like dust being scattered away on the wind. Then there's just light - so bright it feels like it somehow pierces through her skin and bones and the very atoms of her being. Then.......
She wakes up. There's no telling how long it's been; all Janeway knows is that she's on the cargo bay floor, ears still faintly ringing, and Chakotay is gently helping her sit up. All around her it's... quiet. The cargo bay looks untouched - no crumpled bulkheads, no scorch marks, nothing. Even the vast, cobbled together machinery for the reset is simple gone. Once her head finally clears, Chakotay asks if she's alright, if her plan worked - but Harry's comm. from the bridge interrupts the question. Excitedly, Harry announces with great relief that the nothingness, the catastrophe, seems to be gone. His scans, Voyager's databanks - everything seems to be showing up normal. As far as they can tell, the universe was back to how it should be.
Back, except for one thing: Tom Paris.
As far as Janeway can see, Tom isn't in the cargo bay. She asks the computer to locate him; the reply is that Lieutenant Paris is no longer aboard. This is announced just as B'Elanna is running in through the cargo bay door, no doubt to see the result of all her hard work. She comes to a halt, looking at Janeway - staring because she wasn't supposed to be here, she was supposed to... After only a fraction of a moment, the computer's announcement finally registers and suddenly B'Elanna is running at Janeway with fists flying, screaming about how could she let him do this? Where is he, dammit, where the hell is Tom?!
She gets a few good hits to Janeway's chest and shoulders before Chakotay holds her back, and Janeway just lets her do it. Because this is her fault - she should have known Tom would try to pull that stunt with the doors, should never have let him come to see her off. She barely registers that B'Elanna's fury soon devolves into angry, choked back tears which Chakotay tries to soothe. When Harry arrives soon after and sees her expression, probably sees Janeway's too, it's all too easy for him to put two and two together. He and B'Elanna end up clinging to each other in their grief. Though Chakotay comes to Janeway to try and comfort her too, to reassure her that she's not responsible, all she can do is look at the cargo bay and see the silhouette where Tom last was - lost now to the ether of the universe.
The next few days are... hard. Harry might as well have aged a decade, and instead of the righteous fury that Janeway had expected, B'Elanna's just gone quiet. When Janeway stops by Sickbay, even the Doctor has become subdued, staring wistfully into the distance at nothing when he'd normally be working on some experiment or other. She still asks him, and Seven, and anyone who might be of use, if there was anything that could be done. But as far as anyone can tell, Tom Paris is gone - he'd sacrificed himself to save everyone else.
But Janeway feels like something is still wrong, like Tom's ghost is... haunting her somehow. It's a figure of speech when she admits it to a concerned Chakotay, but one night, she startles awake from a dreamless sleep, and there he is - standing in her quarters. Tom looks confused, exhausted, and he's... well she can see right through him. He looks at her, seemingly just as startled as she is, and she swears she hears him whisper "Captain?" But then suddenly he's convulsing, curling in on himself with a cry of pain and Janeway is horrified as she watches him.... unmade. It's like he's nowhere and everywhere, born and dying, unraveled but stitched together all at the same time until he's once again vanished into nothingness.
Janeway's heart is racing and she doesn't understand what she just witnessed. A dream? Hallucination? Some alien interference? She goes to the Doctor at 0400 and demands he scan her for a virus, temporal misalignment, anything. She's terrified that this was nothing more than the aftermath of radiation from being so near their "universal reset" as it went off. But there's also a tiny sliver of the smallest, most fragile hope, that this is something else - that there's a chance Tom isn't really gone.
The Doctor does find something, a strange resonance of sorts, connected - or perhaps coming from - Janeway. He theorizes that it's an effect of being so close to the singularity during the reset. As far as he can tell, she's not suffering from radiation damage, but believes that her guilt over Tom must have caused the hallucination. He offers to devise a treatment, and Janeway begrudgingly agrees. For him to say that what she'd seen was a hallucination though... it felt wrong somehow.
For the next few days, she hardly sleeps, too busy pouring over anything she can find - old Federation logs, complex theories, and all the research and schematics for the device they'd created. All in the slim hope to understand what had actually happened to Tom. Was he simply dead? He couldn't have been wiped from existence or surely, no one would have even known he'd existed. But had he been scattered throughout existence itself, a fundamental building block of the universe now? Seven helps her eventually, though it takes a good deal of persuasion. Chakotay and even Tuvok (though he'd never admit it) become increasingly concerned that she's grasping at straws, just trying to absolve herself of the guilt she feels because Tom took her place - but she knows it's more than that.
And eventually, she's proven right. The so-called hallucination happens again - but this time she's not the only one there. Seven and the Doctor were working with her on some experimental simulations on the holodeck when there's suddenly a terrible noise; something between electro-static and the wails of a dying creature. The holo-grid starts sparking, a console blowing out completely, until suddenly they all watch Tom Paris form out of nothingness before them. Whatever process was involved in his... reassembly, is obviously painful. Just watching the strange tangle of unidentifiable mass contort itself until it could become Tom was sickening. And when he finally takes form, still only semi-opaque, he collapses to his knees, shaking.
Janeway runs to him immediately, unsure what to do but calling his name. Here's there, he's there - it wasn't just in her head. The Doctor and Seven follow shortly, taking tricorder scans in shocked fascination. They ask questions, trying to understand what happened, but Tom doesn't know any more than they do. He says it's like he's everywhere but nowhere - and yet something keeps pulling him back into reality, back onto Voyager. He thought he would die, had come to terms with it, and yet he's still coming back. Even if he'd been completely tangible he looks awful, like he's dying every minute he's there. Janeway tries to reassure him that they'll find him, that they won't just give up, and that manages to make Tom smile. He says he knows she wouldn't give up on him - but as he starts to shift out of phase again, face clenched with pain, he asks her to promise him something. Janeway doesn't want to, knows she won't like what he has to say, but she nods anyways. "If you have to - let me go," is what he pleads. "Don't risk Voyager or anyone else for me. Just promise me that."
Janeway can't even form a reply, doesn't know how to let go, how to admit defeat. She's never given up on a crewman before, how could she possibly now? Out of habit she reaches out to touch Tom's shoulder - and even as he's fritzing, starting to disintegrate before her very eyes, she is surprised to make contact. The sounds of tricorders going haywire are behind her, but all Janeway can focus on is the fact that despite Tom literally unraveling in her hands, for a moment, just one moment, she could feel him. Then he's gone.
Everything is different this time - there was proof now, witnesses. B'Elanna and Harry are no longer withdrawn, instead racing full-steam ahead to do anything they can to help. They ask her about Tom of course, about how he's looking, and whether or not she thinks that they can save him. Janeway doesn't know what to say, how to tell them that Tom's clearly in pain and that she has no idea what even happened, let alone how to fix it....
Unfortunately, she doesn't have to. During some experimentation, Tom reappears again - much more violently this time, just when Harry and B'Elanna are present. The very air around them seems to crackle with energy, the temperature changing from too hot, then too cold, and back again. The atmospheric readings are going haywire and when Tom reappears, somehow less corporeal than before, he crumples to the ground in a heap. Harry is openly crying as they run to him, begging him to open his eyes - but when he and B'Elanna try to touch Tom, somehow their hands go right through.
Janeway is completely flummoxed. She'd touched Tom before, she knows she did. But it seemed he was becoming less and less stable each time he returned to a corporeal form - perhaps that explained the change? As the Doctor and Seven are once again running complex scans, Janeway goes to Tom's side and slowly reaches out a hand. As it lands on his shoulder, as Tom tries to sit up, she does make contact. The tricorders instantly go haywire, and Harry and B'Elanna wonder in despair - Why now? Why her? Why can't they touch him? But all Janeway can think is that this is progress. It must mean something, especially since Tom seems to regain consciousness as she maintains contact, becoming a bit less transparent - a bit more real. When Tom sees Harry and B'Elanna this time, his eyes begin to water too - and Janeway wonders how tears could form in whatever state of flux Tom has become entwined with. But when she removes her hand to give them some space, to ask Tom if he's alright, he starts to fade once more.
This time Tom tries to reach out, to touch Harry and B'Elanna - but is just as unable to make real contact. Instead he tells them he loves them, begs them to take care of each other, to let him go - and it's painful to watch as he's once again gripped by whatever agony has been tearing him into reality and back. Hoping it might do something, Janeway grabs Tom's hand and this time she makes a promise she's going to keep: to bring him home dammit, no matter how long it takes. Just her hold on him seems to stabilize him a bit, taking the floating sands of his dissolving form and pulling them together for just a moment longer... but then the temperature goes haywire, energy crackles around them and Tom is gone once more. With him goes every sound as even the beeping of tricorder scans finally cease. In the silence, Janeway can barely seem to breathe and knows that Harry and B'Elanna must feel infinitely worse. Even more terrifying, each time Tom appears, he seems to be getting weaker, losing whatever cohesion he's managed to retain. She has no real basis to understand anything that's been happening, but Janeway has the sinking feeling that if they don't do something soon, Tom will be lost to them for good.
But then the Doctor clears his throat and holds up his tricorder, and suddenly hope floods back. "I believe I know what's happening to Mister Paris," he says, with not an ounce of boastfulness for once. Instead, the Doctor is as grim-faced as the rest of them, but holographic eyes no longer seem so empty. "And I think there's a chance we can fix it."
The process is... complex. Even for a mind as scientifically adept as Janeway's. The only important part is that Janeway wasn't just imagining that there was something connecting her to Tom. In reality, it was the other way around. Tom wasn't just being pulled back to Voyager - he was specifically being pulled back to her. It was all down to the the second transwarp flight, which they'd taken together. Crossing the barrier had created a sort of tether between them - a connection point across the vastness of reality. When Tom had entered the singularity to "reset" all of existence, in a manner of speaking his very existence was used to rebuild what had been lost. The price for this was Tom himself - every atom and molecule destroyed like the fuel necessary to keep a fire burning. But Tom and Janeway had gone to Warp 10 once together - existing everywhere in time and space at the same time. Because of that, a part of Tom still existed in Janeway, safe from the "reset" aboard Voyager within the eye of the storm. Janeway had unknowingly become a sort of temporal anchor, pulling Tom back into existence where he belonged.
At the moment though, he was trapped - pulled between reality and the strange purgatory of nonexistence. But with the magic of incredibly complex Science-Fiction and Technobabble, the crew essentially find a way to use Janeway's own Warp 10 resonance as both a magnet and a waypoint - to pull Tom back, and then reintegrate him into their time and space with the help of B'Elanna's ingenuity and a lot of Borg-enhanced technology. Harry describes is as being "like a temporal transporter" and that's already enough to give Janeway a headache, so she doesn't try to ask for details. The main idea boils down to grabbing onto what's left of Tom's "pattern" of existence, which has been imprinted onto Janeway, and using their newly constructed technology to "rematerialize" him back into reality.
Once they've found the method and jurry-rigged some machinery, the Doctor is standing by, both for Tom and for Janeway should anything happen. The others are farther off, manning the various machines while Chakotay and Tuvok have evacuated various decks in case of any explosions. The risks are immense, and this time Janeway had actually assembled the crew - asking them if they thought it was worth it. They'd potentially be putting the ship and everyone onboard it in danger, in a last-ditch attempt to bring one lost crewman home. It had warmed her heart when not a single person balked at the danger; Tom Paris saved them, their homes, their families and futures. Why shouldn't they try to save him too?
When the process happens, Janeway feels a sense of dƩjƠ vu; the light, the swirling mass of indecipherable colors and shapes and feelings, all cascading before her. This time she's strapped up with various bits of technology, hoping against hope to become the lighthouse that guide's Tom's way. In the very same cargo bay, bulkheads rattle and crumple this time, machines start screaming their warnings, and Janeway can feel the heat and pain and dizziness as radiation tries to eat away at her. But she can't stop yet, she won't stop. Even as the Doctor is yelling that the radiation levels are reaching critical, even as she hears Harry calling out that there's a new singularity opening and it's becoming completely unstable, Janeway sees it - a silhouette. It's only just forming, scattering in and out like a dance of lightning and sand, but it's there.
This time she won't be thrown through a cargo bay door and left to rebuild in the aftermath. This time she listens to her gut, and runs forward. She'd been the only one able to hold onto to Tom before because of whatever this bio-temporal tether was that had connected them - she sure as hell wasn't going to let him go now.
So she runs and sees an outstretched hand, breaking and reforming and scattering like light through a prism, everywhere and nowhere all at once. She ignores the pain and the feeling like she herself might be consumed by the fires of the unknown.
Kathryn Janeway takes a leap of faith, she grabs that outstretched hand, and for the sake of every person on her ship, she pulls.
Watching from afar, all the others see is a gigantic explosion of light and colors and sound. The cargo bay had been nearly cleared out before this process, but every piece of newly-made machinery has been completely destroyed. Bits and pieces scatter the floor, bulkheads have been wrenched open, sparks are flying, and Harry and B'Elanna find their ears ringing as they choke on smoke. They'd erected a level 10 forcefield for protection before starting the procedure, but in the aftermath it's been completely torn away. Even as the environmental controls kick in and start clearing out the haze, they look up from where they'd been thrown to see a massive scorch mark, spread out like a starburst across the cargo bay deck.
At it's center, they see.... something. Dizzy, confused, and still trying to see through ash and debris, initially they can't make it out. Even the Doctor is nowhere to be found, his emitter lying on the floor. It's fritzing but, after a brief inspection, seems repairable. Whatever happened must have shorted out many different systems, as Harry's attempt to use his combadge goes unanswered. He and B'Elanna make their way instead towards the center of the scorched cargo bay floor and behold... Captain Janeway.
She's covered in ash, with burns on her skin and uniform, and as they watch she kneels to the floor. There's something in her hands and after a moment it becomes clear; she's draping an emergency blanket over a long, familiar form. One with a head of messy, tawny blonde hair.
Harry and B'Elanna are running then, falling to their knees as they reach Janeway's side and behold Tom Paris - naked save for the blanket Janeway has brought to preserve his modesty. He's overly pale and clearly unconscious, but he's there, he's alive.
Harry cradles Tom to his chest, rocking him gently and bawling like a baby. B'Elanna runs her hand over Tom's hair, his face, his bare shoulders - anything she can seem to reach. They don't even know if he's fine really, but at least he's breathing. They didn't blow up the ship and they didn't have to lose him. Janeway looks exhausted and it's obvious her burns are painful, but she just stares at her three crewman, clutching onto each other with such love, and she smiles.
It feels like she sits there for an eternity, just watching them, basking in their reunion and the knowledge that they did it. In reality, it must only be a few minutes before the cargo bay doors are being forced open and Chakotay, Tuvok, and Neelix come through, bringing medical supplies and asking if everyone is alright.
By then, Harry is finally wiping his eyes and asking B'Elanna if she can get the Doctor back online because they're probably going to need him. For once, she looks reluctant to work, clearly wanting to stay there with him and Tom. In the end she agrees, but not before pressing a kiss to Harry's knuckles and Tom's forehead before taking the holo-emitter and leaving.
Afterwards it's all a long process of scanning, repairing, and treating everyone's wounds. Janeway tries to shoo Chakotay away once they bring her to sickbay, far too worried about Tom's condition, but he pulls out the big guns. Chakotay knows that she can't say no to Neelix when he gives her those big concerned eyes and tells her that "the crew needs their Captain to be taken care of too". So she ends up lying on a bio-bed for half an hour while the Talaxian carefully treats her burns and radiation poisoning as best he can. Unsurprisingly, B'Elanna gets the Doctor's program and holo-emitter working in record-breaking time, and they're all relieved when he checks over Tom and the prognosis is good; Tom's exhausted, dehydrated, and a bit worse for wear, but he'll be fully recovered in no time. Whatever madness they'd pulled off had worked.
Eventually, he wakes up, still very weak but every bit the Tom Paris they know and love. When he sees how distressed both Harry and B'Elanna are, he even jokes that they put an awful lot of effort in "just for him". B'Elanna looks like she wants to punch him for it, but instead throws her arms around him in a hug, and the three of them share a teary, heartfelt reunion. When the lovebirds have to split off so everyone can get some rest, and once the Doctor has given her a clean bill of health, Janeway goes over to Tom's biobed to see how he's doing.
He's obviously tired but he smiles up at her. However, the first thing she tells him is that she should court-martial him and throw him in the brig for the stunt he pulled in the cargo bay by taking her place. For a moment, Tom nearly believes her. But then Janeway smiles back and pats his hand with hers and says that he may be a reckless idiot, but she's proud to say he's one of her bravest officers. She also sincerely thanks him for what he did, to which Tom replies that she risked everything to get him back, so that probably makes them even. Janeway doesn't bother trying to make him promise never to do something that risky again, since she knows he'd only break the promise anyways if the circumstances required it. Instead, she says that if he's going to continue doing insane, reckless stunts for the good of her ship, then she'll just have to keep doing insane reckless things to keep his sorry ass alive. She receives the patented "yes ma'am" for her troubles, and Tom says that after all, he learned from the best.
The last thing she does before telling him to get some rest though, is tease him - threatening that, even if she understands why he did it, if he ever tries that switcheroo he pulled with her again, she'll have to tell the gossip mill about all the places she hadn't realized he has freckles.
Janeway can see by his slowly-dawning expression that Tom does recall something about emerging from the nothingness, naked on the cargo bay floor. The last thing she hears as she walks, grinning, away from Sickbay is a sputtered yell of "You wouldn't actually... Captain? CAPTAIN!" before the automatic doors swish shut.
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avanalae Ā· 5 years ago
Haydenā€™s Cat
Here we go, all! Welcome to my fanfic for the glorious webcomic that is Haydenā€™s Notes! Please see the comic here on Tapas and check out the lovely creator, Yufei, here on Tumblr.
I warn you now that this is pretty much 5k words of pure self-indulgance. I wanted to write sass-baby Hayden with his reluctant softness taking care of something I made up so I could have a way of smothering and mothering the brat. So this is focused on Hayden and her, though Cat and Shy play a part, too, to varying extents.
So yeah, if that makes you interested at all, please enjoy! Iā€™m not expecting many notes on this, but I didnā€™t write this for attention. I wrote it for myself and Yufei.
Fandom: Haydenā€™s Notes Characters: Hayden Carter, Cat, Shy, Original Female Creature Warnings: Mention of poaching and harm to creatures Rating: G Summary: Hayden is good at getting himself into messes and somehow coming out mostly alright in the end, sometimes even with a bonus! Things like a new artifact to examine, a riddle to solve, or a mystery to puzzle out. Or, sometimes, a new friend.
It had been entirely unintentional.
Completely and utterly coincidental.
Alright, so maybe he has a problem sticking his nose into things but thatā€™s not a bad quality. People are curious by nature, after all. But maybe in his case it leads to more problems than anything else.
But no matter how hard he tries, no matter his attempts to not get involved, what happens?
He gets involved.
Hayden had been on the hunt for a rare artifact making the rounds through the black market in town. Something like a monkeyā€™s paw, according to the rumors, but rather more catastrophic. It sounded terribly interesting when he first heard of it, and he isnā€™t in the habit on denying himself. Day three into his investigation leads him to a warehouse. Obvious and so typical Hayden nearly feels his interest drop into nonexistence, but he plows on.
As it turns out, though, heā€™s going to have to reconsider the source this tip came from. Not only is the artifact not here, but he almost stumbles right into the middle of an illegal creature circus. Scrambling out of sight and cursing himself for not noticing the silencing wards sooner, he takes a moment to assess the situation.
He should leave.
In fact, he takes two whole steps back the way he came, fully intending to do just that.
But then thereā€™s a crack of a whip and a pained trill from the stage. He looks back and seals his fate. This is going to be annoying.
After a heavy sigh and running his hands through his hair several times, he straightens and takes stock of himself. Not much in the way of supplies, unfortunately, just the standard things he takes when he leaves his house. Which, granted, is much more than the average person would have on hand, but is not nearly enough to easily take on this whole mess. So, he uses one of his emergency disillusion spells with a sigh at the cost of having to replace it.
He keeps them on hand because so many places, especially the not so legal ones, use detection spells for things like invisibility. However, because they are so often in use (usually in said illegal places), they often donā€™t check for most illusions.
He has only half an hour before it wears off, so he gets moving.
Hayden is very frustrated.
He swats at the shisa snapping at him from its cage once again, only making the lion-dog growl harder. While not actually part lion, they usually reflect similar mannerisms of them. However, they are dogs and are beasts meant to ward off evil spirits. A double whammy. At least the hellhound is only staring intently at him, pacing restlessly in its own cage. Heā€™ll set their cages to release after heā€™s long gone.
The birds had been easy enough to free, and he sacrificed another item to send an illusion out to the stage for the daltokki he had already released. There arenā€™t many more creatures after that, and most of them donā€™t even acknowledge Hayden as they flee. Whatever, heā€™s not used to being thanked, anyway.
Finally, he gets to the last cage (aside from the dogs, of course). Itā€™s a small one on top of a crate. Inside is a young cat, likely not quite a full adult yet. Its curled up, staring at him, and Hayden takes a closer look. Its fur is dark brown, almost black, with bright eyes that are fully blue. Thereā€™s a slight darker hue that follows his movements, hinting at a separate pupil or the like.
Its unhealthily skinny and shaggy, with- oh. He steps closer, not responding to the tensing and hiss he receives. He can see ragged stumps on its back.
A katzengeist, he thinks as he runs through what he knows. A very reclusive and relatively solitary species. Not necessarily malicious but most definitely mischievous, typically heavily distrustful of humans. Generally small shapeshifting spirits with coveted illusionary capabilities, relatively limited power over the elements, and other minor abilities. They are born as cats with wings, though they can take many shapes as they grow in age and ability, they often have a preferred form aside from that one.
As it is, this one should be able to use its abilities to heal itself, to mend its wings and escape. However, Hayden is quite sure it is currently unable to. He glances between the undernourished form, weak trembling, and the iron cage. Signs that it wouldnā€™t be able to escape, let alone survive on its own for now.
He sighs and mentally rolls his eyes at himself. He is going much too soft. None of the others had been in good shape either, but at least they could run away. ā€œHey, if I release you, will you allow me to take you home and treat you?ā€
The swishing tail stills, and the threatening rumble stops. It stares at him incredulously.
ā€œCome on, we donā€™t have much time. I can show you my home and you can stay there until you recover.ā€ Its tail flicks once but otherwise it remains still. ā€œYou wonā€™t be alone, of course. Other creatures stay with me or tend to come and go.ā€ Thereā€™s faint noise coming from the stage now, clapping, possibly.
Hayden gives it a moment, trying to be patient. It pays off when the katzengeist huffs and relaxes. He nods and opens the cage quickly, helping it out of the confined space. With the catlike creature in his arms, he takes one last once-over of the room and checks the cages with the growling shisa and the tense hellhound.
Then heā€™s gone, hurrying away so the dogs can escape in time. He may hate the beasts, but he hates abusive humans more.
The katzengeist is mostly limp in his hold, but the weight is hardly an issue with its unhealthy size. He gets some struggle when he maneuvers it to check for immediate injuries and barely dodges another scratch to the face when he checks for gender. ā€œSorry, sorry, just wanted to check. I didnā€™t think youā€™d be up for answering me right now, donā€™t give me that look.ā€ He gets an annoyed huff in response. ā€œBesides, I didnā€™t want to keep calling you ā€˜itā€™ in my head when there was an easy way to check. I imagine I wonā€™t be getting your name anytime soon, so I guess Iā€™ll call you ā€˜Little Ladyā€™ for now, if thatā€™s fine.ā€
Heā€™s almost to the library when he finally gets a response. So long, in fact, that he doesnā€™t realize what it was a response to, at first. But she goes limp in his hold and whacks his arm with her tail. A reluctant agreement, but agreement, nonetheless. She stays compliant as he adjusts her to dig his key out of his pocket and open the door to his place. Ā 
ā€œWelcome to my humble abode!ā€ Hayden says dramatically, spreading the arm that isnā€™t holding Little Lady with some flair as they enter. Tossing the keys aside he strides over to the stairs. ā€œIā€™m sure youā€™ll like it here, for however long you end up staying. Youā€™ll meet everyone in time, itā€™d take forever to try and introduce you, considering how often they all like to hide away or come and go.ā€ When he reaches the bottom, itā€™s unusually quiet. Not very surprising, it often is when someone else comes in with him, let alone someone or something unknown.
ā€œEveryone, this is Little Lady. Weā€™re going to help her heal for a bit until she feels ready to go, alright?ā€ Ladyā€™s tail twitches at the shift in the aura of the room. Itā€™s not benign, but itā€™s welcoming enough to assure Hayden that no one or nothing is going to jump out right now. ā€œSee, itā€™ll be okay. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll all get along fine.ā€
Hayden carries Little Lady over to the small table he set aside for treating injuries. A little health station of sorts. Not that he usually needs it, but itā€™s handy to have in situations like this. The young katzengeist is docile as he treats her, cleaning her up the best he can before covering the wounds. Heā€™ll assume for now that until sheā€™s stronger things will be slower to heal.
ā€œAlright,ā€ he comes back to check on her, ā€œIā€™ve set up a little corner for you that you can adjust to your liking.ā€ He holds out his hands and she sighs before leaning into him so itā€™s easier to pick him up. He holds her gently and carries her over to the basket where heā€™d added several soft blankets, towels, and other scraps he could find. The basket is a large thing from an old job, so he thinks itā€™ll work fine if she decides to grow some more while sheā€™s here. ā€œI added what I could find on short notice. You can poke around later to see if thereā€™s anything youā€™d like to add. I just ask that you leave anything that looks like itā€™s being used or is in the closet alone.ā€
She pokes around at the cloth as she settles in, nudging things around as she adjusts her new temporary nest. ā€œIā€™m sure youā€™ll leave the artifacts and such alone. Iā€™m not sure why anyone would want things like that in their beds, regardless of having seen the things I have.ā€ He grimaces at the thought but is quickly distracted as she finishes curling up. Sheā€™s mostly buried under the blankets, but she seems quite comfortable. ā€œAlright, Iā€™ll leave you to get some rest. Iā€™ll have some food for you in the morning, sorry that I donā€™t really have anything right now. Thereā€™s water for you here,ā€ He gestures to a small bowl near the basket and stands to stretch.
He walks away to get ready to meet with his own bed at last. Once heā€™s tucked under the covers, he finds himself listening for the soft breathing of his new tenant. Itā€™s soft, but not nearly as labored as it was, with the occasional sigh along with the rustle of the blankets when she shifts.
His fingers find a familiar scar to rest on.
ā€œHumans truly areā€¦ the cruelest of species, arenā€™t they?ā€
The next week isnā€™t too unusual, even with his new visitor. Little Lady is rather quiet and hardly leaves her little nest except to eat, use the facilities (sheā€™d nearly bit him when he suggested a litterbox so he just leaves the bathroom available for her), and sit near him on occasion when heā€™s working on a project.
Shy had come out the third day of her stay and they had hit it off surprisingly well. His familiar is the only one sheā€™ll let close, though thatā€™s not a surprise, considering how cute the shadow speck can be. She also seems to at least tolerate the calbri ā€“ an ancient spirit that takes the form of a hummingbird ā€“ that he had stolen from poachers to study before returning it home. Itā€™ll flutter around her and occasionally sheā€™ll let it rest on her head.
Like he thought, she was getting stronger quickly. She moved much better, often hopping up on the table to see what heā€™s working on, and her wings had almost fully reformed. She appeared to have wings similar to a blue morpho butterfly, and he was hoping that sheā€™d let him take a look before she left. Heā€™d not seen one with insect wings before, though really, heā€™d only seen two and that was on accident and didnā€™t end well for him, so he probably shouldnā€™t count it.
Two weeks in, he brings home a pod.
When Cat first blooms, Little Lady starts sitting by its pot more often. Cat grows more quickly than a regular plant, of course, but she hardly seems to leave its side before it is 3 feet tall and much more active. Hayden is already growing fond of the pretentious little plant. It has plenty of personality, thatā€™s for sure, and seems to be quite happy with him.
Speaking of, howeverā€¦ He glances at Lady. Sheā€™s almost completely healed at this point. Her wings are fully formed again, large and glimmering. She has put on weight, looking much healthier and is moving without any issue. But something seems to be holding her back, something that is weighing on her. Perhaps sheā€™s thinking about asking to stay.
Hayden rubs the back of his neck.
He guesses he wouldnā€™t mind. Sheā€™s not usually any trouble, at least not to him. She is quite the trickster and gives as good as she gets when the others prank or pester her, but she doesnā€™t usually go out of her way to do so unless sheā€™s quite bored or has a reason. She seems to enjoy spending time with him quietly, as well, considering how often she sits with him as he works. She has also started greeting him at the door, of all things. Sure, itā€™s from a few feet away, but when he gets back, sheā€™s there waiting. Sheā€™ll watch as he eventually makes his way downstairs before moving and leaping down to continue with whatever sheā€™d presumably been doing before heā€™d returned.
Itā€™s nice, in a way. The waiting and quiet company.
And Hayden was aware enough of his own selfishness that he understands he doesnā€™t want to give that up.
Three weeks later and Cat has continued to grow. Shy and Little Lady continue to grow closer, and really start involving Cat with things. Itā€™s hilarious to watch, because Cat has a way of bringing Ladyā€™s childish side out; heā€™ll find her leaping from vine to vine on Cat as Shy chases her or the other way around. Things like that. He smiles when he sees it, itā€™s good for such a young creature to start acting more her age.
To show that the fight hasnā€™t left her.
A month in, he notices Little Lady stares at him more frequently when she thinks he isnā€™t looking.
One night he spots her on the way to get a drink. She sits upstairs, looking at the door. Just sitting, staring at the door, almost completely still aside from the occasional twitch of her tail.
The next morning, he catches her looking at him again but this time she doesnā€™t look away. She stares at him intently, her tail flicking twice.
He quirks a smile and tilts his head at her but doesnā€™t say anything.
Guess thereā€™s no getting rid of her now.
Several days after she had decided to stay, Hayden is working on a project. Heā€™s focused intently on the sculpture in from of him, trying to decrypt the runes carved into the sides. His head is propped up against a fist while the other hand taps the pen he holds against the table. Heā€™s aware of Little Lady being on the table with him, sheā€™d been there for a while and was watching Cat when he last looked.
He blinks at a tap against his arm. He turns his head, not bothering to move otherwise, yet. He chokes a bit when he comes face-to-face with Little Lady. She is sitting right next to the arm heā€™s propped his head on, her tail tapping at him as it sways. He stills, watching her, and sheā€¦ she noses at his hand.
Hardly daring to move much, he slowly lifts his head and turns his hand just a bit-
And she leans in, her head fitting easily into the curve of his fingers. He scratches absent-mindedly, eyes sharp as she closes hers, letting him pet her for several minutes. He indulges her, relaxing a bit more himself, and manages a laugh when she butts her head against his hand to stop him. She turns and hops off the table, then, and pads off to do who-knows-what.
Hayden rubs his thumb and forefingers together, smiling. He canā€™t help but be glad at this moment, the first where she approached him instead of allowing contact for any number of reasons. But he knows what this means.
Heā€™s the only one around here with human hands, after all, and nobody gives better scritches.
The sock in his hands is just a regular sock, he thinks.
Hayden stretches the material again, trying to identify what happened. Heā€™s sure he had discarded this sock and its twin when the holes had become too bothersome. They were one of his favorite pairs, so heā€™d been reluctant to part with them, but sentimentality doesnā€™t help with blisters. Yet here they are, in much better condition.
He squints harder at it and takes off the one heā€™d just put on before noticing this to look at as well. Theyā€™ve been mended, it looks like, with some skill. They arenā€™t perfectly fixed, having been used far too long and far too much, but they could definitely withstand some more wear. He canā€™t help but try and puzzle it out, running his fingers along the fabric to find that theyā€™ve been darned with thread, the color an almost exact match.
What or who would be mending his clothes? And how? And, actually, the better question would be why?
He decides to keep an eye out for now.
Little things go missing, sometimes, though certain things reappear after a while. His clothes, specifically.
On one memorable occasion, heā€™d thought heā€™d misplaced a shirt heā€™d unfortunately be stabbed through on a job. But one morning as he was getting dressed, he found it hanging in his closet, as pristine as it could have been. Not a speck of blood or sign of the rip. Well, not quite, as he can feel the slight bump of the stitching when he looks for it, but close enough. Suddenly mad with curiosity, he throws himself into his closet. He doesnā€™t have much in the way of clothes, so it doesnā€™t take too long in comparison to some other things heā€™s done spur-of-the-moment.
Hayden finds that 3 of his shirts have been fixed aside from that one, along with half of his pants and most of his socks.
ā€œWhat isā€¦?ā€ He narrows his eyes and thinks. There are only so many creatures in his apartment right now aside from him, and not all of them would be able to do things like this. And heā€™s not sure on how many of those would be willing to or want to do such a thing.
He thinks further, looking back on the last week as well as he can. Heā€™d been out on RSS business for a few days and had come back quite annoyed, but with a new, exciting project successfully snatched out from right under Wolfeā€™s nose. Heā€™d been rather absorbed in that, but now that he thinks about itā€¦
He glances over to the table by his bed. The glass heā€™d left there last night is gone. Half-dressed, he jogs over to the sink, and spots it quickly ā€“ washed and placed on the shelf with the few other dishes he has. He makes his way around the rooms, finding little, innocuous things. The blanket draped over his favorite chair has been neatened, folded, and laid more purposefully. Ā The papers heā€™d scattered on the table in his search for a specific one are in neater piles, similarly to where they had been before his impatient search.
The chair at the worktable scrapes against the floor when Hayden falls into it. He hides his face in his hands, rubbing in sudden frustration. How, exactly, had he not noticed this? ā€œUgh,ā€ he pulls on his own cheek in punishment, ā€œI canā€™t believe this. Is this some sort of prank?ā€ He sighs and slumps further. Cat prods him with a vine and he doesnā€™t bother to react to it, too caught up in thoughts of an invader or some sort of-
ā€œUrk-ā€œ he chokes as heā€™s yanked back, the chair almost tipping too far before it lets go and he manages to fumble for balance. ā€œCat!ā€ He turns and glares, but Cat only whacks him on his forehead. He covers the stinging with one hand, ā€œWhat in the world is going on with you?ā€
Suddenly Shy hops up from the table to his shoulder, making questioning noises.
ā€œWhat, I,ā€ Hayden blinks, ā€œI, uh, Iā€™m fine.ā€ Cat raises another vine and he jumps back, almost sending the chair over again, ā€œI am! Iā€™m just, well.ā€ He weakly waves a hand at the room at large. ā€œHave you guys noticed the wholeā€¦ā€ he waves some more, searching for the words, ā€œcleaning, uh, fixingā€¦ thing?ā€
He trails off and waits for any response, but Shy blinks off his shoulder and Cat very obviously turns her attention to other things.
Well, the fact that they blatantly know whatā€™s going on is sort of encouraging. In its own way.
Kind of.
In the end, it takes an embarrassing week of trying to figure it out, one job from the RSS turned down (much to uninteresting), subtle and not-so-subtle interrogation of his ā€œflat mates,ā€ and rather more spells than he thought heā€™d have to use, he finally gets it.
In the end, all it took was just paying more attention. Which is so much harder than people think or say it is, Hayden swears.
He started paying more attention to the things that appear around him. A fruit or other easy to prepare and eat snacks happen to appear on the table when he gets caught up in something and misses meals. Sometimes things heā€™s quite sure he didnā€™t get on the last grocery run will appear, which is even more interesting. Things heā€™s searching for, like his chisel or a dropped screw, will be easier to find or will show up in places he thought heā€™d already looked. However, itā€™s usually just small things, but that might also be because itā€™s typically harder to lose something large.
All these little things start adding up and eventually Lady Luck pokes him at just the right moment.
Itā€™s the middle of the night when it happens, and since Haydenā€™s been a bit more high-strung recently due to the mystery, he wakes when he hears a subtle noise. He blinks sleepily, but registers another noise before he moves, so he plays dead while trying to look around as best he can. Thereā€™s a bit of a shimmer in the corner and he blinks away the last little bit of sleep.
Thereā€™s a little ball of faelight floating just above a small figure, sitting on the cabinet in the corner. Itā€™s rather humanoid, and Hayden wishes he had his glasses on, but he does his best. It looks a bit childlike, but another minute makes him tentatively decide on female, at least in mannerisms. Dark brown hair curls around her shoulders and luminescent blue eyes focus on what in front of her. Sheā€™s wearing a simple cover, possibly some plain tunic that is sleeveless and covers her down to the knee. He looks for the ears but canā€™t see them from this distance or through her hair.
He suddenly notices sheā€™s holding a sewing needle, one that is probably as big as her arm, and Hayden realizes itā€™s a standard needle. He didnā€™t realize he had any outside of the ones used for stitching wounds. Unless thatā€™s what it was, but he can clearly see fabric around her once he looks. She fumbles with the large (comparatively) implement for a moment before focusing and running the needle through the cloth.
Itā€™s certainly an odd thing to see and he doesnā€™t realize what exactly heā€™s watching until she shifts, and little wings furl out to help her lift off the table as she pulls the stitch tighter.
He chokes and she startles, dropping the needle and darting into the shadow of the cabinetā€™s shelves.
Bolting upright, Hayden does his best not to fall off the bed, ā€œW-Wait!ā€ He stands, but falters in his first step forward. Swallowing, he stops, scratching at his cheek. Thereā€™s no noise or movement, all but the two of them fast asleep, though Cat seems to be stirring at his quiet outburst. He looks over, a bit closer and at a better angle now that heā€™s standing and sees the familiar bundle of his coat.
ā€œThatā€™sā€¦ā€ he sighs, and his hand rises to run through his hair. ā€œSorry for startling you like that, Little Lady.ā€
She doesnā€™t respond, but thereā€™s a slight shift in the shadow.
After a minute of the quiet, he steps back and sits on the edge of his bed. ā€œYou donā€™t have to come out, but can I talk?ā€ No response. ā€œYouā€™re sneakier than I gave you credit for, thatā€™s for sure. I didnā€™t notice until about two weeks ago that something was up. Who knows how long youā€™d been doing it! Itā€™s quite impressive.
ā€œIt really threw me for a loop, you know. I never bother with such things, myself, and havenā€™t really had anyone to do those kinds of things for meā€¦ well, letā€™s just say a long time since Iā€™d even thought about it.ā€ He looks over to Cat, who is definitely awake, and has little tendrils creeping towards the both of them. He doesnā€™t know for what, though, so he keeps on guard. ā€œAnd Iā€™m sure youā€™ve been going out to get things, like the fruit and nuts Iā€™m positive Iā€™ve never gotten before. And the mendingā€¦ā€ He looks back over to the jacket, and then back at the shadow sheā€™s hiding in. ā€œThanks, Little Lady.ā€
The shadow brightens, just a bit, with a soft blue glow before dimming quickly.
Hayden sighs, ā€œIā€™m sorry, I shouldnā€™t have surprised you like this. I certainly didnā€™t intend too. Iā€™ll leave you be.ā€ One of Catā€™s vines tickles his ankle and he lifts his foot away, bringing his legs up onto the bed. ā€œI bet you knew about this, didnā€™t you, Cat?ā€ Itā€™s a rhetorical question, but Catā€™s rumble is evidence enough.
He turns and pulls the covers back up, trying to let go of the surprise and other, lingering emotions so he can get back to sleep. He can see a faint light through his closed eyes at some point, but he lets himself just fall into sleep that had quickly started tugging at him.
The next day, his coat is hanging on the rack and Lady is nowhere to be found in any form.
Hayden starts growing concerned when a week passes and he still hasnā€™t seen her. The little things keep happening, especially the snacks when he gets distracted, but they arenā€™t as frequent. Heā€™s a bit of a talker anyway, so heā€™ll occasionally mention something like he would if she were there or will say thanks for the snacks when they appear. Unfortunately, Wolfe decides to drag him out one day for a case and it takes a few days before he can escape back home. He doesnā€™t have any new toys, but he does have some interesting information to mull over for a while.
He lets out a gusty sigh when he closes the door behind himself, tossing his keys aside and his coat in the direction of the rack. He stumbles down the stairs, half tired and half annoyed at Wolfe, straight to the kitchen area for a drink. ā€œIā€™m home,ā€ he manages after a long draft of water, patting Catā€™s head when it curls around him.
Wandering over to his bed, he sits on the edge, contemplating going to sleep for the night this early when he catches something. He blinks and looks over to the bed-side table and sees Little Lady. Sheā€™s sitting on the edge of it, looking up at him with those big, blue eyes. The cup heā€™d set down on the table is full of water once more and thereā€™s a damp cloth next to it.
She watches him closely as he reaches out and takes the cloth, surprisingly warm and damp, though not wet enough to drip. He cleans his face of the dust and grime, feeling better for it. He keeps it in his hands as they drop to his lap and he looks at her, taking in more of the details. Her thick hair is has bit of a curved cut, falling to the just to the base of her neck in the back and to her clavicle in the front. It curls slightly at the ends, the newer, shorter hairs by her face curl cutely against her cheeks. The tunic is as plain as he thought it was and is a bit ragged. He doesnā€™t want to ask where it came from, having a bit of an idea already.
ā€œHey, Little Lady, good to see you.ā€ She looks down and kicks her bare feet a little. Her wings are lax, drooping against the table and he hopes that means sheā€™s not about to dart away. ā€œIā€™m glad youā€™re okay.ā€
She looks up at him again, still kicking her feet. He stares when she opens her mouth.
Her voice is a bit bell-like, though still a soft tone. He wonders if that was always her name, but it doesnā€™t matter, does it?
ā€œNice to meet you properly, then, Little Lia.ā€
He canā€™t help but chuckle when she huffs and looks down again, a bit of a blush on her cheeks despite her frown. Cat shoves him a bit, but itā€™s not aggressive, so he lets himself laugh a bit more.
Little Lady.
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