#anyways fsdygfuhsdi
everykillerbee · 5 months
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Alright. This is going to be the only time I break from how I usually do these posts, because this is such an off-putting moment for me. This is a Kishimoto fanservice moment that breaks a lot of things in order to happen.
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For starters, it is text that Bee respects Yugito Nii highly. We had just been hammered in about how horrific the situation is, that even in death jinchuuriki are used for their bodies in that they are mutilated and completely controlled in a way unlike the rest of the edo tensei'd characters. This was treated like a moment that hit hard for Bee, especially because he was finding out about it by encountering her reanimated corpse. She's the only one in this group he was close to. He notes his grief. Not to mention, they have a 7 year age gap (Bee is 36, Yugito Nii is 29) which makes this kind of uncomfortable if you think about how long they may have known each other. Thankfully, Bee isn't written in the way Jiraiya is when it comes to this moment (him commenting on Tsunade is a little more that speed, but still comparatively subdued and moreso highlights shock than perversion/harassment). It happened to happen, no nosebleeds or overtly sexual comments, thankfully you can read it as he's just observing and making a goof of it like he does with most things when he disengages emotionally. But it still feels off considering previous moments.
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Let's also talk about the fact that she had to have her clothes slashed conveniently in order for this to happen. Through both a shirt and a corset-style blouse. When this whole time, Utakata is Right There With His Chest Out!!!
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This is not the exact panel where that wardrobe malfunction happens, but it's of a similar distance. And we can see in the next panel that shows him after that, when Kishimoto decides to draw the node on him, it's very easy to see because... his chest is just out.
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Funny enough, all these issues would've not occurred if Bee simply observed it on Utakata. There's no history between the two, his chest is on full display, and it'd happen because this is just the way he dressed when he was living. The only reason Yugito Nii was the reveal was because she's a woman, and it'd been a hot minute since someone's commented on lady boobs for Kishimoto.
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