#anyways ferran is king
livelaughlovefootball · 8 months
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First hat trick in Barcelona for the shark!!
Plus epic goal from João Félix!
3 points!
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canirove · 8 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 19
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"How long until you arrive?" Pedri asks.
"5 minutes according to the gps."
"Are you ready?"
"To spend the weekend celebrating that my ex boyfriend is marrying a woman I hate? I'm ecstatic" I reply.
"Lucky you, you have me" Ferran smiles.
"Will you take care of her?" Pedri asks him.
"I will" Ferran says, quickly looking at my phone's screen and then back at the road.
"What was that?" I laugh.
"That look you two just shared. Is that some bro code or something?"
"What?" Pedri says.
"Yeah… Something only you two understand."
"It was just a look of I will take care of your girlfriend so she doesn't do anything stupid like running away or killing the bride" Ferran says.
"Why would I run away?"
"Love that you are asking that instead of why would you kill the bride" Pedri laughs.
"I have reasons to do that. But running away?"
"That's what you did during their engagement party."
"Because we had had something like an argument and you were all I could think about."
"Awww, Val" Pedri smiles.
"Guys, please don't get cheesy while I'm present" Ferran says. He tries to make it sound as a joke, but I've noticed the way his grip on the steering wheel has tightened.
"Anyway, we are almost there. I will call you later or tomorrow morning, ok?" 
"Yeah, sure. Enjoy tonight's party or whatever they are doing" Pedri says.
"White party they've called it. So original" I scoff.
"Try to enjoy it, Val. You too, Ferran."
"Thanks, bro" he says.
"And again, don't do anything stupid. That goes for both of you."
"Yes, mum" Ferran and I say at the same time before starting to laugh.
"And then I am the kid" Pedri sighs, rolling his eyes.
"Yes. My favourite one" I smile.
"I love you, Val" Pedri smiles back.
"I love you too" I say before hanging up.
"So…" Ferran says.
"Ready to fake again that I'm your boyfriend?"
"Are you?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" he chuckles. "I said yes to this, didn't I?"
"I know, but…"
"Holy shit."
"What? What happened?"
"Val, are you sure this is the right address?"
"Yes. Why… Oh, wow" I say when I look at the road. At the end of it, there is a… palace? A castle? Both? I had seen photos of the venue online, but it was nothing compared to seeing it in real life.
"I feel like I'm going to have to call you my lady during our stay" Ferran laughs. "My Lady Valeria."
"Lord Ferran actually sounds like the name of someone who would have lived in a place like this" I chuckle.
"See? I can be posh too!"
"More like royal."
"That's cooler if you ask me. So, for the rest of the weekend, you may address me as Lord Ferran Torres" he says, straightening his back.
"Yes, my lord" I laugh, his weird faces and poses making me relax and forget about what is ahead of us. 
"It feels wrong, you know? Throwing a white party in a freaking castle…" Ferran says from the bathroom. "We should be dressing as kings and queens, not like this. I've always wanted to try on those puffy shorts men used to wear."
"Puffy shorts?" I chuckle while putting on my shoes.
"Yes. The ones they wore with white tights."
"Maybe for your next birthday you should throw a party where people have to dress like that and make your dream come true."
"Maybe I should, yes" he says from the bathroom's door. When I look up, I see him leaning against the door frame like Pedri always does, his arms crossed over his chest. But it doesn't have the same effect on me. Not even when I catch him checking me out as I stand up.
"White suits you, tho."
"That isn't going to work, Val" Ferran laughs.
"What won't?"
"Flattering me. I'm not signing for Real Madrid even if white looks good on me" he smirks.
"Who says I want you on my team?" I tease him.
"Yeah, you prefer having me close to you" he says, slowly walking towards me and closing the space between us.
"Pedri" I blurt out. "I haven't called him and I told him… I should…"
"You should, yes. I'll wait outside" Ferran says, his voice sounding different. Cold. 
The moment he leaves the room, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 
We are off to a great start.
"I envy you so much Val… He is yummy."
"He is what?" I laugh.
"Yummy" my friend Alicia says. "Where did you find him?"
"I believe you can usually spot him at the Camp Nou" Sara chuckles. The two of them, Silvia and I, met when we were just 6, and we have been part of the same group of friends with Marc and some other boys since then. Though since he and I broke up, we haven't seen each other as often as we would like to. 
"I meant how did they meet" Alicia says, rolling her eyes. "You've kept him hidden from us, Val. Though I get it. I totally get it" she says, looking at Ferran from head to toe for the millionth time while he chats with some of the boys.
"I was on a night out with Silvia and we just met" I shrug.
"Just like that?"
"He offered to buy her a drink and 5 minutes later they were making out. What?" Silvia laughs when I give her a murderous look.
"It's ok, Val. I would have done the same" Alicia sighs. 
"Did you know who he was?" Sara asks me.
"Nope. He had just moved from Manchester, I wasn't familiar with him yet" I tell her. That was the story we had decided to tell everyone, a mix of how I met Pedri and a few lies here and there. 
"The sex is the best you've ever had, isn't it?" Alicia suddenly says.
"Careful there" Sara chuckles when I almost choke with my drink.
"I'll take that as a yes. He is young and a professional athlete, I'm sure he lasts longer than the average guy. And he definitely knows what he is doing, doesn't he?" Alicia smirks. "Just look at you, Val. You look hotter than ever!"
"Yeah, just look at the colour of her cheeks" Sara laughs.
"Urgh, ignore her" Alicia says, giving her a little push. "You've always looked great, don't get me wrong. But you've never looked this good, Val. You are glowing!" 
"And when you walked in, I saw a few guys looking at you" Sara adds.
"They probably were looking at Ferran because they recognised him" I say.
"No, they weren't. They were checking you out. So if I was him, I would not leave your side just in case." 
"And if I were you, I wouldn't leave his either" Alicia says, her eyes fixed on Ferran once again while taking a sip from her drink.
"Oh, dear" I whisper when I hear Isabel's voice.
"Aww, girls. It is so nice seeing you here!" she says, hugging Alicia, Sara and Silvia. "Hello, Valeria."
"Hi" I reply.
"Congratulations, Isa!" Sara says, trying to lighten up the mood. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
"Where is he?" Isabel asks me, completely ignoring her.
"That boyfriend of yours."
"Right here" Ferran says as he shows up next to me, putting his arm around my waist and kissing my cheek. Before the party we had agreed about the arm, but not the kiss. "Isabel, right? It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Congratulations" he says with his best smile, taking her hand and kissing it, his eyes fixed on hers. He is giving her his fucker look as Pedri, Eric and Gavi call it, the one that gets him the girl 9 times out of 10.
"Hi" Isabel giggles, clearing her throat to try and hide it. But we have heard it. All of us have. Ferran's charm has worked on her too. "I thought you wouldn't be able to come and poor Valeria would be all alone" she says, back to her usual self.
"Almost, but you chose the perfect weekend to get married. Just after the preseason ended and before the season starts" he smiles.
"Ready to kick Real Madrid's ass?" Sara asks him before looking at me.
"She will kick my ass if we dare to win them" Ferran laughs. "Won't you, Val?"
"You will be sleeping on the sofa for a month, yes" I reply.
"If that's the case, my bed is very comfortable" Alicia smirks.
"Ali!" Sara laughs.
"What? I had to shoot my shot" she shrugs.
"I'm very flattered, but I only have eyes for one girl" Ferran smiles. 
"Yeah, well… Let's not get cheesy in public, shall we?" I say, feeling my cheeks on fire. I'm pretty sure he wasn't lying or pretending when he said that.
"Yes, please. It is my day, not Valeria's" Isabel says, reminding us that she still is there. 
"Of course. My apologies" Ferran says, using his famous look once again. Now Isabel is the one blushing.
"Yes… Umm… I better go find my future husband. Goodbye" she says, turning around and walking away as fast as she can.
"Did you do that on purpose?" I ask Ferran once we are back in our room, the party finally over.
"Do what?"
"Flirt with Isabel and use your fucker look on her."
"I did, yes" he grins.
"Because I wanted to see her reaction, if I could get to her. And I did. I'm sure she's spent the whole night hating herself because she has been turned on by her nemesis' boyfriend."
"Her nemesis" I laugh. "But she probably has. You made her giggle."
"I know" Ferran smirks. "Right or left?"
"Which side of the bed do you prefer?"
"Oh, left. I like sleeping looking at the window."
"Ok" he says, taking off his shirt.
"You don't wear pyjamas either? Is that a Barça thing?"
"What?" he says, getting in bed.
"Pedri also sleeps in his underwear."
"I actually sleep naked, but, you know… I didn't want to make it more awkward."
"That's… that's very thoughtful. Thank you" I reply, quickly getting in bed too and trying to hide that I'm blushing.
"Yeah, thoughtful" he chuckles. "Bloody hell, Val."
"What happened now?"
"Your feet! They are frozen!"
"Oh, yes. Sorry. They are always like that" I shrug.
"Always. 24/7."
"How can Pedri sleep next to you when you have two blocks of ice for feet?"
"He doesn't mind. And he says that if he gets hot through the night, he can always count on them to help him cool down."
"That's… weird. But ok" Ferran chuckles.
"It's Pedri" I shrug again. "Anyway, good night. From the three of us."
"The three of… Val!" he complains when I touch his leg with my feet.
"Night night" I smile.
"Night night, yes" he replies, sticking out his tongue and moving his legs as away from mine as he can. 
"At first I wasn't going to wear flat shoes because, who wears flat shoes for a wedding? But I don't know how to walk on heels, so in the end I said, fuck it. You can barely see them with the dress, and by the end of the night everyone will be barefoot and…"
"Val… Val!" Pedri laughs over facetime.
"You are rambling."
"Am I?"
"You are" Ferran says while retouching his hair in front of the mirror.
"Sorry, I just… I am a bit nervous" I sigh.
"Just a bit?" Pedri laughs again.
"Yes" I reply, sticking out my tongue.
"You'll be fine, Val. You don't have any reason to be nervous."
"Don't I?" I say, trying to nod towards Ferran without him noticing.
"You don't" Pedri insists. 
"If Isabel tries something you know we can use my charm on her" Ferran says, still busy with his hair. It is taking him a lot more time than it took me, and he has a lot less.
"The fucker look almost never fails" Pedri says. "So relax and enjoy the day, ok?"
"Ok" I sigh again.
"You look beautiful, Val" he smiles.
"Do I?"
"You do. Doesn't she, Gavi? Gavi. Pablo!"
"What!" Gavi says. He is sitting next to Pedri, waiting for our call to end so they can go back to playing FIFA.
"Doesn't Val look beautiful?"
"Oh, yes" he replies, not lifting his eyes from his phone.
"Thank you, Pablo" I chuckle. "He is talking to her, isn't he?"
"When isn't he?" Pedri says, rolling his eyes.
"Don't let the teenagers know that the it boys are currently taken, their hearts may not take it" I smirk.
"Meh meh meh" Pedri replies.
"Ok, I'm ready" Ferran says. "You?"
"Then let's go."
"Have fun, guys" Pedri says. "And Val…"
"I'll try to relax and enjoy the day."
"I was going to say that I love you" he says. "But that too." 
"I love you too" I smile before hanging up.
"I'm glad Isabel left you out of the bridesmaids" Ferran says as we watch all the girls walk down the aisle.
"You look stunning on the dress you picked, but if it had been down to her, I'm sure she would have chosen the ugliest one she could find."
"Definitely" I chuckle. "Do you think anyone has noticed?"
"That you look more beautiful than them?" 
"That I am the only one from our group of friends she left out" I say, trying to ignore Ferran's compliment. Again.
"Nah, I don't think they care. And here she comes" he says when the music changes, everyone looking at the end of the white carpet that leads to the aisle. "100€ she looks our way when she walks past us."
"Ferran, I'm not gonna bet any money" I laugh.
"Ok, fine. No betting. But she will definitely look. Should we do something?"
"Something like what?" I ask.
"Can I improvise?"
"I don't like it when you improvise."
"I won't kiss you, I promise."
"You better" I say before turning to look at Isabel. She is very close to where we are, smiling and saying hello to everyone. And she looks beautiful, I can't deny her that. "Shit!" I jump when I feel Ferran's arms around my waist, hugging me from behind.
"It's part of the plan. Relax" he says next to my ear. "But you should put your hands around mine."
"Just do it, Val."
"Ok" I sigh, doing as he says and interlacing my fingers with his. 
"She's gonna look" he whispers, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"She…" She is looking at us. At first she looks all smug, but after noticing Ferran behind me, her face changes. And when he kisses my shoulder, she quickly looks away, her smile gone.
"Told you" he chuckles. 
"I thought we had said no kisses."
"On the lips."
"Yeah, well. We should… You know" I say, letting go of his hands. "The ceremony is about to start."
"Yes, of course" he replies, moving his too. But he does it slowly, definitely taking his time. 
"They look cute" Silvia says while we watch Isabel and Marc do their first dance as a married couple.
"Yeah, I guess" I say, trying to focus on them dancing and not on Ferran standing behind me, his hands resting on my shoulders while his thumbs make small circles on my skin.
"Aww, and now their parents. Marc's mum looks so nervous…"
"Uhm…" I reply, Ferran's thumbs now moving to the back of my neck and slowly massaging it. Why am I allowing him to do this? It isn't part of our arrangement.
"Oh, our turn!" Silvia says, taking Pau's hand and dragging him to the dancefloor as everyone else joins the bride and groom and their families.
"Are we dancing too?" Ferran asks me.
"Do you want to?"
"I am not the best dancer but sure, why not?" he says, his hands finally moving from my body. "My Lady Valeria" he smiles, now offering me his hand.
"Lord Ferran" I chuckle, taking it and following him to join the others.
I don't know for how long we've been dancing and singing, but I do know that I am having the time of my life. Maybe because I've had a few more beers than what I am used to and I am a bit tipsy, maybe because the dj is playing hit after hit.
I've sung my heart out with Silvia, Alicia and Sara, we've had a battle of boys dancing vs. girls, Alicia made her dream of being all over Ferran come true while they danced together and we all cheered for them, and now… now it is him and I the ones who are dancing together, barely any space between us.
My back is against his chest, his arms around my waist, mine around his neck. And his lips are leaving small kisses on my jawline, making me giggle while we just move to the rhythm of the music. 
When it changes, he pulls me closer towards him, moving his head to kiss my neck. At first I barely notice it, but as he gets closer to the spot that makes my knees feel like jelly, I can feel my body tensing, one of my hands moving up and down the back of his neck. And then, he finds it.
A gasp escapes my lips, goosebumps going down my spine as the hand that is on his hair looks for something to hold to like it is used to. But it finds nothing. Because this is Ferran. He isn't…
"Val" he whispers into my ear, the feeling sending another wave of goosebumps over my body and making me forget about what I was thinking before he quickly turns me around, the movement making me feel a bit dizzy. His hands still are on my waist, pulling me even closer to him and then… then his lips meet mine.
He is kissing me. Ferran is kissing me again.
But unlike that day at the school, I don't freak out. This time I find myself wrapping my arms around his neck, letting him take control over the kiss and be the one in charge while I just let go.
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pepexpablito · 5 months
please write a ferran fluff to angst ☹️☹️☹️ i feel like that’s so much sadder than full angst - sorry im rambling💀
Ferran Torres
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It was ferrans day off and you both were cuddling in his big king size bed, "your so warm" you say leaning into him more "your so tiny" ferran says laughing when you hit him, "i love you y/n" ferran says kissing you, "I love y-" you get interrupted by his phone ringing, " I have to take this" ferran says leaving the room. you sit in the room waiting for him to come back, when he comes back he says "work called its a emergency training" while kissing you putting on his coat and leaving. after 2 hours of laying in bed bored you call 2 of your friends and tell them to meet you at a nearby club, at the club your drinking and dancing with your friend's until you have to use the bathroom, when you get to the door you hear loud moaning and pounding sounds "ew why in the dirty bathroom" you say deciding to go in anyways really having to pee, only to walk in and see ferran pounding a ugly blonde into the counter, when ferran looks over at the door he stops pounding the girl and puts his dick in his pants as fast as he can rushing towards you only to be pushed away while you run out the bathroom crying.
tags: @everrrsincenewyork
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rommaru · 2 years
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Recently I adopted this lovely axolotl mermaid designed by the one and only @twitchingcoffeeprince ❤︎ First pic was drawn by Ali, I only added colors to pick a color palette for her.
I have no name for her yet but I quickly adapted her to be the mother of my OC Shi.
A little bit of her story and context for the second picture under the cut. 
The king of the water country was desperate for having a heir, someone capable of waterbending. The first person to give birth to this prodigious child would raise to the throne. A few human women tried without success until a group of hunters offered a captured mermaid in exchange for a rich reward. A magical creature would have no trouble to carry this child so the deal was made. The king proposed a new deal for her; if she accepted to have a child with him he would release her, or she could stay and become queen. She was afraid if she rejected any of these option then they could use the old methods developed by the Purple Hunters to extract her soul and give it to a human baby. This is how Shi was born and the mermaid was crowned queen.
The king and the queen don't exactly love each other but they rather get along. The mermaid recognizes her decision was motivated by greed as she was no one back at the sea. Shi is well loved by her parents anyway.
A night before the Royal Downfall, the mermaid was visited by Ferran's people who prevent her about the war that was about to start. Ferran decided to give her the chance to be taken out of the kingdom before it could happen and return her home. The mermaid rejected the opportunity, knowing she already had betrayed Almetty in the moment she joined the humans and gave birth to a princess. Her only comfort left was to say goodbye to her dear daughter and hope the best for her, however she didn't mention a thing about the war.
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1304
Monday, March 9, 2020
 I want to thank my partner Chris for another successful Capital Comic Book Con at the Delta Hotel in downtown Ottawa yesterday. All of his hard work pricing and preparing our stock and setting up our booth paid off. I am glad that I get a day to recover as the old muscles are aching today. I saw many old friends and customers which made for a fun social event as well. There's a full moon out tonight so get out there and give a howl. Then come back inside and wash your hands.
 Daredevil #19 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Marco Checchetto (art) Mattia Iacono (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). A gang of super villains paid by the Stromwyns is destroying Hell's Kitchen. Can Daredevil save his home? There's a lot of destruction and the citizens try to defend themselves but it doesn't look good. I like the wild card showing up. I wonder if they will help or hurt?
 Lois Lane #9 - Greg Rucka (writer) Mike Perkins (art) Andy Troy (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). Lois and Renee need to find the assassin Kiss of Death and they get some help from a friend. Batman's appearance was a hoot. This story has been great so far. You should also be watching Greg's TV show Stumptown. Cobie Smulders is killing it as Dex.
 Doctor Strange #6 - Mark Waid (writer) Kev Walker (art) Java Tartaglia & Antonio Fabela (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Someone has stolen Stephen's magical artefacts and could be mass producing them for evil purposes. He has to team up with Doctor Druid to stop that from happening. This new story is spellbinding.
 Superman: Villains #1 - Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction & Jody Houser (writers) Art, colours and letters done by a bullpen full of others. This $5.99 US one-shot is a muddled mess. It confused me right out of the gate when Superman visits his parents on the farm. Ma and Pa Kent are there. I thought Pa died. Then Superman tells Pa that some Batman tech is going to keep them safe like it does for the Batcave. That was four pages of WTF for me. So that segues into a scene with Lois, Clark, Perry and the new owner of the Daily Planet, Marisol Leone. We find out later that Ms. Leone is the head of some sort of Mafia. Then there's two pages of Lex Luthor and a laughing answering machine message that made me think it was the Joker calling to mock the bald baddie. I can go on and on, like why Bizarro? I hate Bizarro. Also, what is up with Supergirl? Is she still infected from Year of the Villain? All the different art styles didn't help either. This did not make me want to read more DC comics.
 Black Cat #10 - Jed MacKay (writer) Kris Anka (art) Brian Reber (colours) Ferran Delgado (letters). It's a fun-filled, action-packed team-up with Wolverine in Madripoor. How do you like them hyphens?
 Savage Avengers #11 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Butch Guice (art) Alex Guimaraes (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Doctor Strange's astral form observes the origin of the evil wizard Kulan Gath. It's this story that reveals the way to finally kill the sorcerer. But first, he and Elektra must find Conan. This was my favourite issue of the run so far.
 Conan: Battle for the Serpent Crown #2 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Luke Ross (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). I love these outrageously improbable adventures. Conan chases the Black Cat to get a ring back. This issue takes place in Las Vegas so it's a good chance for the Scarlet Spider to make a guest appearance. Conan does retrieve the ring but how he does made me go "huh?". I really got a chuckle when I saw where Conan and Nyla are zapped to. I'm sure this will cross over with Savage Avengers at some point.
 Strange Academy #1 - Skottie Young (writer) Humberto Ramos (art) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I expected a fun debut from Skottie Young and he delivers. We meet a lot of kids and a lot of teachers in this new magical school of magic. This reminded me of Avengers Academy and I think I'll like this new crop of young magicians.
 Batman #90 - James Tynion IV (writer) Jorge Jimenez (art) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Catwoman has a secret that will destroy Batman's love for her and this flashback story tells us what it is. It was disappointing that I guessed what it was before the big reveal on the last page. This new villain, the Designer is kind of interesting and I want to see if Mr. D succeeds in his goal.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #16 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Cory Smith (pencils) Victor Olazaba (inks) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). There are two stories this issue. The first has Miles babysitting his little sister and you just know that things are going to get hairy. Then Uncle Aaron walks into a trap laid by his new boss Ultimatum. What happens next doesn't bode well for Miles. This is another book that I'm thinking of benching. My fondness for the character is waning but I do still like the art.
 Marauders #9 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Matteo Lolli (art) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This issue has Emma and Bishop dealing with the bad guys. It's really cool how Emma can mess with minds.
 Dryad #1 - Kurtis J. Wiebe (writer) Justin Osterling (art) Jim Campbell (letters). This new fantasy story is about Morgan and Yale and their two teenage offspring Griffon and Rana. There are big swords and monsters and a mysterious ancient race. The mixed race marriage reminded me of Saga. Morgan is an elf and Yale is human. The kids go exploring and open a door leading to a peck of trouble. The characters didn't grab me and this issue didn't spark enough interest in me to want to read the next issue. You might like this if you enjoy books like Rat Queens.
 Strange Adventures #1 - Tom King (writer) Mitch Gerads & Evan "Doc" Shaner (art) Clayton Cowles (letters). Adam Strange is back on the racks in this 12 issue maxi that has him being framed for murder. When Batman passes up the case he's got to go with another hero to clear his name. I really liked how Alanna was handled and that's why I will read the next issue.
 2020 Rescue #1 - Dana Schwartz (writer) Jacen Burrows (art) Scott Hanna (inks pages 17, 19, 20) Peter Pantazis (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I know from reading Avengers that Tony is alive and well trapped in the past but Pepper Potts thinks he's dead. This story has Pepper trying to find a way to clone Tony using his biological parents' DNA. I picked this off the rack because of Jacen Burrows's art but the writing wasn't even half as good as the old Ironheart used to be so I won't be reading any more.
 Spider-Man Noir #1 - Margaret Stohl (writer) Juan Ferreyra (art) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). This is Peter Parker as Sam Spade, the Shadow and Spider-Man all rolled into one circa 1939. The web-shooters and 45s are jarring to me. Anyways, the art is suitably dark and gorgeous and the murder mystery will have Peter globe trotting to find the killer. If you like hard boiled crime this is the 5-issue mini for you.
 Doctor Doom #6 - Christopher Cantwell (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This is like a Bing Crosby and Bob Hope "Road to Terlingua, Texas" movie starring Doctor Doom and Kang. Doom is trying to find a way to keep a black hole from destroying the earth and Kang is just tagging along for giggles. Doom does get what he's after, rids himself of the annoying Kang and figures out how to save the earth. Now he's heading back home with the device and I want to see how he uses it.
 Marvel #1 - this $4.99 US 6-issue mini is for all those Marvel Maniacs pining for stories from the days of yore. Alex Ross curates this anthology of new stories that read like reprints from the sixties. The two stories this issue are:
 "Spider-Man: Make My Day" by Sajan Saini (writer) Frank Espinosa (art) & VC's Clayton Cowles (letters) features a fight with Rhino and an argument with Mary Jane.
 "The Boy…and the Brute" by Kurt Busiek (writer) Steve Rude (art) Steven Legge (colours) & Steve Rude (letters) features Rick Jones, the Hulk and the Avengers.
 These are nice little vignettes and are interesting for the creators involved. They're fun to read and that's what comic books are all about.
 The Flash #750 - It's been a while since I've read a Flash comic so I thought I'd catch up by snagging this $7.99 US anniversary issue off the racks. There are 6 stories inside featuring a bunch of Flashes but mostly concentrating on Barry Allen. Jay the Golden Age Flash and Wally West are here too. There is also a lot of hopping around in time, dimensions and universes that left my head reeling. It looks like future issues of the Flash are going to speed through many divergent plots and I don't want to work that hard to keep track of everything. This issue did not make me want to return to the Flash fold.
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