#anyways back to freelatta
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chasing-it-down · 2 years ago
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goatbi · 4 years ago
13 and/or 17 freelatta? Get some good confess in case they don't make it but they do hurt comfort please thank you? Or 24 if you just wanna do fluff I just love reading any freelatta stuff you do
It happens when Gordon collapses for the third time, blood dripping from his arm horrifically, and Tommy can’t stop it, he can’t and he doesn’t know why he can’t, he should be able to do this.
“No, no, come on.” He tries to pull Gordon back up, to keep going, but Gordon’s near dead weight at this point, and Tommy hates that phrase right now, hates it so so much. “Please, you can’t die.” He whispers, and Gordon’s head shifts towards him, eyes hazy from blood loss, and his hand comes up, patting clumsily at Tommy’s face. Tommy grabs a hold of it. “Please....” he mumbles again, pressing their foreheads together. “Don’t die, okay, you can’t...” 
Gordon mumbles something to him, but his lips barely move, he barely breathes out the words, and Tommy shakes, terrified for him, forcing himself to drag Gordon up to sitting, shaking hands holding him up even as Gordon’s head lolls dangerously to the side, unable to hold it’s own weight, and Tommy’s still shaking so badly. 
“Please.” Tommy whispers again, propping him up against the wall, cupping his face and holding it up. Gordon’s eyes land on him, blinking slowly, and Tommy, in near desperation, drags him just a bit closer and kisses him soundly. 
It’s not good, and it’s messy, but Tommy doesn’t care, leaning him back against the wall before pulling away. “Don’t you die on, Gordon Freeman, you are not allowed.” He mutters, almost angry at the world, and Gordon hums, smiling up at him, and Tommy stands, slides into the next room to go looking for a med kit. 
Unseen by him, G-Man leans into the plan of existence, reverses time just a bit, just enough to keep Gordon going for a little while longer, slows his blood flow a little bit more. Hopefully Tommy wouldn’t notice. G-Man could do nothing more, however, disappearing again as Tommy slid back into the hallway, bumping into the wall, a dirty med kit clutched desperately in his hands. 
The party is great. Tommy’s having fun, mostly because everyone’s alive-well, except Benrey, but Benrey’s hanging out as a skeleton outside, and Tommy still hasn’t fully forgiven him for the whole ‘getting Gordon’s arm cut off’ thing-and they’re all out of Black Mesa and safe. 
Gordon, of course, is busy marveling as his new prosthetic, courtesy of Tommy’s father, getting used to working with it on, handling things carefully and over gently to avoid crushing them like Dr. Coomer might have. He seems to be doing okay, but Tommy is terrified for him, to be completely honest. He was terrified for all of them, but Gordon? Gordon would have died. 
Tommy wasn’t blind to his father’s meddling, and he’s just happy that G-Man kept the promise that Tommy had made on one of the nights, having snuck away from the group to talk to his father, and made G-Man promise that Gordon was going to make it out. Tommy hadn’t told G-Man why, exactly, he wanted his father to promise to that, but G-Man seemed to know anyways. 
It wasn’t like G-Man could not have seen Tommy kiss Gordon. 
Speaking of Gordon. 
He set the cup down next to Tommy, filled nearly to the brim with bubbly orange, and Tommy grins. Despite the fact that he named his dog after it, he really doesn’t like Sunkist all that much, but that doesn’t stop him from appreciating the gesture, as Gordon plopped into the seat next to him with his own cup of what Tommy assumes is either Dr. Pepper or Root Beer. He wouldn’t know without a taste, but he has his Sunkist. And he has his dog at his feet. Which is nice. 
Gordon doesn’t say anything at first, holding his soda cup gingerly in his hands, and Tommy lets the silence sit for the time being. There’s no harm in it, after all, and it’s not really silent, with the games pinging in the background, and Bubby and Coomer’s air hockey battle, which seems to be very intense, and Tommy would be worried if not for the fact that G-Man is standing watch over them. 
“Hey Tommy?” Tommy draws his attention away from the air hockey battle, to look towards Gordon again, head tilted a bit as he did. He made a soft noise, but didn’t quite feel the need to speak yet. Gordon didn’t seem to have finished his thought, after all, what with him staring down into his cup nervously, holding it oh so carefully in his metal hand, swirling the contents slowly. 
Gordon stayed silent for a moment more, and Tommy took another drink from his soda cup, eyes darting back to the air hockey match as Gordon sorted out his thoughts. 
“I remember kissing you.” Tommy froze. “Why do I remember kissing you?” Gordon looked up at him, and Tommy chewed nervously on his nip, staring down into the orange soda for a moment. 
“I... I got scared, I think.” Tommy said softly. “Thought it was gonna be my last chance... But.” Tommy laughed softly. “I did make dad promise me you wouldn’t die.” 
Gordon blinked at him, before laughing softly, setting his cup down onto the table. Tommy raised an eyebrow, as Gordon stood, moving around the table. 
“I just wanted to be sure it wasn’t a... I dunno, delirious hallucination.” Gordon said softly, before grabbing Tommy’s tie and dragging him up a bit to kiss him. 
Objectively? Much better than the first. 
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bandtrees · 5 years ago
rules: tag 9 people who you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions!
tagged by: @garak I LOVE U JUDAS!!! i blow u kisses from afar ur such a cool dude
3 ships: off the top of my hEAD iv been thinkin about most lately... freelatta (gordon/tommy - hlvrai) bandtrees (zoe/evan - deh) and stagedorks (jeremy/christine - bmc) ... i live in 2017 and deh and bmc are GOOD OKAY-
last songs: jesus christ - brand new, twisted teeth - 35mm: a musical exhibition
last movie: knives out! watched it with flux n sammi n celeste n jeremie in a fun movie night a while back :] i liked it a lot
currently reading: iii do not read in general but the last book i finished was frankenstein for my english class! twas fun
currently watching: not CURRENTLY bc we’ve been waiting for the next season but me n my mom have been watching the netflix show gentefied
currently craving: i have been craving biscuits all day and ik there are some in the kitchen i should go do that
tagging: @queerjaredkleinman @nobodynose27 @jkleinmansaysacab @braintapes @jackfrostdoll @hypnofruit-reblogs @rozugold @unoriginalurl77 @dukemon ! :D if yall wanna anyway ^^
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goatbi · 4 years ago
For fluff, 2 and 9 freelatta?
sorry i forgot the sections,,
There was something to be said about Tommy, Gordon thought, how wonderful he was. Tommy was bright, a shining star that Gordon clung to in his moments of need, and Tommy would drag him out with a grin on his face and a stupid fun idea in mind. 
It Gordon took embarrassingly long to realize a few things about that, however. 
Tommy liked going out places they could do things together, bowling or laser tag or just going out to the dog park with Sunkist, who dwarfed the other dogs around her but still always gentle when she played, tail shaking the ground as it hit. Gordon loved those moments, when they would wander the park together, trusting Sunkist to come back to them, hand in hand because Tommy had seen something up ahead and grabbed Gordon’s hand to run up with him and neither of them had let go, because it was safe, it was warm, it was the two of them holding ice cream in the other hand and laughing at stupid jokes on another would tell and not letting the other’s hand go. 
Gordon hummed, looking at the horrible face of the sponge-bob popsicle he had gotten from a passing ice cream truck, which Tommy had lit up upon hearing, warm hand in Gordon’s and dragged him along laughing, and Gordon followed because what else was fae going to do, when the sun and stars dragged him along to something that made ver happy. Gordon had no choice but to follow, staring at the way Tommy’s freckles shifted color when ve laughed. 
There was something about that, with Tommy’s hand clung in faer’s, holding tight, almost too tight, like fae was worried ve would just slip away from him one day, slip from his hands like everything else had so far, but no. Tommy just squeezed his hand back and said nothing, and Gordon smiled, biting off a corner of sponge-bob’s horrible face as Tommy did the same to spider-man. 
And Gordon thought. 
They were together, hand in hand, walking down the park path, eating stupid horrible ice- cream faces together, a dog waiting for them as they rounded the path back towards where they had left her, and it hit Gordon all at once, knocking his breath from his chest, blood rushing to his face. 
“Gordon?” Tommy looked at him, worry evident for a moment, and Gordon realized he had squeezed ver hand, and he let go, not all the way, not yet, he didn’t want to let go yet, but he also didn’t want to hurt Tommy, that was the last thing on Gordon’s mind, he never wanted to hurt Tommy. “Is there a-a reason you’re blushing like that?” Tommy teased gently, and Gordon smiled up at him nervously, the sponge-bob popsicle melting down his hand. 
“Are we on a date right now?” Gordon spat out, nervous energy trailing the words, and Gordon could see the color so clearly in his mind, if he had sweet voice, he knew the murky color that would have followed those words, but nothing came, and Gordon wasn’t sure if he was disappointed by that or not, not because he wanted to be less human, but then because maybe the feeling in his chest would ease, the worry-panic that he got it wrong, that this wasn’t what was going on, despite Gordon so desperately wanting it to- 
His spiral was stopped, as the tip of one finger turned Gordon’s head up to Tommy, the spider-man popsicle dangerously held in two fingers, and they were still holding hands, they still didn’t want to let go, not yet, and Tommy smiled at him, and god, Gordon saw the universe in those eyes, in that smile and couldn’t help but grin back at him, and Tommy had to lean down so much, even when Gordon stood on tip toes to press their ligs together, but he did anyways, slow and gentle, drawing away after a moment, the two of them still grinning like idiots at one another, still holding hands in the middle of the walk way, with horrible face popsicles in their free hands, and eyes for no one but each other. 
“I’d hope so. I... This entire time, that’s what. They were supposed to be.” Tommy smiled, nervous, and Gordon grinned slightly, bringing their hands up to press a kiss to the back of Tommy’s. 
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