#anyways back into my evil plotting making-the-sillies-suffer cave oncemore eheheheheheh
schnee-gheist · 4 days
The Show of a Lifetime - 3/?
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"It doesn't make sense! Why the hell would that freak need to travel around so much? That's the only thing the map’s good for, anyway."
"Most likely to further terrorize other beings, more consistently and quickly."
"That's so disgusting! Why hasn't anyone been able to kill him yet?"
"He's fast, but when I get my hands on that sick fuc-"
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"You... You're going to hurt him?"
"Jazzy-pants! Why haven't you been talking? "
"Oh my baby, of course we're going hurt him. You've seen what he's done to others, and your arms! How could you possibly forgive an abomination such as him?"
"Actually, I never saw Atlas myself, I just theorized with about 90.85% accuracy that he was somehow involved with Jasmines accident."
"Vlad, I get you're all calculations and cool headiness, but Jazz is clearly still in shock at that abysmal creature harming her! Right, sweetie?"
"...That's not-"
"Okay, but do we really know what happened? Excuse me for not exactly trusting the only guy who witnessed Jazz get hurt and not do anything about it."
"Samantha, please stay out of this conversation. Although video recordings were unavailable, I can assure you that I was not the one who harmed Jasmine here."
"Don't call her that! And I'm with Sam, that is pretty suspicious. Are you trying to get rid of every Fenton kid?"
"Young man! We have agreed to not talk about that in moments like this."
"I'm with them in this one. You do have a pretty spotty history, Plasmius."
"Ms. Huntress, I suggest you pick your next words very carefully."
"See! He's so totally evil!"
"I am not malicious in any way, Mr. Foley!"
"Why you..."
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(Why should I try to talk if no one's gonna listen?)
(I already forgive you, Danny. Every time you've done anything 'evil', it's either been mind control or a set up for a greater cause. I just hope I'm right about all this...)
(Or if the others will ever forgive you too.)
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