#anyways after casting Reverse Gravity he let me down if I apologised to him and it was. very sexually charged. like.
imperial-evolution · 1 year
What if you were trying to buy some property so you could house your otherwise homeless gang of teifling children who you love with your whole heart and some rich fucking cunt nobleman rocked up and started taking an interest in the properties you wanted out of spite and also because he's a capitalist and a landlord, and so you try to threaten him out of buying this one (1) property you want, only for him to accuse you of looking for handouts and suggesting you “actually do some work for once in your life,” so you take a swing at him (and really he should be thanking you for not tearing his fucking throat out where he stands) only for him to take it like a fucking champ, wipe the blood from his mouth (oh fuck, that was really hot??), and cast Reverse Gravity on you before threatening to report you for assault. What then???
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