#anyways add more eastern european foods!!!!!!!! bc u can very clearly tell the stuff i ate as a kid and i wanna know what
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list of 'snezhnayan' dishes genshin needs
- оливье olivier salad
- борщ borscht
- селёдка под шубой seledka pod shuboi
- плов plov
- холодец kholodets
- квас kvass
- буратино buratino
- пельмени pelmeni
- пирожки piroshki
- щи schi
- уха ukha
- гречневая каша buckwheat kasha
- вареники vareniki
- котлеты kotleti
- тефтели tefteli
- гренки grenki
- блины blini
- сырники sirniki
- зефир zefir
- шашлыки shashliki
- хачапури hachapuri
#this has turned into a wishlist. a very biased wishlist#i dont even like some of these tbh i just think they need to be included for the#representation#anyways add more eastern european foods!!!!!!!! bc u can very clearly tell the stuff i ate as a kid and i wanna know what#foods are most memorable to others#u know theyre gonna have borsht but i NEED to have another ukrainian-coded character who has green borscht as their signature dish ♥️#L.txt
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