#anyways about the 6th one I don't know if it's an illusion of my mind but I feel like siffrin is a little more foul mouthed. anyways
nilpotence · 1 month
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futurewriter2000 · 10 months
ELLO, I hope everything is going well on your side, I was wondering if you don't mind if you could make a post about pisces?
Thank youu!💕
a/n: It has been okay on my side. A bit of impulsive and stupid decisions that lead to large consequences but I handled it. If you think something doesn't have a way out, it does- it just takes a lot of brain effort. Thanks to my Tarot Cards, I swear. They help me so much when it comes to what to do and to clarify the situation.
Anyways... ABOUT PISCES...
When it comes to Pisces, I had quite an experience with them (good and bad) but usually they always seem to do me wrong. Now, I have been done wrong by other signs as well, but somehow Pisces wins this round. That doesn't mean I have a bad opinion about them, I don't. I just believe that there is more to them that meets the eye.
There are a few things that people like to say about Pisces, no matter the sex. The infamous qualities are:
Glimmering eyes
Dreamy (living in their own world)
Easily distracted
The usual, of course. Here is my opinion of them. The ruler of Pisces is Neptune (and today 6th December it went direct in Pisces so there is new era coming from today on). Neptune is the unaware, the planet of parallel reality and it is the force that you cannot control- so when it comes to Pisces, inside of them is a force that nobody can control, not even them. What I realised when I was done wrong by a Pisces is that from their side, it wasn't intentional, so I don't really blame them from anything. They get the "innocent" quality because they are the most unaware sign that I know. It's like wherever they go they have this bubble around them and you can see it in their eyes- their glimmering eyes that they are just not here with you but in their own fantasy, illusion or dream. It's kind of amazing when you think of it; to be able to disconnest from reality the way they do.
The way they are also portrayed to be one of the most emotional sign is that the reality can trigger them. They live in their own world and when something goes wrong or is done wrong to them, they feel it so much more intense, since the wrong thing doesn't happen in their world. But it did and they cannot believe it. See in their own little bubble they can control things, but when something uncontrollable happens, they just explode a bit. Don't get me wrong, they can be great problem solvers as well, especially male Pisces but they like to sit in the problem for a while before they choose to fix it when they see it won't fix itself.
The victim card? Let's talk about that. With their glimmering eyes and their unawareness, who wouldn't believe they are the innocent ones. They do have the power to control a person if they wish to or not. They do not realise the effect of their energy just like a Leo cannot control their alluring nature to bring people in their world. When a Pisces does something wrong, it is not wrong in their eyes. They will find every single excuse to reason their action and with their energy, you will believe them. Don't think Pisces cannot be scary. They are snappy little fishes and if you poke them on a bad day, they will emotionally scar you. You don't expect that from a Pisces. From the soft , innocent looking Pisces but they can be quite cold and sharp when they ground themselves.
For me, a Pisces is easy to spot. Here are a few things:
Eyes (if there is a sparkle in their eyes, you know they have a Pisces in their chart somewhere)
Small hands and feet (Sun/Rising Pisces)
Rarely present (Sun/Moon/Rising)
Big procrastinators (Sun/Moon/Rising/Mars)
Idealistic when it comes to love (Venus/Sun)
They can have sharper teeth (or "fish teeth")
Quite adorable and childlike demeanor
Goofy, generous and quite creative/innovative
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junseoing · 2 years
i think I have chosen the worst possible time to get into up10 but would you mind telling my your favorite of their songs and maybe something about each member? only if you want to ofc!
px101 era was worse
I would love to tell you about the up10 men!!! Literally you did not ask for a full on 5 page guide but im making it anyway!!
Members (age order):
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Kuhn (leader/rapper) - gives off dad energy. Has a very attractive singing voice!! Listen to some CoolFM karaoke to hear him sing!
Jinhoo (leader/vocal) - has pretty lips! Takes on team mom position. TOP media put him on hiatus on April 7, 2020 and then sent him to the armed forces, he has not been seen or mentioned since. TOP media will not tell us where he is. I miss him.
UPDATE: Jinhoo signs of life. He has a personal Instagram.
Kogyeol/Ian (vocal) - gives off church crush/princely vibes. Has an interior design business for some reason??
Jinhyuk (high-tone rapper) - furry. weeb. gamer. Likes skinship a lot. He's doing solo stuff ever since px101...it's okay. He's not a very good vocalist 😭 Top Media put him back in the group NOW.
Bitto (low-tone rapper/main dancer) - cute. He seems quiet in interviews but he can be VERY chaotic. The master of girl group choreo + ultimate fanboy.
Wooseok (vocal/visual) - just a guy. He is kind of a quiet troublemaker type, and has a devilish streak. He has been doing solo stuff since px101. I like his solo stuff. But Top Media PLEASE PUT HIM BACK.
Sunyoul (vocal) - he has a WIDE vocal range. Well known for performing on masked singer and having everyone think he was a girl. Has done boy/girl duets by himself. Appears sweet but...he will not hesitate if you annoy him. Other mom figure.
Gyujin (lead dancer/vocal) - eyebrows!! He is babygirl and poses as such in pictures...very silly guy. They never give him lines and always try to cover him up in big coats. :(
Hwanhee (vocal) - LOUD. I CANNOT EMPHASIZE HOW LOUD HE IS. Often compared to Baekhyun in terms of looks and voice. Whiney and loveable. In Boys Planet rn
Xiao/Dongyeol (lead dancer/vocal) - #1 taemint. Hanse from VICTON's bestie. Mischevious and attached to hwanhee. In Boys Planet rn.
Songs/MVs (divided by album):
Top Secret - 1st Mini
Choreo is very cool! Will get stuck in your head!
Other fav songs on the album: Phoenix, Never Ending
BRAVO! - 2nd mini
Title: Catch me!
Silly MV (affectionate) with aged styling, but a very catchy song
Other favs on the album: call me, Holic
SPOTLIGHT - 3rd mini
Title: Attention
Should have won so many awards.
Other favs: Stay, I wish a miracle, Cherish (Sunyoul ft. Yuju from Gfriend!!)
Summer Go! - 4th mini
Title: Tonight
WOW! I can't believe UP10TION invented summer with this song and album!! (I love her dearly)
Other songs: Beautiful, OASIS, MAGIC
BURST - 5th mini
Title: White Night
Up10 does a story MV!! Ft hockey and Somi
(This song makes me go feral)
Other favs: Because, Stuck On You, Just Like That
ID - 1st Japanese release
Title: ID
Please don't skip their Japanese releases, they are some of their best songs.
Other favs: Stand up, The World is Waiting
STAR;DOM - 6th mini (no Wooseok)
Title: Runner
Other favs: Everything, True Love, Hot Blood
UP10TION 2017 Special Photo Edition (no Wooseok)
Title: Going Crazy
Wild Love - 2nd Japanese release (no Wooseok)
Other favs: Sign Me Up, FEEL SO RIGHT!
Invitation - 1st full album!
Era where i became a honey10 so I know this album like no one else
Other favs: Mixed signals, Always, Superstar, Love sick
Chaser - 3rd Japanese release
This album has my favorite b-side...lose myself supremecy
UP10TION 2018 Special Photo Edition
Title: So Beautiful
tour footage makes me jealous. Anyway.
Laberinto - 7th mini
Title: Blue Rose
widely regarded by the three honey10s on this site as their worst album. It's mid.
Other favs: Burning, Midnight,
The Moment of Illusion - 8th mini (no Wooseok or Jinhyuk)
Title: Your Gravity
Honestly not my favorite, but i appreciate her.
Other favs: Skyway, Lover
Light Up - 9th mini (no Wooseok, Jinhyuk, or Jinhoo)
Title: Light
I miss jinhoo. They start making really good albums again from this point on.
Other favs: Destiny, Dawn, Empty House
Connection - 2nd full album (no jinhyuk, wooseok, jinhoo)
Other favs: Liar, Parade, Destroyed, Forever, Believe in you
Novella - 10th mini (no jinhyuk, wooseok jinhoo)
Title: Crazy About You
Other favs: Give Love, PANDORA, Incredible,
Code Name: Arrow - 11th mini (no jinhyuk, wooseok, jinhoo)
Title: What If Love
puts you on the spot.
Other favs: Angel, Flash, Rewind
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stressbakeling · 3 years
202--next - 9/1/21
Remember when I said 2021 will be different? HAHAHA. I've blacked out honestly. Have I written on this blog at all this year? Are the months about to go double digits? Should we just scrap it and do it again? I feel like that kid on the playground in the fourth grade that would insist his ball hit the line instead of bouncing out in four square. "REDO! REDO!" I shout at the top of my lungs as the baby fat crowds my drippy little eyes. I am always talking about these big, swimmy concepts on this blog as I wax philosophical while putting together the same brownie recipe for the hundreth time. But I think I just wanna yammer for a minute. 2021 has been a year with real milestones--January 6th and a new administration, vaccines, a light at the tunnel getting brighter, twenty eight, time with family, a light getting dimmer, a new normal not like last year's normal--not like next year's normal. I spent a lot of energy last year being disappointed--with others, with myself, with what I thought I wanted to do with my time, with what I actually wanted to do with my time... when I wasn't judgin' the idiot in the Safeway without a mask or the mild acquaintance on Instagram snapping photos while traveling when I felt I could not (would not! should not!) I was wondering who entitled richie rich tech worker me was to give a damn when I felt no financial pain from this bizarre time. My dreamy, creative ass here doom scrolling and writing sad wah-wah poems about my 1200 square foot apartment in sunny, drought-ridden California. Now, I'm not out here trying to forbid judgement. It's fun, it spins the wheels, it feels good to find some way to feel better-than and also it feels good to knock yourself down a notch sometimes. To ground yourself.
But none of that captures the real struggle--this idea or illusion of control. Explicit or implicit or otherwise. Judgement doesn't actually produce any change. You may think it changes your behavior--whether from doing it to others or just the fear of being on the receiving end--but you don't get brownie points for not littering or being drunk in public just because you might be judged or judge someone who would do those things. Anyway, this was not to preach, but only to say that it's the equivalent of twiddling your thumbs to do the action. It has no impact. It is the same as doing nothing. I know because I have chided myself a million times for not reading more. For not Internetting less. Baking too much. Baking not enough. Sleeping too much. Sleeping not enough. And some weeks I'm a manic mess, and others I'm a sloth with a nice, inactive butt. It has no sticking power. Maybe some people bend to this kind of pressure. Become warped in the wash of scrutiny and fall into what others expect of them. I know some others feel the heat and actively resist it, they're sure that it can only be from a place of manipulation and a false sense of superiority. In some contexts it might very well help us make the right decisions, but you can't control yourself or others from this place. That's a pipe dream--and besides, you don't actually want it to be true. Think of all the dumb things people did out of fear of the evil eye. Keeping their hair all one color! Abstinence! Neck ties! Think of all the dumb shit you thought in high school, all as a product of the cause and effect of this system. So, as I rage at those who couldn't be fucked to get vaccinated and kick myself daily for giving up on my workout routine--neither of those things are really affected by my expectations. All you can do is speak your mind. Specifically to those you care about. Especially to yourself. Especially to yourself.
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