#anyways Real Goodbye now erm rant over
flamesandlutes69 · 26 days
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samnyangie · 3 years
Hehehehe I was bit hesitant to post this but it’s too gold not to share it! Plus, it’s a great contrast to this interview as he was being mature discussing acting in depth and overall, just serious(but cute haha). This one is light hearted (also bit cringey) as it talks about his past crush, Love letter, ‘snogging’ aka kissing(!!!!) and Romeo and Juliet, it’s more gossipy in a way? But I wholeheartedly love this interview, he’s so adorable.
So, I hope you also like this as well:D
*warning: there’s a slight mention about suicide and shooting!
"Robert Sean leonard's Lip Service..." (My Guy & Girl Interview Feb 1991)
Robert Sean Leonard's Lip Service...
What a kiss-and-tell merchant this boy is!
Robert couldn't wait to talk about snogging...wet ones, ones that make you want to puke! Eee...yuk!
But first we wanted to find out what he'd been up to since Dead Poet's Society and what his new film Mr and Mrs Bridge is about.
So Robert, what have been doing since Dead Poets Society?
"Oh, I filmed that a little over two years ago now. At the moment I'm in the stage production of Romeo and Juliet with the Riverside Shakespeare Company in Manhatten. I've also just made a movie called Married To It. I hope the title will change 'cause I don't like it very much. It's about three couples and I play the husband who's married to Mary Stuart Masterson. Cybil Shepherd is in it too.
"For a While after Dead Poets I went back to college. I took a year off and did some theatre. I also wanted to wait for a good film. A lot of the films that came my way were just typical teenage American junkie films. I waited and waited for something special until Mr & Mrs Bridge came along. I was so thrilled to get it."
What is it about then?
"It's about a family at a time before the war when four individuals spoke up, rebelled. It's sort of the last family unit in America where father knows best. The children don't have any rights-because they're the children.'
I play the strong silent type, who rebels when his father won't let him join the army. Paul Newman plays the father, and he's just such a brilliant actor. To me Mr and Mrs Bridge is about the importance of communication.
Going back to Dead Poets, is it true you got the part because you were unknown?
"Yes. The director, Peter Weir, had the talent and the guts to tell Touchstone pictures that he didn't want any famous actors. I was 19 when I got the part of Neil Perry, but i'd been working on stage in New York for five years before that-I started young.
"I still remember the weekend when we filmed the shoot-it was really depressing, just like the whole film. I'm just glad I didn't have to shoot myself on screen-all that mess!"
Was your school much like Dead Poets? All those stuffy traditions and horrible uniforms?
"My school was very, very, very different. I went to an ordinary public high school. It was much less restrictive. And we didn't have to wear uniforms. At my school there were the metalheads, leatherheads, deadheads and band fags -and I was a leatherhead, wore all the biker gear!"
So you were a rebel just like Neil then?
"Ha ha ha! Well I wasn't exactly a goody goody, thats for sure! I suppose I was a bit of both really. I was so focused on acting I didn't become too rebellious as a teenager. Besides I got to rant and rave on stage every night.
"But I was never at school that much anyway. I had to leave lunchtimes to go to the theatre. Strangely I didn't have many good friends like "The Society" But I did get along with everyone. There were a lot of similarities between Neil and myself, though. His passion for acting and learning. But unlike his parents, mine were, and are, incredibly supportive. The Dead Poets Society still get together you know. Most of the guys from the film live in New York and I've kept in touch with them all. There was a real camaraderie between us on the set that's carried over.
What subject did you hate the most at school?
"Well I loved things like history but my worst subject was gym. I always 'forgot' my trainers. I mean I like sports, but it's just that i'm such a miserable failure at them.
Did you get lots of Valentine cards when you were younger?
"I got a lot of cards at school, but not since. Actually I got a Valentine card last year from a fan, a girl in London would you believe. I don't know if I'll get any cards this year, but it would be nice. Am I sending any this year? Ahh Now that would be telling....!"
Have you ever sent love letters?
"I've never sent a love letter to someone I didn't know. I sent a secret one at school. There was a girl in High School that I had a heavy crush on, for four years! But I never had the guts to ask her out. I wrote her a card and I actually quoted a Blues Bothers song. 'I have everything I need, almost, but I don't have you. And that's the thing I need the most'. But I didn't sign it. She may have thought someone else sent it.
So, who was this lucky girlie, then?
"Her name was Joanna, she was my first big crush. From 13 to 17! She never ever knew 'cause I was really shy...I still am! Her last name was Lenz, so her locker was right next to mine, Leonard. So I got to see her every morning when we got our books. I did talk to her, and tried to make her laugh. Her house was pretty near mine too. I had a few pretty late nights where I'd go and sit on her lawn. She didn't know, but i'd just sit on the grass and think. I suppose that's just a normal thing about growing up."
Have you met her since you've become a famous filmstar?
"Well she moved to Florida when I was 17. It was the last I heard of her. Maybe I'll see her at our class reuinion. In America you always have a five-year reunion when you're 22 and you go back to school. I don't know if I'll still fancy her though..."
What first attracts you to someone?
"When I was 13 it was simply the way a girl looked and talked, and moved. Those things are still important now. But also someone who can make me laugh and talk about the same things and who has the same dreams"
What is your favourite romantic movie?
"It has to be 'Singin' In The Rain' I just loved the dancing and the scene where Gene Kelly sings to Debbie Reynolds in the studio. I'd love to do something like that, but I don't think I'd have the talent for it.
Have you, erm, heard of the word 'snogging'?
"Ha ha ha! That's a really English word. If you had asked me before I'd done Romeo and Juliet, I wouldn't have had a clue! But our stage director is English.
There's this one scene in Romeo and Juliet, the kiss goodbye, and he used to snap his fingers and shout "Come on, come on you two, we don't want this to be a snogging session"."
Do you remember your first snog?
"My first proper girlfriend used to play the piano and I played the guitar...we used to play music together (we'll bet!). That was when I had my first real kiss. I was terrified! She blew me away. There was a lot of fumbling, not knowing what to do. I remember kissing, then feeling nauseous (ie. wanting to puke). I just wanted to go home. I didn't feel pressurised into doing it, or anything. I just felt strange 'cause it was something new. In some ways I wasn't quite ready for it. Like it was something you're expected to do. But it's kinda hard to tell a girl you feel nauseous and you want to go home!!"
What's your biggest snogging turn-off?
"Gosh! Well it really turns me off when girls kiss wildly, when they try to swallow you. Or when their mouths are wet. I prefer it when it's relaxed and tender."
Have you had any other dating disasters?
"Not lately. I'm much to busy for girlfriends just now. But there was something in Romeo and Juliet, though. On the opening night I was in the tomb and I had to kill Paris then go and talk to Jiliet. I realised my dagger was missing, and she needs it to kill herself. So I just had to stop the show. I just looked at the audience and said 'Er, excuse me, but I've just lost the dagger! We'll have to stop until I find it'.
So I looked and looked until I found it...underneath Paris actually, who was lying dead in the corner. So I put it back in my sheath and said 'Okay, move on!"
Are you a good Romeo?
"Yes, indeed. Luckily I didn't have to climb up the wall to the balcony or anything.
Shakespeare really made an error at that point. If Romeo and Juliet touched or kissed in the balcony scene I think Shakespeare would surely have written about it. Whereas there's no indication where they touch at all. Did I have to wear tights? Oh, yes, I had to wear them all right. I've worn them before too. You get used to it. You forget you're wearing them after a while." Could be dangerous that...
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xhanisai · 5 years
So I'm back with more Kiss AU requests. Frightningale (the music video one) and Horrificator (Could do some angst about them wearing miraculous and having to kiss for the movie).
Let’s go with Horrificator in this one~ I’m not sure how angst of all things would fit into this episode but I do know it’ll create humorous dilemmas. Hope you enjoy!
“-yeah yeah BLAH BLAH! Now kiss me Agent~” The minute that Chloe puckered her pastel caked lips towards Adrien, arms ready to trap his neck in a vice grip, the swift boy leapt away. One look at his face would make you think that he saw the most horrifying creature in existence.
Though he wasn’t too off the mark…
“Cut!” It took everything for Adrien to not send a quick prayer to the Gods (the more reliable ones that don’t live off cheese) and sweep the Asian girl off her feet to dip her into a kiss. Irritated, Marinette slammed the door shut after her dramatic opening, sparing a glare to the fuming ponytailed blonde.
The lovesick boy was deaf to the class’ bickering between Mylene’s disappearance, Nino’s interference with Alya’s script and Chloe’s yells for attention. 
“Fine then!” Nino huffed but then relaxed just a tad when the spoilt blonde marched out of the room for that ‘Nurse outfit’, dragging along her lackey Sabrina and poor Kim and Max. “Marinette, why don’t you fill in the heroine’s spot instead? You and my boy are pretty much married anyways with your daily flirting so it shouldn’t be too hard for you.”
“E-Eh!? Me??? Pffft- nah-” Marinette was cut off by Adrien’s VERY manly squeal, eyes glittering and fists bunched against his cheeks.
“You really think we’re married? Are we that close? Hey Mari-” The ecstatic blonde suddenly had a finger pushed against his nose, snapping him out of his daydreams and entering the real world when sharp blue eyes made contact with his. 
“I can’t do this scene and you KNOW why Adrien.” 
It took Adrien five seconds of his dumbassery before finally acknowledging the truth, smacking his forehead with a groan.
“Damn it…” 
“What? Why? Don’t tell me you guys haven’t kissed on the lips…right?” Lahiffe narrowed his eyes whilst the rest of the class followed suit. Now that they thought about it, not once have they seen Adrien and Marinette swap spit despite their suffocating romance and tension. What is up with that???
“No we’ve done that a million times- MMPH!?” Agreste’s mouth was covered by Mari’s petite hand. Her face had panic written all over and her other finger was pressed against her lips in a shushing motion. His face took on a matching red hue as hers, both of them slowly turning around to face their classmates. They tried plastering on a fake cheesy grin but the gaping students didn’t even budge.
“You. What. Now?” Alya managed to utter, eye twitching. 
“Ahahaha! Well you see! Erm- what he meant was on the cheeks and err-” Marinette babbled. Adrien nodded along, his grin growing painfully bigger.
“So all those times when you both came back to class, having been missing for hours, with swelled up lips has nothing to do with an allergy reaction to whatever cosmetics you guys were wearing?” Alix countered, eyebrow cocked and arms folded. 
“Yeah! It’s not like we were making out in the cleaner’s closet or anything! Right, Princess??” Adrien’s grin was pretty much maniacal now, sweat accumulating on his forehead.
“Totally!” Dupain-Cheng chimed. “I know nothing about his soft, sweet, addicting lips! Hahah! Not a thing!”
“Or her plump, strawberry flavoured pair! Nope!” The pair faced each other, only blush at their implications and turn around again. Unluckily for them, their class weren’t dumb. Again, how is idiot one and idiot two not dating yet? 
Nino finally exploded, pointing a finger at his dumb friends, patience thinner than a sheet of paper. He clicked his fingers and all of a sudden, Adrien and Marinette found themselves pushed against each other. Hands grabbed Mari’s, placing them against Adrien’s chest whilst the boy found his wrapped around the heroine’s waist. 
The superhero duo sent silent please and prayers to the higher deities, bidding their secret identity goodbye as they found their heads being pushed towards each other,
And closer…
And closer…
Lips a breath away…
Nino’s glasses flashed with glee.
Alya’s smile broadened.
The rest of the class had hands against their cheeks like typical anime fangirls, waiting for their OTP to become cano-
The sound of the devil’s voice snapped everyone out of the moment, giving Adrien and Marinette a chance to slip out of their classmate’s grasps. They looked at Chloe like she’s some sort of saviour sent by the angels, ignorant to her rants and screaming. 
“We’re saved Adrien~” Marinette cooed, clasping her hands with his and tears of joy gushing down her eyes. Adrien followed suit, nuzzling his head against hers for good measures.
“Our innocence has been preserved!”
“There is a God!”
“No prying eyes shall ever destroy our purity!”
“The audacity of our classmates! To make us do something so LEWD!”
The boy’s counterpart didn’t get a chance to add on as they were both whacked upside at the back of their heads, courtesy on Juleka. That was when they heard screaming.
The end~~~~~~ 
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