#anyways I've got a lot of theories about Fionna & Cake and also GolBetty
Fionna & Cake GolBetty theory(s)
I theorize GolBetty might be the reason Fionna and Cake are de-magic-ing stuff when they get really emotional.
Though there's some bonus extra GolBetty theorizing after the primary theory. Just so you know.
Like specifically due to GolBetty and Original Golb (OG). With the important thing to consider of madness and magic being connected in the adventure time universe.
It's why the Crown drives anyone who wears it crazy, why wizards are just about all some kind of nuts, and why Betty similarly became her own kind of crazy upon getting Magic Man's magic.
Magic = Madness, the more magic you have the more insane you are. With the only observed exceptions to this rule being god-like beings, like Prismo, Cosmic Owl, etc, and not even that is a hard and fast rule.
GolBetty is actually actively doing it to protect Simon
Okay, so the Fionna & Cake universe was already in Ice King's head when he was digested by OG back into no-magic Simon. So we can assume that that is when Fionna & Cake's world was stripped of it's magic.
[I'm guessing the only reason why Fionna & Cake's entire universe wasn't digested along with the magic (as Simon wasn't Simon when Fionna & Cake was stored in his brain, but Ice King), even though OG digesting stuff resets it back to an earlier point in it's history. Is because Fionna & Cake is also tied to Prismo, who exists outside of time.
So their universe probably would have survived even if Simon kept reverting. Right up until he ceased to exist, and there was no physical brain to store them in anymore.
Though I've also heard that Golb digests things back to their most essential state, but if that was it why was there a rush for them all to get out of Golb's stomach? So I'm pretty sure getting re-wound into nothing was what was going to happen if they stayed.]
After Simon is digested back to being just Simon, and Betty is digested back to being Betty, and the Ice Crown is reverted to the Wishing Crown. That's when Betty makes her own wish, using the reset Wishing Crown, and merges with Original Golb, turning the two of them into one being. GolBetty.
Simon is now in someway tied to GolBetty, because Betty's wish was to have the power to protect Simon. With (at least) a subconscious focus on him being the Ice King (because from what Betty had seen and experienced in Ooo, being the Ice King was the biggest danger to Simon). So I'm guessing that GolBetty just has a kind of permanent drain on any magic that comes into contact with Simon's mind, to keep him from turning back into Ice King, or some other insane wizard.
After all, if she can just eat any magic that touches Simon's mind before it can affect him, he'll always be safe and protected from magic's influence.
Problem is, Fionna and Cake are native to Simon's mind. It's where their universe was created, and where it will forever be contained unless something changes that. They're extensions of Simon even if none of them really think about it that way (this is also why what's going on with Marshal and Garry tend to mirror, or be influenced, what's happening with Simon, Fionna and Cake in the outside world).
So they're both tied to GolBetty through Simon.
Whenever one of them interacts with something magical and experiences a powerful emotional response. GolBetty is sensing that as if part of Simon's mind is coming into contact with something magical and having a weird abnormal feelings as a result. So GolBetty responds by getting rid of the magic before it can infect Simon and have insanity set in.
Because it's only when Fionna and Cake are really emotional that they're turning magic objects into non-magic objects. So I'm guessing that GolBetty is just sensing Simon's brain coming into contact with something magical, having a powerful abnormal emotional response to it, and assuming it's magic-madness trying to take root.
After all, Ice King was prone to euphoric highs and depressing lows. So an extremely positive emotion, like Cake when fighting the hot dog guy, or Fionna getting to kiss someone so similar to the Ice Prince of her dreams, and extremely negative emotions, like Cake seeing B-MO die. Are equally just perceived as unusual outliers in Simon's mood/mental state, and thus the onset of madness.
So GolBetty responds by turning on the drain and just sucking the magic of whatever magical thing Fionna or Cake is touching in that instance. Just turn on the entropy and age the magic right out of existence.
Fionna and Cake were "Given Life" by GolBetty's power and are thus beings of Entropy
Though things becoming de-magicked when touched by Fionna and Cake, could be way less intentional on GolBetty's part. And the reason Fionna and Cake keep sucking the magic out of things is that they made that great dimensional leap to the rest of the multiverse due to Simon trying to connect with GolBetty. The God of Entropy.
Before Simon's attempted ritual, they didn't exist anywhere but inside Simon's subconsious, even if they were originally created and placed there by Primso. So they weren't technically real/alive within the greater multiverse. Meaning they only "gain life" upon leaving Simon's mind to join the rest of reality.
So they've (technically) been given life by the God of Entropy. Which would also kind of explain why they completely throw whatever world they go into out of wack in some way. Changing them from their original, wished for, state, for better or worse.
Entropy is chaos as well as destruction after all. And they've thrown every world they've passed through out of their intended natural order.
Even if the order of that world was technically negative like Winter King's. They still by the nature of interfering, destroyed the natural equilibrium that world had originally come to.
So if GolBetty is what gave them life as far as the greater multiverse is concerned, then it makes sense why they're spreading choas and destruction everywhere they go even if they don't mean to.
More GolBetty
I'm honestly not entirely sure how GolBetty is going to react to meeting Fionna & Cake in the actual show. Which I can only assume is going to happen at some point.
Like or or not, GolBetty is their antagonist. The reason why their world doesn't have magic anymore, and the biggest obstical to getting said magic back, even with beetle dude running around trying to kill them, even if they don't know it.
She is Fionna & Cake's biggest enemy if GolBetty still has Betty's mind.
Them and their desire for their universe to have magic again is the biggest reason as to why Simon is actually trying to become the Ice King again. Something that at one point, Simon once told Betty, to her face, was something he considered a fate worse than death.
Literally. In the episode where Betty jumps through the Hambo-time-portal, Simon begs, he begs Betty to just let him die as Simon Petrikov rather than try and fix the Ice Crown and make him go back to being the Ice King.
No matter how much or how little GolBetty actually remembers about being Betty on a conscious level, the wish that merged Golb with a mortal woman literally changed all reality. Because Golb is a being that exists outside of any specific timeline the same way Prismo does, there's only one Golb, and that's GolBetty now.
Like of all of the higher powers of the Adventure TIme Multiverse you don't want to mess with, GolBetty should be at the top of your list.
She is the primal embodiment of chaos. And after going from Golb to GolBetty it's entirely possible she's now capable of rational thought and things like actual anger rather than being the unthinking primordial force of nature Golb was originally.
Honestly I could see GolBetty just thanos snapping Fionna and Cake's world right out of Simon's head if she thought that would be the solution to Simon wanting to be Ice King again.
I don't think that's what's going to happen, because that would just make everything worse, and I don't think Adventure Time is that kind of cynical show no matter how dark it gets sometime, especially in Fionna & Cake.
Like I honestly think that would push Simon from "I want to be Ice King again" to actively suicidal, because his wife just ended an entire reality in order to keep him the sad mortal man that he is than let him return to being Ice King, and Prismo would also fall into an even deeper depression as well.
But I could definitely see it getting brought up as a possible solution by GolBetty. If GolBetty kept Betty's mind and active consciousness when the merge happened.
It could also be entirely possible that the Betty that Simon is so desperately trying to go back to just doesn't exist anymore. That much like how magic is tied to madness, it's just not possible to become the embodiment of the end of all things and retain sentience.
Which is something I don't see a lot of people talking about. The potential of GolBetty only being influenced by Betty's last mortal thoughts and that Betty isn't actually actively conscious inside the amalgamation of GolBetty.
Like how the Ice King is Simon Petrikov deep down, and how Ice King acts is influenced by Simon's personality. But it's filtered through original Gunther's Wish to be Evergreen, Gunther's memories, Sveinn's memories (random viking guy), original Santa's memories, and the general madness that afflicts anyone who's an extremely powerful magician but not a god or elemental.
GolBetty is Betty, but is also the primordial embodiment of entropy of all things across all of the multiverse. She doesn't really do anything but sit in her void of nothing. Waiting for self destructive idiots to summon her to their reality so she can also cause the heat death of that specific universe, and for the end of everything across all timelines. Is she even capable of thinking in a way a human is at this point?
I don't think this would be the ending either, but there's a real possibility of Simon managing to reach GolBetty, only to find that the Betty he was so desperately trying to reach just doesn't really exist anymore. At least not in a way he could communicate with.
GolBetty Might Be Dead
I'm not entirely sure if the Golb Simon is trying to contact is GolBetty. It's not GolBetty's face we keep seeing flash on screen, with two cat shaped eyes on top and two round below them, it's four round eyes like Original Golb.
The teeth are also what we see on Original Golb as well. With three incisor teeth between the top canine teeth, while GolBetty has just two incisors between the top canines.
Here's the face of the Golb we see in Fionna & Cake:
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This here is GolBetty's face as last seen in Adventure Time:
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And this is Golb's from the same episode as GolBetty:
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Now which of these two look like the Golb we're seeing in Fionna and Cake? Because that looks far more like original Golb than it does GolBetty to me.
So it's entirely possible that GolBetty has self-reverted due to being the god of entropy, and is back into being just Golb, and that the fusion state of GolBetty was only temporary.
Because we see that most of the wishes Betty tried to make using the Crown didn't work, the crown wasn't strong enough to overcome Golb's power to complete those kinds of wishes, up until wishing that she could keep Simon safe.
The Crown doesn't have the power to overcome Golb directly, it couldn't force Golb to leave that dimension. Betty herself comes to the conclusion that Golb is stronger than the Wishing Crown's magic before making her final wish.
Which could mean that her wish was temporary, which could also explain why Simon can still clearly be injured, and possibly killed. Betty isn't really around to protect Simon anymore.
Heck, it's possible that GolBetty didn't even last that long, just long enough to get out of that dimension and back to the void. Where Golb would forget that dimension entirely due to being an "idiot god" in the writer's words. A more or less non-sentient embodiment of destruction, that doesn't actually think or desire anything.
We don't see GolBetty in any of the Distant Lands episodes set after Come Along With Me either. Come Along With Me is the last time we ever see GolBetty, or at least that design, and we don't get a flash of her in the 1000 year time skip. The last we ever see of her is her leaving that dimension.
So yeah, GolBetty might possibly be dead. And has been dead more or less the entire time after she left the main dimension. Sorry to all you guys who love the God of Entropy Betty x Mortal Male Wife Simon kind of ship dynamic, because it might be even more restricted to fan content than you thought.
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