#anyways I told him I’m never on insta and he said
rklve · 1 year
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summary: your life choices left not only yours, but jungkook's heart broken in peaces. now you're back in town, and just like pluto, even if it's cold and dark, he tends to orbit around his sun forever.
➣ pairing: jk x f!reader
➣ genre/au: exes to lovers; angst; slow burn; fluff; smut (eventually).
➣ 3.4k words
warnings: e2l. oc broke koo's heart :( but she did not mean it. they both overthink too much. jk is such a pet dad (BAM IS HERE YAY). oc is a confused mess. mutual pining. cursing. a lot of angst (sorry!). jungkook is a simp, head over hells crazy about oc. fluff bc why not. tae is bitter asf but he's right on this one. jk is the best boy I WANT HIM!!!!!!!!!!
song inspo: rainy days — V
wish I knew how to find the way right back to you, on rainy days like
part one | part two | drabble one
“I can't take it anymore,” Jungkook says as he stumbles for the seventh time on his feet walking around the living room “I’m losing my mind, Bamie.”
The dog looks at his owner with his head pointed sideways as if he understands what he’s been sorrowing about for the past 10 minutes. The rain pours angrily outside the apartment, Jungkook sighs as he realizes talking to his big ass puppy won’t solve any of his problems.
“She’s like, 5 min away from us, Bam! I should text her, right?”
He looks over his phone again, your instagram story is open and a picture of a window full of raindrops is seen — he knows where you’re at, you’ve both been to that coffee shop over a hundred times for the past years now. Can’t remember the last time he’s been to that place ‘cause he couldn’t stand the thought of being there without you. Now he’s wondering, wondering, wondering. Wonders if you’re back for real this time. If you are alone. If you are thinking about him too. Wonders what would happen if he just replied your story right now.
@jeonjk97: heard it’s the best caramel macchiato in town 👍
No— that’s too lame. Quickly erases the message.
@jeonjk97: want a ride home? it’s pretty bad outside. 
Throws his phone on the sofa as he realizes he doesn’t know if you would accept his offer, doesn’t know if you’re sharing an apartment with Lola again either. Realizes he doesn’t know anything that’s been going on with you for a while now. More than what you let your 897 followers on Insta know too, at least. Blames himself for it, but knows it was for the best. Misses you like a fucker anyway.
“I should just call her.”
He picks up his phone, then also realizes he deleted your number months ago so he wouldn’t call you whenever his drunk ass thought it was the right thing to do. 
“For fucks sake, grow some balls, Jungkook” he whines angrily at the air purifier as if it is the source of his problems. “Okay, Taehyung will know what do.”
He calls his best friend quickly, and prays Taehyung picks up before he grabs his car keys and drives himself to the colorful little cafe at the end of the street. Remembers how much you loved that place and the cookies they served. One caramel macchiato with extra topping and two medium chocolate cookies. You always ordered the same thing. Every damn time. Said it was in you, to never let go of the things you loved. You let go of him anyway.
“Jungkook-ah! Why are you calling? I told you I can't go out—“ 
“She’s back in town.” He cuts Taehyung abruptly and suddenly the other line is mute as well. Probably doesn’t believe it’s happening just as Jungkook didn’t believe himself minutes ago. 
“Man, are you sure? Like, back for real?” he says, and Jungkook swears he can hear the disbelief in his tone from the other side. Yeah, he knows Taehyung is full of his late night calls to talk about you. Knows he is the one that’s been listening to it for months now —besides from his dobermann, of course— he’s the one who gets it, ‘cause he’s the only one who feels bitterly betrayed too. You were one of his best friends and yet, he didn’t knew your plans to move out from Busan as well. 
“Aish, I’m not sure hyung. But she posted a picture a little while ago at the cafe down the street.” he blurted out, “Can’t even think straight now, man. You think she’s back for the holidays?” 
Taehyung wondered for a little while. It was still August, Chuseok was weeks later. He didn’t say it out loud, but it wasn’t like you to drop work for so long, even if it was to visit your hometown. Nevertheless, he didn’t want Jungkook to get his hopes up. He knows how he is. Doesn’t want to see his friend’s heart breaking all over again.
“Mmm. Maybe, don’t know.” he sighed out loud “I thought we agreed to unfollow her after the second month.”
He hears Jungkook’s sad chuckle on the other side of the line, “Yeah, we did.” 
Taehyung knows Jungkook wouldn’t bring himself to do it tho, and now he just confirms it. Being a little bit more resentful than Jungkook gave him the motivation to do so, but it doesn’t mean he hasn’t been missin’ your ugly face. 
“Ok, so I need you to refresh my mind now. Tell me something so I won’t step outside that door right this second and make a fool of myself.” Jungkook continues to talk as if he’s been charged on 220W. And maybe he was. His heart has never beaten so fast for the past twelve months. His hair is all over the place from the countless times he grabbed it since he saw your photo. The tip of his fingers are tingling. Yeah, maybe he’s been electrocuted or something.
“What?” Jungkook says in disbelief. Doesn’t think he hears straight, ‘cause Taehyung would be the last one to say such a thing. 
“I said go, Jungkook.” he sighs for what it seems to be the tenth time on the phone call. “I know you need this. You haven’t been yourself for so long now. You two have to talk properly at some point.”
“Ay, how frustratin really—” he tsks.
“For real, man. Go. Now.” he firmly says “What’s the worst she can do, leave?” Jungkook senses the bitter words coming from Taehyung’s mouth. He knows he’s not mad at you, just hurt. Knows Taehyung would forgive you in a heartbeat if you said how sorry you were for everything that went thru. Wonders if he would forgive you that easily too. But he knows his friend is right. He needs closure. Needs this.
“Yeah. Right.” he bites his lips and looks around. Sees Bam looking at him, as if he’s expecting an action from him too. “I’ll talk to you later, bro. Thanks.”
He turns off the phone and grabs his car keys tightly. Yeah, he’s doing it. Won’t think too much, it’s better this way. He will get in the car, drive for 5 minutes. Enter the coffee shop. Order. Pretend he doesn’t know you’re there. Eventually look over the spot he knows you’re at, the same table over the corner where you two always used to sit together, by the large window. Grab the coffee and go over casually, ask how you’ve been. Offer you a ride home —to your parents, probably, since you moved out from your apartment on the neighborhood for a while now. Say it’s because of the rain, he knows you hate to ask for Ubers on the rain. Didn’t trust just anyone driving on bad weather. Such a smart girl. He misses the shit out of you. 
“Damn, ok. Pack it up, man.” 
He calls Bam to his house and watches as the dog quickly follow his lead, as if he knows Jungkook is too anxious to play around right now. “Dad will be back soon, okay? Behave.”
And so he checks out his hair one last time on the mirror at his bathroom and goes before he changes his mind.
The drive is pretty quick. It’s actually a route he does walking, but it’s still pouring rain so he’s carrying on. On a rainy day. To a coffee shop. To get a coffee he could have made at the comfort of his home with his own little coffee machine. But it’s okay, he will just play pretend for this time.
He stops the car and just realizes he forgot his umbrella. “Are you fucking serious, Jungkook?” 
Great. Brilliant. He feels so fucking dumb right now. 
Thankfully, due to the cold season he was wearing his black sweatshirt and sweatpants so the rain wouldn’t do so much damage. He quickly got off the car and ran inside the cafe. 
Surprisingly, it was full for a rainy night. Perhaps everyone had the usual thought; too lazy to make their own foods, they step out to grab something warm on the best coffee in the neighborhood. 
Jungkook plays the script on his head over and over again as he whipes his hair side to side like a fluffy dog to get rid of the water that soaked it a little bit. 
He looks ahead to the counter and his mind goes blank as he sees you over there now. At the little chair on the middle of the cafe. You seem lonely, messing with your hair a little bit, making a braid with a single tiny lock. It’s an old habit to make time pass, and Jungkook hates he remembers every little detail about you. His heart now has stopped, dropped to his knees. He really misses you. 
“Bee!” the waiter calls, and Jungkook recognizes the nickname. Knows it’s you, ‘cause he’s the one that gave it to you years ago. Used to call you bee just to make fun of you, ‘cause you’re such a sweet tooth. Never met someone that loves sugar more than you do, so he started to call you that since you two became friends.
He watches at the end of the waiting line as you get up, straight your hand and pick up two cookies in a little pink plate. Chocolate chips cookies. Your favorite. His favorite as well.
You start to eat slowly so he averts his eyes. Doesn’t want to be catch staring and look like a fucking weirdo. It’s not like he drove here to see you. Talk to you. Not at all, the coffee here is great. 
Finally the line walks and it’s his turn. “One black coffee, please. No sugar.” He says softly and suddenly feels his neck start to tingle. Knows you just realized he’s here, and you’re staring at him. Pretends he doesn’t tho, so continues to talk to the waitress as she asks who she would call when it’s ready “JK.” he says, then turns around to look for somewhere to sit and wait for the order. Looks over the table that you originally were, the one you posted a photo of. Then realizes now there’s a couple there, laughing together and taking pics of each other. He knows you. Knows you most likely offered the clingy couple the table, cause the house is full, and you wouldn’t take the table just for yourself. Even if it meant you would end up eating by the counter on the little puffed chair, you loved to drool over the pastries anyways.
He slowly looks the other way. Knows you’re on this direction so he has to be careful. You’re looking down. Seem sad all of the sudden and he just wants to hug you. For fucks sake. This is harder than he thought. 
He sighs again as he realizes the only spots available are the 2 chairs on your right. He chooses the one that’s a little bit far just to be safe.
As he walks down, his chest tightens a little bit more. Now he doesn’t know what he’s doing here. It was a bad idea. Doesn’t even remember what the plan was at the first place. 
He can smell your perfume as he walks past you and it’s like someone punches his stomach. Your sweet smell fills his nostrils and he just wants to be closer. Shove his nose on your hair like he used to. Then go down your neck and feel your skin respond with little goosebumps as he moves along it softly. Damn it. Jungkook wants to curse the life out of you but he can’t even bring himself to be mad right now. Only knows he misses you. Your touch. Your kiss. You.
Finally he sits and pretends as if he didn’t notice you there, continually looking over his phone as if it’s the most interesting thing in the world trying to figure out what to do next.
“JK!” The waitress calls him and he’s put out of his own world, looking up right away. You seem to be startled too as you look directly at him. You two look at each other for what seems to be minutes in a trance. You give him a tiny smile. He gives one back.
“JK!” he hears the call again and pulls himself out of the trance, going to grab the coffee from the waitress who’s on your left side. He pays for it and looks at you again. You’re still looking at him. Kinda unsure on how to act, he figures. It’s okay, cause he doesn’t know how to either. 
As he sits, now on the chair closer to your right, he looks straight ahead and takes a gulp of the coffee. “Fuck!” he curses and pulls the coffee cup away as he burns his tongue with the damn thing.
You laugh thru your nose and his ears rapidly catch the sweet sound he used to hear all the time. Looks sideways to you, “Funny, huh?” he feels the air a little bit less heavy now, and he’s relieved.
“You just never change, Koo.” you say, still with that damn smile on your face he adores so much. He can’t take his eyes off of you. Realizes he never got over you, not even for a second. Probably never will.
“Don’t call me that.” those damned butterflies on his guts as he digests what you’ve said. You know it’s his favorite nickname. Knows only you call him by it. Knows he melts alway with this shit everytime.
You’re staring at him like that. So pretty. Soft brown sparkly eyes he missed so much. Now they seem to start hardening. “I’m sorry.” You say with a broken voice, and he feels the air shift all over again in a matter of seconds. Doesn’t know if you’re apologizing for the sweet nickname. For leaving him. For not calling. For not coming back. For everything. 
“How’s everything?” He tries to ease the air back again. “It’s been a minute.”
He sees the corner of your lips tremble a little bit and you gulp. His chest pangs. Wonders if he did the right thing by pretending you never existed for the past months now. Just wants to make up for all the time both of you lost.
“Yup, it has.” You reply after a while. “I’m doing okay. What about you?” 
You look up at him like everything is okay. If he didn’t know you, he would believe you were. But he knows better. You can’t hide anything from him, really. At least that’s what he thought. Knows he could be wrong, just like he was a year ago too.
“Cool. I’m cool.” he licks his dry lips and starts to think about his next move. Mind starts to blow up, a trillion thoughts at the same time and he’s back at it again. Can’t put his neurons to work properly. You’re actually right here in front of him, how is he supposed to?
Seems like you’re struggling yourself too. He doesn’t know if you’re trying to come up with an excuse to leave right now, or trying to find a subject in common as well.
 You stare at your now half eaten cookie like it’s the most valuable thing in the world. The other one is already on the bag to go. You probably were planning on taking home to eat when the late night sweet crave hits you, like he remembers. Will put it on the microwave so it gets warm again and take a cup of milk with you, like you used to. Turn on netflix and watch one of those lame cooking programs, ‘cause you loved to waste your time watching people losing their heads to make giant chocolate sculptures. He secretly loved watching it with you. It’s the reason he watched every episode back and forth while you were away too.  
“Is Bamie okay?” you murmur, now staring at your coffee cup with a little smile, thinking about the little puppy. Remembers how energetic and loving he was. Just like Jungkook. “You haven’t posted him in a while now.”
His tongue feels bittersweet again. He’s somehow happy knowing that you’ve been catching up with his life throught social media, even tho he disappears once in a while. At the same time, he’s sad. You could have been there for Bam. Should have, since you are the one who came up with the idea in the first place. Said he needed a little friend to match up with his chaotic energy. He ended up convinced and adopted the little guy. You always tended to get the best of him. Promised you’d help him to take good care of the baby, but only spent three months with Bam. Still, it’s like the puppy knows something is missing. Every night he looks over the door at any noise, like he’s expecting you to come throught it. Just like Jungkook used to do for the first months back then. 
“He’s great, actually. Bigger than I expected him to be. Eats like a fucking bear.” he giggles a little remembering his big boy. “He’s loud too. Don’t know how the neighbors still haven’t ganged up against me to kick us out of the apartment.”
You giggle alongside him imagining the chaos those two must have been doing together. “I figured. You always have spoiled him too much. Told ya he would get bad habits.”
“Hey! You spoiled him too!” he throws it right back. Remembers how you used to let Bam sleep with the two of you on bed. It took him months to break that habit from the puppy’s routine.
You look up at him and smiles. Bright now. You know he’s right. You’ve treated that puppy like it was your own son. Kinda misses the three of you together like a big happy family.
Suddenly a loud thunder is heard and both of you look out the foggy window at the same time. The sky is even darker now, angrily pouring rain like it’s the end of the earth. The coffee shop is emptier. Everyone outside your bubble must’ve realized that it was no longer safe to be out in the streets. But here you two are. Letting time pass by, enjoying each others presence even if it’s kinda weird. Kinda sad after all these months apart.
Jungkook knows it’s time to act. Step up and do what he was planning since he left home. Can’t bring himself to. Is too scared you will say no. Too scared you will let him down again. 
“I think I should get going.” you say softly wrapping up what is left of the cookie and putting it on your bag over the counter. “The weather is getting worst.”
“Want a ride home?” Jungkook quickly says before he looses the sudden courage. Sees you're taken aback so he continues, “I know you won’t be able to catch an uber or taxi right now.”
You still wonder a little bit. Jungkook’s anxiety is bubbling up again as he waits your answer. Why can’t you accept a simple offer? You can’t stand the thought of being around him? Do you hate him? Perhaps you don’t want him in your life ever again. You want to stay like this. Just be somebody that he used to know.
And that’s what scares him the most.
“I brought an umbrella” you finally say. Jungkook frowns. Knows you have no umbrella with you, he would’ve seen it by now.
He puffs. Knows it’s bullshit, but won’t call it. “Right. Suit yourself.” Then he gets up, forgets his full coffee by the counter, now cold. He feels fucking cold too. Already regrets coming to this stupid cafe, in this stupid weather, for no stupid reason. He takes his sweatshirt off and puts it over his head so the rain won’t get to him this time. Opens the door.
“Jungkook! Wait!” you suddenly say. “I actually didn’t.” you say pouty, coming up to him.
He doesn’t say anything. Just takes his sweatshirt, puts it over your head instead. He was wearing his taegeuk warriors jersey underneath it, will definitely get soacked but can’t bring himself to care at all. Just cares about you. Holds the glass door for you just like old times. You look up at him with your big doll eyes and he can’t do anything but look back. It’s like you want to talk through them. He wonders what’s going through your pretty little head right now. Probably overthinking too much, just like he does. 
“C’mon," he softly says "Let’s get you home.”
yayyy there it goes! my first ff ever i'm so happy <3 this was supposed to be an oneshot but i got carried away and wrote more than i expected so i had to cut it off hehe
also, please be aware that english is not my native language so i’m sorry if there’s any typos 🥹
i'll upload part 2 soon! if you want to be tagged pls comment under the post :) thanks for reading xx
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hayleythesugarbowl · 2 months
hello! I've been seeing a lot of smosh vidcon content lately as well as rewatching shayne guesses and it made me brainstorm a bit!
How about a Spencer x reader where he freaks out about his favorite creator being at vidcon (the reader obvi) and the other cast members trying so hard to get them to meet and they hit it off? *you know Kiana would be allll over helping a bestie out lol*
or maybe even the same kind of thing but instead of meeting, reader is one of Spencer's fav youtubers in Shayne's guessing favorite youtubers video? Shayne immediately knows it's spencer and kind of outs his crush! reader is a big fan of smosh so she sees the video and it goes from there!
absolutely adore your work and keep it up queen! 🫶
See You Online || Spencer Agnew x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist  ⋆˚。⋆୨୧⋆
summary: when you see a smosh video of spencer saying you’re one of his favorite youtubers, you begin to interact online. then, when you both attend vidcon (and spencer’s friends convince him to talk to you) you hit it off
word count: 2.6k
warnings: mild language
a/n: hey darling! so i kind of went with both of these ideas and i hope you like what i did 🤭 i included some fake insta/yt in this because it fit so this is partially a social media au. fem!reader. enjoy!!
     “Well, this is obviously Spencer.”
     Shayne tapped his pen against the desk as he looked at the screen in front of him.
     Three YouTuber names had appeared next to him for the viewers to see. 
     “What makes it me?” Spencer’s teasing voice came from off camera. 
     “C’mon,” Shayne said. “We got Retro Game Corp, MandaloreGaming, and (Y/n) (Y/l/n).”
     He continued. “Everyone knows you love retro shit. MandaloreGaming sounds like just the kind of nerd thing you’d be into. And (Y/n)—that one’s just self explanatory. I mean, Spencer’s obsessed with (Y/n). Ask anyone in the office.”
     “Ok woah,” Spencer piped in again. “I don’t know about obsessed.”
     “Dude, you just told me yesterday that you watched her videos until two in the morning the night before,” Shayne addressed him.
      Then he faced back to the screen, to the viewers. “Spencer’s got a little bit of a crush on (Y/n). It’s uh, it’s honestly adorable.”
      A woman’s muffled voice came from offscreen. 
     Shayne laughed. “Kiana said Spencer would have (Y/n)’s babies.”
     “Dude!” Spencer yelled at Kiana offscreen. “What if she sees this!”
     “There’s no way,” Shayne laughed. “There’s no way any of the YouTubers from this video are seeing this.”
      “Imagine,” Spencer joked. “I’m like, ‘hey (Y/n), hit me up’, and then she sees this, bro.”
      “Hey,” Shayne raised his eyebrows. “You never know. I mean, I married a YouTuber.”
      “Just an excuse to bring up Courtney,” Spencer coughed.
      “Anyway,” Shayne put his hands on the table in front of him. “We’re getting a little off track here. We’ve established Spencer’s in love with (Y/n). Now—do I even have to guess?—show me Spencer!”
      He pointed to the side as an imagine of Spencer popped up on the screen. 
      “Well, thanks for that easy round,” Shayne joked. “Now, let’s see the next set of YouTubers…”
     And that was where you stopped watching the video every time. You’d seen the whole of Shayne Guesses Favorite YouTubers before, but when you went back to rewatch it, it was always this clip.
     You’d been sent this specific clip by hundreds of people. Your followers and subscribers on all different platforms. The comments ranged from ‘oh my gosh look at this’ to ‘you have to see this smosh video’ to ‘petition to get Spencer and (Y/n) to go out’.
     What they didn’t know, was that you’d seen it long before they began tagging you in it.
     You were a huge Smosh fan, and had been for years. Imagine your shock when you yourself were named in one of their videos. 
     You’d only been a creator for a little over a year now, but you’d quickly gained a following and were becoming more and more popular online. It still all felt so surreal, and seeing yourself named as someone’s favorite YouTuber—especially on one of your favorite channels—felt like a huge moment.
      That, and you were flattered by Shayne’s comments about Spencer. You thought it was sweet that he enjoyed your content and—you couldn’t stop the blush from spreading to your cheeks—you. 
      That was what prompted you to leave a comment under the video—a comment which Spencer responded to.
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Can Shayne Guess Our Favorite YouTubers? Smosh Games • 721k views • 38k 👍
comments 2.9k
yourusername ✓: does this count as being in the youtuber and the celeb crush vid?
♥️ by creator
spennser ✓: it was actually only until 1am i swear smoshyyy651: spensser LMAOOOO chumbawumbasnumbertwofan: the fact that (y/n) (y/l/n) saw this ✋😭 y/nstanforlifeee: oh my gosh my queen is here 👑 I love you and your vids (not as much as Spencer apparently asksfsk)
mya_sol: how many times have you watched 8:04? me: yes
yourfavoritepizzaplace: ‘spencer would have (y/n)’s babies’ KIANA THATS WILDDDD 💀
    And from there, you began interacting. Leaving comments and likes on each other’s videos and instagram posts. Leaving fans to obsess over your every interaction, to make compilations, to wonder if you were dating.
     Because you’d be lying if you said you didn’t read most of the comments about you two. 
    You enjoyed your little online back-and-forth. You’d known who Spencer was before the Shayne Guesses video had come out. Watching Smosh on-and-off for years, you’d seen him in multiple videos.
     It still felt so unreal for him to know who you were—not only know who you were but like your videos.
     And now look at you, messaging him and liking his posts like you were old friends. Spencer pretty much liked and commented on every one of your feeds or stories or uploads.
     After your original comment on the Smosh video, things just…took off. You didn’t really know how it started, one comment led to another, and suddenly it was like you had always congratulated each other and left witty comments on each other’s pages. 
     You smiled as you stared at the screen of your phone, looking over your’s and Spencer’s latest interaction. You couldn’t deny that he was really cute. You’d always thought so. 
     You thought of Shayne saying that Spencer had a crush on you and you felt your smile grow bigger.
     Your empty suitcase caught your eye as you looked up, sitting on your bed and reminding you that you still had to pack.
     You set your phone down. Fangirling over Spencer could wait. You still had yet to pack for your flight that that was in two days, and you didn’t want to leave it ‘till the last minute—or, more last minute than it already was.  
     You had been lucky enough to be invited to VidCon this year, and you were thrilled about getting to go as a creator and meet other artists who had inspired you. You were less thrilled about the packing.
      You stood up and walked towards your closet, starting to decide which outfits you wanted to bring, daydreaming about what VidCon would be like. All while thinking about Spencer.
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liked by hannahmontoya, spennser, and 21,449 others
yourusername: new vid up now !! 💌
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haleypham: about to go watch it right now xoxo love you
yourusername: stop ilysm 🤭
ynsgirlfriend: WAKE UP SHE POSTED 🙏
spennser: guess what i’m going to be doing at 2am
⤷ liked by yourusername
darlingdaisy: please do a grwm next i need to see your skincare routine!!
ryla768: we’re being fed well today 🙇‍♀️
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liked by yourusername, filmingamanda, and 17,914 others
spennser: it’s giving cat lady
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phatchanse: *cat queen
yourusername: my cat says to tell ur cat hi
spennser: my cat says ur cat’s pretty cute carmensanfransisco: LOL 😂🐈 urmom17: oh my gosh she commented spencer are you freaking out? spennser: urmom17 shitting my pants fr
jessicarabbitsimp: who else has noticed spencer and (y/n) all over each other’s igs 😏
smoshismylife: love you spencer 🫶
──────────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆────────── yourusername
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liked by spennser, iamjordiofficial, and 32,712 others
yourusername: thx for 100k 🥂
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spensser: yay i contributed
⤷ liked by yourusername
yourusername: how’d you have time to create 100k accs tho? ⤷ liked by spennser
lucindajones101: congrats girlie!! you deserve it
ynfan7: my queen 🧎‍♀️
butterflyenjoyer: been here since the beginning 🥹 keep shining!!
getyninasmoshvideo: the way spencer makes an appearance on all her posts 😭
VidCon was amazing. 
      Today was the first day, and you couldn’t wait for all the festive still to come. You had already seen so many cool presentations and been a part of so many workshops and met so many interesting people. 
      And now, as you stood at the table set aside for you, staring at the slowing line of people still waiting to meet you, you thought that this was definitely your favorite part.
     You’d gotten to talk to people who watched your channel and hear how your content had impacted their lives or inspired them to create. It really made it all feel worth it. It made you love your job and all of the opportunities it had given you.
     You’d been here for nearly two hours already, and still there were a few more fans waiting to speak with you and get a picture.  
     You smiled to yourself as the last of the people filed through, letting the momentary silence wash over you. You had just picked up your phone to take a quick selfie for a later post, when you heard a commotion to your left.
     You turned to the source of the noise and had to do a double take when you saw the entire cast of Smosh at a setup similar to yours, having their own meet and greet.
     You didn’t know why in all of your thinking about Spencer you hadn’t assumed that Smosh would be at VidCon. It seemed obvious now. They were YouTubers, weren’t they?
     Speaking of Spencer, you saw him talking to Courtney and your heart did a little flip in your chest. After interacting with him online these past few weeks, and watching his channel for these past few years, it seemed crazy to see him in person. 
     As if sensing your presence, he looked your way and you turned away in time so it didn’t look like you’d been staring. You didn’t think he’d caught you watching him. 
     “Wait? Spencer, is that (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?” Courtney’s voice carried over the several feet that separated you.
     “Oh, is it? I hadn’t noticed,” you heard him say sarcastically, even though your back was turned to him. You stepped a little bit closer to their location, pretending to be fixing something on your lanyard.
     “Dude, you have to go talk to her,” you heard a male voice—Shayne? You didn’t dare turn around—say.
     “No way man,” Spencer answered, “What would I even say?”
     “You’ve been commenting on each other’s instagrams for like a month, you’ll think of something,” Courtney said.
     “Yeah, but that’s different. This would be, like, a real conversation,” he answered. “I don’t actually know her. What if she thinks I’m just some creepy fan, and it’s like bro back off.”
     You bit your lip, stifling a giggle. Oh, what he didn’t know.
     Then the music in the venue picked up and you couldn’t hear their conversation for nearly a minute. You walked a few feet back over to your table, picking up and looking at a few of the gifts fans had given you, finding a new way to look busy. This went on for another minute before you heard a new voice say,
     “What’s this about Spence and (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?”
     “Just that Spencer’s going to go up to her,” Courtney announced. 
     “I’ll get the popcorn,” the voice said. 
     “No, Kiana,” you heard Spencer say. “That’s not what’s happening.”
     “You’ll regret if forever if you don’t go talk to (Y/n),” The voice—Kiana—stated. 
     “No way. That’d be like if I asked you to just ‘go up and talk to’ Darren Chris,” Spencer said
     “My favorite white guy,” Kiana joked.
     “Hey bro, I thought we established that was me!” Spencer said in outrage. 
     “You will be if you go and talk to (Y/n),” she finished. 
     “I will not be manipulated,” you heard him say, and you stifled another chuckle. 
     “No, but you will be shoved,” Kiana said.
     “Wait what?” Spencer got out, before you heard a scuffing sound.
     You turned around just as Kiana pushed Spencer and suddenly he was right before you. 
     “Hey,” he said, looking uncomfortable, shooting a glare behind him at Kiana. “I heard there was a meet and greet?”
     You smiled. “You just missed it, actually.” 
     “Damn, next year then,” he said.
     “I suppose I could make an exception,” you teased. “I wouldn’t want to be the one to take away anyone’s Favorite White Guy title.”
     Spencer winced. “How much of that conversation did you hear?”
     “What conversation?” You winked at him. 
     “I can’t remember,” Spencer said, smiling as he rubbed a hand along the side of his face.
     You were both silent for a moment.
     “So,” Spencer started, breaking it. “I would tell you that I love watching your content—until a very reasonable hour of the night, might I add—but you kind of already know that. And I bet you’ve already been told that by hundreds of people today.”
     “Not by anyone nearly as cute though,” you replied, before leaning in to mock-whisper. “And I don’t mind hearing it again.”
     “Also,” you continued. “I could say the same to you. I love Smosh—I’ve watched your channel for years. You guys are all so talented.”
     “Really? No way,” Spencer smiled. “You watch Smosh?”
     “Really,” you smiled back. “I did know who you were before the Shayne Guesses video, you know.”
     “Don’t remind me,” Spencer said, shaking his head.
     “I thought it was sweet,” you told him, laughing. “And if that video had never happened, we wouldn’t be here right now.”
     “Or at Buca Di Beppo tonight at 8?” Spencer said, with trepidation.
     “Or that,” you agreed, nodding. “Are you asking me out on a date, Spencer Agnew?” 
     You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks. 
     “I guess I am,” he said. “Unless you’re going to slap me, in which case no.”
     “Only if the date goes badly,” you teased. “And if you don’t make 100,000 more accounts to subscribe to my channel with.”
     Spencer grinned. “Done. And I can introduce you to the rest of the gang.”
     “Are they good with me crashing your guys’ dinner?” You asked. You couldn’t believe you were going to meet the members of Smosh.
     You couldn’t believe you were going on a date with Spencer. 
     “Oh, they already know about it. They’re listening to every word of our conversation right now.” Spencer pointed a thumb behind him and you looked over his shoulder to see all of the Smosh cast watching you.
     They all waved at you.
     “Hey girl hey!” Kiana called to you, smirking at Spencer. 
     You waved back at them, grinning. 
     “Well, I don’t want to keep you from meet-and-greet-ing any longer,” you said, turning back to Spencer.
     “Isn’t that what we’re doing right now?” Spencer joked, gesturing between the two of you.
     “Doesn’t count,” you said back. “Technically we’ve already met on the internet.”
     “Yeah, well, you’re much prettier in person,” Spencer said, as he backed up towards the rest of the Smosh cast.
     “Well then,” you said, only a little bit breathless. “I guess I’ll see you tonight.”
     “Unless I see you on the internet first,” Spencer said, turning around and walking away. 
     You couldn’t wait. Not only did you have your date with Spencer to look forward to, you also had the rest of VidCon to get to know Spencer better and hopefully hang out with him before all this was over. 
     You turned to leave as well, walking in the opposite direction of Spencer as you tried to think where you had to be next. It was hard to focus when all your thoughts were occupied by something else. Someone else.
     You were almost out of earshot when you heard Kiana’s voice, carrying over the crowds of people.
     “Get over here, loser. I’ll take my thanks in the form of cash and/or worsted weight yarn.”
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liked by spennser, co_mill, and 41,813 others
yourusername: had the best time with spennser at vidcon ‘24 ❣️
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kianaparker: ok but i’m glowing (also yw 💁🏾‍♀️)
⤷ liked by yourusername
spennser: new phone who dis?
yourusername: definitely not your gf ⤷ liked by spennser materialgorl199: GF?!? AHHHHH heatherscandystore: wait they’re together? I’m so happy for them ily both sm 🤭
jessicarabbitsimp: I KNEW IT WAIT 😭
thirdcutestsmoshboy: i met both of them there and they were so sweet
ynislife: so are they dating???
angelagiovanagiarratana: GUYS 🥹
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you guys enjoyed this little bit of a different format. i had sm fun writing this. check out my other spencer fics if u want more like this 🎀
289 notes · View notes
spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 4 months
Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x Reader
Word count: 5.2
Notes: WOW I can’t believe I have like nothing to say for notes like usually I can’t shut up here okay. Anyway I’m working on that other secret series that I’m really not sure I’m even gonna publish but I kinda want to move to marvel again who KNOWS
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Chapter 2: Backpack, Backpack
Buck changes his screensaver immediately.
 Back to just a photo of all of them, because if Bobby sees that he’d probably skin him alive. He’d already all but threatened him to stay away from you. In a sweet, loving, dad-type way. 
“You go anywhere near her and I kill you” 
Okay, maybe he did threaten him. 
But it was probably just a joke, Buck would be the perfect son-in-law!
“It wasn’t a joke” 
How does Eddie always know what he’s thinking? 
“Does this mean I really have to stay away from her… because I can’t do that Eddie? I’m in love” 
They’re standing together holding a hose, it’s a pretty routine fire thank god it hasn’t gotten too big. Eddie moves over to the side and Buck follows him 
“First of all, you’re not in love, you’re infatuated. You’re not a Disney princess Buck, as much as you’d like to believe you are. It takes time to fall in love.” 
“It takes time to fall in love” Buck mocks him in a high-pitched voice, Eddie snickers knowing he’s absolutely right 
“What’s your second point, jerk.”
“Second of all, she’s Bobby’s niece. And he said to stay away from her” 
“Okay, but she's Athena’s niece!!”
“They’re married? And she calls him Uncle Bobby. Are you really getting all technical on my ass!” 
“I am giving the future Mrs. Y/N Buckley all the respect she deserves!” 
Eddie stops fully, turning to look at his delusional best friend. He doesn’t usually give em his last name. He must really be down bad for you 
“We really… need to talk about how you plan your entire life with someone after knowing them for all of six seconds” 
Buck gives him an incredulous look, like Eddie had never done that before. He kicks at him to turn back around. 
“I can hear the bells” Buck sings “well, do n'tcha hear em chime? Can't you feel my heartbeat keeping perfect time?” 
Eddie’s head falls back as he bursts out laughing, he nearly drops the hose as Buck sings the entire damn song in a silly voice, dramatically acting it out. 
He’s humming it all the way back to the station, he gets weird looks from everyone but he’s in too good of a mood to care. They tease him and try to get a rise out of him but he just shakes his head 
“Nothing you say will ever dampen my spirits, you're all just haters!” He sticks his tongue out at them 
“You’re usually this happy when you’ve got a date… so who is she?”Chim asks from the front seat and Buck stalls a little 
“Uh- no! No, it’s not a date it’s just… uh”
“Buck is talking to my cousin Alicia!” Eddie shrugs, as nonchalantly as possible “Yeah Alicia, he was Insta-stalking her so I just you know told him to…go for it”
“Long distance? That doesn’t sound like you” Bobby narrows his eyes and Buck looks at Eddie frantically 
“She’s coming here! Soon! To visit!” 
“Oh, that’ll be nice!” Bobby seems happy about that and Eddie immediately gets on his phone…he needs to send a text. 
Buck hears the rumble of your engine before he sees you and he’s already sneaking out to come greet you. Eddie notices him being shady and not finishing restocking the engine, so he follows him. 
Buck looks like he’s in dreamland, he watches you park your bike and take off your helmet, shaking out your long pink hair. The sun is shining just for you today he’s sure, the rays illuminating your glowing skin. And boy are you showing quite a bit of it. Your shorts are so tiny Buck isn’t even sure you’re wearing any underneath the sweatshirt you use for riding. You pull that off too and lay it across your seat. His eyes are glued to the orange cropped tank top and how cute it looks with your light blue shorts. He wonders if it’s difficult to drive with all your shoes, the white platform sneakers give you a little extra height but he still towers over you and that’s the way he likes it. 
“Hey, wifey,” Buck says sweetly, his voice soft and breathy. Eddie’s mouth drops open as he walks up to you both and Buck snaps out of it, his eyes wide as saucers as he puts his hands up
“No, god, no I mean… uh… hey wiffle ball??” 
“What” Eddie says under his breath, looking at Buck like he’s crazy. You bite your lip and shake your head trying to control your giggles as the boys lead you inside the station 
“Hey, volleyball?” 
“That’s… that’s not even the same category,” Eddie says, his face scrunched up as he puts his hands in his pockets 
“And you can do better?” You sass him, your hands on your hips. 
“Uh yeah. Pickle ball? Cricket? Dare I say, baseball?” 
“Wait, why cricket?” Buck asks 
“Because there’s a ball and a bat are you guys actually criticizing my thinking skills” 
“I’m just saying it’s kinda out there” You poke at him 
“Yeah, what are we? British?” Buck scoffs and you giggle when Eddie kicks your shoe and flicks Bucks's arm in pure annoyance 
“Why are you even here?” He says through gritted teeth playfully and you laugh, side-bumping him.
“Athena asked me to deliver some paperwork Bobby forgot to fill out” 
“Oh doesn’t she usually do that?” Buck tilts his head and wow he looks cute when he does that. You blush a little and look at your shoes for a second 
“Yeah, but she said I might have more fun” 
“Uh I walked in on them last time” Eddie gags “I don’t think you’ll have more fun”
“I mean she could, I know a great closet” 
Buck just says it, it’s a good joke, a great joke. Your mouth falls open and Eddie slaps his hand over his mouth gleefully 
“Oh my god” 
Buck looks confused for a second “Wha…” His eyes widen and he puts his hands out “Wait no! No, I was kidding! Well, I mean if you-“ He smirks, running his hand through his hair 
“Buck!” Eddie shouts 
You’re all out laughing now as Buck turns a wonderful shade of red 
“I just- I mean it’s not off limits you know it- guys shut up!!! It was a joke!” 
“What was a joke?” Bobby comes over, confused as to why you’re here and why Buck is trying to find the nearest ax 
“Pickleball” Eddie blurts out and you nearly keel over, wheezing. His excuses were not his best today. 
“We uh we gotta go” Eddie grabs Buck, who is holding his head in his hands whining loudly, and drags him away 
“Bye Y/N! See you later!”
Bobby watches them run away, his eyebrow raised 
“You’re not talking to either of them are you?” He asks and you roll your eyes and wipe at the little tears 
“No… we’re just friends Bobby. And they’re nice! I like hanging out with them”
“You’ve gone out with them?” He crosses his arms over his chest and you blush lightly 
“Uh… yeah? J- just to hang out and get to know them. I don’t have any friends in L.A Bobby you know that”
“You have May! She’s a great girl! She can introduce you to all of her friends”
“Bobby, we barely know each other anymore. We haven’t done anything together since we were literal children. And you know, whilst she has offered to take me out next weekend and introduce me to her friends, she and I have already decided that I’m not sticking around that friend group unless it’s an occasional hangout. Those are her friends and her life. So until she and I get closer…neither of us are letting you and Athena force us together.”
Bobby looks at you, struggling for words. He puts his hands on his hips sassily
“You know. You two don’t have to make that much sense. Just- I love Buck and Eddie don’t get me wrong. They’re my kids! But promise me you’ll be careful. Because if someone asked me who I would let my kid date from the team I would absolutely say none of these people” 
You giggle and hand him the papers from Athena, standing on your toes you kiss his cheek and wave goodbye 
“I promise I’ll be careful! We’re all just friends!” 
You walk back outside, a little skip in your step as you walk up to your bike. Buck and Eddie are standing next to it 
“You wanna sit on it?” You call you and Buck fist pumps, eagerly climbing on 
“I was hoping you’d say that!” 
You strut over and stand in front of them as Buck leans forward, pretending to be driving. He makes little car noises and you laugh, your hands behind your back 
“Having fun?” You muse and he sits up 
“Uh- yes. What kind of question is that” he scoffs and you roll your eyes 
“You wanna take her for a spin?” You ask coyly and Buck’s mouth drops open 
“Wait seriously? You’d let me?” 
“Of course, I would! I trust you” 
He starts it up, groaning as it purrs for him. He pats the handlebars and you hand him your helmet 
“Hey,, Buck?” Eddie pokes at his shoulder and he looks up
“Yes, bestie”
“We’re literally in the middle of a shift” 
“I’m sorry I can’t understand your accent. It’s too Texasy” 
“I literally don’t-“
“Buck! Get off that thing! You’re at work” Bobby yells at him from the bay doors and he groans loudly, getting off and handing you back your helmet. You take it from him, giggling and shaking your head 
“Maybe some other time… like this weekend or something! Afterwards, we go bowling with Eddie!” 
Eddie looks between the two of you “We’re going bowling?” 
Bucks behind you, signaling him frantically to say no.
“Yeah! Didn’t Buck ask you?” 
Buck clasps his hands together silently begging Eddie
“Ohhh… uh.. yeah! Yeah, I just totally forgot. Um yeah, I can go bowling this weekend!” 
Buck's mouth drops open and he mimes choking Eddie, you spin around and his hands drop to his sides as he smiles at you sweetly 
“Okay cool!! Well, I’ll see you guys this weekend!” You hop on your bike and Buck helps you put your helmet on. He shyly leans in and kisses the top of it 
“Uh- drive safe! Text me when you know you get wherever you’re going. If you want to that is I mean you don’t have to… you’ll probably text like Athena or Bobby or something yeah yeah you don’t have to text me it’s cool”
He steps back from the bike and you shake your head and he knows you’re laughing at him again. You make a little heart with your hands and wave goodbye to them before driving off.
Buck watches you drive off, your sweatshirt fluttering in the wind. He watches until he can’t see you anymore with his hands in his pockets he turns to Eddie 
“I’ll give you a five-second head start”
“Buck. That’s childish can you just-“
“Buck, let me explain! When have I never not had a plan come on!”
“Buck you can’t be alone with her yet you-“
“Three-two-one!” He shouts and dives for Eddie. Eddie screams and runs towards the station with Buck hot on his heels. He runs around the truck and dodges Hen with a spin 
“That’s cheating and you know it!!”
“Cheating my ass!”
“What on god's green earth are the two of you doing?!” Bobby calls down from the balcony 
“Nothing!” They yell in unison as they run around the station. 
“That doesn’t look like nothing”
“It’s a new training exercise! Just working on stamina!” Eddie yells back, yelping when he feels Buck’s hand brush his belt 
“That the lamest excuse you’ve ever come up with” Hen mumbles as they run past her again 
“Don’t be a snitch” Buck pants and she puts her hands in the air, staying out of their mess
Eventually, Buck corners him, and they’re in the sleeping quarters 
“I’m-“ Buck's hands are on his knees “I’m gonna kick your ass-“ He wheezes “when I can breathe again”
Eddie slumps down in the corner, letting his head fall against the cool wall
“Not if we die first” He pants heavily, running his hands through his hair 
Okay, maybe Buck didn’t think this thing through how is he supposed to kill Eddie if he passes out from lack of oxygen? They take a good six or so minutes to breathe normally again 
“I said yes so that way she could say she was going with both of us not just one of us and then I’d cancel or show up and just say my arm or like back or whatever was hurting so I could just sit back and keep score.”
Buck is laid out on the floor, he looks over at Eddie, his nose scrunched up 
“Wait, why didn’t you just say that?”
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Buck has been staring at the picture you sent him for the last 20 minutes. You’re standing in the full-length mirror at Athena’s house, a little peace sign. You texted him as soon as you got home and after that picture boy does he wish he was better friends with May, he knows she’d “invite” him over. 
He knows it’s just… a little pervy, the way he stares at your thighs in the full-length mirror. He thinks that’s his favorite physical thing about you. Your full, plush thighs, especially in those mini skirts you just love to wear. And these shorts you’re wearing are absolutely no exception. They hug your body like they were tailored to fit you. Actually, he’s pretty sure they are tailored. 
He sighs dreamily hitting the favorites button
“Is that Y/N” 
He jumps so far out of his seat that he fumbles with his phone before slamming it awkwardly into the table 
“Did you just break your phone?!” Hen stares at him 
“I sure as hell hope not! What uh what can I do for you? Need somethin? A smoothie? You want a smoothie I’m gonna make you a smoothie” he runs over to the fridge and starts pulling things out. Hen picks up his phone, looking it over, and thank god it’s not cracked. 
“You didn’t answer my question,” She says, taking his seat and holding out his phone to him. 
“Uh, what question?” He turns on the blender, miming that he can’t hear and Hen crosses her arms over her chest, giving him a look. He smiles sheepishly once it shuts off and pours her smoothie 
“Y-yeah that was her.” He unlocks his phone and hands it over with the smoothie 
“I know!!” Buck squeals he’d joked about proudly showing you off to his coworkers and now he’s actually doing it. 
“She’s a nice girl… Cap knows you’re texting her?” 
“No and neither do you” Buck goes over to his “secret cabinet” pulls out one of his good mini chocolate bars and hands it to Hen. She takes it from him, opens it up, and takes a bite out. She groans softly and her eyes roll back. He always keeps those fully locked up 
“Right.” Hen gives him a double thumbs up and grabs her smoothie
After making sure Hen is gonna stay quiet Buck goes downstairs, there’s literally nothing to do, he’s checked off his entire list and even did the end of Eddie’s. If he’s this bored… Hopefully, someone else is.
“Hello?” You answer on the third ring and he gulps and then clears his throat 
“Uh hey! Hey Y/N it’s me, Buck” 
“I know” you giggle “What’s up?” 
“Oh…nothin just wanted to see if you were busy or anything…kinda boring around here”
“Did you call me just to talk?” You ask and his cheeks flush. Because yeah but like that sounds lame he could have just texted you. 
“…Maybe?” His voice is hesitant and cracks a little. Oh my god why was that happening so freaking much 
“That’s really cute” You laugh and he hears you rustling around for a minute. “Athena is sending me back out on an errand run with May… but we can text! If you wanted” 
“Yeah no! No texting is fine! I should have probably asked if you were busy first… I’m yeah no I’m sorry we can text”
“No it’s okay, I…like hearing your voice” You mutter shyly and he can hear May snickering in the background. His cheeks flush and he bites his lip 
“You do?” 
“Y-yeah I do” 
“Well good… I like hearing yours too, like, a lot” He admits, his heart is pounding in his chest 
“I have to go but, call me back tonight okay? Like…around midnight? When um-“
“When Bobby is asleep?” He says mischievously and it’s your turn to blush 
“Yeah… will you?” He can hear the hesitancy in your voice and it makes him weak, he just wants to kiss you breathless so badly. 
“It’s a date. I’ll talk to you later doll” 
“You better text me too, Bye Evan”
He hears May teasing you as you curse at her and hang up, he holds his phone to his chest, wilting into his seat and sighing sweetly. Midnight can’t come fast enough. 
The rest of the day drags and not just because he’s waiting to get off but because there’s literally nothing to do, which is the most surprising part. Really he supposes he should be glad nothing is happening, that means people are safe… besides 
It just gives him more time to talk to you. 
And boy does he, he starts slow with his memes, you have to kinda ease people into your insanity. But the second you send an Optimus Prime thirst trap on TikTok all decency and manners fly out the window and you’re both trying to send each other the worst things you’ve ever seen 
He’s falling faster and faster for you. Just call him Princess Buck. 
“What are you laughing at?” Eddie comes over, lifting Bucks legs up and plopping on the couch with him
“Um…nothin” he mumbles, distracted as he laughs into his fist at the Nick Fox thirst trap he’s sending you “don’t worry I’ve been sending them to you too”
“I already regret being your friend. Who else did you send them to?” He toys with Buck’s pant leg 
“Um… Y/N we’re just…talking” 
Eddie hears the click of a camera and he frowns, looking at Buck who shrugs and doesn��t look away from his phone 
“We’re also snapping” 
“Snapping? You sound like a teenager” He chuckles but puts his feet up on the coffee table and scrolls through his phone too 
“Teens use Instagram nowadays, old ass man. I asked for her snap just to see pictures of her, I just- god hold on” 
He pulls up the picture from earlier and hands his phone over. Eddie lets out a low whistle and Buck wriggles on the couch 
“God I know right! I don’t care if she suffocates me, I’d die happily” He says and Eddie laughs at him, his head falling back on the couch 
“Yeah. You know a closet” 
Buck groans and slaps his hands over his face 
“I can’t believe I said that to her” 
“She thought it was funny” 
“Okay but low-key? I wish she would have like said bet or something”
“I’m pretty sure you would have passed out” 
“Oh I know I would have and she could have given me mouth to mouth”
Eddie rolls his eyes, laughing at Buck again 
“You’ve got it bad my man” 
“Oh you have no damn idea” 
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It’s around 10pm when a call comes in, and Buck is always too distracted by the voice message you sent him to get his stuff on. Eddie swipes the phone from his hands and glares at him, He blushes and gets his stuff on almost faster than he ever has and snatches it back, patting Eddie on the cheek before they load into the truck 
“Apparently a bonfire in a kids backyard got a bit out of hand, everyone be ready to possibly have to cut line but there should already be another team there doing it. Be advised the house is on fire but it’s small for now”
Athena is already there, with a few drunk people in her backseat. She’s talking to someone quite animatedly, her voice is low. 
“Everything oka- May??” Bobby stops, looking between them. Athena stands back, her hands on her hips
“Where’s Y/N?” He asks immediately and May sighs loudly 
“I don’t know. I’ve tried to say it a million times I don’t know! The fire broke out and we got separated!” 
“I’ve tried contacting her but she isn’t answering” Athena looks like she’s ready to rip her hair out. Bobby puts his hands on her shoulders, his voice is full of worry as he kisses her forehead 
“Hey, we’re gonna find her okay? I promise” 
“She’s here for a couple days and I’ve already lost her.”
“You didn’t lose her mom, I did. I should have kept a better eye on her! But she said she’d be okay! And Crystal wanted to show me something and-“ She starts up and Athena sighs, hugging her
“It’s not your fault baby, Y/N is an adult. You were both right, she can take care of herself”
Bobby walks over to Eddie and Buck who are hosing down a section of the yard 
“You two have Y/N’s number right? Can you call her real quick?”
“Uh, yeah sure.” Buck shrugs and pulls out his phone, it takes a second with all his stuff on. 
Bobby takes the hose from him and stands behind Eddie
“Everything okay?” Eddie asks, looking back at him and he shrugs 
“Yeah… just uh. Just call, Buck” 
It rings six times which is the longest its ever taken you to answer 
“Hello?” Your voice is so small it takes him aback. 
“Uh hey, hey Y/N”
Bobby perks up, motioning to keep her talking 
“Where- where are you? You sound funny” He walks away a little, so he can hear you better 
“I’m-” you hesitate and Bucks anxiety skyrockets
“I’m a firefighter Y/N, you can tell me anything” He says soothingly, his voice dropping an octave 
“I’m in the house”
“Where in the house” He turns to it and starts running, the fire is slowing down but not nearly enough. He mutes his phone for a second and alerts everyone on the radios 
“It’s- it’s so stupid”
He stops, smashing the unmute button
“Y/N, please. Fuck, the house is on fire. You do realize that right?!” 
“It’s what?! I-I’m locked in a closet in the basement. N-nothings happening down here!”
“Alright, I’m coming to get you okay? I’m coming, baby” 
He doesn’t even have time to cringe at himself as he runs into the house, Hen and another couple of guys are already shutting doors and putting some of the smaller fires out but it’s definitely staying consistent 
“Where’s the basement?!” He asks you, panting slightly as he frantically looks around
“The kitchen, there’s a doorway” 
He hangs up the phone and shoves it in his pocket
“Y/N??” He yells for you, panic seeping through his veins 
“Have you found her?” Bobby radios him “do you need help?”
“Buck??? Buck, I’m in here!!” You’re pounding on the door as hard as you can to get his attention 
“I’ve got her! I found her!” He calls into the radio as he runs over to the door 
“Y/N? Is there anywhere you can stand to the left or right, away from the door?” 
“I think so?!” You back up into the corner as far as you can, pressing yourself against the wall
“Alright! What now?”
Buck readies his ax, holding it in his hands
“Now I channel my inner Jack Torrance!” 
You shriek as the ax breaks through the door and he begins to create an opening for you. He breaks into the door easily…if he’s being honest he probably could have kicked it in… but this was more fun. 
“Don’t you dare” you say as soon as there’s a clear small hole
“When am I ever going to be able to say it with someone who would actually laugh about it in a completely unprofessional way!!” 
You groan and duck down more as a few wood chips fly
Buck goes just a teeny bit crazy with the axe, most of the fire has been contained so he takes a little more time than necessary. He gleefully smashes the door down, laughing maniacally while screaming “Here’s Johnny!” 
You do laugh, because it’s stupid and it’s so Buck, and watching him enjoying himself is cute. As soon as the hole is big enough for you, you step through and he yanks you into his chest immediately, you let out a little squeak and hold onto him 
“What the hell were you doing in there? You could have died!” 
“I didn’t know! I tried calling May but she didn’t answer the phone and… and I didn’t want to call you and-“
“Wait, why didn’t you wanna call me??” Buck pushes you back a little just by your shoulders and you look down at your feet. He tilts your head up and that’s when he realizes your makeup is a bit ruined. He chalked it up to the heat…but you said there wasn’t any 
“Why didn’t you want to call me? Did something happen?” He asks a little calmer this time
“We should get out of here. The building could collapse” you quickly change the subject and try to pull away from him but he stops you. He bends down to your eye level and forces you to look him in the eyes 
“It’s structurally sound. Trust me. Y/N what happened.”  
You look down at your shoes, wringing your hands together and sighing 
“It’s… childish” 
“No it isn’t. Just tell me.” His voice is firm and he looks upset, you groan and let your head fall back before looking at him again 
“These girls asked me to go downstairs and get some extra buckets from the closet and then they pushed me in and locked the door. Apparently, I was chatting up one of their boyfriends, I didn’t know! I just- I saw his shoes and they were cool and then he told me they were custom from Etsy and I asked for the shop!! And he was so nice Buck, genuinely he was! He asked for my number just to send the link!” 
You unlock your phone and show it to him, the number isn’t even saved, just a link with a little smiley face and a “Demon Slayer shoes” and that’s it. 
“I…I tried calling May and she didn’t answer.. and I was locked in this stupid closet like I was a teenager again or something so I just…put my phone on silent and cried. And I didn’t want to call you because I would seem like such a baby. Like who still locks people in closets!” 
Buck listens to your story and he looks pissed. First of all, no one hurts his baby. Second of all… you could have died if you hadn’t picked up the phone when he called, and you almost didn’t. 
Buck does what any sensible man would do in this situation, he stands up tall, looks around for a moment 
And he kisses you. 
It’s sweet and lingering, he tilts your head up and presses his lips to yours gently. He watches the way your eyes close slowly and you kiss him back and he wishes he could just stay there forever but eventually you have to breathe and he makes you pull away, not him. 
“You want me to go find them?” He spins the ax in his hand and you snicker, shoving at his chest 
“Absolutely, let’s commit murder together!” 
“Sounds good to me sweetness” He winks and you roll your eyes, pulling away from him. He frowns a little at the loss of contact but shakes it off 
“We should probably get out of here, your family is going insane… May is really upset” 
He takes his helmet off and puts it on your head and you giggle while holding it down to tilt your head up 
“Yeah okay” 
He holds out his hand and you take it, he starts to lead you upstairs but you stop for a second, planting your feet 
“Whats wr-“
You let go of his hand and rush past him, going up a few steps and turning around to kiss him. It’s quicker this time, just a peck and he’s spiraling immediately, giggling deliriously as you jog up the stairs pulling him with you now 
The second you step out of the house, Athena is on you, frantically checking you over before crushing you in a hug, May is crying and promising she’ll never leave you alone again and you’re hugging her, trying to console her. Buck takes this time to step away and go find Eddie, you give him a little wave over May’s shoulder and he blushes, waving back. 
He nearly crashes into Eddie when he finally spots him, going running over. He’s standing in front of the truck securing the hoses 
“Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie” His voice is high pitched and his hands are shaking. He grabs Eddie’s shoulders and starts shaking him
“Buck calm down!” He’s laughing as he pushes him back a bit, he hands him a bottle of water and Buck takes it , chugging it before tossing it into the trash 
“I can’t, oh my god I can’t, guess what?!” He squeals and Eddie snorts, shaking his head 
“We kissed. We kissed, we kissed, we kissed!!!” He practically screams the last one and Eddie yanks him over to the other side of the truck shushing him 
“Okay- first of all, calm down. Because everyone is going to know who you kissed. What happened???”
Buck can hardly contain himself, he holds tightly onto Eddie’s arms just to keep himself from floating off into the clouds 
“Okay well she told me about these girls that bullied her and locked her in a closet. How freaking 90s teen movies is that!! And she didn’t want to call me because she thought that would make her seem like a baby but she’s not a baby Eddie she’s really not and she was starting to tear up and I couldn’t stand to see her cry so I just kissed her!!”
Buck is speaking at a million miles an hour and Eddie is nodding his head along just trying to follow his story 
“No she’s not a baby, but oh my god she could have died”
“That’s what I told her!!! And then guess what oh my god Eddie guess what”
“What?” Eddie chuckles a little at his enthusiasm, it’s endearing 
“I put my helmet on her to make her smile and it worked and I held her hand-“ His voice is becoming squeaky again “and then she let go of my hand and I was like-“ he gasps “what if I went too far??” 
“Because randomly kissing her wasn’t far but holding her hand was” Eddie says sarcastically 
“Exactly!!!” Buck points at him and he squints but goes along with it 
“She went up the stairs because you know she’s short as hell, and she kissed me again” 
Eddie’s mouth drops open and Buck literally starts jumping up and down, he does a little spin, dancing around before shaking Eddie 
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putawayurhalo · 1 year
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Pairing: Modern!Musician!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader (use of she/her pronouns)
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Way too fluffy for my usual style but you’re welcome :) ALSO AS ALWAYS I BARELY EDIT THESE THINGS SO TYPOS DEFINITELY HAPPENED SORRY!
Author’s Note: I actually wrote this weeks ago and I’m just now posting this so yeah... enjoy?
Main Masterlist
“So is she here, yet?” Robin asks causing her best friend to jump slightly as he’s drawn out of his concentration of looking around. 
“Jesus Christ, Robin you can’t just sneak up on me!” Steve shouts at her as Robin smirks at him, crossing her arms.
“You two have only ever talked over Instagram dms, right?” Steve nods. “You’re so nervous, Dingus, it’s hilarious.” Robin laughs as she looks around the crowd for her own girlfriend, immediately recognizing the short girl with bright red hair standing next to a tall blonde and their curly haired best friend.
“Who’s only talked over Insta dms?” Eddie asks as he finishes tuning his guitar. Steve groans in response before picking up his own guitar and walking away from the duo towards Jonathan, their drummer. 
“You know (Y/N), right?” Robin asks Eddie who nods and replies with a “yeah she’s friends with Ivy.”
“Well Dingus here dmed her ‘Hey what’s up? Hello, I’m tryna meet ya.’ AND IT ACTUALLY WORKED!” Robin giggles as she picks up her bass.
Eddie whistles, “Damn Harrington, who knew you had game?” Eddie jokes, earning a laugh from Jonathan.
“It’s shocking that it even worked.” Jonathan jokes.
“Trust me I was shocked it even worked… and then shocked at the words that came out after, I didn’t even recognize myself after that.” Steve mutters as he tunes his guitar.
“What was it you even said? Because every girl I’ve seen you flirt with ends up running away after the first conversation you two have, yet you won’t show me anything past what I read that one time I took your phone from you because you weren’t paying attention to Dustin.” Robin questions her best friend. Steve opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by the lights dimming out front and the small crowd starting to cheer, “Saved by the bell again.” Robin groans before getting to her spot.
“Better not get distracted tonight, Harrington. We’ve all got girls to impress.” Eddie hits his shoulder jokingly as he makes his way to his spot.
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“You guys did amazing tonight!” Ivy runs up to Eddie and hugs him, Eddie’s arm wrapping around her waist immediately. 
“Yeah, we weren’t the only ones who thought so.” Amelia smirks as she walks over to Jonathan, before turning to look over at where Dani stood talking to another girl.
“Is that her?” Eddie taps Steve’s shoulder, who was distracted with putting his guitar away. Steve slowly turns and his mouth drops open, he had looked for her the entire set but couldn’t quite find her, which seems to be for the better because who knows how many chords he would have screwed up if he took in the sight of her. 
“Oh! That’s (Y/N), she really liked your guys' set! Said you guys remind her of her favorite band minus the fact you have a bass player… whatever she meant by that.” Ivy trails off as she looks over at Steve, she smiles at the sight in front of her, “Go talk to her Steve.”
“About what?” Steve turns to look over at Ivy, “Just go over there and say ‘Ivy said you liked our set, said we reminded you of Waterparks’?” 
“I never said what her favorite band is called, Steve.” Ivy smirks at him, “Looks like she’s coming over here with Dani anyways, look alive sunshine.” 
“Guys, and my darling, this is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Eddie, Jonathan, my girl Robin, and Steve.” Dani introduces the girl to the band, and she only giggles slightly.
“I already know Steve, he’s actually who told me about the show.” (Y/N) tells Dani before turning to the band, “But it’s still really nice to meet the rest of you. You guys are amazing, almost beat my favorite band for my favorite live show.” She smiles at them all brightly, before looking over at Steve.
“Well, it’s nice meeting you (Y/N) but Ivs and I actually have a date to get to but you’re more than welcome to any of our shows whenever you want.” Eddie smiles at her before patting her shoulder, leaning over to whisper something that Steve couldn’t hear, causing the girl to giggle and reply “No promises.” 
“So… Steve, want to go grab a drink at the bar?” She asks him pointing over at the bar with two fingers, Steve quickly nods and grabs her hand leading her over. 
“What do you want to drink?” He speaks to her for the first time that night.
“Oh, uh, a vodka cranberry would be nice.” She tells him. Steve flags down the bartender and orders both their drinks before turning to her.
“What did Eddie tell you?” Steve asks her, brushing a hand through his hair.
“He told me not to keep you up too late, said you have work in the morning.” She smiles up at him.
“Well… he’s not wrong but I wouldn’t mind you keeping me up all night.” Steve smirks at her before their drinks are handed to them. 
(Y/N) takes a sip of her drink before looking around, “This is awkward isn’t it?” She asks him suddenly.
“A little bit.” Steve chuckles lightly.
“Everything felt, I don’t know, easier? Over text, like I am so nervous right now, I mean look at my hand it’s shaking so much.” (Y/N) held up her hand to show Steve that her hand was indeed shaking. 
Steve put his drink down and grabbed her hand and started massaging it, “There’s this trick to getting your hands to stop shaking… learned to do it before I go up on stage so my hands don’t shake as bad when I’m up there… ta da!” Steve finishes and (Y/N) holds her hand up to see that it’s stopped shaking.
“Oh my God, you’re like some kind of God with your hands.” (Y/N) gasps realizing what she had just said, “Oh I don’t mean it like that… I mean I could if you want me to… I mean AGH!” (Y/N) immediately downs the rest of her drink and laughs nervously looking around the venue embarrassed at the words coming out of her mouth.
Steve slowly reaches his hand over to her chin, softly grabbing a hold of it and making her look at him, “(Y/N) relax, I found all of that cute.” He smiles at her as he watches her shoulders relax as she lets out a breath.
“Sorry I don’t know where that came from.” She tells him as she looks at him in the eyes, his hand not having moved from her chin. 
The duo stood there for what felt like a few minutes, telling each other jokes and (Y/N) asking about the lyrics in a few of his songs, when in reality it had been about two hours.
“Hey, Dingus!” Steve’s head turned towards Robin, “I’m glad you’re having a good time but could you please help us load the van, the venue closes in ten minutes and they want us out!” 
“Yeah! Give me a minute!” Steve shouts at her, “Give me five minutes I’ll be right back.” 
“Steve, it’s fine. I should probably get home, don’t want my mom freaking out that I haven’t texted her that I got home safe yet.” (Y/N) pushes off from leaning against the counter and grabs her water bottle, “I had a really good time, Steve, I will definitely be coming to another show.” 
“What if you didn’t have to wait for there to be another show?” Steve asks her.
“What do you mean?” She tilts her head in curiosity.
“We’re having band practice at my place on Thursday, the others’ girlfriends are almost always there unless they’re at work… it would be nice to have you there.” He tells her biting the inside of his cheek in anticipation of what she might say.
(Y/N) grabs a napkin and asks the bartender for a pen, she quickly writes down something before handing it to Steve, “Text me the address, I’ll be there.” She smiles at him before she kisses his cheek, “Goodnight, Steve.”
“Goodnight, (Y/N).” Steve replies quietly as he watches her walk away. Steve found himself wishing he had asked her to stay, maybe even go home with him and stay at least until the daylight, “Fuck, Steve, get it together it’s only been a couple of days.” He mutters as he walks over to Robin and Jonathan to help them load the van.
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“Steve, dude, you’ve messed up the last few songs we’ve played. Is everything okay?” Jonathan asks Steve as they finish out a song where Steve completely fumbled on several chords. 
Steve turns to answer but his phone dings in his pocket, he pulls it out and groans before tossing on the couch that Ivy and Amelia sat on. “Oh he’s just got his panties in a twist. Isn’t that right, Buckley?” Eddie asks Robin with a knowing smirk.
“Yeah, Dingus here is waiting for a text from his precious (Y/N).” Robin teases him and sticks her tongue out.
“Guys stop teasing the poor boy.” Ivy interjects.
“Yeah babe, I think it’s cute that Stevie here is smitten. He deserves this… so who was that ding from?” Dani says as she walks out into the garage from grabbing drinks for everyone, tossing a water bottle towards Steve.
Steve just shakes his head before opening his water bottle and downing the whole thing. Dani looks over at Amelia and then down at Steve’s phone. Amelia immediately understands what Dani’s saying and picks up his phone, “Ah I see, a tweet notification from the one and only Waterparks. New song in a few days it seems?” 
“Seriously, Harrington, you put her favorite band on notifications? You’re such a simp, I wouldn’t even put Ivy’s country himbos on notifications if she held a knife to my throat,” Eddie began to laugh before turning towards Ivy, “Which she would never do because she’s a sweet angel who wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Eddie nervously laughs as Ivy’s expression switches from a glare to a big smile.
“It’s not just the band, Eddie, he even has their lead singer on notifications and got into his ‘secret’ private account since she couldn’t get in, he sends her screenshots of the tweets and links to the exclusive merch all the time. He’s so in love it’s gross.” Robin laughs.
“It’s not my fault they write good songs.” Steve mumbles as he fiddles with the pegs on his guitar. “Besides, I’d do it for any of you chuckle fucks.” 
“Sure you would Steve, how about you put Hardy on notifications for me?” Ivy asks him, with a knowing smile.
“Oh absolutely not.” Steve fires back, smiling at Ivy. “Besides, you can always threaten Eddie with that knife.” Steve jokes.
“Oh are we playing scary movie?  No please don’t kill me Mr. Ghostface I wanna be in the sequel.” (Y/N) giggles after she says it. Steve laughs a little too hard, before turning back to Robin out of (Y/N)’s view, eyes wide like he’s lost his mind. 
“Get it together Steve, it wasn’t that funny.” Steve thinks to himself before turning back to (Y/N).
“Speaking of Ghostfaces, Steve you okay? You look really pale right now.” (Y/N) asks as she walks towards him. Her hands immediately found his face. Steve’s full focus went on her and only her for a few moments getting completely lost in thought.
“Steve… Steve… babe, hello?” (Y/N) lightly taps his face, causing him to blink and shake his hand.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry I’m here. You were saying?” He asks her. 
Robin turns to Dani and mouths “Babe?” Dani shrugs and mouths back “I’ll tell you later.” with a wink. 
(Y/N) opens her mouth to respond when both hers’ and Steve’s phones ding at the same time, she sighs and pulls her phone out of her jacket pocket, “Oh it’s just Parx retweeting some fans about the snippet of the new song… what about yours?” She asks and Steve shuts his eyes tightly not really wanting to tell her that it’s her favorite band’s tweet notification. 
“Oh it’s the same notification, (Y/N/N).” Amelia smiles over at the duo, “Man really loves Waterparks now.” 
“You do?” (Y/N) questions him, a bright smile on her face and a look of pure excitement.
“Yeah… it’s a recent thing though, I think their songs are really good.” Steve mumbles out and (Y/N) nods along to what he’s saying. 
“Well… I didn’t come here to talk about my second favorite band, I’m here to listen to my new favorite band, the Ahoy Captains.” (Y/N) does a two finger salute and sticks her tongue out jokingly giggling after before stopping and biting her tongue and looking Steve over, “If that’s okay with you…” she trails off, her other hand falling from his face to lightly touching his chest.
“Oh you are going to be the death of me.” Steve whispers to her, it’s like she moved into his brain, it’s no longer his, she dropped her bags in and drew the blinds. “It’s perfectly fine with me, darling.” Steve smirks as he says the nickname.
(Y/N) hums trying to hide the effect the nickname had on her, “Where should I sit?” 
“My lap.” Steve thinks, “I think there’s room on the couch but if there’s not, I can always get you a chair.” He replied, nodding his head towards the couch the other girls sat on. 
(Y/N) looks over at the couch, “I’m sure there’s enough room on there for us all. If not I can always lay across the back of it like some kind of cat.” she jokes. 
Steve chuckles at this joke, “Dingus hurry up with the flirting some of us have work to get to soon!” Robin interrupts them and he nods and (Y/N) finally makes her way to the couch muttering a small “Sorry” as she passes Steve’s band mates before taking her seat.
The rest of band practice went smoothly, Steve had finally stopped fucking up the chords on their songs and Robin and Eddie shared looks with each other wondering where the hell this version of Steve came from. 
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 “No no no Steve, Fuck About It and Self-Sabotage are about two different people, trust me.” (Y/N) laughs as the two of them lay on Steve’s bed, she’s looking up at the ceiling while he looks over at her. 
“But the lyrical connection?” Steve begins to question but is quickly cut off.
“Nooooo Steve you don’t get it, in Fuck About It he’s saying that the girl really doesn’t seem to like it when they talk but in Self-Sabotage he’s saying that if she likes when they talk he’ll dislocate his jaw because he doesn’t like it when they talk. It’s right there in the lyrics, babe.” (Y/N) turns to look at him, the two just staring at each other for a few moments, slowly inching towards one another before both their phones go off. 
Steve sighs and picks up his phone from beside him, “Oh hey, Brainwashed is out now.” 
“Oh shit it’s already midnight?” (Y/N) asks sitting up looking at the alarm clock on Steve’s nightstand. “Shit…” She groans before hiding her face in her hands, “My mom is going to flip. I haven’t texted her, she’s going to think you killed me or something.”
“(Y/N), calm down, darling.” Steve grabs her hands and moves them from her face, “First you’re going to text your mom and tell her your safe, then I’m going to get you a shirt and sweatpants for you to change into, and then we’ll listen to the new song and I’ll tell you goodnight and go sleep on the couch.” Steve tells her before standing up.
“Wait… no you’re not sleeping on the couch, Steve, absolutely not. You’re sleeping on your bed, I’ll take the couch.” (Y/N) beginning to argue.
“Nope, we are not arguing about this. You will sleep on this bed and that’s final darling.” (Y/N) sat quietly as she bit her lip and looked over at Steve as he got her clothes to change into.
“There’s also make-up remover wipes in the bathroom, they’re Robin’s so I don’t know how good they are…” Steve trails off as he walks back over to her.
“Thank you, I’m sure they’ll work.” She mumbles, “But you are sleeping on this bed, rather it’s with me or not, Steve. Understood?” She asks him as she stands up. “I’ll be back in like three minutes, get the song ready! I wanna hear this right away!” She shouts as she enters the hallway, unaware that she’s going to wake up Steve’s roommates/band mates. 
Steve smiles to himself and then sighs as he pulls the song up on his computer.. How is he going to ask her to be his girlfriend? He wonders as he pulls up Spotify and hoovers over the song title with the mouse.
“I’m back!” (Y/N) whisper shouts, “I forgot Robin and Eddie live here and Eddie was not happy when I was shouting as I walked past his room.” She walks over to Steve before sitting on his lap, “You’ve got the headphones?” 
Steve nods before putting her pair over her ears, the girl having insisted she bring over her pair of cat ears ones to leave there so she can hear the new songs he’s been working on, and then placing his own on and pressing play. Steve tapped his fingers on (Y/N) thighs as the song plays, (Y/N) however was making a complete fool of herself as the song plays, making different faces at certain lines and lip syncing the lyrics to the chorus having already known them from the snippet the lead singer had posted several times. Steve smiles as he watches her but as the song repeated and he listened to the lyrics closer he slowly came to the realization that he heavily relates to the lyrics. It was like Awsten had written about him and (Y/N), rather he meant to or not. 
Steve had stopped moving along to the song but (Y/N) hadn’t quite taken notice that he had reached for his phone as she kept listening to the song.
To Band Thingz: Guys we have a new song to learn :)
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“(Y/N), oh my, you look so good!” Ivy shouts over the sounds of the opening band. (Y/N) smiles at the blonde girl before twirling around to show off her outfit.
“Oh Harrington is so gonna forget the words to all the songs as soon as he gets on stage.” Becky - Eddie’s sister - laughs and wraps her arm around Chrissy’s waist. 
“Guys stop, you’re making her nervous.” Dani tells the duo as she picks up on (Y/N)‘s hands starting to shake and the nervous lip biting she’s doing.
“It’s not too much is it?” She whispers to Dani.
“Girl, definitely not. The skirt is giving Sam Manson from Danny Phantom and between the two of us that was Steve’s favorite show growing up.” Dani winks at her, “Besides if he doesn’t like it I’ll grab Robin’s bass and whack him with it.” (Y/N) laughs, before hearing the crowd cheer one last time as the opening band exits the stage.
“Okay we have about fifteen to twenty minutes before they go on stage. Do you want to go get a drink?” Dani asks her before grabbing her hand and giving her no choice.
The duo get to the bar and it’s less noisy than the crowd, “Sorry for just dragging you, it gets so loud over there and I get overstimulated easily. They usually let us backstage but they told us no today for whatever reason. Vodka cranberry, right? I remember Steve mentioning it when he told me about your unofficial first date.” 
“Yeah…” (Y/N) nods her head lost in thought, “Yeah, that’s it. Thank you.”
The girls stood at the bar a little longer after getting their drinks before the lights dimmed, the duo made their way back to the small crowd, finding their way next to Ivy, Amelia, Becky, and Chrissy.
“Hey, do either of you guys know what song they’re covering tonight?” Ivy shouted over the cheering crowd.
“Probably Teenage Dirtbag again, you know Eddie’s obsessed with playing that when you’re at the shows.” Dani shouts back before finishing her drink. (Y/N) nods as she sips her before offering some to Becky who gladly takes it and chugs it.
The group dances and jumps around during the set and being the loudest fans they are were able to capture the band’s attention pretty fast.
“Okay so for our regular attendees to these shows we do, you know this is the part in the set where we cover a song,” Steve takes a sip of his water before closing the cap back up and setting it down, “And we still are but this one needs a special introduction, because for the first time in forever we aren’t playing Teenage Dirtbag.” Steve jokes, Robin laughs away from the mic and Eddie flips him off. 
“This song is actually, pretty new, was only released last week but this very special girl loves it and she’s here tonight so… uhhhh… here’s Brainwashed.” Steve nervously chuckles before the band starts playing the cords, and he gets the crowd to start clapping to the beat before he begins to sing the lyrics. 
(Y/N) stares at him in shock as he looks over at her with a smirk after he sings ‘Why do I think you’re so cool?’. “What are you doing (Y/N), get up there!” Amelia nudges her and Becky quickly kisses Chrissy’s cheek before grabbing (Y/N)‘s shoulders and leading her through the crowd.
“Sorry, excuse us, the himbo singer needs to see this one.” She mumbles to the crowd as she pushes them out of the way, by the time they get to the front the band was already to the bridge of the song, Steve had stopped playing his guitar and had grabbed the mic off the stand and leans down towards (Y/N), as Jonathan gets the crowd clapping, Robin and Eddie singing background vocals.
Steve turned leaning the microphone towards (Y/N) encouraging her to sing the chorus with him as it was coming up, “I can’t sing Steve you know this.” He points at his ears before reaching his hand out to her, lifting her up on stage with the help of Becky. 
“Now I’m having those same thoughts, can’t stop, thinking you got me brainwashed.” Steve tilts the microphone towards her as he continues singing the line “I’m see through, need you, why do I think you’re so cool?” 
(Y/N) rolls her eyes before singing the chorus with him, “Everything’s clean except for my thoughts, thinking about me getting you off.” She giggles slightly as Steve wraps his arm around her, “It’s been a week I’m still at your house, I don’t want to leave, it's freaking me out.” They finish off the song before Steve kisses her forehead, taking out one of his in-ears and whispering to her, “meet me after the show?” 
(Y/N) nods before turning to go to the side of the stage to get off, Steve watches her before turning back to the microphone stand and putting the mic back in, he’s about to put his in-ear back in when he hears his name called, he turns back towards where (Y/N) stood, “Yeah?”
She walks up to him and pulls him into a kiss, Eddie dog whistles and Robin cheers very loudly into her own mic, causing the couple to giggle as they pull apart, “I think I’m in love with you.” Steve says out loud, the mic picks it up and the duo’s eyes go wide.
And that’s how I ended anywayssss love you guys enjoy this!
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jessicaloons · 8 months
Chapter 30:
It was the end of a decade, but the start of an age
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Masterlist - Previous - Next
After the tyre tests were done I only had to attend one last sponsoring event for Audi, before it was time to prepare for the FIA Prize Giving Ceremony in Bologna. I browsed through the internet, looking for inspirations, while Shima sent me dress after dress.
"Okay, now come on! I’ve sent you a dozen of beautiful dresses! You seriously wanna tell me there’s not one you like?" she sighed and I shook my head.
"I’m sorry! But… god Shima this is fucking important! It’s not just an Insta post here or a picture snapped of us at the paddock there! It’s an official event! A red carpet event! It’s broadcasted! There will be photographers! Everyone will see the pictures! It has to be perfect. Everything. The dress. My make-up. My hair. Everything!" I groaned and Shima chuckled "I really don’t know what’s so funny…"
"Nothing! Let’s focus on a dress, okay? So, you said you don’t care about the designer?"
"Not at all… but umm- okay. I thought about something… I want a red dress."
"Red? Really?" Shima asked and I saw her eyes widen on the screen.
"Yeah… I know I would usually never wear such a strong colour! But it’s our first official appearance and I want to show everyone that… that- you know…" I stuttered a little.
"You want to show everyone that that’s your man and you’re wearing his colour. Got it. Okay. Well I haven’t picked out any red dresses, but I will have a look and sent them to you. Really red?" she grinned and I rolled my eyes.
"Yes red!"
"Okay, I got you! Cleavage? No cleavage? Lace? Tulle? Flowy skirt or more tight?"
"Umm- not too much cleavage? Not too tight? I don’t care about the fabric! Just not too much and over the top. Still me kinda, despite that’s its red."
"Okay. I’ll find something. So I talked to Joris the other day…" she began and I chuckled.
"You talked to Joris… interesting…"
"Haha very funny. Anyways. He told me that Charles goes above and beyond for your Christmas presents… oh to be the girlfriend of a multi millionaire athlete…"
"What do you mean, with Christmas presents? Presents, plural?" I groaned.
"Well he bought or planned a few things…"
"Planned? As in activities?"
"Planned as in vacation."
"Great! I seriously have no idea what to buy him! Because as you already mentioned, he’s a multi millionaire! Everything I thought about kinda sucks! And now you tell me that he’s planned a vacation and has at least one more present…"
"Oh I think it’s more than just one more… not helpful… sorry."
"I can’t give him another vacation, when the one I got him for his birthday didn’t even happen yet!" I sighed leaning back.
"Oh yeah, you’re secret little getaway you didn’t tell me more about!" Shima looked at me, trying her best attempt at puppy eyes.
"Okay! Okay! I tell you! So basically after Christmas, when the rest will fly to Costa Rica, Charles and I will fly for 4 days to Iceland, over New Year’s Eve. There are these super luxurious but cozy cabins, with a glass ceiling, so you can lay in bed and watch the northern lights over you…" I practically beamed but Shima choked up.
"New Year’s Eve? Like this New Year’s Eve?" she asked and I nodded.
"Yeah of course this New Year’s Eve? What’s going on?" I looked at her confused.
"Oh, you won’t like that…" her look was sinister.
"We have to talk." I sat down, handing Charles a fork.
"Oh oh. There comes never something good after that…" he looked at me, cautiously, stirring his food.
"It’s nothing bad!" I chuckled a little.
"Okay? What’s going on?"
"It’s about New Year’s Eve…" I began and he almost choked on his pasta.
"What about New Year’s Eve?" he sounded panicked and I laughed.
"Well, it seems like my birthday present for you and your upcoming Christmas present number 1 for me, and we have to talk about the fact that it’s just one from how many exactly, but that’s not the point now, the point is, we had the same idea…"
"What do you mean? Same idea? And no we’re not discussing the amount of presents I got you…but yeah. Same idea how? And how do you know?" he was confused.
"Thankfully our best friends are talking behind our backs to each other… Joris told Shima that you booked us a romantic cabin in Iceland for New Year’s Eve and she told me that because I just had told her that I did the same… and because it would be a waste of money, we have to cancel one booking…" I chuckled a little.
"No way? You stole my idea?" Charles pouted.
"Excuse you? I gave it to you first! So you stole my idea!"
"You only gave it to me first because my birthday is before Christmas!"
"That’s not…" I began but he raised an eyebrow "Okay. Technically you’re right. But still. We have to cancel one trip."
"Okay. But can we eat first and then decide?" he grabbed his fork again and twirled some spaghetti.
"It’s easy. Yours! It was my birthday gift for you. I had nothing else! And you seem to have more than one gift for me for Christmas. So you will cancel your booking."
"No? We will discuss that later…" he looked at me intently and I sighed.
"Fine…" we will definitely take my booking.
"I know that look! We will discuss it later!" he chuckled and I sighed.
"Did you find a dress with Shima?" Charles asked after a while and I nodded "Yeah? How does it look?"
"You’ll see it in four days." I tried to say it nonchalantly but he sensed it immediately, looking at me "I’m just a little nervous, it’s all good, tho."
"Whatever you’ll wear, you’ll look gorgeous!" he took my hand in his and kissed the back of it "I have absolutely no doubt."
I smiled a little, hoping he was right.
Charles POV:
I sat on the sofa, scrolling through my phone, listening to the bustling coming out of the bedroom. I heard faint cursing and put my phone down.
"Are you okay in there, cara mia?" I asked and got up, walking towards the door.
"Yeah. Sure. Just need a minute and I’ll be out." she said breathlessly.
"Okay…" I chuckled and sat back down.
"I don’t know if the dress was the right choice…I don’t know if it was a good idea to think that I don’t need a stylist or hair and make up person…" she mumbled.
"Hair and make up person?" I laughed.
"Yeah a hair dresser and make-up artist… you know what I mean." she puffed out.
"I’m sure you look…" I began just to be interrupted by her, stepping out of the bedroom. I got up. Looking her up and down and was at a loss of words. She was stunning. The most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. But it was the look on her face that made her shine. She looked almost shy. Unsure. As if she wasn’t aware of how beautiful she was "Cara mia…"
"Is it okay? Red was maybe the wrong choice? I thought it would be nice, you know, wearing red for you. Showing how proud I am of you, what you’ve achieved this season. But now I’m not so sure that it’s not maybe too much? It is too much, right? And it also shows a lot of skin! What was I thinking! God! I have a black back-up dress, give me a minute. Maybe I should do something with my hair as well, not just open like that? Yeah. I change it as well." she rambled and I gently cupped her cheeks.
"You, cara mia, look like a goddess. You look more than beautiful. And that dress? That stays on! That will only leave your body tonight, when we’re back, and I’ll rip it off of you…" I said and she blushed.
"Are you sure? I don’t want to… I don’t want people to look at me and think…"
"Stop. Whatever you’re about to say. Stop. I can guarantee you, there is no one looking more beautiful and perfect than you tonight. You look magnifique… umm… magnificent!" I kissed her plush lips carefully, to not smudge her lipstick "And now let’s go. I want to see everyone’s jaw drop to the floor, knowing that I’m the one you’re there with and later going home with." I grabbed her hand and she giggled sweetly.
"Okay…" she whispered and then looked around "Where’s my clutch…" she grabbed a little bag and then smiled at me "Let’s go."
We clapped as Max walked up the stage and I saw how Lizzie looked at me, an encouraging smile on her lips. I was happy for Max, but of course I would’ve love to make the final step myself, winning the trophy Max was holding now.
"I’m sorry, Charles. That could’ve been you if things would’ve worked out better…" she leaned into me and I smiled, tilting her face towards mine.
"I have won the most beautiful prize there is to win this year… I’ve got you!" I answered and she was blushing adorably "No trophy, no award, no title will ever make me as happy as having you by my side, cara mia!" I leaned in and kissed her softly, leaving her breathless "But next year? Next year I would love to add another trophy to my cabinet!" I chuckled, nodding towards Max and the WDC trophy.
"You will. I just know it." she said and intertwined our hands "2023 will be your year."
"I hope so. And if not, I still got you by my side."
"Always and forever." she kissed my cheek and we looked back up on the stage again.
I got a sign from one of the organisers that it was time for me to present an award and I got up, kissing Lizzie’s head.
"I’ll be right back…" I winked at her and she made an adorable confused face, her nose scrunching up a little. I followed the guy backstage where he fitted a microphone around my head and I waited at the stage entry, watching the hosts calling out my name, the crowd applauded and I entered the stage, looking for Lizzie, who looked at me with big eyes.
"Hello everyone. This years award for the Rookie of the year goes to a very special driver, who showed her remarkable talent on track, from finishing on the podium in her first race, to continue winning two races over the course of the year, ending her first season as fourth in the driver standings. Everyone who closely followed our winners career over the years knows that she’s not just one of the most talented drivers of our generation, but also one of the most resilient, disciplined, hard working and outstanding ones. She never gave up her dream of becoming a Formula 1 driver, although she had to surpass obstacles none of us can even fathom. Nothing could stop her on her way and I’m more than proud to stand here tonight, not only presenting this award to an astonishing young driver, but also to my beautiful and amazing girlfriend. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome our Rookie of the year 2022 award winner, Lizzie Doetterer!" I held my speech and as the room began to applaud I looked at Lizzie, how she nervously smiled and got up, making her way up the stage, a woman handed me the trophy and Lizzie a microphone. As soon as she stood in front of me I gave her the trophy which she accepted with shaking hands. She then looked up at me and I couldn’t hold back, pulling her in by the waist, kissing her. Just a small, innocent kiss, but she blushed nevertheless and I was 100% sure I heard Max wolf whistle. When I pulled away I squeezed her hand gently and nodded towards the audience. Lizzie took a deep breath.
"Thank you so much. Winning this award is a big honour, it really means a lot. Our team had an amazing season, it’s been a really great year for us. It wasn’t always easy, we had our ups and downs, but I think in the end we managed quite well, for a rookie team. I really want to thank the Audi Sports board, for taking a chance on me. Felix Bayer for his trust and confidence in me, Pete Wirth for being my calming voice of reason during the race, Valtteri for helping me adjust and giving me advice throughout the season. Everyone who’s part of this amazing team, thank you so much, we achieved this together! Thank you to the amazing Audi fans! Your support over the season meant everything! Thank you to my family and friends for always supporting me, for quite some time now, thank you Pops for travelling with me as often as you can, all the way back since 2003! And one last thank you to this guy here, Charles. I have no words to describe how much your love and support means to me. I wouldn’t be standing here tonight, if it wasn’t for you and your undying faith in me. You never gave up, always believed that I would make it into Formula 1, even when I had almost given up, you were always by my side, through the ups and downs! Thank you." Lizzie looked at me and I saw the tears in her eyes, the audience clapped again and I pulled her in my arms, hugging her tight before we left the stage together. Someone took the microphone from her and I unclasped the one attached around my head and I smiled at her.
"You didn’t tell me that you were presenting this award!" she playfully hit my shoulder and I laughed.
"Well, I wanted to surprise you!"
"It was a nice surprise." she smiled
"It was an honor to present this award to you, no one deserves it more than you!"
"Oh stop getting all sappy on me."
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I walked inside the flower shop, waiting in line to pick up the bouquets Lizzie ordered when my phone rang.
"Hi." I picked up the FaceTime call but was greeted with the empty kitchen "Cara mia?" I heard rustling from somewhere and Lizzie walked in the frame.
"Hey, did you pick up the bouquets?" she asked while peeling some carrots.
"I’m in the flower shop right now."
"Oh, okay. Good." she walked out of the frame again "Hey, when will everyone arrive again?" she looked up.
"You said everyone should come around 5 and at 6 we’re eating." I replied and her eyes widened "I’m almost done here and then I’m coming over, helping you, okay?"
"No! I’m fine! It’s all good." she said although I could clearly see that she was lying "You pick them up from the airport. I cook. It’s all going to be fine."
"Okay, but cara mia if you need help, call me, okay? Hey! Look at me!"
"I’m fine, Charles, but when I need you help I’m calling you!" she sighed, looking at me.
"Okay, see you later then." I smiled and she nodded before she hung up.
I smiled as a young boy looked at me with big eyes.
"Are you Charles Leclerc?" he asked and I nodded "So cool! Can I take a picture with you?"
"Sure." I smiled at him and he poked his mother’s arm.
"Take a picture of us, mummy! That’s Charles Leclerc!" he beamed at her and she smiled taking a picture of us "Everyone will be so jealous! Thank you so much!"
"No worries! Merry Christmas!" I waved him goodbye as he and his mother left.
"You’re Charles Leclerc?" The girl behind the counter asked and I nodded "Then I guess these bouquets are for you, or rather your girlfriend!" she smiled and grabbed two bouquets from the table behind her.
"Yes they are for us. Thank you!" I handed her my credit card.
"Lizzie is so cool! It’s so amazing that a girl is now in F1!" the girl gave me credit card and the receipt back "I’m a huge fan of her! Of course of you as well! I mean you’re Monegasque!"
"Thank you, I will tell her to stop by some time!" I smiled and grabbed the two bouquets "Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas!" she waved and I left the shop.
Back in the car I called Enzo.
"What’s up?"
"Enzo, you and Arthur have to pick up the family. I need to check on Lizzie." I drove off.
"Okay. Is everything okay?" he asked and I sighed.
"You know Lizzie, she probably is totally overdoing everything just to make it perfect."
"Yeah, sounds like her. Arthur and I will pick up the family and you take care of Lizzie." he laughed.
"Alright, see you later then!" I hung up, heading back home to grab my stuff.
I unlocked the door and walked inside, slipping off my shoes. It smelled amazing.
"Whatever you’re cooking, it smells delicious." I said, walking towards the kitchen, setting down the bouquets and my bags "Cara mia?" I looked around, but Lizzie wasn’t there "Lizzie? Where are you?" there were two pots and whatever was inside started to boil over, Lizzie stormed out from the bathroom, eyes red, 3 fingers on her left and 2 on her right bandaged.
"No no no! Please!" she turned off the stove, pushing the pots away "Fuck!"
"What happened to those." I pointed at the band-aids on her fingers.
"Nothing, I’m clumsy." she sighed a little and then forced out a smile "It’s all good."
It wasn’t. I knew her long enough to know that nothing was good. I could basically feel the anxiety radiating from her. She looked back to the stove and stirred in a pot, frowning at whatever is inside.
"You’re early?" she didn’t look at me.
"Yeah, Lorenzo and Arthur pick up the fam so I thought I could come and help you a little." I said slowly and saw how she wiped away a tear "So, what can I do?"
"You can set the table."
I looked over, the table was already well decorated, only the bouquets of flowers were missing.
"Alright." I smiled at her and grabbed the 2 vases from the table, putting the flowers in and setting them back down. I turned back to Lizzie, a panicked look on her face. She began to rummage through the fridge.
"Oh god no!" she groaned "Amazing. Just amazing. Why am I so stupid."
"What’s wrong?" I looked at her and she closed her eyes.
"I forgot to buy fresh thyme!" she let out before she looked at me with big eyes "This all is a disaster!"
"It’s okay! We can surely use dried thyme as well, no?" I looked at her and she sighed, nodding right when a timer went off.
"Oh, I have to turn the roast beef." she opened the oven and the smell was mouthwatering "I turn it every half hour so it cooks evenly and pour some of the juices over it." she bends down, gripping the baking tray and hissed out in pain.
"Lizzie." I was at her in an instant, gently grabbing her hands, but she only shook her head "Lizzie you burnt yourself, come…" I pulled her towards the sink, letting cool water run over her fingers "Why do you never use your oven mitts?" I whispered and I saw the tears gathering in her eyes.
"I don’t know, okay? God! This was a stupid idea! Who do I think I am? Martha Stuart? Look at this mess! I’m not even halfway done with everything and in not even two hours everyone is coming! My kitchen looks like a mess, the food is not ready, I’ve burned myself again. And look at me! I need to shower and change! Fuck! Why did I insist on cooking today? Alone?" she cried and I pulled her to my side, kissing her temple.
"Okay, first of all, it’s not looking like a mess in here! I’m sure we can do this together, okay?" I reassured her.
"Okay…" she whispered.
"I have an idea. You take a shower. And rest a little, I clean up everything and prepare the next steps and when you’re done, we’re finishing the rest together?" I looked at her, but she shook her head.
"I can’t rest! I still have to prepare so many things! And then clean up and do the dishes!"
"I can prepare everything and as soon as you’re ready we finish it off together? I’m not saying lay down for two hours! Just a little rest, you look exhausted! Come on! I will turn over your roast beef in 25 minutes, pour some juices over. I have it under control." I gently pushed her towards the hallway to her bedroom.
"Are you sure?" she asked and I nodded.
"Yup. Go now." I kissed her cheek.
"In 30 minutes come and get me!" she insisted and I nodded.
"I will." I won’t.
I walked back into the kitchen and looked over the counter, saw her notes and had to smile, everything was written down meticulously, she had ticked off what was done already. I followed her instructions and flinched when the timer went off again and hastily silenced her phone, then did exactly what she did 30 minutes ago. I quietly walked into her bedroom, to see her rolled up on her bed, cuddled up in her bathrobe, hair wrapped up in a towel. Carefully I lifted her head on the pillows and put a blanket over her. Back in the kitchen, I checked her notes again, following all her instructions. Right as I stored away the broom the next timer got off. When I closed the oven my phone rang and I picked it up quickly.
"On a scale from one to ten, how’s it going?" Sissy asked and I chuckled a little.
"It’s going quite well. Everything is prepared. Table is set. Kitchen is cleaned. Lizzie is doing good."
"Good. I was really worried when I saw that she texted mum and me the entire night question after question. I honestly think she didn’t sleep at all." she sounded worried.
"Yeah, she looked a little tired but don’t worry, I’ve got it under control!" I reassured her.
"Don’t know if that is reassuring!" I heard Arthur in the back "Hey! Stop pinching me! I’m the driver!"
"When Charlie says he has it under control then he has it under control!" Liam said and I had to laugh.
"You tell him, Bubba!" I cheered him on.
"Okay, I take care of these two and you take care of Lizzie! See you later!" Sissy chuckled and hung up.
I washed my hands when I felt Lizzie hugging me from behind.
"Your pista should be white…" she whispered.
"What?" I chuckled.
"You know, like a white horse! You’re a knight in shining armour riding on your white horse!"
"And you’re the damsel in distress that needs saving?" I turned around, looking at her.
"Kinda…" she sighed "I thought you would come and get me after half an hour? And not one and a half hours?"
"You looked exhausted and tired and everything is under control! Only the final steps!" I cupped her cheeks "See? It’s all good!"
"Thank you. Really! I was so scared that I screw it all up…" she mumbled and I kissed her forehead.
"Nope. You didn’t! And by the way, everything I tasted was delicious!" I said and Lizzie chuckled.
"What did you taste?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Let me tell you what I didn’t taste." I smiled sheepishly.
"Thank you. Really!" she put her arms around my neck, pulling me close "What did I do to deserve you?"
"Hmm… being the most amazing person on earth?"
"No, that’s you…" she kissed me and I smiled "Okay, let’s do the rest and then I go and get changed."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Lizzie, that dinner was delicious!" Pascale said, everyone else mumbling in agreement.
"I had the best little helper today!" I chuckled and she looked at Liam and Benji for a moment.
"But you guys arrived to-…" she began.
"She meant me!" Charles mumbled and everyone looked at him in silence "Yep. I helped, so never say I’m useless in the kitchen."
"You?" Pascale asked stunned.
"If we’re all having food poisoning tomorrow, we know who to blame." Arthur whispered and Charles throw a bread roll at him, hitting his head "Ouch! What the fu- fudge!" he looked sheepishly at Benji and Liam who giggled at the behaviour of the older boys.
"No one‘s having food poisoning! It was delicious and I’m sure Charles did good." Mum patted Charles arm.
"Thank you, Marina, the only person who’s nice to me." Charles threw his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer "Can you please adopt me? My mum is so not nice!"
"I’m not sure that’s even necessary at this point." Mum laughed.
"True." Marcus shrugged his shoulders.
"Okay we had now enough grown up talks! Can we have our presents now?" Liam chirped and Benji nodded along.
"Yes! Presents!" he said excited.
"Oh kiddos, I forgot to tell you this… but here in Monaco it’s tradition to open up the presents on the 25th in the morning…" I said and both boys made big eyes.
"Noooooo!" they whined and we laughed.
"We would never make you wait this long!" Charles said and got up, picking up both boys, going to the bathroom.
I got up as well and began cleaning up the table, Lisa and Sissy helping me.
"You stay!" I said to Mum and Pascale and they both sighed a little, right as Liam and Benji stormed back in.
"Did you wash your hands?" Sissy asked and they both nodded "Alright. Then sit down for a little, until we’re done."
"But hurry up please!" Liam pleaded and I laughed.
"Almost done, Bubba!" I closed the dishwasher and started it.
"Hurry uuuup!" he whined.
"Stop whining you little munchkin!" Arthur grabbed Liam and tossed him over his shoulder making him giggle. As Benji began to laugh Charles picked him up and followed Arthur to the sofa.
I did the last dishes, washed my hands and filled up my glass.
"Alright. Done." I followed Sissy and Lisa to the sofa and sat down on the floor, in front of Charles.
"Presents! Presents! Presents!" Liam, Benji and Arthur cheered and I had to laugh.
"Let the kids start. Before these three get a heart attack!" Enzo said and Arthur cheered even louder.
30 minutes later almost all presents were exchanged and the kids sat in a corner, playing a new game on their Switch. Charles gently put his hands under my chin, tilting my head upwards, facing him.
"You didn’t open any of my presents for you, cara mia!" he pouted and I chuckled a little.
"What? You mean these five remaining presents there? Five! Really?" I replied and he grinned.
"You know that it were originally six…"
"I only had one for you…" I sighed and he kissed my forehead.
"Yeah! A painting! A huge ass painting! Probably worth more than anything I bought you! And it doesn’t matter how many presents you buy or how much they cost, it’s the thought that counts." he whispered and I nodded "Maman, can you please give me that white bag? Merci."
I sat up and got up, sitting down next to Charles. Everyone looked at me and I blushed.
"Why are you all looking at me?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Well, you’re the last one to unwrap any presents because you waited till the end… where else should we look?" Dad scratched his head and Charles laughed handing me the first three presents.
"These ones would actually go along with the one I had to cancel." he explained and I opened them, revealing a cozy and soft scarf, beanie and gloves. All in dark grey with pastel pink adornments.
"You planned a ski trip?" Marcus asked and I shook my head.
"Nope. As Charles‘ birthday present I booked a cozy cabin with glass ceiling in Iceland over New Year’s Eve for us…"
"…and I booked the same trip as a Christmas gift." Charles finished and the others started laughing.
"You’re not coming to Costa Rica then?" Mum asked and Liam stopped playing and looked at us.
"We fly on the second of January from Iceland to Costa Rica. Four days later then you guys!" Charles said and I saw how Liam breathed out, looking relieved.
"Romantic getaway…" Marcus whispered, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Ouuuhhhh will there be a mini Lizzie or mini Charles next September then?" Arthur grinned and Enzo flicked his ear "Hey! I’m just saying what we’re all thinking…"
"Shut it, Arthi or I swear the moment we have a kid I manipulate it to annoy the living shit out of you!" I laughed and in the corner of my eyes I saw how Charles smiled.
"But there is more to unwrap!" Liam and Benji joined us again when they saw that I was still unwrapping presents and I sighed.
"There appears to be more to unwrap, yeah…" I looked at Charles and he grinned, handing me a big present. I slowly unwrapped it and a sleek, black box appeared, the white Chanel logo on the top. My jaw dropped when I opened the box, revealing a beautiful black Chanel bag, the classic and timeless flap bag "You’re crazy!" I carefully lifted the bag out of the box.
"Do you like it? The lady in the store said I couldn’t go wrong with that one…" Charles looked at me cautiously.
"You know that I’m not really into fashion and stuff…" I began and his face fell a little "But this is literally the only bag I always wanted to have!"
"Since she was a little girl!" Mum said and I nodded.
"Yeah! I don’t even know why, but that bag was just it for me! Thank you so much!" I kissed his cheek, pulling him close "It’s perfect! Really, really perfect!"
"I’m just glad you like it!" he chuckled a little, fiddling at the last present he held in his hand "This last one is a little special." he handed me the black box and I opened it.
"Are you for real?" I whispered looking at him.
"It was about time that you have a custom made one… maybe you’ll wear that one!" he smiled and I was at a loss of words, carefully taking the watch out of the box "It’s the Richard Mille 07-04. But I designed it and added that little feature." he pointed at the 7 at the top and 16 at the bottom.
"Charles that’s… that’s way too much! Are you crazy?" I stared at the watch with big eyes.
"You know that we’re sponsored by Richard Mille?" he whispered and I nodded.
"But still! They certainly didn’t give it to you for free! And that watch? That costs what? 100k? 150k?" I sighed and he looked down for a moment "Oh god! More! Charles I can’t walk around with a watch at my wrist that’s worth more than 3 cars!"
"Why not? He’s running around with watches worth more than entire mansions!" Arthur again with the not helping comment.
"That’s not the point…" I mumbled.
"Suck it up and thank your boyfriend for that beautiful watch!" Mum said.
"Thank you, my lovely boyfriend for that beautiful watch that will make me hire a bodyguard for whenever I leave the house now, wearing it!" I joked and pecked Charles lips "No really! It’s beautiful! I love it!" I hugged him.
"Only the best for you!" he whispered in my ear.
"Yeah… I can see that!"
The next days we spent all together, cooking and baking, watching Christmas movies and playing board games when it was time for our vacation. Charles and I had to leave earlier than the rest for the airport and we hugged everyone goodbye the night before, as we were leaving early in the morning.
"Are you ready for Iceland?" Charles asked as we both got inside the black SUV and I snuggled into him.
"Já, ég er tilbúinn!" I said and he looked at me, raising an eyebrow "That’s Icelandic and means yes, I’m ready."
"When did you learn Icelandic?" Charles asked and I chuckled.
"The moment I booked this trip. But just some basics and common phrases and words."
"You’re amazing, you know that?" he kissed my temple.
"I try."
Charles laughed and I looked outside, the world still shrouded in darkness. After one hour in the air the sky outside was illuminated by the first rays of sunshine and I turned to Charles, who had a content smile on his face when he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.
"I can’t wait to kiss you at midnight on New Year’s Eve." he whispered and I smiled.
"Me neither." I looked outside again, watching the clouds and the sky, leaning back in my seat. At some point I must’ve fallen asleep, after a while Charles caressed my cheek and I opened my eyes, looking around a little confused.
"Cara mia, we’re about to land." he said and I yawned.
"Already?" I yawned and he nodded.
"Yeah. As soon as we’re out here we look for something to eat, when they served food and I woke you up you just grumbled that you’re not hungry and want to sleep, then you turned away and fell asleep again." he laughed and I stretched.
"I couldn’t sleep last night, I was too excited." I said sheepishly and he kissed my cheek.
"I know, I felt you tossing and turning the whole time." he whispered.
"Sorry…" I looked at him apologetically.
"Don’t worry. I’m used to it. You were always a wild sleeper… the amount of times you change position? Uncountable." he laughed and pulled me into his side.
"I know." I sighed as the plane touched ground "But hey! This was the first time I slept through a flight! Like almost entirely! Usually I just doze off for a couple of minutes here and there!"
"That’s true, so now we know how to make you sleep in the plane! Don’t let you sleep beforehand!"
"Yeah maybe." I shrugged my shoulders and slipped into my shoes, pulling a little mirror out of my bag "Oh god! I look horrible!" I groaned and wiped the sleep out of my eyes, before I smoothed down my hair "I need my scarf and beanie…" I rummaged through my bag, pulling said clothing out and wrapped the scarf around my neck, holding the beanie in my hand.
"You look adorable as always and now let’s go!" Charles got up and pulled me with him.
We were awaited by a black SUV that picked us up and I got inside, happily munching on a pastry and nursing a hot chocolate.
"Miss Doetterer, Mr. Leclerc, welcome to Iceland!" the driver said and we smiled.
"Thank you!" I said and he started the engine, driving off.
"This. This is it. I don’t want anything else." I whispered, as Charles’ hand gently stroked up and down my naked spine.
The whole cabin lulled in darkness, only the soft glimmer from the fireplace to our right illuminating the place a little. Cuddled up against Charles, head on his breast, I looked at the glass ceiling. The northern lights glimmering above us.
"Yeah. You beside me. That sky above us. That’s perfection." he kissed the crown of my head.
"We definitely have to come here with the little ones one day. The whole family. This is something they have to see as well!" I yawned and Charles chuckled.
"We will definitely come here with them… but for now, I’d say my pretty girl needs some sleep!" he said and grabbed the blanket, pulling it over us "Tomorrow I want to do a little stroll through the snow! We need to be well rested for that!"
"Sounds more like a snow hike, than a stroll…" I giggled and Charles tilted my head up, two fingers under my chin.
"We’ll see." he kissed me softly and I smiled "Sleep now."
"Okay, okay, Charlie bear… good night…" I laid my head back on his chest and looked above again, it didn’t take long for sleep to find me.
Turning a little, I find the bed empty next to me. With a sigh I opened my eyes, looking around. It was snowing. A lot.
"Good morning, cara mia." Charles walked in with a tray full of food "Are you hungry?" he set the trey down in front of me and climbed back into bed.
"Always." I mumbled and sat up, the blanket slipping down, making me shiver.
"Here." Charles handed me his hoodie and pulled it over my head.
"Thanks… so what do we have here." I smiled and looked at the food "Looks good, did you make that?"
"No, don’t worry. You can order it and they bring it up to your cabin." he chuckled, pouring some orange juice into a glass "Here. I have everything that you love."
"I thought for lunch we could check out the restaurant at the reception building? Then we can select our dinner for tonight as well and order it."
"Sounds like a plan… snow hike then." I laughed, eating some yogurt.
"Oh come on! It’s not that far away! According to the flyer it’s only 1.7 kilometre! That’s nothing for us!"
"Did you see the snow outside? That will take forever! We will probably freeze to death on our way there! A pack of wild wolves will find us and eat us as a little snack!"
"Now you’re being dramatic! There are no wolves in Iceland!" he laughed and I shrugged my shoulders "It’s going to be amazing, you’ll see!"
After breakfast I had a long, hot shower and then dressed up.
"I’m glad I took my ski clothes with me." I said and sat down to put on my boots.
"Smart girl!" Charles chuckled and put on his beanie "Ready?"
"Yup!" I slipped my gloves on and followed him outside "Oh wow, that’s really cold!"
"Just a little… come on now!" he held out his hand and we walked along the beautiful, snowy landscape.
"As much as I love snow, but that would be too much! Seriously! Three to four months like this? Hell no!" I mumbled when we arrived at the reception building, shaking off the snow.
"God no! You’re right. That’s really a little much." Charles opened the door for me and I unzipped my jacket right as a woman walked up to us.
"Miss Doetterer, Mr. Leclerc. I’ll take you to your table. Do you want me to take your jackets?" she smiled at us.
"That would be wonderful, they’re wet and snowy." I answered and she nodded,looking at a young man, who took our jackets from us. We then followed her inside the little restaurant and she placed us right next to a cozy fireplace, a huge panorama window on the other side.
"Here’s the menu. If you have any questions, just ask." with one last smile she walked away.
"That food sounds delicious!" I read through the menu, not knowing what to pick "I kinda want everything."
"Don’t forget, we order some dinner as well for tonight. So you can try a lot of different stuff." Charles smiled and I nodded.
"That’s good, because I have already three things I want to order and I’m not even half way done with the menu."
"Same same."
"Let me just set up my camera!" I smiled at Charles who jumped into the snow, making snow angels.
"Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to do that with only jeans on!" he laughed as I jumped right next to him.
"Sweatpants aren’t that great either." I grabbed a handful snow and threw it at him.
"Hey!" Charles shuddered a little before he grabbed some snow as well "Oh the battle is on!" he lunged at me and for the next 10 minutes we were rolling through the snow, throwing snowballs at each other and having the time of our life’s.
"Ok, I give up! I’m done!" I heaved, plopping down in the snow and Charles leaned over me.
"You surrender?" he asked, his hot breath fanning over my skin.
"I surrender!" I whispered and he put his cold lips on mine.
"Let’s get inside, cara mia." he kissed the tip of my nose and then picked me up, carrying me inside "How about we make use of that huge bathtub?" he sat me down and I shut off my camera.
"That sounds like an amazing idea!" I nodded and Charles took my hand, leading me to the bathroom.
Thirty minutes later I sat, between Charles legs, back pressed into his chest, watching the snow fall outside.
"We could go to the blue lagoon tomorrow? I mean, where in Iceland! We have to go there!" Charles kissed my shoulder.
"Oh yes please! That mud and clay is supposed to be really good for your skin!" I said excitedly and he laughed.
"Alright. I’ll check in with the reception later on.
"Thank you!" I turned a little, kissing him.
We sat cuddled up on the sofa in front of the fireplace, Charles reading a book while I was scrolling through Instagram to see what our family and friends were up to. Under the newest post of Arthur, a picture of him with Liam on his shoulders and Lorenzo with Benji on his shoulders the comments were full of comments about Charles and I. People were asking if we were there as well, as since Mexico we were pretty quiet on social media. Charles only posted twice after. The picture of us in Mexico and then one last picture from Abu Dhabi, where he thanked the Tifosi for an incredible year. My last post was from the media day in Mexico, where I took a picture with a girl who gave me a self made doll, looking like me. People were wondering why I haven’t posted anything yet about Charles and I. I put my phone down and picked up my camera, looking through the picture it took while we were playing in the snow earlier. There were some really nice snapshots among some very blurry ones. As I went through the photos I had an idea.
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When it knocked on the door, Charles got up, opening the door. A whole cart full of food and beverages was rolled in and after tipping the server Charles turned to look at me.
"I guess, the party can begin!" he laughed, pointing at the big champagne bottle and I smiled.
"Looks like it!" I said and Charles rolled the cart over to the big panorama windows "That food smells amazing!"
He sat down on the sofa and patted the space next to him.
"What a way to end this year." I sighed, plopping down and leaning back into the soft pillows, Charles leaned back as well, snaking his arm around me and pulling me close to him.
"Last year on New Year’s Eve I promised myself that this was the year I would make you mine. You know me, I usually never have any New Year’s resolutions… but yeah this one time I had one and I’m more than happy that it worked out." Charles said and kissed my temple.
I turned slightly to look at him, he had a content smile on his face, watching the heavy snowfall outside our window.
"Thank you…" I whispered after a while and he tilted his head slightly "Thank you for believing in us. Fighting for us… thank you for making this year literally the best year of my life!"
"I mean, it’s not like I was being totally selfless and did it just for your sake… I gained a lot from it as well." he chuckled a little and I playfully hit his chest "It was a good year. And I know even better years will come!"
"Hear, hear!"
After another moment of silence where we just indulged in being together at this wonderful place, Charles sat up slowly.
"Now come on! We have all of this amazing food!" he said and I sat up as well "Should I put on some music? Or do you want to watch a film?"
"We only watched four out of our five Christmas movies this year! We have to watch Elf!" I said and Charles laughed "We did it every year! We can’t break that tradition now!"
"Alright. Elf it is!" he turned on the TV and I loaded up my plate with food, snuggling back into the pillows.
"I like New Year’s Eve like this… good food, watching a movie all cuddled up. Just you and me. Quiet. Comfy." I mumbled after a while and Charles hummed his agreement.
When the end credits were rolling I checked the time. 23:46.
"Almost midnight." Charles smiled, following my look "I have an idea. Come on up, pretty girl." he pulled me up on my feet, grabbing our jackets and boots "Dress up. I want to slow dance in the snow with you." he wrapped his scarf around his head and out his beanie on, I did the same and sat down to lace up my boots. Charles grabbed his phone and looked at me "Ready? Okay… oh wait. One more thing!" he grabbed the bottle of champagne and then slid open the glass doors to the terrace holding out his hand for me to take.
"Oh wow it’s freezing!" I said as we stepped outside.
"Give me a second and I’ll fix that." Charles said tapping away at his phone and Ed Sheeran’s 'Perfect' started to play. He placed his phone and the champagne on the table and then pulled me onto his arms, gently swaying us around, humming to the melody of the song. He leaned his forehead against mine closed his eyes. I did the same "…dancing in the dark, with you between my arms, with snow boots in the snow, listening to our favourite song…" he quietly sang along and I had to laugh when he changed the lyrics.
"Is that our favourite song then?" I asked and he looked at me.
"No. But it’s a nice one. And it’s slow. Just wait… our favourite song will play next…" he smiled and I was curious what he might’ve picked out.
We slow danced in the snow when the song ended and the next one began. My heart racing, big smile spreading over my face.
"Charles…" I whispered and he pulled me closer.
"This is it. I know it’s one of your favourite songs… and when I learned to play it on the piano for you I kinda fell in love with it as well… and I want that for us… I want to go where you go, I always want to be this close… you’re my lover…" Charles smiled his most adorable smile and gently wiped away a stray tear from my cheek "I love you, Lizzie."
"I love you too, Charles. So much." and right as I leaned in the fireworks exploded above us "Midnight…"
Charles pulled me closer, his soft lips fitted perfectly on mine and I gasped at how cold they where. He slipped his tongue inside my mouth, gentle but demanding, sending shivers down my spine. His grip on my waist tightened as he tried to pull me even closer into him, every single part of my body dissolving into his, a shockwave of tingles spreading all over my body.
"Happy New Year, mon amour." Charles whispered against my lips when we both had to come up for some air.
"Happy New Year, mon cœur." I replied looking in his beautiful eyes.
"Here." he pulled away a little, turning to the table and grabbed the bootle of champagne, popping the cork, pouring us two glasses. I took the glass he handed me and we toasted them together "Cheers to us." our glasses clinked together and I took a swig of it. Charles pulled me to his side again and we looked at the sky above, the northern lights glowing, the fireworks sparkling.
The whole flight from Iceland to Miami and then San Jose I felt giddy, excited. The pictures our family had sent us were looking amazing and I couldn’t wait to spent some last relaxed days with our family before the preparation for the new season would start. We got out of the car and the door opened, Liam and Benji storming out.
"THEY‘RE HERE! THEY‘RE HERE!" the boys shouted happily and I had to laugh, both storming towards us.
"Hey kiddos!" Charles scooped them up and they hugged him "I missed you guys!"
"We missed you too! Charlie the pool is so big! And there are tiny geckos everywhere! And you can hear monkeys in the jungle! It’s so cool!" Liam screeched and then leaned over to me and I grabbed him, hugging him close "And we saw a sloth! The my are sooooo slow!" he kissed my cheek and I smiled.
"Yeah and we saw turtles! Nico said we will see baby turtles if we’re lucky!" Benji made big eyes and I kissed his cheek.
"Oh wow! Sounds like you had some amazing adventure already then?" Charles said and the boys nodded, right as Arthur and Marcus walked outside, taking our suitcases from the driver.
"You couldn’t even let them get inside, couldn’t you?" Marcus chuckled, sidehugging me "Hey schwesti."
"They were just so happy to see us… maybe they were a little sick of the same boring faces for the past few days!" I chuckled and he pinched my side.
"Come on in. You’ll love it! You did an amazing job, picking this place, Lizzie!" Arthur said and we followed them inside. I was stunned. The photos didn’t do this place justice. It was insane.
"Oh hey there lovebirds!" Enzo came inside from the terrace and we hugged him "You’re just in time for dinner! Or do you first settle down a little? Freshen up?"
"If dinner means there’s also a cold drink for me? Then I’m up for it now." I chuckled a little and Charles nodded.
"Don’t worry, you can have any drink you want! Come on out!" he smiled and we followed him outside.
We hugged everyone and then sat down on the terrace, overlooking a huge infinity pool with a marvellous beach right in front.
"How was Iceland? It looked pretty cold! But so beautiful!" Mum asked and I munched on my garlic bread, letting Charles do the talk.
"It was really cold. But so quiet! The cabins are so far away from each other that you really had the feeling you were there alone! And then half of the house is made out of glass! We lay in bed, watching the northern lights above us! They were so amazing! I swear I didn’t even want to sleep, just look at them." he said with a big smile.
"Probably not the only thing he wanted to do while laying there…" Arthur leaned in, saying it only for me to hear and I punched his arm "Hey!"
"You, little Arthi, should get your head out of the gutter!" I said underneath my breath and he rubbed his arm.
"As if I’m wrong." he mumbled and I laughed.
"No, you’re absolutely not wrong. You want to have the full details…" I looked him dead in the eye, wiggling my eyebrows.
"Eww stop!" he shoved me a little and Charles looked at us.
"What are you two talking about?"
"Nothing!" Arthur and I said at the same time and we burst out laughing.
"Enough from Iceland! How’s it here? What have you done already?" I asked.
"We were at the beach, the city, just relaxed here by the pool. In two days we want to go on a boat ride… oh and there are three turtle nests right in front of our nose… we spent some time just watching it until they hatch." Dad gave us a quick rundown and I cheered excitedly.
"Turtle nests? Three of them? That’s where we might see the baby turtles then!" I asked and Benji nodded "Oh wow! How exciting!"
"Yeah Nico, he’s the wildlife expert who works for the resort, said the chances are pretty high that we will see baby turtles… he goes on control walks every night and when he sees that they hatch he will call us, so we can join him at the beach." Sissy explained and I nodded.
"I really hope they will hatch!" Liam said and I smiled.
"Me too, little one, me too!"
Charles POV:
"Charles! Liam! Come on! The cars are waiting!" Sissy shouted and Liam rolled his eyes.
"She always needs hours to be ready and then that one time we need a little longer she shouts!" he mumbled and I laughed.
"Take the first car, we’re coming in the second one!" I shouted back and heard the door close "Now come on, Bubba. Put on your shoes."
"Why do I need shoes anyway? I’m just in the car and then on the boat!" Liam mumbled.
"Because we have to get from the car tonte boat as well?" I cocked an eyebrow and he frowned, putting on socks and his shoes "That’s what I thought. Let me just grab some water, I know you, we’re probably not even in the car and you’re thirsty already!" we walked down the stairs and I grabbed two bottles of water, putting them in my backpack "Alright, let’s go."
Outside was no car waiting for us and I looked around. I saw the car parking at the entryway to the neighbouring house and ushered Liam towards it.
"Hi, umm are you our driver?" I asked the guy who leaned against the car and he nodded.
"I’m José. Is it just you two? I thought you’re more?" he asked and opened our door.
"They took the first car, we’re a little late." I laughed as we sat down and I buckled Liam in.
"Oh? Okay? I thought I was the first car and then Matteo would be picking up the latecomer? Maybe I drove too fast." he pulled into the traffic and Liam laughed.
"Maybe you should also be a Formula 1 driver like Charlie and Lizzie!" he said excitedly and José looked at us in the rear view mirror.
"Formula 1 driver? You’re Charles Leclerc from Ferrari?" he asked and I nodded slightly.
"Guilty." I said and he smiled.
"You had a pretty good season, without some mistakes from your team, you might’ve won the title." he said and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I made too many mistakes myself, to blame the team entirely." I sighed a little but he only shook his head.
"Imola and France were your only mistakes. The rest was your team’s fault."
"Yes, because Ferrari is bad to Charlie!" Liam pouted and I chuckled.
"Oh come on now Bubba, you love Ferrari!" I put an arm around his shoulder, pulling him a little into my side.
"Just because you drive there! Maybe you should go to Red Bull and drive with Max! Then you would win!" he chirped and José and I laughed.
"I don’t think that’s so easy, little man." our driver said and I nodded.
"Absolutely not that easy. And I also love Ferrari, just like you." I laughed, ruffling Liams hair.
"Whatever." he shrugged his shoulders and looked out of the window.
For the next 25 minutes we drove in silence, following a street deep into the forest.
"I thought the harbour was just a short drive away downtown somewhere?" I asked and José looked at me in the mirror.
"Harbour? No, no, compañero, we’re driving into the jungle to the adventure park?" he said and Liams eyes lit up.
"Adventure park?" he said excitedly and José nodded.
"Okay, there must be a mistake, because our cars were supposed to bring us to the harbour." I said, pulling out my phone "I have to call Lizzie." I dialled her number.
"Where are you, the skipper wants to leave in the next minutes?" Lizzie picked up.
"Umm I think there’s a mix up? We’re on our way to an adventure park instead of the harbour." I said and was met with silence "Lizzie?"
"How- how did that happen?" she asked.
"I honestly don’t know." I scratched my chin.
"I wanna go to the adventure park! Adventure park! Adventure park!" Liam whined and Lizzie sighed.
"Wait, I have to ask your mum…" Lizzie said and I heard her talking with Sissy "Alright. You go to the adventure park as it seems!"
"Are you sure? We could turn around?" I asked.
"Noooooo! I want to spend the day with you in the adventure park!" Liam pouted and I laughed.
"Okay. Seems like we’re going to the adventure park…"
"Take care and have fun boys! See you tonight!" Lizzie said.
"See you tonight, cara mia." I hung up and Liam looked at me with big eyes.
"It’s only you and me?" he said and I nodded "Awesome!"
An hour later, after we got our first instructions, were both strapped into our harnesses, climbing up the trees. Liam above me giggling happily.
"Come on, Charlie! Hurry up!" he looked back at me and I chuckled.
"I’m on my way! Look where you’re going!"
The next few hours we climbed higher and higher, swinging from platform to platform, walking over rope bridges, and slack lines. At the end of the track, we arrived at a huge platform with a zip line, Liam making big eyes, grabbing my hand tight.
"That looks scary." he whispered, clutching to my hand.
"Yeah a little." I nodded and looked at him, fear evident on his face "We can do it together?"
"Can we?" he asked and I looked at the the instructor who nodded.
"No problem, we will strap you to him and then you go together!" he smiled and clipped me onto the zip line, then he clipped Liams harness to mine, pulling at it, to check if it’s safe "You guys are ready to go!"
"Alright! Thank you!" I smiled at him and Liam held onto my arm "Ready? 3… 2… 1… Go!"
It was amazing. The view was incredible, the speed thrilling and when it was over I would’ve loved to go again.
"That was sooo cool!" Liam jumped happily up and down when we stepped out of the harnesses "Can we do that again?"
"Not today, Bubba, it’s already quite late and we have to walk to the car park." I said and he pouted a little.
"Can we come here again? Tomorrow? With everyone? Lizzie, Benji, Arthi, Marcus, Enzo?"
"We’ll ask them when we’re back home."
We opened the door and walked inside, I noticed the light in the kitchen was on.
"Charles?" I said loudly and walked through the archway.
"Shhh!" Charles shushed me as I rounded the corner.
Sitting on the huge sofa was Charles, Liam cuddled up on his chest, snoring softly. Charles looked exhausted but had a big smile on his face, waving at us.
"I think I exhausted him a little." he chuckled and Lorenzo walked past me, setting down a dozing Benji right next to him. Benji grumbled a little but then looked up at Charles, yawning and cuddling up to his side "And you exhausted this little one." he put his arm around Benji, pulling him closer.
"How was the adventure park?" I asked, sitting down next to him.
"It was pretty cool, in the jungle. Liam wants to go there tomorrow again, with all of you guys. It was a high ropes course in the trees and a huge zip line at the end, couple hundreds of metres long. Pretty high. But the view? Incredible." Charles eyes lit up and I smiled.
"Yeah, then we should go there tomorrow all together." Marcus said and I nodded.
"High ropes in the trees? Zip line? Nope. I’m too old for that." Juergen chuckled and Maman and Marina nodded agreeing.
"And I’m afraid of heights, so I’m out as well!" Lisa chuckled.
"We enjoy a quiet house then." Maman said.
"Sounds like a plan then. Did he eat something?" Sissy asked and I nodded "Perfect, I’ll take him to bed then!" she carefully picked him up and Lisa did the same with Benji.
"You look exhausted?" I whispered to Charles as he put his arm around me.
"A little, yeah… but it was fun and you guys will love it!" he said and I nodded.
"I think I’ll head to bed as well. I’m tired." I sat up and stretched a little.
"Already? Are you okay?" he sat up as well, looking at me.
"Yeah yeah, I’m just tired!" I kissed his cheek and got up "Good night guys!"
"You’re going to bed already?" Dad asked and I nodded, not missing the look he and Charles exchanged "Alright, good night then."
I walked upstairs into our bedroom and went straight for the bathroom, stripping naked and took a shower. I wrapped my hair in a towel and sat down on the bed, stretching my back. I felt a little tense the past days, some days more, some less. Today it was a little more, probably caused by climbing the ladder of the boat out of the ocean again and again. I unwrapped my hair after a while and walked into the bathroom, brushing it when Charles walked in.
"Hey…" he said and looked at me for a moment "Are you really okay? You’re a little pale?"
"I’m just tired, really." I sighed and put the brush down "Don’t worry! I just need to sleep a little."
"Okay." he kissed the crown of my head and then went for a shower.
Cuddled up in the bed I took my phone out and scrolled a little through Instagram and Co. when Charles came back, lying down next to me.
"We’re leaving in four days and then the preparation for the new season starts already." he whispered and I put my phone down "Do you want to join us? I know that Andrea and JK talked about it. A little skiing. Snow hiking, climbing?"
"Yeah JK asked me already, I wanted to surprise you…" I smiled and he turned his head "We’ll join you."
"Now I’m excited for it!" he pulled me closer.
"Yeah? You know that I will kick your ass?" I chuckled and he threw his head back laughing.
"Only you would make a competition out of a training camp!"
"You know me." I shrugged my shoulders a little.
"Yeah that’s true." he kissed my head "Now sleep, cara mia. You need to be well rested tomorrow!"
"Oh come on! A little high ropes course? That’ll be easy peasy!" I laughed.
It wasn’t easy at all. It was exhausting. A lot of fun. But exhausting. As we arrived at the zip line it was all worth it though. The view was incredible and the feeling of breezing down the valley felt amazing.
"That was freaking awesome!" I cheered back in the car.
"It was so cool!" Benji agreed "Can we come here again?"
"We’ll see, little one!" Marcus patted his shoulder as I watched the sun slowly setting and Enzo’s phone rang.
"Really? Oh wow! Yeah we’ll be there in 10 minutes! See you soon!" he hung up and looked at us "In one of the nests the eggs began to hatch!"
"BABY TURTLES!" Liam shouted and I laughed excitedly.
The car wasn’t even parked when Benji and Liam already unbuckled their seatbelts and darted out of the car, running towards the beach. The rest of us followed them quickly, a small group of people had already gathered at one of the nests. Mum, Dad, Pascale and Lisa waved us over and the boys ran over to them. When we arrived, Nico told us that his team made sure that the baby turtles would make it safely into the ocean, as a lot of predators were looking out for the little ones and unfortunately also poachers. The first baby turtles already made their way down to the beach, flanked by two people on each side. They looked adorable and I kneeled down to take a closer look. Nico carefully picked up two baby turtles and sat them down gently onto Liams and Benjis outstretched hands.
"They are so cute!" Liam whispered, lifting his head a little to look closely at the tiny creature.
"And so small!" Benji did the same.
"For now they are small, but they will turn into big sea turtles, maybe even bigger than you!" Nico explained and the boys made big eyes.
"Wow!" they whispered.
"You want to bring them down to the water?" Nico asked and the boys nodded "Who else wants a baby turtle?" he turned to us and in the next minute we all had our own little baby turtle in our hands, carrying them down to the rest of Nico’s team. They instructed us to sat them down close to the waterline, but not too close, they had to start their journey to the ocean alone.
"What a special day." Charles whispered as we watched how the little creatures made their way into the ocean, getting swapped away as soon as they reached the water, right as the sun set over the horizon. He hugged me from behind and leaned his chin on my shoulder, watching the baby turtles starting their journey in front of us.
"What a special day indeed."
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Chapter 30 - that was the winter break, just some cute and fluffy moments! They deserved to be a little carefree for a while… before the new season starts… and…
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @glitterf1 @janeholt3 @maeve-wileyy @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).
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jmdbjk · 2 years
FYI I was today years old when I figured out during a Welive broadcast, comments with keywords get deleted almost immediately. Someone was thinking with their brain for once...
Anyway, Jungkook kept me awake past my bedtime because I actually was awake when I got the notif (at the same time Jimin did too). JK looked so cute! Just waking up at 1:30 p.m. and said he needed to go start getting ready to leave at 2:00 and I’ve told y’all this before, this is how their normal day goes and here it is happening in real time. 
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JK says whats up to Hobi, then Jimin in the comments letting JK know he was on his way to do a shoot... stuff for the album? or stuff for other purposes? And was that a TMI Jimin?
“Hey Bae, you just woke up? I’m heading to work...” smacks of #JustSpousalThings.. just sayin’…
Apparently Jungkook is back to working again also. 
Why does he have TWO karaoke mics? 
And the English subs are up at lightning speed probably because he did the live while other normal people were actually awake and already at work.
I can see with my own two eyes how much he thrives on direct and immediate interactions. Instagram never offered that to him. Instagram is a great place to express one’s self visually and though JK enjoys aesthetically pleasing things it’s not the foundation of how he expresses himself. So Weverse it is. But we will miss his presence on Insta...maybe he will reactivate at some point in the future.
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Idk fully how to feel about this guy I met in college. We weren’t in any classes together, he just saw me in the library while I was studying with a friend, and he started chatting with me about my jacket and interests. I didn’t think much of it, just thought he was being friendly and I did have a very cool jacket on that day. Then when our conversation ended I thought I would never see him again and I was okay with that. Y’know sometimes light conversation with a stranger can be fun, but then I did see him again.
This time he was with his friends and I was walking to class, so i politely nodded to him and was on my way. But he left his friends, in the middle of a conversation no less, to talk to me while I walked to class. Again I didn’t think much of it. We get to talking for a little bit and he shows me his insta(I mentioned I cosplayed and so did he) I think he expected me to follow him on insta but my class was gonna start so I cut the convo there and headed in.
Anyways class ends I head out and again I pass him and his friends, I tried nodding politely to him and he once again leaves his friends to talk to me. And I’m not gonna be rude so I engage in conversation even though I think it’s getting a little weird to just up and leave your friends for some person you met a day ago. Once again he mentions Instagram and actually asks me if I wanted to follow him there, I don’t have an insta. I told him that much and that was the end of it for a bit. I saw him a couple more times after this but they were kinda brief.
so I wasn't sure what to make of these interactions and I asked some friends and they all said he might’ve had a crush on me and was trying to find a way to contact me without asking for my number. And that freaked me out, so I started avoiding him cuz idk I just do that sometimes.
I think I did it partly bc I’m aroace and I didn’t want to run the risk of this guy asking me out. I think I did it bc I had a bad experience with this guy who became obsessive with me even though I cut it off with him and I didn’t want that again. Idk he was a nice guy but the walking me to my class and to my car got me scared. A question to other aroaces who’ve had obsessive ppl in their lives, when do you stop being afraid of ppl trying to get close to you and when do you stop fearing it’s for the wrong reasons?
Submitted April 24, 2023
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chuusheartattck · 2 months
spill the tea, who's the unfortunate looking man who's also 5'7 😭😭
Buckle up because this is going to be LONG. Basically i’ve known this guy for a bit (let’s call him Billy) and we’ve been friends but also more than friends? Idk exactly what it was but basically we were close and we would stay up late talking, like the start to every situationship ever but this would be on and off because he use to really like this girl (lets call her Susan). Basically him and Susan were a thing but she would constantly go back and forth between him and this other guy (who she claimed was her first love) So when Billy wasn’t talking to her, he would talk to me, and when she would talk to him again he would completely ditch me.
Then one day out of nowhere he unfollowed me and i think Susan had something to do with it because it was when they started talking again (me and her have mutual friends and they told me that she asked them if me and Billy were talking and would ask them questions about me). So my theory is that she made him unfollow me or something when she started talking to him again. However, that’s not the reason why i got upset (even though at the time this happened i got very upset but not how upset i was a few days ago)
ANYWAYS!! Basically after like a few months he contacted me again (by sending me a tiktok on tiktok dms) so then we started talking again and it was really great because we were closer than we were before and he seemed more interested than me. Tbh i’m bad when it comes to when people genuinely want me like that so idk for certain if he liked me but he fs was acting like it. Basically he would just be flirty the typical stuff and his friends would tease us if we were spotted together but he didn’t even seem annoyed by it yk?
However, me being me I FUMBLED SOOO BAD. Like genuinely i have never fumbled anything more bad in my life because i was so angry over something he did that was so little. Literally fumbled more than y/n with xiao like it was TERRIBLE. He became so distant and petty because of it that i genuinely felt so bad that i apologized like a week later because i could tell he was hurt by it. Like he was really hurt to the point where he unfollowed me AGAIN on insta but also unadded me on snap and unfollowed me on TIKTOK (idk if he still has me added on fortnite tbh).
Also when he unfollowed me the first time, he didn’t remove me as a follower and he only unfollowed my main (i have a main account and spam account) Which is why i also believe that Susan made him unfollow me the first time because she also unfollowed me on instagram during that time (i forgot to mention it mb). However, this time when he unfollowed me on everything (including my spam account) he made sure to remove me as a follower which i believe was him being extra hurt by my actions. Yk?
Anyways, before he unfollowed me on tiktok he reposted like something about being upset by someone so tbh i think it was about me. But anyways!! I tried apologizing and he didn’t even respond till a week later. When he did respond, he was all like “you’re good i’m not upset” like trying to be nonchalant about it so i still felt bad and said i didn’t want things to be awkward between us. He didn’t respond at all (it had been 2 weeks at this point) and then like last week i posted a pic of myself on my story (yes i may or may not post thirst traps on the ig i have to bag a baddie somehow). Point is, he viewed my story. He wasn’t following me so i was surprised to see him in my story views. I was so happy because i was like “omgg he must be thinking about me he clearly misses me he wants me again” LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER.
The other day i opened instagram to see a mutual friend posting HIM AND SUSAN HUGGING WITH THE CAPTION “siblings or dating?” LIKE WHAT. I was so heated because i ranted about this man to my friends and said how guilty i was for fumbling him and whatever and he made me look like an idiot posted up with a girl. Who btw, leads him on every single time he goes back to her (even his own friends make fun of him for it) so i was FLOORED. I was genuinely so angry that it gave me a headache because in those 2 weeks he’s talking to her again? I don’t think they’re dating because she’s always rejecting ever being official with him. Like he was viewing my stories (literally last week) after unfollowing me and stuff so the fact that he was with another girl like that made me upset. Ik what i did to him was kinda mean and i regret doing that but at least i didn’t run off with someone else who makes me look like a dumbass.
Moral of the story, men ain’t shit. My friends all thought he was ugly (he’s like mid at best), he’s not very photogenic AND he’s 5’7. Pick a struggle. Do not take shit from a man who plays fortnite. Ty for coming to my ted talk and reading this mess!!
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waitingforeddyneddy · 9 months
Lmao I AM the old mod from Reddit. Just a few points
1) my friend did see them at merrily we roll along. Idk why this changes things. I still don’t like Ariana, she’s an ass. And I find it very telling that JB hangs out and associates with her and it HAS dimmed my interest in him, I still like HIM, but it’s definitely annoyed me. I won’t be seeing wicked, and I’m not convinced it will be good. 2 parts? Why?
2) I do still feel like the JB sub is very strict with voicing opinions. One of my comments recently got locked because I mentioned that I didn’t think JB should brag about meeting president Biden at the moment and I was told not to bring politics into the sub. Somewhat difficult, when JB is angling himself as a political activist/foundation member. But fair enough, it’s their sub and their rules.
3) I didn’t say Simone was jobLESS, I said it was weird she didn’t book as much as her counterparts. I put 0 blame on Simone for this btw - I said I feel like her management team was dropping the ball. Being the lead in a top show on Netflix should have put her on the short list for actresses that year. Fast forward to now, & the strike has delayed whatever project she’s in. That sucks. Because the only thing we’ll have seen from her in the last two years is Bridgerton s2 & 3.
4) I agree JB didn’t do much press for s2. And I still say, he won’t for 3. I didn’t say he’s too big for it. I said he might not want to, and if he’s busy (wicked reshoots and whatever project he books next - a play? Idk) he probably won’t make room for it. Also? Why would I think he’d do press for 3 when they *barely* promoted him for 2. He got his solo articles for 2, he’s not going to do that for 3.
I don’t really remember what else was in the comment but here you go!
Y’all don’t like JB (some of you even hate him) and that’s fine, everyone’s allowed an opinion. I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan of Simone, I don’t hate her, I just don’t really care either way and people were really pissed at my opinion that she should have booked more after s2 lol.
I read your comments because I agree with some of the things posted, I disagree with a lot. But isn’t that what open dialogue is about?
Anyways, happy holidays!
happy holidays to you anon
listen, you know what I think about JB, I won't say that I hate him cause at the end of the day I can't hate a person I will never meet. I feel an intense dislike for him based on his public persona. Kudos to you for admitting that your interest in him has dimmed. If I was his fan I would be much the same cause you have to admit he surrounds himself with nasty people. Ariana Granda was an asshole way before she came out as a serial homewrecker, there's no one I hate more than privileged celebrities who use their fame and money to treat regular people as trash and we all know those horror stories that always surrounded her about her treatment of workers. Lmao she basically admitted she's a cunt in one of her songs, when people tell you who they are, believe them. As for JB, I don't know if his friendship with her is PR or not, It kinda doesn't make sense since I think his Wicked character doesn't even end up with her right? (I don't know Wicked very well) but it was very obvious those photos were staged because the way they were acting was embarassing and the fact that he keeps bringing them up and the buzz they generated as something surprising is even more embarassing for him. This is why I think he's fake as hell. What do you mean you can't believe people were talking about them and the fact some people thought they were a couple? Not everyone knows you're gay buddy, and they way you and and one of the most famous pop stars were all over each other is bound to create talk so stop acting kind of annoyed about the "straight allegations". Then there's his whole friendship with Matt Bomer, another gay man who wasted a good opportunity to shut the fuck up and punctual as a clock posted an israeli flag on his insta. The reality of Fellow Travelers is there for all to see. Paramount, the conservative author, the producers, writers and cast members seem to be zionists and JB himself was part of Israeli pink washing propaganda. Honestly kudos to you for saying your fave talking about being happy about meeting Biden is not a brag and them telling you to keep quiet is another reason JB fans are the biggest hypocrites cause what the fuck does it mean keep politics out when JB himself said he wants to be political lmao? he photodumped his israel vacation, he's proud of his zionist show, he's happy about meeting Biden. Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's best if you start accepting your fave is not on the right side of things at all, yikes. He's one of the cast members of Bridgerton who said he wants to be political but couldn't bother to post ANYTHING regarding a simple call for a caesefire, in the name of human rights being stomped and all the kids who are losing their parents or even worse their lives. Fucking yikes. And he wants to be political? Does he think being political is only about going to galas, meeting famous people and having drinks? Or does he think it's only all about queer rights? He's white, he's rich, I think he can afford to speak about queer rights AND human rights since he wants to get "political". Nah, I don't think he's a good person at all and the more I see and read the more I feel validated in my opinion.
As for Simone and her career...I don't know what's going to happen, I'm patiently waiting for news, she seems happy and I'm good with that. Of course I wish for more, we'll see. I don't think it's right to compare her to her other costars. Actors from Bridgerton who have been booked and busy are Phoebe and JB, they're both white with connections. Even Rege, who was the actor everyone couldn't stop talking about when Bridgerton came out, didn't book much. I mean he did a couple of movies but nothing that matched the level of hype he got. We all know why.
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agent-grey-fics · 2 years
Holy fucking shit I’m so annoyed with my ex. Like I had this on and off thing with a guy for almost 5 (!!) years, I know that I’m stupid for keeping it going for that long. Anyway, we kinda grew apart but kept in touch through socials and hooked up now and then. I was head over heels in love with him ‘cause my traumatic ass didn’t know any better. Fast forward to me finding the tiniest bit of self respect and banning him from my life for a solid 2 years during the pandemic, trying to move on. (Even explaining to him why I need him out of my life and he agreeing with me and saying I should have done it sooner ‘cause he treated me terribly. He did, believe me. All my friends actually hate him because he was awful to me and emotionally manipulated and abused me for so long. For example, he would often tell me that no one else would ever love me cause I wasn’t pretty enough, calling me a whore when he was high or drunk and stuff like that )
I had 2 good years of quarantining with my dorm mates, living life away from my hometown, then life slowly starts again and me and my friends (from my hometown) start to hang out and go to parties again. Surprise, I see him at those parties ‘cause my friends are kinda his friends. Well, we all went to high school together but they were originally my friends so yeah more his acquaintances. Me not wanting to be a bitch, I don’t make a big deal of it that he tags along and I’m being polite, giving him a small smile whenever he joins but keeping my distances.
He had send me follow/friend requests on fb and insta as well so I was like ‘yeah why not, we can be civil’. BUT then he fucking starts ignoring me at those parties whiles he stands next to me, like not reacting to my attempts to smalltalk, just giving me an off look and taking to the person next to me. Like dude, you literally walked up to our group and choose to stand next to me, if you don’t wanna talk to me go stand somewhere else?
Whiles he ignores me irl, he starts liking all my insta pics, commenting on my stories etc. My drunk ass one night send him a ‘you up’ text, big fucking mistake, he wasn’t in town btw so nothing happened but the whole night he kept texting me saying that he always loved me and that he just never knew how to show it and that changed for the better. Then he start texting me things like ‘we should date gain’, ‘let me take you out’, ‘let us try again’.Stuff like that and I know it’s my fucking fault cause I bootycalled him but I told him the day after like ‘I’m sorry, that wasn’t fair I’m not looking for anything else. Apologies, won’t happen again’. But he keeps asking me out and I keep declining ‘cause I don’t want to see him one on one. I wake up one morning a couple of days later to a notification on my phone that he deletete a bunch of text that he had sent me. And he texted ‘I said some vulnerable things that I don’t want you to use against me’ LIKE YOU SHITHEAD YOURE THE ONE WHO LITERALLY DID THAT FOR AS LONG AS WE WERE DOING WHATEVER WE WERE DOING. IM IN LITERAL THERAPY BECAUSE I DONT TRUST MEN ANYMORE BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID AND I WANTED TO BE DECENT AND NOT MEAN AND LET YOU IN MY LIFE AGAIN AND THEN YOU ACT LIKE A FUCKING BABY?
I was soooo mad back then. Anyway, couple of weeks pass by and he keeps reacting to my stories and asking questions. This leaves me all confused ‘cause I figured he was done since deleting all these texts. Me being done with his shit choose to ignore him.
Fast forward to last week, I noticed that I lost followers on my socials. Turns out that he unfollowed me, like big deal idc. But then I was wondering just a couple of minutes ago if he unfollowed me or blocked me, so I look for his name in my DM’s on insta AND THIS FUCKER DELETE ALL HIS TEXT SINCE I TURNED HIM DOWN. Like they were still there like a fucking week ago ‘cause he reacted to one of my stories again and I opened it and I remember seeing alle his DM’s.
I get so mad over this, like why you acting like this? I strongly believe that he’s dating someone, like good for him ‘cause we were toxic for each other. But stop acting like a child and like you’re the victim here whiles we both know what fucking happened.
And this whole rant sounds stupid and pathetic, I know that. But he was for real the first guy I ever loved, the only one actually. I even believed that when we both would graduate Uni and work a couple of years and mature that we would find our ways back to each other and end up getting married. I would have taken him back in a heartbeat if he got his act back together. But now he just makes my blood boil by acting so childish and deleting his text and oh my god ughhhh.
I know I’m as much at fault with this whole situation as he is and that ignoring him wasn’t right. But if I tell someone +3 times that I don’t want to date them and they keep trying and texting yeah sorry but then I won’t respond anymore.. but deleting your texts come one dude.
Sorry I just had to let this out.
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jayflrt · 4 months
🎀 update!!
lol hi… it’s so funny coming on here because i literally said i was burnt out then vanished but hi!!! i’m at a better place mentally now. i think i was so burnt out because of school and just finals but im officially a junior meaning just 2 years away from a degree 🥹 kinda surreal but anywho. let me tell you spring semester CHANGED ME. proud to say i have officially found my forever friends 🤍, i love those two girls with my heart. people say trios don’t work and i agree to an extent. i think trios don’t work if there isn’t effort being put in. if each person is putting effort to the friendship i think it works out. the guy i was going to that formal with his name is marcus and oh my god. for context me and him have known each other for a really long time due to us living in the same city. so marcus is such a sweet guy. but there’s one flaw. he has a girlfriend. he’s very on and off but nonetheless he has a gf. so after i realized i was catching feelings i felt really guilty and distanced myself. i found out from other girls who knew his gf personally that around that time she had cheated on him big time. so they were off. and when they were off all these signs were so clear he would text me all the time, look at me between lectures (we have the same major.. coincidence i think not) and our study sessions in the library got more and more intimate. i was at this little get together at my friends sorority and he happened to be there and was talking to this guy that im really good guy friends with and i didn’t know he was trying to get my attention so when i finally spotted him i went over and he was asking what took me so long and i was like oh im just talking to one of my friends and he just instantly got jealous. he was so cold to that guy all night and even asked me why i was talking to him. its like he was possessive but it felt so weird because he has a gf. after that we talked a lot like texting each other then randomly one day he unfollowed me on insta and stopped replying and he got back with his girlfriend. now they’re still together but we still talk, like my friend she doesn’t have his number and we took pics on her digi cam so she made me send it (she was plotting) and one of them were of me and him like together with his hand on my waist. like we were really close, almost as if we were dating. and he immediately texted me back saying that he loved that pic of us and told me to post it and obviously i was like no and he was like it sucks because we both look so good then 5 minutes later he said YOU look so good. and i know i sound really toxic and homewrecky during this whole thing but he doesn’t even have proper conversations with his “gf” he talks so much with me about deeper personal things and with her he barely smiles. he laughs so much with me and with her it’s nonexistent. anyways that’s enough yearning for me today. how have you been lis, i love the jay smau so far 🤍🤍! give me some updates girl we haven’t spoke in forever!! - 🎀
hihi 🎀 anon it's so good to hear from you !! i'm so glad you're doing better mentally bae 🤍🤍 i'm sure summer vacation will also help once you can take your mind off the academic pressure too 🤧 but congrats on finishing your sophomore year!!! enjoy your next few years they fly by so fast 🥹
also i'm so happy to hear that you found such close friends!!! 💗 as someone who's in a trio they definitely work can confirm 🙏 i think they also work better when each person develops a friendship with each other before the trio is formed :')
omg he has a gf and agreed to be your date to the formal??? 😨😨 NAHHH BESTIE RUN FOR THE HILLS they should honestly just break up with each other if they're not gonna be loyal to each other 😩 never trust a man who treats another girl better than his girlfriend because behaviors aren't easily changed!! 😔 i hope this man doesn't hurt u bae,, she's 100% in the wrong for cheating but he's also like. pretty in the wrong too for treating you like that when he has a gf </3 AND THE UNFOLLOWING WHEN HE GOT BACK TOGETHER WITH HER 👎
omg i'm so glad you like the smau plsss :') and my life is honestly just work work work sleep 😩😩 adulting is a pain 👎 but i've gone on a few trips this month which were fun !! and i booked a vacation with my friends during summer so im excited for that 🤍 i've also been trying to either make or buy a new pc so that i can game more and my wallet is gonna die <//3 how about you?? do you have any plans for the summer 🥰
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lqfiles · 5 months
oh and about the friend fallout,, i don’t even feel bad nor do i think i want to reconcile ever because im just angry at how things were handled and it’s now clear to me that he lacks a backbone and the lack of communication and confrontation skills is somehow worse than mine,, all of my (three) friends r saying im not at fault but ill always feel like i was in some way but the gist of it was literally just that his partner told him that they thought i didn’t like them. and he kept that information to himself instead of trying to resolve the problem, he kept hanging out with me and talking me like normal because we were basically best friends (i can’t imagine being friends w someone if ur partner thinks theres animosity towards them regarding said friend) and i didnt know they thought that up until i brought up that the partner removed me as a friend on FORTNITE 💀💀 all this bc of fortnite……goofy ass…. anyway he went on saying like it seems it’s just a misunderstanding and they felt like you weren’t talking to them when we played together and i noticed other things too (didn’t tell me what the other things were) then we were just radio silent for all of april until i noticed yesterday he broke our mutual on ig so i finished the job, broke our tiktok and fortnite mutual so its basically over. im not sad over it because i don’t want to be friends with someone who’s in a codependent relationship and can acknowledge it and not see the problem with it… the whole thing feels very much like middle school drama we are GROWN mfs are ab to be in their 20s bruh…
this was sooo long sorry but i can’t help it i have a need for gossip….
this is DEFINITELY not your fault. first off, why wouldn’t your friend ask you if you dislike his partner when finding out about that worry, it was never that serious to keep it to himself like what 😭 a quick “oh what do you think of x, be honest” would’ve done enough but instead he pretends like it isn’t an issue (even tho like u said his partner felt some type of way about u) secondly, the fact that YOU had to address it instead of him or his partner is strange because it was them that had an issue with you at first (without telling u) and you having to find out there is something up through fortnite is unserious as hell omgg this can’t be real 😭 thirdly, it doesn’t seem like you were looking for problems at all, seems more like you were trying to figure out WHT the problem was and he brushed it off before he completely ghosts you and silently removes you, i’m sorry but it was NEVERRRR this serious istggg??? both of them are very immature for their age, this is such a small issues that could’ve been resolved easily if both of them just were upfront with you 😭😭😭 it’s clear that he chose his partner over you too which.. okay.. but at least have the guts to say so :/ i’m sorry fren you deserve better people in your life than that and i believe you did well by removing him too. funnily enough i had something very similar happen where i didn’t talk to a friend for a day because of something they did that turned me off and then i check my private insta and find out she removed me with both her main and priv 💀💀 finished the job as well and haven’t talked to her ever since either (even tho we’re in the same class) AND FUNNILY ENOUGH she was also codependent on her partner 😭
i was talking about this with a classmate today about how i don’t think i could ever put a relationship above friendship.. it sounds bad but like idk i believe friends are more reliable than a relationship that requires a lot of trust in each other
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jellimac-sims-stories · 10 months
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Chapter 4 Jonah answered my call on the first ring and I asked him what he thought about the dress and the invitation, “Oh, um it's probably nothing.”
I had been pacing back and forth in front of the dress trying not to bite my nails as I explained to him everything that I had done with Sergio in the past month and that was his response? I tried again to express my concerns to him, “Could you sound more reassuring? Is his wife going to be mad? Is this social suicide? Does she hate me? You should see this dress. It's basically sex in fabric. I’m gonna look naked.”
“No, she’s not“No, she’s not going to be mad. She's going. It's a good thing you're not,” he pauses and I can hear the sound of a faucet turning on and then the sound of water splashing on water. He must be outside tending they’re “herb” garden, “Eh let me not say that. Send me a pic of the dress. He has good tastes and a lot of money to afford his good tastes. It must be nice.”
I quickly snap a pic and send it to him, “It's a good thing I’m not what? Why is she going without her husband? Does she normally attend events alone? I haven’t seen her on anything tagged in San Myshuno on insta. What is she even famous for?”
“I'm going with her,” he pauses again. I was starting to think there is something he doesn’t want to tell me, “I usually do. Go to events with her that is. They don't really go to many events together. They’ll go to community events together but never publicity events. She’s famous for a lot of things. Acting mostly. She works at AEP with Danny now. Maybe his PR people think it's bad for his image to go to her events? I don’t know. I’ve never asked. I'm just kind of surprised...I guess I'm not that surprised...Oh let me look at the dress,” there was another pause, “Wow that looks like the one he gave to...just longer. Must be something new.”
“Surprised about what? Gave to who‽” if he was going to keep doing this I was going to have to get on a train and a bus to have this conversation face to face with him. I started biting my nails in earnest hoping he’d tell me something soon, “Don't get mad but I'm surprised he's not taking the last girl he used to take to these sort of events. He burns through arm candy really quickly. He always has as far as I've known him.” 
“I'm his arm candy?” I said slowly, slightly perplexed. I hadn’t felt like he was using me as arm candy. It genuinely felt as if he cared that I got to know the city and all the great things it had to offer. Like, the way things were between me and Jonah. Not one hundred present like that but similar intent. So much so that I was begging to question why Josh hated him so much. I must have been quiet for too long because just then Jonah piped in, “Please don’t take anything by what I said. Since Serg is my friend I asked him to keep an eye out for you so I'd worry less. He knew you were going to be his neighbor from the beginning. You know how I worry about you two. Why the hell do you think Josh lives across the street?”
“Because he has no money?” I replied quickly without much thought since it was very true. Jonah laughed heartily because he also knew it was true, “Yes that too. Anyway, when you said that you wanted to move to the Art Quarter I asked Serg if he thought you'd be okay there. That part of the city used to be very bad before the artists started moving in. And it's only getting better with a big part to Serg and his wife. He's not as bad of a guy as he seems but he's also no prince. I already told him I'd murder him if he did anything to hurt you or make your life difficult.” 
“I'm not sure if this is making me feel better or worse about going,” this was a tough situation. On one hand, I wanted to go to the lounge and wear this really nice dress. On the other hand, it seemed like a worse and worse idea the more Jonah told me about Sergio. Plus I kind of hate the idea that I was only invited to make a man look good; even if he was Jonah’s friend. 
Flopping back down on my bed I rolled around groaning with my frustration. I heard Jonah laughing on his end of the line again, “You’ll be fine. Don’t worry, dollface. I'll just make sure to keep Adriana away from you and Serg and everything will go fine. If he does anything stupid he'll just be embarrassing himself. Please don't worry. Wear the dress. I'm sure you look lovely in it. Go to the party. Everything will be fine. It's not like Adrianna is gonna throw you off the roof or anything.”
I shot up midroll, “OH MY G-D, would she do that! Is she that bitchy!”
“No!” I can hear Jonah gasping for breath as he laughs even harder, “She'd never. She’s not that type of person. She’s really down to earth and she’s an artist too. I’m slightly regretting not asking her to look out for you instead. She's got such a great reputation despite what she does for a living that it's not worth it for her to react to anything Sergio does in front of the paparazzi. 
“Like I said I'm gonna be there,” he continued, “Please stop worrying. If he's even the slightest bit of an asshole you can spend the night with me or better yet we can leave, buy a box of Uptown cupcakes, and stuff our faces back at your apartment. Also if I get too shit-faced I might need to sleep on your couch. It's a good thing you live in the city now. Gives me a more respectable place to crash if I need to.”
“Cupcakes do sound like an amazing alternative if I want to leave.”
“Ya’ see! Come to the party. I want to see you in the dress and so do your followers. You're almost at two thousand! You're gonna get it after tomorrow night,” Jonah said so brightly that it cheered me up a little bit.
“I hope so. Okay, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you, bro.”
“Love you too dollface.”
Friday quickly faded into Saturday and by midday, my stomach was in knots...
Think Sergio is up to no good? Can't wait to find out? Read the whole story on my AO3.
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seraphindisguise · 2 years
🤍 i’ve never embarrassed myself for being loving kind respectful
but you did embarrass yourself going back to that abusive ex behind your friends back & mine
whenever you wonder why you broke up just know… i was the reason & i manipulated you after i found out. bc i knewwwww how much my opinion mattered & meant to u (insta stories babyyyy).u can thank me for that. 🏹 (i also noticed all your posts had hints to all the things i used to post. you didnt approach me bc you were afraid of me not bc you didnt like me LOL.)
and i know for a fact she’s obsessed with me🌹 🍳 what a disgusting human she is.
(i’m telling you, if a girl dates a YOUNGER guy she has some issues.)
but anyway i liked ur best friend first not you & if i could go back in time i’d choose him (fashionably late by falling in reverse style) (babe if u see this too - i felt like i was not good enough for you & tried to protect your innocence not reject you. you were always precious in my eyes, i was just in a v bad place)
idk if i ‘loved’ you but i did intensely care about your well being.
the set up was between me & u when i came over bc of how much my ‘friend’ told me u were sooo perfect for me & such a great guy & refused to listen to my own feelings & gaslit myself since i thought it’d be better to listen to another’s advice at least one time in my life. it wasn’t. it was horrible.
then u got me black out drunk & inappropriately touched me like a douchebag in front of everyone. deserved to be slapped. and to think you were ever the one for me makes me wanna gorge my own eyes out.
(ugh fu&her, cheating bitch.lucifer evil level. sis threatened me & i still stayed & was nice to her delusions.)
i had all of you in a chokehold & ik i still do.
tell blondie i said hi & he can take that cute trip in his flamingo shirt anytime bc i’d be paying 💅🏻💋 give him the kiss that was meant for him anyway too.
& to the cherry on top - you all left me when i was suicidal & at my worst. i was drowning & you didn’t care. and i still had the heart to forgive & forget & pray for you all every night for years.
i’m done forever with it all & for what matters you don’t exist to me anymore. (only blondie & maybe curly since he a victim too in my eyes).
*nicki minaj voice* buh bye. *laughs*
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solcheeky · 3 years
AW U REMEMBER THE LAKE OMG I AM ABOUT TO CRY:((( i'm doing well tho!! hating school so far but it's ok i'm used to it ;) also still stressing ab graduation and who i wanna be when i get out of here but it's also ok i guess ?? currently having lil autumn holidays so finally can take a breather. honestly i haven't been to the lake that much, should go there soon! instead tho recently i went to the coolest museum of ukrainian history and i really loved it <3 oh and dad came back home after being absent for like a whole year which traumatized me yet again but like this is not even new hehe. well yeah life has been kinda like this, not complaining tho ahahdhka
mind sharing something recent? haven't heard from u in a while bub i really missed u :( have a great day/night ahead ok? love u a bunch as always(≧∇≦)
YES! the lake🥺🥺
but ugh I feel you, so much stress when I think about what the hell I’m gonna do when I get out of this hell hole, but it’s okay—can’t cross a bridge until you get there¯\_(ツ)_/¯
omg! love museums!!! pls let’s go on a lil date out past the lake then to a gallery<3 extra plus is the fact that it’s autumn
altho ngl,,,, it’s been hitting 2 degrees where I am in the uk (since I’m currently away from london) and MAN ITS SO COLD ALREADY ??!??? its not even february ????
sorry to hear about your dad though :( even tho it lowkey sounds like you’re sort of over it?? lmao love that chill energy
ALSO I HAVEN’T HEARD IT YET ??????? I HAVE HAD NO TIME DWNDLWNDLDD but I saw the twilight memes and thought…. what will I get myself into
but something recent🤔🤔 tbf all I’ve been doing lately is studying my ass off💀 so I don’t really have time for shenanigans,,, oh!!! but uh LMAO UM
I was running in the morning, and got stopped by some guy a little older than me,, at first I was like 🏃‍♀️uh gotta go cause I’m lowkey timing this run but he was trying to pick me up lmfao asking for my instagram and stuff ha ha very interesting ..
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hacash · 3 years
the moral fibre of a chocolate teapot
(based on my tags on this post and the ensuing hilarity it caused; for @boasamishipper - who deserves much of the credit for this delightful monstrosity - as well as anyone who thought ‘huh, nick mohammed as an evil silver fox, I could get on board with that’)
So two weeks after the Brentford match Nate Shelley is announced as West Ham’s head coach.
Which is cool. Like, of course it’s cool. The news blows up on Twitter and everyone’s thrilled for Nate, commenting on the news articles and sharing it on their Insta and whatever – and if Nate doesn’t respond, well, obviously he’s busy, right? And if Sam murmurs how weird it was that Nate never even told them, never even said goodbye, well, that’s something they try not to think about too much either.
And as for all the pictures of Nate getting all buddy-buddy with Rupert Mannion, of all people…
Well, Isaac’s not worried. He’s watched enough films to know that having the odd villain-arc in your life is just a way of building character. Nate’ll get his head screwed on the right way soon enough: he’s still Nate, their little buddy. Coach says sometimes folks have got to find their own way of coming back to where they oughta be without other people getting in the way, and Isaac believes that. Coach knows what the fuck he’s talking about.
Romcommunism. Get through the dark forest, and things’ll figure themselves out from there.
…Of course, it doesn’t mean there won’t be a few twists and turns along the way. As Isaac discovers when he and Colin are in the gym; he’s lifting weights, not thinking about anything in particular, until all of a sudden he hears a pensive ‘huh’.
Isaac knows that ‘huh’. He doesn’t trust that ‘huh’.
“What’s up, bruv?”
Leaning against the wall, Colin turns his phone so Isaac can see the Twitter coverage of the latest West Ham v Leeds game. There’s a picture of Nate on the sidelines talking with one of his assistant coaches, in his all-black suit as usual. “Is it just me, or with the whole silver fox thing going on, Nate’s starting to look fit as fuck?”
Isaac shoots a quick glance at the screen. He’ll admit: it’s a better look. That being said, Nate used to amble around the clubhouse looking like a bedraggled turtle, so it’s not like that’s saying much.
“I guess,” Isaac shrugs. “Sort of has the same vibes as when Anakin started hanging around the Emperor though.”
“Yeah, but Anakin got way hotter in the third film anyway. So it tracks.”
Figures. Colin would go full-blown Dark Side for any attractive villain. He has the moral fibre of a chocolate teapot.
“You’re serious, aren’t you?”
Colin gestures pointedly to the screen, already tapping out the beginnings of a tweet – the content of which Isaac is fairly certain he doesn’t want to read if he ever wants to sleep again. “Uh, yeah. This is ticking all sorts of boxes for me that I didn’t even know I had.” He whistles low. “The black suits, the silvery hair, and the general authoritarian thing – I mean, fu-uck.”
Isaac eyes him with amusement. On the one hand: Colin has clearly lost his mind. On the other, Isaac suddenly has a picture of Nate’s reaction if he ever discovered Colin was posting thirst tweets about him on Twitter, and the picture is pretty fucking funny.
“You never got like this about Roy.”
Colin shrugs. “Hey, the heart wants what it wants.”
“I reckon whatever you’re thinking with, it’s placed a little bit further south than your heart.”
Without looking up Colin flicks him the finger.
“Okay,” Isaac laughs, “whatever. But, like, I love Nate, but you’ve gotta admit he’s been acting like a bit of a dick recently. He’s clearly got some shit to work through. And he’s at West Ham and hanging out with Mannion now. And that guy’s pretty sketchy. Which, sadly, makes Nate a bit sketchy by association.”
“I know, right? What an absolute arsehole.” Colin sighs mournfully. “You know, I can’t believe I’m going to sleep with him.”
“I mean. You don’t have to. It’s not compulsory.”
“Nahh, I’m gonna.”
Does it count as the captain’s prerogative to get his teammates neutered? That’s something Isaac should probably look into.
“Are you honestly telling me that Nate being all supervillain makes him hotter to you?”
Colin shoots him a sideways look. “…I feel like you want me to say no.”
Briefly Isaac wonders if they can hear the sound of Colin’s moral compass spinning out of control all the way from West Ham.
“Colin. Mate. Look at me and put your hand on your heart.” Once Colin has done all this Isaac fixes him with his sternest, Paddington-Bear-hard-stare look. “Now, repeat after me: I will not shag Nate Shelley while he goes all Marvel supervillain.”
“I will not shag Nate Shelley while he goes all Marvel supervillain,” Colin parrots.
Isaac’s squint is suspicious. “…You’re still gonna try and do it, aren’t you?”
“Pretty much, yeah.” Colin perks up. “And we’re going to be playing against West Ham soon.”
Ohhhh, Jesus. There’s the potential for so much mess here.
…Isaac’s rather looking forward to it, actually.
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