#anyways I think this is good enough to fill the void for ongoing content :D
thesnowflake18 · 8 months
JJK Thoughts~
I just finished binging JJK, and I have to say, that it wasn't till like Sea2 that I actually started to click with this show, but now I think I'm here to stay! :D Here's just some general thoughts.
BTW idk if I'll start reading the manga or if I'll be anime only, but plz don't spoil anything past Sea2!! I also know of a movie, which I will be watching sometime this week, so no spoilers!
FIRST OF ALL, Mappa's animation is freaking insaaane, ESPECIALLY the battles, they're eyecandy!! 💕💕 My wholehearted respects to all the animators, esp hearing the studio issues. About the production, is it just me or was Sea1 lacking in some regards? The animation is just fine, but the way characters deliver lines, some really awkward pauses (or too short), the music being a hit or miss (like suddenly being intense for no reason, little/no build up, just doesn't fit the mood?). The genre they picked was good, but I think it could've been done better? Idk but it was a struggle to stay immersed at times, though it might just be me being picky. Sea2 was sooo much better in all regards to the point where the difference is hella noticeable. Side tangent, but the OP's all slap, my favorites in order would be 4, 1, 3, and 2!! ED's are so sweet too!!
Okie now story, (mostly) spoiler free! Though I think the main trio (Yuji, Nobara, Megumi) wasn't the strongest bond-wise, at least in Sea1, I really grew to love all their dynamics-- and I will say they really made me feel the feels later 😭 They're so siblings-coded I LOVE THEM! Idk where I'd rank Yuji in fav MC's because other than being good at fights, early on he was a little flat (to me) character-wise. Anyways, Sea2 gave him a massive boost in my eyes, def made up for that. He's so nuanced now, and I can't wait to see where his story goes! I hope there's hope of something with Nobara, and I'm super intrigued with Megumi's story progression!! Um, Nanami, top 3 probably. I think I adore him (platonically). Iykyk 💔 The classmates all left a decent impression on me, though I will say I don't think they're too prominent, so lowkey kept forgetting most 😅 Maki is best girl tho, 100%. I love Miwa, I eventually liked Mechamaru (ship? 👀), Panda is Panda, Todo always comes in clutch even if I'm ~eh~ on him, and basically I wanna see a little more of everyone! And I miss Junpei 🥲
I will say though, the very heart of this show are definitely the villains!! The type you hate and love to hate because they're that good (bad?). Mahito is a damn menace and loves being a menace- idek how bro keeps dodging death, even avoiding a swing from Gojo, but MAN. I hate him. Jogo is so interesting because he has so much potential, but is so freaking ridiculous sometimes, but then I lowkey understand the grind he wanna be on, so yknow kudos to him. I can see him as a fan favorite. Hanami was ok, definitely weaker in my eyes, but they left a good impression for their dynamic in the group. Choso idk what to think about him but I might like him?? His little intervention in the final episodes really left me w questions, so I'm hooked. I won't say I love him but he has potential to shoot up to my favs! TOJI!!! Talk about an antagonist that legit made me punch the air AKDHDLAL HE'S SO GOOD. I honestly got scared for everyone in his near vicinity bc that guy is unstoppable, and even though I'm supposed to dislike him, again, bros on a destructive grind and I respect that. (Pull up Zen'in clan 😤)
Alright, so uh, the big three eh? Gojo, Geto, Sukuna. I'LL ADD SPOILERS HERE. I love how this world is set up revolving around the fact that since Gojo is "the strongest," he bears the weight of responsibility the hardest amongst sorcerers for failures and accomplishments. I don't blame him for wanting to turn against the system that put them all in that spot in the first place. Lowkey his development between seeing everyone as lesser in his past, to now (still arrogant smtimes) wanting his pupils to join him in that title as strongest. Yeah, he's an OP character, so what. I can see why he's a fan favorite on story alone. He acts self-centered, but after knowing his story, I can see how he fakes it, what he really wants to achieve, and how he's grown to care for others. Idk where his story goes from here, but I'm definitely ready for more Gojo. Okie, GETO! What an interesting villain?? Legit took the best-friend-turn-evil trope and added one tragic spin to it AAAAH. His past friendship and playful rivalry with Gojo made his change of ideals (I totally feel like there was power jealousy btw) so much more impactful. Gojo starting off as the one who didn't care too much for others while Geto wanted to save people, switching over so Gojo wanted to find/make people just as strong to protect others while Geto, feeling left behind, found no point in saving humanity and their struggles. It's too good!? I think there's a hint real-Geto's not gone completely, but I also don't think he's actually coming back, as sweet as that'd be. I feel like there is backstory missing (the movie maybe?) so I'll try to see what or if I'm missing anything on my own. Finally Sukuna, and man what a way to depict an OP freaking villain! Like ok, sometimes it was hard to take him seriously, being over the top and all, but I love how rare his actual interventions are. It makes you give your complete attention to him when he does, wondering what the heck he'll do next. Also, his conversation with Jogo added a new layer to him that I liked, with respecting even Jogo of all people. I haven't seen many protag/antag dynamics like Yuji and Sukuna before, but I'm so intruiged in how long they're gonna keep up this switching thing? Sukuna must desire his freedom after all. I love how he presents himself, and how terrified people are of him, though it wasn't till Sea2 that I feel like he was finally able to show us how he can back up that presence with real power. I cannot lie, I lowkey fangirled at those scenes (bro literally forced a movie screen aspect ratio lmaooo) and also thinking how they actual heck anyone is supposed to beat him 😭 I dun think Yuji's fists are enough, and I'm lowkey concerned whether even Gojo could take him on. Like, yeah Gojo's the strongest, but Sukuna just nuked a city ez bro. Beautiful presentation on how to actually make your villains, well villains. :]
Erm, overall, I think I finally came around to really liking this series, despite the rocky start with Sea1. The power system is cool once I finally figured out the terms, it's got endearing characters that I wish I could save (😭), and cool tropes and story I wanna see the resolution for. I'll probably be mulling over this show more in the coming weeks, so prepare for that! 🫡 I'll be watching the movie and making my mind up for the manga or anime soon. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MORE, THANKS FOR READING.
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krickis · 8 years
Good things from 2016
I was tagged by @azkre for this (Quick side note, I love getting tagged in stuff like this y’all. If you’re ever tryna think of someone to tag in these things, just throw me on it =3). So, 2016. A lot of bad stuff happened, but you know what? It was actually a pretty good year for me personally ^^ So here’s some of my 2016 highlights, in what I believe to be chronological order:
I got moved to overnight shifts at work ^^ I had previously been split between overnight and afternoon shifts, and this year they moved me to be only overnight. This is great for me because I prefer keeping nocturnal hours and I like quieter shifts (social anxiety and all that)
I discovered Twenty One Pilots. I’d heard a few songs before, but this year I decided to get their albums and holy shit. Holy. Shit. I love them so much O.O
I also rediscovered AFI. Haha yeah, my emo might be showing a bit here. I’d listened Decemberunderground ages ago when it was new, but only recently did I pull it back out and realize that album is worlds better than I remember it being? And turns out they have a few amazing albums? Like, how did I miss this? The void in my soul left by My Chemical Romance breaking up is slowly being filled.
Affirmed with @archangelswings91 that we’re more-or-less married. We’re coming up on our tenth anniversary, and it’s pretty much been an unspoken agreement that we’ll be together forever. Well, as of earlier this year, it became a spoken agreement. Married in all but name, because we’re just really unconventional people like that =p
Went camping for the first time, which was really cool. It’s something that Angel and I had been planning to do for literally years.
I was featured on the front page of Fimfiction for the first time ^.^ In general, my writing has gotten a lot more popular this year, with my currently ongoing story being my top rated yet =D
On the other side of my love life, after spending approximately forever being too scared to say anything, I finally asked out @sweetponytreat and did so absolutely horribly >.< Seriously, it felt like I was mumbling my way through it for like an hour lol. But much to my surprise, they accepted anyway! I’ve been pretty much internally squeeing since then ^^
Launched a Patreon, and actually had people pledge to it o.o That’s been super flattering and unexpected ^^
I finally learned the glory that is a content buffer for my stories. I hardly wrote anything in December, but because I had enough of a buffer built up I was able to keep uninterrupted weekly updates going ^^
Nine Inch Nails put out new music! I haven’t had the chance to listen to it yet, but I am HYPE.
Now I’m supposed to tag ten people but lol that’s not happening -_- Let’s see how many people I can think of though: @archangelswings91 @sweetponytreat @pasu-chan @still–in–beta @themtvgameone1 @sweetheart-a-light and I had a few other people but they’ve already been tagged by someone else >.>
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