#anyways I love ryuseitai so much my beloveds
couldbebetterforsure · 8 months
In case anyone missed it this is the video with the previews for the tracks for the Ryuseitai Trip Album! Aaaaaaahhhhh my boys always release such incredible bangers!!! There’s no such thing as a bad Ryuseitai song!
I’ve already given my thoughts on Suisei Halation, Colors Arise, Nekketsu Ryusei Ninpouchou, Relax Paradise, and Bokura no Stella before. All of the them are still absolute bops and I am so excited to hear the full version of Relax Paradise and Bokura no Stella!!! Once the trip album comes out and I hear the full versions of the new songs I think I’ll make a new version of that “Ryuseitai has no bad songs” post of mine. And I am sooooooo happy that Heart Heat Beat is being included in the album, I’ve already said this song is a hidden gem in Ryuseitai’s discography so hopefully more people will get to know it’s beauty!
New Daybreak: Sounds like such a classic song to me, somehow nostalgic for my childhood watching old anime. I love that from the preview alone it sounds like the juniors are the one taking the lead for this song.
Unmei Power Energy!: I said Tetora’s voice is underrated and I meant it! He sounds so damn good here! I love the feel of this solo, it gives a similar energy of his original solo but I think this one really is showing off his voice more.
Green to the Sky: Aaaaahh!!!! Midori sounds so happy and energetic in this one! A very different feel from his original solo but I adore that he sounds so much peppier. Feels like it fits with Midori’s growth and how important Ryuseitai is to him now.
Seisei Doudou Ouenka: I wanna bounce around listening to this one, lots of energy and power from Shinobu here. It has such a bright vibe to it and I can easily picture Shinobu bouncing around and smiling brightly as he sings this.
Kokoro de Pittari Ai ni Naru: What kind of title is this Chiaki?! 😂 I don’t know what song I was expecting with this title but I love what we got! It’s not as powerful as what we usually hear from Chiaki but I actually like that a lot! I’m super curious to hear the full version for sure!
Happy Drops: A very bubbly sounding song for Kanata! I’m happy his solo matches the energy level of everyone else’s, it sounds really good for him! His original solo was much slower sounding so I like that they changed it up here!
My main takeaway from this is how the feel of the album seems to really show how Ryuseitai has changed. Originally their group songs have a generally similar feel to it while their original solos were very different sounding from each other. I feel like that emphasized that they are all individuals despite being part of one unit. But in the case of the trip album, the center songs all sound pretty different from each other while their solos have the same kind of energy/feel to it. And I think the point here is to emphasize that yes, Ryuseitai is made up of five individuals who have their own ideals and personalities but at the end of the day they are all part of the same unit, all Ryuseitai.
Sorry, I don’t know if I’m explaining myself properly 😅 The point I’m trying to make is that before, the songs seemed to be trying to show that hey, these guys are all unique. They all have their own personalities and beliefs and can’t be simplified down to same concept. But this album is showcasing that hey, we’ve shown how these guys are all unique and we’ve shown how they all have their own take on things. But no matter what happens, they all still belong together. They are all Ryuseitai: five wonderful individuals who come together to create an incredible unit!
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yandere-daze · 2 years
hi i just found your blog and i read like,, everything in your enstars yandere masterlist 😭 but i was afraid to leave likes and reblogs cause i read that doing that makes the algorithm think you're botting your posts or something like that? if it doesnt im going to go back and like everything because they were so good 😔
anyway this isnt a request and i just wanted to bounce around this idea in your head but like this is an imagine the self aware yandere au because reading it got me thinking how itd work out with my history with enstars 🫡
so like i was a fan of enstars since its like 3rd anniv cause i saw some photos of ryuseitai and i was like "haha these guys look so goofy and cute" which then translated into two years of fervently saving fanart of ryuseitai (but especially chiaki and midori 😭) though i never actually played the game all that properly since it was in japanese and i didnt really know where to find tls yet
then came engstars and i was finally like "omg i can finally understand chiaki" cause i had a phone that could actually run it at that time but when i played the game i instantly just swerved to hiiro ,, like he was the one i picked for the starter pull and he was and still is my favorite and most collected character (i got his vermillion card in like 12 hours 😭)
anyway going on to the actual self aware au thing wouldnt it be kind of funny to see the "original" cast members of enstars just see their beloved reader not even give them a glance, just completely focused on the new units and characters??
like some of them would be so pissed it would be downright terrifying, some would be so heartbroken (sorry chiaki) because they thought you loved them most of all??? and you just know some of the more obsessive ones would not take that disrespect lying down 💀💀
anyway thats all! i know my experience isnt exactly universal so i get it if you cant relate to it at all! i really just wanted to get the idea out there
First of all thank you so much, I'm really happy to hear that you like my yandere enstars writing!! 😊
As for your question, I'd really appreciate leaving likes and especially reblogs on my works as it shows that people actually like what I'm putting out there! Staying silent and lurking is not going to give creators any feedback so it might make them think that their works aren't really appreciated or that no one really cares about them. It's very unmotivating to have zero comments or reblogs with tags on your writing ( made worse if the post actually has a good amount of likes because it just means only around 1% of all people reading your writing though it was good enough to hit a single button to support you :/)
Silent readers and lurkers don't do anything for creators and just take our work for granted which is why I often block people that follow me that haven't reblogged anyone's writing before.
I'd definitely appreciate it if you went back to reblog my works because it shows that people care and it feels good ^^ For me, the main issue I have with spam-liking is if you do that and then reblog or comment on a single post. Because it obviously shows that you liked my writing enough to immediately read everything there is of it but not enough to want to support me :/
Sorry to go onto a rant in this post, it's not really directed at you in particular or anything like that!
As for your question for the self-aware AU, I'm actually not taking any new asks for that AU right now so you won't get a very in-depth reply for this, sorry!
But Chiaki would probably be very sad about that, thinking that he must work harder to regain your approval!
Something kind of similar actually happened to me because I chose Rei as my starter card in jp and now I'm not really much of a ReiP at all and instead chose Shu for my starter card on en ejej
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Y’all want my really awful thoughts? I have a chronic Illness and several health issues. TW for that, kidnapping, and death.
Some of the enstars boys have had/have health complications ( eichi has a terminal illness, the Sakuma brothers have anemia and I headcanon they have porphyria, the vampire disease, chiaki was a sickly child, shu presumably has an ed of some sort and is of poor constitution, I think I remember something about mayoi being a sickly kid? Idk) but anyways imagine one of these boys as a yandere with a sickly darling.
Eichi’s having a terminal illness but him being very happy about it, elated that him and his darling can share this pain, and he gets them the best treatments money can buy, unless it would cure them. He enjoys keeping his darling just weak enough that they are unable to escape him but healthy enough he can have them. His darling knows that when eichi dies, they will too. By lack of medical care or by murder, Eichi will not die without his love. After all, we can’t have the emperor in death without his beloved partner, like the Egyptians did, when he dies you will too. And he couldn’t bare to live without you.
I imagine Chiaki being one of the better ones, he always sees his heroes cheering up the sickly, so shouldn’t Meteor Red do that for you? What if that’s how he met his darling, him and possibly all of ryuseitai (Hmm them being platonic yandere for Chiaki’s partner? He’s the dad, so you’re obviously their parent now) visit you in the hospital to cheer you up! Eventually he falls for you, the urge to protect another fragile creature from evil too strong for him to stop! Now, dear, let him give you your medicine! We don’t want Chiaki to have to bring in his darling unit to hold you down now so we?
Rei and Ritsu. Rei has a habit of caring for other in need, and though he doesn’t want to burn himself out helping others you are an exception! Rei has you moved into the Sakuma manor, where both him and Ritsu can keep a close eye on your health. You’d have a personal doctor and care team, because both Rei and Ritsu have MONEY, and Ritsu clings to you constantly, in fact he hardly leaves your side. Both of them get jealous of each other a little, but Rei is content knowing you’re safe in his home and Ritsu needs nothing more than your thighs for a pillow and nips on your neck. (Not bites! Neither brother can bare the thought of hurting their darling dove!)
I can’t think of much for shu and mayoi other than the classic sickly Victorian lady cliché. If y’all wanna see that let be know I have been hiding this for a while in my brain.
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couldbebetterforsure · 11 months
I have nooooo guesses about who your favorites or whatever are in Enstars but hey!!!! New fan!!!!! Please tell me who your faves are so far!!!!!! 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Haha, I'm glad you're interested, Anon! Like I said I'm very new to Enstars and haven't read through/watched/listened to everything but I'd be happy to tell you my fave stuff. And again, this is where everything stands as of now as I am new and am slowly making my way through the available content. Other than which unit is my top fave (and by association their characters and songs), there's always a possibility my tastes may change as I become more knowledgeable about what there is to offer but here's where my stuff stands as of now.
Fave Units
Other than the first unit, the rest are in no particular order. And this isn't necessarily just about songs (as for one unit in this list I only like two of their songs to date and for another as of now it's MAINLY how their voices that I like them despite also only liking a couple of their songs to date😅), it's a mix of music/characters/vibes.
Ryuseitai (There's a fucking tokusatsu themed idol group in this series and NO ONE wanted to tell me????? I grew up a Power Rangers girl, of COURSE I'd click with this squad, there's soooo much I enjoy about them from their music to their characters to their dynamics! And with each new story I read that have them involved, I grow more and more in love with these guys! Also you guys should've seen my expression when I learned Chiaki's VA Yuichi Jose also voiced Felix from 3H!)
Alkaloid (My face when I learned Gakuto Kajiwara voiced Hiiro: 🤯🤯🤯, another group where I really enjoy the characters and dynamics, plus they have some incredible vocals in their group!)
Crazy:B (I ADORE their vocals and I really like their characters as well! Also Rinne and Hiiro are brothers and you guys should know I adore sibling dynamics so that's definitely catching my eye!)
Ra*bits (Despite typically not caring for the overly cutesy themed groups, I don't know I ended up attached to these guys! There's something surprisingly endearing to me about their characters. This is the group I said earlier I only like two songs for as of now.)
Eden (Yuma Uchida, we meet again!!!! This is the group I was talking about before where I said it's their vocals I mainly like them for as of now)
Fave Characters
Other than the top two spots, there's no particular order as of now for the other characters I like so I'm just gonna list the top two and then group everyone else together.
Kanata, Midori, Tetora, and Shinobu
Yes, I know I'm cheating with that second spot but I really love all of Ryuseitai! While Chiaki is unquestionably my fave of Ryuseitai and of the Enstars cast as a whole, for the rest of them I haven't quite decided on an order. Kanata's charming, Midori's relatable, Tetora's energetic, and Shinobu's entertaining! Maybe Midori would be my second fave but like I said, it's not a given as of the moment.
Other characters I really like right now include: Hiiro, Tatsumi, Rinne, Kohaku, Niki, Jun, Subaru, Mao, Nazuna, Tomoya, Mitsuru, Adonis, and Eichi.
You know, while I'm here, let me expand at least a little bit more on why I love Chiaki so much in particular. I have said several times that I really adore genki guys, so Chiaki definitely clicked for me there. But as I read more about him and saw the different sides to him, I grew more and more in love with how he is as a character. He has so many interesting sides to him! That he was so sickly as a child. That while coming across as your typical dumb, energetic jock at first glance it's revealed he's a massive bookworm to the point of having reading glasses and was an honor student in school on top of being so athletic! That he's actually a lot more serious and insightful than you would think. That he used to be far more timid and all that before he became the Chiaki we meet in the present day. And so on and so forth, I really look forward to learning more about him!
Fave Songs
This list will be in no particular order since I don't really have any sort of ranking in mind. These are just all the songs I love as of now!
Rebellion Star (Very first Enstars song I ever heard YEARS ago. Fun fact I learned about Hokuto's VA change by randomly finding this song again and being soooo fucking confused why Hokuto sounded different than I remembered.)
Daydream x Reality (It's just really catchy, what can I say?)
Ryusei Hanabi (Probably the best song Ryuseitai has come out with to date, it's soooo damn catchy! I really enjoy festival style songs. This was actually the second Enstars song I ever heard years ago, and it's still as much of a bop now as it was when I first heard it.)
Suisei Halation (I love the older television theme song style sound to it, it's a very close second in Ryuseitai's discography for me.)
The Unrivaled Meteor Ranger (I really enjoy how their voices sound in this one!)
Nekketsu Ryusei Ninpoujou (Had no business being as much of an earworm as it is. And the MV for it is suuuuuuuuuper colorful and fun!)
Colors Arise (Another one that feels like a sentai theme song, the MV is also really damn cool!)
Meteor Scramble Ryuseitai (I adore the fact that they managed to put their names into the lyrics, it's really darn cute!)
Melty Kitchen (The way I originally thought this was too cutesy for me only for it to embed itself in my brain within a week!)
Fallin' Love It's Wonderland (Hands down my fave for Ra*bits, this song is catchy and cool and has an awesome MV. Mitsuru sounds so damn good in this song!)
You're Speculation (My feelings for this song were like a roller coaster the first few times I heard it, but I ended up really liking it in the end!)
Believe 4 Leaves (What a song! Mayoi's VA truly is one of the best of the cast, this song was love at first listen for me!)
Undying Holy Love (Yes, I know the full version isn't out yet but the little I heard from the MV is already spectacular! I love me some disco style songs!)
Psyche's Butterfly (I don't know, I just liked this one.)
Exceed (Holy fuck, I loved Jun's vocals in this song, his voice is really gorgeous!)
Deep Eclipse (I loved how their high notes sounded in this song although I will say I never watched the MV again after the first time because of the secondhand embarrassment from the hip/crotch shots...)
Stippling (Another one where I don't know, it's just really addicting to listen to!)
Crazy Roulette (I loved it from the very first time I heard it, it's catchy and the vocals are amazing. Plus the MV is so damn good, the characters have such good stage presence in it.)
Yubisaki no Ariadne (I love the somewhat softer feel this song has, I wanna hear more of this type of song from Crazy:B!)
Helter Spider (This and Crazy Roulette are fighting to the bitter end for my fave song from this unit's discography. The way everyone's voices sound in this song is top tier.)
Gekkou Kitan (I accidentally clicked on this song on YouTube and boy am I glad I did, it's such a banger!)
Fight for Judge (Another song I had heard several years ago that engraved itself in my head. I feel like Arashi's singing in this song is unique compared to the rest of Knights' songs and I don't know why.)
Silent Oath (This is the final song on the Enstars list that I already knew of ahead of time from listening to it years ago. This is another song that was a roller coaster that finally settled on me liking it.)
Artistic Partisan (What was the MV for this song so damn cool for??? Anyways, I really enjoyed how Valkyrie and Alkaloid sounded in this song, their voices worked well together!)
Moonlight Disco (I said I loved disco style songs and I meant it! This is such a good song, I am soooooo happy it's finally available in the English version of the game, it's such a fun one to play in the rhythm game!)
Date Plan A to Z (This is such a cute song and super duper catchy! Plus, starring some of the best vocals of the game in my opinion.)
Midnight Butlers (For the first week after I heard this song I would randomly start humming the chorus, it's really good!)
Majestic Magic (Fun fact, it took me four tries to full combo this song on NORMAL mode because I was vibing so hard to it. Embarrassing to admit, I know...)
Brand New Stars (The song itself is an absolute bop but you do NOT know how excited I was to learn that in the game everyone sings as themselves for this song, so you can come up with all sorts of combos, it's fantastic!)
Walk With Your Smile (It's a really sweet and gentle song, I enjoy it. Another one I was excited to learn everyone sings as themselves in the game.)
Rainbow Stairway (Another case of playing the song by accident on YouTube and ending up pleasantly surprised!)
Hamtaro Tottoko Uta (I will fight tooth and nail for this song's honor!!!! It has Ryuseitai! It has Ra*bits! It has fucking HAMTARO! Fuck everyone else, I will defend this song with my life!)
Aisle Be With You (This is me editing this post to add this song because I can’t BELIEVE I forgot to list this one!!!! It’s such a beautiful song and equally beautiful MV with gut wrenching lyrics!)
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couldbebetterforsure · 3 months
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I said I would redo my thoughts on all of Ryuseitai's songs post one day. Well that day is today!!! My thoughts on the ones I already talked about haven't changed much but I'll still put them down here. And I can finally talk about all the songs from the TRIP album! By the way, I got the limited edition version of that album 😊 It's nice to have a poster of my beloved sentai idols~!!!
Anyways, main takeaway you'll get from my post is RYUSEITAI NEVER MISSES!!!!!
Once again, the only songs I'll list are the ones featuring Ryuseitai as a whole and their solos, I won't discuss the shuffle songs here since those aren't specifically Ryuseitai songs. And there's no real order or ranking to this list, like I have my preferences among them but I sincerely love ALL of Ryuseitai's songs and just wanna lovemail~!!!
Yumenosaki Ryuseitai Uta: Dakara FIGHTING! ✊ (FIGHTING!) FIGHTING! ✊ (FIGHTING!) Still a great song that gives you a good intro of who Ryuseitai is as a group and a general sense of each member's personality. I really enjoyed hearing everyone saying (or making an attempt to say in Midori's case) their catchphrase. Ryuseitai's in universe first and oldest song from the early days of the unit's formation. Now that Yumenosaki's Ryuseitai is closed I would love to see what the updated version of this song will be! My theory is that whenever Meteor Impact receives its anime adaptation that's likely when we'll find out what the new version of the song is.
The Unrivaled Meteor Ranger: Absolutely catchy classic! The way I was ready to end it all with how many times it took me to full combo this song on hard mode in the English version of Music....And then full combo it first try in Japanese Music 😂😂😂 The boys sound absolutely fantastic during the chorus of the song in particular I adore how their voices blend together! It really makes me feel like I'm right there in the crowd watching Ryuseitai put on a fantastic performance. I think this was the second Ryuseitai song I ever heard back in the years before I properly got into Enstars.
Goshiki no Shooting Star: Shooting Star! Shooting Star! Kagayake! Seigi koso...Shinjitsu to! Shinjiteru! Inochigake! Mamorinuke! Doro ni mamire nagara mo!!!
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I mentioned this in the original post but yeah, once again, this song does such a good job of showing how much of a kick Chiaki's vocals give to lines. He has the deepest voice among Ryuseitai and you can easily pick him out in a group. And his voice gives lines the extra oomph needed to make them work well!
Super Nova Revolu5tar: The opening build up before the boys start singing is still so damn classic, I never get enough of it! And yeah Ryuseitai's vocals as a whole are really on display in this song. Their voices merge together so gorgeously in the chorus. I love the part that goes from violins to guitar as the boys talk it's beautiful! The whole last minute and a half of the song is gorgeous and I won't budge on that. Just.....MAN those violins and guitars in this song!!!!
Ryuusei Hanabi: This incredible masterpiece of a bop is a fave among fans, even if they aren't RyuseitaiPs. AND IT IS DESERVED! HA HA HA HA HA HA SOIYA! HA HA HA HA HA HA WASSHOI!
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The more traditional Japanese instruments, the chants, the beat. I don't know what the music team was on when they created this song but it is absolute perfection from start to finish! By the way I finally managed to full combo this song like a month ago! Success!!!! And yeah this was the very first Ryuseitai song I ever heard years back before I got into Enstars. And what a phenomenal intro to my beloved idol power rangers~!
Growing Starry Days: I always smile when listening to this song because it is truly soft and loving and happy sounding. And I maintain my hot take that Ryuseitai needs more soft sounding songs, they do them so well whenever they get them! This song is the one that does the best job of getting across what I said earlier about Chiaki's voice giving lines an extra kick. He adds a special something to them that really makes them work.
Unlimited Power: Ryusetai throughout this song: Thank you everyone for all your love and support! 😊 Me, sobbing hysterically as my heart is overwhelmed with love: No...Thank YOU....It really is so damn sweet that this song is a thank you to the fans, I really feel the love and gratitude drip from every word they sing. And that part when they do their mini roll call (except for Kanata with his puka puka-ing) is still cute!
Meteor Scramble: Who was the person who said "hey let's work every Ryusetai member's name into the lyrics in a fitting way?" I hope they got paid extra for that, because it was a genius decision! Chiaki (ichi ichi akirametecha), Kanata (negau kanata e ikenai), Tetora (tachimukatte toraburu o), Midori (saa let me dream), Shinobu (manazashi no bun). I enjoy the high pace energy of the song, and I ESPECIALLY love the guitar solo section! And it's adorable watching the boys do air guitar in that part of the MV.
Suisei Halation: I'm just gonna copy everything I said last time about this song, because it's still so true. I fucking love this song, it feels like such a 80s-90s sounding anime opening in all the best ways! The beat once the chorus hits is so high pace, it's so much fun to listen to and just as much to play in the rhythm game. I can picture waking up to watch an anime with this opening on TV whenever I listen to it. My favorite part is when the boys all take one line each from the beginning of the chorus, it has a cool feel to it! And gosh that part in the MV when Chiaki very briefly looks stressed/sad guts me so bad considering what Comet Show was about as a story. Which, by the way, I hear that Comet Show is apparently disliked??? Like, c'mon, it has such good drama and angst and really builds up the conflict of what Ryuseitai goes through in this half of the story! Like I came out of Comet Show eager to read the other stories and see how tings get resolved!
Heart Heat Beat: I still feel like this song is a hidden gem of Ryuseitai's discography, I rarely hear anyone speak of it but it has such a fun and adorable feel to it. I am so happy it was added to the TRIP album, I hope that gave this song more attention and love because it is sooooo deserved! This is another one of Ryuseitai's softer songs, though it has a fair amount of pep to it. Like you wanna bounce along to the song with it's light, airy feel. And yeah, Midori's powerful sounding "ikou yo" is still stuck in my brain, I love when Midori gives more strength to his lines!
Nekketsu Ryusei Ninpouchou: That classic video game sounding opening is still perfect! This song makes me feel like I'm on a roller coaster, and I mean that in the best way. Like the beginning part of the chorus in particular has this wavy feel to it that I enjoy. This song never loses the energy, even when it chooses to slow down for bits. And yeah, I still love how Shinobu sounds here, his voice is great in this song. Still bitter that his card was the only one I couldn't get from this event. Sorry Shinobu, honey, but 3.5 million is just too much......
Colors Arise: Once again just copying everything I said last time about this song. Another song that sounds like an anime opening in all the best ways! The guitar sounds absolutely fantastic in this song and really gets me so pumped up. I think my favorite part is when the song suddenly sounds like a completely different song a little over two minutes in before swinging back to the main chorus. It's such a fun change that manages to not feel awkward. You know the first time I listened to this song and watched the MV I came out thinking "MAN I really wanna watch one of Ryuseitai's shows!" In universe Ryuseitai fans continue to be the luckiest fuckers ever.
Relax Paradise: RELAX~! ☺️ Like I said in the original post, the first time I listened to the MV version of the song I didn't click with it. But I gave it a few minutes and tried again and that's when I really started to embrace it. Yeah, Midori, you're right I DO wanna cast off my stress and worries and relax in a jungle filled with friendly fluffy animals! So happy that Happy Elements finally freed this song from their dungeon with the TRIP album! Hearing the full version helped me to fully embrace the bubbly, relaxing atmosphere. It's nice seeing the boys goof off and have silly fun together instead of being sentai idols again!
Seishun Emergency: Wooo, get a chance! Woooo, make a chance! Don't give up! Don't give up! Be my girl! Yuzurenai battle!!! Ryuseitai and Knights do such a great job of giving this song an energetic and lively feel! I still can't believe this song is unpopular in the fanbase. A wacky romcom-esque song about two rivals who love the same girl but slowly end up thinking of each other as friends as well? Priceless as a concept and fun as a song! Literally the only negative I have about this song is that I can never full combo it because it constantly lags for a second like halfway through, breaking my combo every time....
Hamutaro Tottoko Uta: CRINGE IS DEAD, LET'S GET YOU GUYS SOME WHIMSY AND JOY!!!! How can this song be disliked, it is so cute and fun, and the marching beat makes you wanna clap or tap your feet along with it. I mean, c'mon....It's fucking Hamtaro!!!!! I know Midori lost his fucking mind when he first learned about this. I wanna know who in the team thought of the idea of "Ryuseitai and Ra*bits working together to cover the Hamtaro theme song". Who was the galaxy brained employee who suggested this? I wanna shake their hand! Daiiiisuki na no waaaaaaaa~! Hiiiiimawari no taneeeeeee~!!!!
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Always Hero: BURNING HEART!!! JUSTICE BLAZE!!! 🔥🔥🔥 I still maintain that while the song itself isn't cute I came out of it thinking Chiaki is such a cutie pie! The song suits his hero persona perfectly, a very Chiaki-like song!
Marine Blue Rendezvous: Puka puka~ Love the slow feel of this song, I feel like I can sleep to this song. Kanata's gentle singing slowly lulling me into a peaceful relaxing nap~ 😊
Mahiru no Zanzou: Some of Midori's best singing is in this song. It has such a melancholy feel to it and there's so much emotion at its heart. Perfectly fitting Midori, especially his feelings about himself and his place in Ryuseitai in the early half of his time with him. Also, no joke, I actually teared up listening to this song the first time. I mean it, maybe it's just because it was like 2AM but I was actually laying on my bed like
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Iron Heart Tiger: This song has such a high pace energy to it that doesn't let you rest and I love that. And yeah, as I said in the original post, Tetora's vocals don't get enough love, he sounds so damn good and has only improved over time!
Shippuu Jinrai Shinobi Michi: This truly is such a Shinobu-esque song, perfecly suiting him for his first solo! I still adore the high pace, bouncy feel it has and how it goes from one end to the other when it comes to general speed. Like I feel as though I am watching a ninja in action while listening to this song.
Bokura no Stella: Stella, Stella~! Stella, Stella~!
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Kanata, thank you for coming through and giving Ryuseitai another softer style song. This song has such a gentle, elegant feel to it and was a beauty in every way. The music, the lyrics, the costumes, the MV...all sheer perfection from beginning to end~! I still can't get over that one lyric that's like "it's like we've been connected since before we were born". Like man, what a beautiful way to describe the bond between Ryuseitai. Five people who came together by chance and grew to love each other so much, to grow a bond between them so powerful it feels as though their souls have been entwined since forever, before they even existed. The strings in this song are so gorgeous!
New Daybreak: My actual reaction after I listened to this song in full and watched the MV for the first time
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I loved how in the MV at the beginning everyone's movements were in time with the ticking of the clock. This is another song that feels like a classic sentai style anime opening, and I adore the power behind it. Fitting when you know it was worked on by people who ACTUALLY create songs for tokusatsu style shows! I especially loved how the juniors are the ones who take a more lead role in this song. I mean all of Ryuseitai are there and there's a lot of trading going on in terms of focus but it is essentially Tetora, Midori, and Shinobu are taking charge for this song. And I adore how that is in part representative of what the whole "all five members of Ryuseitai are leaders" thing is about. The juniors wanted to be equal to their seniors, especially wanting Chiaki to stop burdening himself, both in terms of work and dealing with drama/pressure/negativity. So this shows how the juniors are capable enough to take charge themselves once in a while!
Unmei Power Energy!: If this song doesn't get more people to respect Tetora's vocals, I don't know what will. This is honestly some of his best singing on display, he sounds absolutely phenomenal in this song! I adore his energy (fitting for the title)!
Green to the Sky: The way Midori sounds so happy and energetic in this sound compared to how soft and sadder he sounded in his first solo....The way this is a perfect way to show off how much he has grown during his time with Ryuseitai, how his love for them and their love for him helped him to grow and change 😭😭😭 I love how this song shows Midori's growth through its upbeat energy and the power and quick pace of Midori's words~!
Seisei Doudou Ouenka: A bouncy and fun song for my dearest Shinobu~!!! It has a different type of energy from his first solo but it still has a fun energy that makes you wanna get up and cheer him on the whole time! Like yeah, Shinobu!!!! GANBARRE!!!!! FURE FURE!!!!
Kokoro de Pittari Ai ni Naru: I still love how everyone and their mother was thrown off by this title for Chiaki's solo and to this day no one knows for sure how exactly to discuss what it means. But my gosh this song is soooo fucking cute! Chiaki, baby, why are you the cutest being in the world? How dare you be such a gumdrop?! I kid, I love cute boy Chiaki so much, I hope we get more and more of it! I just love how loving and sweet he sounds, like it has classic Chiaki energy to it but it still feels like he's showing off something different all the same.
Happy Drops: Kanata's song has a bubbly energy to it, and I am happy it matches the energetic feel the rest of Ryuseitai are giving off in their own solos. Like I seriously couldn't stop bouncing around in my chair when I was listening to this song for the first time, I loved hearing how energetic and bouncy Kanata was!
And DONE! That's my thoughts on every single Ryuseitai song released to date! I guess I'll reblog this post to add more thoughts as more songs are released over time. But yeah, Ryuseitai are the kings of releasing bangers after bangers, there's not a single bad song in their discography~!
By the way, I mentioned this before but I wanna say it again. I love how every member's center song (Suisei Halation, Relax Paradise, Colors Arise, Bokura no Stella, and Nekketsu Ryusei Ninpouchou) all give off different feels and energies, basically showcasing how unique and different the member being focused on is. Meanwhile everyone's second solos are very similar in feel in terms of being energetic and happy sounding. It's unique: the center songs AKA the group songs are the ones showing off how unique and different every member of Ryuseitai is while it's the solo songs showing off how at heart they are all the same, all part of the same team.
But anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed my thoughts~!
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couldbebetterforsure · 10 months
Soooooo are you into any other idol games/anime? (trying to find out if you can become a potential enstarrie 👉👈)
Finally gonna work through some stuff I've had in my inbox for a while! Starting with this one I got a couple months back....
Welp, Anon, as you maybe can see if you've checked out my blog recently I HAVE got into Enstars!
Anyways regarding idol games/anime, Idolish7 is main one that I'm truly invested in. The characters, the stories, the art, the music! It's all so wonderful and got my attention early on and kept a firm grip on me for years. I joined the fandom shortly before the Memories Melodies MV dropped, so sometime in 2015, so I've been in this fandom since almost the beginning!
With Ensemble Stars, I knew of it in the background for years and there were a couple songs I had heard but I otherwise didn't keep up with it or anything. But a couple weeks ago I decided to finally take a chance on it and I'm having fun! I'm still only a beginner, so I'm slowly working through the game, the stories that are out from this game and the old one, and the songs and all that! It's a VEEEEEERY slow going process but I'm having fun, especially since I'm focusing on my beloved Ryuseitai. I love you, idol power rangers 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Other than those two, the only other ones I ever expressed any interest in were Love Live, Bandori, and Starmyu. With Starmyu I watched the anime (and had a surprising amount of fun despite the immense cheese) and enjoyed some songs, but otherwise don't have much in terms of strong feelings for it. For Love Live, I played the game for the longest time but I fell out of interest with it and uninstalled (but this was like a few years later so I was into it for a WHILE). But I still enjoy some songs from it! For Bandori I currently play the game and I really enjoy the songs from it too! I haven't played much recently (since for some reason the rhythm game keeps glitching out on me😑) but yeah it's a fun time! But these three are more casual interests, not like the love and attention I have for Idolish7 or Enstars.
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