#anyways I got the halloween colored pair bc of course I did
bigboobshaunt · 6 months
Had to get myself new joycon because the drift for my og pair got so bad... problem is, they won't get here til the 2nd of april so here I am with a buncha new games debating whether I should even play them rn.
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trash-the-tozier · 6 years
Lipstick (1/5)
Title: Lipstick
Length ~29.1k (4.4k for this part)
Summary: Richie and Eddie's eyes meet across the street. And sure, it might have been romantic, if Eddie didn't happen to be in a skirt with a wig and full face of makeup at the time, and Richie hadn't jogged over to ask him to "please, could you pretend to be my girlfriend so my parents don't think I'm gay?" Eddie knows that getting involved with a straight boy is a dumb thing to do, but on the other hand Richie is very, very cute, and he doesn't really have anything else going on today. So he agrees.
Warnings: explicit language, kissing, boys wearing makeup and skirts and dresses (is that even a warning?), slight homophobia, one big ol sexual identity crisis
Pairings: Richie/Eddie and background Bill/Stan
A/N: the fake dating/crossdressing/college au fic that nobody asked for. yes, eddie does wear makeup in this fic (so do stan, richie, and the rest of them by the end) but he's not hyperfeminized or anything like that. inspired by unhhhh (the trixie and katya show) a rediscovery of troye sivan's music, and this piece of fanart  also posted to my ao3 here tagging @belbys​ (our residential reddie queen) bc she’s the sweetest and asked me to (thank you love!)
“But I do have a girlfriend!”
There were very few things in the world that could make Eddie Kaspbrak stop listening to his music, especially when Marina and the Diamonds was playing, but that loud shout did the trick. Feeling startled, Eddie pulled his earbuds from his ears and looked across the street towards the source of the noise. He was met with the sight of a tall guy, young and gangly and around Eddie’s own age, walking backwards down the sidewalk as he faced an older couple. Despite the indignance in his voice he had a spring in his step, and the similarities between himself and the couple in front of him--most notably, the woman’s dark curly hair and the man’s thick glasses--had Eddie guessing that they were the guy’s parents.
“Richie, why don’t you just get back together with Beverly?” The woman asked, and the guy Eddie figured had to be Richie rolled his eyes at her.
“I was never dating Beverly, Mom!” Eddie’s family assumption seemed to be correct, and he found himself losing interest, turning his eyes back to his phone, reaching for his earbuds to replace them in his ears. “I never was dating her; that would be like dating my sister! Super weird. Bill dated her for a while, though.”
Eddie’s ears pricked. Bill? Beverly? It seemed like an unbelievable coincidence, but Eddie was friends with a Bill, a Bill that had an ex-girlfriend named Beverly Marsh. Eddie glanced back over, looking more scrutinizingly at the stranger to see if he recognized him. It seemed way too “small world” to be true, but if they went to the same college campus, maybe they’d met before.
The woman, however, didn’t look very convinced.
“But she used to visit us with you all the time! What happened?”
“She’s taking more classes this semester, and she’s super involved with the university’s Disability Alliance now. Lots of volunteer work and stuff. She just doesn’t have time.”
“Okay, so you say you have a girlfriend.” The guy’s father stuffed his hands in his pockets, his mustache furrowed, speaking slowly. “And she goes to this school? She’s on campus?”
“Then let’s meet her.”
“Dad, no!” Richie’s eyes took on a frantic sort of look, glancing anywhere but his father’s face, and Eddie realized in amusement that this Richie was lying about being in a relationship. “We just started dating, that would be so weird, I--”
In Richie’s frantic turning this way and that, his eyes met Eddie’s across the street. Richie seemed to freeze completely, his voice dying, just staring back at him. Eddie knew then that he’d never met Richie in his life, because he was blushing just from looking at him. Richie was incredibly cute, with thin features and high cheekbones, the kind of tall that made Eddie’s knees go embarrassingly weak. And while he was busy staring, cute guy said something to his parents that Eddie completely didn’t hear, and the next moment, to Eddie's great surprise, jogged across the street in his direction.
Eddie stopped in his tracks, and Richie came to a halt right in front of him.
“Um… Hi.” Eddie said after a few moments, because this guy was still just looking at him with an expression Eddie couldn’t quite place. Despite the November chill in the air, it was starting to make Eddie’s body feel a little too warm.
“Hey.” Something about the guy’s voice sounded breathless, and Eddie wasn't quite sure what to do with that, either.
“What, um…” Eddie managed to pull himself together. “What do you want?”
The question sounded stupid as he said it, but Eddie was glad he did because it seemed to snap the Richie guy from whatever trance had been possessing him, and he started to speak.
“Oh, right. Okay. So… Hi, I'm Richie.” He gave an awkward wave. “And those people over there are my parents.”
Eddie nodded. He knew all of that already.
“And… And I told them I have a girlfriend, which is a complete fucking lie.”
Eddie nodded again. Richie paused, seemingly embarrassed, his next words coming out in a bit of a rush.
“But I really need them to believe me because they saw a picture on my phone of me kissing a guy dressed as Spiderman on Halloween and it was just a dare, it was nothing, but if they think I’m gay--”
“So what if you’re kissing Spiderman?” Eddie asked, frowning. “It’s 2018. You can kiss whoever you want.”
“I know that. It’s just, my parents…” Richie glanced back at the adults in question, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, Eddie watching until he noticed he was staring and quickly looking away. “I don’t think they’d be okay with it.”
“Oh.” Eddie said softly. He knew what it was like to have parents that weren't accepting of sexuality and self expression. Still though, he wasn't sure why Richie was telling him all of this.
“Yeah.” Richie said, seeming to realize the faults of his explanation at the same moment and powering on. “And this is super fucking weird, and I understand if you don't want to help me, but I was wondering… Could you go over there and talk to them? Could you pretend to be my girlfriend?”
Girlfriend. The term surprised Eddie for a moment, then his eyes caught on the flats he was wearing and he remembered. Oh, right. I'm dressed up.
Since Eddie could remember, he'd been interested in makeup. The first time he’d seen makeup on his mother, he’d wanted to know how she’d managed to make her lips look so red like that, and if he could do that to his lips too. So naturally, he’d snooped around. When she’d found his red, clumsily overdrawn mouth she’d reprimanded him harshly, and he learned then that makeup was only for girls. Of course, that hadn’t deterred him. It just taught him to always wash the lipstick off before she got home from work.
Eddie had a cousin that was sixteen when he was twelve, and she’d let him use her eyeshadow palette, teaching him what each of the little brushes did and giving him some makeup of his own. He didn’t want to become a girl, or anything like that; he just found it all fun and colorful. He wore some makeup to class a couple of times in high school, but despite how fierce his friends were, bullies always had something to say about it.
College was different, and it delighted him. Eddie could do what he wanted and wear what he wanted, and when Bill had gifted him a wig as a joke, Eddie had been surprised to find that it suited him. He decided to just try putting on a full face, putting on a skirt, and seeing what happened. But nobody had batted an eye, and since then, just for the fun of it--on the few occasions that he felt like putting the work in, that is--he would dress himself up. It truly was an awfully convenient alternative for the days when he really didn’t feel like putting on pants.
Today had been one of those days, and Eddie had on leggings, a skirt, a long sleeve shirt, and a brown wig that went past his shoulders. The scarf around his neck was doing an excellent job at hiding how flat his chest was, and he’d gone for some pretty simple makeup, with a small addition of warm purple to match his outfit.
“Please?” Richie asked again, bringing Eddie back to the predicament at hand. Agreeing was a dumb thing to do, and he knew that, but on the other hand Richie was very cute, and he didn’t really have anything else going on today. Besides, he figured; if the straight guy and his conservative parents got too weird, he could always rip his wig off and run away. Imagining that scenario was so funny that Eddie thought he might just do that anyway.
“Sure.” He agreed. “I’ll do it.”
Richie couldn’t believe it. He’d just asked a girl--an incredibly, unbelievably cute girl--to be his girlfriend, and she’d said yes.
Granted, he’d asked her to only pretend to be his girlfriend to keep up a lie for his parents, but she’d said yes all the same, and that was more dating action than he’d managed to get in a good couple of months. Richie wondered briefly if perhaps he should feel down about that, but in the moment he was too happily surprised to care.
Then the girl smiled at him, and Richie nearly felt his knees buckle.
“Do you need me to pick your jaw off the ground for you, or are we going to meet your parents?” She asked. Struggling to collect himself, Richie nodded dumbly and turned, and they started across the street.
“You know, it’s really good that you said yes, because I kinda already told them that I was dating you.” Richie told her. He felt she needed to know. “When I saw you, before I came over here. I said ‘hey, that’s my girlfriend actually’, and ran over.”
The girl raised her eyebrows.
“Seriously? What would you have done if I didn’t agree?”
Richie didn’t have time to answer because they were in front of his parents now, Maggie and Wentworth Tozier smiling at them expectantly.
“Introduction?” His mother prompted. Richie gestured towards his parents.
“Mr. and Mrs. Tozier.” He said to her, watching the girl’s lips move as she mouthed the last name.
“And her name, Richie?” His father asked.
“Oh!” Richie discovered in that moment that her name was something he’d never asked for. He had no idea what it was. The girl exchanged a look with him.
“E--” She began.
Richie realized a second later that he really should have just let her speak, that she was saying her own name and that he himself was an idiot, but it was too late for all that. He turned to her with wide eyes, begging her to go along with it.
“Emma Kaspbrak.” She said, and Richie slowly let out the breath he’d been holding. She shook hands with his parents, and Richie hoped desperately that there wouldn’t be any other questions, since he was so ill prepared.
“So Emma, how did you two meet?” His mom asked, almost instantly.
“Mutual friend.” Emma responded without hesitation. “Bill Denbrough, he’s a friend of mine.”
Richie was sure his eyes were close to bugging out of his head. Bill Denbrough? Bill was his friend, and while Bill did have other friends, friends from high school that Richie hadn’t met, it almost seemed like too much of a coincidence. He examined her a bit closer, wondering if he actually had seen her before, quickly deciding that no, he hadn't. He would remember a face like this.
Her hair was chocolate brown, a warm color that matched her eyes. She had a cute, pointed nose, the bridge of it littered with freckles, the same as her cheeks were. Her cheeks looked incredibly soft and god, her lips did too, pink and shimmery with lipgloss.
Richie only managed to catch the tail end of his father’s question, realizing that the rest of the group was looking expectantly at him.
“Yeah, coffee.” He said vaguely, with no idea what he was agreeing to, and his mother smiled.
“Excellent! Let’s all go get coffee.”
His parents set off first, Richie falling into step behind them with Emma. Feeling nervous and awkward, he stuffed his hands into his pockets, only to have Emma jab his arm with her elbow.
“Come on, hold my hand.” She said, holding her palm out. That was a good idea, so Richie did, surprised to find her hand was warm. Weren’t girls supposed to have cold hands, especially in the winter? But her hand was soft against his, and he felt his cheeks heating up.
“Nice going back there.” She said to him, just quiet enough so that his parents wouldn’t hear her, amusement in her voice. “That was really smooth of you.”
“Sorry!” Richie was relieved that she’d found the staring funny, instead of creepy. He murmured the next words, more in embarrassment and more to himself. “You’re cute, that’s all.”
“Oh.” Emma’s voice was equally quiet. They walked in silence for a minute or so, before Richie couldn’t stand it anymore.
“So, uh…” The coffee shop was less than a block away, but he had a couple of things he really wanted to know. “What’s your real name?”
“Um…” She seemed to struggle internally for a moment. “I’ll tell you later, actually, alright? So you don’t slip up and say the wrong thing.”
“Okay.” That was smart. Geez, this girl was fast on her feet. “Do you really know Bill Denbrough? How did you know I was friends with him?”
“Yeah, I know him.” She said. “But mostly, I just heard what you were saying, and the Bill I know has an ex named Beverly, so I just took a guess that they were the same guy. Good thing it worked.”
“You could hear me? From all the way over there?”
“You talk really loud.”
Richie grinned sheepishly. “It is one of my many talents.”
She gave him a small grin, and a second later they arrived.
Once inside the coffee shop, Richie’s parents did most of the talking. They bombarded his poor pseudo-girlfriend with questions, but it was nothing out of the ordinary--age, major, hometown, things like that. She answered all of them readily, looking slightly intimidated, but only as intimidated as a new girlfriend would look when meeting a boyfriend’s parents for the first time. Richie chimed in with a distraction or a joke when he felt she looked a bit too nervous, and she was always able to snark something back at him, her sharp tongue making his heart pound.
“You almost failed your English class?” She asked, when Richie had volunteered the information for discussion. “Do you not know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’?”
“Of course I do!” Richie exclaimed back. “The class was just boring. How stupid do you think I am?”
“Really, really stupid.” She said, but a playful grin kept the words from being too scathing, and Richie smiled back.
“You wound me.”
She just hummed in response, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his cheek in apology. As soon as her lips touched his cheek, Richie was sure his heart exploded. Before he could collect the pieces back together to become a moving, functional human being however, she got to her feet.
“I’ve got to get going.” She said apologetically, and Richie realized that the better part of an hour had passed. “It was really nice to meet everybody, though.”
“You too.” Mr. Tozier said with a smile, and Richie jumped to his feet.
“I’ll walk you.” He offered, and after a moment’s consideration, she nodded her consent. Waving quickly to his parents, Richie followed her out the door. He didn’t want her to go just yet; he wanted to ask her out for real, and for that he wanted her real name.
It took a couple quiet minutes of walking for him to gather up the courage to say anything at all, and when he spoke, he felt he’d done it a little too loudly.
“Can I learn your name now?”
“Sure.” She responded, frowning. “But… Could it wait until I get back to my apartment? There’s something I want to tell you first.”
“Uh… Okay.” Richie frowned too; she looked nervous again. “Why? Are you okay? Were my parents too much?”
“Oh, no.” She waved a hand. “They were really nice, actually. Better than I expected, if I'm being honest.”
“Yeah, they’re alright. It’s just that one gay thing that they’re a little weird about.” He shrugged. “And even that’s not so bad. My mom just really, really wants to be a grandma, and since I’m an only child, that message is pretty clear. And my dad will make jokes, but only every once and a while.”
Emma didn’t respond, something Richie hadn’t yet considered coming to mind.
“Are… Are you gay?” He asked
“Yeah.” She answered simply. Richie tried to keep from looking too crestfallen, not sure that he succeeded.
“Is it like… Only girls, are you more--”
“Could you shut up until we get home?” She asked, the words sudden, and Richie’s step faltered. He nodded a little, doing as he was told, his eyes on his feet. Thankfully, the walk wasn’t much farther, and Emma tried the doorknob to find it already unlocked.
“My roommate is home.” She said in warning, then pushed the door open. Richie expected another girl, instead met with the sight of a young man with an extremely unamused expression, leaning against the doorway to the kitchen with his arms crossed. Richie’s mouth went dry.
“Is this your boyfriend?” He asked in a rush. He’d been in a situation like this before, but he was able to say his next words with much more sincerity than he had the last time. “We didn’t do anything, I swear--”
“No! Not my boyfriend.” She cut him off, actually looking amused as she took off her scarf, tossing it onto the couch next to what looked like a rumpled t-shirt. “Just my roommate, like I said. Richie, this is Stan. Stan, Richie.”
Richie waved in greeting, Stan only looking at him for a moment more before turning his attention to Emma. He was nearly as tall as Richie himself, his brown hair curly.
“And why is he here?”
“Because he doesn’t know.”
“Oh.” Stan stood a little straighter, cracking his knuckles. All this cryptic shit was really becoming worrying.
“What don’t I know?” Richie asked. “What did you want to tell me?”
She looked at him for a moment, then reached up, gripped the hair on the top of her head, and pulled. Her hair all came off in one fluid tug, and Richie couldn’t help a small, surprised sound coming from his mouth.
Okay, so not all of her hair had come off. Under the wig was a short, boyish cut, only slightly darker brown than the wig had been. She was looking at him expectantly, her eyebrows raised.
“So, you have short hair.” Richie said. “So what? You still look cute.”
She did. The cut really fit her face actually, showing off her nose and her cheekbones better, cheekbones that were currently tinted pink by the compliment. But she was still looking at him like there was something he was missing, and he gasped.
“Oh my god, did you have cancer or something?”
“Wow.” Stan deadpanned. “He really is an idiot.”
“Could you just tell me?” Richie begged. “What is it?”
“Okay. It’s…” She reached for the hem of her shirt this time, pulling it up and over her head. Richie reached up to cover his eyes, wanting to respect her privacy--though, he thought, she was getting undressed right in front of him--his hands halfway to his face when he realized the action was unnecessary. There was no bra, no boobs, no nothing, just a lean-muscled, distinctly male chest. He gaped, watching as she--was it still she?--reached for the shirt on the couch and tugged it on. “I just met with your parents for nearly an hour, and you don’t know that my name’s Edward.”
Richie felt himself sinking slowly onto the couch, feeling stunned. His dream girl wasn’t a girl at all. He sat there, staring at nothing, his mind spinning, nearly jumping from his skin when Edward spoke.
“Um… Are you going to say something?”
Richie opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Stan snorted in laughter behind them.
“Okay then.” Edward shrugged a little. “I’m going to go wash my face off.”
He walked away. Richie felt he couldn’t even move. Was he wrong, to have assumed he was a girl? He’d specifically said girlfriend, though. He remembered that. And he hadn’t been corrected. And she’d simply sat there, smiling and laughing and talking to his parents.
There was the sound of a door opening, and Richie looked up. Edward was reentering, his face now clean of makeup and very distinctly boyish. He’d also discarded his shoes and tights, though he’d kept on the skirt and the t-shirt, the shirt so large on him that less than a foot of the knee-length skirt was visible under it. He looked nervous as he approached, and Richie was more surprised than anything to find that he still couldn’t shake the fact that this person was cute. Easily cuter than anyone else he’d ever met. Cuter, maybe, than the rest of the human population.
“Edw--” He started, but was cut off quickly.
“Just call me Eddie. That’s what everyone calls me.” Eddie said quickly. He sat down on the other side of the couch. Richie watched him. “And I am a boy, male pronouns and all that. I just put makeup on sometimes. For fun.”
Richie simply nodded.
“So, uh…” He didn’t know why this was his first question, but he couldn’t help it. “When you said you were gay, you meant…”
“Guys, yeah.” Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Are you disgusted now, that I kissed you on the cheek?”
“No!” Richie said instantly. He wasn't. In fact, the same fluttery type of feeling he’d had when it happened came back to him instead, but he pushed it down. That was not his first order of concern. “It’s fine. It’s all fine.”
“It is?” Richie watched as Eddie exhaled slowly. “Oh. Okay. Cool.”
“You, uh…” Richie desperately wanted to say something to break the settling silence. “You’re really good at the whole makeup thing.”
The corners of Eddie’s mouth quirked upwards.
“Because I tricked you?”
“Not what I meant.” Richie said, and Eddie laughed. “I meant the purple, or whatever, on your eyelids. And was it just me, or did your cheeks kinda glitter when you moved your head?”
“Oh, yeah. That’s called a highlight.” Eddie smiled at him, and something stirred in Richie’s stomach. “Do… Do you want my number? We seem to have some mutual friends; maybe we could hang out or something.”
“Sure!” The word sounded stupidly enthusiastic to Richie’s ears, but he couldn’t help himself, pulling his phone from his pocket. Once numbers were exchanged Eddie got to his feet, Richie quickly doing the same.
“You probably need to get back to your parents.” Eddie said. “Seeing as they're on campus to visit you, and all that.”
“Oh, right. Them.” Richie had genuinely forgotten. “Yeah. See you around?”
“Sure.” Eddie said, and Richie slipped out the door.
As soon as the apartment door closed, Eddie fell face first onto the couch, letting out a loud groan. He was screwed.
Part of him, he knew, had wanted Richie to be upset. To be shocked by the surprise, to tell him off for trickery; to be angry with him. That would make it easy to nip this growing crush in the bud. Instead, Richie had been fine. Said it was okay. Even complimented him, for god’s sake.
“What was all that about?” Stan’s voice, sounding soft and confused and slightly sympathetic. He had Eddie’s makeup bag in one hand, and Eddie pulled himself into a sitting position. “That Richie guy?”
“He asked me to pretend to be his girlfriend, so his parents wouldn’t think he was gay.” Eddie explained with a sigh. Stan raised his eyebrows.
“Is he?” He asked. Eddie sighed.
“No. It was some misunderstanding over with a picture or something.” He waved a hand. “I agreed because he said his parents were homophobic, and I thought I could give them a piece of my mind maybe, but… They were really nice. And so was he. Shit.”
“You don’t have to tell me.” Eddie said, getting up and taking the makeup. “I know.”
“You need to be careful.”
“I am careful.” Most of the time, Eddie did everything he could not to even interact with straight boys, especially the attractive ones. And most of the time, it was easy. They were all gigantic idiots. Not that Richie wasn’t an idiot, but still.
“Having a crush on a straight person sucks.” Stan said, sitting down on the couch. “That’s all I’m saying.”
“Trust me, I know.” Eddie had learned that lesson the hard way, a crush on a track teammate his junior year of high school going sour, the boy outing him as a part of the rejection. Bullying had been free of charge with the heartbreak. “This had to have been a one time thing, Stan. Don’t worry about it.”
He sat down on the coffee table across from Stan to give him a slightly higher vantage point in relation to Stan’s face. He opened up his makeup, taking out some foundation.
“So, you have a date tonight?” He asked, applying some foundation to Stan’s forehead. Stan closed his eyes obediently, but his nostrils flared.
“It’s not a date. We aren’t dating.”
“Stan, he’s taking you to see a movie, then probably ice cream or something afterwards, and then you’ll sit in his car with him and hold hands and look into each other’s eyes for like three hours. It’s a date.”  
“Bill doesn’t call them dates.”
“Because you asked him not to.”
Stan stayed stubbornly silent, and Eddie sighed.
“You’re worrying about me, but at least my boyfriend--” He cut himself off quickly. Fake boyfriend. Fake, one-time boyfriend. Though, following that logic, Bill technically wasn't Stan's boyfriend either, but that didn't help Eddie's case so he didn't mention it. “At least mine knows that I’m a guy. You have to tell Bill that it’s you, Stan. The longer you wait, the worse it’s going to feel when he finds out.”
“I know.” Stan’s voice went quiet, and Eddie felt a bit bad for even bringing it up. “I’ll tell him.”
The unspoken ‘eventually’ hung in the air between them but Eddie ignored it, trying to focus his thoughts elsewhere. They landed on Richie, and he nearly cursed out loud. He wasn’t going to think about Richie either. He couldn’t. He was confident that he wouldn’t have to play girlfriend for him again, so there was no point in dwelling on it. Eddie had exchanged his number with multiple people in the past, people he promised to hang out with that had never gotten around to contacting him; people he’d never seen again. It was understandable, he figured, with how big the campus was and how busy college students always were. He just hoped against hope that Richie would turn out the same way.
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billy-batson · 7 years
"Here's a hint: I'm not telling you" or "Alright im gonna go cry" (or combined bc that has comedic potential) with Steve-O ❤❤❤
 prompt: also asked by anon: “Alright, I’m gonna go cry” w/ Steve
pairing: steve harrington x reader
rated: t for teen
warnings: cursing here and there
word count: 2647
read it on ao3
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Winter time. Winter brought three–no, four good things: holiday season, new years celebration, cold weather, and, of course, your and Steve’s anniversary.
It had only been a year (god, it felt so much longer), since the two of you had begun as an actual thing; since you had become a real couple. The start had been…confusing at first, but after the first date, things had gone smoothly for you both.
As you baked his favorite type of cake from scratch, stirring the mix together as you dropped blue  and red food coloring into the bowl, you reminisced on how you’d both gotten to the point that you were at, now–with him driving down from his university an hour away to visit you.
You had met in science class, grouped together in a lab assignment with two other people: a stoner who clearly wasn’t interested in doing anything, and a quiet, shy girl who wasn’t going to do anything. He had been working on his personal essay for university all throughout class, leaving you to be the leader of the group. 
“Okay, then,” you said aloud after five minutes of silence, the stoner staring out into space, the quiet girl looking down at the table, and Steve, who everyone and their mother knew, nearly banging his head against the table in frustration as he tried to string sentences together to make them somewhat coherent. “I’m Y/N,” you offered, attempting to start conversation among them. The silence stretched on as no one else said anything. “Alright.”
“What’s another word for ‘being a winner’?” Steve had interjected, not looking up from his paper.
“Uh…successful?” you offered, and he mumbled out a quick thanks before returning to his writing. “No problem,” you sighed, knowing that this class would undoubtedly be total and utter crap because of the group you were now forced to work with every time there’s a lab. Dandy.
“We’re uh, introducing each other, right?” Steve said, glancing up from his writing quickly, “I’m Steve.”
That’s practically a given, you thought to yourself silently, but noticed as the quiet girl began to speak. “I’m Amy,” she said softly, her voice sounding unsteady, as though she were underwater.
“Todd,” the stoner said, waving a hand, as though they all couldn’t quite see him. “Fair warning, but lunch is right before this class and lunch time is break time, so I’ll probably be a crap partner anyway–”
“Well, we’re stuck together,” Steve had huffed, “So try to…skip a day or two when we have labs, okay? Don’t think it’d be smart to lose a limb over getting high.”
Todd’s eyes widened, “We can lose a limb in here?!”
Steve gave him a shrug, “I mean, anything can happen when you’re high and working with chemicals. Could even go blind.”
“Oh maaan, really?” Todd asked, collapsing in his seat. 
Steve nodded as though this was a one hundred percent proven fact, “Absolutely,” he said, looking to you and winking. 
You couldn’t have been sure that it had even happened until it had, but you decided not to question it. Either way, he had helped you. Even though it was in a small way, it had worked.
You’d interacted throughout the month of September and October every so often that senior year in class and during labs, but you didn’t really know him, know him. You did know that he was better at science than he was at writing, and he was actually really nice, something that you hadn’t been expecting. You didn’t really believe the rumors that the popular jock Steve Harrington had changed from how he was before, but it seemed like they were true. He had changed, and you supposed that there was Nancy to thank for that.
Nancy Wheeler was a good girl. Nice, sweet–didn’t really talk to people outside of her social circle except for Jonathan Byers who, you supposed, she got along well with because her brother was best friends with his brother. He was the only exception.
You’d had a chance to really talk to Steve alone, though, for the first time, at the halloween party. The night had still been going strong, but it had been winding down for you. You’d gone out to the backyard to get a breath of fresh air, away from the smell of sweat and teenage boys and the faint smell of vomit, and were quickly met by noneother than–
“Steve,” you’d said softly, noticing that he was seated against the side of the house, his gaze watching the blue of the pool behind the fence. “What are you doing out here?” you asked curiously.
“Oh,” he said, “Y/N. Didn’t think a party like this was your kind of scene.”
“Yeah, well…” you sighed, sitting down next to him, crossing your legs. “It’s not. But I figured hey, it’s senior year. Might as well do one of the stereotypical teenage crap adults always say we do.”
“Yeah? Like what?” he asked curiously, to which you chuckled and shrugged.
“Like…uh. Get drunk, go to some…party thrown by some rich girl who’s parents are away for the weekend. Dance with some boys. That kinda stuff, I guess,” you said, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Huh,” he mused quietly before turning to look at you. “And have you done it?”
You raised an eyebrow, “Wait, what?”
“The list,” he said, “The ‘stereotypical things’.”
“Oh,” you said, feeling slightly embarrassed that your mind immediately went to another matter. “uh, can’t say that I’m drunk. Buzzed maybe. The drinks here aren’t that good anyway.”
“Yup,” Steve agreed, and you glanced back at him.
“And what about you? Have you done any stereotypical teenage things at this party?” you asked curiously.
“Well, I, uh–” he laughed, the sound coming out loud and harsh, “Can’t say it’s stereotypical, but I got in a fight with my girlfriend and I’m pretty sure she wants us to break up.” He’s quiet for a moment as he realized that the words were out in the air now, and he couldn’t call them back. “So there’s that.”
“Shit,” you huffed, shifting in your seated spot. “Sorry, Steve.”
“Nah,” he waved it off. “Nothing anyone can do ‘bout it. Been a long time coming, I think.” 
You didn’t say anything, feeling as though it wasn’t your place to speak. He seemed to want to vent, in any case.
“She said she didn’t love me,” he continued, “That whatever we have–had?–is bullshit.”
“Jesus,” you sighed. “That sucks.”
“Yeah,” he stated, “Yeah. It sucks.” He went silent for a moment and said in a deadpan tone, “I think I’m drunk.”
You laughed at that, “Yeah, I think so, too.”
He laughed along with you, almost self deprecatingly, you think, and he says, “My girlfriend probably wants to break up and here I am, drunk and laughing about it. That seems fucked up to me, is it fucked up to you?”
“Just a bit,” you tell him, a wide smile on your face. “Just a lil.”
“Christ, what happened to your face?” you questioned a few days later when you had a lab together. He had bruises just about everywhere, and you’re pretty sure that he has two black eyes.
“An asshole happened,” he huffed, almost collapsing into his chair across from you as the other students came into class. 
“Yeah, well,” you said, your tone deadpan, “You look like shit.”
“Oh, well thanks,” Steve said sarcastically. 
“Hair’s still good, though,” you say to him, slightly perplexed, “Oddly enough.”
“My hair is always good,” he told you, clearly flaunting it as he ran a hand through it, causing for you to laugh ever so slightly, shaking your head with incredulity.
“You’re an idiot, Steve.”
He had asked you out on a not-date during the thanksgiving break, inviting you out to an ice skating rink. 
“Is this supposed to be a date?” you teased him, knowing that the moment you got him to think that this was explicitly not a date would mean that you’d be able to keep your feelings for him under wraps. If he didn’t think this was a date, then you could think it wasn’t a date. Dating was complicated, and you didn’t want to make things complicated. You wanted to keep things simple, especially since he and Nancy had just broken up after nearly a year together. It’d only been a few weeks since then, and you figured that he needed longer in order to not make you seem as though you were “the rebound”.
If he was even interested in you in that way, that is.
“Pfft, no,” Steve replied, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. He deadpanned, asking quickly, “Why? Do you want it to be? Is that what you want–”
“I’ll go to the rink with you,” you tell him before he can finish his questions, not wanting to complicate things. “You’re paying, right?”
“Yeah,” he answered, and you nodded. 
“Cool!” you said, “So it’s a not-date.”
“It’s a not-date.”
Later, it turned out, that the “not-date” quickly turned into just a regular date – although neither of you had noticed it. You had had to hold his hand (clinging onto him totally in the beginning, but moving down to just his hand) in order to keep yourself from falling onto the cold ice (which you had already managed to do before an abundance of times; dragging him down with you every time). At some point, the songs that they were playing became more calm, more soothing, and before you knew it, they were playing specifically songs for couples.
Neither of you had noticed that everyone around you was a couple until you’d pointed it out, finding it odd that everyone had seemed to be in pairs–
And just like that, you fell yet again, this time with Steve landing on the ice before you, and you going down right after him. He attempted to reach out to catch you, which resulted in you collapsing onto his chest, the wind knocked out of both of your bodies as he winced.
“I am so sorry!” you said flusteredly, attempting to get up and off of him.
“It’s fine, I’m fine,” Steve said as you sat back on your knees, the skate only slightly digging into your back legs.
“Crap, I feel so bad,” you said, trying not to blame yourself but seriously failing. 
“Seriously, Y/N,” he said, chuckling as he stood up onto his feet, skates touching the ice once again. “I’m fine.”
You paused, chewing on your lip slightly. “Thank you,” you said in recognition of his efforts to catch you, which was at an expense to him.
“No problem,” he said.
December rolled around before you knew it, and Steve was up to something.
“Alright, what are you planning?” you questioned, narrowing your eyes as you sat with him during lunch at the local fast food restaurant.
“You’ll see,” he said, not giving away anything as he continued to write in his notebook.
“Ugh, can I at least have a hint? Something?” you asked curiously, hating not knowing about something.
“Okay, okay, here’s a hint,” he said, looking up from his paper to look at you. “I’m not telling you.”
“Steve!” you said in a clipped tone, smacking him on the shoulder gently. “You’re being dumb again.”
“Y/N, you’ll see, okay?” he said, “But I guess I can give you a little hint. I guess.”
“Okay, okay, what is it?” you asked curiously, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m gonna take my girlfriend out somewhere she’ll like,” Steve said coyly, and you felt your heart drop for some weird reason.
“Your girlfriend?” you asked, wondering when he and Nancy had gotten back together, and feeling slightly dumb that you hadn’t realized that he was dating someone before. It was dumb, but you had thought that you guys were–
“Oh, shit,” he muttered, bringing his palm to his forehead. “Crap. Forgot to ask.”
“Ask what?” you questioned.
“Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Okay, okay, wait, wait –” Steve said as he handed the envelope to you as you sat across from one another on his bed. “You read it.”
“Steve, you’re being a baby,” you teased him, taking the envelope from his hands anyway. “It’ll be fine, alright?”
“Yeah, but–” his face darkened with worry for a moment, and he forced a nervous laugh out. “Alright, I’m gonna go cry.”
“Alright, alright, don’t be a baby,” you said, practically tearing the envelope open. You pulled out the letter from inside, skimming past the Dear Steve Harrington at the top and searching for the magic words. As you expected, they were there. Just to mess with him, though, you looked back at him, your face falling ever so slightly. “Oh, Steve,” you said softly. 
“What?” he asked nervously. “What’s it say?” He grabbed for the letter, his eyes scanning the paper quickly.
“I’m sorry,” you said slowly, building his anticipation, “That you’ve been accepted to a nerd school!”
He looked back up at you, his eyes lighting up with happiness. “Holy fuck, Y/N! Don’t scare me like that!”
You laughed, “What? I told you, didn’t I? I knew you would get in!”
“Shit,” he muttered, a breathless laugh passing from his lips. He smiled at you, now, wrapping you in a bear hug. 
“You did it!” you say, rubbing his back reassuringly. “I told you so.”
He sat back away from you for a moment before pressing his lips to yours, his warm, soft lips coming into contact with yours. Still, just like the first time, you get goosebumps as you feel that electric feeling run through your veins yet again.
“I love you,” he laughed in between kisses, “So fucking much.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” you laughed with him, smiling as you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him in closer. “I love you, too.”
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard a door close shut behind you just as you pulled the cake out of the oven, your eyes lighting up as you saw who was there.
He had rushed to you and you had practically jumped into his widespread arms, him spinning you around as you pressed kisses all across his cheeks.
“Ooh, I missed you so much,” you said, still holding onto him tightly as he dropped you back down to the floor.
“I missed you, too,” he said, pulling the two of you apart for a moment so that he can look at you. “I still got the most gorgeous girlfriend in the world. Everyone else is dying of envy.”
“Shut up,” you laughed, pulling him down by the lapels of his shirt so that you can kiss him, re-familiarizing yourself with the softness of his lips. You missed this. You missed kissing him, hugging him, having him close by. “I love you,” you said softly, looking up into his eyes as you pulled away slightly, for nothing if not to stare at him. It had been so long since you’d seen him – since late September, maybe? At the start of the college semester? But now, now he was here, and you were together again, just like before. Just like always.
“I love you, too,” he said, cupping your face in his hands before pressing another kiss to your lips. He broke away from you for a moment to sniff the air, saying, “You baking?”
“Uh,” you glanced back to the purple colored cake which sat on the stove, cooling from having just been taken out of the oven, and you said, “Yeah. Didn’t get the chance to frost it, though–”
“No, no, we can do it together,” he said, narrowing his eyebrows as though it was ludicrous that you would do it alone.
“Yeah?” you asked, surprised at the offer. “Didn’t know that you liked to help in the kitchen.”
He shook his head, “Nah. With you, though?” He smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’d do anything.”
a/n: thanks for reading! i love him and ended up making this longer than i thought, lmao. (and i made the gif but i digress,) if you enjoyed, please leave a comment / reblog!
tagging: @donnaatroy @keithstellations @dana-in-wonderland
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michelecrispychip · 7 years
Important question. Where do you think Michele and Emil shop for clothes?
OMG, this is important
I hope this answers your question!
Note: make sure to click each word with a link attached! (I also bolded them) They’re all different :)
Note 2: I copy and pasted from google drive, so if the formatting is weird then that’s why
So first we have to figure out what their usual styles are
It is canon that Sara helps Michele pick out some of his clothes, so surely his outfits consist of both her style and his own. He’s learned a lot from his sister and he actually does have a pretty good sense of style. In the show, he’s usually wearing his Italy jacket over his outfit, so unfortunately we can’t tell all that much what he wears. But one photo I do remember from the show is that Michele has this bomb ass coat:
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Like?? That looks handsome af on him, i bet he has lots of coats
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He is also seen wearing plain t-shirts, sometimes with jackets over them.
From just these, we can conclude that he looks hella fine in darker colors
I would say Emil’s style is pretty casual, even more so than Michele. He wears a lot of t-shirts/jackets and also some beach-y type stuff. (didn’t Kubo say that at some point? I thought I remembered a tweet about Emil liking beachwear, but I could be wrong)
So here are some examples of his outfits in the show. He clearly likes jackets/vests, and he looks hot af in them
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Now that we know a little bit about their usual styles, it will be easier to figure out the kind of places they shop at/types of clothes they shop for!
There is actually this brand of Italian shoe that I could def see Michele wearing and also converting Emil to wearing: Supergas. They’re basically like tennis shoes except they’re a lot classier looking, but you can get fancier/more casual ones. They’re kind of like Converse, if you know what those are. (they are super comfy!)  So since Emil is the kind of guy to wear a lot of sandals, Michele would take him to get some Supergas.
Emil probably insists on getting some weird shoes like Birkenstocks or Crocs, and Michele is honestly so disappointed™ and he’s def not letting his man walk around like that.
So one of the stores they visit (probably online, unless they’re visiting a place with one of the stores) is the Superga store
And since Emil always has cold feet, they probably shop for funky socks for him!! (I def see his as a type to wear fun socks)
Michele subscribes to fashion magazines because Sara got him into them. A lot of them include super expensive brands (Gucci, Armani, etc.)
They don’t spend all their money on expensive clothes, but they both like to look nice, and sometimes they’ll get each other expensive things as gifts
Michele gets Emil an Armani leather jacket, as well as other jackets bc he looks nice af in them
I feel like Michele would have a thing for watches, so he’d probably splurge on a nice watch
Emil!!! Wearing!!! Rings!!! (besides his wedding ring, of course)
Michele looooves to pick out the cool shit for his man (he knows Emil doesn’t expect him to get him things all the time, but he can’t help it)
Emil actually has a harder time choosing things for Michele, because as we all know, Michele is a particular man, and he’s the one that knows more about fashion
Okay but EMIL BUYS MICHELE A SPEEDO!! He knows Michele would never buy one for himself, so…that happens (let’s be honest, we all want to see Mickey in a speedo)
But they go to the beach a lot, so it’s totally necessary!
One year for Christmas, Mickey and Emil buy each other new winter coats (M and E)
Michele also gets his man more sweatshirts! Plain or printed, they all look so nice on him (plus, since they’re a bigger size than his, Mickey can wear them if he wants hehehe)
Mickey thinks he is punny, so he gets Emil this
In return, Emil buys this for him, but Michele doesn’t get the meme (smh)
OH AND EMIL BUYS CLOTHES FOR THEIR DOG!! (But only things like sweatshirts and booties for when it’s cold out and such)
But also Halloween and Christmas outfits!! (Emil insists that Michele wears the spaghetti shirt he bought him so he and their dog match)
“Look, Mickey! His winter coat is kind of like yours!”
Emil also purchases new headphones for Mickey, since he only has one pair and he fears they’re going to break (he chose blue because he knows it’s one of Michele’s favorite colors)
I could go on and on about this, but I’m gonna cut it short here. Perhaps I’ll make another post like this since this one was super fun! I did a lot of research for this, ahahah. But for some reason I couldn’t find that many Czech fashion brands? I searched for a bit but couldn’t find much, so my apologies that most of brands I specifically named are Italian. 
Thank you sooo much for the ask! I hope this somewhat answered your question, and if it didn’t, I’m sorry and I hope you enjoyed this anyway.
 Have a great day!
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seraph-shield · 7 years
lantern + harvest + orchard!!
Hey!! This ask ended up getting REALLY long, so I’m gonna have to put under read more. This is because I realized that I have never told tumblr about how Alex and I met, and so I had to give the full deal lolol! Click read more to see how I met my best friend!! Also a pre-warning for a bit of over-sharing lol.
lantern - how did you meet your best friend? What were your first impressions of each other? This is actually pretty funny tbh. I was at Junior prom. I was hanging out with a friend, who conveniently had many other friends I didn’t know. Keep in mind that I was a baby. Never been to any sort of party or dance before in my entire life, raised very strict and traditional, already pretty nervous about being around so many people, barely knew how to interact with anything that was happening to me lol... My friend had juuuust managed to drag me out to dance, and then. This person I had never seen in my entire life just. Ran up to us, super fast, lots of bright colors, very loud, probably calling out my friend’s name. and just,,, started to dance ON me. That person would later become my best friend lol (and later tell me that his punch was spiked) but. I was so overwhelmed. Alex probably launched my ass into an anxiety attack right there on the dance floor lmao. literally panicking at the disco.
Anyways, we technically met a month or so after that, which I count as our real first impressions because I didn’t connect the prom person to Alex for a few months (I probably blocked that out tbh). It was color guard tryouts and. We’d probably make good sports anime characters with the way this went but. I was the co-captain so I got to help with tryouts. I was a senior, 4-year vet, the oldest one. I was very quiet and stoic appearing, and the fact that I was VERY good just added to my intimidation factors. I was still pretty bad at communicating personally, so I only ever really talked when I was physically helping them out with flag work, leading the drills, or saying sarcastic comments under my breath like the sassy little shit I am was.
But Alex was the new kid, first time ever trying out for color guard. The only new kid who actually made it. But he was very VERY good. He picked up on everything SO fast. He also ended up being paired with me a lot. My first impression was just, being very impressed with him. I thought he was really nice and funny, but I never became close with him for much longer. Alex has told me that he always wanted to be my friend and thought my small, somehow unheard by all but him, comments were fucking hilarious, but was honestly pretty intimidated and terrified of me? Like most of my friends, he thought I hated him at first, prob bc I appear so damn cold and distant OTL.
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why? Currently it’s Todoroki to be honest. You probably can’t tell over tumblr, but our personalities are really similar. Not entirely of course, but enough that I am able to relate so much to him. (you can probably see some of it in that story in the first part). Also. His family situation is far worse than mine but. I was still pretty fucked up due to my family. Still raised extremely traditionally. Still completely isolated as a child. Still didn’t have a proper, good friend until high school. So I guess I just have a lot of empathy. I also relate to Deku a lot as well! but that’s more about the small things, where for Todoroki it is about more major things.   
orchard - share one thing that you’d like to happen this autumn. I’d like for it to actually become autumn when autumn is suppose to start, pls. Last year it was in the 80s all the way till late October and I was very very unhappy. The past week has been pretty cool comparatively though (the high was only 70 today!), so I’m hoping that’s a good sign!! I’d also like to have some kind of Halloween costume this year!
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