#anyways I feel like these tags do a decent job of explaining why I'm not joining the hote discord
inimitablereel · 1 year
I have so many feelings about hands of the emperor/at the feet of the sun, not all of which are positive (which does unfortunately limit ways to share these feelings) but I'm guessing the ones that are way more than the average reader are the ones specifically about Kip's house. What do you mean, he just RANDOMLY STUMBLED ACROSS a house that has nice living space for FIVE ADULTS with SHARED COMMON SPACE and SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL SPACES with a good amount of room for everyone but not so much that it's unwieldy
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bobohu4eva · 4 years
Pink Lace - Chapter 5
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, eventual smut
Tag list: @smolbeanmika @leave-me-in-the-summertime @totallynerdstuff @bbhmystar @nana-banana @kimyhappy @thegreatandi @geniusloey @deligxt @baekswifey @bbhyun506 @lovebuginlove @bellamendoza @baekyeonoreo @bobohumyonlyboo
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After your conversation with Baekhyun Monday evening Tuesday was spent desperately trying to get Baekhyun off your mind, with little success. He’d asked you if you liked him like that, and you couldn’t tell him no. Hell, you knew in the back of your mind that the answer was definitely yes, you just couldn’t bring yourself to say it to his face. 
As much as you did like him, the prospect of starting something with a customer who was also your professor was still terrifying. What if you two got together and people found out? Or what if things started to go south and you were still stuck with him as your teacher? 
Despite your other schoolwork, and cleaning basically everything you possibly could, your mind just kept racing with every different possible scenario for if you did tell Baekhyun how you felt. And most of them were quite unpleasant. He could lose his job, you could make class absolute hell for yourself if things didn’t go well, and so on. Different possibilities played themselves out in your mind over and over, and there was little you could do to stop it. 
However the thoughts that stuck with you the most were the ones where things didn’t end badly. Thoughts of his arms around you, his comforting words whispered in your ear, and the gentle touches of his pretty hands on your skin. As much as you fought it, the attraction was there. 
The way your mind bounced between thoughts was stressful to no end. Every time you tried reasoning with yourself, you just thought about how good he made you feel when you were alone together. 
Baekhyun was always so willing to be vulnerable with you, it made you feel appreciated. He was so open about his feelings, and honest with his intentions towards you that it made it difficult to push him away. You wanted to be able to show him the same kind of vulnerability as well, but the possibilities if you did still frightened you too much. 
You knew you wouldn’t be able to go on like this forever, sooner or later you had to figure out what to say to him. 
Your essay was plaguing you as well. You’d tried to start it on several occasions, but Plato’s writing was so old timey and incomprehensible you didn’t even know where to start. It also didn’t help that every time you tried to start writing, all you could think about was what Baekhyun would think. The idea of turning a shitty paper in for him to read and grade made you feel sick. You knew you were shooting yourself in the foot putting it off but you just couldn’t bring yourself to start it either. 
“You’ve cleaned everything in the apartment. Twice. What’s with you today y/n?” Mia asked as she walked out of her bedroom and into the common area, finding you once again wiping down all the surfaces in the kitchen. 
“I’m trying to distract myself, was that not obvious?” You knew what was coming next. 
“Baekhyun still on your mind?” 
Yes. He was. In every possible way, good and bad, and you couldn’t stop it. 
“I think I do like him.” 
“See! I knew it!” You rolled your eyes at her. “Anything exciting happen yesterday? Did you decide to keep the money?” She asked, sitting down at the dining room table, you sitting down across from her. 
 “I’m keeping it, I tried giving it back but he told me some stuff and turns out he doesn’t need it after all.” 
“So he IS rich?!” 
“Yeah... although not from anything cool or fun. His rich parents died recently.” 
“Oh shit, that sucks. That must’ve been an awkward conversation.” 
“Not really. I don’t know why but talking to him is getting easier and easier. I even stayed after he told me I could go.”
“You really must like him then, damn. Can’t blame you though, he is hot.” You shot her an angry look but you both knew she was right. “So what are you gonna do about it?” 
“Do about what?” 
“You liking him. He obviously likes you a lot too, so what happens next?” 
“Nothing. He’s my professor.” 
The look she shot you next said something reminiscent of ‘are you fucking serious’.
 “Oh come on y/n this guy is hot, and rich, and super into you. Even if he is your professor you can’t pass up a fling at least.” 
“And when it ends? What then? Or if someone finds out he’s fucking a student? He’d lose his job and it would be my fault.” 
“No, it would be his fault, and he’s rich anyway so it wouldn’t even matter.” 
You thought back to your last conversation with Baekhyun, and what he said about his parents. Even if he did choose to risk it for you, the thought of him losing a job that meant so much to him still didn’t sit right with you. 
“It would matter to me. Either way I don’t want other students shit talking me either. If my classmates found out there was something between us it would be hell.” 
“All I'm hearing right now, is that you just need to not get caught. The semester is only 16 weeks, as long as nothing gets out while you’re in his class nothing too bad can happen. You just have to be careful.”  
You thought about it, and she wasn’t exactly wrong. As long as nothing got out while you were his student, nothing too bad could happen. 
“He won’t lose his job if people find out we’re together later on when I’m not his student anymore, right?” 
Mia shrugged. “He doesn’t hold any power over you anymore then so I don’t see why he’d get in any trouble. People might just think it’s weird since he’s older. How old is he anyway? He looks young.” 
“I’m not exactly sure... Somewhere around 30? Late 20s maybe? I should ask him.” 
“Yeah you should. I still have homework I need to do, I should get back to that.” She said before getting herself a glass of water and retreating back to her bedroom. 
The next morning you were exhausted. You hadn’t gotten much sleep because of everything that was going through your head. You wanted Baekhyun, and he wanted you, but there was still too much risk involved. But part of you kept thinking about what Mia had said as well. Could a fling really be that bad? 
You were nervous to see him too. You still hadn’t given him an answer to his question, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to dodge it forever. Lying seemed like a decent option, but you knew with how honest and vulnerable Baekhyun always was with you, you wouldn’t be able to bring yourself to lie to him. Especially when you did want something more with him, you were just scared. 
As philosophy class drew closer and closer you felt uneasy. You felt bad seeing Baekhyun again without giving him an answer, but you didn’t know how or what to say. You only hoped he wouldn’t press you for it. 
Class went by and you didn’t speak to him. He didn’t keep you after either, which was a relief. You had been hoping he’d at least go over some stuff that would help you on your essay, but you had no such luck, and you needed it done by midnight if you wanted any credit. 
When you got home you cursed yourself for procrastinating so much, but you had other homework too and you knew you’d be able to focus on that better, so you started it first. 
Eventually your mind got sucked into your physics assignment, and you forgot about Baekhyun and the essay, too focused on the task at hand. 
By the time you were done with your other assignments it was 8pm. Four hours until you had to submit your essay. One hour went by just reading and rereading the text you were supposed to write about. Another was wasted on an intro paragraph you kept deleting, because you still couldn’t understand the text. When 10pm hit, and you started to panic.  
You realized that you weren’t going to be able to do it. Your mind was now in freak out mode and you couldn’t concentrate anyway. Either the paper wasn’t getting turned in at all, or you needed to do something fast. In any other class you would’ve BS-ed  your way through it to turn at least something in, but you just couldn’t do that knowing Baekhyun was going to read it. You weren’t going to be able to submit it that night, but you needed to at least contact him and explain so he wouldn’t think you were stupid. 
By 10:30 you found yourself scrolling through your contacts, staring at his name. You’d thought about emailing him, but he probably wouldn’t see until morning and you didn’t have that much time. 
In hindsight you probably would’ve been fine to just send an email and try to get an extension, but the combination of anxiety over your grade and wanting to talk to him had his name in your phone looking better and better. 
So you called. 
Your nerves were on fire as you waited for him to hopefully pick up. Was this stupid? Would he even answer? Worst of all, what if he was disappointed in you for not being able to do the assignment?
After a few rings, he picked up. “Hello?” 
“Hi Baekhyun, it’s y/n.” 
“Y/n? Are you alright what’s going on?” You could hear the concern in his voice even over the phone, and you remembered why he gave you his number in the first place. 
“I- I can’t do the essay.” You felt your voice shake, before unloading all your grievances in one breath “I read the thing a million times and I still have no idea what it’s about and I put it off until tonight cause it was making me so anxious but I still can’t focus and now it’s too late and I don’t know what to do and I’m freaking out.” 
You heard him sigh. “Slow down, It’s okay, I know it’s a difficult assignment. Have you at least started?” 
“No..” You felt tears swelling in your eyes, threatening to spill and you’re sure he can hear it in your voice even over the phone. “Can I just skip this one? I tried to start it so many times but I don’t know how to analyze something I can’t even understand.” You choked out. 
“Y/n...” You could tell he was thinking of what to do. He probably shouldn’t give you special treatment, and you knew that but right now you hoped he would just give in. Unfortunately you had no such luck. “I’m sorry but I can’t let you just not do it. It would make it too obvious that I’m treating you differently than other students.”
“Then can you at least help me? Or give me more time? Please?” You begged.
“I’m still in my office. I can help you if you meet me here.” 
You felt your palms get sweaty and your heart beat faster at the idea of going to his office again after what had happened last time, especially this late at night and in such a fragile state. 
“O-okay. I’ll be there in 10. Bye.” You said, hanging up before he could respond.
Quickly you got on some shoes and drove yourself to the building his office was located in. Last time you’d been in there he’d asked you about your feelings for him, and now you had to go back. You told yourself to just focus on getting the essay done, but the thought still hung around in the back of your mind as you walked down the hall towards Baekhyun’s office. You felt jittery and embarrassed, but you needed to do this for your grade.
After taking a few deep breaths to ready yourself, you knocked on the door, and heard a muffled “Come in” from the other side, so you let yourself in. Baekhyun was sitting at his desk, which was covered in papers you assumed he’d been grading. Instead of the nicer clothes he would usually wear during lecture, he was just wearing a black t shirt and sweats now. 
“You know you scared the shit out of me when you called. I thought you were in danger or something.” He said to you as you sat down in front of him. “I really didn’t think you’d call me over school work.” 
“I’m sorry..” 
“It’s okay! I’m not mad or anything, just surprised. What part of the text are you having trouble with?” 
“All of it...” You felt your lip starting to quiver. “I’m sorry I know this sounds so stupid and you probably think I’m just trying to take advantage of how you like me but I promise it’s not like that.” You said, looking down and fidgeting with your hands, trying to hide the frustration on your face.
Baekhyun crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, smiling. “I never said I thought that. I told you it’s not an easy assignment, it’s ok if you’re having trouble. Plato can be difficult especially for people who aren’t used to reading things that old.” 
“I should’ve at least started earlier...” 
“Probably, but it’s too late to dwell on that now. Let’s just try to go over the reading together, yeah?” You nodded. 
He moved his chair to your side of the desk before opening your textbook to the reading for the essay. 
“So the first thing that makes The Ring of Gyges so confusing is that you don’t really know who’s talking. Basically it’s a conversation between Plato and his brother Glaucon where they’re discussing justice, and it’s actually Glaucon speaking for most of it, not Plato.” 
You were listening to what he was saying of course, but you were still distracted by the proximity. Baekhyun was sitting right next to you now, arms almost touching. The only other time the two of you got that close was at the club. And you did not need to be thinking about that while he was explaining your assignment to you. 
“Are you following me so far?” 
Your eyes immediately shot up from the book to meet his, and you quickly nodded. Having him look you in the eyes again like that made your face feel hot.
“Glaucon argues that people only peruse justice for the benefits of it, and not because they actually want to be good people. He uses the example of a ring that grants it’s user invisibility, therefore allowing them to do unjust things like steal without being caught. He tells Plato a story about a man who finds such a ring and uses it do overthrow the king.”
You groaned. “It still doesn’t make sense though, what does some story about a stupid ring have to do with justice?” 
“Well, if you were given the ability to steal and deceive people for your own benefit, without ever having to worry about getting caught, wouldn’t you do it too?” You stayed silent. “Basically, what you need to understand is what Glaucon is arguing. He’s saying that doing good deeds isn’t a part of human nature, and everyone would behave unjustly if they knew they would never get caught. Therefore, justice is something people pursue not out of want, but out of fear of the consequences if they don’t.”  
All you could do was stare at him. It was infuriating how attractive he sounded while explaining it to you. 
“Do you have a bit of a better idea what to write about now? Remember it’s only two pages, so don’t stress too much.” 
You snapped yourself out of your thoughts. “Yeah, it makes a bit more sense now... do I still need to finish it tonight or?” 
“Friday. Just email it to me by midnight on Friday and I won’t count it late.” He said, smiling again. 
“Thank you for doing this, I’m sorry it was so late and everything.”
Baekhyun just chucked, “You know if it’s you I don’t mind. You could keep me here all night with questions and I wouldn’t stop you. But you understand now, right?” 
The way he was smiling at you now along with the closeness was making you slightly dizzy. 
“I think so, Glaucon is basically saying that injustice is better than justice then right? Because everyone would do unjust things if they’d always get away with it.” 
Baekhyun nodded. 
“So according to him the best way to live life would be to do things you know are wrong, but without being caught.” 
“Exactly. See, I knew you were smart, y/n.” A smirk had made its way onto his face as he spoke. 
You couldn’t help connecting what he was saying to what you were feeling inside towards him. You wanted him, and you knew it was wrong, but how could you deny it to yourself when it felt so right? 
“Baekhyun...” You asked, hesitantly. “D-do you think it’s okay to do things you know are wrong, as long as no one finds out?”
“I think it depends what you’re talking about.” He answered, now looking you in the eyes again with intensity. “I would never kill anyone, for any reason, even if I knew I could get away with it. But, if I really wanted something, I think I would take it.” 
You were hyperaware of how his eyes were now scanning your face, lingering on your lips. “Take what?”
A hand made contact with your thigh, slowly moving up until he stopped, right below the hem of your shorts. His thumb drew soft circles on the sensitive inner flesh, giving you goosebumps. 
“I know you feel it too, you want this, don’t you?” Baekhyun asked, now moving a stand of hair out of your face. He let his hand rest on the back of your neck, keeping you facing towards him. 
Your heart felt like it was about to short circuit from how fast it was beating. Your palms were sweaty and you could feel yourself shaking slightly. The way his thumb stroked your neck beneath your ear made you shiver, and you knew he saw. All you could do was stare back at him, dumbfounded. Any words you tried to get out stuck in your throat. He was right, you did want it. Now more than ever. 
“Tell me you don’t want this. Tell me you don’t want me to kiss you right now. I dare you.” He said, running his thumb over your bottom lip, eyes fixed on how it trembled beneath his touch. He was slowly moving your face closer his, but you didn’t stop him. 
Your silence told Baekhyun all he needed to know, and his lips quickly found yours. Immediately you let yourself melt into the kiss. You felt your whole body buzzing, finally getting what it had wanted for so long. His lips felt unbelievably soft against yours, moving in a slow rhythm as his other hand came up from your thigh to cup your face as well. You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss, letting it become messier and more desperate. 
“I like you” you pulled away just enough to whisper “so fucking much.” You felt him grin into the kiss as your lips met again. 
He tasted like strawberries, and you felt high as your lips kept crashing together with more and more need. Your whole body felt like it was set on fire and simultaneously dunked in an ice bath, every nerve vibrating with want.    
When Baekhyun pulled your bottom lip gently between his teeth you let out a soft moan, and he started to lose it. He broke the kiss, standing up and pulling with him, before backing you up against the wall, a hand on either side of your head. 
“Sweetheart, don’t push me” He breathed, and started peppering kisses along the side of your neck, from under your ear down to your collarbone, sucking and biting on the way. 
Trapped between him and the wall, you felt weak and breathless. Your brain was in overdrive and you gasped at his ministrations, hands burying themselves in his soft hair.  His hands had traveled down to your waist, holding you against him tightly.
“Baekhyun” You breathed out, rubbing your thighs together as he sucked on a particularly sensitive spot. 
“Fuck, y/n. Don’t say that.” He forced the words out through gritted teeth.
His body pressed you into the wall, and your arms wrapped around him pulling him into you even tighter. He was completely consuming your senses and your knees felt wobbly from the intensity of it all. He was already smothering your entire front, but you tried to pull him even closer regardless.
You felt something hard press into your hip as his mouth covered yours again, and this time you shamelessly moaned his name into his open mouth. 
Much to your disappointment, Baekhyun immediately detatched himself from you, backing up until his back hit the opposite wall of the office. You could see how turned on he was by the outline of his dick through his pants and the pained look in his face. 
“Fucking christ...” He said, leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes. You just watched from the other side of the room. He kept his eyes closed and you observed as his jaw clenched and unclenched before you heard him continue. “You have to go. If you don’t I’m gonna fuck you on my desk and I won’t be gentle.” 
Your throat went dry at his crude words, but you couldn’t deny your own arousal. You walked back towards him, reaching out to touch his chest which was now rising and falling rapidly, but he grabbed you before you could make contact. His grip on your wrist was so tight it was almost painful. His knuckles were white, and you could see a drop of sweat trickle down the side of his face. 
His eyes bore into your own with a stare that warned you not to try anything more. 
“I’m sorry y/n but you have to leave. Not tonight. Not like this.” With his free hand he grabbed your belongings off his desk, shoving them into your arms. 
Still speechless, he opened the door and pulled you outside before going back in and closing the door behind him. You stood and stared at his office door for a minute, recollecting yourself and processing what the hell had just happened. 
Eventually your shaky legs began making their way down the hallway, back towards your car. You were pretty sure a janitor saw you as you turned the corner just down the hall from Baekhyun’s office. You kept your head down, trying to hide your face best you could while hurrying past. 
Once you were sitting in your car, you slumped into the seat, mind still in a daze after what happened in Baekhyun’s office. You waited for your breathing and heartrate to slow down before you drove away. 
Baekhyun left shorty after you as well, unable to concentrate on anything but the sound of you moaning his name. He felt terrible for throwing you out of his office but he’d meant what he said. He didn’t want his first time to have you to be in his office, purely fueled by pent up lust. He wanted to give you more than that. 
More than anything, he just couldn’t believe he’d gotten what he’d wanted for the entire summer. It didn’t seem possible, but now it had happened. And you actually kissed him back. It felt too good to be true. He felt himself once again struggling to sleep, but this time because he was too excited. This time, he didn’t have to keep himself up wondering, he knew he had you. He just couldn’t wait to see what would happed now.
You on the other hand couldn’t stop worrying about that exact thing as you stared at the ceiling above your bed. What would happen now? The thoughts weren’t fearful anymore, there was just too many of them to shut your mind down enough to sleep. 
You’d finally allowed yourself to give into him, and there was no more turning back. 
Next Chapter
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
The Newlyweds Game
A/N: It took me forever to do this because my creativity seemed to have suddenly vanished (I blame my low energy for this) and I can barely form a sentence when that happens. In the process, I discovered this set of questions ended up being harder to answer for Casey than for Ethan, queen @genevievemd you totally managed to take my girl out of her comfort zone and I love it. Thanks a lot queen @jamespotterthefirst for a new week of fun!!
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Where did you go on your second date?
Casey: Ouch! I think this is a sensitive topic.
Ethan: No, it isn't. The thing is that Casey insists that we had a lot of dates without even realizing we were on dates, and I disagree with her.
Casey: They were! The problem is that we both were too stubborn to admit that we were more than two colleagues or two friends sharing a moment, but you can't deny we did go on dates even during my intern year...
Ethan: I wouldn't go that far... I'd say our second date was the one my dad crashed, after the softball game...
Casey: Okay... and which was the first one?
Ethan: When we went to the opera...
Casey: ...during my intern year... see, babe? But allow me to disagree, our second date must have been one that we probably don't even remember. Some coffee at Derry Roasters or something like that.
What is their pet name for you? Do you have a favorite? Do you have a least favorite?
Casey: He calls me sweetheart or darling, but he also tells me Case or Valentine sometimes, especially at work.
Ethan: She calls me babe, honey, and Ramsey... that's it... nothing to hate, actually.
Casey: We're so boring! I should come up with new pet names for you.
Ethan: We're two perfectly functional adults, no need to change that.
What is their silliest fear?
Ethan: She can't watch movies about natural disasters.
Casey: Well, those things happen in real life.
Ethan: Casey, you have nightmares for days every time we watch one of those movies... we had to ban them at home.
Casey: He's scared of my brother! *cackles*
Ethan: That's not true!
Casey: Oh yes, you are... or at least you were until you met each other and spent some time together.
Ethan: You were the one who told me he was a nightmare for your boyfriends, and at some point I actually believed it.
Casey: But why? When you met him, we were just seeing where things would go, it's not like we were official... so I don't know why you were so scared... *smirks*
Ethan: You were teasing me, weren't you?
Casey: Of course I was! By the way, his silliest fear is to lose the house or the car keys. He freaks out when he can't find them. *winks*
How often do you go on dates together? Do you think it’s enough or would you like to go out more often?
Casey: We spend so much time at the hospital that most days we just want to finish our shifts and come back home, but I'd say we do a pretty decent job for two people who are constantly exhausted.
Ethan: We try to go on dates whenever we can though, maybe twice or three times a month, but we don't plan things a lot, as it mostly depends on our workload, on how we want to spend our free days or on whether we have to attend some gala or some work-related event.
Casey: Exactly, and if we don't feel like going out, we always make some plans to stay at home. I'd say when it comes to our relationship, spending quality time with each other, no matter the circumstances, has always been at the top of our list since we became official and that didn't change after we got married.
What was the first thing your spouse said after the proposal.
Ethan: Before or after she saw the ring?
Casey: This is embarrasing...
Ethan: It's not... we were just talking... I didn't know I was going to propose and you had no idea I was proposing for real... having the ring with me at that moment was just a coincidence as I had just picked it up from the jewelry store.
Casey: I know, but I think I'll always feel terrible for not taking you seriously at that moment, especially because you just said "marry me" and you weren't even nervous. I literally bursted out laughing and told you "good joke, Ramsey!".
Ethan: And then I showed you the ring and you couldn't say a word for... I don't know... it seemed like minutes...
Casey: I was in shock! In fact, I can't even remember saying "yes".
Ethan: Because you didn't... *smiles at her*
Casey: *surprised* Wait, what?!?!
Ethan: You just nodded and then hugged me.
Casey: And then you told me that you loved me and that you weren't planning on proposing at that moment.
Ethan: And then you said that you didn't care, that it had been perfect.
If you were forced to marry one of your exes, who would it be?
Casey: *Dead serious* I would divorce Ethan so that I could remarry him. There's no way for me to marry any of my exes.
Ethan: I thought you had a good relationship with one of them.
Casey: I do now, but that doesn't mean that I'd marry him, not even as part of a game. We weren't on speaking terms for 10 years, so that should give you an idea.
Ethan: Good point. But I'm interested in the answer.
Casey: Why? Do you want to check your nonexistent competition? *smirks*
Ethan: Not at all, it's plain and simple curiosity.
Casey: You're jealous... *smirks* ...relax, there is no need to worry, Dr. Ramsey. I think if I'm really forced to choose one, I'd say Alex. He was an awesome guy, he just did things the wrong way.
Ethan: Do you realize this is the first time you put a name to one of your exes? Which one was him, number 1, number 2 or number "and a half"?
Casey: Number "and a half"... we were just friends with benefits, but he kind of forgot to tell me he was falling for another girl while we were together... until he introduced her as "his new girlfriend".
Ethan: *pinching the bridge of his nose* God, Casey... I remember you told me something about it, but I can't believe he was "the best"! I think I prefer to be kept in the dark about the other two.
Casey: Trust me, it's for the best... what about you? And don't say Harper because you had like 10 years to do it and you didn't.
Ethan: Lauren, from high school.
Casey: *surprised* That was fast!
Ethan: She was a great girl, I was a jerk, choosing her for the purpose of this game wasn't hard. Next question.
Speaking of exes, describe each of your spouse’s exes using three words only.
Ethan: "Assholes", period. I don't need three words.
Casey: You do hate them, don't you?
Ethan: They hurt you, why would I say something good about them?
Casey: That's sweet... there is no need to hate them, though. I made a lot of mistakes, too.
Ethan: I highly doubt it.
Casey: Believe me, I did... anyway, I feel like I'm a little lost here because I only know Harper, but based on your impeccable taste on women, I'd say they are "powerful, smart and amazing".
Ethan: I fell for you, so I like to think I have good taste.
Casey: Trust me, you do *winks*
A/N: Casey has never felt comfortable talking about her past relationships to Ethan or to anyone at Boston, because (1) her relationship with Ethan is a complete opposite to what she had experienced before, and (2) she has always felt she made a lot of mistakes that led those relationships to failure. Of course, Ethan has a lot of questions, but he has always respected her decision to remain silent. That explains why there is some new information for him.
Tags: @adiehardfan, @izzyourresidentlawyer, @openheartfanfics
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demivampirew · 4 years
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Protective-Dad Henry one shot.
Summary: Henry and you had a daughter when you were twenty years old. Now, Amelie is a teenager and has to tell his dad that she’s dating a boy.
Triggers: Talking about sex; young pregnancy (and the struggle of being young parents) - I think those are all the triggers 😁
You can find more of my writings in the Masterlist
Tag list: @lunedelorient @henrythickcavill @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mary-ann84 @desperate-and-broken @peakygroupie @summersong69 @ivvitm1109 @madbaddic7ed @iloveyouyen @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @whyyoudothistomecavill @thetaoofzoe​ @thereisa8ella​​
- Please, don't make me do this, mom! - Amelie pleaded.
- You want to be treated like an adult, then act like one.- you said with a steady voice.
She looked at you angrily but begging for mercy at the same time but then finally obeyed your order and went into his father's computer room to share the news. As she started to find a way to tell her dad about her new boyfriend, you laid against the door frame to witness the conversation.
- Dad, I ... I... -the teenager began, trying to find the words that seemed to vanished from her head out of fear.
She and her dad were closed and she was the apple of his eyes. From the moment she was born, he went above and beyond to make sure she would have everything she could ever need and want. You two were a great team, making sure she was happy but did not spoil her too much and made her work hard on domestic tasks for her to pay for any unnecessary item she wanted to help her learn about the importance of valuing work.
Having a kid when you were only twenty was a challenge that you hope she would never have to face herself. In your case, you were lucky: you were dating the most wonderful man who saw that pregnancy as a miracle despite the difficulties it may bring with it. He was next to you every second he could and even on those times he had to be in LA as he tried hard to make it in Hollywood -many times he tried to quit and join the Royal Marines so he could support you and the baby, but every time you would encourage him to keep fighting for his dream-job since you were lucky to have a well-paid job as a secretary for your cousin who was a Doctor and thankfully counted with the help of yours and his mom to look after the baby girl while you worked. But, even if you were living apart for months, he would be there one way or another.
The last few years he had been busier travelling around the world, but he remained the same loving father and husband that he had always been.
For someone who would have done anything for his little angel, like renouncing his dream career or even risk his life on the Marines so he could give his family a decent life, it would be hard to digest the fact that she had a boyfriend. He may not be one of those authoritative dads, a controlling father figure, but he was overprotective. He would not shame his daughter for wanting a relationship, but he didn't trust guys. He lived his life in fear of that day in which his princess would found a guy: what if he hurt her when he wasn't around to protect her? What if he wanted her just for sex and broke her heart? Those were some of the worries he has had since she turned fourteen, he knew that this day was likely to happen.
- What's going on, Mel? - he asked worriedly as he stood up from his pc-chair and approached her to cup her face on his hands, inspecting her face to make sure she was ok.
-I... - Amelie took a deep breath and spilt out the words- I have a boyfriend.- she said and closed her eyes of fear - no because she feared he would get violent or anything like that; she didn't want to see the disappointment and pain on his face.
- That can't be possible! No, no, no... you're a little girl! - he exclaimed, frustrated.
- I'm not! I'm fifteen, dad!- she argued.
- Exactly! Fifteen! A baby! - he confirmed.
- I'm only five years younger than you two when you had me.- she replied angrily.
- Darling, I love you, but being a parent at that age wasn't exactly a walk in the park. We struggle a lot to make it work. Do you want to be in our shoes? - he questioned.
- OMG, Dad, stop it!- Mel shouted embarrassed.
- You're the same age that the girl from Taylor Swift's song Fifteen and you know what happened to that girl? She had a boyfriend and he only wanted to have sex with her.- he explained.
At that moment, you chuckled at the fact that he knew so well a Taylor Swift song - probably he got into her music to bond with his daughter who was a big fan of her music. They both looked at you as if they just noticed you there.
- See? I told you I shouldn't have told him!- the teenager reproached you.
- Did you know about this?! - Henry asked you surprised and disappointed. - Anyway, you're not allowed to keep seeing this boy.-he ordered.
- Go to your room.- you asked gently to the girl who was both angry and sad. She was about to cry, you knew it.
After Amelie stormed out of the room, you approached your husband who was now sitting on the chair, lost in his thoughts. You went from behind and leaned to hug him. He placed his hands over yours but didn't speak as he was still caught on the argument he just had with his little princess.
- Why did she have to grow up so fast? - he wondered sadly.
- I know.- you replied softly close to his ear.- You need to talk to her...you need to stop preventing her from seeing this boy or any other person she might want to date in the future.
He turned around to face you. Your eyes on his and vice-versa. His arms embraced you when you sit on his lap to be closer to him to talk more comfortably.
- Look, I know that you think you're doing the best for her and all you want to do it's protect her, but you're doing the opposite by prohibiting her from having a relationship.- you began to explain as you played with the few curls on his hair.- She's not a kid any more...she might be your little angel and she will continue to be so until your dying day. She'll never cease to be your precious Melie, no matter her age. But now, this is an important time in the life of a woman or any person: she's starting to have feelings, desires, dreams, etc and we need to encourage her to pursue them in a safe environment. If you act the way you just did, that won't stop her from dating, but she'll avoid telling you and you risk losing that close bond you work so hard to have. Besides, if she doesn't trust you to tell you she's dating someone because she knows you'll get mad at her, she probably won't share if something bad happens to her, if she's been hurt in any way, because she might believe you blamed that on her and how do you expect to protect your daughter if she doesn't allow you to know about her intimacy.
- But, that's exactly why I don't want her to date! She's young and boys are creeps and only think of sex. What if someone uses her for that o worse, forced himself on her? - he questioned worriedly. He was almost in tears by the thought of somebody hurting his little girl.
- Give her the benefit of doubt. I was around her age when I had my first boyfriend and yes, he was one of those who only wanted me for sex, but I was smart enough to realize that and I left him before anything happened. A lot of my friends and school-mates went through that, some were smart as I was, other not so much but learned an important lesson and few lucky ladies truly found amazing guys who were in love with them. I found you no long after that and you didn't want me only for that, did you?- you asked even though you already knew the answer.
- Of course not, you were everything to me.- he confirmed.
- Don't you think Amelie is special enough for her to find somebody like you?
- I guess.-he replied sighing, defeated.
- Don't lose the bond you have with her. Let her know that no matter what her dad will always be there for her. That she doesn't have to hide anything from you, that eventually, you will be ok with it and that you only want her to be safe.- you advised him. He nodded and then pressed his forehead against yours as he placed one of his hands on your face.
- You two are my entire world.- he said softly.
- I know, baby. And you are mine too.- you replied with a smile.
Henry kissed you and then he went to talk to his daughter while you headed to the living room to replied some work-mails from on your laptop. Later, your daughter came into the room and hugged you.
-Thanks, mom, you're the best!- she thanked you.
- You're welcome, sweetie.- you answered- You have to understand your dad... he's done the impossible to protect you and now he's scared for you because the world is dangerous for us, women, and he was a teen too; he grew up with other boys of that age who weren't as nice and he fears you might found someone that doesn't have the best intentions with you. He wants you to be safe, that's all.- you informed her and she nodded.
On Sunday, you organized for Tyler, your daughter's boyfriend, to come to have lunch with the family so you could meet him officially.
The boy was polite and well-educated. He had impeccable modals for a fifteen-year-old and seemed smart too.
He seemed to be intimidated by your husband, who purposely acted menacing -which made you rolled your eyes and chuckled.
You had to give credits when it's due: the boy not only survived the day with his girlfriend's dad but he actually managed to get him to like him - all things considered. He was a gamer and into comic books and fantasy books, he found something to bond with your husband
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castielific · 4 years
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Title: Fancy and the tramp
Story status: Complete, 8 chapters
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Dean/Castiel, Alternate Universe, Fake boyfriends, pretend relationship, homeless!Dean, rich!Cas, family, angst with a happy ending, temporary breakup, getting back together, coming out, past!homophobia, self esteem issues, Dean Winchester has a sexuality crisis, first time, homelessness, bed sharing, pining
Sex tags: anal sex, switching, bottom!Cas, bottom!Dean, first time, frottage, marking, blowjob, fingering, barebacking
Special warning: Contrary to what the title may presage, there are no spaghettis in this story. 
"Okay, let's be clear on one thing from the start. This is not a lifetime movie and I'm straight, so no falling in love, get it?"
"I get it, Dean," Castiel nods.
Well, that's it then, apparently Dean is going to a fancy engagement party with his new fake boyfriend. What a weird day. 
Link to AO3
Chapter 1 under the cut:
"Come on Ricky, you owe me that money!" Dean says on his phone, taking a step forward when the line of the coffee shop shortens. 
"I don't owe you shit, Dean. You still owe me the last three months of your rent," his ex landlord says on the phone.
"And I'll pay you, you know I will. But to get the money, I need a job, and to get that job I need some new clothes and-"
"Yeah yeah, I know the deal. You think no one has told me that one before? No bueno, man, I'm keeping your deposit," Ricky grumbles. 
Dean groans in frustration. "Come on, all I need is fifty dollars so I can buy a pair of pants without any holes in it. You give me fifty, I get the job and I pay you back, how does that sound?" he tries to negotiate. 
"Like a fucking lie," Ricky spits just before hanging up.
"No Ric-fuck!" 
The woman in front of him in line sends him a dark look. Dean rolls his eyes at her. Like she hasn't heard worse before. 
Ricky was his last shot. It was a long one, he really does owe that bastard some serious money. Guess he can kiss the job interview at two goodbye. It's some kind of assistant job. It sounds easy enough, buying coffee and picking dry cleaning and stuff. It was still a long shot anyway. Dean's only real job experience is being a bagger boy when he was seventeen and it lasted about two months before his dad decided to move them further east. 
So far, he'd always managed to get by doing repairs or cleaning at gas stops and motels. The older he gets and the harder it gets to find that kind of random job. People are more willing to give a few bucks in exchange for manual tasks to a kid than they are to a nearly thirty years old guy. Now they just tell him to fuck off. 
And since it's always been casual and off the book, the only official work experience he has is the bagger thing. He doesn't even have a high school diploma because he dropped out long before that. Not exactly a stellar resume. Which explains why he hasn't found work in eight month and is currently living in his car. Thank God he has Baby. 
He had been too ambitious thinking he could get his own place. It could only pay rent for about five months before he went broke. He's never had a home before, and had no idea that having an apartment cost so much. In motels, you don't exactly have to pay for water or heat or utilities. There was a bunch of stuff he hadn't planned for that ate up the last of his meagre savings. Ricky threw him out after three months when Dean couldn't scrape up enough money to pay rent anymore, putting a violent stop to Dean's pipe dream of living a normal life. He hoped it would be simpler to get a job if he had an actual address, had even thought about scrapping up enough to maybe get his GED. He's not sure what he's going to do now. 
He's always wanted to be a mechanic. If his dad ever taught him anything, it was how to take care of the Impala. John taught him all the basics and Dean got the knack of it. As a teen, he spent days reading car magazines and working on the Impala, trying to learn as much as he could about how cars worked and how to repair the different parts. He knows enough by now that he could easily work in a garage, but he's got no diploma, and hasn't found anyone willing to hire him on faith alone. 
The line of the coffee shop shortens again, the barista asking her order to the goody-two-shoes in front of him. Dean looks regretfully at the display of sandwiches. He searches his pockets and only comes up with three dollars. Of course, the cheapest piece of food cost four dollars. Dean sighs. Guess just a coffee will have to do today. 
He won't have another choice but to go to the soup kitchen tonight. He hates it there. The food is crap and he wants to punch the prancy people serving it. They always try to give him some Jesus bullshit with his food, like Jesus is ever gonna put a roof over his head and find him a decent job. Neither Jesus nor God nor whatever gives a crap about him. Not that he blames them. Hell, if they exist they're probably not big fans of the guy that used to slip into church as a kid to pick the lock of the donation box
"Just an americano, please," Dean says regretfully when the barista asks for his order. At least it will keep him warm and fill his stomach for a short while.
Halloween just went by and the weather is becoming really cold. He should use the last of Baby's tank to go as far south as he can before winter really hits. He probably won't get farther than Wichita though, and the thought makes him shiver. No one wants to get stuck for a winter in Wichita. Maybe he could go and see if he can make a few bucks at the nearest motel, that kind of place always needs a handyman's help. He hasn't tried the one on Corn Street yet. He's noticed only two lights are still working on their sign, he could offer to help with that. If he makes fifty bucks, he might be able to reach Austin. 
Dean stops on the sidewalk in front of the coffee shop, pondering if he should walk to the bar a few streets down or the motel. Sometimes Benny, the owner of the bar, lets him use the sink in the back to wash up. If he's lucky, he'll even get some leftovers from last night. It's generally just some stale pretzels, cold fries on good days, but it's still better than nothing. He's got two cans of beans and a car with an near empty tank to his name right now, so he's not picky. 
Dean takes a look at his watch. It's eleven thirty already, the leftovers are probably already in the trash at Benny's. The motel is probably his best bet. 
"I'll give you a hundred dollars if you pretend to be my boyfriend." comes a hoarse voice, way too close to his ear. 
Dean jumps, nearly spilling his coffee on himself. He spins to the right to face the man who just talked and is met with a pair of clear blue eyes. Way too close again. He waits a second for the man to take a step back as he realises as close Dean turning brought them, but the guy just continues to stare at him, head slightly tilted to the side. He's wearing an oversized trench coat over a dark blue suit that looks expensive. He's so close a gust of wind makes the bottom of his coat brushes Dean's shin. 
"Dude, personal space," Dean reproaches, taking a step back. "And fuck off, I don't swing that way," he adds, not meanly. It's not the first time he's getting hit on by a dude. Sadly, not even the weirdest. He's strictly into chicks though, so no dice.
"Two hundred bucks," the man insists. He looks ready to fall on his knees and beg, eyes going wider and wider as he throws a panicked look to the right of Dean's shoulder. "It won't take more than ten minutes and all you have to do is nod along," he begs, making Dean wonders if he's in danger somehow. Maybe he has a stalker or an abusive ex? 
Dean follows his eyes to a woman coming closer. She's very elegant in a grey pantsuit and a long white fur coat as she walks straight toward them. He can feel her eyes judging him even from thirty feet away, looking at him from head to toes. If he wasn't already self-aware of the number of holes in his jeans, he would definitely be under that gaze. 
"Five hundred dollars," the other man whispers just as the blond woman reaches them. 
"Castiel, dear, you should have told me we would have company, I would have notified the restaurant," the woman says, sending a clearly disapproving look toward Dean as she deposits a kiss on the other man's - (Castiel, apparently, what kind of name is that??) - cheek. 
"Mother, let me introduce you to my boyfriend," Castiel says, looking ill at ease. He's obviously not a very good liar. 
Dean blinks a few times as their attention turns toward him. Castiel seems to be trying to communicate something with his eyes, and Dean frowns in incomprehension for a moment before he gets the hint. 
"Huh. Dean. Winchester," he finally says. "Ma'am," he adds when she just continues to stare at him like he has grease smeared all over his face. He's pretty sure that she wouldn't want to touch his hand if he were to offer it to shake, so he doesn't. 
"Naomi Novak," she introduces herself. "What a delight to finally meet Castiel's new companion," Naomi says, her deadpan tone contradicting her words. "Of course, I would have preferred not to be ambushed by such an announcement. Castiel, you know, that Le Délice hates it when we change our reservation last minute. Who knows if they will even have a table for three," she declares, already composing a number on her phone. 
"It's okay, mother, Dean won't be joining us for lunch."
"Oh, is it because your attire isn't appropriate?" Castiel's mother asks, looking at the holes in Dean's jeans and the big leather jacket that used to be his dad's. "I assure you they won't say a word about it if you're with us," she reassures. 
Dean squirms a little, wondering what the hell is even happening. Ten minutes ago he was buying a coffee and going at his day like a perfectly normal person (well, albeit a homeless and jobless one). Now, his fashion sense is being criticized by the mother of a man who is pretending to be his boyfriend. Did a piano fall on his head or something? Has he finally lost his mind?
He looks to the man beside him. He's scratching the side of his neck in nervousness. The move makes his coat fall a little over his wrist, revealing a freaking Rolex watch. Dean looks back to the woman, eyes sliding on her diamond earrings and the huge rock around her neck. 
You know what? That's not okay. His stomach has been crying for food since last morning, and he's what? Supposed to help this stranger by saying no to free lunch at one of the most prestigious restaurants in town? Fuck no. He's gonna eat like a king and make a few hundred bucks off the back of those rich assholes. 
"In that case, it would be my pleasure to join you," Dean announces with his most charming smile. 
"What?" Castiel can't help but bark. "But y-your work thing?" he tries, sweating. The round panic eyes are back. Dean sends him his best shit eating grin. They both know he now either has to invite this stranger to lunch or reveal the lie to his mother. The guy is trapped and may as well continue to play along.
"It's not as important as a chance to finally get to know your mother, honey," Dean answers. "He's told me so many nice things about you, Naomi. Can I call you Naomi?"
"Of course, dear," Naomi says. She looks a little wide eyed too, probably thrown by Dean turning on the charm to the max.
"Perfect! We shall go now, we don't want to miss your reservation. I do hope it won't be too much of a bother for them to add a chair to your table," Dean says. He should probably tone it down with the pompous tone, because he nearly added an English accent here. 
Naomi leads the way, and Dean is going to follow when a hand grabbing his arm makes him fall a few steps behind. 
"What the hell are you doing?" Castiel hisses.
"Acting as your boyfriend?" Dean says innocently. By Castiel's glare, he's not fooled. 
"I asked you to nod silently for ten minutes, not to do method acting for a whole meal," he reproaches. Naomi sends a look behind her shoulder and Castiel smiles at her like there is no worries, indicating for her to lead the way, 
Dean shrugs. "I had some free time."
"I'm not giving you more money than planned, if that's your goal," Castiel says with a suspicious squint. 
"I'm fine with the five hundred as long as you're also paying for lunch," Dean says, wiggling his eyebrows as they walk toward the restaurant. Something passes on Castiel's face that Dean can't quite identify. The other man stares at him for so long that it's a wonder he doesn't trip. He finally relents with a long suffering sigh as they enter 'Le Délice'. 
Apparently, Naomi Novak is prominent enough that they don't mind changing her reservation after all. They're seated at a table near a legit indoor fountain. Dean is looking around, trying not to let show how impressed he is by the place. The walls are made of stone and covered in frescos that he always thought you couldn't see outside of a church or castle. A waiter gives him a leather covered menu and Dean opens it eagerly. After a few niceties to Naomi, they're asked what they want to drink. Dean has an inkling that he probably shouldn't ask for a beer in an establishment like this. 
"Same for me, please," he says after Castiel ordered some wine with a name Dean can't pronounce. At least, he hopes that's wine. Who knows. Hell, in this place the bottles of water are probably more expensive than his usual brand of beer. 
Dean starts to second guess his decision when he realizes that the menu is in french. What is it with rich people and France? He just wants a damn steak, how do you say that in french? Is there even steaks here or is it just frog legs and snails? Oh god, he hopes not. 
"I think I'll take the duck today," Naomi notes. "Nobody cooks it better than chef Francis. How about you Dean? Have you ever come here before?" There is a mean glint in her eyes that says she knows perfectly well he hasn't. Hell, from the side eyes he got from everyone as they crossed the room, everyone here knows he's not from their world. There are three holes in his jeans, threads hanging from the bottom and his dad's leather jacket probably should have ended up in the trash about three years ago. Even now, it's still too big for him and the sleeves are so scruffed that they're nearly paper thin. The original dark brown color has turned to a light beige in most places from wear. His scruff is just the bad side of too long now, and he hasn't had a haircut since April, strands starting to fall into his eyes. At least, he's wearing his best plaid shirt and managed to wash up last night, so he's not smelling too rank. Why would Castiel pick him out of all the people in the street at that moment to play his boyfriend? It makes no sense at all. From the guy's obvious discomfort as he hides behind his menu, he probably realizes it. 
"Actually, Naomi, duck sounds like a delicious idea," Dean says, voluntarily ignoring her question. To be honest, he’s never even eaten duck before, but it's poultry so it probably taste like chicken. You can't go wrong with chicken, right? His stomach certainly likes the idea, gurgling so loudly that he has to hide it behind a cough. 
Castiel ends up ordering some fish and soon their drinks arrive. Dean barely has time to sip at his red wine before Naomi pounces. 
"So, tell me everything, how did you two meet?"
Dean nearly chokes on his drink. Castiel seems to gulp down his whole glass. 
"We met at a coffee shop. Dean was in line in front of me and we started to talk," Castiel explains, not quite meeting anyone's eyes.
"How quaint!" Naomi exclaims, clasping her hands in delight. "I'm just sorry that you didn't tell me about it sooner, Castiel. How long have you been keeping this charming man a secret?"
"Not-," Castiel clears his throat, "-not long."
"Well, it's nice to finally meet you Dean. I sure wish this luncheon will give me the chance to learn everything about you."
Luncheon? Who even talks like that outside of Downton Abbey?
"I do hope I'll get to keep some mystery, we wouldn't want this guy to lose interest," Dean says with a wink. He pats Castiel's hand on the table. Should he hold it or something? How open on PDA are gay people those days? Not that he knows more about how heterosexual couple act in public anyway, especially in those crowds. It's probably safer to keep the PDA to a minimum here. 
"You have to at least tell me some things. For one, what career path are you on?" She looks like a shark circling her prey. 
"I'm a mechanic," he lies. He'd rather stay as close to the truth as possible. It's a little unfair that Castiel is letting him do all the talking when his initial demand was that he stayed silent, especially since it's his skin that Dean is apparently saving, but the guy looks like he's swallowed a potato whole. 
"Oh, that's...interesting," Naomi says in that insincere tone of hers. She looks like he told her he was fucking children’s corpses every full moon. He's two seconds away from telling her that he's actually jobless, penniless, and homeless, just to see her face, when Castiel intervenes. 
"How is Anna's engagement party coming on?" 
Thankfully, this seems to be a subject Naomi loves because she tells them about every aspect of the future party all the way through their meal. 
Duck, as it turns out, is actually very good. It's more like red meat than chicken, which is a great surprise. Although, Dean isn't a fan of the way rich people put tiny quantities of food in very large plates. He eats all the dinner rolls and scrapes every single bit of sauce out of his plate, yet he's still hungry by the end of it. He nearly starts crying when the waiter asks them if they'll take dessert and Naomi declines. He's starting to wonder if that little piece of duck was worth sitting through lunch with her. 
"That sounds like you're turning this into a wonderful event, mother, Anna must be delighted," Castiel compliments. 
"Oh, you know your sister," Naomi waves it off. "It sure feels like a nice opportunity to introduce your new beau to everyone."
Dean frowns. What's a beau? Is that him? That's not him, right?
"I wouldn't dare take any attention away from Anna," Castiel tries to refuse. 
"Don't be daft, you know your sister won't care. Everyone will be so happy that you've finally found-" she passes a long look, over Dean, like she's doubting anyone would actually approve of him. She certainly doesn't seem to, "-someone," she finishes lamely. 
"Oh shoot, I don't think I'm available that night," Dean tries to play off. 
"I'm not sure I've told you the date of it yet."
"Cas did," he says. The other man perks up at the surname, but whatever, 'Castiel' is a mouthful. "And I have this huh work thing, you know? Bummer," Dean says with a fake pout. 
"What kind of 'work thing' can a mechanic possibly have on a Saturday evening?"
Dean tenses up, pursing his lips. "One he can't get out of?"
"Nonsense, you're coming," Naomi brushes off. And that is that apparently. Shit. There is a vein about to pop on Castiel's forehead. "Castiel, dear, you look a little white. Was the fish okay?"
"I-Yeah-I-Actually, do you think we could possibly cut our lunch short? I am indeed feeling quite unwell."
"Of course, my dear," Naomi says, leaning forward until her hand touches his forehead. "You're as clammy as a fish. I should come home with you, and make sure you're okay," she announces, taking her napkin off her lap and deposing it on the table, ready to stand up. 
"No!" Castiel stops her, a little too brusquely. "I-Dean will take good care of me, don't worry," he says, getting up and grabbing Dean's arm so he does so too. Dean follows his lead, all too happy to get out of here. "Stay and enjoy your tea, mother."
"If you say so," Naomi says, sending an unsure look at Dean, obviously upset at being brushed off in his favor. "Call me this evening, or I'll worry all night."
"Of course, mother," Castiel acquiesces, kissing her cheek. Dean hovers behind him. Is he supposed to kiss her too? Wave hello? Shake her hand? 
"Dean," she says as what is apparently a sufficient goodbye. Thank God. "I'll be sure to see you on Saturday," she reminds just as they're walking away. 
Cas turns on him as soon as they're outside the restaurant. 
"What was that?!" he asks, not quite yelling. He starts pacing, rubbing a hand through his already pretty ruffled hair. 
"You owing me five hundred bucks? Dude, you're lucky I don't charge you more for the fresh hell I just lived through."
"You went through hell? You?!" his pacing gets faster and Dean has an idea that if he stops pacing he might punch him in the face. 
"That's what you get for asking this kind of stuff from a perfect stranger," Dean shrugs, pushing a pebble with the point of his shoe. His red sock is peeking out from a tiny hole near his big toe. It's such a contrast to how grand everything and everyone looked in there. It's making him feel like shit. He's maybe feeling a tiny bit guilty for trapping Castiel like that too. He doesn't seem like a bad guy, albeit one with a psycho mom.
Cas turns on him, eyes glaring and mouth open in what will probably be a flow of reproaches. He stops himself before he says anything though, seeming to deflate. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe instead, shoulders falling. "I'm sorry. You're right. I should be thanking you. I have no right to make you any reproach when I brought this on myself."
"It wasn't so bad, though, was it? I mean, I think I sold it?" Dean asks, a little hesitant. He even used pedantic talk and everything. 
"You did as well as could be expected."
"That's not much of a compliment…". 
"I shouldn't take more of your time," Cas apologizes, taking his wallet out. Dean goggles at the amount of cash in there. 
"You really shouldn't have that much cash on you, that's, like, asking for trouble."
Castiel squints at him like he's wondering if that means Dean is gonna rob him for a moment, before he hands him a wad of cash. 
Dean's eyes bulge out, "That's way more than five hundred dollars."
"There's also an advance in there to buy some clothes for the engagement party."
"The what now?" Dean blinks dumbly for a second until his brain catches up to what is happening. "Dude, no, I'm done!" 
"You were the one to push it so far in the first place," Castiel reminds. Accuses, really. 
"I just wanted to eat fancy food, okay! Not, like, go steady."
"There will be lots of food at my sister's engagement party," Castiel tries to persuade. Badly. 
Dean gives him a nonplussed look. The cash feels heavy in his hand. He's never had so much before. This could help him get a new start. What's a night of playing Downton Abbey compared to the many many nights he might not have to freeze his ass off in the backseat of his car thanks to it?
"Why are you even doing this anyway? And why would you choose me? Do I look that desperate for cash?"
"No," Cas says after what's definitely a too long pause. Dean scowls. "You were in front of me in the coffee shop line. I heard you talking on the phone. You said you needed some cash to buy a new outfit for a job interview. Begged, really."
"Where the fuck do you get on listening in on other people’s conversation?" 
"I didn't listen, I just heard."
"You know, what? Fuck you," Dean spits, "I don't need that bullshit in my life right now." He has enough cash to get to Austin and replenish his stock of food, even buy some new clothes. At least this way he can keep his dignity rather than being insulted by a bunch of rich assh-
"Please," Castiel begs, following him as Dean storms away. "You don't understand…"
"Oh I understand perfectly," Dean says, stopping and turning around so brusquely that they nearly bump into each other. "You think you can shit on other people from your high horse and that they'll still do your deed for a few hundred bucks. Well, I'm not your freaking puppet, man."
"I have never shitted on any-" he stops himself with a frustrated groan, before turning on the puppy dog eyes. "Dean, please. Listen to what I have to say at least?"
"I know what you're gonna say. I've seen that movie before, Cas. You're going to bring me to that party, so you can parade me around like I'm some earned price or some shit. Meanwhile you get to appease mommy dearest and the clan of hyenas putting pressure on you to find a husband, while still having the satisfaction of giving them a huge fuck you by bringing a guy like me instead of the golden boy they're dreaming of."
"I-" Castiel stops himself, pursing his lips. "That's actually not that far from the reality."
"Of course it isn't. Told you, I've seen that trope before. Except this is real life and your plan sucks, so you can keep your money and I'll keep my dignity. Just grow a pair and tell them all to fuck off, will ya?"
"You sure do like saying that to people," Castiel sulks. "Are you sure you can't do it for me?" 
"Oh believe me I would love to tell your mom to fuck off, but I like my balls attached to my body, so that's a hard pass."
Castiel laughs slightly at that and Dean can feel his own anger start to abate at the sound. "Good self-preservation instinct on your part," Cas mumbles. The puppy look is still there, except now it's making him feel like he's kicked the puppy.  
"You know, we're in the 21st century, right? You shouldn't feel pressured to the point of inventing a boyfriend. Who gives a shit about that nowadays?"
"My family does," Castiel answers in a long sigh. "You don't get it, how could you... I have three brothers, Dean," Castiel explains. "Two sisters. My little sister, who is just nineteen, just got engaged. I was already seen as the irremediably unwed one and now I…," he pauses, sending a nervous look at Dean, looking ashamed.
"Oh come on. How hard can it be? You're rich, objectively good looking. Do you have weird kinks or something?"
 "I-I wouldn't know. I've never even been in a relationship before," he confesses, looking at the ground.
"When you say 'relationship', you don't mean you've never…" Dean inquires. Cas' cheeks redden, and Dean blows like he just got punched. "Wow. That sucks."
"Yes, it's very pathetic."
"What? Eh no, it's not pathetic. Surprising, yeah. But, to each their own, you know?"
Cas inclines his head like he's not sure he does know. 
"I'm sorry I tried to drag you in all of this. You seem like a good man. You don't deserve-"
"-to be served on a platter to your family?" Dean asks, searching Castiel's gaze until they exchange a smile. 
"Yes. That." The man is still looking dejected. The money is still in Dean's hand. That duck really was good. Damn it.
"The food better be freaking awesome," Dean relents with a frustrated grunt. Castiel seems instantly relieved. "And you're not pretty woman-ing me," he warns, pointing a finger at the other man. "I'm choosing my own clothes and I don't give a shit if I don't know which fork to use for fish."
Castiel's head is tilted and he's blinking owlishly, like he doesn't understand a word that Dean is saying. Figures. He's not sure how he could convince anyone that he's this dork's boyfriend, honestly. Naomi certainly looked like she wasn't fooled. 
"I'm sorry for the way my mother behaved toward you. I assure you, being yourself will be amply sufficient to the task."
"Dude, the way y'all talk, where do you come from, Victorian England?"
"I-I don't think I have English ancestry, no. Why?"
They blink at each other for some time. 
"I must be a freaking masochist."
Cas' face scrunches up even more in incomprehension. 
"Okay, let's be clear on one thing from the start. This is not a lifetime movie and I'm straight, so: no falling in love, get it?"
"I get it, Dean," Castiel nods. 
Well, that's it then, apparently Dean is going to a fancy engagement party with his new boyfriend. What a weird day... 
You can read the rest on AO3
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Miah’s 1K Celebration
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welcome to the mess that is my 1k celebration cause i’m unable to make simple choices and can’t stand the thought of letting people down
as you can see, i’m perfectly normal
the literal 1005 people following me would disagree on that but heyyy details
so anyway
one thousand
one bloody thousand people following me
my inicial reaction is whyyyy??? i’m just a bisexual disaster who sometimes writes a half decent fanfic but you deemed me worthy of your follow?
then i started crying cause yk
but bottomline is, i love you all, you’re the bestest people in the whole entire world, so i’m gonna make both a sleepover and a writing challenge
sleepover cause i like answering questions
writing challenge cause it gives me a chance to show you all other artists and discover other artists myself cause we all need them and they deserve more recognition
special shoutout to my mutuals who i’ll tag at the end for always being there for me and supporting me through every high and every low, y’all are the real heroes here
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Starts: December 11th 2020
Ends: December 20th 2020
Who can participate: everyone, anon or not! no need to be following me either
send me asks for:
✨ my opinion on...
🌻 cast my mutuals as...
🎵 i'll put my playlist on shuffle and give you a song
🍉 random fact about me
🦔 what's my favorite...
🍀 i'll give you advice (or just listen to you rant, if you want)
💬 last text [insert person] sent me
💌 handwritten letter
🎬 movie rec
📖 fic or blog rec
📘 inspiration behind [insert fic name], how i came up with it or if you have questions about it
🖋 line from one of my WIPs (tell me if you want fluff or angst, i won't tell you the pairing or anything, that's no fun)
💋 kiss, date, marry [insert people]
🎤 give me a song an i'll do a mini cover of it (it will be 1min long tops cause that's all tumblr can take lmao)
📷 random picture from my camera roll (you can request a theme if you want, like pictures from my childhood or awkward pics or something)
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• Open to anyone (don't have to be following me)
• Send me a DM or ask with the prompt(s) you want (two people tops per work) and who you're writing about
• Smut is allowed but make sure to put it in the warnings
• I will accept works for any Marvel character or cast member, part of the Holland clan, 1D member or affiliated, Teen Wolf characters or cast member, Maze Runner character or cast member
• Can be reader inserts or not, but please specify it in your DM/ask too
• Tag me when you're done
• All works will be rebloged under #Miah's 1k writing challenge and put in a masterlist that will be specifically created for this writing challenge
Starts: December 11th 2020
Ends: January 11th 2020
Prompt list:
1. “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
2. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.”
3. “Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
4. “Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
5. “Can you just please hold me?”
6. “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
7. “Can I stay here tonight?”
8. “You’re really warm.”
9. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
10. “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
11. “You are crushing me right now.”
12. “Darling I love you and all, but please get out of my kitchen.”
13. "I leave you alone for five minutes and this happens."
14. "I didn't fall. The floor looked lonely so I wanted to hug it." "Then why are you crying?" "It was an emotional reunion."
15. "There's no such thing as too many fairy lights."
16. “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
17. “I love you.” “No you don’t”
18. “Any other lies left to tell me?”
19. “I miss the old you.”
20. “What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
21. “Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.”
22. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
23. "It's okay. It's not your fault that I couldn't be enough."
24. "Please don't leave me."
25. "You have the emotional range of a teaspoon."
26. "Will you shut up for once in your life?"
27. "This isn't about us."
28. "I will shove a christmas tree so far up your ass that when you open your mouth we'll see the fairy lights."
29. "I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating"
30. "Is that blood?" "Yes, but it's not mine." "Is that supposed to make it better?"
31. "I’ll drink to that.” “You drink to everything.” “Cheers!”
32. “Why is arson always your first answer?”
33. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?"
34. "I can explain!" "Then explain." "Okay, I can't explain."
35. "Get out of here with your facts. Just because you're accurate does not mean you're interesting."
36. "How many hearts did you break while trying to keep yours intact?"
37. "I know everything. It's in the job description."
38. "One more word out of you and I'll rip your throat out with my teeth."
39. "Do you listen to girl in red?"
40. "Is that code for something or am I just paranoid?"
41. "With how things have been going, I might as well start working at a circus."
42. "I love (him/her/them)." "Then why did you give up?" "Cause (he/she/they) deserved better."
43. "I want to ask but something tells me the answer will be more disturbing than anything I can think of."
44. "Do you think he's... *flicks wrist*?"
45. "Do I look like an idiot to you?" "Do you want me to answer that honestly or politely?"
46. "Just how clumsy are you?"
47. "So... the weather?"
48. "Just leave."
49. "Don't you fucking dare!"
50. "You don't have to talk right now. But whenever you're ready, if you're ever ready, I'll be here to listen."
tagging and complimenting my amazing mutuals cause y’all deserve it
@parkersbliss​ thank you for marrying me, first of all, and for being the most amazing wife one could ask. i wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you and i will never stop ebing thankful for your existence
@peterspideyy​ thank you for listening to my rants along with grace and supporting me during all my simping, you’re the sweetest thing existing since powdered sugar
@theamazingtomholland​ thank you for always putting a smile on my face, reminding me that i’m loved everyday and just being you, cause it’s the best thing you could be
@lozzypoz321​ thank you for listening to me rant abt my fics and how much i hate writing and then motivating me to write again or do basic things like get out of bed lmao (we still have the best taste in music)
@everything-is-alrightt​ kenzie lovely, thank you for being the pure little ball of unfiltered joy that you are cause even thinking about you and the jump shit your brothers get up to makes me smile like crazy, you’re amazing and don’t you dare forget it
@spider-trash​ thank you for being my brother, going alon with my ridiculous schemes for corrupting posie and making me laugh out loud every time you come up with something even worse, you’re the coolest bro i could ask for
and finally, thank you @fallinfortom​ for inspiring me to write in the first place, being an amazing mum to us, an actual good role model for me to have and for your random appearances in my dreams and the fun english teacher who makes us read tom holland fics instead of english literature. you’re amazing and i’m incredibly thankful to know you
love you all to the ends of the universe and back again, Miah
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jpat82 · 5 years
Death Of The Bachelor
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Chapter 3
After making a round while a coworker ducked back into the kitchen because her tray had been empty, you followed suit because yours had also been depleted. You waited next to her as the bartender made drinks for both of your trays. You checked your emails, hoping to hear about the bid you had placed on an vacant bar close to the one you had been working at.
"Do you know them?" She asked, snapping you back to the present.
"Know who?"
"Bucky and Steve, duh. Like two of the most eligible bachelors in the city." She stated wide eyed.
"Kinda, not really. Steve has been coming to the bar I work at for years, Bucky I just met the other day." You told her, grabbing your tray after it had been filled.
"Hang on, your friends with them, aren't you." She asked, her voice raising a bit. "You could totally introduce me to them."
"I wouldn't call us friends, I don't really know them. And they run in completely different circles then me." You replied with a sigh as you started to walk around her.
"So which is it then? Steve or Bucky?" She pestered on, grabbing her own tray and hoisting it up on her should just like you had.
"Come again?" You questioned turning around after stopping, causing the contents in the glasses to swirl but not spill.
"You can't have both, I get it, they're rich and hot but you have to choose and not be greedy." She snapped back, having to bring up her other hand to the tray to keep it from tipping.
"How about neither. Yes, I'll agree they are both attractive men, but I don't do players. And that's what they are, boys who like see how many women they can sleep with." You told her sternly. "I joke around with them because Steve comes in my bar regularly, I've gotten to know him a bit and as nice of a guy as he is the thought of being a notch on his belt makes me sick, not that I would ever be any of their types. And I highly doubt Bucky is any different, between you, me and the platers we're carrying neither of us would ever stand a chance anyway. We aren't wealthy, aren't famous, and no body knows us. Now if you'll excuse me I have drinks to pass out and so do you."
You didn't wait for her to respond but just walked out the door, rolling your eyes before plastering on a fake smile to please everyone. The party was in full swing, and the boys had taken up talking two blondes in the corner. You were pretty sure they were models, one you had seen Wilson come in with a couple weeks back and just like how she was all over Bucky now she had been all over Sam as well.
More then once you had heard her tell a different friend how she was going to land a wealthy man so she never had to do servants work after she got to old to be a model. A part of you wanted to warn the man what he was getting himself into, but you didn't know him well enough to do that. You bit your bottom lip as you made your around, all but pretty much being invisible to this crowd. That wasn't uncommon either, the staff was just that, over looked as long as the booze kept flowing.
"Y/n, you gotta a whiskey on the tray for me?" Bucky asked with a playful charming smile, the one you had seen him give the paparazzi after you looked him up, as you neared him and Steve.
"Why would I have one on the tray for you?" You jested back, walking closer, the blonde on his arm rolled her eyes as she gave you a once over.
You tried your best not look at her, being that her dress alone costed more then your apartment. It's not that you were jealous by the fact she could throw herself at any guy and get them. It was the fact she was looking down at you already and crinkling her nose up at you.
"He wants a whiskey, you aren't supposed to talk back." She snarked. Bucky looked at her but didn't defend you.
"Just outta luck, I don't have any whiskey." You stated coldly and started to walk away.
"Dude, not cool." You heard Bucky finally say as you were walking away.
"Right, like what makes her think she's all that." The woman said to him in reply.
You rolled you eyes as you continued to walk through the mess of people. A small part of you hated people like this. The way they looked down on the rest of society, but there was another part of you that did feel sorry for them. They didn't know how to be any different, well some of them didn't. Guys like Sam, the owner of the house and the one throwing the party worked his ass off and you remembered when he and Tony got their big break.
"Yo, Y/n!" You heard that all too familiar voice bellow above the rest causing people to look around for the girl Sam Wilson was yelling at. You felt your cheeks flush, you hated that amount of attention being drawn to you.
"Yes." You coyly started slowly turning to look at the man who was currently headed toward you in a confident stride.
"My girl, how the hell have you been?" He asked, engulfing you in a hug despite the tray you held above your head. It teetered slightly but never fell.
"Decent, how have you been? Besides quite well from the looks of things." You chuckled, lowering the tray as he stepped back.
"Amazing, even better seeing your face here. How's the bar?"
"About the same as it always has been." You responded.
"Y/n!" Your boss yelled at you from the backdoor, his stern voice just barely audible above all the noise. You looked over you shoulder and could barely see his red face.
"Shit." You muttered.
"Didn't realize you were working. Sorry." Sam stated, giving you a sheepish look like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
"Always, Wilson. Gotta save up so I can own my bar some day." You replied as you walked away towards the kitchen entrance.
Your boss didn't say two words to you after you entered but motioned for you to follow him towards the very back. He only paused long enough for you to put your tray down and then continued till you both were out of sight. He sighed heavily when he turned to face you.
"I gotta let you go." He dropped on you.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I could look past insulting Hilda, but I've got complaints about you trying to cozy up with some of the patrons. Plus the refusal to serve." He explained and for a moment you just stared at him in disbelief.
"Look, I can understand if you just would rather me leave for the night, not that I did any of what you just said, but to fire me? I've worked with you for how many years? And not once have I ever caused a problem." You retorted, crossing your arms.
"Look, I told everyone how big of a gig this is and unfortunately I won't be used again if I keep you." He told you sternly.
"Says who?"
"Just please, don't make this any harder this it needs to be." He replied walking around you and leaving you standing there.
You dropped your apron on the floor and walked out of the building heading towards your car. You wanted to go back in and make a scene and you could. After all you knew Sam and he was the one throwing the damned party anyway. But then again, you just didn't want to deal with those people or your boss who lacked a backbone.
You also had your integrity, and the bar to think about. If you caused a scene it could backlash into the bar and that you didn't want or couldn't loose. That was where you made most of your money anyway, this was just an added bonus. To hell with this job anyway.
Permanent tag-
@octobermermaid @ajosieface @instantnoodlese @crystlblu @coffeebooksandfandom @thisismysecrethappyplace @the-wayward-robot @lokilvrr @shynara51 @fourtyninekirbygamzeegirl @loislp @savedbyimagination @bubblycypres87 @ifyousayyouloveme @courtmr @blue-cat-1989 @saharzek @lokiodinsoninwriting @silverhart93 @rynabarnesrogers
Death Of The Bachelor tags
@jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @jsmith509 @mannls @airixaram
@dreams-in-blxck @n7siha @dark-night-sky-99
If I missed you/you would like to be added just let me know!
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vagabond-sol · 5 years
Innocent or Guilty: Cazhim
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Asked someone to marry you?
"Hah? A romantic are you? Well, No. I can't say that I have. My partner knows how I feel with or without a ring. Though If we ever retire...perhaps." Cazhim appears tickled by your question though his expression grows more thoughtful towards the end. 
Kissed one of your friends?
"Yea. Several years back during the early years of my adventuring I had a different partner. A Miqo'te girl. After a while she said she wanted to sort some things out and being young and confused myself, I agreed. We got as far as a kiss but agreed that more wasn’t for us. We still talk but I'm pretty sure she's takin more of a liking to Viera women." Cazhim smiles and shakes his head. Clearly the two have quite a history.
Danced on a table in a bar or tavern?
"I prefer to watch the entertainment rather than be it. Besides those tables are for food not feet." Cazhim folds his arms as he gives his answer. Perhaps his meal has been the victim of a misplaced dance step or two? Might be best not to ask.
 Ever told a lie?
"Of course. Though I find it easier to omit the truth rather than come up with a lie. Keep em’ guessing. That's fun for all involved." He said, leaning forward in his chair as a rather mischievous grin crept across his face.
Had feelings for someone you can't have?
Cazhim tilted his head in minor confusion "No. Though I don't get all that romantic easily anyway."
Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
"Oh! I suppose I was not clear earlier. Xavier is my partner in combat but we are dating as well. We have been together for some time now so I can safely say we are both guilty of that. Cazhim readily replies. His smile a touch warmer than before. He seems pleased to speak more about his partner.
Kissed a picture?
"I have. Sometimes our tasks or...circumstances can keep Xavier and I apart. It helps." Cazhim answers, looking down at his hands for a moment. Clearly these circumstances he mentioned were less than pleasant. Maybe another question to lighten the mood?
Slept until 5pm?
"Hah. Never. Need to make the most of the daylight while we can right? Besides, I need to be awake to put together a proper meal for a certain scholar when he overworks himself again." He responds with his usual simper and calm tone. His mood seems to have improved a touch.
Worked at a restaurant?
"Yea...once." He chuckled, internally deciding how much to explain. "Lets just say that Momodi is a very kind woman and was nice enough to let me pay a debt with work rather than gil."
Stolen Something?
As Cazhim takes a sip of the tea he prepared he simply points at the spherical Allagan droid floating by from time to time. "Does that count? I mean they weren't using it." 
Been fired from a job?
"Nope. Though I'm sure I've gotten close once or twice at the Leatherworking Guild." He replies, looking off in to space as if remembering no small amount of close calls he may or may not have had.
Done something you regret?
"Just once and I intend to keep it that way." His gaze meets yours and lingers. You know better than to push for more details.
Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose?
Cazhim almost chokes on the tea he was drinking at the time as he hears the question. "N-no. Don't worry about it."
Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
"I have but I don't think I get the appeal. Its much more fun to just eat a handful, right?" He replied, obviously looking for validation.
Sat on a roof top?
"Often! Though the climb is the more interesting part...most of the time. There's almost always a fantastic view at the top as well! I think I have a few sketched here..." Cazhim begins pulling out a journal filled with notes and half-decent sketches of various places he's been. He seems eager to share.
Kissed someone you shouldn't have?
"...I believe we've covered this territory, my friend." He gives a slight nod with his answer but nothing more.
Sang in the shower?
"More of the humming type myself." he says with a smirk on his face.
Been pushed into a body of water?
"Many have tried....Many have failed." He answers as he relaxes back into his chair. His grin grows wider as he remembers past conquests.
Shaved your head?
"Gods no! I don't even want to think about it." Cazhim quickly responds, briefly running a hand through his short but well kept hair.
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry?
"I hope not, but I imagine if I ever shave my head I just might. Bleh!" It is clear both this question and the last are incredibly displeasing to him. Perhaps a new topic?
Shot a gun?
"Oh ho yes! Let me show you something." Cazhim stands up and excitedly leads you to a side room filled with boxes of tools, raw materials and a desk cluttered with a variety of design documents. "I dabble in the Machinist trade. I much prefer spit balling designs with the Boss back at Skysteel but every experiment needs a test phase! You should stop by the factory. The Boss always likes seeing new faces."
Still loved someone you shouldn't?
"No, but I can't say I've loved that many people. Especially not romantically." He seems more caught up in reorganizing his workshop then this particular question.
Have a tattoo?
"Not my thing. Clashes with my scales. I've seen some pretty cool ones on the other monks around though. Maybe I could engrave my revolver with one..." His focus is barely there. Perhaps it would be best to relocate.
Liked someone, but will never tell?
"Eh, life's too short for that. Might as well take your shot while you can. Worry too much and you're likely to make yourself sick with regret" He replies over his shoulder as he leads you back to the living room.
Been too honest?
"Honesty has never been an issue. As I said omission is a powerful tool." His mischievous smile returns along with his focus on your questions.
Ruined a surprise?
"Can't say that I have, luckily."
Been told you were beautiful by someone who totally meant it?
"A few times. It's nice to hear...even if its almost always out of the blue nowadays. Xavier tends to do that." He says with a warm smile on his face.
Stalked someone?
"Eh yea actually. A friend of mine had a hunch about one of our clients. Thought they weren't giving us all of the details. She was most certainly right. Luckily we sorted everything out."
Thought about murder?
"I assume you're referring to something more scandalous than what goes on in battle. If so: No. I've kept very few loose ends that need that kind of...attention." His tone makes it clear he is not pleased by this sort of question.
How about mass murder?
Cazhim stares at you for a moment before replying "I see no circumstance where I would need to."
Cheated on someone.
"No" he says almost before you finish speaking. He quickly downs his tea before standing to make more.
Gotten so angry that you cried?
"Yes, my friends are talented, dedicated and not afraid to risk life and limb at the drop of a hat. However; that doesn't always mean things will go their way. Sometimes it gets the in trouble. The sort of trouble I can't pull them back from..." He says while prepping a kettle. He does not turn to face you but you can tell a bad memory is on his mind.
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good?
"No. Only for my own good. Briefly." He says before placing another cup before you. He does not seem inclined to elaborate.
Thoughts about suicide?
Cazhim simply begins sipping from his own cup. A moment passes before waving a dismissive hand in your direction. Your question goes unanswered.
Had a girlfriend or boyfriend?
Cazhim scoffs but not with ill intent. "How about I say this instead. Yes, Xavier is the only person I've ever dated. Everything before has been more...temporary."
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday?
"I'm not much of a drinker. A spiked lemonade or a sip of spiced wine at most but that's mostly just for others who may get the wrong impression if I don't eat or drink at all."
 Whoa! Okay well that was loooong but fun! Helps me flesh out Caz's personality. I hope who ever decides to read this has fun and if you really like it then why not try it yourself? Thanks for tagging me: @windup-scholar Stop by their blog to see even better OC stuff. From Art to asks like this one. See ya.
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Bea & Buster
Bea: Buster, you need to come back and explain what's going on Bea: You've scared your sister half to death Buster: I'm sorry about Nance and I've said it to her, but I can't Bea: Yes you can, you can always talk to us Buster: Make her leave first Buster: Send her to Granddad's or wherever Bea: Right Bea: We will Buster: Mum Buster: I'm sorry, alright Bea: Whatever you've done, we can sort it Buster: Not this time Buster: It's too late Bea: It's never too late Bea: and we can do anything, that's what we do Bea: Talk to me Buster: I don't know how to say any of this Bea: Just say it Bea: Don't bother trying to sugarcoat it, I can handle it Buster: Okay Buster: There's a girl saying she's pregnant with my kid Bea: And it's possible it's yours, of course? Buster: I don't remember, but she says it is Bea: You don't remember? Buster: No Buster: I was having a bad night and I was in a state Bea: Right Bea: We'll get the paternity and then we'll go from there Bea: This doesn't affect your plan, you still go to University Buster: There's something else Buster: This girl, you know her. Bea: Who is it? Buster: It's Chloe. The same one who Nance had all those problems with Bea: Oh Buster Buster: Don't Buster: I know Bea: I see why you want Nancy out the house Bea: but you're going to have to tell her Bea: and I don't know if me and your Dad can make that right for you Buster: Yeah Buster: She's only just forgiven me for sleeping with her Bea: You've got a lot of thinking to do Bea: Do you really want her in your life for life? Buster: Of course I don't, but she's keeping the baby so there's nothing I can do about it Bea: You always have a choice Bea: she's making hers, that doesn't have to dictate yours Buster: It already has though, if it's my kid I can't just turn my back Bea: You mean you don't want to Bea: if that's what you're doing, take ownership of it now Bea: no child wants to be a burden you have to deal with Buster: Trust me, I'd love too Buster: I don't wanna have a kid Buster: Not with her and not now Buster: But it's not an option to just act like this ain't happening, is it? Bea: Of course it is Bea: but if it's yours, you're gonna know that and then you've gotta deal with that Bea: but it's still an option, let's not pretend it isn't Buster: I don't wanna be like that Buster: You all hate Drew for that exact thing Bea: That's different Bea: You're not going to then hang around and dump another child on her, are you Buster: Obviously not, but it's still gonna fuck the kid up anyway Buster: She can't do this on her own, literally, she shouldn't be doing it at all Bea: Plenty of kids don't have Dads Bea: She's got parents Bea: Don't make any decisions yet Bea: because you don't even know if it's yours Buster: Mum, you didn't hear her Buster: She's not taking this seriously in any way Buster: I'm actually scared of how much of a mess this'll be Bea: I just don't want you getting attached to an idea that might not be real Bea: it might not be your mess to sort Buster: Let's hope not Buster: I told her to get the DNA before she talks to me again Bea: I'm not trying to be harsh about it Bea: But if you can save yourself the hurt then, I'm going to try Bea: You can plan your next move when that's sorted, either way Buster: Can I stay here for a while? Bea: How long? Buster: I don't know Buster: If she gets the DNA done now that'll take a week at least, so I read, but who knows if she'll drag her feet on it Buster: Her parents don't even know yet so Bea: Silly little girl Bea: Well, if you get it sorted with your School, get your work sent over Bea: I don't have a problem with it Bea: Are you planning on telling Nancy or waiting 'til you know? Buster: I should wait but being in the house with her and not telling her is gonna be fucked up Buster: Should I stay somewhere else or what? Bea: Maybe Bea: We can't very well ask her to leave Bea: We'll give you the money if you need for a hotel Bea: I don't think you should tell her until it's confirmed Bea: no sense before Buster: Yeah okay Buster: Chlo wants me to tell her parents with her and I said I would but Rio reckons it's another mistake Buster: Tell me what you think Bea: You've talked to Rio about this? Buster: Nance contacted her looking for you Bea: Yes, but your sister said she could get nothing intelligible out of you Bea: I'm glad you calmed down though Bea: I don't know, it can't hurt to be there Bea: gives you some control over your side of it Bea: Just don't let them pressure you into conforming to what they'll want for her, or let them put all the blame at your door Buster: I won't Buster: Is Nancy alright? Bea: She's fine, just shaken up Bea: You'll need to think of something to say to tide her over Bea: or we can but Bea: you can't leave it like that, really Buster: I'll sort it Buster: Are you gonna tell dad or do I have to? Bea: I can but he'll still expect to talk to you about it Buster: I can already hear what he's gonna say, but sure Bea: Give him a chance Bea: he's been there Bea: Kind of Buster: No he hasn't. It couldn't be more different and this couldn't be a more stupid mistake to make Buster: I should know better. I do Bea: I hate to burst your bubble but you weren't part of the master plan, not just because we got one free Bea: You adapt Bea: Not going to kill you, or stop you from getting what you actually want Buster: She might. She's unhinged Bea: Buster, I might be dealing with this extraordinarily well but it's still not a time for jokes Buster: I'm not joking or laughing, mum. You know what she's like Buster: I shouldn't have trusted her when she said she had it under control, I should've insisted that she get the pill with me instead of just letting her fob me off Bea: You can't control how she behaved or behaves Bea: but you know, if it's yours, we won't let anything happen to it, yeah? Buster: You can't promise me that, can you? Buster: The first thing cancels out the second thing Bea: I can Bea: If you think I'd let anything happen to you or my grandchild then you don't know me very well at all Buster: I know enough, like Buster: How the fuck did you do this, me and Nance with uni and everything? Buster: I'm not ready for any of it Bea: What's the alternative? Bea: Not do it? Not an option Bea: You just do Buster: You wanted to, is what you mean Buster: No matter what Buster: I don't feel that. I don't feel anything like that Buster: Not about this Bea: I wanted to have a good job, use my brain, make a lot of money Bea: I HAD to look after you two Bea: How could you? It isn't real yet Bea: you've not even seen her in person, never mind had the DNA Bea: it isn't real 'til they're here, even then, you autopilot through a lot of it, that's the truth of the matter Buster: I don't want it to be real Buster: And I don't want things that are to be ruined Bea: Then fight to make it so they aren't Buster: I'm trying Buster: However it looks to you, I always am Bea: Good Buster: Rio thinks Chlo might tell Nance before I can Buster: What happens then? Bea: Hm Bea: I hadn't thought of that Bea: Do you think she's likely? If you don't do anything to provoke her in the meantime Buster: I think she'll wanna keep me on side Buster: She cares what everyone thinks, like the only time she was real was when I mentioned telling anyone that the kid might not be mine Buster: She's gotta know that's a step too far, right? It's not like tagging Nance in morning after pics or whatever Bea: I think you're right Bea: if she does it, she does but at the end of the day, it's going to be bad regardless and you know it so Bea: don't let her rush you into doing or saying anything, that's safest still Buster: You're not wrong either Buster: Thanks Buster: And thanks for not losing it at me Bea: What's the point? Bea: It's done now, you have to deal with it and so do I Buster: But it's my fault, I did it so you can be angry if you want Bea: No Bea: What's it going to achieve? Bea: I'm hardly thrilled but Buster: It made me feel better, for a second Bea: Well, I hope it's worth it when refurnishing your room is coming out of your account Buster: 'Cause shopping is such a punishment Bea: What do you want, grounding? Bea: You're not a child anymore, Buster Buster: Obviously not, can't be if I'm gonna have one myself Bea: Well, debateable but pretty much Buster: Well, if I'm gonna do a decent job of it, like Bea: Don't get carried away yet Bea: Focus on getting your head on straight Buster: Calm down, mum I'm not gonna rush out to meet Chlo and baby shop Bea: I mean it Bea: That'll fuck you up Buster: Like I'm not fucked up already Buster: But I hear you, okay Bea: You're fine Buster: You have seen my room, yeah? Bea: I meant on the whole Bea: and you'll be fine Bea: I assume wherever you are now you aren't smashing it to pieces so Buster: I'm not trying to get banned from every pub in the area Buster: Especially if you're letting me stay here Bea: That's what I thought Buster: Send dad over if he really wants that chat Bea: I'll take you up on that Buster: Keep it public so he can't fight me Bea: Behave Buster: Tell that to him Bea: He'll be fine Bea: Strict instructions Buster: Yeah? Bea: I don't need more broken furniture in my life thank you Buster: Do you need me to come back and clean up, for real? Bea: It'll be waiting for you whenever you get back, I'm not touching it Bea: We've cordoned the area off so Nance's bloody baby doesn't get any glass in its paws, heaven forbid Buster: 😂 Bea: Do we need to send Rio a sympathy fruit basket or? Buster: I mean, who's gonna say no to such a tempting offer Bea: You weren't awful were you Bea: Poor girl Buster: No more than usual Buster: She can handle it Bea: Yes but it's not her job to handle it, not that I blame Nance Buster: I told her to go but she wouldn't Bea: She's not afraid of you Bea: Good on her Bea: I'll give her a bottle with her fruit basket Buster: Like anyone in this fam is Buster: Even Nance lasted well considering Buster: She got the worst of it Bea: Yeah Bea: Well she's made of tough stuff Buster: Which one of them are we talking about now? Bea: Both, I'm sure Buster: Yeah Bea: Where are you? Dad's now heading off Buster: [sends location because I'm lazy and can't think of one] Bea: Well, we're back to London tomorrow Bea: so, I'll see you when you're back? Buster: I'll do my best not to trash my room there too when I am Buster: And I'll keep you posted on the Chlo situation Bea: If you could, would be greatly appreciated Bea: Of course, let us know if you need anything Buster: Yeah, I will Buster: I know I've already said it, but thanks Bea: No problem, kid
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