ryoumensan · 3 months
people online are too mean to this song :(
i read a review website and one of the reviews was just shitting on pinnochiop (i LOVE pinnochiop) and calling her voice annoying and that review just had a ton of pino hate. 😭 and all the others were just like "she thinks she's edgy and that she's getting canceled EW HER VOICE ISNT PERFECT stop being edgy ado also this song is too chaotic for me!!!" like...DO YOU REALISE YOU ARE PROVING THE POINT THE SONG IS TRYING TO MAKE?? i don't see this song as some "fuck the haters i'm so hashtag problematic errr" song it's more like, having really high expectations and generally a SARCASTIC song about being pressured as a musician and people not being able to see that you have a life outside music and you can make mistakes both in your career and in your life!! also i love this song to death and i will eat up both ado and pino until i DIE so no hatred for either is allowed /nm on here
if you are rude about this song existing, do you not realise you are proving the point the writers (and ado technically) were kinda...sorta...trying to make?? idk if im wrong about the song or not but that's my general interpretation i'm probably wrong please don't kill me ado fanatics...also HERE IS AN AWESOME INTERPRETATION I FOUND ON GOOGLE OR WHATEVER THAT SUMS UP BASICALLY WHAT I MEAN INFINITELY BETTER THAN I COULD EVER DO: https://www.lyricslayers.com/ado/im-a-controversy/ READ ITTT(
(edit you aren't forced to like this song i just wanted to spread some propaganda for it)
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