#anyways . now i’m in online physical science 🫶
navysealt4t · 7 months
they call me mister Constantly Getting Classes Switched and Called to Counseling Office Once a Week 😎
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kpophubb · 2 years
OMG ARE YOU KIDDING?!?? MATH AND SCIENCE? sweetie you are so hardworking and smart- I COULD NEVER😭 i loved science but i will not take them as only your grade is required, not a final! don’t have science I mean I’m gonna be honest idk how it works in your country? but here we have to take compulsory finals from literature and grammar, history (that’s my second A level), and math (these are from all 12 years of studies+the language one aswell). There’s also one final of a chosen language (I did my English A level back in october) and one freely chosen (My subject needs a long ass essay as a final work). So yeah I took math aswell on an A level course like history, tho i will only take an A level that doesn’t count that much bc it’s a plus thingy
Huh this is so long, sorry😅so this is how it works for me, 5 finals in order to apply for uni:)
- wjj, love and hugs<3
Ahaha I’m NOT smart 💀 it was pure luck & efforts tbh and do you know WHAT uni I applied to? Med uni hahaha </3
Let me tell you why I call it traumatising 🥲 all my classes started in 2021 and ofc due to the covid, they were ALL ONLINE. All institutions including school and tution centres were off in our entire country, and I’m really not someone who gets anything in online classes. I can’t understand stuff, and my attendance was next to 0. (0.5% to be exact) generally, we all assumed exams would be cancelled that year due to our country’s condition but all of a sudden, it was announced exams WOULD BE PHYSICAL?! I had no idea what the syllabus WAS too😭 and I had FOUR SUBJECTS ALL MATH & SCIENCE and in 4 months with no knowledge and no prior studying, I made it work with HELL LOT OF EFFORTS.✋🏻
and that too all the time knowing I have no time and my life depends on this exam LITERALLY, bc I’d get into uni getting these grades and let me tell you..my uni lowest acceptance grade is a B IN A LEVELS, AND I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT A B GRADE IN A LEVEL SCIENCE MEANS😭💔 I won’t elaborate, I was in PURE HELL those 4 months, praying to god every second to MAGICALLY MAKE IT WORK.
But well, like I said, I did it and you can do it bc hard work never goes to waste my love 💖 in the end I passed with B grades in my required subjects (yea minimum results bc I don’t have very smart learning skills and have 0 talent when it comes to academics) and got the most refreshing 8 month vacation! 🥺💕 now, I’m gonna be an international student and will move out in 6 days so yaay! I’m sure you will ace all hurdles that come your way too my sweetie!! <3
And yeah it smh works in our country like that too,,maybe? Bc we don’t have any compulsory subjects or subject limit tbh..2 is min and max is 4/5. And we too; can take parts in giving exam and choose to give some subjects first then the other. Whatever it is, even if people give me a million dollars I’m never redoing A levels ever again. 🏳️
It doesn’t matter if it’s long, I talk A LOT anyway, it was so nice talking to you and I can’t wait to interact more! Take care, mwuah😘🫶🏻
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