nightlocktime · 8 months
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Forbannelsen (2022) for @ghostcat3000​
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
best gift ever / rúben dias
summary: your birthday posts for rúben, since being childhood best friends to... forever.
request: i wanna req a ruben socmed au!!!! what about bday posts for each other thru the years? thatd be so cute
author's note: similar to the one i did for mason's birthday, here is one for rúben's 🤍 modified the req a lil since it's only post from you to him, and also, it's an ig au, but i hope you like it anyways 🥹
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Liked by rubendias, jackgrealish and others.
yourusername you're annoying, but you make up for it by introducing me to your hot footballers friends 😂 happy birthday, rúben 🫶🏻
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rubendias you're not coming to any more matches 🙁
yourusername i'm jokiiiing, you're no fun 🙄
yourusername i'm literally wearing your last name on my back !! what more do you want
johnstonesofficial for his last name to be legally yours
yourusername we're friends !!!!!!!!!
user1 they're not dating?
user2 no, they're childhood friends :)
user3 i'll give them a year
may 14, 2020.
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Liked by rubendias, jackgrealish and others.
yourusername rúben is the best person i know. kind, attentive, always putting others first: the best friend one could ever ask. him being a hot footballer is just a bonus 😆 happy birthday, rubrub, can't wait to see you 🤍
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rubendias changing your flight dates because i can't wait that long to see you
yourusername it's good that i didn't say you were patient 😆
rubendias gracias bonita ❤️
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jackgrealish he never cooks breakfast for me 🙁
yourusername sorry, mate, hate that you have to find out this way 🙁
johnstonesofficial got anything to say? something to announce, maybe?
yourusername only that you're the most annoying person i know
rubendias thought that was me? 🙁
may 14, 2021.
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Liked by rubendias, johnstonesofficial and others.
yourusername things change and time moves fast but we stay the same. a year older lovie, always by your side 🤍
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rubendias princess 🤍 i love you forever. thankful to have you today and every day.
yourusername you're so nice to me and i'm here with my naughty jokes :(
rubendias and that's how i love you 😚
user1 i swear they're the cutestttttt
user2 fr them confirming they're together as been the highlight of my years
johnstonesofficial i almost regret cheering for you two
yourusername your fault 🤷🏻‍♀️
jackgrealish you're so romantic 😆
yourusername learned from you
may 14, 2022.
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Liked by rubendias, erlinghaaland and others.
yourusername you were a different person a year ago, you weren't a father. thankful that i get to call you mine, but even more thankful that our daughter gets to call you her dad. we love you immensely 🥹🤍 rubendias
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rubendias you two are my best gift ❤️
johnstonesofficial happy birthday, mate! love the three of you so much xx
jackgrealish that little girl you've got is the sweetest 🥹
user2 can't believe rúben is a dad 😭
user3 "papa" 🥹🥹
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juliaanalvarez feliz cumple rúben! saludos a la familia 🤍 (happy birthday rúben! cheers to the family 🤍)
yourusername la pequeña extraña a su tío julián 🥹 (the little one misses her uncle julián 🥹)
may 14, 2023.
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Feliz cumple! (atrasado, sorry!)
We haven’t talked in very long (I know, time flies) but just so you know, seeing you here makes me happy ahaha.
You probably know who I am (my url) so I’m keeping it anonymous. I never told you this and it’s been a while, so: Thanks for being my friend in high school when I was a quirky and annoying little shit (probably still am, maybe a little more tolerable), I really appreciate that you went out of your way to spend time with us. I really miss you and your humor, and all the time that we spent talking about Harry Potter or some random ship and looking at tumblr memes during breaks and theatre class. You know, we all probably saw you as an older sister, I know I did, which was something that I now realize that changed my “freshman” experience. I don’t think I would have been so bold or confident if It weren’t for you, and I’m grateful for that. Oh and, um, I guess thank you for introducing me to Tumblr!! This app has ruined my life but I mean that in the best way possible. Anyways, I hope you had a great day and wish you the best! I’m glad to follow you here, (hopefully you don’t block me after this 😂) makes me think we are still in touch, somehow.
All my love, jenny.
Primero que nada gracias!! ❤❤ It has been really long, I miss you guys so much
Second of all, I'm so happy you decided to write this to me! You literally made me tear up a bit :'D. I'm not used to reflecting on how much I can impact the lives of the people I know just by existing (yk, I just sort of assume I'm inconsequential in the long run, so hearing that I am/was important to someone for real is always so wild). I could've never imagined I was able to shape your experience so much, which is why I'm so glad you decided to tell me. Above all, it makes me really happy to know that I at least was a positive influence xD you always came off as confident to me, tbh. I had no idea I had something to do with it
You guys were pretty much my found sisters too ❤ In you I found friends both true and amazing, in a way almost none of my same-age peers could've ever been. Every break chatting and fooling around with you was a total blast. Y'all made having a good time so easy -the time spent with you is one of the bits I miss the most about high school. I'll treasure those memories forever
About the introducing you to Tumblr bit, you're welcome and/or sorry, whichever applies xD I'm also happy that we get to keep in touch through here (blue hellsite my beloved ❤)
And sorry if this reply is a bit all over the place, it's just being able to read this filled me with too many of them good feels and I'm struggling with putting them in order in my head lmao
Again, thank you so much for reaching out, for the good wishes, and for being my friend 🥰 Stay awesome!
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