#anyway. bleeeegh
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official-bunbun · 1 year ago
weh :(
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makofinz · 2 months ago
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hydra also got hit with the laser.
bleeeegh i think im drawing porter next. anyway hydra is a dumb idiot dumb dumb.
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labselkie · 5 months ago
bleeeegh marie getting her wing clipped being symbolic of a last nail in the coffin sealing her relationship w agatha. she can leave, but she can’t just “fly away.” she’s back with the woman she loves but now they both have a new worst enemy
anyways hi good evening!! i accidentally slept from like 4-8 pm and now i’m all fucked up soooo i’m open to talk if anypony wants. i may just fall asleep again though
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thessalian · 1 year ago
Thess vs Annoyances
Update on the scaffolding: Bleeeegh.
One thing I noticed before I went out to run my errands is that the workmen had to fasten part of their scaffolding to my balcony rail. I found this out because they had knocked two of my plants (specifically my cayenne peppers and my recently moved lemon balm) off the balcony rail to make room. Now, keep in mind that they were on a level with my windows, which were wide open. They could have knocked on my window and asked me to move my plants. They also could have apologised for knocking my plants over. They did neither of those things, so I only noticed when I looked out and noticed the plants on the ground. Thankfully neither were damaged, but I'm still pissed. If you potentially damage someone's property, you fucking apologise at minimum.
Anyway, they spent a few hours putting up the scaffolding. I'm honestly not sure what else they did, but it got very quiet after they finished that part of things. Given they're apparently supposed to be removing a railing, I'm pretty sure it would have made some noise if they did that part of the job, so I'm not sure they did. Either way, they left the scaffolding up, and now it's the weekend, so it's clearly going to stay there until at least Monday. I really hope they at least take it down on Monday because if they tear this shit down next week when I'm trying to work, I will not be impressed.
At least the scaffolding isn't blocking any breeze that might want to come in from outside. Of course, the only reason for that is that there is no breeze from outside. Apparently it's going to be in the low 30s C today (so pushing 90F) and while I won't get into the "different things constitute a heat wave for different people" argument again, I will flag up that this is September. It is not supposed to be this hot in fucking September. We had a fairly cool August and then WHAM - heat wave just when the kids are going back to school. None of this is right, and the next person that says "climate change isn't real" in my presence is getting the clue-by-four.
So yeah, it's very hot and there's very little relief from said 'very hot' and this has made sleep a struggle, and my lovely view is blocked by scaffolding that nobody fucking warned me about, and I am not in a good mood.
I have a feeling that a lot of today is going to be me being made of grumpy, hydrating, and staying out of the Evil Daystar. Oh well. More Baldur's Gate 3 for me. I'm at least a little less underslept than I was yesterday, so I have the spoons for that.
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justiisms · 2 years ago
*kaito has not forgotten what his uncle did to him yesterday!! in fact, there's a big, mischievous smirk on his face when he sees phanty taking a nap, staring at him for a moment before quietly sneaking off to the kitchen. he already has a plan in mind!*
*a few moments later he's back with a can of whipped cream and a feather, carefully moving his uncle's hand so his palm is facing up and then proceeds to completely cover it with the cream! kaito has to stop himself from gigging as he then reaches over and starts tickling phanty's nose with the feather, eager to see his little prank in action~!*
"Zzz...." Phanty was napping on his bed, having dozed off when he was watching TV. So he would be completely unaware, of the little revenge prank Kaito has in store for him.
He didn't shift when Kaito made his palm face upwards, nor even when he began applying whipped cream into it. It's only when he feels the feather tickling his nose-
"......gh......." That gets a reaction out of him, mostly the confused scrunching of his face and light mumbles. "Mmmrgh..." Head shifting about at the consistent tingling feeling, he attempts to swat at whatever's tickling his nose away... only to splatter the whipped cream on his face!!! "?!?!?!" His eyes shoot open at the sudden feeling of something cold and soft on his face, and rockets up into a sitting position while swiping at his face in mass confusion!! "Bleeeegh?! Th...The fuck-!!"
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But it's when some of it touches his tongue, does he realize it's whipped cream, and then when looking up, sees the purple preparator!!! "Oh...! Kaito, you little shit-" Grabbing a pillow, he throws it right at his face before snorting. He admits, he got him pretty good~ "Hmph!! Pranking your sweet, innocent uncle like this.... my heart! Allll because I gave your goatee a liiiiitle "shave".... so ungrateful! Hehehehe.....anyway, gimme a towel for my face, dork! And next time if you're gonna use whipped cream, at least spray it right in my mouth, hehehe!!"
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gilded-icarus · 7 years ago
more hot lizard boys 2k17
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foxifly · 8 years ago
As much as I’m a huge insect fan and love most things creepy crawly, I’ve decided I have a loathing hatred for fire ants. Kill those things with, well, FIRE.
I accidentally disturbed one of their hives in our yard yesterday and yep, they got me. It’s happened before, and I knew it was gonna be nasty. I seem to be mildly allergic to insect bites/stings anyway, (I always have a much more dramatic reaction than anyone else, even with Mosquito bites.) 
Sooo here I am the next day in agony, with a foot/ankle swollen to almost twice it’s normal size, itchy and painful at the same time. It’s not pretty and I feel like whining about it since I cant walk or do much else. 
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thessalian · 2 years ago
Thess vs Quandaries
So I have a quandary.
I am supposed to be starting a new mini-campaign for my Saturday shenanigans group tomorrow. I only got the details I needed for everyone for character sheets last night. I planned to do those tonight, but today was garbage. I got woken up way early by landscapers chopping down bits of tree, and ended up working about 15 minutes late because ended up with all the long bullshit again (this time it was at least apparently mostly accidental - although I noted when I finally logged out tonight that Temp tried it again but joke’s on her - after two 10+ minute dictations, two 7-ish minute dictations, and a half-dozen others around the 4-minute mark in the last few hours of my workday, I didn’t have time to do any of those, and I don’t work Mondays. She got spared the really hideous stuff; she can damn well do the middling shit). I’ve been dealing with a really bad pain flare, and all I really want to do is lie down and vegetate, not wihp up character sheets for like three people. Plus not even sure I could do them justice at this point anyway. So I kind of want to hold off for another week and let myself recover. But then there is guilt because we missed two sessions already.
I should be as kind to myself as I am to others. Problem is when being kind to others and trying to provide for their needs is directly at odds with being kind to myself, because kind to them is letting them have gaming, but being kind to me would be telling them, “Next week; I need recovery time”.
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