#anyway. at least he gets to fuck around with guys on screen in torchwood though. definitely an upgrade
seilon · 25 days
my only complaint about 2005 dw is that we didn’t get more episodes with gung-ho mortal baby jack harkness. absolutely smitten by that fucker
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verus-veritas · 5 years
Interactive: The Great Shift (2)
The cop's gun dropped from his hand as he looked around in shock.
"Oh no!" He cried. "Where am I now?"
I looked down at myself and let out a great sigh of relief. I was still in the body that once I could have only dreamed of having.
"Who are you?" the new cop asked.
"I'm Tony Coletta." I said with a smile. "But you don't need to worry about that. Who are you?"
The cop looked down at his badge and said. "Well I guess I'm Officer Reynolds now."
I smiled again. It looked like I had found an ally who would come in handy if or when Tony came looking for his body. A cop would be hard to argue with.
"If you need somewhere to stay I've got plenty of room at my place." I said.
The cop instantly climbed into the passenger seat and I started the engine. As I drove I watched the new Officer Reynolds check himself out in the wing mirror.
"Very nice..." he murmured. "I can live with this."
Officer Reynolds was a big man, but in all the right places. He had broad shoulders, muscular arms and a face that said, 'Don't mess with me'.
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I watched him pull a wallet from his pocket and flick through his I.D.
"Kieron Reynolds", he said over and over again before putting it away. He turned to look at me.
"So you're really you then" he asked a little suspiciously..
"Yes," I lied with determination in my voice. "Why?"
"You're a lucky guy", Kieron continued. "It’s happened twice and you've escaped it both times?."
"Weird shit like this doesn't happen to me", I said with a smirk. "I thought everyone was playing some kind of stupid prank on me at first."
"Nope," Kieron said holding up his hands and studied them. "It happened alright."
As we pulled up outside the house Kieron let out a slow whistle.
"Nice!" he said. "You've done alright for yourself here."
"It's my house." I snarled at his remark.
"Yes, yes of course", Kieron said as he followed me inside. I began to wonder whether bringing 'Kieron' home with me had been the right thing to do. Was he going to mess up my plans of taking over Tony's life for good? I stopped to look at my new face in the hallway mirror. No-one was going to take it away from me now, not even Tony himself!
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"So who were you originally?" I asked Kieron as I handed him some chicken from the fridge.
He let out a laugh and almost choked on the food.
"An ex-con down on my luck. Shitty apartment, slut of a girlfriend," he said. "Now look at me! I'm the fucking long arm of the law. Thank you very much Officer Reynolds!"
"What about the real Officer Reynolds?" I asked.
"Fuck him," he said. "Hopefully he’s permanently out of the picture. If not I'll arrest him for impersonating a police officer." He laughed long and hard at his own joke.
"Anyway Tony," he said and I realized I liked being called that. "I need to take a shower now. Get to know the new me properly, if you catch my drift." he winked at me before I guided him upstairs.
I found him a guest room with en-suite and left him to it. As I closed the door he was already half undressed and grinning like a cheshire cat. I dreaded to think what he was going to get up to in the shower.
I went to Tony's, I mean my room and closed the door. Picking up a photo album on the desk, I flicked through it while studying every picture of Tony so as to learn as much as I could about him. I let Tony's face smile smugly as I acknowledged that these were now pictures of me, the hottest jock in town! My eyes wandered to a porn magazine I had seen earlier and I soon felt a stiffening in my jeans. Removing my shirt and revealing my muscular body, I picked up the magazine and was about to take off my jeans when the doorbell suddenly rang again. I cautiously made my way downstairs while repressing my raging erection and opened the door to see Phoebe, our school’s head cheerleader.
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"Tony? Is that you?" Phoebe asked.
"Who else do you think it is?" I said in character. "Ain’t no one getting their hands on my body."
"Thank god," she said. "Can I come in?"
I watched her walk into the house. She was hot. Dark-skinned and petite in a Camila Cabello sort of way. Tony's hormone were rushing through my body. I knew what I wanted.
"Is that really you then Phoebe?" I asked.
"Yes," she said with a smile. "What happened to everyone?"
"I don't know," I said wrapping my big arms around her and smelling her hair. "But at least we're still ourselves."
"Yeah..." she said holding me tight. I felt myself start to stiffen but she only pushed tighter and it was pressed hard against her.
"Let’s go upstairs." she whispered and led the way. She obviously knew where Tony's bedroom was.
I lost my virginity as Tony Coletta. I couldn't have wished it to be any better. Me in control of his great body and with the Head Cheerleader as well. I lay back feeling the blood pumping through my veins. I felt more alive than I had ever been.
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"Tony," Phoebe said. "You were amazing."
"Well I am Tony Coletta," I said with a smirk. "What did you expect?"
She let out a little giggle.
I lay on the bed and watched her go the bathroom to shower. I looked down at my penis and flopped it about in my hand. I smiled knowing that I was going to have so much more fun with it. That is if the real Tony didn't turn up... But even if he did, there’s no way I would let him take all this back. I was Tony Coletta now!
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I went downstairs to find Kieron watching the television dressed only in his boxers. He was studying a tattoo on one of his big arms.
"Had a little action then," he said. "Could hear you both down here."
"Yeah, so what if I did?" I answered him with a snark.
"Nothing wrong with that," he said shaking his head. "Good-looking guy like you must get a lot of girls after you. Mind you I think the same is gonna apply to me now." He let a sneer cross his new face which seemed out of place. Suddenly Phoebe walked into the room.
"Oh I didn't know you had company." she said shyly.
 "Hi, I'm Kieron, a friend of the family." Kieron stood up to greet her, shaking her hand.
"Shhhh!" I said as a news report flashed up on the tv screen.
"Scientists have finally discovered a way to return those affected by the recent events to their own bodies. By capturing energy from the recent aftershocks Professor Ian George of the Torchwood Institute has created a device that will attach itself to the residual energy in a person’s body and transfer it to another. It will be a lengthy process but it looks as though things will soon be back to normal," the reporter said from inside the body of a stunning blonde. "And I for one will be looking forward to getting back to my daily weight lifting sessions. This is Bill Masters for CBS news."
There was a moment silence.
"Well that’s good then isn’t it?" Phoebe asked.
"Oh yes, great news." I said.
"Yes, couldn't agree more", Kieron said.
Then there was another moment of silence. Suddenly, my mobile started to ring. I picked it up hesitantly. Someone was trying to contact Tony and I had a pretty sure idea of who it was...
"Have you heard the news?" a strange voice said, but I knew it was none other than the real Tony.
"Sure. Good news alright." I said while trying to hide my dissatisfaction.
"Oh yes, the best news I've heard today! So, are you ready to go?" Tony said obviously unable to hide his excitement.
"Where to?" I played dumb.
"The Torchwood Institute, of course. I think I’m in the body of a wanted criminal, so I want to get out of it as soon as possible." Tony said hastily.
"Uh... okay. Just come here first so we can pick up some stuff, and we’ll go there together." I answered him. He simply agreed and then hung up. Sitting back on the sofa I started to think. If everyone already believed I was the real Tony, there was no need for me to give this body away! I just had to get rid of the real Tony and then I could stay as Tony Coletta forever! And that’s when I knew exactly what had to be done.
"What a weird guy!" I exclaimed loudly to attract Phoebe and Kieron's attention.
"Is everything all right?" they asked in unison.
I then told them about a bad guy who claimed to be me, and demanded I give my body to him. I also lied and said that he threatened to kill me after he got my body.
"What a horrible thing to do! To pretend to be someone else just so he could steal someone’s identity, who could do something like that?" Phoebe shook her head in disbelief.
"Don't worry about that, my friend. Since I’m a police officer now, it’s my responsibility to protect innocent people like you." Kieron reassured me. I simply nodded at him before we all gave each other a knowing look.
When the real Tony entered the mansion, Phoebe, Kieron and I was hiding behind the door. Before he could react we jumped on him and knocked him out.
"I recognize this guy. He was the most dangerous serial murderer in the city," Kieron said. “Thank god he never got the chance to switch with anyone.”
Taking the unconscious Tony to the police station, now in the body of the most wanted criminal, the police were incredibly satisfied with our work and gave us a great reward. As for the real Tony, he tried to explain the situation he was in but nobody believed him. After all, it was three people’s words against one. He was eventually sentenced to death and the execution was held on the same day. Removing one more dirt from the planet.
Eventually everything went back to normal, everyone was supposedly sent back into their original bodies, but with a few people missing. One of them was the outcast Evan who’s mind was never found. His parents were miserable, but they got over it soon when the government compensated them for the loss. The students also noticed a few changes in the school jock, Tony Coletta. It seemed as if he had become friendlier, more intelligent and mature. He was also often seen hanging out with the police officer Kieron or went out on long steamy dates with Phoebe. But it’s not like it mattered. Tony was the perfect guy before, and after The Great Shift he still was. It seems as if some people are lucky enough to be completely unaffected by The Great Shift, and Tony Coletta was definitely one of them.
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The End
Source: “The Great Shift” Interactive Story on Writing.com
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myotishia · 5 years
In the air part one
Fandom: Torchwood. Trigger warnings: None I don't think but tell me if I've missed anything. Characters: Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper, Elise Carter (oc) Rating: Teen and up
Blurb: A relaxed wedding dress fitting turns into a new case for the team as the streets are suddenly abandoned.
“How does your leg feel?” Asked Owen as he pulled on his gloves.
Elise shrugged and pulled up the side of her skirt to show her bandaged thigh. “Sore as hell, but no more than I’d expect. How long until I can put weight on it properly?”
“You were lucky, it didn’t hit the bone or any major blood vessels so you can maybe put your full weight on it again in a week or so. I was more worried about the chance of infection.”
“I tried to keep it away from the mud.”
“You did pretty well, but gunshot wounds are a bitch. Even clean shots that are treated immediately can get infected and that’s how you end up in surgery.” He removed the bandage and dressing as gently as he could, happy that the wound looked clean.
“How is it?”
“Your leg’s going to drop off.”
She rolled her eyes. “Asshat.”
“It’ll be fine, just keep it clean and dry. I’ll redress it for you this time.”
“Thanks. How are you?”
“Me? There’s nothing wrong with me.”
“A guy almost killed you.”
“And you shot him in the hip. Keep still.” He continued treating her thigh, knowing that it must be hurting. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had a gun pointed at me.”
“That’s scary in itself.”
“Tosh said your watch was broken.”
“I’ll fix it after we’re done here.” She took it from her wrist, turning it over in her hands. “The casing and screen look fine. The fall probably just knocked a wire out of place.”
“I didn’t think you’d still need it.”
A short silence filled the room, neither party wanting to speak about her missing friend.
“I’m still going to have the dreams or whatever they are. My weirdness isn’t completely gone.”
“You sound sure of that.”
“I am. Time travel comes at a price. I’m ok with that.”
He looked up from his work. “You think you can still time jump?”
“Only twenty four hours either way, at most, but it’s something. I don’t know the distance I can go yet.”
“You shouldn’t use it. You don’t have someone who knows how to control it anymore.” Owen had never looked more serious in his life. “Just let it go and be human for a while.”
“Are you worried about me?”
“Of course I am!” He snapped, throwing his gloves into the bin.
Elise sat up and reached out for his arm. “Owen… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to …”
“Just leave it... You’re going to be on desk duty for a while. You’ve got to write up your report about the Pharm anyway.”
“Owen… When I’m all healed up would you mind training me to be a proper field agent?”
“Me? You realise I’m the Hub fuck up. You might want to go to Jack for that.” He smirked.
“You’re reckless, stubborn and trigger happy... but that’s what makes you good at what you do. I know I run into things and just say fuck it to the risks but I wouldn’t even be here if I didn’t.”
“We’ll talk about it once you’re healed, for now you’ve got paperwork to do. And tell Tosh her girlfriend’s crazy.”
“Will do.” She smiled.
Ianto placed Elise’s morning coffee on her desk. “I hope you’re going to be better than Owen was on desk duty.”
“Have you ever seen the shining?”
“Really? That bad?”
“Luckily an axe won’t put a dent on most of the doors here. It only ended when he cut the cast off his leg and told us that if he didn’t go out soon he’d start posing bodies around the Hub out of boredom. I believed him.”
She laughed into her mug. “I promise I won’t go posing bodies around the place.”
“If you want to get some fresh air tomorrow I’ve got a wedding dress fitting to get to. You can come along if you like. You’ll probably do a lot of sitting around but it’s better than being stuck here.” Smiled Gwen, finally able to think about her wedding in the quiet moment.
“Thanks. That sounds fun. I’ve never even seen a wedding dress in real life before.”
Both Ianto and Gwen looked a little shocked.
“What? I’ve never been to a wedding and we didn’t have a bridal wear shop anywhere near where I lived.”
Gwens look softened, returning to her previous excitement. “You are going to have so much fun. I’ve got some cake samples to pick up too.”
“What makes wedding cake different than other cake? I know it’s fancier but what makes it specifically a wedding cake?”
“Normal cake goes off after a week. Wedding cake seems to last forever and can be used to build bomb shelters.” Ianto said drily before returning to his duties with a smile.
“Oh, don’t listen to him. It’s mostly just because it’s fancy but I really want it to actually be edible.”
“How is Rhys?”
“He’s fine. Taking everything in his stride as per usual. He’s not as paranoid now he knows what I actually do.”
“That’s fair.”
“Though I think he’s still a bit iffy with Jack.”
“Also fair. I don’t think he knows the difference between casual conversation and flirting.”
“Sooo, how’s things between you and Tosh?”
“Good. Really good.”
“She does seem so much happier than before. It’s nice.”
After a very entertaining dress fitting that reminded Gwen that she needed to eat even if she was stressed they headed out. Elise being a little slow as she moved with one crutch. On the street it seemed eerily silent. As it was lunch time it should have been bustling but only the birds made a noise. Workers from the surrounding shops looked out of their windows, just as confused. Gwens police instincts kicked in when she saw a car with its doors left open, shopping bags left abandoned in the road.
“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” Said Gwen before rushing across the road to one of the opposing shops to talk to one of the staff. They seemed in shock.
“What happened out there?” She asked, trying to seem like just any other person walking onto the scene.
The worker, a young man who wore a lanyard around his neck emblazoned with the stores name, just shook his head. “I… I don’t know. Everyone just started walking down the street. All at once… They just turned and walked off like zombies.”
“Did you hear anything strange? See anything?”
“No. I was putting the new posters up in the window and it was like someone flicked a switch… Is it one of those flash mob things do you think?”
“No idea… Thanks.” She returned to Elise who was leaning on the bridal stores wall.
“He see anything?”
“Apparently everyone just turned and walked off down the street.”
“Should we follow?”
“Get in the car. We can call it in on the way.”
Elise took her phone from her pocket and got into the car, dialling into the comms line for the Hub.
“Having fun ladies?” Jacks voice rose from the device.
“Having a blast, just a quick question, is the rift doing it’s happy dance?” Elise asked.
“We’ve had a few spikes, why?”
“Well, everyone on the street got pied pipered a few minutes ago.”
“Any idea where they’re heading?”
“We’re following now.”
“Don’t get too close. We’re on our way.” He hung up the call.
Ahead of the car a large crowd walked in unison, seemingly in a trance. Gwen repeatedly pressed the horn but they didn’t even flinch. She parked up to the side and took her comms earpiece from the glove compartment.
“Wait here. I’m going up ahead.” She said, not waiting for a response.
Elise opened her door and pulled herself out. “You shouldn’t go alone.”
“I’ll be fine. I’m just going to look.” She rushed off ahead of the entranced people.
They all seemed to be converging on a car park outside a large garden centre. Due to it being closed that day there were no cars but as Gwen managed to push her way through the sea of people she saw where they were all going. A large sinkhole had formed, dropping into darkness. The people around her stood around the edge, unmoving. No matter what she did she couldn’t wake anyone.
As sudden as it had began, it ended. All at once people began looking around, confused before a panic broke out at being that close to the edge of the sinkhole. People scattered in all directions and Gwen had to admit she was a little thankful for being on the inside so she didn’t get trampled.
Jack looked over the edge of the now sixteen foot wide sinkhole, light hitting a perfectly flat obsidian surface below. The whole car park had been cordoned off with temporary plywood walls, usually used to keep people out of construction sites, much to the displeasure of the Garden centres manager.
“At least it’s stopped.” Jack turned away from the hole. “What do we know?”
“Fuck all.” Owen began.
Tosh interjected, “Noone remembers anything. One moment they were in one place and then they woke up here. Though whatever it was didn’t seem to affect anyone in a building when it started. There was a spike in rift energy but nothing big enough for this.”
“How far did it span?” The captain stepped away from the edge.
“A mile radius of the holes centre.”
“Sounds like we’re going to have to get down there.” He picked up a nearby rock and tossed it into the hole. It landed with a light tap and skittered across the obsidian surface as if it were ice.
Ianto and Elise had been sent to speak to the Garden centre manager and sat in the womans sparse office.
“This is all I need. This whole place has been falling apart since last Sunday.”
“Falling apart?” Asked Ianto, keeping detailed notes as the woman had spoken chaotically before and it was easier to keep up with what she was on about in bullet points.
“Yes! First every last fuse in this place blew. Even the ones in the plugs. Then my staff start calling in sick. They didn’t sound bloody sick. Then we had a new palette of apple tree saplings just shrivel and rot overnight for no reason. Same day we had a flock of pigeons slam themselves into the building in the middle of the bloody day. We had kids screaming and crying and noone wanted to clean that mess up. Then! As if it couldn’t get worse the water has to be turned off because some bloody thing’s in it. Do you know how much water a garden centre needs to keep running?!”
“Ma’am… Can we see the water please? And the apple trees if you still have them.”
“As long as you get that sinkhole filled in you can do what you like.”
“Well, if you could show my colleague here I can gather my things to get some samples.”
“Yes. Yes. Maybe you’ll get more than that useless plumber did.”
The manageress lead them down to the main warehouse and Ianto quickly walked back to the SUV to grab some gloves and sample jars. When he returned the manager was still complaining at Elise.
“It’s everywhere in the building and god the smell!”
“I’m sure we’ll find the source ma’am.” Elise droned, barely paying attention.
“Oh good, you’re back. Here.” The woman turned the tap and a black, oily looking liquid started pouring out. Ianto had just taken the sample when the smell hit them. It stank like rancid meat with a heavy tint of iron. The manageress ran off to throw up in one of the bins.
Elise turned off the tap. “Jesus. Did something die in their water tank?”
“They don’t have a water tank. This is from the mains.” He held the small plastic jar up to the light but even the relatively bright sunshine couldn’t permeate the liquid.
“I don’t now if it’s the water or the bigass hole out there but this place gives me the creeps.”
He had to admit the place, though otherwise completely mundane, did make him nervous. A creeping dread that rose up his spine and made him want to jump at every sound. He looked around for the dead saplings as the manageress was still hunched over a bin. In the corner of the warehouse, nearest the loading bay, sat a palate of potted saplings. Each was withered and mould had started to develop on the surface of the soil. Using a set of clippers and a hand trowel he took samples from one of the pots, the same smell that came from the tainted water oozed from the cuts on the plant. Ianto stood back as his stomach turned.
Elise made her way over to the exhausted looking manageress. “We’ve got what we need. We’ll contact you as soon as we know more. Why don’t you head home. It’s not safe to work around tainted water.”
The poor woman nodded.
Outside, Ianto took a deep breath, appreciating the fresh air. He still couldn’t shake the nervous feeling.
“You feel as out of sorts as I do?” Asked Elise, sitting in the back seat of the SUV with her arm over her eyes.
“Do you think it was the water?”
“We didn’t even touch it.”
Ianto paused before an idea came to mind. He leaned over to one of the computers, setting up a sound sensor to monitor all frequencies.
Elise pulled her arm away from her eyes. “What’s up?”
He looked over the levels on the screen. “Infrasound.”
“It’s very low frequency sound, anything below 20Hz. Not audible by humans. It’s usually used for underground monitoring because it doesn’t disperse the way higher frequencies do.  It can cause nausea, paranoia, nervousness and in the worst cases, hallucinations. A lot of ghost sightings come from it.”
“Is that why we feel like crap?”
“Looks that way. It doesn’t explain the water though.”
“Do you think that’s what made the birds dive into the building?”
“Maybe but I don’t think so. It can mess with their directional mapping but it doesn’t make whole flocks suicidal… I’m going to go and tell the others.”
“I’m gonna stay here and rest.” She put her arm back over her eyes. “So much for desk duty, eh?”
Owen stepped down onto the obsidian surface, double checking his safety line just in case it collapsed. Jack had already ventured down into the sinkhole but Owen had been fooled before by Jacks oddly catlike grace. The sinkhole was unusual in that the walls didn’t have any kind of overhang. It had fallen away and left what looked like carved walls of earth. Walking across the glasslike surface it became clear that whatever it might be was hollow.
“Can you see any sign of a hatch?” He asked, finding it hard to focus his vision on the light absorbing stone.
“Not a thing.” The captain crouched down, running his fingers over the surface, hoping to feel more than he could see. He suddenly pulled back, a sharp pain shooting through his fingertips. A thin line of blood dripped from each finger and down onto the floor where it was absorbed. A loud rumbling filled the area and Jack turned to run back to the ladder.
“Out now!” He ordered.
Owen did not need telling twice, clambering up like a frightened ape. As soon as his feet were on secure earth he turned to make sure Jack was right behind him. The previously flat surface was becoming an upside down pyramid made of many steps. Starting at the centre each layer descended, threatening to pull Jack down to what he guessed would be a very nasty, if temporary, death. He reached out and grabbed the ladder that was thankfully secured from above and wrenched himself up. His cut fingers sliding but thankfully not dropping him. Ianto and Owen took a wrist each and pulled him up and out of the sinkhole.
“The fuck was that?!” Asked Owen, looking back at where he’d been standing.
Jack looked down at his hand, at the paper fine cuts that decorated his fingertips.
Owen took a swift trip back to the hub with Elise, wanting to test the samples that Ianto had gathered. He could only do a certain amount in the field and the this had stopped being an oddity and started being a very dangerous case.
The ‘water’ sample showed traces of blood, grey matter and microscopic bone fragments, all slowly rotting. The blood, though decomposing and tainted did present as a mix of human and animal. The apple tree sapling cuttings were rotten on the outside but the very centre showed new growth, soaking up the tainted water from its soil. Even the mould sitting on the surface of the soil showed signs of death and regrowth.
“The thing is drinking people?” Asked Elise from a safe distance.  
“It looks more like the liquid’s being pumped into the plant to change it.”
“That still sounds like a vampire plant.”
Owen suddenly stepped back from his work, switching on his comms awkwardly with his shoulder. “You all need to get away from there. It needs to be quarantined. Everything that’s been tainted already needs to be quarantined too. That includes you Harkness!” He turned to Elise. “Did you touch anything?”
“No. Ianto took the samples and he was wearing gloves. But the garden centre staff did.”
“Shit! Get a list of their staff. They need to be isolated. Call it a possible biological weapon. We’ve got a building we can use as a hospital. I need to know how many people have already been infected.”
When Torchwood is in a full outbreak alert they work shockingly quickly.  They’d already rounded up many of the staff and they did not look healthy. Owen tested himself for infection before the others even got back and after a very fast decontamination shower he pulled on a hazmat suit and got to work on his team. Elise, Ianto, Tosh and Gwen were all clean and had to go through the same process. Jack was not so lucky. His fingertips were already showing signs of infection. Owen suspected it was working faster on him as it had infected his blood directly.
He was taken to the ‘hospital’ and given a room, not arguing as he knew Owen wouldn’t do all this without a very serious reason.
“Owen, what’s this going to do to me?” he asked, no longer able to move his hand.
“It kills its host and then brings them back with that meat sludge in the pipes. Maybe your body will be able to fight it off but…”
“It’s ok. I understand. I’m leaving this up to you.”
Owen replied with a nod and Jack resigned himself to staying where he was. The infection was spreading too fast for him to fight and he just hoped that when he came back it would be gone. He lay down and tried not to think about the burning sensation rising up his arm. At least Owen would have a test subject. Owen leant on the wall outside of the room, reflecting on what a disaster this had all become. He hated the idea but he might have to call in UNIT for help. No, not yet. They might try and blow up the obsidian structure and spread it even further. He needed to know what would happen to a mammal at the point of death and he hated the idea of using Jack.
Gwen watched the infected rat plod lethargically around its tank. She felt so sorry for the creature that was obviously in pain, its tail blackened and bone exposed. If it hadn’t been a pandemic level issue even Owen may have put it down by this point. The rodent stopped and fell onto its side.
“Owen... “
He’d asked her to call him at the moment the animal passed. Under the hazmat suit he looked haggard, trying to keep all of his patients from rioting out of fear. A screen next to the tank showed that the rats heart and brain function had stopped. It was then that it twitched.
Gwen jumped at the movement but even she knew that random electrical signals can do that to a body just after death. What didn’t usually happen was the body getting back onto its feet. The dead rat moved to the side of the tank, testing where it was before backing up and ramming the side. The tank was undamaged but the creature continued trying to ram into the side. Owen signaled for Gwen to move to the other side of the table with him. The rat changed its trajectory. It was actively trying to get to them.
“It’s a... “ Gwen began.
“Don’t say it… Make sure anyone that gets too far gone is restrained out there.”
Twenty hours had passed since the people out in the street had been drawn to the sinkhole and the virus was mostly contained but as Tosh looked up from her power nap her stomach dropped. The tv she’d left on for some white noise played a news report. It was happening again and this time people were carrying meat and livestock towards the obsidian pit. The entranced people crashed through the cordon as if it weren’t even there and lead the animals onto the steps. Each edge seem to slice through the creatures like a knife. Those caught under its spell were feeding it. She shot up to report what the news had been showing, rushing past Jacks room. She stopped for a moment and looked over at the captain. He was pale, hunched over and holding his head.
He looked up with unfocused eyes, agony etched into his face. “Calling… It’s calling… Won’t stop…”
“The pit?” She dared take a step into the room.
“It wants food… powers it… Machine… Controls… us.”
“It’s a machine? What does it do? Jack?” Another step closer.
“Heart… It... a heart…”
Another step. She was pulled sharply back by Ianto as Jack lunged for her. He pulled her out of the room and locked Jack inside. Jack roared and slammed his fists against the door, unable to fight the infection any longer.
“I heard him too. Come on.” Ianto said, finally releasing his grip on his coworker.
They ran to report what they’d been told and Jacks condition, trying to think of some way to end all this.
Ianto and Gwen pulled on their body armor and respirators before heading towards the pit. Covered head to toe in kevlar they moved towards the centre, diamond bladed saw in hand. Sparks shot into the air as the saw cut into the stone. In retaliation the pit began to rise and flatten itself out again as if that would protect it from the blade. The chunk of rock finally fell through, landing with an earth shattering boom. No going back, they descended into the structure.
The walls were smooth and as black as the exposed part had been but the floor was white, like bone. Red veins pulsed around the edges of the floor. They followed the crimson vessels deeper, finding that the smooth walls gave way to what looked like cogs, grinding dryly. Any oil having long dried up. The further they walked the more machinery clanged and screeched, louder by the moment. Many of the vessels began to converge and wind together like muscles, pulsing. Even through the respirator Ianto felt like he could smell that rancid stench that had attacked his senses from the tap.
The bundles of vessels lead into a final, huge chamber. Its walls were slick and crimson, the vessels emptying down them like a fountain. Below the pools churned and bubbled. Finally in the centre, held up like a marionette was a figure. It stood over nine feet tall and its leathery skin clung tightly to its horribly emaciated form. It looked as if it had been dead for centuries until it opened its eyes, blind and milky. It began to move with a horrible creaking and a familiar grinding from its ribcage, the pools of blood being drawn towards it. The metal tubes that snaked into its head rattled and groaned.
Back at the hospital all had gone silent but only for a moment. Every one of the infected began shrieking and trying to fight their restraints, all facing in the direction of the pit. It was so loud that Owen feared some may destroy their own vocal chords. He could just hear the awful noise of joints dislocating, under the screams, as the patients pulled their restraints with no concern for their own wellbeing.
Gwen and Ianto aimed at the huge creatures head. It looked around as if something or someone should have been running to its aid but it found itself abandoned. Both agents fired at once, each bullet leaving a perfect hole through its head that poured out more of the rotten viscera. It thrashed, only succeeding in pulling the wires that held it up from its skin, before finally falling limp. Still the cogs moved. Ianto pointed up to the creatures chest that still clanked and werred. Gwen stepped forward and gritted her teeth before grabbing onto the skin of the hanging figures abdomen, pulling as hard as she could.  The membrane tore away to reveal more gears, mummified flesh still stuck to the metal. In the very centre an obsidian core sat, turning slowly.
She moved out of the way as a very angry Ianto revved up the saw, lifting it up and pushing it as hard as he could into the core. It sparked in a shower of red and white before everything fell still.
The hospital was suddenly silent, all movement stopped and Owen hoped beyond hope that whatever had happened hadn’t killed every one of the people under his care. He was almost relieved when he heard the garden centre manageress gasping and sobbing as she looked at her dislocated wrist.
After hours spent sending people either home or to local hospitals Owen unlocked Jacks room. He looked his usual self, seemingly napping quite happily. He opened one clear blue eye and smiled.
“I think I broke the door.” He pointed to a fist sized hole in the door.
“You’re feeling better then.”
“I don’t remember anything after climbing into that sinkhole. Usually when that happens there’s alcohol involved and I don’t wake up alone.”
Gwen and Ianto got back to the hub and immediately headed to shower. Their clothing, hair and even shoes stank of rot. They both felt like there wasn’t enough soap in the world to wash it away but it was worth a try. They were separated by a wall but sound travelled well in the tiled room.  
“I could sleep for days after this.” Gwen said as she ran shampoo through her hair for the third time.
“That’s the plan. My shoulders are killing me.”
“Well you did hold that saw over your head.”
“I was annoyed.”
“Remind me to never annoy you.”
The Hub was quiet for the next three days while everyone recovered from their exhaustion. The pit was filled with concrete and paved over and life went on as if nothing had happened. That was always their best case scenario. Forgotten. A myth.
Inside the Hub was different. No one was ever really forgotten, especially when their leaving happened to coincide with an injury. Elise sighed to herself, feeling the bandage around her thigh through her trousers. The quiet in her mind had become more noticeable as the days passed and it left a dark fog in its wake. She missed their quiet conversations and always having someone there. She couldn’t let herself dwell on the matter, she had to let it go.
She stood and stretched, able to stand and limp around without her crutch, at least for a little while.
“Have you read it yet?” Asked Jack, leaning on her desk.
“Read what?”
“The letter that was left for you.”
She shook her head and sat back down in her chair. “I can’t even look at it right now. I copied it onto my own computer, my phone, a USB stick so I could whenever but… Not yet. I will, but not yet.”
“You should. It might help you.” Jack looked behind her as Owen placed his hands on her shoulders.
“Mind if I borrow this?” He asked as she jumped in surprise.
“As long as you bring her back in one piece.”
Jack took his leave.
Elise turned to look at Owen. “What do you need?”
“You looked uncomfortable and I’m bored.”
She laughed softly.
“Come on, I don’t want your aim getting rusty if I’m going to be the one blamed for training you. You should be fine standing for a bit.”
“Sounds good.” She stood and slowly limped after him.
“And when you’re healed up we need to work on your running speed.”
“I’m not that slow.”
“Tosh can run faster than you in high heels and a skirt. Yea, you are.”
“It’s not my fault that you’re all related to sodding racehorses.”
“Up your game Carter.”
“Don’t use my words.” She slapped his arm playfully.
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