#anyway yeah them. i hope they meet and become besties.
twow · 2 years
okay i am roughly 20 hours into persona 5 so far and my favorite characters are definitely akechi and kasumi. i simply think they are extremely fun. every time either one of them shows up i go like this ^_^
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indecenthoney · 3 months
Burnt Out Bestie
It's that time of year again, we all survived such a long and exhausting year, but life just never gets any easier. I'd like to remind people that you'll always be busy, so when there is a moment to breathe, enjoy it and live in the present. Buttttttt even then... I can imagine a couple of you working your asses off... Luck for you... I'm actually really good at helping people relax...
"There you are... I was wondering where you were... You look like absolute shit... What? I'm just telling you what I see.... Here give me that... So tough day at work? Mhm... Well you can go freshen up and slip into something more comfortable... Ah no no no... You are not going to bed just yet... YOU will meet me at the couch as soon as you're done, okay? I'll be waiting... and if you don't show up... I will drag you outside whether you like it or not... Understand?"
Listen. Everyone needs a change of pace or life becomes a little too dull. I honestly believe we are here to enjoy our lives to the fullest. Even the littlest of things can turn our whole day around. I know what it's like to be tired, so if I had the power to help anyway I can I would.
"Heyyy you made it... I really appreciate that... Now take a seat while I fix us up some drinks... Oh that? Welll if all things go well... I hope that we can both relax, talk, and eventually fall asleep on the couch together... Sound good? Hey no... No running away... C'mon please? I made us hot cocoa..."
Can you really say no to someone that made you hot cocoa? It's fullproof! I have some pretty cute tendencies if I do say so myself. I make these little hot cocoa bombs that you can just plop into hot milk. It's packed with all the stuff you need for hot cocoa! Plus marshmellows! Need to stir? I always make sure to stop by the store to buy us some kitkats for us to help with stirring. You'd be spoiled if you were with me.
"One for you and... one for me... It's getting kinda chilly again so I also brought us a weighted blanket... So? What you waiting for? You gonna just stare at me all night or are you going to come under the sheets with me? Right here... Yes my lap! The best seat in the house... C'mon hurry so I can wrap us up! There we go... Comfy? Just let me grab that for you... Taste good?"
It really is bliss to be warm and comfy during a chilly day. Having her lean back into me as she sips her chocolate. Wrapping my arms around and placing my chin over head. A chance to finally relax. A long long long sigh followed by the most toe curling stretch.
"Oh? Big stretch... You... doing okay? You're kinda squirming a lot... Hot? I mean yeah... you did drink hot chocolate so I'm hoping it's doing it job... Now relax dude... Just lay back into me and get some rest... Okay? You did a lot today... Think of this as a reward to yourself..."
Cuddling up to your bestfriend on a quiet chilly night. Bliss. Having her squirm and rub against you trying to get as close to you as possible. Not understanding why she's feeling so needy. Doing whatever she can to get my attention but only being able to rub and whimper in my embrace. Did I mention I might have spiked the cocoa? Chocolate bomb molds can be made with melted chocolate but then I also learned about horny chocolates. Melted them down as the base for my cocoa bombs.
"What's wrong, sweetie? You're being awfully loud for someone whose tired... How can I help? What? Did you want my attention? I won't be able to understand a thing with you whimpering and looking at me with those little puppy dog eyes... Please? What a needy bestie... Why didn't you just say so? Why don't we have a look shall we?"
Pulling her pajamas down revealing her cute soaked panties. My hands wandering down to gently inspect the fabric. Quiet moans echoing through our house. Doing her best to hold back the noise as her eyes roll back in pleasure. Hugging my arm as I extend it downward for a better angle to rub her in. No words exchanged. Just her heavy breathes filling the air taking it as a sign for her permission.
Gently teasing her. Tapping on her clit with my middle finger. The whimpers grow louder as she waits in anticipation. Too dumb to beg; only sign of communication is her squiriming in my arms. I hear a little knockat the door. Covering her mouth with my hand as i plunge my fingers deep inside. Keeping her quiet. I have no idea who's at the door. Neighbors? Friends? Christmas Carollers? Who cares. Keeping her quiet as I slowly but roughly make my way through the deepest parts of her pussy. Pressing against her g spot every chance I get.
"Don't make any sound now... We don't want them hearing you now, do we? That's a good girl... You can do it... Just moan into my hand... That's it... You're doing so good... Just one more finger okay? Nonono... Shhh shhhh... It's okay you can take it... I know you can... Mhm... That's my good girl..."
Being rough on purpose; giving us the slight chance of being heard. It's exciting. Giving her the pleasure she needs to melt that brain of hers. She honestly works too hard. Some people don't know how to take a break. Watching her tremble and grip on my clothes... Spasming from the orgasms... Watching her eyes roll back from the pleasure. Quietly taking it as I rail her mercilessly with my fingers.
"Oh? I think they left... I'm sorry for bullying you, sweetie... I couldn't help myself... It's okay... Just take it easy... I'll make you feel good... Yes yes... I love you too... spread those legs as far as you can for me, okay? Can you hear how wet you are? You really need this, don't you? It's okay... It's your day off... We can do this all day if you'd like... "
Giving her the full princess treatment. Biting and kissing her ear. Groping her tits and pulling on her nipples. Fucking her silly with my middle finger. Slamming down into her making indecent sounds. Making her lick the juices of my fingers every now and then. Having her taste herself while I whisper sweet nothings. Doing it over and over until she falls asleep from exhaustion.
Once she's all tired out. I clean her up and carry her to bed. Tuck her in; kissing her forehead as I say my good nights
Get some rest,
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rwbyrg · 4 months
Another thing I had noticed was the way Ruby interreacts with everyone vs. how she interacts with Oscar. Like her mannerisms seem to change a bit when she speaks or is near him or she treats him differently from the others. Because personally I've never seen her act very nervous around the others when she met them versus how she met Oscar, and she still does it to this day. What do you think?
I am soooooo late to answering these asks and this got sooooo long aha. Thank you for your patience. 🙇‍♀️
I have noticed that Ruby acts markedly different around Oscar than the others! And in my opinion, it is done with a great deal of intention. The thing with RG is that a lot of what makes the ship so strong is how subtle its writing is. So much of it is paralleled themes and a lot of it relies on an absence of something that is usually present. Often treating the absence itself as a presence of something to be paid attention to.
When we first meet Ruby in V1, she says she gets along better with weapons than she does with people. (Lol isn't it funny that Oscar's name means "God's Spear" haha. surely that has no correlation whatsoever... anyway).
When Ruby meets Weiss, she gets screamed at and makes a dust bomb explode in the courtyard, but by V2 so many of their conflicts are resolved and they've become rivals/besties/team partners.
When Ruby meets Blake, she's got her foot in her mouth and is super awkward... until there's an opportunity to connect with her about stories and fairytales. Then we see Ruby's earnest side come out and the anxiety in her pretty much disappears.
When Ruby meets Jaune, it's remarkably not awkward. Their shared social awkwardness and feelings of not belonging at Beacon cancel each other out and they're able to have a fairly normal conversation.
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Very quickly through the early volumes, Ruby gets comfortable. As a leader, as part of her team, as a welcome part of their social circle. She's young, still optimistic and full of hope. She hasn't been given too much trauma or cause to question herself by that point. She has her moments, sure, but like a lot of kids that don't fit in much and aren't super social, she's actually really good at it once she's given the chance.
But when Ruby meets Oscar - while she has experienced some of the Horrors™ that have chipped away at her self confidence - she's not too different than usual. Not at first, anyway.
He comments on her eyes and she responds naturally by asking him who he is, she's able to be candid with her response when she's told he's carrying Oz around, and yeah she giggles a bit when they're all playing the 'getting to know you game', but she also smiles at him. Earnest, trying to make him feel at ease cause this situation is kind of weird for all of them. When they spar later, she's being a goofy kid. Sticking her tongue out at him, laughing while they throw and dodge punches, running to help him when he collapses, grabbing his wrist with very little hesitation to tug him towards the rest of the group. It's all fairly normal...
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...and then the Dojo Scene happens.
With the Dojo Scene, the narrative tone of their relationship is both established and changed. Ruby comes down the stairs and she's open, at first. But as they talk a bit more, her body language becomes more and more closed off the closer she gets to him. Clasping her hands in front of her when she asks a question about his past, then hugging herself as she dares to step a little closer to him, as if putting up some kind of protective barrier.
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She tries complimenting his efforts, laughing a bit to hide her nervousness, is fairly candid, and makes a bit of a joke. But the joke reveals a wound of hers that hasn't healed yet and opens the conversation up to vulnerability. A vulnerability that Oscar points out immediately. One she has not spoken to anyone else about up until that point.
"How do you handle all of this?"
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Ruby pauses. She's not used to talking to people about her problems. At first, I don't think she's even thinking about herself when he asks. She nudges him to clarify what he means and he opens up about his own fears, which prompts her routine song and dance that she gives to everyone. Uplifting words, holding onto hope, keep moving forward, just don't let the things that haunt you catch up and you'll be fine.
And Oscar doesn't accept it. He isn't moved by it. He's not comforted. He rejects it, questions it, and completely lashes out. Is actually angry that she's telling him to "just press on" in spite of those fears. Is angry on her behalf that she's not being honest about her own feelings.
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And Ruby cracks. She actually opens up and talks to Oscar about all the grief she keeps buried down and doesn't burden anyone with. She might have argued to herself that it was the only way to make Oscar feel better, but it's uncharacteristic for her. She doesn't usually have to go that deep to cheer other people up. When she tells him about her losses and motivations, Oscar joins her in that open doorway, in shared vulnerability... and the moment she sees an opportunity to retreat, she takes it. Not used to this closeness in the slightest.
From then on out they're still friends, clearly. Their bond strengthened, if anything... but Ruby does not know how to handle him when he has such a skill for seeing through her in ways no one else ever seems to catch onto. She's able to push it away a bit when he's pre-occupied with something else. When he's worried about the merge or his mistakes in Atlas, or they're in a group conversation, she's able to act with some sense of normalcy... but when they're alone that awkwardness comes creeping back.
When WBY confront Ruby about her decision to keep the truth from Ironwood, Yang specifically asks how Oscar feels about it, and we see Ruby falter. This is a direct parallel to Bumbleby circa V8 when Yang is the one worrying about Blake thinking less of her for her own decision. We've seen Ruby disagree with people before and remain confident in her choice... but she questions herself here because of how much she values Oscar's opinion. And their disagreement colours more of her interactions with him throughout V7.
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When they're all practicing in the academy training rooms, Oscar comments on her semblance. Asking if she's always been able to do that, which is something he wouldn't ask if he didn't pay close enough attention to be able to notice such differences. She's laughing awkwardly, scratching the back of her head.
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And the fumble, when they finally come back together with renewed trust - that I already dove into a bit over in this post - she's still doing it!!
She is so excited to talk to him again, to not be at odds, that she almost runs directly into his back and is all flailing arms, and awkward giggles as she tries to tell him she agrees with him. When they finally establish that they're on the same page, she's hugging herself tight, rubbing her arm, looking away from him in her nervousness. Even when she walks away she's hugging herself again. Meanwhile, Oscar is all open body language, hand on hip, hand extended to her, active listening and receptive to what she has to say.
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Interesting that this conversation's themes around choosing truth over fear calls back to the Dojo Scene so well, innit? 🤔
The last example I want to give isn't about Ruby. It's about Oscar. Throughout the show, he's always been a bit skittish, jumpy, and expressive with things like loud noises and - quite noticeably - touch. Oscar's been tackled to the ground by Nora in multiple hugs, tackled by the whole team in V6 after he went missing, scooped up by Jaune after he was kidnapped, and in all of those instances there has been a noticeable physical discomfort from him. Often a flinch or a wince beforehand, only relaxing into it after the surprise of the impact is over with.
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But Ruby has put her hand on Oscar's shoulder multiple times (outside the Dojo Scene) without eliciting that response from him. One of those touches made him blush, if anything. And when Oscar returns from Salem's prison, beaten and covered in bruises. Ruby is running to hug him and not only does he not flinch, he smiles with open arms, completely ready for and accepting of it. And then the narrative robbed him of the chance 😭
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Ruby, despite her usual confidence, resolve, and unwillingness to talk about her issues, becomes nervous, awkward, and self conscious around Oscar. The absence of her usual demeanor becomes the presence of how much she values what Oscar thinks of her and how vulnerable he's able to make her feel. (Which, for a character as emotionally guarded as Ruby, is a good thing).
Similarly, Oscar's established pattern of resisting physical touch - even when he's injured and probably sporting a few broken ribs - is absent with Ruby. It becomes a presence instead of his comfort, trust, and (desire for) closeness to her.
While these examples aren't exhaustive, generally speaking, the absences of their usual behaviours around one another become the presence of something unique to their relationship and often serve to highlight their attachments to each other. Be it how they interact with each other directly... or how they act when they're apart. But that, my friends, is an entirely different post and I have rambled long enough for today.
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beautifulbrainrot · 1 year
Heyy! I live for your writing 🤭
I was wondering if you would write maybe like a gn!reader thats a bit weird, artsy and adores spencer. Dresses really colourful, likes crystals, very friendly to the team. DEFO becomes besties with the team ESPECIALLY GARCIA. Manages to make Hotch smile even ( crazy )
Anyways the team starts to notice that spencer comes in with crocheted scarfs and they’re like 🤨 and then he finally introduces the team to his partner. Giving very much golden retriever!reader energy. Theyre all excited and they made everyone presents and Garcia’s like OMG NEW BSF‼️🤞
i’m so glad you like my stuff, i hope this is what you wanted!!
apologies for it being so short, i’m so low in motivation rn 💔
“goodmorning spence! .. that’s a new look!” jj said, tilting her head and smiling at the newest edition to spencer’s look. a purple crotcheted scarf.
“oh! this, yeah my- uh- my girlfriend made it for me!” he smiled rubbing the soft material with his fingers as he thought of you. you had spent hours with your crotchet needles, giggling and refusing to tell him when he asked what you were making.
“girlfriend? you have a girlfriend! since when? why didn’t you tell us!” garcia asked excitedly, running over to spencer’s side to inspect his new scarf.
“woah, this is amazing!! when do i get to meet her!”
“why don’t we have drinks tonight and you can bring her along?” jj suggested, a small smile on her face as she looked at the pure joy and happiness on spencer face as he talked about you.
“yeah! i’ll bring her!” he smiled.
“okay, but what if they don’t like me!!” you worried, clutching spencers arm tightly as you walked with him towards the bar.
“they’ll love you, i promise!” he comforted, leading you inside and towards to the booth where the whole team were sat, chatting amongst themselves.
“hey everyone! this is my girlfriend!” he annonced excitedly. you gave a small wave, your crystal bracelets clinking together on your wrist as your hand moved.
the teams eyes collectively widened as they looked at you, in all your brightly coloured glory.
“i brought presents for you all!” you smilied brightly, holding up the big gift bag full of gifts you had made for them.
garcias eyes lit up immediately, “presents?! and oh, i love your outfit!! and your bracelets, oh i know we’re going to be best friends!!” she grinned, grabbing your free hand and pulling you into the booth next to her.
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Nobody's Girl - Chapter Seven.
Happy Monday to you all, besties! Huge thanks as ever for your support and lovely comments. Welcome new readers to the story, too! :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 3,905
Warnings - Adult content throughout, minors DNI!
Spring in New York. After months of cold and snow, it was a welcome change for all. It did, however, carry with it a certain shadow. The shadow in question? Filomena Changretta, who would be bringing Luca’s kids over for the first time to Brooklyn rather than him going to them since he and Emily had become an item. He thought it was time his children met the new woman in his life, and by extension, that meant their mother meeting her as well when she dropped them off.  
“She’s going to hate me, isn’t she?” Emily asked, lying in bed with her man a few hours prior to their arrival, Luca only having returned to her four hours ago from attending wiseguy related endeavours.  
He drew his lips in tightly, eyebrows raised as he hummed. “Yeah, pretty much. Not that I care, but yeah. She will.” Her eyebrows pulled together a little more, eyes rounding slightly. “That don’t mean you gotta worry about it either though, doll. Just expect she ain’t gonna take to ya.” 
“You look like you want to say more.”  
He glanced up to the ceiling, sighing. “She’ll likely meddle, tellin’ you of my many misdeeds towards her. It ain’t enough for the broad to have divorced me, taken my house and a massive chunk of my cash. She don’t wanna see me happy with nobody else either.”  
Shaking her head in puzzlement, she continued idly stroking the centre of his chest. “I don’t understand why, though. You two have been broken up for, what is it, a year this month?” 
“It is,” he confirmed, again staring at the ceiling.  
Reaching for his jaw, she turned his head, forcing him to look at her. “So why?” 
His forehead creased, shutting his eyes for a moment. “I shouldda told you this months ago, the exact reason why I wasn’t the best husband to Filomena.” Taking a breath, he had to hope she’d still look at him as adoringly after she knew of his indiscretions during his marriage. “I cheated on her. More than once.” 
“How many times?” she asked. 
“A few,” he uncomfortably revealed. 
Her heart sank to hear his admission, her face falling a little bit, swallowing hard. “I appreciate you being honest and telling me that, but I need to know, have you...”  
“Shhh, don’t even speak it,” he cut in with, turning to hold her face in his hands, kissing her lips. “No, I haven’t. You and you alone is all I want, cara mia.” 
“Am I, though?” she asked, shaking her head with the uncertainty she suddenly felt. If he’d strayed from the woman he’d been betrothed to, the one who had given him his children, too, no less, then what chance did she stand? “How do you know that you won’t?” 
He sighed again, thumbs circling her cheeks in loving caress. “I know. Trust me, EJ. I know ‘cuz you’re everythin’ I didn’t know I wanted, and everythin’ I’ve come to realise I needed. I ain’t ever strayed from you, and I don’t plan on doing so either.” He rested his forehead to hers, continuing. “You ain’t nobody’s girl any longer. You’re mine, but more so, I’m fuckin’ all yours, baby.”  
Truly, he’d given her no reason at all to not believe him, and she had to give him credit, too. He knew that his confession could maybe alter her opinion of him, and he’d revealed it anyway. Filomena could easily have used the information as a spite tactic, and he could have lied his way out of it. Who would call him into question if he did? Most people were terrified of him.  
Nobody would have negated the truth Luca wanted to portray, but what he’d given her was honesty, no matter how ugly. She couldn’t discount him for that. Covering his hands with hers, she leaned to his mouth, kissing him softly. “That was a big gamble, telling me the truth. I see that. It’s just... my history of trusting the wrong people.” 
He nodded, kissing her again. “And I ain’t sayin’ I’m perfect, far fuckin’ from it. You’re gonna have a lot to deal with, being with a guy like me, but me straying is the least of your worries. Trust me on that.”  
They lay in a happy tangle of limbs a while longer before getting up, Luca heading to soak in the bath, Emily finding herself almost pulled in with him after she brought him a mug of coffee, fending him off.  
“No, stop!” she giggled, batting his hands away. “I have eggs cooking out there!” 
“Then don’t be comin’ in here with those damned legs and getting my pulse all jacked up, then!” he spoke, grasping her thigh, Emily pulling his hand away to give him a stern look. 
“Well, the very concept of me being able to walk in means the legs have to come with me,” she teased, leaning to kiss him. “I can’t just disassemble myself like a mannequin and shuffle in here.” 
He snorted, taking a sip of a coffee. “You’d leave one helluva snail trail behind if ya did.” 
She closed her eyes, resting her hand to her forehead, hearing his chuckle rumbling. “You’re filthy.” 
“But you love me.” he called as she exited, still grinning. After he’d dried off and dressed, they sat and ate before continuing packing, the very point of the children getting dropped off with him being so that he could take them up to his house in the Catskills, a nanny, housekeeper and chef also on his payroll (but who stayed in residence with Filomena) going along, too. Angelo and his wife Greta, as well as their two boys would also be up there as well, Emily wondering how big the house was, exactly, to sleep that many people.  
“Hold on, gotta picture of it somewhere,” Luca said after she’d voiced that thought, going into the phone table drawer and shuffling around. “Here.” 
Her eyes almost fell from her skull. “Honey, that isn’t a house. It’s a mansion!” 
He looked completely nonplussed. “Yeah, and?”  
“it’s just the way you spoke about it. You made it sound like a quaint little place upstate, not a sprawling estate!” 
He shrugged, taking the photo back. “A place can be both spacious and quaint.” He then beamed a huge grin, chewing on his toothpick. “And just you wait ‘til you see the size of the bed I’m gonna bounce that pretty lil’ ass all over.”  
A beautiful mansion, and great company to enjoy it with. She had become friends with Greta, Angelo’s wife over the last few months, the women looking forward to having some relaxing time together away from the madness of their daily lives while their men were off hunting. Mostly, though, it was spending time with Luca outside of the city that she was most looking forward to.  
It was a shame that just over two hours later, she’d learn of a spanner being thrown into the works. 
Waiting down in the near empty (save Maggie and the maintenance guy) speakeasy, she watched the black town car containing his children pull up, the kids alighting with their mother. His eldest boy was through the door first, Luca grabbing his head and kissing his mop of black hair.  
“How’s my son?”  
“Not too shabby, pop,” Guiseppe replied, turning to look at Emily. “Woah, check out those stems. What a Sheba, huh dad?”  
Immediately, he found himself clipped sharply around the head by his father. “Less of your lip, boy. And put your eyes back in your goddamned head.” He might have acted in reprimand, but Emily noticed how hard Luca was trying not to look entertained. He’d been much the same at twelve. 
The boy rubbed his head, his brows knitting. “Sorry, I was just saying.” 
“Say less,” Luca warned, opening his arms as his daughter hurried through the door to him.  
“Daddy!” Milania cried, grasping him tightly.  
“Mio piccolo amore,” he spoke fondly, kissing her head. “You miss me?” 
“Always,” she replied, basking in the adoration of her beloved father, her face not so warm as she turned to Emily. “Who’s she?”  
“Hey, enough with the sass. This is Emily, my girlfriend.”  
The word fell from his lips just as the adversary walked in, placing Alessio down, the little boy running to be lifted into his father’s arms. “This is your girlfriend?” Immediately, the girlfriend herself felt her insides prickle with discomfort.  
“Hello to you too, Filomena,” he muttered with sarcasm. 
Her mouth fell open, looking Emily up and down several times. “For the love of the virgin Mary, Luca! How old is she, like eighteen or somethin’?” 
“Twenty-three,” he corrected, his jaw beginning to tighten, handing Alessio to Emily when the child began to struggle in her direction. 
“Hey, little guy!” she cooed, trying to inject a little lightness, the tension rapidly thickening between her man and his ex. Also, for the sake of her nerves. She truly wanted no part of any conflict between Luca and his ex. “Oh, goodness, aren’t you cute! You look just like your daddy, don’t you?” 
“I do!” he announced through a gummy grin, beginning to fiddle with her necklace. “You smell like flowers.”  
“Oh god, she’s a child, still!” Filomena exclaimed, her voice filling the space shrilly. Emily couldn’t even look at her, so kept her eyes on the little boy in her arms as he chattered to her, feeling supported by her man touching a supportive hand to her back for a second. 
Luca rolled his eyes at Filomena’s observation, beginning to gesture with his hands. He always did when he was becoming agitated. “Don’t start this right in front of ‘em,” he warned. “She ain’t a kid, I know exactly what you’re doin’, Fil. She couldda been thirty-three and you’d still take issue.”  
“Hey kids! The soda place up the block will be open now, how about Emily and me take you guys up there, huh? Come on, let’s go!” A rapidly moving Maggie spoke as she approached, Emily breathing a sigh of relief to be saved like that. Also, she was of the same opinion, that the children really didn’t need to witness their parents about to verbally tear one another to shreds.  
“I’ll see you in a little while,” she spoke, Luca nodding as he leaned to kiss her quickly.  
“Thank you, mi amore.” he spoke, nodding with gratitude at Maggie as well as she herded the two biggest of the brood out, little Alessio very content to be carried.  
Filomena at least waited a beat until they were all out the door before her head swivelled around again, fixing Luca with a snarl as she scoffed. “Mi amore? You can’t be serious about that kid.” 
“Wouldn’t be havin’ her meet my children if I wasn’t. You need to fuckin’ knock it off, too, callin’ her a kid when she ain’t.” 
She scoffed again, shaking her head. “She’s twenty years younger than you!” 
And therein was the problem. “Yeah, and don’t that just chap your ass, huh, Fil? Jealousy ain’t ever looked good on ya.”  
He had her there, his ex-wife chewing her cheek in fury at the slowly delivered, condescending drawl, incensed over the fact that the first woman he’d gotten serious about after her turned out to be fifteen years her junior. And a knockout. Still, she had an ace up her sleeve left to play. “Well, I suppose I’ll get to know all about her over the weekend. You don’t gotta nanny, Sylvie is sick with a cough so it’s gotta be me lookin’ after ‘em.” 
“No way,” he warned, pointing at her sternly, “ain’t no place for you up there with your meddling. Forget it.” 
“Can’t,” she spoke, her mouth twisting into a sinister grin, “Alessio has an ear infection, needs his drops puttin’ in every four hours. Are you really tellin’ me you’re gonna be available for that, every four hours, for the next three days?” 
“I’m his fuckin’ father. Of course, I will,” he hissed, looking at her with fury. 
She laughed, and it set his fists to clenched, flexing his hands as he began to pace before her. “You ain’t gonna be around! You’ll be off hunting in the day with Angelo, and riding your new filly all damned night! No, I’m not chancing that it spreads to his throat and eyes, too. I’m comin’, and that’s the last of it. You know how he don’t like being away from his mommy when he’s sick.”  
His gaze cast up to the ceiling, taking a long, deep breath. He hated that she had a point. She wanted his temper to blaze, though, for him to yell, to lose control of his emotions. It was what she thrived upon. So simply, he didn’t let her have the win. “Fine, come along if you must, just stay outta my way. Choose a bedroom as far away from mine as you can get, though, ‘cuz yeah, you’re right. I will be, and I’d hate for us to keep you up.”  
His laughed rolled like thunder at the look on her face, leaning in close. “Yeah, bet there’s still one part of me that you miss, huh?” Sauntering out with his usual cocksure swagger, he left her standing there stewing in contempt, telling the security guys to load up their belongings into the car. Heading down the street, he didn’t much relish having to tell Emily that their long weekend would be plus an unwanted guest, entering the soda shop and beckoning her with a backward jerk of his head.  
“You don’t look happy, handsome,” she spoke carefully upon exiting the shop, wondering just how intense the fight he and Filomena had likely gotten into had become. 
His mouth twitched in grimace, pulling his toothpick out. “Yeah, I ain’t got the best news to deliver. She’s comin’ with us.”  
Her face dropped in an instant. “She’s what?” 
“Alessio is sick, got somethin’ up with his ears, gotta have drops put in every four hours, yadda, yadda. She don’t trust me to fuckin’ look after the kid, the nanny is sick as well, so she’s insisting on inflicting herself.” He paused, resting his hands to her shoulders. “She ain’t gonna ruin anything though, doll. Promise. She knows to keep outta my way, yours too by extension.” 
Her lips thinned, Emily really not happy about having to share her weekend with a woman who hadn’t even bothered speaking directly to her, not even introducing herself before going right on in after her guy regarding their age gap. “Alright. Really, it isn’t, but alright.”  
Leaning to her level, he kissed her forehead. “I know, baby. I know. You just gotta pretend she ain’t there. If she comes out with any of her poison, walk away, alright?” 
She set her face straight with a nod, widening her smile. “I will. Come on, let’s hurry the kids and then get up there.” 
Truly, she’d thought that the toughest thing about that weekend would be how to begin bonding with a fourteen-year-old girl, and two boys of twelve and six. Now there was an ex-wife thrown into the mix, too. A spiteful one. 
A near three-and-a-half-hour drive later and they’d arrived, Angelo and Greta already there, the latter looking perplexed as she alighted the front steps of the mansion, holding her arms wide towards Emily.  
“What the good god is the viper doing here, dolly?” she asked with concern, kissing her cheek while watching Filomena and the children exit the second car.  
“I’ll tell you in a sec, please tell me there’s alcohol here?” 
“Only gin and whiskey, as well as the wine in the cellar.” 
Grabbing her hand, she nodded vigorously. “Yeah, that’ll do.”  
“All of it?” Greta snorted, the women climbing the steps while the guys handled the baggage. 
“Twice over.”  
She winced with a little hiss, taking her through the house back to the rear porch, where she’d been enjoying cigarettes and gin rickey’s in the sun. Walking through the house, Emily’s jaw was on the floor, her head turning left and right to take in as much as possible. To say it was decadent would have been an understatement. Luca had definitely downplayed it thus far. Speaking of Luca... 
“Doll, I’m gonna go spend some time with the kids, take ‘em down to the lake, alright? You okay with Greta?” 
“Of course, she’s fine with me. Go, you get outta here and be with your brood,” the woman herself grinned as Luca greeted her with a cheek kiss.  
“Show her around and all that. See you later.” He winked, departing, his shoulders drawn up. He hadn’t seemed so tense on the way up, but now the reality was setting in, having to be under the same roof as the woman he loathed, she saw clearly it had begun to gnaw at him.  
Emily turned to her, her face pensive. “He wasn’t so bad, driving up. Now? I can see his irritation rising.” 
Greta sighed, ushering her through the final large room to the back door, a huge glass construction between two frames of filigree wrought iron. “Yeah, he had the twitching jaw thing happening, I noticed. Yeesh.” Sitting her down at the table, she poured out a drink, adding an extra slug of neat gin from her little hip flask for good measure. “So, what’s the story?” 
Taking her cigarette case out, Emily offered one across the table, the woman lighting up before Greta was filled in on what had gone down back in Brooklyn. The elder of the women balked, snorting once her young friend had finished. “So, what are we, chopped liver? We couldn’t have handled looking after the kid?” 
“Exactly! Mind you, I doubt Luca would have even suggested it out of respect for me. He even said as much before Filomena dropped herself on us, said the kids would be with the nanny when they weren’t with him, and he didn’t expect me to lift a finger.” 
Greta’s eyebrows rose. “That’s progressive of him.” 
“Eh,” she sniffed, “I think he was probably more worried I wouldn’t blow him if he’d offered my services as substitute mother without at least asking me first.”  
Her words roused laughter, the immaculate brunette lifting her glass to her pristine red lips. “Oh, my good god, I love the fact you’re coming outta your shell more, being in our world. You’re still a polite little sweetheart who wouldn’t say boo to a goose, but still, you’d have never come out with such a statement back when we first met. Shows confidence.” 
“I have to be,” she exclaimed, taking a drag on her cigarette. “Being Luca’s girl, I can’t sit there blushing and shrinking from everything or I’d never survive! That includes being able to say out loud with every confidence, and like the lady I am, that my man knows not to jeopardise the luxury of being able to put his dick in my mouth.”  
Greta was in soft fits, clapping her friend’s little display of wry comedy. “You make me laugh, dolly. Oh, you do!” 
“If I don’t laugh right now, having the ex-wife shadow looming, I’ll cry. Believe me.”  
Raising her glass, she beamed. “Then to laughter!” Sipping her drink, she watched as Emily made a thoughtful face, biting the corner of her lip as she looked out over the sprawling grounds towards the lake.  
“I wonder if Filomena likes to play blackjack?”  
“Oh, you’re too much!” Of course, Greta knew well Emily’s talent with card counting.  
Winking, her eyes went back to the lake, just about able to pick out Luca and the kids walking the shoreline, except for Alessio, who was perched atop his father’s shoulders. “I like to think I’m just enough. So, you called her a viper when we arrived. Was that out of loyalty to Luca, or did she ever do something to irritate you?” 
“Honestly? The gal has every right to be hostile toward her ex, given the circumstances... which I probably shouldn’t say too much more on,” she began, Emily waving her hand casually. 
“You’re alright, I know about the other women.”  
Greta swiftly lifted her sunglasses, gaping a little. “He told you?” 
“Yes, he did,” she replied, reaching to the fruit bowl and tearing a small handful of grapes away.  
Her friend was mildly stunned, and made no effort to hide that. “Wow. Didn’t see that coming. Anyhoo, like I said, can’t blame her. Well, in the here and now I can because she needs to be making nice for the children, but instead she’s toying with him, as usual.  
“But I digress. I actually used to get on pretty well with her, but after they broke up she called me up and gave me hell, assuming I knew all about his infidelity. I didn’t know shit! Ain’t like he was gonna advertise it to me. I mean, some guys in their world, they have the wife and then they have the gooma, the side piece, but as far as I can gauge, Luca just fucked around at random. No regular side chick to speak of.”  
“He preferred whores, professionals at sex, women who knew what they were doin’ with a dick and whose silence he could easily buy.” 
Turning, they both watched Filomena approach, her chin lifted as she walked slowly over to the table, a smug smile tilting her lips. “That don’t mean those are the only dames he went for, though. If he saw a gal at the speakeasy who he liked the look of, he’d just make his move. I heard that from the women themselves. Even if they were with his own guys, if he wanted to fuck ‘em, he did.” 
Emily felt a cold wave wash over her, to know the man she loved so much had been that sexually reckless, especially with women so close to the guys who worked for him. She tried to remember what that very man had told her just hours before, though, about Filomena and her meddling. “Hmm,” she hummed, clearly entertained by Emily’s pinking cheeks. “Didn’t know that much, did ya?”  
She could feel her throat tightening, swallowing hard as she looked up at the scorned woman, who’s commentary continued. “I asked him once, you know, how many women he’d bedded behind my back. He said he lost count when he hit triple digits. He was a fuckin’ prolific man whore, my ex-husband. And you look at him like the sun shines outta his ass, you poor gal. He’ll get bored of ya, eventually. Don't think the same won’t happen to you once you’ve knocked out a couple of his kids. Probably before then, if he ain’t already.” 
“Fil, come on, hon. Enough now, yeesh. You don’t gotta drag Emily into this.” Greta advised, rubbing her head with her hand, her eyes finding her friend in support, and what Emily couldn’t bear to see. Sympathy. Because she couldn’t hide the fact that the former Mrs. Changretta wasn’t lying. 
Luca had told her that his ex would do this, but what he hadn’t mentioned was that her poison would be nothing but the truth, Emily getting up and swiftly exiting the situation with tears pooling her eyes.  
Exactly what Filomena had wanted. After all; hurt people, hurt people.  
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rinatic · 2 years
Call me babe | Nakamoto Yuta
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Pairing: collegestudent!yuta x fem!reader
Genre: college students, popular boy yuta, fluff in the end
Word count: 1700+
Warnings: jealous and protective yuta
A/n: i had a hard time choosing a member for this oneshot, so i decided it's yuta :)
"I hate yuta, i really do."
"Of course you do, sane people hate him."
"Then the rest of the female population in the campus aren't normal."
Your best friend rolls her eyes at the mention of yuta, who you just admitted to hate. While in reality, he was your crush.
As you fix your hair, flicking it over your shoulders. You thought of him. I don't have a crush on him! He's an asshole! He doesn't deserve my time. You tell yourself repeatedly. But the voice in your head keeps coming up and 'corrects' these thoughts. You do love him, you just hate how popular he's with women and you can't do anything about because he's not yours.
And that's a fact.
"Ugh, why is he so handsome? Why does god keeps creating assholes with pretty faces?" Your best friend shots a look in your way through the glass reflection and you continue pretending to fix your clothes and ignore the glare.
Yes, he's handsome, annoyingly handsome. Everyone knows that and there's no denying in that part, but the streak of arrogance and his attitude cancels out the sexiness.
"Handsome or not, he's still an asshole." She says as she applies some mascara.
You kinda felt mad when she said that. Yes he's an asshole, but no one should call him that except me. You thought. You two ledt the bathroom and walked the hallway together.
There he was, standing with the group of trash men he's with everyday. You stare at the back of his head. His perfect long brown hair has passed his ears. You don't think you've seen him with long hair before. Damn, he must look good.
He always looks good. Even if he's wearing the most terrible outfit in the world.
He turns around and you find yourself staring at him, these long brown strands definitely made him become hotter.
To say you two run in different crowds is putting it mildly. And that's what you hate the most. You both are the complete opposites, you have literally nothing in common and that what has been holding you back from opening a conversation with him for a long time, you know you can talk to people with different interests well, but if you talk to him, you feel like you'll look like the biggest loser in the world.
It's not like you have a chance to talk to him anyways, most of the time, he's either with his homies, or with those girls who are always glued to him. And you don't think he would think of you as someone interesting. Because when he finds someone interesting, he talks to them instantly, but you've never even greeted each other. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to know you exist and you assure yourself that fine with that.
Even though it hurts a little.
"His hair looks like a mop." She says as she laughs, you curse under my breath. A fake smile appears on your lips. "Yeah, you're right," you lie, cautiously gazing at him. "I can clean this hallway with his hair." I may be mocking his ass but the last thing I want is for him to actually hear me. You thought to yourself.
Yuta looks in your way, his tongue dancing with a lolipop. His eyes meet yours and your body immediately becomes stiff. It's as if time has stopped. He smirks at you before sucking on it, shifting his eyes back to his best friends.
It may sound dramatic, but you actually stopped yourself from unleashing a scream, you felt the urge to scream like a fan just because he gave you that look. If i turn into a whore there’s only one person to blame for it. Him.
You hoped your bestie didn't notice what just happened. You lick your lips as you look at the other way, you waant to avoid him, everytime your eyes meet your feelings become obvious and you don't want that. You don't want anyone to see that, especially your best friend..
..and him.
"I'm so bored." She mutters. "Me too, I'm going to get us coffee." You head to the cafeteria without giving her a chance to reply. Maybe drinking coffee will stop you from daydreaming about him. It became a routine to think about him for a good hour. Damn, i just have a crush on him and i'm like this, what will i do if he was my boyfriend?
The thought actually formed butterflies in your stomach.
You stand up and look at every listed drink. "Hello.." the cashier trailed with a smile as he saw you approaching the counter. "Hi, is the coffee machine working?" You ask, last time you came to get some coffee last week, there was another cashier who told you that it broke. So you decided to ask before ordering.
"Thank god, it wasn't working last time i came." You said. "Sorry about that." You muttered a small 'it's okay'.
"If it wasn't working now, i would've fixed it just for you." He smiled warmly and put his arms on the counted, giving off a friendly vibe. You blushed a little at his words and he giggled. "So cute."
"What would you like to order, cutie?" His smile faded slowly but you didn't notice. "I'll take one small coffee.. and-"
"Make it two."
A deep voice trailed from behind you, it was sunny so you can see a shadow hovering over your body. Turning around. It was none other than nakamoto yuta. His gaze snags on yours as he clears his throat.
"I've been searching for you, babe." His voice is husky and loud. Your heart thuds. Hard. Like it came to a complete and utter stop. How am I still alive? You thought. Swallowing the saliva that bulit up in your mouth. "Fine." You don't know how you managed not to stutter, even though you feel like your knees will betray you any moment.
Why would he call me babe? What game is he playing? You thought. Yeah, yuta is a player that's why you toned down how you feel at the moment, you won't let yourself get excited over it.
Those dark brown eyes of his never leaving you. You're the one who has to look away first. His gaze twists you up inside. So you decided to keep your attention on the cashier.
"Who were you going to buy coffee for?" He asks, he's not looking at you this time. The tone of his voice is much calmer. You don't even know why was aggressive the cashier earlier. You think of a reply as your lips form a straight line. "Why you're asking?" You decided not to tell him that it's for your best friend, you want to know what drove him to ask this question.
"Don't drink anything with him."
He says, straightforwardly and his gaze doesn't meet yours yet. Did he notice him flitting with you? A shiver moves down your spine due to his deep voice but you ignore it. "Why though?"
"Just don't. Don't trust any man here."
"Including you?"
"Except me."
You stop talking and stare at the coffee that is being made. Ignoring the fact that your heart beats loudly like it's going to brust out of your chest. You clear your throat. Why the fuck is time moving so slow? You thought. Even though you like him and acknowledge the effect he has on you. Yuta was now making you grow hotter the more you're standing with him. It became so hot, even though it's currently winter.
You catch a glance of him, he's glaring so hard at the poor boy, you don't want to jump to conclusions, but you couldn't help but think that he's jealous. You try to convince your mind that he's not but that voice in your head keeps hitting you with it.
Finally, he comes with your coffee. Yuta's attention falls on it. "Are you sure you don't want anything else?" The cashier asks warmly. In a second, yuta reaches for your shoulder and glues you to his side, putting his arm protectively on your shoulder without touching you much. His warm embrace warmed you and tge smell of his fresh cologne hit your nostrills. "If my girlfriend wanted something, she would've said." He practically throws the money on the counter.
My girlfriend? God.. he sounded so fucking sexy. your mind fixated on that word.
He drags you softly with him away, as if the cafeteria is a bad place he's protecting you from. You really want an explanation, but there's no time for that, that's what he thinks.
"I could've paid for mine though." You mumble quietly. He takes out his lolipop and takes a sip, ignoring what you said. Then he gives you his and you wonder why, in a moment, he grabs yours and takes a sip of it.
"Hmm, it's safe." He says before you can protest. He smiles at you brightly. Before putting the lolipop in his mouth again, with a smirk, he hands you your drink and steps to the back slowly. "Y/n! Don't forget to call me babe too." He waves at you before rushing back to his friends. You smile at how he called your name. Gosh, he's cute. You thought.
You stand there dumbfounded. Wondering what the hell he meant, as you held your coffee in your other hand, something fell to the ground. You kneel and take it, it's a tiny folded piece of paper. Opening it
"Call me, love 2553-****?" You read what's in it, you slowly proceed everything, resulting in a cute smile appearing on your face, you jump like a kid as you hug the paper to your chest. You stare at the paper for a little and take a sip of the coffee, specifically from the spot he drank from.
You felt guilty because of how you thought of him before, you thought he was the ultimate fuckboy due to the stories othere gossip abouy around which are probably fake. Lots of people are jealous of him so maybe they did portray him as an asshole because of that? He's a sweetheart and it's totally unexpected.
"There you are!" Your best friend walks to you with exhaustion. You brush your thoughts away upon seeing her, hoping she didn't see you with him.
"You're drinking- wait! Y/n!! Where's my coffee?!"
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badaseyebags · 4 months
to all the boys that tried to love me ch 4⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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word count: 2,5k (wew)
warnings: tsurugi being icky (as always), bad writing
author’s note: wow can you believe i actually updated? i was gonna drop this series as a whole since i don’t think anyone’s reading but but oh well, impulsive thinking at its finest😞 feel free to roast me, hope you enjoy! 🍞
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life’s been pretty strange lately, i’m out here making random friends, trying to be social and even being protected by them despite them not even knowing me? well let’s be real, even tsurugi’s friends are warning him not to hurt me, and telling me to be careful around him. they seem to like me more than him. i’m also getting one step closer to my crush by knowing her name. everything is going great, right? yeah that’s also what i thought. this was just moments before everything would crumble again.
i’ve spent my days with my besties and with tsurugi texting me non stop about how he’s fallen in love with me, and how he pictures our future together. from our wedding and our daily life together, to the name of our future children.. yikes, i’ve already turned him down at least 10 times this week, letting him know i’m not interested in finding a boyfriend. i thought he seemed a bit too chill with that at first, which was relieving. he suggested we become closer friends to which i could only agree to. i might of been pushed a little outside my comfort zone when he wouldn’t stop begging to call me with me before he goes to bed, i have anxiety every time i call someone but we’re friends now, right..? that’s what friends do.
i have no clue why ryujin is so excited about tsurugi not leaving me alone, but bummed out about me becoming friends with wooyoung. i know she’s into him but it’s not like i hang out with him or something, i have my own crush. we just text from time to time and i watch his streams when i get notified, i always try to mention her too. somehow it feels like he’s more of a friend than she is somedays.. maybe i’m being too sensitive, but she doesn’t seem fond of us getting along, i always thought it’s good when your friends and your love interest have a nice connection. i’d be happy if her and hwa got along well.
she was ready to take things a little bit further and make the next step to finally meet her crush, tell him she’s the girl who’s been sending him those hints, his secret admirer. reveal her identity then and there. she’s so bold for doing that, i’d probably pee my pants if i just approached hwa out of nowhere… maybe she’s so brave because it was me messaging him instead of her this whole time.. ah and my crush.. i don’t even have her social media.. i just know her name.. anyways i think my efforts to get them to talk will hopefully pay off soon. hmm.. maybe i am trying a bit hard to introduce them to each other. oh well, there’s another party today and she wants to go really bad to finally meet her crush face to face. well more like face to mask cuz i doubt he would magically appear without it, it’s like a permanent part of his face at this point. was he born with it?
tonight’s theme is school party, i really like the concept because i have an excuse to dress up all cute and not get judged for once, since everyone will be matching in some way. i curled my pink hair and put it in two little buns, wearing an outfit resembling a school uniform along with some white thigh high socks. i love how opposite me and my besties look, they’re always wearing dark colours and look so cool and i’m just there like their pastel coloured accessory. i wish i could wear this everyday without being looked at weird.. i add some finishing touches by putting little bows on either sides of my hair, spraying my besties and i down with my favorite glitter spray. “you look like a girl that calls her boyfriend senpai” ryujin’s older sister jokes as we finish getting ready in her house, her escorting is out. hopefully she doesn’t mean it in a cringy way.
the three of us walk hand in hand and before we can even reach the club we are met with tsurugi running up to me, pulling me into a hug and pulling the mask off my face. “don’t you dare cover your cute face or i will spank you!” he threw it aside and i put my head down. ew, what an ick. i cringe feeling a little insecure, thinking the thought of covid being a little while ago would save me, but i failed since i have lost my mask somewhere in the wind. i keep my head down for a little before he pulls me into yet another tight hug, my cheeks soon being pinched and my ears ringing from the excessive amounts of compliments he threw at me. he’s really not getting the hint, i don’t like him! how is he not seeing it? “friends” my butt.. i try being nice to him but in the end he never respects my boundaries and ends up making me uncomfortable with his never dying efforts. i beg my friends to distract him for a little to allow me to get some fresh air, i just need to take a little walk without him being all up in my face for a at least a minute. one minute of peace is all i need.
i let out a sigh of relief as i watch him disappear inside the the club along with my besties, closing my eyes, simply enjoying the soft breeze. its a little chilly but not too cold, just the right amount of air hitting my face as i walk, just the refreshment i needed. i continue walking an unknown path all by myself, making sure to not stray too far from my friends, this place can be full of creeps but today for some reason unknown, i’m not afraid. my feet stop me in some random alley nearby, and that’s when i finally decide to properly open my eyes, looking up instead of the floor. at some point i stop walking forward and turn my head to the left. maybe it was the muted chatter coming from that side luring me in, maybe it was the lights that reflected so nicely that drew my attention. my body became stuck as my eyes reached an unknown figure, just a guy resting on the side of the wall, thick black glasses framing his face, his outfit also resembling a uniform occupied by the phone in his hands. he seemed to play some kind of a game on it. as if he felt my eyes unknowingly scanning him, he looked up from his phone and the second our eyes met, everything went into slow motion. for a moment it felt like time had suddenly stopped, almost as if i could feel every second turn into a whole minute, holding my breath unknowingly. i can never hold eye contact, not even with my friends but.. is it supposed so feel this deep? i’ve never seen such sad eyes, but.. why do i feel so much comfort? i swear i’ve seen those eyes before i just can’t figure out where..he feels so safe and peaceful? i feel like.. i’m a little kid again.. feeling a certain way i haven’t felt since i lost my grandpa, he was my favourite person in the world.. what even is this feeling? am i drunk? oh wait, i didn’t even drink yet.. even the wind is moving in slow motion, wtf is happening.
before i get the chance to peel my eyes away, his phone falls to the ground with a thud as it slips from his hands. even though he’s across from me, i could hear the screen shatter and my eyes widen as i turn around and quickly run back to meet up with my friends, letting out a breath i held in the entire moment. i made him break his phone by being creepy oh my god, whoever he is i hope he doesn’t bump into me tonight. i would have to pay for his phone or something, I’ve got about 20 bucks and a strawberry flavoured lollipop. i doubt that’s enough-
great now i’m back being trapped inside a club with a dude who’s desperately trying to make me his girlfriend. speaking of girlfriend… i’ve noticed hwa, but… she went to the mens bathrooms? maybe it wouldn’t hurt to approach her, this is the perfect opportunity! it’s a sign. i think as i walk closer to the door. i should let her know she went to the wrong bathrooms accidentally and get to know her that way. girls bathrooms are such a easy place to start conversations for some reason. oh- she looked into the mirror in front of her, her eyes locking with mine for a split second. i swear i saw her smirk. what the hell is going on! i panic, running back to ningning, surprised when i don’t see ryujin next to her. “i just saw hwa…going into the men’s bathroom??? where the hell is ryujin?” ningning swayed her body to the beat of the music for a little before agreeing to go get some fresh air with me. “i think she went to say hi to wooyoung” she screamed over the loud music as we made our way outside. oh yeah i totally forgot he would be here, i should probably greet him too, i have to witness this iconic moment of them meeting.
i excitedly skip outside the club, arms linked with ningning, trying to find our bestie and the guy she doesn’t even know, but won’t stop drooling over. as soon as the outside air hits me, so does someone’s words. “is miffy here?” huh.. me..? i look around and find the owner of the voice and my smile drops a little. the same man i saw just moments ago, those thick frames resting on his face. he’s now talking to ryujin. “oh, she’s right here.” she exclaims as i blink, confused looking between the two of them. how does he know my name?? and why is he speaking to her, and why does he know of my existence.. where have i heard his voice.. did he possibly approach her to ask her to pay for his phone cuz he saw us together?i’m so screwed. my mind goes 30 thoughts per second as i try to understand the situation.
“hey miffy, and her friend that i don’t know the name of” he says and my mind connects the dots. i know this voice. i know this dude, no wonder his eyes were so familiar.. it’s wooyoung.. oh god. i can’t allow myself to look up anymore as i just nod, closing my mouth that opened in shock, waving my hand as the other one clutches to ningning. “that’s ningning, but we call her ningi” ryujin says and he repeats questionably. “should we exchange instagrams?” he suggests passing his now cracked phone to ryujin, her excitedly typing her username into the search and passing the phone to ningning soon after. he takes the phone out her hands, offering it to me jokingly. “oh yeah, i don’t need yours i already have it” he waves it in my face, seeming too happy for the fact i accidentally broke his phone earlier. seeing my profile already pulled up on his screen my heart drops a little, his phone is done for, and it’s my fault. “is..your phone okay?” my stupid mind blurts out as if i was blind, or stupid, which i am both actually.
he laughed tucking it away into his pocket. out of sight, out of mind. “it’s just a little scratch, don’t worry about it” he says assuringly and my head dips down in embarrassment again, what a great way to interact with friends! god i’m hopeless. i didn’t even recognise him without his mask, it’s my first time seeing his face but still.. ryujin keeps trying to make small talk but i feel his gaze on me and i tug on ningning’s arm. “we should probably get going, let’s give them some privacy, ningi”. she nods in agreement but he cuts me off. “actually i have to get going but, i’ll see you around?” he asks but it feels like he’s not speaking to all of us. ah right, i forgot i’m the only one who he actually interacted with before. i’m like his friend now, of course he’s relying on me, god i suck at communicating. i nod and just as he was about to leave ryujin grabs a hold of his arm, whining slightly. “noo, don’t go yet” he looks back at her almost panicked, trying to pull his arm back. “pleasee” she tugs on his arm not letting go. he wiggles out of her grip, running off with a wave. “sorry!!” he disappears into thin air, leaving her confused and clinging to us. ah… damn this.
she’s basically heart broken right now because he pretty much just rejected her on the spot. as soon as she approached him revealing her identity he told her he’s not looking for any relationship, and right after that asked her about me. and now she’s embarrassed for grabbing onto him like that. well.. i mean since were at a party might as well enjoy it. well not really, we were kind of avoiding tsurugi and his attempts to grope me, followed by him moving onto a totally random girl, giving her almost identical treatment except this one actually seems to enjoy it, i swear this man has no shame. i gotta go fix my eyesight, i suggest a walk to some nearby shop to get some snacks since we all got a bit hungry.
i approached one of the friends i’ve made earlier that night, asking her for directions since we have no clue where the nearest shop is or where the hell we actually are. “we can go with you, imma just get a few more buddies so you can wait for us outside” she says and i excitedly skip outside, happy to take a walk with more new friends despite being shy and not knowing how to. i hear laugher and chatter as i turn around, seeing her along with a bunch of people. some faces i haven’t seen yet, some i have, hwa being one of them. oh crap, there’s no way. she’s coming too, i’m so gonna piss myself. i cling onto my friends once again, trying to look calm even tho i was fangirling inside (and probably on the outside too).
our walk was fun, people joking around and talking about random things, singing and dancing around, showing off the alcohol in their blood stream. everyone, everyone except hwa. she was just smiling and watching everyone interact, kinda like i tend to do in bigger crowds. she remained quiet until someone asked her a question, and that’s when i heard her voice for the first time and realised something is a little bit off. not just a little.. she doesn’t sound like what i expected..but not that it’s an issue just.. hold up.. the voice.. the bathroom..
she’s a he? hwa is a guy??!!! what the-
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ribbonsandhair · 2 years
Hello! Glad to see this!
In that case I'd be happy to request for Valeria with a bestie readerrr YESYESSS😈😈
Tbh I've been starving for this for months.
Idk, just them bonding so well, maybe the reader is in the cartel with her, or is a simple civilian that valeria ended up being deeply fond of!
A kind-hearted and kinda dumb-ish(not naive though) reader and her just being like, "[name], please💀"
And reader having this really gen-z-ish humor, i just think she'd be so confused and pissed cuz she doesn't get the joke sometimes. Maybe reader is just like 2-1 year(s) less than her? + If they're hispanic too!😭😭😭
Sorry for my rambling💀💀💀
OH MY GOD HELLO AGAIN!!!! I LOVED WRITINF THIS SO MUCH I WAS ON A RAMPAGE 😭😭😭 I hope you enjoy this just as much as I enjoyed writing this!! Thanks for requesting babes!!!
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Valeria Garza
Where do I START.
So, first, you’re Latino. Duh.
You’re a civilian that was lucky enough to meet Valeria.
You two probably met while getting coffee. You thought she looked pretty, so you complimented her.
“Hola, nada mas quería decirte que me gusta tu cabello!”
She was a little confused why a random person just complimented her hair. She still liked it, nonetheless.
You were a little scared that you made her u comfortable, and after you got what you wanted from the cafe, you went home to cry.
You went back to the cafe, since it was your regular spot to just hang out to read a book. You were familiar with most of the employees.
And then, you saw HER.
You didn’t know if you should just go up to her and apologized while making yourself look even more stupid, or just sit there.
“AY! Oh. Hola!”
She just chuckled and said hi back.
And that’s how your closest friendship bloomed.
Since you’re younger than her, it’s most likely your humor is pretty deranged.
You’ll send her random pictures of god knows what, and say hi right after.
“[Name], por favor.”
You text her super late at night, like three AM.
“Si no te chingo por despertándome en las tres de la mañana–”
Either that or you rant about how you’re glad that she’s your friend because you just finished watching a super sad movie.
“[Name], are you fucking crying.”
You playfully scold her everytime she curses. Which is like in every sentence.
You’re a little dumb, so you end up being pretty clumsy. Without her, you’d be dead by now.
She uses that against you every time you don’t wanna do a favor for her.
“Remember that one time I saved your ass from falling face-first into the concrete? Yeah, that’s what I fucking thought.”
You aren’t aware of her being the leader of the cartel that has corrupted Las Almas. So sometimes she’s hesitant with you.
She won’t respond to your messages for days due to work, so you end up worrying about her. If you ask her why she was gone for so long then she just responds with, “I was pretty busy.”
But she makes it up by hanging out with you for a while, specifically drinking.
On a similar note, you invite her over to have a few drinks with her. Just chill.
When you drink, you become more jokeful and just insane overall.
“Haha, kinda wanna kill myself. Anyways, how’s your day?”
Sometimes concerned with your humor. Can’t tell if it’s just how Gen Z humor is or if you’re that mentally I’ll.
And whenever you two drink together, you guys turn into those Latina moms that will go insane at parties. (I have a good amount of experience with this as a Latino myself.)
Dancing together, blasting music, it’s entertaining.
You also end up talking about chisme.
“Did you hear that my neighbors just got a divorce?”
“Dime más.”
And whenever she goes to your house, she always has a gift. Especially an expensive one.
It can be from some good wine, to straight up clothes and perfumes.
“How did you get the right size?”
“… Instinct.”
(She somehow got information about you.)
Valeria just hopes that she can keep you safe from her job, and doesn’t get you killed. She tries to avoid starting anything that’s super close to you.
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being besties w weston because ur dating christian and being the two extroverts trying to get him to socialize more 🤭
i love bestie westie… thank you for sending this in! 🫶🏻 hope you like this one 🤭
Since you started dating Christian, you became close to his best friends, including Weston – who has become your best friend as well. There are so many reasons why you two get along really well, but one of the most prominent is the fact that you and Wes are extroverts.
Just because you’re an extrovert doesn’t mean you’re loud and super outgoing — but somehow with Wes you became those things. You gain your energy by talking and being around people, meanwhile your boyfriend is the complete opposite – he prefers interacting with very few people and stay home doing whatever.
One day, you asked for an advice from Wes because Christian didn’t want to an event held at your place of work – and the reason was because didn’t wanna meet many new people. Wes then came up with a plan.
On the day of the event, you left by yourself while Christian was getting ready to go somewhere with Wes – little did he know, Wes was taking him to where you were. When they arrived, Christian was visibly upset and Wes tried to explain why they were there.
“Bro, I know you don’t like this but she’s your girlfriend. Go meet her coworkers, socialize a little bit. She would appreciate you so much for your effort.”
“Also,” he added while tapping Christian’s back, “I’ll be with you the entire time.”
Not long after, you spotted the boys. You saw your boyfriend’s trying to hide his annoyance, and you immediately apologized for making Wes dragging him to this event.
“That’s okay, Wes was right anyway. I’ll do anything for you, Y/N.”
You smiled and gave him a hug. You then pulled both Christian and Wes to introduce them to some people.
Throughout the entire event, Christian was being reserved. You and Wes were kind of pushing him to engage more, and even though it wasn’t as you both expected, Christian did make some new friends.
“Mission accomplished, bestie!” You both excitedly yelled to one another before going home.
Christian just shook his head.
“I’m not loving this friendship.” He said flatly.
“Yeah? Well sorry bro, but you made us happen!” Weston jokingly replied while high-fiving you.
“Ugh, why do you both have to be extroverts???”
imagines games here
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sanchosbae · 2 years
🅐🅒🅐🅓🅔🅜🅨//Jobe Bellingham (part 2)
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“Okay anyways class I’m gonna give you guys an assignment to do with a classmate and i will be choosing your partners this time since you guys don’t behave” Miss Garcia said receiving eye rolls and a couple “what that’s not fair” from a few students
Zara didn’t care about who she got as long as it was the brunette girl
“Before I choose your partners let’s talk about the assignment it’s about careers and future goals and what you wanna do after highschool”
“Okay zara im gonna have you paired with uhh…ava actually no I’ll have you paired with Jobe”
The brunette girl stared zara down and rolled her eyes.
“Don’t mind her” said Jobe
“I’ll try not too” zara said with a nervous laugh
“Okay class spread out and start your work it’s due by the end of class”
She grabbed her computer and sat next to Jobe
“Nice to meet you newbie” Jobe said smiling softly
“Nice to meet you too” zara said
“I’m Jobe Bellingham” he said as he took his hand out
“Im zara malik” she said as she shook his hand
They started talking about the assignment
“So what do you wanna do when your older” said zara
“Become a pro football player what about you” he said as he was typing in his computer
“Interesting i wanna be a psychologist”
Damn Jobe said while laughing that seems like a lot of work
“Yeah” she said as she was laughing
So where you from Jobe said breaking the awkward silence that just happened
“I just moved here from the U.S”
“Wow that’s cool what made you move?”
“My mom got a job here so we ended up having to move”
“Ahh i see”
The bell rang for break
“So zara where you gonna go?”
“Probably outside on the benches i guess havent made any friends yet tbh”
“Then what am i??” Jobe laughed
Zara just chuckled
“Come sit with me I’ll introduce you to my friends you’ll get along with aya”
Zara just nodded
Jobe led zara to the bleachers outside.
He started introducing her to his friends
“Alright this is Jaden” he said pointing to the curly haired hispanic with glasses
“And this is jordan” he said pointing to the boy with curly hair.
“Hey” they both said with a smile
“Hi” zara said with a smile
“Ayas probably coming inna bit” he said scanning the bleachers as she wasn’t there yet
Jaden and Jordan started talking over each other
“Your cute”
“You single?”
“Nah man lemme get your snap”
“Aight yall chill don’t scare the poor girl away” Jobe laughed
“Hey yall the teacher was being annoying and wasn’t letting me come” said the girl she noticed zara and smiled at her.
Zara smiled back
“Hey I’m aya haven’t seen you around you new?”
“Yeah just moved here I’m zara by the way”
They all started talking
“Anyways jobe don’t you think Isabella gonna get pissed seeing you with zara” said jaden
“Nah me and Isabella ain’t a thing no more” he said with a disgusted face
The three friends were shocked
“Why not?” Aya said
“Bro she’s so difficult I can’t be bothered with her and her whiny attitude” said Jobe
“She keeps calling you her man tho” Jordan said
“Oh well i dont care” Jobe said uninterested
“Anyways zara you single?” Jaden asked hoping she’d say yes
She nodded her head yeah
“Omg fr lemme get the snap” jaden continued
“Nah man I said it first find someone else” Jordan said
They all started talking over each other
“Y’all stfu, anways zara lemme get the digits” Jobe laughed
“Nah y’all leave my bestie alone”aya said
Zara let out a chuckle
“Heyy guyssss” the brunette girl said as she walked up to them..
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mariatesstruther · 1 year
When Joel’s settled in and he and Maria are on their way to becoming best friends, they dedicate their free time to teasing Tommy whenever they can. Joel tells her all the embarrassing stories from when Tommy was younger that he was too embarrassed to tell his wife, and Maria tells him stories from more recent, like how he embarrassed himself when he started flirting with her.
Also, Joel totally makes joking comments like ‘Tommy, you’re just lucky you met her first’
okay anon. bestie. i literally screamed at this it is 7 am and i at squealing like a pig in my bedroom rn because YES. JOEL FLIRTING WITH MARIA TO BOTHER TOMMY?? FUCK YES. so so so funny to me
i tried to write a little fic to show how similar and funny joel and maria would be together regarding teasing or chewing out tommy, and anon because this gave me joy, i hope i can return the favor with this!
this is what i’d imagine it would be like if both joel and maria had to deal with an injured tommy:
“Tommy goddamn Miller!” Joel bellows, because of fuckin’ course he does. Goddamn drama queen.
“Oh, here we go.”
“Did I not tell you five times, you stupid goddamn idiot, that the Davis’s fuckin’ roof was too unstable for us to fix?”
“Joel, I know. I got a broken fuckin’ leg here already. You really don’t need to—“
“And did I not repeat myself three times when I said I think we should wait on fixing the leak until we can find a way to reinforce the structure?”
“Did I not say that three fuckin’ times, Tommy?”
“Apparently you did, Joel.”
“Then why don’t you go on and explain to me, God, and all the nurses in here why in the hell you would decide to just mosey on up there anyways?”
“I wasn’t trying to—! I thought I coul—,”
“You thought you could? You thought you could, right, okay. Do you remember when you thought you could jump off of the Dillon’s roof, drunk off your ass at your graduation party?”
“It was into their pool!”
“It was stupid, is what is was. You had three compound fractures, Tommy. You got a fuckin’ concussion —I’m not arguing about that again, for fuck’s sake.”
“You brought it up.”
“Okay, okay! M’Sorry, sorry, geez! I thought I could at least get high enough to see what needed repairing from the top without getting too close to the weak spot, okay? How was I supposed to know the whole goddamn roof would come down?”
“I fuckin’ told you I thought the roof might come down yesterday, Tommy.”
“Oh, really? You did? How many times?”
Joel gave him a flat look. “You’re not funny.”
“My niece would beg to differ. Where is she, anyway?”
“Still out cleanin’ the stables with Jesse and Dina. Should be here soon, though. I asked a nurse to find her and tell her to meet us here.”
“Oh, come on, Joel, don’t! That’s just gonna worry her! I’m fine!”
“You’re in an infirmary bed, Tommy, with a broken goddamn leg. You ain’t fuckin’ fine.”
“Yeah, well, the Dillon’s pool was way worse.”
“Wha—No it wasn’t! Either way, you shouldn’t have fuckin’—I am not gonna argue with you about that again—,”
“Tommy Miller!” Maria’s voice, a dangerous mixed of urgently worried and pissed off, interrupts Joel’s ranting.
“Shit,” Tommy mumbles once, just before she comes in. Joel smirks pointedly at him, which he chooses to ignore. He tries his best to give her a charming smile, the one that usually works to at least soften her up a bit. “Uh, hey Hone—“
“Don’t fucking hey Honey me, you fuckin’ Miller! You fell through a goddamn roof?”
“No! Or, er—not really. Kind of.”
“What the fuck do you mean, kind of?”
“Well, first off, I’m completely oka—“
“You have a broken leg, Tommy.”
“Shut up, Joel, I’m mostly fine—,”
“What happened?” Maria interrupts them again.
“Well. Technically, uh—,”
“Technically he fell off the roof, ma’am. Piece he was usin’ to climb up wasn’t stable, so he slipped. Slid straight off it, I heard—,”
“Fuck off, Joel.”
“Which is actually worse for you than falling straight down, I think. Technically.”
“I swear to God, Joel, you better shut your stupid mouth, or I’ll—,”
“Or you’ll what? What’re you gonna do, roundhouse kick me on one leg?”
“I’ll kick you somewhere, that’s for fuckin’ sure—,”
“Boys,” Maria stopped them.
“Sorry,” they both mumbled sheepishly.
Maria just closed her eyes, heaving out a sigh and putting her face in her hands.
Tommy grimaced at her rare show of stress. She often didn’t like letting anyone see her worry, not even him and Joel, despite how close the three have become. “Really, baby. It’s okay. I’m just fine.”
“It’s okay, I’m just fine,” she mocks sarcastically, accent at all. It makes Joel laugh, as always, which at least brings a small smile to her fact. “Tommy. You’re in a hospital bed with a broken leg, and Esther just told me you might have a concussion. You’re not fine.”
Joel gives him a pointed look at the repeat of his own words from earlier, and Tommy has to resist sticking out his tounge. Still, he can’t quite bring himself to complain about their smothering—not in the face of this much love. He shuts up and accepts it.
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
Hi. Boom. Here's long assorted sleep deprived thoughts I'm gonna be face palming at later about my current KH3 impressions.
Finished Olympus, Corona, now I'm on Toy Box.
PUNTING DONALD INTO ORBIT. And low key, Goofy, too. Like, on one hand, they're just Some Guys and also cartoon characters that make me giggle every cutscene they're in and they just try to lighten the mood or whatever. On the other hand, narratively, NOBODY is getting off Sora's case oh my god. Like, they've teased him before but it feels much more frequent and pointed this game towards the things Sora is insecure about. "Haha, you know Sora, our forgetful, stupid, careless, rash, powerless, weak, codependent idiot! We love him. <3" (exaggerated for comedy but they really don't stop with the punches and it's so uncalled for lol) And he either takes it or lightly goes "hey..." half the time. Donald keeps talking shit, Goofy just lets it happen and whenever there's actually disputes where Sora sasses back a 'lil then he steps in and it gives off vibes of "now don't make your mother angry." They're questionable guardian figures. Rehoming Sora to Supportive Dad Mickey Mouse real quick out of saltiness. That said, Goofy kind of laying a steadying hand on Sora on the Trinity Sled and when he was upset about Eugene's "death" in Corona is sweet.
The face of someone doing completely well who says "I can take it" twice in a row just to prove how well he's doing:
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Bestie. You're fifteen years old and running around in a world where tripping acid on identity issues, amnesia, and listening to vague monologues from strange predatory darkness men is another Tuesday.
Sora keeps spacing out and giving thousand yard stares especially throughout this game, and when Ienzo told him "yeah, your heart's not entirely yours!" And Sora just stared blankly at the phone like "figures." I just laughed, lol. He's just constantly pivoting between being occupied by and amazed by the Wonder™ of the world/absorbed by the hype of meeting new people and the Horrors™ presented by the constant tumult of foreign emotions and memories running through his little head, clearly to such a degree that it's no surprise to be told that there's whole fuckin people within him. Teenage experience, honestly. Love coming of age narratives that are just crazy fucking magic bs manifesting in dissociation central. What a guy.
I was in tears laughing when Sora was hearing voices in Twilight Town and thought Hayner and co. were those same voices for a sec and very enthusiastically, as though to prove himself went: "See?? :DDD Voices!" SORA, HONEY.
In other news of AAA-
Way to the Dawn just fucking broke? Why was everyone so calm? Am I missing something? Riku's like "aha gives me an excuse to skill up and get a better one-" child, I am gripping you by the shoulders. This blade is manifested as an extension of your heart, they don't just BREAK. Should I be concerned about the integrity of your soul, brother?
THE SCENE WITH KAIRI AND LEA/AXEL WAS SO SWEET, I WANT MORE OF THEM. NEED MORE OF THEM, ACTUALLY. When Kairi was like ":3 hehe I'm gonna beat your ass in the ring," and when he started CRYING because he caught a glimpse of Xion in her. 😭 Her letter to Sora was so fucking sad I am heartbroken how she becomes more alienated from her friends as time goes on. She went from sending the letter as a waypoint in KH2, like "please come back, here I am" to "you know where I am, but I'm still here talking to myself anyway." I. 👏 NEED. 👏 CLOSURE. 👏 Preferably for Kairi with both Sora and Riku, but they'll probably do just Sora but I dunno I don't want to get my hopes up or down. I just... I dunno, even if things aren't necessarily the same with all of them, I'd just like there to be something affirming where they stand because like even though the care they have for each other is obviously there, you can see it with all three of them in KH1 and KH2 (drives me up the walls bonkers when Riku shielded her with his body and Sora caught her when they were flashbanged), it's also like that feeling of a dwindling group chat kind of scenario. "That's right, no more waiting for you to come back from your adventures..." Props to VA that line was delivered so laden with hollowness. I hold Kairi in hands. Devastated.
THE FOCUS ON SAVING ROXAS HAS ME EXCITED. THAT IS ALL. I WAS YELLING AT SCREEN FOR FOREVER LIKE "USE A REPLICA" and then Riku finally was like "🤔✨...Replica?" And I went and mentally hoisted him onto my shoulders for a little "hip hip hooray" because the dots are connecting with the characters, fellas. I might see at least one of my peoples, soon.
Riku's VA just sounds like he's given up for this game and it's killing me, lol. Voice direction just hasn't been in his favor so far.
Mickey Mouse and Riku bonding time in hell. Riku's like "wow, mouse dad, I feel less riddled with self doubt these days. It's pretty nice to feel like a go-getter, haha, wonder why tho?" And Mickey Mouse is like... "Well... 🏳️‍🌈...! :D" Riku goes: "🤔... 🏳️‍🌈👍." strength to protect what matters And then that's that. Back to reconnaissance mission for lost veteran. Cinematic perfection.
Sora is still a certified Disney princess, if anyone's curious. He got his dance number in for this game, and he had birds gently circle around him and land on his finger.
Marluxia: "Ah yes, we finally reunite." Sora: "who"
I still can't tell if anyone has debriefed Sora, Donald, and Goofy about what happened in Castle Oblivion yet in any way. I'm wondering why they're (writers) playing that particular plot line so close to their chest.
Adorable how well Sora and Rapunzel got along. While Sora is a friend to all and shit it's really sweet seeing how he still seems to have bonds where he personally clicks with some characters more than others. And all for good reasons- like matching with his traits. I imagine him, Rapunzel, Ariel, and Hercules get brunch at the Bistro now, and no one can take this from me. Also Hercules is such a Sora hypeman, cheering him on even when he's getting crushed by a building. He passes the vibe check 100%.
I manifested my gag attack concept from my BBS post halfway into being and I'm so happy about it, lol. Thank you Hercules from hit movie Hercules for swinging Sora around in a circle like a broadsword in your special attack. I think more people should use him as a broadsword for enrichment reasons.
"how do I get power of waking when it didn't work the normal way Hercules," "idk Sora maybe you've got to be in love like I am," "well shit. guess I should get me some of that love superpower. Oh btw how come happily married Mickey Mouse and my best friend Riku are the only dudes that have the power of waking I'm confused," "...idk Sora" "okay, bye herc" (can you see my sleep deprivation leaking yet, I'm connecting the dots though, I promise, trust my methods 🤣)
IT TOOK ME 7 TRIES TO CRACK A FUCKING EGG. Remy Ratatouille looks at me like a disappointed father
Weaponized amusement park ride powers are so badass actually. I love the teacups and wish I could inflict them on my enemies, too.
Sora now has GUN. "Shooting" Star, indeed.
Sora and Rapunzel splashing in da water. 💦🥰 So cute.
WHY DID THEY PUT THEIR WHOLE ASS INTO THE FAKE VIDEO GAME TRAILER IT LOOKED SO SICK. I was so confused though I saw the dude and was like... Riku?? Wtf you're HD, my guy! Wait, you've got heterochromia and are chasing after a girl, mistook you for someone else, my bad.
There is a dog on my gummi ship roof and he will stay there until I finish the game.
Twilight Town is gorgeous and I now know the answer for "if I could pick a video game place to live" that's not just Stardew or Pokemon or something.
"I can't computer so... do that." Me too, Sora. Helping him learn his phone by having him take a ton of pictures, though. I'd like to imagine he sends them to his buddies or is excited to show them later or something. That would be so <3
The Kingdom Hearts social media posts are so funny to me for some reason btw. You get surreal shit like Riku pain-posting "I wonder if I'm the reason Ansem looks the way he does :/" and. The sideway frown just sent me. No, I can't explain why. Just comedy gold. "Mfw when possession :/" "sometimes I think about when my friend was in a coma for a year :/" "y'know I wonder what my family felt when my home was overcome with darkness because of me. Did it hurt? Were they afraid? Well they're back now but I wonder that sometimes. :/"
Maleficent is me trying to track down Luxu and shake him for answers. I don't even care if it's bad she finds it, I need to know what's in the damn box.
Buzz Lightyear going "this plot sounds ridiculous and absurd. Of course you're acting like this is normal, pitiful JRPG character." Sora: ":'D"
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calekinnieplus · 1 year
I come back with disappointing news today. I've only read 1 ½ hours today :(( I've reached chapter 487. At least I finished volume 2 and started volume 3?
So!! What happened today? It was mostly the clean-up after the big battle. The churches sent back up in time, thanks to Klein tipping Audrey off. Audrey told her parents the truth, even though they were aware in part of her advancement to become a Beyonder.
Klein made up with Azik and they're besties now <33 Azik is the best <33
A lot of people died in East Borough due to the combined attempts of two evil organizations. MotherFucker, one wasn't enough, they did TWO of them?? I hope in volume 3, it won't be the combined might of 3 evil organizations hahjahss...
ALSO my boy Emlyn's first tarot club meeting <33 he's so lovely <33
Audrey is an official Lady of society! She has reached maturity! Proud of her <33
Oh, and! Twilight Hermit Order? They're scary. They seem like a powerful organization. A very powerful organization. Buuuut... I have a gut feeling Klein will encounter them sooner or later hah...
Speaking of Creeping Hunger, I temporarily forgot about the Secret Order due to the appearance of other organizations. But the Faceless guy into the glove reminded me of them, so yeah! There's a lot of stuff to keep track of hah...
I just wanna say, Klein is... probably incredibly traumatized atm. First, with appearing in an unknown world, with no one he knows. Then, the realization he could die at any moment due to the mysteries of this world. Then the DEATHS of his colleagues?? Starting with Old Neil, Kenley (?) and... Dunn Smith. That last one is probably a heavy weight on his mind, considering his thirst for revenge against those who wronged him. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention literally DYING?? man, that was definitely traumatic. Rising up from your grave? Everyone you made a connection with thinks you're Dead? Gotta start over in a new place for their safety?
Next, in this new life, he constantly courted death, even in his life as a Nighthawk, he inadvertently looked at a God and took on dangerous missions. As a detective, his investigations kept bringing him into dangerous shit without his intention. And now... so many people died. He did his best, but that doesn't change the fact that the perpetrator of that smog was in front of him at one point. He couldn't have done too much and he's a logical person. But subconsciously, he feels the weight of their deaths and has to carry on with it.
Anyway, Klein Moretti deserves a hug. He needs a hug. I hope he'll get one.
Tomorrow is also a pretty interesting day, so idk how much I'll read. I'm trying to take advantage of summer vacation before college starts again T^T deffo will update tho
(This update turned into an analysis of how traumatized Klein could be, alright lmao)
Until tomorrow!!
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omegamoo · 1 year
HI ive gained brajnrot from your oc from only the little bit ive heard of them. if youd be alright with it could you tell me iotas lore? /nf tho!! (also ive been drawing them based on art you reblogged a few days ago and ive been having a lot of fun :D they have such a cool design and aa) ((also also first ask from me hello hello wonderful mutual))
I GOT SO FAR THROUGH WRITING THIS ASK AND THEN TUMBLR DELETED IT. anyways hiiiiii beloved mutual welcome to my inbox! im literally so honored u got brainrot from my silly girly.... please feel free to share ur art if u feel so inclinced... i'd cry /pos
hope its okay im about to. infodump. im putting it under the cut. this is so long this is so much more than u asked for hopefully tgm doesn't kill me for explaining the plot. lol
alright. lets go again. iota is a part of a project called the whittled pantheon, which tells the story of eleven gods-ish and their experiences. its kinda broadly complicated and im only here to tell iota lore rn so if you want more general lore check the "whittled pantheon" tag link in my pinned!
okay so iota. pronouns she/it/moon although i largely default to she. oops. its the goddess of the wild - deepest darkest nights, moon and stars, the forests. uncivilized area. grass taller than ur head. wildflowers. u get the idea. she has a brother, agathodaemon, who's the god of the tamed (he's written by the lovely lovely tgm). iota is very introverted and prefers to spend most of her time in the woods with her conditionally immortal wolfpack. moon doesn't interact with humans and is. so very uncivilized please do not bring moon into the court room oh god
whittled pantheon itself as a story is split into essentially two parts - the old world, where the gods are born and spend the most time, and the new world, where the gods flee after the destruction of the old world. in the old world, iota's very reclusive. this is where you see it vibing with its pack and being a woods girly. she interacts mostly with agathodaemon, as well as statikos (god of beasts, written by tweewig) and palaemon (water god). she does interact with the other gods but like. infrequently. and never with humans.
so time goes on. agathodaemon builds a giant city on the coast and its destroying natural resources and iota goes okay this is no longer cool. she and palaemon get together and confront daemon and they're like hey buddy. stop. agathodaemon temporarily stops and then comes back, resulting in a massive falling out between daemon and iota. then, palaemon dies mysteriously, and his death starts the destruction of the world, starting with a flood that wipes out daemon's city. lol karma i guess.
the catalyst is what we've been calling the destruction of the world (the balance of the world is fucked up. water dries up, world shatters from inside out). the gods kinda collectively get together for once and go alright. oh shit. and Leave. but in the process they leave iota behind
iota now has to survive the literal destruction of her entire known world. moon is the only god left on the old world, and she's surrounded by humans who fundamentally make no sense to it and also need/want it to save them. but iota cannot save them because she is one god left alone. she tries, though. she meets lots of humans one of whom it becomes like. very good ambiguous 'besties' with. this is fortuna. she changes iota's entire perception of the world. but you know the world is dying and all of the humans die and iotas immortality is like. dripping down the drain and she cannot find a way back. but daemon comes to the rescue because even after everythign he loves her. the whole rescue bit has a whole Other set of worldbuilding lore and explanations that i will not get into here just know that its a thing. they make it back to the new world and start to Heal.
im not going to explain anything else because spoilers. but. i think all this is good to talk about. hopefully. or tgm will fucking kill me /j. but yeah. god. this was somuch more than you asked for.......... well enjoy anyways <3
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hazzabeeforlou · 2 years
Hi, I’m Toni.
Got a slew of new followers and I’ve been almost inactive the last half a year (at least) so wanted to do an update/intro so you know who I am LOL and so my long suffering fandom besties know what the fuck’s been going on (if anyone still cares rip sorry it’s been forever)
Currently writing this from my sick bed of ear cellulitis? That I got from wearing my mask? It would literally only happen to me. Had to go to urgent care and get a butt shot of antibiotics so it didn’t, you know, spread to my bloodstream :)
Anyways I say that to say that I probably got sick in the first place because I’m incredibly run down right now. The classical music world (im a professional musician) FINALLY opened up again, and to meet gig demands I only work my pandemic retail job once a week. I have been traveling the last four weekends in a ROW, which, due to my chronic pain (which has seen SOME improvement over the last year!!) makes me super duper exhausted and I have to admit tik tok has been getting most of my brain numbing time.
Life post-happy drugs has been tough. I’ve seen improvement in the areas I wanted to, physically, but mentally god. Drugs were nice. Anywho, I’ve done a ton of witchy/ancestral connecting/herbalist kinda things the last six months, and I now have an alter and a spiritual practice that has really brought me a lot of growth and meaning. It’s hard healing from your past when you’re still living IN it… and there’s no improvement with my parents. They’re still homophobic as hell and Republican as fuck, despite screaming matches. The threats of physical violence prevent me from confronting my dad any further. I’ve kind of given up hoping they will ever change.
It’s funny though, I would classify this year as the year I started to “feel” things, and of course that happened physically post the drugs, but also emotionally once I started to let myself FEEL emotions, god what a train wreck. Who knew humans could CRY so much? That emotional revelation led to the probably overdue realization that I’m likely Autistic and high masking, and have been suffering from that classic 30’s wall that “gifted girl high masking autistic children” eventually hit wherein they are no longer able to just push through and ignore. That’s been tough.
Writing has always been how I process and understand emotions, and now that I’ve started to actually FEEL them, it hasn’t become as essential to my functioning as it had been the last six or so years. I miss it, and I plan on finishing all my projects I left behind… as I’ve said many time The Garden part 3 IS coming I promise lol. But! Hopefully. And no promises. But I have the most delightful Christmas fic tucked into my head that I would love to publish this year, if I can find the time to get it on paper.
Okay as for fandom… I did a “growth thing” earlier this year and deleted all the bbygate stuff I’d been saving for the inevitable end. I just can’t anymore. All the photoshop, the blatant exploitation of it all… yeah I think the best option is just not to care. If they’re gonna drag this out for the rest of my life then I’m going to ignore the shit out of it. Speaking of ignoring, I also noped out of the H and O nonsense. God. What a MESS. I liked HH, truly, but the fave for me was Matilda. To be honest with you all, I listened until I grew naturally full of the album and I moved on with my life, it wasn’t world changing to me the way FL was. HOWEVER. FITF? Lord save me i didn’t even know it was coming out and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m fucking obsessed. I’m planning a MP. I genuinely think it’s Louis’ finest work and I can’t get enough of it. Every time I listen I like it MORE. I theorize it’s going to be a slow blooming album that smacks everyone’s expectations in the face. I’m so fucking proud of Louis. I bawled real ugly tears at Common People.
And lastly as always, I believe the boys were in love but I make no claims about their lives now. I enjoy the hints and speculation and love larrying along, but I think they’ve established these personas that are bulletproof to fan speculation these days, and I feel that’s how they truly want it. And that’s cool, won’t stop me from writing Larry because it was the truest gayest baby Star crossed lovers story out there and still makes the best fan fic.
Apologies for the novel but nice to meet you if you’re new HI I’M TRYING TO BE BACK to my old chums, and feel free as always to talk to me, my ask box is always open ❤️
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
1) bestie I’ve been following maika and Joe for bit now on social media I mean, not irl. And let me tell you what I’ve chalked up. Sorry if this a long post I might break it into multiple parts.
But anyway i think maika didn’t meet up with him on the set of ST4 because of COVID regulations which is understandable but I think that’s when things started to go down hill. Like you’ve been a bubble for so long working on your rs being together 24/7 and then all of a sudden like you’re separated I think they were on/off during that time and off particularly last winter or the winter during filming (sorry time has become a blur) because there were rumors of Joe being flirty with women ofc they’re rumors but yk it adds up. I think since then their rs has been sort of rocky and that’s why she didn’t walk the carpet and they’ve been of and off since ST4 filming. I always found it sus she didn’t walk the carpet but all the BTS tea about it makes me think they were “together” but off like they claimed each other but it wasn’t the same way it used to be. And like afterwards when he didn’t come to her bday or she didn’t attend lallo it was like getting more sus. But then he still claimed her as his gf which makes me think they were on a break but not officially broken up. And then he stopped wearing the necklace and things got even more sus during September and I think they officially broke up when he left for filming. Like idk what happened during that time but they went from on a break to broken up. Which would explain the unfollowing, him not wearing the necklace, lizzy not following her and her not visiting him at all. I still held out hope even tho it seemed like she was free cause yk long distance and celebrity couples and all that even tho couples with busier schedules were making it work. But then now she’s in Peru while he’s in Canada idk I expected them meet up or like her to visit him. So for me it’s kind of official they’ve broken up but I’m waiting until the holidays since that’ll be the most telling time imo. And not to mention her cryptic tweets and him not mentioning her in anything post august.
I think Joe moved in with her so the place would still be her apartment. Idk the semantics about how he’s moving out or whatever but I do know he still claims Thelma as his dog. I feel like let’s are sort of like children especially for couples who don’t have any like you can leave your partner but you won’t leave your pet. So even if Thelma is with maika now he still thinks she’s his too yk? But anyway yeah things have been getting sus and for awhile now so I’m thinking they went from on/off (pre COVID/during COVID) to on a break to (ST4 filming) broken up (now)if that makes sense. I think they wanted to give the rs another shot but then called it off. I think for me what’s most telling is Joe going from mentioning her in every interview to not mentioning her at all since august, her not visiting him, and not posting about Djo stuff, and him not wearing the necklace.
Also about DM they’re not reliable per say especially about bigger celebs but she usually checks her sources out. And I don’t see why people would lie about a more private/smaller celeb like Joe and maika it wouldn’t get them that much clout in the first place
Also before anyone comes at me for being this nosy I’m a journalist irl and like everyday I have to look through and write about either boring or really dark things happening in the world and this is how I cope
Okay this was so thorough and not gonna lie I thoroughly enjoyed reading it all lol
But that would make sense. It obviously can’t be easy to have a relationship with someone who stays gone and busy so much, especially with both parties are like that. But I feel like you’re right and they may have been having problems longer than we even realize. But yeah things definitely gotten even more suspicious lately 👀
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