#anyway yeah behold gray-ace healer lady who is very much married to her job
chaoticspacefam ยท 2 years
๐Ÿ–Š (for anyone youโ€™d like to talk about)!
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Thank you so much for the ask, Mima! <3 Kinda in the mood to gush about a less main character today so have some random stuff about Paa! -Kissai's half-sister, she was the product of their father re-marrying after Kissai's mother died in the war. He fell for & married a Dathomirian Zabrak. Unfortunately (I hc that the reason we don't "see" hybrids in game, for a less stupid reason than "the devs couldn't be bothered so they made it not possible" /lh, is not necessarily because they don't exist but rather because (particularly when the mother is the non-Pureblood of the couple) they're prone to a LOT of complications during pregnancy and/or birth) her birth killed her mom so she was raised by her dad and older half-brother. -She ended up with a few (relatively minor) complications as a pre-teen/early teen which led to her father and Kissai seeking out Vastas (D'leah's father & the current Emperor at the time) on Korriban and asking if the Empress consort might be able to help her. Tangentially this is how Kissai ends up becoming D'leah's Wai Tarar bodyguard, as a sort of "paying the royals back for saving my sister's life and also I Have A Big Crush On The Heiress And Maybe Then She'll Notice Me" XD -Paa gets better pretty quickly with Saa'thri's more experienced healing techniques and the Empress consort ends up forming something of a (mentor/apprentice, to be clear for the weirdos I know are lurking around here smh) soft spot for Paa so she ends up apprenticed to her. And therefore ends up hanging around D'leah a lot and becoming friends with her.
-Poor Paa then ends up being the person stuck in the middle of all the UST between D'leah and her brother and she was The Most Exasperated about it even if she'd outright deny helping Vowrawn play cupid if asked. ๐Ÿ˜‚
-She looks like a Pureblood outwardly but does have some cool Zabrak anatomy. She has the two hearts for example (as she likes to call it, "doesn't matter if I get stabbed in the heart, I have a spare" XD), and her browstalks and jaw spurs are very much "static", they can't flex or move/rattle like a regular Pureblood's can because her Sith jaw spur/browstalk genes and Zabrak horn genes got a little scrambled so she ended up with spurs made entirely of bone instead of "bone supported by cartilage but still fairly mobile". This makes non-verbal communication with the other Purebloods very tricky since she can just about raise the browstalks like regular eyebrows but that's about as much as she can make them "move", and the ones on her jaw can't move at all.
-Eventually she and her family find a way to work around it. When D'leah loses the spurs/browstalk on the left side of her face to a concussion grenade injury, Paa helps Kissai to help D'leah adjust to a "new" non-verbal communication technique as it was a big change for D'leah to suddenly NOT be able to use all her spurs the way she was used to. (and thinking about it this prob solidified their friendship bc hey, Paa got it, she understood why D'leah was frustrated ;-; )
-Learnt everything there is to know about Force healing and a great many other ancient Sith techniques from D'leah's mother. She is fully and entirely capable of tearing someone in two with the Force if she wanted to. She just prefers not to and would rather use her talents to heal. Make no mistake tho if things get desperate she can and will wreck your shit to protect her family.
-Paa and D'leah are/were pretty good friends since they both trained with Saa'thri, often together as it gave them someone to "practise" with and this led to them becoming quite close despite the fact that Paa's a hybrid and that would otherwise be a "no no" to D'leah (yes, D'leah is a hypocrite, this is in character for her do not @ me /hj ๐Ÿ˜œ). Paa is probably one of the few "commoners" who can sass D'leah and get away with it because they're just that good of friends, even before Paa became her sister-in-law.
-I've mostly used Paa in the Zephyrverse AU RPs, but I love her so much that actually I do really want to try and shoehorn her into Subterfugeverse as well, I just...do not know how to yet ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿค˜ so that may or may not happen at all in the future, we'll see. Extremely Tired Healer Lady Wishes Her Stupid Family Would Stop Picking Fights That Result In Their Actual And/Or Near-Deaths, please and thank
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