#anyway yeah I'll try to work on it during the holidays
taonpest · 9 months
Lost souls 3rd chapter here I come
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blackhairedjjun · 8 months
rebound and restoration
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pairing: choi yeonjun x fem reader | genre / tropes: angst -> fluff, friends to lovers, post-breakup, non-idol au; ft. soobin + mentions of the rest of txt; reader is yeonjun's age (soobin calls reader "noona") | word count: 5.4k | warnings: post-breakup heartbreak, profanity, food, kissing
additional note: fic is mostly written but contains a few texts
summary: with his heart still aching after just getting dumped, yeonjun turns to you, one of his closest friends, for comfort. that is, until he kisses you - and your friendship starts to change.
author's notes: honestly i feel like if i don't post this soon i'll be dissatisfied with it forever and edit it endlessly and it'll never get past my drafts LOL perfect is the enemy of done!! anyway i wrote this while i was feeling stressed and insane during the holidays and wanted... an angsty kiss for whatever reason. lmao yeah
(support by reblogging banner by @cafekitsune)
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when yeonjun arrives at your apartment, it’s still early in the evening; the two bowls of pho you ordered for takeout are still hot, and you’ve left your laptop open at a selection of cheesy netflix rom-coms. perhaps the selection is a bit ironic, but you mused that the feel-good escapism is just what he needs.
he pulls you into a hug and you give him an extra squeeze and a few pats on the back. you can’t help but ruffle his hair a little as he pulls away. 
“hey, jjun...”
“how are you feeling?”
“ah, a bit better, i think.”
he gives you a slight smile, and you’re too relieved to notice that it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. it’s a miracle to you that he’s even smiling again two weeks after his breakup. you still remember the cracks in his voice when he called you after it had happened, the rims of his eyes red with crying when he finally crashed at your place half an hour later. that night you held him tight as he told the story to you in between sobs: hana had broken up with him over a call that lasted less than a minute. she was bored and tired of him and just stopped caring, she said, if he were a toy she could throw away if she didn’t want to play with it anymore.
you swallowed back the anger in your throat back then, though you couldn’t help the tears of your own that fell. now you push the anger back down again as you lead yeonjun to the small table at your kitchenette, one of the bowls of pho steaming in front of him. now is not the time for indignation; your friend needed comfort, and it’s comfort you will give.
yeonjun’s eyes light up at the sight of the pho. your heart swells, and you don’t hold it against him when he sits down ahead of you and picks up his chopsticks, ready to dig in. in between slurps he grins like he’s just received the best present of his life. “this is so good!” he said in between mouthfuls of noodles. “it’s been way too long since i had this.”
“i know! feels like we haven’t had this in ages.”
“remember when we tried to make our own?”
“oh god, not that!” you laugh, dropping your chopsticks. “we got impatient and that broth tasted like nothing.”
“your kitchen smelled like ginger though,” yeonjun recalls with a giggle. “it was nice visiting for a while.”
“my kitchen smelled like ginger more than the actual broth, jjun.”
“maybe we can try again one of these days? and if we mess up, at least you’ll have a nice-smelling kitchen again.”
all you can do in response is laugh, and for a moment you forget that you stopped having pho nights together when hana entered his life.
he fills you in on video game night with soobin and kai, shopping with beomgyu, and his so-called revenge gym day with taehyun; he beams with pride while describing his new weight record just as much as he does when talking about managing a hard-earned victory over soobin at tekken. you laugh along with him, knowing that his friends blocked out their schedules just to comfort him for a day. and when you talk about your new project at work and the new books you bought yourself as a treat, his eyes fill with that indescribable look you’ve seen before. you can’t quite place what it is, but it reminds you of afternoon light, of summer days, of lingering hugs after a long day together.
you don’t need to ask for yeonjun to help you clear out the table and pick up the snacks you set aside for your movie, and you make no effort to resist. there are no words exchanged: he simply places all the disposable pho bowls and chopsticks together, and you reach for a clean garbage bag and put them all in. the only communication between you is a shared look and a nod.
perhaps it’s just your imagination, but that look lingers a little longer than you’re used to, and you can’t help but give him a satisfied smile.
you’ve seen him look at hana that way, too many times to count, especially during that early-dating phase when the thrill of emotions was still high. you wondered what it was like to be on the receiving end of that gaze, for yeonjun to look at you as if you were the most precious thing in the world. and you wondered if hana really was that precious 一 if she were just as precious to him as you, his best friend, if not more so.
you let yeonjun select the movie. at first you doubt your idea to present him with rom-coms, of all things, but you let out a sigh of relief when he happily chooses one of them. both of you have seen this one many times over, but you don’t mind. there’s comfort in knowing that a happy ending is guaranteed to happen.
the two of you are slouched on your couch together, the laptop balanced on a pillow between the both of you. yeonjun sits close to you, an arm around your shoulder, a gesture that he hasn’t done with you since he started dating. you let yourself lean against him (so that you can see the screen better, you tell yourself). the two of you start a running commentary on the movie 一 “why would he say that?!” “aww, they look so cute together,” “oh god, that was so stupid!” 一 and both of your laughter fills the apartment, the sound like a duet in harmony.
it’s so easy this way, you think 一 just you and your best friend in your own little corner of the world. you steal a glance at yeonjun while he’s absorbed in the final confession scene, a soft smile on his lips and his eyes gleaming with anticipation for the big kiss. a string of memories flash before you before you can help yourself.
“she said yes,” he says, his whole face flush with excitement. “she said she’ll be mine.”
his hands are on your shoulders and he gives them a gentle squeeze. “there’s no way hana can’t like you. you’re one of my best friends, i’ll make sure you get along.”
“i think hana’s mad at me,” he tells you as he fiddles with the beanie in his hands. “but don’t worry about it, we’ll talk it out, i promise.”
his head is in his hands as you sit across him from a restaurant booth. “i don’t know what i did wrong, she looked so bored through the whole date...”
you hold him close as he sobs in your arms, his whole body shaking. “sh-she said she’s... tired of me…”
you snap back to reality as yeonjun glances at you, his head tilted. the ending credits of the movie have started to play. “are you okay?”
“i-i’m fine.” you reach out to touch his cheek, then hesitate. “are you okay?”
“i’m fine, y/n.” he picks up on the meaning of your words. “i know i looked really bad that night, but i’m getting better, i promise.”
“good.” your eyes meet his, and your cheeks grow warm. “we can have nights like this as many times as you want until you feel better, okay?”
“yeah, i know. i missed having nights like this, actually.”
“me too. i really liked it when we did this all the time...”
“i know. i’m sorry. hana didn’t like一”
“hey.” your hand comes up again and this time, you gently hold on to his cheek. “it doesn’t matter what she thinks anymore.”
“y/n... i’m really sorry. i feel like i neglected you, and you’ve been my friend for so long...”
tears form in his eyes, and you feel them warm against his cheek. you wipe them away with your thumb as you move closer to him. he continues to ramble as you do.
“i feel like an idiot. like a total dumbass.” the pitch of his voice begins to rise. “god, i was so convinced that hana and i were the perfect couple, that we’d be happy. i-i thought about her more than she d-did about me, y/n, and i stopped hanging out with you一 when you’ve always一”
“jjun, please don’t apologize anymore,” you say, your voice trembling. “i’ve never been mad at you over her, not even once. i just want you to feel better, okay? i... i just want to see you be yourself again.”
you want to see the yeonjun you’ve always loved.
you’ve lain awake at night wondering if he’s ever sensed your feelings for him, and if he’s ever felt the same way. on the day he told you that he and hana were officially together, you spent that night sobbing in your bed, convinced that your friend would never see you as a lover. and yet you said nothing of that night, and of other nights similar to it, because you told yourself that if hana made him happy, then you would be happy too.
and now you want more than anything to see him happy again.
yeonjun says nothing, but instead places a hand on top of the one you have resting on his cheek. you feel it trembling, but you don’t resist as he grasps your hand to intertwine his fingers with yours. he swallows hard to push back the rest of his tears, and his eyes soften. once again there’s that indescribable look of his that makes you feel light.
he says your name softly, as if in reverence. his face inches closer to yours and you don’t pull away; instead you feel lighter than ever, your gaze falling to his lips as your eyes flutter shut. everything that follows feels slow, gentle; his nose brushing against yours, then your lips on his.
he kisses you slowly at first, but as you kiss him back you fill with a new fervor, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting him wrap his arms around your waist to pull your body flush against his. warmth blooms in your chest, and every movement of yours betrays your feeling: your lips moving against his, your hands making their way into his hair. you want to kiss him until the pain he feels has been replaced by the love you have for him 一 i love you, i love you, i love you.
you’re completely absorbed in him and let out a soft sigh when yeonjun snaps out of it 一 he breaks apart from you, breathing hard, eyes wide as he’s hit by what he’s just done.
“shit, y/n一” he gets off the couch, one hand running through his hair over and over again. “i’m so sorry. fuck, i shouldn’t have done that一”
you’re snapped out of your trance as you stand up to chase after him. “jjun, hey, wait! listen to me—”
he’s picking up his bag from the foot of your couch. he can’t even look at you, instead occasionally letting out a shit or two under his breath.
“yeonjun, please一”
you stand in front of him to block his way from the exit. at first his head is bowed, avoiding your gaze, but when he finally looks up his expression is solemn.
“you are not a rebound to me,” he says at last. “please don’t ever think that i just used you to make me feel better.”
“i never accused you of that! look, i’m sorry too, it was my fa一”
“i’m really sorry, but i can’t stay here anymore. i’ll make it up to you, y/n, i promise.”
yeonjun walks past you and before you can protest any further, he’s out your door. you push it open and try to chase after him, but after a few steps you stop, thinking better of it. what would stopping him even do?
you walk back inside and slump back down on the couch. the screen of your laptop faintly glows, and a half-eaten bag of chips has fallen to the floor. all at once the reality of what happens sinks into you: the kiss, his words, his departure.
you are not a rebound to me. the words echo in your mind.
a strange tension fills you, and you can’t even tell what emotion it’s supposed to be from: confusion, frustration, anxiety. with your whole body seemingly on edge, you grab a throw pillow from the opposite side of your couch and press it into your face.
you sob into it the tension crashes down on you in full force.
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for the next few nights the scene replays in your dreams: yeonjun leaning in ever closer towards you, your lips meeting his in a fervent kiss 一 each night’s dream-kiss more fervent than the last 一 and him suddenly pulling away. you awaken each time just as he breaks the kiss, the shock and confusion coursing through you again, and immediately after you reach for your bedside table to check your phone.
still no text from yeonjun.
you consider texting him again, but each time you type a new message you erase it, the blinking cursor driving you mad. how would you even know what to say? do you want to apologize? to beg for his forgiveness? to ask if you can still be friends?
you hate to admit it, but every morning you lie in bed for a few moments more to allow the dream to sink in. the look on yeonjun’s face appears vivid to you, from his eyes blown wide to his mouth slightly agape. your mind travels back to the moment he breaks the kiss, as if a sudden force pushed him away, the shock of it hitting you. then it wanders to the kiss itself, the feeling of his lips soft against your own, his arms warm as they hold you by the waist…
you shake the memory away, drag yourself out of bed, and continue on with your routine: breakfast, shower, get dressed. you resist the urge to check your phone for as long as you can. you stare at the little contact photo you set of yeonjun and remind yourself: you’re his friend. you need to help him heal. 
you recount your worries to soobin over snacks one day.
“i feel like i’m being selfish,” you say in between munches of potato chips. “he hasn’t even moved on from hana”— soobin winces at the acridity you mutter her name with—“and now one of his closest friends kisses him like she’s madly in love. how is he supposed to move on? he’s hurting enough as it is.”
soobin sets aside the bag of chips you just finished. he rubs his face with his hands as he tries to choose his words carefully.
“you’re not being selfish, noona. you sound like you’re trying to be careful so that you don’t hurt him,” he says at last. “and yeonjun hyung feels just as bad about it. he feels bad that he even started the kiss, and for making you feel like a rebound. you two sound like each other, to be honest.”
“i know he feels bad, it’s just 一 i don’t know how that will fix...” you wave your hands wildly in the air, “this.”
“you can start by talking to each other?”
“he didn’t reply to my last texts. and i… i don’t know if i should text him again.”
a moment of silence. soobin opens a pack of candy and chews on it, just to give himself time to think. he fiddles with his phone as he does, absentmindedly scrolling through his old texts, when one of them catches his eye.
“so, there’s this new restaurant that beomgyu wants to check out.”
“really, soobin, what does this have to—”
“he was thinking of inviting all of us there to hang out,” he continues. “including you and yeonjun hyung. we can plan for it a week or two from now so that you have space? and then you can get used to talking to him again there. if things get awkward, i can ask beomgyu to fill in.”
you purse your lips. “i dunno, i might cry if i see his face again.”
“if you don’t feel like it, just call in sick.” soobin’s mouth twitches into a small grin as he says it — you know he’s used that excuse to get away from social situations he doesn’t want to be in. now you’re starting to see the appeal of it.
“okay. i’ll think about it.”
ultimately you do decide to go, and two weeks later you’re the first to arrive at the restaurant. you can feel your hands trembling as you push the door open and your heart hammering in your chest. in your head you’ve prepared what you want to say to yeonjun and you mentally rehearse your words for the hundredth time.
you slide right into the booth and take a deep breath. you check your phone to keep yourself busy, letting yourself calm down until your hands have stopped shaking. as you’re scrolling through your camera roll looking at some memes beomgyu sent you, someone slides into the booth seat opposite yours.
“hey, y/n.”
yeonjun gives you a shy smile and the nervousness in your stomach kicks into overdrive. he looks much better now; the bags under his eyes have lessened, and his smile seems genuine. still, you can’t help but remember the last time you saw him, and you shudder.
he sees your reaction and winces, averting his gaze. when he speaks, his voice is soft. “y/n... are we okay?”
the question breaks you and whatever words you have prepared fly out of your mind. as you try to grasp at them again, tears prick at your eyes.. “yeah... yeah, we’re okay,” you say. you take a gulp of water to hold back the tears. “i was never mad at you, jjun, i’ve been worried out of my mind一”
“i’m sorry i never replied to your texts.” he places his hands atop your trembling ones. “i just felt so ashamed that i didn’t know how to face you.”
“and i’m sorry i never tried texting you again, i just didn’t know what you thought of me, and i was so scared that i lost you...”
“i was so scared that i lost you.”
you sniffle. “that makes both of us then. god, we were so stupid.”
“i missed you, y/n.”
“i missed you too, jjun.”
you let out a laugh of relief and he laughs too. with the sound of his laughter melding with yours, everything else seems to melt away: the tears in your eyes, the other noises of the restaurant, the baggage of the last two weeks. sitting before you is your old friend, holding onto your hand to comfort you, laughing together with you just like you always have. 
and just as always, you want nothing more than for your friend to be happy.
“so,” you begin, giving him the most reassuring smile that you can muster, “let’s start over?”
yeonjun glances down at the table, but you can see his eyes crinkling as they usually do when he smiles. “yeah, let’s do that.”
when beomgyu enters the restaurant right afterwards, all it takes is one glance at the scene before him to understand what happened. he turns his head towards you, meeting your gaze, and you give him a nod.
it’s going to be okay.
the kiss becomes an unspoken part of your history together, never mentioned and never acknowledged. you stop searching for hidden meanings to it, and instead settle on the explanation that it was simply a spur-of-the-moment reaction from pent-up post-breakup emotions. it doesn’t matter to you whether or not this explanation is true; it’s the explanation that gives you the most peace of mind, and that’s what matters. as the days pass, you think of it less and less, and eventually it is filed away in your memory, like a book never checked out of the library collecting dust. 
in the meantime, you pour your energy into rebuilding both your friendship with yeonjun as well as his fragile heart. the first few hangouts with just the two of you are awkward with a tinge of melancholy, with conversations feeling a little too short. fortunately, your shared friends are there to help: you and yeonjun are invited to video game nights at soobin’s, or a cute new cafe that kai wants to check out, or just a walk around the park. the silences feel less awkward when it’s quickly filled by a joke from beomgyu or witty remark from taehyun.
from time to time you see the shine in yeonjun’s eyes disappear, even for just a moment, when he encounters something that reminds him of “the ‘h’ word” (as beomgyu refers to her): a park bench where they had a date, or a dress on a passerby that looks a lot like something she would wear. sometimes one of his friends would recognize it and quickly divert his attention elsewhere. soon those diversions occur less and less often as fewer and fewer things remind yeonjun of her.
but things don’t truly feel normal to you until a month and a half later. your project at work has gone well, and yeonjun has completed the first draft of a mixtape he’s making. just as you muse to yourself that a reward would be nice, your phone buzzes.
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that afternoon you and yeonjun stroll down the shopping district a few minutes away from his house, trying on this and that. it isn’t long before you find yourself spending over your budget; it’s hard not to when yeonjun is constantly egging you to buy something you really want. “c’mon, y/n,” he whines as you put back another cute button-down on the rack. “you deserve it! you can wear it to work for the next phase of your project!”
he giggles when he sees your eyes light up at his words. “we do have another presentation for it,” you muse.
still, you draw the line when you spot an elegant tan jacket worn by one of the storefront mannequins. you stare at it longingly as if you’ve found your soulmate, and yeonjun sweet-talks you into entering the shop and trying it on. but when you see the hefty price tag on it, you sigh.
“i can’t justify this, jjun…”
“but you look great in it! and you want it so much. you’ll feel worse if you don’t get it.”
“maybe…” you glance down at the shopping bags in your hand. “i dunno, i’ve spent so much already.”
you sigh in defeat and turn back to the store exit before you can second-guess yourself. yeonjun doesn’t follow immediately, but instead watches you go as he lingers a bit longer.
later that day, the two of you sort through all the things you bought (mostly clothes and accessories, but also a vinyl for yeonjun and a novel for yourself) in between giggles and wide eyes and a shower of compliments. yeonjun puts on a completely new outfit for you and struts down his apartment like a runway model, and he pulls you up from the floor to do the same. soon you’re laughing and clapping at each other’s performances, and yeonjun even whips out his phone to take photos of each other’s best looks.
as you rummage through your haul for one more outfit to assemble, your eyes land on a familiar spot of tan fabric. your mouth falls open when you pull it out and see that jacket — the one you’re pretty sure you didn’t buy. you glance up at yeonjun and he licks his lips before forming a mischievous grin.
“jjun, is this...”
“it’s yours.”
“you didn’t have to一”
“i saw the way you were looking at it, y/n. i just had to get it for you. c’mon, put it on.”
hesitantly, you take off the jacket you’re already wearing and put on the new one. it fits perfectly, just a little loose to let air flow in, and you love how it frames your figure. yeonjun is still smiling at you, but it’s a different smile. he looks at you as if you’ve transformed in front of him.
“you look really pretty,” he says. “let me take a few pics, okay?”
he snaps a few photos of you and you pose for the camera, and a comforting warmth settles over you. if this happened a few months earlier, you would have blushed and your heart would be doing somersaults, but now all you feel is a light flutter. everything feels fit in, like the final piece of a puzzle slotting into place.
you lock eyes with yeonjun as he takes the last photo and puts his phone away. as you whisper “thank you” to him, the gleam in his eyes is reflected in your own. there it is, that indecipherable look of his that makes you feel warm.
you still love him 一 there’s a part of you that still knows that. but over the last month and a half you’ve simply learned to live with your feelings, letting them fill you with lightness for a few moments and then letting them go. feelings or not, you’re just glad to have yeonjun in your life again. even as a friend, his presence is a soothing balm against the stresses of life.
months later, yeonjun is sprawled on your couch again, his head on your shoulder as you scroll through your list of rom-coms on your laptop. at one point the two of you resumed your pho and rom-com nights, and you’re glad for it; few things give you as much comfort after a long week of work.
after scrolling back and forth a few times, you pause on the same movie you’ve always watched together and give him a quick look. he simply smiles.
“don’t you get sick of this one?” you ask.
“not really, the ending always feels nice. are you… tired of it?”
“no no, i— i was worried that you’re tired of it.”
“me? never.”
“perfect, ‘cause i’m not either.” you give him a knowing grin and press play.
at this point you both know this movie so well that you recite along to every line. you do the female lead’s lines, yeonjun does the male lead’s, and you even sing along to the soundtrack. yeonjun stretches out on your couch even more, his head ending up in your lap, and in the movie’s quiet moments you find yourself playing with his hair. when the big confession happens you can feel him holding his breath and then releasing it in a laugh when the two leads finally kiss.
the credits roll and he glances up at you, smiling in satisfaction. you smile too and hum along to the end credits song. as the movie ends, you let yourself bask in it: you stretch out your arms, yeonjun sits up to lean on your shoulder again, and you lay your head atop his. the two of you remain like that for a while, sitting in comfortable silence.
“don’t you ever get jealous of them?” you ask.
you feel his head shake a bit as he chuckles. “i hate to admit it, but yeah. rom-coms always make getting together look so... fun.”
“right? i wish my life was like that.”
“god, me too.”
“i swear, it drives me insane,” you huff. “every time i watch this i want to start dating again or something.”
a few more moments of silence. yeonjun lets out a soft exhale and you feel his body grow tense. the air in your apartment seems stuffier.
“speaking of which, i have to tell you something.” 
you’ve never heard yeonjun sound so solemn. his head weighs down on your shoulder. “y’know, i’ve been uh... thinking of dating again.”
“oh... where are you dating this time? did beomgyu set you up again?”
he shakes his head, looks up at you for a split second, then looks down at his hands. you see the tips of his ears turn pink.
“actually, i... i have someone mind. someone i want to ask out, i mean.”
with those words the feelings you’ve brushed aside for so long come back in full force. your heart beats so hard it feels like it’s slamming into your chest. when you speak, your voice shakes.
“oh... who’s the lucky one?”
“i-i’ve known her for a while. she’s sweet and fun to be around... we’ve been hanging out a lot more often these last few months. we get along really well, at least i think we do...”
“sounds like you have chemistry with this special girl,” you say, the words heavy on your tongue. the hammering of your heart floods your ears. “so what’s stopping you from asking her out?”
yeonjun sits up to face you fully. you sense the effort it takes for him to look at you 一 has he ever been like this around you before? 一 and you reach for his hands. they’re trembling, and his ears go from pink to red.
“a long time ago,” he starts, voice shaking, “i kissed her. i kissed her after my last breakup. and i wasn’t thinking straight, i was just so lonely that i wanted to be loved again 一 but i can’t do that to yo— to her, she’s one of my best friends, i don’t want yo— her to be a rebound 一 but then you said we could start over so we did and i dunno, at one point i started liking you, i fell so hard i don’t know wh一”
you interrupt him with a kiss, your lips gentle on his. you feel him kissing you back, his movements gentle as his hand comes up to hold your head in place. you find yourself pressed against him and he’s even warmer than you remember, warmer than those dreams you had so many months ago.
when you break apart, his eyes are glazed over in a look of pure admiration. 
“jjun, i...” heat spreads across your face. “i’ve loved you for years.”
“then why didn’t you say anything?”
“how could i? what if you didn’t feel that way and it ruined our friendship? and with all the other guys too?” your heart is still beating fast but you let out the words while your boldness still has a hold on you. “and then you dated hana and i cried but i wanted you to be happy 一 then you broke up and you kissed me and i liked it, and i hated myself for liking it because you were 一”
yeonjun pulls you into him, arms encircling you, and as you keep rambling into his chest he soothes you with one hand combing through your hair. his other arm grips you firmly, and your own arms find a firm hold around his neck.
“i love you too, y/n,” he whispers into your hair before leaving a kiss there. “it’s okay.”
“i love you, so much...”
he pulls apart to get a good look at your face. as he sees a few tears start to roll down your cheeks, he brushes them aside with his thumb.
“so this girl,” he says, affection lacing his words, “after we kissed, she said we could start over. and we did. and i’m really glad we did, because i fell for h一 for you so hard.”
you lean your head forward so that your forehead touches his. “really?”
“really. and i...”
“do you want to kiss her again?”
yeonjun’s breath hitches and his eyes meet yours. there it is 一 that same look of his that makes you feel light. the one that, you realize, makes you feel loved.
“can i?”
“please,” you whisper.
he closes the gap between your lips and his, and this time you feel only relief and bliss.
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
All yours (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**So I got a couple of requests to write about being on holiday with Rúben after he posted some holiday content. And a more specific one involved this sort of fwb situation with some jealousy in the mix that inspired me a lot. And this is what I came up with. I always appreciate any feedback but this time it'd be interesting to know your thoughts since the tone and vibe (not the topic itself completely) of this is similar to a Rúben series I need to continue working on. So it'd be amazing to know how you guys feel about it. Enjoy reading!! ❤️**
Word count: 2947
"You're coming with us to our holiday, right?", asked Rúben when you got out of the shower.
"I don't know".
"What do you mean you don't know? You've travelled with us for the last 5 years. Do you have better plans?"
"I just…I don't know if it's the best idea now that…you know".
He got closer to you, smirking. "I might be having memory problems. Now that what?"
"You'll have other problems if you don't remove that annoying smug grin from your ugly face", you said, rolling your eyes and making him laugh.
When you tried to walk towards your closet, he stopped you wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Do you mean", he said, leaving kisses on your neck, "now that we stay in each other's beds instead of the guest rooms during our sleepovers? Because I only see that as a bigger reason for you to be there. I'm sure we'll find a way to have some alone time".
"But this is just something casual, Rúben. You’ve said it many times. What if I cockblock you? Or worse…you cockblock me!"
You noticed his arms holding you tighter for a heartbeat before he let go of you.
"We'll be fine. Please come with us, the boys always want you there. I want you there. You know that".
There was something in his tone that made you stop. Did he sound a bit…sad? But why would he? It’s just the summer holidays.
“Where are you going anyway? Same as always?”
“No, we’re going to Miami”.
He looked at your reaction, knowing you’d wanted to visit Miami for years. That was actually one of the reasons why he suggested that place as an option in the first place.
“I mean…”.
“I’ll send you the info when I finish booking everything”.
“I didn’t say yes, Rúben”.
“You said it with your eyes”.
“Oh yeah? What are my eyes saying now?”, you asked, glaring at him. “Stop smirking! You’re so annoying!”
"We are going to have so much fun!"
"Nothing is going to happen there. No one can know about this…arrangement. Or we'll never hear the end of it".
"Try and be a bit more quiet, then".
He was still laughing when the pillow hit his face and you took that opportunity to go get dressed. And to start planning what to pack for Miami.
"I'm so hungover", you said when your little group of friends was waiting at the airport for your flight to the US.
"You sit with Rúben, then. He's probably still hungover too from the celebrations".
"As long as he doesn't puke again…".
"You're all so funny", said Rúben, rolling his eyes. He wasn't hungover but really tired after such a long season.
"You take the window seat. I'll be sleeping most of the time, anyway".
Trying to get comfortable, you started to notice it was a bit chilly on the plane.
"I need my jacket and your brother has my bag. I'll be right back", you said, trying to get up but Rúben stopped you.
"Just wear my hoodie", he took it off and put it in your lap, but instead of taking it you just stared at it. "What?"
"It's just that, wearing your clothes…that’s like couple stuff. And we’re not a couple".
"It's something you've done your entire life. Don't try to make it weird just because we are sleeping together now".
"Rúben!", your eyes widened and you also noticed the man sitting to your left staring at you two.
But he just shrugged and put his headphones on, ready to watch a movie. So you took the hoodie and put it on before trying to fall asleep quickly. But seeing Rúben sitting next to you made it harder to sleep. This whole friends with benefits thing was fun. I mean, it was Rúben you got to sleep with. But it was also…weird. You had always been friends and how were you supposed to go back to just friends once one of you found a partner? And why did that idea feel so wrong right now?
"Can't sleep?", he asked when he looked at you and saw you staring at his movie.
You shook your head, sighing.
"Come here".
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. Come closer so you can cuddle me. You'll fall asleep quicker".
"You think so highly of yourself, Dias…".
But you did as he said, moving closer so you could put your arms around his waist and place your head on his chest. His arm was around your shoulder and his hand kept caressing the top of your arm. And even if you were overanalyzing a gesture that was so normal for you two, in just a couple of minutes, you were already sleeping.
Sleeping on the plane meant you were ready to enjoy the rest of the day once you landed in Miami. Everyone else just wanted to go to the beach and rest but you were itching to go out to explore the city.
"Come on!! It's so early. Let's go find somewhere to eat and then we can walk around the area".
"I'll go with you".
When Rúben spoke, everyone looked at him and you started to worry about them suspecting something. He was always volunteering to be with you, no matter what you suggested.
"Cool, Rúben can go with you and be your bodyguard for tonight".
"We aren't going to let you run around all alone in a foreign country…and at night".
"You don't even let me run around my hometown", you muttered, rolling your eyes at how overprotective they all were.
"You are like a little sister to us. We have to protect you. So off you go with big bro Rúben".
Shaking your head, you turned to leave the hotel, noticing Rúben right behind you.
For the first couple of minutes, you two walked in silence. You were too busy staring at your surroundings to say anything. And then you noticed Rúben putting his arm around your shoulders.
"What are you doing?"
"There are some weird guys looking at you".
"Thank you, big brother. What would I do without your protection?"
Rúben didn't find your sarcasm funny and when you were walking past an alley a couple of seconds later, he made you both walk inside it so he could push you against the wall and kiss you.
"I'm not your brother".
"You aren't my boyfriend either".
He shook his head, looking like he wanted to say more but not doing it. "Let's keep walking".
When you got back to the hotel, a part of you was hoping he would ask you to go to his room. Or that he would follow you to yours but he only wished you a goodnight and left you outside of the lift.
That's where you found him and the rest of the gang the next morning.
"Ready for today?"
"What's the plan?", you asked, hoping they didn't just plan on staying at the beach all day.
"Breakfast, beach, sightseeing and night out".
"I love that plan", you said, clapping your hands. "Maybe we can go shopping too".
After you had some breakfast, you moved to the private area of the beach so you could relax on the sunbeds for a couple of hours.
"I need sunscreen on my back!", you said, lifting your arm that held the bottle until someone grabbed it. You didn't even know who did, but when you placed your head on the sunbed, you saw Rúben sitting a couple of sunbeds away from you. So it wasn't him.
You closed your eyes, trying to relax. But anyone who bothered looking at Rúben's face would have noticed the tension in his features. He knew neither his brother nor his friends were interested in you in that way. They really meant it when they said you were like a sister to them. But still, seeing another man's hands on your body filled him with rage. He wanted to be the one putting the cream on your back and shoulders, leaving kisses all over your body while he applied it. But he had to look from afar. And it ruined his mood for the whole day.
By the time you made it to the hotel, you only had 30 minutes to get ready. But you already planned some cute outfits for the nights out so you ended up getting ready in less than half an hour.
"You're wearing that?"
His friend's words made Rúben look up.
"We are not doing this, boys. It's just a dress".
"One of us by your side the whole time, yeah", they joked.
"You'll have to catch me first!", you laughed, running outside of the hotel and making all your friends get up quickly to follow you.
You were so busy looking behind you that you didn't notice someone walking in front of you until you bumped into him.
"Oh my God! Sorry".
"It's ok", he said, holding your arm to steady you. "Are you ok? Were you running away from someone?"
His concern made you smile. And the fact that he was cute didn't hurt. "My friends but as a joke. They are alright…and right there".
"And they are all men".
"Yeah", you laughed. "But they act like little boys most of the time".
When they got to where you, and a stranger, were, they didn't know what to do. It was always hilarious to you how they didn't understand the concept of you talking to other men. You were one of the lads to them, but in moments like that, they realized you weren't a lad.
"We were going to grab a drink at a bar, do you want to come with us?"
"Sure", the guy, Sean, said. And you introduced him to everyone before making your way to the bar.
To say that Rúben wasn't happy would be an understatement. He just kept staring at you and Sean, while you were laughing and dancing. It should be him doing that with you, not a random dude whose last name you didn't even know.
"Another drink? How obvious".
"What are you muttering, grumpy?", asked his brother, who knew more than you and Rúben thought.
"Nothing…but I mean, what's that? The third drink he buys for her? We all know what he's trying to do".
"We are here to avoid that, stop worrying. No one is hurting her while we are around".
"I don't know. Maybe she wants it. Maybe she wants him".
Everyone could hear the bitterness in Rúben's voice.
"When she should want you, right?"
Rúben cleared his throat, not wanting to look at his brother after being so obvious.
"Do you think I don't know about you two?"
That made him look. "How would you…".
"You're not as discreet as you think you are but I get you wanted to keep it a secret so whatever", he shrugged. "What I didn't know was that there was more".
"You couldn't be more jealous, Rúben".
"It's just something casual. But she's my friend…".
"No, she's my friend. That's why I'm careful to look her way every once in a while just in case she needs me. You are just looking at him and fantasizing about breaking his nose, probably".
Rúben shook his head and left to go to the bathroom. He just needed to splash some cold water on his face to hopefully get his common sense back. You were just friends with benefits. He didn't get to be jealous.
"Hey, bro".
Of course, it had to be Sean who he found in the bathroom. "Hey! Having a good time?"
"Do you have to ask?", he laughed, and Rúben didn't like that laugh at all. "Your friend is so hot. Is she good in bed too? She has to be, right?"
"How would I know? She's just my friend".
"Right…if my group of friends had a hot chick like her in it, we would all be just friends. Of course".
"What are you insinuating about her?".
Sean didn't realise how much bigger than him Rúben was until they were almost face to face.
"The way you all joke, the way she dresses…and she just invited me to buy her drinks before she even asked my name. Do you want me to believe you haven't all at least tried it once? I know girls like her".
Rúben pushed Sean against the wall, lowering his voice to try to not make a scene. But making sure his voice was menacing enough for Sean to get the message that he could break his nose, like his brother suggested, very easily.
"You don't know her at all. And what you're going to do is go out and excuse yourself and leave. Or you'll regret every word you've said about her…and all the ones you thought but didn't say out loud. Am I clear?"
Sean swallowed and nodded. And Rúben moved back just enough to allow him to leave the bathroom but to also take note of how strong Rúben really was.
He took a couple of deep breaths before going out and when he did, he couldn't believe what he saw. Not only was Sean still there, one of his hands was on your waist and he was whispering things in your ear.
Without saying a word to anyone, he walked towards you two and when Sean saw him, he just smiled.
"You don't want to make a scene here, do you?"
"What are you talking about?", you asked, looking from Sean to Rúben, confused about the whole situation.
"We are leaving", said Rúben, grabbing your hand so you can follow him.
"What? No! Why would I leave? I'm chatting with Sean".
"The guy who calls you a whore the moment you're not around? No, you are coming with me".
"He called her a what?"
All of your friends were now surrounding Sean. But you didn't care about any of them, tired of their overprotective nature towards you. So you let go of Rúben's hand and got out of the bar.
Rúben followed you, worried about your reaction.
"Wait! Stop walking. You're not even going in the right direction!"
"Maybe I'm going in the right direction because I'm going as far away from you as possible!"
"You didn't hear what he said about you. It was disgusting".
"If I want to be with a disgusting guy, it's my problem!"
"Now you're being ridiculous. Should we let you be taken advantage of?"
You finally stopped walking and turned to look at Rúben.
"What do you want from me? You are confusing me so much that my head is fucking spinning! First, you want us to just be fuck buddies and nothing else. Then you act all jealous whenever I talk to a guy but you keep on going out with girls so…how does that work? Do I get to be jealous too? Or it's only you who can?"
Rúben didn't know what to say. Because he was the first one confused by what he felt.
"What is it, Rúben? Because I don't know. And now you do what? Defend my honour? As if you were my boyfriend".
"You didn't hear what he said about you", he repeated, still mad at Sean's words.
"Let me guess. He thinks I'm fucking all of you, right? Like literally every man I meet that finds out I have a group of friends with only men in it", when you saw Rúben's face, you let out a sad laugh. "He was going to be a one-night stand, Rúben. Not my future husband. Who cares what he thinks about me?"
"I do! Hearing him say those things about you…".
"I said it the other day and I'll say it again. Rúben, you aren't my boyfriend. Stop acting like you are".
He swore under his breath when you started to walk again.
"Let's change that, then".
"Change what?"
"Let me be your boyfriend".
This time you stopped walking but feared turning to face him. Those were the words you had been dying to hear since the day you kissed while watching a movie months ago. You expected him to tell you he felt the same way about you. That he had been in love with you for years too. But he just proposed the stupid friends with benefits arrangement. And you said yes because at least you got to have him in some way. But it wasn't enough. You kept pushing him, telling him you weren’t a couple when he acted like your boyfriend. You wanted him to react. And he finally did.
"Don't just say it because you are angry at a dude calling me names, Rúben. You don't get to play with my feelings like that".
"I'm not playing. I thought I was scared of losing you as a friend but…I was just scared of facing my feelings. Of telling you how I felt and seeing you rejecting me".
"How do you feel?"
"I love you. And I know it's not the first time I tell you that but …I don't mean love as a friend. I mean, that too, of course. But I'm also in love with you. And I have been for a while"
He didn't know how to interpret the tears in your eyes. But a hug was always a good option, right?
"I love you too. But I need all of you, Rúben. Not just the little bits I've been getting these past months. It’s all or nothing".
"You have it all. All of it. I'm all yours. And I need you to be mine".
"I already am".
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primaviva · 9 months
blue christmas; león kennedy
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featuring. leon kennedy x fem!reader
synopsis. you’ll have a blue christmas without leon, or will you?
warnings. minor angst, mostly fluff. also my first leon fic! (i’m terrified)
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once again, it was christmas time, a season meant for cherished togetherness. the air was supposed to be filled with the warmth of loved ones, snuggled in front of a crackling fire, adorning the tree together, relishing in the joy of classic christmas movies, and immersing themselves in the enchanting spirit of the holidays.
but for you, that idyllic scene remained elusive—something you never quite experienced when dating an agent.
leon, your boyfriend, was constantly thrown into classified missions, shrouded in secrecy. there were times he couldn't even disclose the nature of his work, which meant you were well aware that a festive christmas break wasn't likely to be granted amidst his tireless efforts of dismantling organizations and gathering crucial intelligence.
during moments like these, you sought solace in solitude, confronting your sadness directly. you declined all invitations for plans during the final week leading up to christmas. a glimmer of hope remained that he would be present, and you wanted to ensure ample time to be with him. however, a sense of unease lingered, drawing you to want you to reject the idea of spending the holiday with anyone other than him and your family.
with a heavy sigh, you reluctantly left your warm bed, resigning yourself to the familiar routine of tending to daily errands and tidying up the house. nestling into the couch, you absentmindedly flipped through the channels, the repetitive christmas movies playing for the fifth time that week. then, a buzzing sound breaks the monotonous atmosphere.
your heart leaped with joy as you saw exactly who was calling. it was leon.
his calls were infrequent during his missions, making each one a precious and treasured moment. you never knew when you would get to hear his voice again, so you answered eagerly, your giddy anticipation evident in your high-pitched voice as you called out, "leon?" through the speaker.
"hey there, beautiful," leon's voice comes through the speaker, warm and familiar. "i hope i didn't catch you at a bad time."
a radiant smile illuminated your face as you responded, "no, not at all. there's not much to do anywhere with this snowstorm anyway." your gaze drifted towards the window, captivated by the swirling white fog gliding over the water, the snowflakes dancing amidst the relentless gusts of wind, their delicate forms adhering to the windowpane. "i’m about to binge another round of christmas movies," you added, a touch of wistfulness in your voice. "so, what's on your mind, leon?"
there's a slight pause on the other end, and you can almost hear him hesitating before he speaks again. "listen, i know it's christmas eve and all, and i hate that i can't be there with you. but this mission... it’s longer than i expected."
your heart sinks at his words, disappointment flooding your system. this was the same story every year, but it still hurt to hear it. "oh, leon," you say, trying to hide the disappointment in your tone. you were always polite with your sadness, like a little kid not wanting to deliver bad news, you didn’t want to ruin him because of yourself. "i was really looking forward to spending christmas with you. but i understand, duty calls, right?"
there's a tinge of sadness in his voice as he responds, "yeah, duty calls. i promise i'll make it up to you when i get back. we'll have our own little belated christmas celebration, just the two of us."
you can't help but let out a small chuckle. "you better make it a good one, kennedy. maybe i'll even let you take over the cooking for once," you tease, trying to lighten the mood.
leon's laughter comes through the phone, and you can almost picture the playful smile on his face. "deal. just don't expect anything gourmet, okay?"
as you two continue your conversation, your disappointment slowly fades away. even though you won't have him physically by your side for christmas, knowing that he's safe and that you’ll have your own celebration when he returns brings you comfort. and in the end, that's all that matters.
that was the mindset you had to have—enjoy the moments you have with him, even when it seems to be few.
you giggled at his joke. “y’know for an italian, aren’t you supposed to know how to cook? kinda embarrassing if you ask me,” you tease, snuggling yourself into the blanket as you hear a low chuckle of his from the phone.
leon's chuckle grows louder on the other end of the line. "hey now, i never claimed to be a master chef. i've got other talents, you know," he retorts playfully.
"oh, is that so? and what other talents might those be?" you ask, feigning curiosity.
"well, for one, i can take down a horde of zombies with my eyes closed. i can make some pretty funny jokes if i do say so myself," he replies, coated in sarcasm. "oh, and let's not forget my impeccable ability to make you smile, even from miles away."
you can't help but laugh at his response, as corny as it is. it's true, leon has a way of making the toughest situations bearable with his humor, even with the dad jokes. "well, i guess i can forgive your lack of culinary skills then. just make sure you're ready to put on your apron when you're back, alright?"
"i'll do my best, but no promises," he states, amusement clear in his tone. "but hey, i've got a surprise for you when i get back. something i think you'll love."
your curiosity piques at his words. "oh really? now you got me curious. what is it?" you ask, unable to contain my excitement.
leon lets out a mischievous chuckle. "sorry, babe, can't spoil the surprise. you'll just have to wait and find out."
you groan, pretending to be disappointed. "you're such a tease, leon. but i guess i'll have to be patient."
"patience is a virtue, my love," he replies, his voice filled with warmth. "just a little longer, and then we can have our own christmas celebration, complete with whatever surprise i have in store for you."
you grin, feeling a surge of anticipation. "i can't wait. just make sure you come back to me in one piece, alright?"
"you got it. i'll be home soon. i love you," he promises, his voice filled with sincerity.
"i love you too, leon. stay safe," you reply, bringing the phone closer to your ear to hear every tone of his.
despite the disappointment of not being able to spend christmas together, you know that seeing leon after will make it all worth it. and for now, you’ll hold on to that thought, eagerly awaiting his return.
as the beep resonated from your phone, signaling the end of the call, a harsh reality settled in, causing you to slump back into the couch. despite the excitement of hearing from him, the sting of loneliness remained. you pondered whether leon truly understood the weight of your solitude, yet hesitated to voice your feelings, fearing it would burden him with guilt or worry amidst his own demanding circumstances. after all, he must be grappling with his own shit.
rising from the couch, you made your way to the christmas tree, reaching down behind it to plug the lights back into the socket. a growing smile adorned your face as the warm glow illuminated the room.
the christmas tree stood tall and proud in the corner of the room, its branches reaching upward like outstretched arms. it was adorned with an array of ornaments, each one holding a special significance and memory. the lights, now aglow, cast a soft, warm radiance that enveloped the tree, casting playful shadows on the surrounding walls. the branches were adorned with a delightful assortment of decorations, ranging from delicate glass baubles to whimsical handmade trinkets. shimmering silver and gold balls mingled with vibrant red and green ornaments, a harmonious blend of colors that captured the essence of the holiday season you adored. nestled among the branches were strands of sparkling tinsel, something that leon claimed to hate on trees but so desperately wanted to put on yours, that caught the light and added a touch of magic to the scene. handcrafted paper snowflakes, carefully cut and strung with thread, dangled delicately, evoking the whimsy of winter's first snowfall. at the very top of the tree, a glittering star shone brilliantly, serving as a guiding light to illuminate the room and symbolize the hope and joy of the season. leon had held you up on his shoulders for you to get that very star up there.
as you gazed upon the tree, its beauty and the memories it held washed over you, reminding you of how you and leon had happily adorned this tree together just a couple of weeks ago. now, you stood before it alone. you physically felt the silence of his hands wrapped around your waist as you peered up at the star, his chin on your shoulder as his breath hit your neck whilst whispering sweet nothings.
another sigh escaped your lips as you acknowledged the familiar reality of how your holiday was going to pan out.
determined not to dwell on it indefinitely, you pushed aside the melancholy and headed to the kitchen to prepare your breakfast. you knew that allowing yourself to be consumed by these emotions all day would not serve you well.
as you make your way to the kitchen, the smell of freshly brewed coffee fills the air. leon always made sure to set the coffee maker the night before, a small gesture that never failed to bring a smile to your face. but the smile wasn’t on your face, as he wasn’t here the night before or the nights before that. everything in your home seemed like an echo chamber of leon. though the house feels empty without leon's presence, you remind yourself that it's just temporary. he's out there, doing what he does best, and you couldn't be prouder of him. you know that his work is important, and sometimes sacrifices have to be made.
you pour yourself a cup, savoring the familiar taste and warmth. you grab a couple of eggs from the fridge and start preparing a simple breakfast. as you crack the eggs into the pan, you can't help but remember the times you’ve cooked together, laughing and joking around in the kitchen. you can still find joy in the small moments, even if it's just making breakfast for yourself. you turn on some music, filling the kitchen with some christmas classics, and start humming along as you cook.
as you sit down at the table, enjoying your breakfast, you glance at the calendar on the wall. christmas day is just around the corner, and you can't help but feel a twinge of excitement. soon enough, even if you hate how it is now, leon will be home.
you refuse to let the loneliness consume you. after finishing your breakfast, you clean up the kitchen and decide to fill your day with activities that can lift you up. whether it's going for a walk, reading a book, going on youtube for endless hours, hanging out with a friend, or even just watching more christmas movies, you’ll make the most of this day.
speaking of a friend, one of your friends had invited you to a christmas eve party a couple of days ago. however, at that time, you were deeply immersed in your emotions and sought solace in your own sorrows of being alone. but now, you've reached a turning point. the time for crying and being consumed by your emotions has passed.
you grab your phone and swiftly send a text to your friend, inquiring if the party is still happening. after a brief moment, you receive a reply confirming that the party is indeed taking place.
a surge of excitement rushes through you as you realize that attending the party would serve as the perfect distraction. it's an opportunity to spend time with friends, indulge in a drink or two, embrace the stupid holiday festivities, and momentarily let you forget the absence of leon.
as night fell, you wasted no time in preparing for the occasion. slipping into a stunning, curve-hugging short red dress, you embraced the perfect color for the festive season. its vibrant hue radiated celebration and joy. accompanied by elegant heels, every step exuded glamour.
attention to detail was paramount, so you meticulously selected accessories to complete your ensemble. your signature hoops and rings adorned your ears and fingers, adding a personal touch of style. but you didn't stop there. to harmonize with the season, you chose a few matching bracelets, flawlessly complementing the red dress.
turning your focus to your face, you skillfully applied makeup in a warm, natural palette, harmonizing with the enchanting christmas theme. subtle earthy tones accentuated your features, while a hint of shimmer on your eyelids added a touch of festive sparkle. a sweep of lip gloss provided a luscious glow, completing the radiant look.
before stepping out, you took a moment to enhance your curls. with a touch of product, you breathed new life into your locks, giving them refreshed volume that cascaded gracefully around your shoulders.
now fully prepared, you were ready to embrace the night, exuding confidence and capturing the spirit of the occasion.
with a sense of finality, you diligently switched off all the lights, the stove, and the remaining appliances. as the last item on your checklist, you knelt down to unplug the christmas tree, a tinge of melancholy tugging at the corners of your lips as you observed the once-bright lights flicker and fade into darkness. retrieving your keys from the coffee table, you approached the front door and closed it with a resolute click, sealing the chapter of your time within.
as you stepped out into the night, a cool breeze greeted you, whispering a farewell as you pressed the button on your car keys. a satisfying beep resonated from your vehicle, parked diligently in front of your house, punctuating the moment. slipping into the comforting embrace of the front seat, you took a moment to gather yourself, preparing to start the car.
as you make your way to the address, the air is filled with the lively sound of remixed holiday music and laughter. instantly, your energy shifts, and you feel a surge of excitement as you prepare to join the festivities.
upon entering, you find the party in full swing, with vibrant decorations adorning every corner and the delightful hum of friends and acquaintances mingling. across the room, you spot your friend, who eagerly waves you over with a warm smile.
twinkling lights illuminate every room, casting a warm, festive glow. garlands and wreaths, adorned with pinecones, holly berries, and shimmering ornaments, grace the walls and banisters, emanating the scent of fresh pine. the fireplace crackles with a cozy fire, casting dancing shadows on the walls. tables are adorned with holiday-themed centerpieces, featuring arrangements of poinsettias, candles, and miniature winter scenes. delicate snowflake decorations dangle from the ceilings, creating a whimsical atmosphere. everyone arrived dressed in their holiday best. other girls such as yourself don elegant cocktail dresses in rich colors, such as deep reds, emerald greens, and shimmering golds. some opt for fashionable jumpsuits or tailored pantsuits, exuding sophistication and style. the men present sport sharp suits or smart casual attire, complemented by festive touches like velvet blazers or patterned ties.
as you immerse yourself into the party, a profound sense of belonging washes over you. the room echoes with laughter, shared stories that make you blush, and an all-encompassing festive atmosphere. the night unfolds with drinks being passed around, party games igniting the atmosphere, and an abundance of delicious food and desserts to satisfy your cravings. witnessing spontaneous moments like people taking shots of coquito from another's belly button brings a carefree and joyful spirit to the occasion, exactly the kind of fun you needed.
in this lively setting, you let loose, embracing the merriment, and allowing yourself to simply revel in the happiness of the present moment.
as the night draws to a close, you say your goodbyes, feeling a little uplifted. the party had been a perfect distraction, you just dreaded going home to the silence you once shared with your lover.
you smile gratefully at your friend, feeling the warmth the her hug she encases you in. "thank you," you say sincerely. "i really did need this. it was a great distraction, and i had so much fun."
her embrace reminds you of the support and understanding that you have in your life. it's moments like these that make you appreciate the importance of having people to lean on.
returning her hug, you express your gratitude once more. "i'm lucky to have a friend like you. thanks for inviting me and being there for me. it means a lot."
“of course, don’t stress it,” she replies nonchalantly. as she walks you to your car, talking as much as you can before you have to go astray, eventually you part ways with her.
you slip into your car, starting the engine as you embark on the journey back home. the anticipation of returning to the quiet solitude of the house weighs heavily on you. eventually, you navigate through the drive-through and park your car, eager to reach the front door swiftly, mindful of the cold creeping up your bare legs, accentuated by your short dress. with haste, you insert the key into the lock, feeling a sense of relief as the door swings open. stepping inside, you swiftly turn to lock the door behind you, the click of the lock providing a small measure of comfort.
rubbing your tired eyes, exhausted from the emotional roller coaster of the day, you fumble to flip the light switch, craving the clarity of illumination. as the room floods with light, your senses jolt awake at the sight of someone familiar, causing you to momentarily snap out of your weariness.
“leon?” you voice, taken aback by his appearance.
leon stands in the middle of the living room, a mischievous smile on his face. he holds up a bouquet of flowers and a small gift, his eyes filled with warmth and excitement. he looks at you, his voice dripping with charm.
"surprise," he murmurs, a smile forming at the side of his mouth as he spoke. "i couldn't stay away for christmas after all."
your heart skips a beat as you take in the sight of him, unable to believe that he's actually here. the exhaustion and dread you felt just moments ago vanish, replaced by an overwhelming sense of happiness and relief.
you rush towards him, your eyes welling up with tears as you throw your arms around him, embracing him tightly. "leon! i can't believe it! you're really here!" you exclaim, hands practically shaking from the withdrawals of him not being in your grasp for what seemed like months on end.
he holds you close, his embrace reassuring and comforting. "i wanted to surprise you, beautiful," he says softly, his voice filled with affection. "i finished my mission earlier than expected, and there was no way i wasn’t coming back home to you the minute it ended."
you pull back slightly, your eyes searching his face, still in disbelief. "but... how? when did you even...?"
he chuckles, his piercing midnight blue gaze never leaving yours. "i made all the arrangements i needed to keep it a secret. i wanted to see the look on your face when you walked in and found me here."
that was just code for him that he probably drove here early and parked the car a block or four down so you wouldn’t bat an eye at it appearing mysteriously in the driveway which would give his little plan away. a mixture of awe, joy, and gratitude washes over you. you feel truly blessed to have someone like leon in your life, someone who goes above and beyond to make you happy.
"i can't believe you did this," you repeat, beginning to sound like a broken record. "you've truly outdone yourself, leon kennedy."
there it goes, his name leaving your lips once again. nothing made him more tender than hearing you say his name. leon smiles, his eyes twinkling with affection. "you know i would do anything for you."
basking in the joy of being reunited, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment and love.
"i really thought i would be spending another christmas alone this year," you whispered, your voice filled with a mix of surprise and delight. stepping back from the embrace, you allowed yourself a moment to fully absorb the sight before you, taking in every detail of leon.
leon's eyes soften as he looks at you, understanding and empathy shining through. "i'm sorry you had to feel that way, my love," he expressed gently, his voice filled with sincerity. "i never want you to feel alone, especially during the holidays."
he takes a step closer, reaching out to cup your face in his hands. "i know how much this time of year means to you, and i wanted to make sure it was special. you deserve all the love and happiness in the world, and i want to be the one to give it to you."
you lean into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hands against your skin. "you've already made my christmas just by being here," you reply, voice laced with gratitude. "i can't even put into words right now how much it means to me."
he smiles, his thumb gently brushing against your cheek. "you don't have to say anything. seeing your smile and knowing that i could surprise you like this is enough for me. i love you, and i'll always be here for you, no matter what."
you reach up to hold his hand against your face, savoring the moment and the love that surrounds you both. "i love you too, leon."
as you stand there, wrapped in each other's embrace, you can’t help but nuzzle yourself closer to him as if in one blink he’d be gone again.
you peer over to the flowers he had put down to hold you, and next to it a small box. “what’s that pretty little thing you got wrapped?” you inquire.
leon grins mischievously, now holding up the small gift box for you to see. "ah, this? well, that's a little something i picked up for you," he states playfully.
curiosity piqued, you eagerly reach out to take the box from him, as you carefully untie the ribbon and open the lid, revealing a delicate piece of jewelry nestled inside.
"it's a necklace," leon explains, his tone prideful as he was proud to come up with this gift for you. "i saw it and immediately thought of you. i added a little something too, look inside."
you delicately lift the necklace from its cushioned bed, admiring the intricate design and the way it catches the light. your fingertips grace the metal edge of the pendant as you flip it open, revealing a familiar photo of you and leon within. you instantly recognized the photo, a flood of memories rushing back as your eyes fell upon the familiar image. it captured leon perfectly, dressed in his black suit and tie, a visual testament to the moment he officially became an agent after his time as a cop in raccoon city—a chapter of his life that was cut short, to say the least. but your connection with leon had transcended those challenging times, as you had been together even before his days as an agent.
“so you always have me with you when i’m away,” he explains, his eyes creasing a bit from the smile on his face as he studies your features. “do you like it?”
it’s not like you could hear what he was saying as all the background noise felt like muffled echoes as you fixated on the image before you.
"it's beautiful, leon," you whisper, fighting the tears that threaten to trickle down your cheeks. "thank you. i love it."
he comes closer, rubbing the sides of your arms. "i'm glad you like it. i know it doesn’t replace the real thing, and it’s nowhere near close to,” leon affirmed, a laugh escaping his lips from referring to himself so highly. “but it’s something. and if it makes you happy, then i’m happy.”
with a gentle gesture, he extended his hand, delicately draping the necklace around your neck. the weight of the pendant against your skin sent a tingling sensation, as if it carried a significance beyond its physical presence. standing behind you, he carefully lowered it onto your chest, his touch evoking a sense of tenderness and affection. as the clasp secured the necklace, you swiftly turned around, your eyes meeting leon's.
in that fleeting moment, specific emotion could only describe how you felt—love. love for the person standing before you. the necklace settled into its rightful place, a symbol of the connection between your hearts, and you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the depth of your feelings.
leaning in, you press a soft kiss against his lips, your heart beating so hard against your chest you feel it might burst. "thank you for everything, leon. you truly are the best gift i could ever ask for."
you go to hug him one more time. leon holds you tightly in his arms, savoring the warmth of your body against his—a sensation he hasn’t felt in a while. "and you are the best gift i could ever ask for too," he replied, touching your heart as corny as it appeared. "being with you is all i need."
you remain intertwined in a tender embrace, savoring the preciousness of the moment and the profound love that envelops you both. as you nestle into each other, you can sense leon's arms enveloping you tighter, his hands gently pressing against the small of your back, conveying a depth of longing and affection that words could never fully capture. in that tranquil moment, you find solace in the knowledge that your connection is unbreakable, and that together, you can weather any storm that comes your way.
as leon's gaze shifts to the clock, his eyes follow each passing second until it finally strikes twelve, signaling the arrival of christmas. with utmost tenderness, he leans in to press a gentle kiss against your forehead, his affectionate gesture filling the room with warmth and love. his voice, as soft and delicate as the snowflakes that dance outside, gently breaks the silence of the room.
"merry christmas, my love," he whispers, his words spoken with a delicate care that wraps around you like a cozy blanket. the air seems to get warmer as he continues, "let's make this one to remember."
and as the joy of the season filled your heart, you knew that this year, your christmas would be anything but blue.
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callofdudes · 2 years
Was thinking of this from the platonic ghost headcanon
Simon doesn't like taking leave because he has nothing to go home to. No family, nothing. He rents his house out to people who need it over the years he's gone. So when you both go on leave you invite him to stay with you. Needless to say you have a good time.
Could you be able to do a head canon on what him and konig would get up to during their time off
Platonic of course please 😊😊
I just want some bff ghost and könig stuff
These are taking me forever to write. I apologize in advance! 🫡 This is a lot longer than I originally anticipated. Apologies for any spelling mistakes.
A little look into their first time spending leave with you.
So like I had said on a previous post, Ghost has nothing to go home to. Nothing but graves burying family history. Each member of the Riley family locked away in silence. He doesn't like being alone at his house. Despite the fact that he relishes his alone time on base. He can't be alone in his home. And usually there is someone living in it anyway.
Ghost is constantly looking over his shoulder and jumping at the slightest sound. It's a nightmare to be shaken awake when your house is settling at night. So he just started trying to get Price to let him skip leave.
Of course, as expected this almost never works. Just to get Simon off the base and into fresh territory Price started to have Simon over for leave. He'd make up his guest bedroom and he'd make sure to accompany Ghost throughout. And this worked. Simon enjoyed the extra time he got with his captain when not in a life or death situation.
And then you came along. And so did the rest of the 141. They each had families and lives that they could go back to. Loved ones they could kiss and hold to escape the horrors that got their hearts racing every day.
Ghost was well aware you and him were friends, but he hadn't expected you to ask him on leave with you. He was slightly taken aback, sitting in the cafeteria and you just suddenly asked.
"Want to go on leave with me?"
Simon paused. "What?"
"You know. Christmas, finally we get leave on a holiday, how rare is that? I don't want you spending it all alone."
Ghost shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I don't really like holidays anyway." He continues to play with his food absentmindedly. You reached over the table and grab his hand, finally getting him to look at you. "Come on lieutenant. I know you don't want to be alone."
"And what makes you think that?"
"You go on leave with Price."
Ghost shrugged. He tried to pull away but you tugged back and stared him down. "Let me rephrase. I want to spend Christmas with you lieutenant."
Ghost sighed. "Alright sergeant. If that's what you want."
At first you'd thought he'd forgotten because he hadn't brought it up for the next week. He went about his duties as per usual and fixed everything so that his duties would be easily tended to while he was away. You were a little worried but when you saw Ghost walking toward the HELO with his large duffle bag and backpack you smiled.
Ghost threw his stuff in and sat down next to you. "Where are we going sergeant?"
Wherever you live, he's probably only ever been there for a routine mission if at all. But when you take him back to your home he surprisingly happy.
"Come on. Your bedroom is across the hall." He gives you the hint of a smile and you allow him into the spare bedroom. "It's all yours. Make yourself comfy. I'll make us something to eat yeah?"
You're set on showing Ghost around. You'd assumed that he'd stay in his room and brood to depressing music or something but after the first day and sorting himself out he was actually very social.
Well good morning!" You cheered when he tromped down the stairs in his pajamas. "Sergeant."
"Ah ah, none of that. It's strictly Y/N. Should I stick with Ghost or is Simon ok on leave?" He gave you a funny look before shrugging. "Simon's fine." He started to go through all your cupboards until he inevitably found the tea. He put on the kettle and slumped into one of the seats at the kitchen table. "Still tied?"
"Jet lag."
"Alright. Is your stomach ok for food?"
Mr "I don't like holidays" turns his attitude right around in no time. You set aside a time just to go for a drive and show him all the Christmas decorations. He's leaning against the passenger side window just watching everything go by. He doesn't say much but you can see in his eyes that what you're showing him is holding his attention.
"Want to get a treat, walk the park?"
Unsurprisingly Simon loves going on walks. He always goes on walks with Price, but he enjoys walking with you. Going down to one of the natural parks and strolling with a drink or some kind of treat. He'll look around and take it all in. The silence, the quiet stir of the trees in the breeze. The leaves on said trees.
He likes listening to you talk. He goes the whole walk just listening to you talk, putting input in where he thinks he should. And you both enjoy it.
When you get home Simon is exhausted. He flops on the couch and turns on some mindless show while you get something to eat. "Simon! Food." You pass by the living room when he doesn't respond and smile when you see Simon curled up on the couch.
"Ok bud." You'll carefully pull the blanket on the couch over him and turn off the TV. You make sure you have soft music playing so that when he wakes up it won't dead quiet and go about your activities.
And Simon is passed out. He almost sleeps the whole evening. When he wakes up he's quick to come find you. He stalks into the kitchen and sees you at the table humming away to the music. He walks over and bends over and places his forehead on your shoulder. "Well good evening." You chime.
The first three days pass like that and you're astounded by Simon. He's so uptight on base, holding a status, a place above the others. Always reminding the inferiors of his high position but off base he doesn't have to. He even removes his mask for the entire afternoon in place of a medical mask. You were happy when you saw him come down, messy blonde hair showing an a few scars along his temples. "Look whose awake." He hums and goes for the tea as if it's ritual by now.
You felt honored when Simon came down like that. At least his entire face wasn't covered like he was ready for the next plague. He felt you with a portion of his face and that made you incredibly proud.
You make sure you're not locked in the house for too long. You always notice how Simon seems to relax more into the homey atmosphere after a morning run or something activity inducing.
"So in my family, every Christmas, we do a puzzle. That ok with you?" Simon loves puzzles. And he's good at them. You'll be moving and he'll snatch a piece out of your hand and slide it into place effortlessly in a spot you hadn't even seen. You got three puzzles done with how quickly you and Simon were able to complete them.
"Will you do the honors?" You smirked, handing him the last piece of the puzzle. "Sure." He scoffs and places it down. You smile widely. "Woohoo!" You cheer and raise your hands up and your flooded with joy when Simon high-fives your hands. "There we go!" And the joy in his eyes. Your not fabricating it. He's genuinely happy.
Two days before Christmas things shifted slightly. "So, I'm going to give you a heads up." Simon hummed while scrolling through his phone. "My family will be coming over tomorrow. They're going to be staying in the basement and spending all tomorrow and Christmas with us ok?" Simon is very hesitant. "And I know that you don't know them. They know you're here and I've informed them to give you all the space you need ok?"
Simon sighs. "ok."
"Ok. Just remember Simon that room is yours. If you need to get away at any time you can leave. There is no wrong or right time, we all understand."
"You won't be upset?"
"Simon. They're family, your the guest. You come first right now. Ok?"
You weren't surprised when Simon starts to go back into his shell. When you give him the heads-up they'll be there in thirty minutes he goes up to his room and comes back out with his plain skull painted balaclava on. His eyes are worried and hesitant but you stick at his side.
"Mum, dad, this is -" "This is lieutenant Ghost Riley." Ghost is straight and firm as if he's meeting a new transfer officer. He shakes your parents hands firmly which somewhat worries you. Simon is stiff because he's shaking. Once your parents come in a long with cousins and any children, you pull him aside. You look up into Simon's eyes and clasp his hands tightly. "They're ok. Remember, leave whenever you want and for however long you want."
Despite the reassurance Simon does his best to stay at your side. Your parents do seem a little weary of the giant skulking man. But they remain kind.
"Hey, your Ghost! Aren't you!" A little girl, maybe nine asks when Simon sits down. You pause. You look back at Simon when Simon looks at you. You smirk sheepishly. "Sorry Lt. Had to tell them my stories with good ol' Lt."
Ghost huffs. "Yes. I am."
"Is it true you took down twelve guys with a machete and tear gas?"
"Ok! I did not tell you that? Where did you hear that one?" You frown and look over at a slightly older boy who hides behind your cousin. Simon huffs a sort of laugh only you'd catch. "Yeah. I did."
You're beyond proud of Simon. He only goes to his room once for a few minutes just to calm down and recollect himself. But he sticks with you. You make him some tea and get him settled at the table. While your family engages him in more conversation than you'd first anticipated Simon makes it through most of it. Only dodging a few questions. "Do you have a spouse? How is your family?" It took a little discreet nudging before you managed to get your family off the topic of his personal life.
The kids were interested in him a lot and you were happy they didn't see him as scary.
That night after dinner Simon was exhausted. Just before he went into his room you turned him back and hugged him tightly. "Thank you Simon." He hums and hugs you back. "They're nice. Like you." And that is all you ever wanted to hear.
You and Simon are the first two awake and Simon actually tells you he's going to go out before breakfast. You're happy he's leaving on his own and wish him good luck. He takes his backpack but you really don't think much on it. When he comes back a couple hours later you're all awake. "Welcome back!" You holler.
Simon walks right upstairs and closes his door. You frown but won't push him on it. Bad sleep? Your family question it but you just push them off. "Possibly bad sleep. It can happen. Just let him do his thing."
Simon comes back down another hour later and acts as if nothing happened. He nods respectfully to your family and tap your hand. You smile and nod. "I missed breakfast." "Oh no worries. Put this aside for you. Let me know if you need more." You hand him a plate and he's off to the table in a confident stride.
When the kids get antsy you volunteer to take them down to the arcade. Simon comes. He's on a roll with his socialization. He keeps his hands in his pockets and examines most of the games with little interest. That is until your nephew grabs his shirt and tugs. "Can you do the shooting game with me?" You smile when Simon contemplated it. "Want me to kick your butt?"
Your family watches as Simon kicks your family in this shooting game. Racking up points and tickets effortlessly. "Y/N, give it a go." Your dad urges. "I dunno. I'm not as good as Lt." Your grab the rather heavy plastic gun and aim it at the screen. "Good form sergeant." "Learned from the best." Chaos ensues.
"Ghost! That was my shot!" You knock into him and attempt to push him but he swings right back like a battering ram and sends you flying to the ground. You gasp in pain when you hit the ground only to laugh a second later. "Should have seen that coming." Simon finishes beating your score before bending down and picking you up. "You did good."
"Not as good as you."
"Never. Your either better than, or worse than. You will never be like me."
"Harsh." You teased. He shrugs.
Same thing happened with ping pong ball.
You tossed the ball into the air and lightly tossed it. When it crossed Simon's side he wacked it so hard it zipped part your head and lodged itself in the wall. "Ghost!" You scold. "Sorry. Force of habit."
After the arcade Simon goes up to his room and doesn't come back down until dinner. He takes the seat at the end of the table near you and pulled his hoodie up so he can shadow his face when he pulls his mask up. When you notice his thigh begin to bounce you tap his arm and give him a nod. Gently reminding him he can go. But he pushes through once again and finishes his plate.
"Is it time for presents!?" The kids run to the living room and you can't help laughing. "Yes it is." You see Simon going up to his room and nod. You thought so. You all gathered around the living room and start talking.
You hear the stairs creak and look back up to see Simon hesitantly standing at the bottom step. And in his arms are four neatly wrapped presents. your jaw drops. "Simon..." You can feel tears in your eyes and you move over on the couch to give him room. Simon has never done Christmas in his life but he hopes he's got it down.
He gets the younger ones a big Lego set that they are all excited to put together when they see it. He gets your parents some nice candles and house decorations. And you. He was shaking when he gave you yours. Hardly noticable with how stiff he was but his eyes were focused on something else in the room.
When you open it your shocked. It's a framed photo of you and the 141, the one in Price's office you always stared at when you saw it because you all looked so awesome. ⬇️
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(You're somewhere in there, you can be Alejandro I don't know😂)
He pulls a smaller gift from his pocket and when you open it. Now you're crying. The gift was a dog tag engraved with a saying Simon often gave you as reassurance. "Where'd you even find this?" "I had it made." "So that's - that's why you were gone this morning, isn't it?" Simon nodded.
You wanted to jump into his arms, but were hesitant. You looked around briefly, but Simon opened his arms. "Come here sergeant." You wrapped your arms around him and felt him tug you into a securing embrace.
"Thank you." You whisper.
You enjoy the rest of the Christmas evening with Ghost. He watches from the corner of his chair where you're playing a video game. Simon has to resist the mental urge to correct every wrong thing your poor nephew says about the guns in said zombie game.
And he packs it in early. He taps your shoulder to let you know he's off and he heads up to bed. You say goodnight and the rest of your family says goodnight as well. And it's late when you walk up to your room. You yawn and slip into bed. These last two weeks were great.
When you finally get back on base, in uniform with all your stuff Price meets you. "Well well. I trust you two had a good time?"
"It was great!"
"I was miserable Price. They made me have fun and stuff."
"oh you did that all on your own buddy." He nudged you in the side playfully. "I'm teasing. It was fun."
König has family waiting for him at home. Three siblings, two older one younger. And his parents. They're not the wealthiest but König's income of a steady 51K a year has kept his family afloat. For this reason Christmas can be a bit hectic at their place. When you two finally got leave, conveniently, a few days before Christmas, you were excited.
Poor boy was torn between seeing his family or hanging out with one. On one hand he hadn't seen his family in a while and on the other I wasn't inclined to leave you. It took him a while to try and decide, and this was all before he even asked you if you wanted him to come.
And knowing König he never did, too nervous to be turned down.
It was your average training day and König was having a bit of trouble keeping up. He blocked your kick in favor of taking you under in a headlock. Your heel dug into his boot in retaliation but he didn't let go. You tapped out and he dropped you.
"Hey, you doing ok buddy? I noticed you were slipping up a bit there." He doesn't have the heart to tell you or to ask so he just nods. "A lot on my mind, sorry."
"Want to talk about it? Or is it personal?"
"No, it's about you actually..."
"Oh? Do tell."
He shrugged. "I was just wondering... Are you doing anything for leave? I mean, You have family to go back to but..."
"König. Come on, you can ask me."
"Well I miss my family but I was wondering you'd be ok with me coming on leave with you?? Even though you would like to see your family over me."
You chuckled. "That's what this is about? König, you know you're welcome to come stay with me anytime you'd like."
"You wouldn't mind??"
"Of course not."
He's in a pretty good mood for the next few days. His ego was boosted a smidge knowing he'd been permitted to come with you and you could see it.
So he let the others see his pride.
The week you were supposed to leave König was attached at your hip. He followed you, helped you clean up, finish the paperwork you needed to and made sure you were secure and someone took over for you and him of course.
König was anxious to say the least. He'd never met your family and the whole flight back his couldn't help but think he was overthinking things. But he felt safer talking to you. Knowing you'd permitted him over to your house for a while wasn't something he should have to be nervous about. It was more your family he was worrying over.
When you arrived home it was early in the morning. The sun was rising and you two were exhausted. You pointed him toward the guest bedroom and told him to unpack however he liked.
"Everything ok in here?" You asked, coming to check on him after a few minutes. König nodded. "Only a slight problem." You raised your eyebrow as König laid down on the bed. His calves stuck off the bed and his toes dangled from the mattress.
You chuckled. "Sorry it's only a queen size, we can switch if you want? Mine is a bit bigger?"
"Oh no! I find it kind of funny. It's like home, the bunk back at base is barely big enough for me even after getting me a bigger one."
"Alright. If you're ever uncomfortable come to me and we can switch, see if that works for you. No problems."
König nodded.
"Ok bud. Get all the sleep you want." You yawned. "I know I will."
König is an early riser. Especially the first day back home könig is a little more antsy and just used to being up early. So while you take the chance to sleep in, König gets up at 9, much later than he normally would. And unlike Ghost, König knows how to cook. Not extremely well and not five tier, Gordon Ramsey stuff, but he can cook.
When you wake up and come down stairs to the inviting and warm scent of food your stomach growls. "Well good morning. I made breakfast for us."
You rub your eyes and see the breakfast in front of you. "Well look at you." You tease. "For me?" "For you."
König not nearly as anxious when in a domestic environment than on base. On base you know König as shy, socially awkward and a bloody murder. But in the peace of your home with just you König cooks for and with you. He roams freely. Of course he asks before using your stuff but he is no longer super hesitant after the first day.
It only takes him a day two to get into a natural gear.
Now depending on where you live König may have never been there. And if he has it's probably been on some kind of military related endeavor so he hasn't been out for sightseeing. You change this.
On the second day you and König go out and get breakfast at a restaurant. König was nervous outside of your home but he got through his order and no corrections needed to be made.
König loves his hood. Makes him feel secure and comfortable, but he's realized how much attention it would draw walking around like an executioner from the 1700's. So he's trying to like medical masks. He HATES them. They move around on his face, and only cover a portion of what he'd like to hide. But he doesn't complain about it to you.
You two then continue on to get coffee at a local place and just take a calming drive down the road. You point out all the signs and the Christmas decorations. König is thrilled.
Eventually you get out around one of the quiet natural parks and the two of you take a walk. König talks and doesn't really realize he's talking until he realizes he is dominating the conversation. And you're smiling like an idiot.
You tell him a bit about your family and spend the rest of the day out and about talking and exploring.
König settled easily.
When the two of you got home you both were exhausted from your day out. König dropped onto the couch and sighed. He rested his head back and you sat down next to him. "That was nice." König hummed and you were both out.
When you woke up König was half snoring, bent over his head head leaning on the couch armrest, his opposite arm still loosely wrapped around your shoulders.
You stirred from your sleep and stretched out on the couch. König still looked to be asleep. So you grabbed a blanket and laid it over his lap. "Sleep well."
The rest of the week carries on like this. König becomes more and more comfortable around you each day. You go for hikes and sometimes just sit around and play video games. It's amazing to see König laugh, losing track of time just sitting on the couch with you like the world doesn't matter.
You had gotten up early one morning. You were making yourself some coffee and you heard the stairs creak. "Good morning."
"Morning." Came König's rough morning voice. You pulled out a second cup as the tall shadow lingered over toward you. "How did you sleep?"
You turned around and smiled up at him. Your smile quickly turning to shock. König looked down at you, a comforting smile playing on his scarred lips. Little scars here and larger scars there littered over his plain face. "You're hood."
"Mhm. Don't want to wear it inside anymore."
Your jaw dropped. You would have dropped the cup on your hand had König not taken it from you. "What are we doing today?" You blinked, thoughts still lingering on his face. His pale, beautiful face.
"Huh? Oh sorry! I'm just not, I haven't seen your face before. Apologies for staring. You're very handsome by the way."
König smiled.
"Well, family is coming over in a couple hours. They'll probably be here around dinner. After that they'll be staying the night and all of tomorrow for Christmas."
König nodded.
"And König, if at any point you feel uncomfortable you can leave the room. If you just have to excuse yourself and step away that is totally ok. And if you need to spend the rest of the night alone that's cool too."
"Yeah, you don't even have to participate if you want to. I understand."
It was quiet for a moment. König seemed to take comfort in your words.
"Did you send your family any gifts?"
König nodded again. "I usually buy a couple months in advance and ship them off so that they'll get the gifts even if I can't make it."
"That's sweet."
"How about you?"
You chuckled. "Oh no no no, I can't tell you that. You'll go snooping."
"Snooping?? Then you got me something too?"
This man has no idea what to get you. He was so excited to come down with you he'd completely forgotten about actually getting you something. So after breakfast he made up the excuse he needed some alone time and sped off while frantically trying to remember the locations of all the stores you'd pointed out the other day to see if he could find something.
When he walked into one of the stores, fixing his medical mask, he was nervous and jumpy. He ran around the store frantically for what felt like hours. Until an employee came over. "Sir? Find everything you're looking for ok?"
"I NEED a present for my best friend- I forgot to get them something and now-"
"You can find gift like items over here. And if they have a preference in jewelry or accessories we have a section for that as well."
Bless this poor boy's soul he loves you so much but has no fucking clue what to get you. At first he thinks sweater! But you already have some. Or maybe jewelry, but most jewelry and accessories weren't allowed to be worn actively on base so he'd only ever seen you wearing a watch or the occasional chain necklace.
Could you imagine being the lady who found this poor 6'10 man curled up and practically crying in the clothing section because he's freaking out about a gift. Just keep walking.
You're a bit confused at where König had gone. At first you assumed the mention of a gift had him either running away flustered that you got him something or flustered he hadn't gotten you anything. But it has been over five hours and König still wasn't home.
You're parents and family got there before he did. Weird.
You greeted your family and allowed them inside. "Hey, just so you call are aware, my military partner is staying over with us. I know I texted you about him but just be aware ok?"
You family is pretty chill about it. They've heard things about König. About how tall and strong he is. His job and how he barrels so easily through enemy forces. So his name isn't foreign to your discussions. Considering he's your partner he often comes up on discussions about your job.
You get your family set up downstairs and get to talking. You check the time worriedly and see König still isn't home. So you decide to text him. Roughly ten minutes later you hear loud footsteps at the door.
"Yeah! Sorry I was gone so long."
"It's ok. Come into the kitchen, family is here."
König drops his stuff at the bottom of the stairs and takes off his boots. When he comes into the kitchen he towers over your family. You can't help but chuckle when your parents eyes widen at just how tall he is. You've talked about how tall he is, but 6'10 looks much taller in person I guess.
"Mum, dad, this is König."
König is just a bit stunned in the face of your parents and siblings, and your cousins were lounging in the living room.
"Hi." König waved and steps into the kitchen. "Good to see you back. Where did you find yourself off to??" You hugged him, comforted by his large hands briefly rubbing your back. "Just umm... last minute shopping and stuff."
You chuckled. "I figured."
You had informed your family about König's hood. But König made it through most of the evening before he started to get overwhelmed. With the notion of smaller children around, König didn't attempt to put his hood on, he seemingly already scared the children.
His large height was somewhat of a problem with the kids. While your family attempted conversation The youngers were terrified. So König wasn't going to attempt to put the hood on.
It wasn't until you'd mentioned how König was a pretty good sniper that one of the younger boys perked up. "Do you shoot guns like Y/N??" König hesitated. "Well, mine are a little bigger, but for the most part we handle the same kind of guns."
"Cool! So you get to sit on hills and snipe people like-" *making gun noises, you know the ones* "Well, actually. I'm not a sniper. I wanted to be but I'm actually used as a giant battering ram most of the time." This held the kids attention for a bit and König spoke freely about what his job entails with as few graphic details as he could. But eventually his attention was taken and König returned talking with you.
The kids were watching a movie while you talked with your parents for a while. König fidgeted next to you. His gaze scattered around the room until he got the courage to tap you on the thigh.
"What's up?" "I'm gonna head to bed, if you don't mind." "Absolutely, thank you for hanging out with us." König gets up to leave when you clear your throat. "And my hug?" He hugs you tightly and waves before going up to bed. And he can hear you all downstairs but tries to just get some sleep.
König is the first up the next morning. It's peaceful and with everyone asleep he has time to wrap presents. He puts on his hood and his favorite black sweater. So he looks like this giant black mass of fabric in the kitchen. But he's quiet. He doesn't want to risk waking you and your family.
The younger ones get up first, around 9. At first when they turn the corner and see König they're scared. König greets them softly and motions to the food in the sizzling pan. "I'm making breakfast. You want some?" They nod and sit down.
König serves the youngest breakfast and sits down with them. He isn't afraid to remove his hood around the kids, so he does, at least to eat.
"So, you're Y/N partner?"
König nods. "Yes, we go on lots of adventures together."
"What do you do? Do you shoot lots of guys??"
König hums. "Well, that's part of it. We fight for our home, but there are also other things."
"What other things?"
"Well, we have to stay at base and train recruits. And sometimes we have to move between several bases so we can train different groups of new recruits. And another part of it is paperwork."
The kids cringed. "So you're not fighting all the time?"
"That's lame."
König chuckled. "When you've been doing it as long as we have, you learn that staying at base and doing paperwork or training recruits isn't that bad. Sometimes it's a blessing."
"Why?" The kid tilted his head. "I'll let Y/N tell you when you're older."
König sat and talked with the kids until you were awake. You tromped down the stairs and yawned as you entered the kitchen. "König." You greeted, surpised. "Kids." You greeted, even more surprised to see them sitting and smiling in front of the man they were scared of a mere day ago. "I see you're getting along."
"Is it true you do paperwork all day Y/N!?" The boy questioned immediately.
You chuckled. "Not all day. Me and König have our adventures. We have some pretty good stories eh bud?" König nodded.
"Can you tell us???"
You looked over at König and sighed. Those kids wouldn't leave you alone. "Alright, König, tell them about the time you took on eight armed men with just your fists."
When your parents and other family members wake up, König goes back to wearing the hood. He doesn't want to scare your family but wearing it does make him more comfortable.
Surprisingly the kids enjoy talking to König than the rest of your family. Your parents were definitely momentarily wondering why the hell you hung out with this guy. That is until he offered to do the dishes and clean up while you got dressed.
"Alright, well, we're taking the kids to the pool this afternoon." "Like, an indoor pool??" "Yes, an indoor pool." Your father laughed. It was too cold for an outdoor pool.
While the kids start getting ready to go to the pool, you reassured König that he could come or go. But considering he had no swimwear, the two of you went out to buy him some stuff.
The pool wasn't that busy, a couple of kids and their parents buried in their phones on the lounge chairs. König was a bit off in the new environment. But the kids went right ahead to play. König sits next to you in one of the chairs and just watches.
You look over at him and smile. "And König, if it's not too much, I think you look good." Referencing the fact that he'd battled over going since he couldn't wear his mask in the water. So he'd just ditched it, only for a couple of hours and it was a weird feeling.
"Hey Mr!" König looked up at two of the kids by the deep end. "Can you throw me?" König looked over at you and you smiled. "They can handle it." König shrugged and stood. His hulking form walked over to the small kids and bent down when they reached their arms up. "Ready?"
They nodded excitedly as the first kid was swung. König lifted him high into the air and swung him, flinging him up into the air and down into the pool with a loud splash.
"Did you see how high he went!?" The other gasped. "Me next!!" König waited for the other kid to resurface. "That was awesome!!" He gasped when he pulled out of the water.
König looked back at you and you gave him a thumbs up.
König picked up the second kid and lunged him into the air. He screamed before he hit the pool only to resurface with a big grin. "Get Y/N!!"
You paused. König turned to look at you comfortable, dry, relaxing on your phone.
The man turned and walked over. You discarded your phone and scrambled to your feet to get away. "König no!!" He snatched you into his arms and pulled you up ofc your feet. "Come on, have a little fun." You struggled and gasped as he brought you to the water.
He managed to flip you so he was now carrying you bridal style. "König please." You tried to hang onto his bicep but König rocked you back and forth. And you were flung into the air. You screamed on your way to the water and were taken under by a splash.
König chuckled that stupid little chuckle when you resurfaced. "You piece of-" You swam over and he pulled you out of the water.
König had fun. You could tell. It was the first time in a while you'd seen him just relax and let go. The first time he'd been around kids not screaming in terror and begging for their lives. It was the first time you'd seen König be able to step back and breathe. To call this a safe place.
After swimming your family came back and finished up Christmas dinner. König attempted to help but was quickly shoved out of the kitchen by your parents.
So he sat at the table and played a card game with you.
Throughout Christmas dinner König was doing pretty good. However, roughly half way through the dinner you heard this light tapping next to you. When you listened to it, and looked up at König scratched the medical mask you understood. You reached under the table and placed your hand on his thigh. "If you'd like to leave, you're more than welcome." You understood. You also god people'd out and nervous after spending too much time around people. But König had more than excelled today.
"You wouldn't mind? Just a little bit?" "Take the whole night if you need big guy, I won't be upset. You did wonderful today." You whispered. So König politely excused himself and headed up to bed.
When presents were opened your parents divided gifts equally. Your mom hummed at some of the gifts. "From König to Y/N." You smile and take the gifts. When you open them, you couldn't help but smile. He'd gotten you the sweater you'd been eyeing through one of the store windows on your walk with him. It was thick wool with holes for the thumbs on the sleeves and a turtleneck. And a multi-purpose pocket knife. You adored the sharp blades and the screwdriver end that came with it. It's almost as if he didn't have a clue what to get you. You loved them regardless.
And he got you a little card which almost had you in tears.
When the night was over and your family said goodnight, you walked up to your room and knocked on König's door. "Come in." You pushed the door open gently and slipped inside. "Thank you for the gifts." "I didn't know what to get you." "Well I think you did a fine job picking. I love them." König sat up and you sat down next to him. "I'm so glad you came with me you know?"
"I am too."
You give him a hug. "I'm really proud of you buddy. I'm really, really proud of you know that?"
"I loved hanging out with your family. They're amazing, just like you. I can see where you get it." You chuckled and wipe a tear from your eye. "That's all I've ever wanted to hear." "I mean it. They are wonderful people."
When leave is done and you two are packed up to leave, everything is a bit heavy. König will miss your house and the too small bed you gave him. But this place will forever be a refuge, a safe place in his heart and mind.
"Welcome back soldiers!" Your captain called. You both saluted the man on your way through. "How was the trip?"
"Oh we had an amazing time, can't wait to go back sir." König beamed under the hood. Your heart swelled. You were so happy.
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buddy123sblog · 8 months
Arsenal x teen reader
y/n pov
It was coming close to christmas and all my arsenal teammates were preparing to go back to their homes for the holiday. during training that's what was talked about the most, what they were doing for christmas, who they were spending it with, when people were flying home. I tried my best to distance myself from the girls while they talked about it, not wanting to be asked what i would be doing for the holiday. I wasn't going to fly back home to australia and spend christmas with my toxic parents who ended up kicking me out at 16. If my teammates found out about this they would freak, being very overprotective seeing as i'm the youngest on the team and living  by myself in a different country.
"when are you flying home for christmas kid?"
A Irish accent rings in my ear as an arm slings around my shoulder bringing me into a side hug as i walk towards the locker room. I slightly look up to make eye contact with katie as i try to think of something to say.
"i'm not" i say blandly looking down at the ground as i enter the locker room.
"Your not going back to australia for christmas?" katie says rather loudly, causing a lot of attention towards us especially from the three other aussies in the room.
"nope" i say popping the 'p' as i sit down in my cubby and start taking off my boots.
"your spending the holiday in london with your family? That's sweet" leah's the next one to speak up as she walks over.
"yeah um something like that" you murmured as you quickly took of your training gear and changed into a pair of fresh clothes, not noticing the confused looks between leah, katie and your australian teammates.
Before they could ask you anymore questions your phone began to ring, staring at the australian number you knew all to well you completely froze. everyone in the locker room looked at each other with confused expressions as they noticed your hands shake as you completely power off your phone and toss it into your bag.
"i-er- i have to go, i'll see yous tomorrow" you say quickly, slinging your training bag around your shoulder and speed walk towards the exit.
"you not coming to team bonding tonight?" beth speaks up rather loudly.
"i cant sorry i have a shit tonne of school work i need to finish"
"Oi, language" steph speaks up as she hits you lightly on the back of your head.
"sorry mum" you say sarcastically while rolling your eyes as the rest of the team start laughing.
"anyways bye" you say quickly as you slip out the door and down the hallway.
The locker room stays silent for a few seconds until steph speaks up.
"she's been acting weird today" she says unsurely getting a few quiet agreements.
"yeah she was very quiet during training" leah says looking towards kyra noticing how the young girl was zoned out.
"kyra? you okay?" Kyra snaps out of it quickly and makes eye contact with leah.
"did you see how she reacted when her phone rang? i think something's wrong" she says quietly.
"yeah that was odd, it looked like an Australian number aswell" Katie spoke up.
"i'm sure everything's fine, we'll talk to her about it tomorrow" Viv says calmly as she beckons everyone to get ready.
"yeah okay, anyways, everyone still good to meet at the cafe tonight" beth says excitedly getting lots of agreements from the team.
time skip
You sat in the corner booth of your favorite cafe with your music blasting through your headphone, your lap top in front of you and papers littered all over the table. You had been here for over two hours, glued to your school work and not paying attention to anyone around you. Meaning you didn't notice the large group of girls sit in the booth across the room from you, but they definitely noticed you.
"is that y/n?" caitlin asks as everyone looks towards you.
"Ha she's a nerd, wearing glasses" katie says laughing getting a hit to the arm from viv.
"she looks tired" it's kyra who speaks up this time, noticing your eye bags from afar and your drained facial expression.
"i'll have a talk to her about it when i can" leah says sternly as she analyses your figure.
You finish the sentence you were writing and pick up your coffee to take a sip only to find out that it's empty. You slip your headphones around your neck and look towards the counter, seeing the boss/friend harry.
"oh harryyyy" you call out in a sing song voice holding your cup in the air. Multiple people in the cafe look towards you while some of the regular customers start laughing to themselves, already knowing what's going to happen. Your teammates sit there confused on why people were laughing at you and how you new the boss.
"no" he says taking one glance towards you then back to what he was doing.
"what, please"
"why not" you say with fake innocence.
"That's your 9th cup in the last 2 hours! you gonna die with that much caffeine intake kid!" he says pointing a finger at you causing you to pout.
"Okay and? just one more, pleaseeeeeeee" you beg getting up from your seat and making your way to the counter.
"come on harry, give y/n her coffee!" one of the regulars speak up from their booth followed by a few more of the customers you knew.
"come on look at her, no way you would deny this adorable face" jack says as he comes up behind you and pinches your cheeks. you give harry your best puppy eyes and smile as he glares at you and jack.
"what sort of tag team is this, ganging up on me or what?" he says annoyed.
"not tag team. More like........ y/ns support team" one of the regulars speak up causing you to laugh.
"Fine. One more coffee" harry gives in as he heads towards the coffee machine.
"Then that's it no more" he sends you a knowing look
"we'll see" you reply with a smirk.
You turn around and give jack a hug before high fiving your 'support team'.
"i y/n l/n, am so incredibly grateful for my amazing support team who help me convince the grump behind the counter, to make me coffee, thankyou" you say dramaticly, earning a few cheers from around the cafe before you skip to the counter and collect your coffee.
throughout the commotion you missed the eyes of your teammates all looking at you in shock and amazement as you sat back into your booth with a proud expression on your face as you sip your drink. 
"wow the kid actually has friends other than us" katie's says somewhat shocked.
"she shouldn't be drinking that much coffee" viv says sipping her own coffee.
"wonder who the boy she hugged is" beth speaks up.
"boyfriend maybe?" katie says with a smirk
"she would've told me if she had one" kyra says sternly, feeling protective over her best friend.
"i told her she's not aloud to date" steph says proudly
"jeez, you really are her mum" caitlin says teasingly
"okay but honestly, how many kids still date behind there parents back" leah says looking over towards you with an overprotective look.
You feel people's eyes on you but before you could look up a body slid into the seat next to you causing you to flinch.
"jesus jack you nearly gave me a heart attack" you say whilst taking your headphones off your ears.
"sorry kid, also what bullsit is this?" he says moving your laptop infront of him and scrolling through the essay you've just finished writing.
"some well-being class i had to take this year and write an essay about" you say taking another sip from your drink.
"go on then, tell me about it" he says curiously.
"it's literally right infront of you, read it" you say laughing.
"yeah but it's way to long and i don't have the attention span to do that" he groans
"omg i'm so sorry, i forgot you couldn't read" i say sarcastically while putting a hand on his shoulder in fake sympathy.
"shut up and tell me about it" he says giving me an offended look before swatting my hand away.
"fine, i wrote about the affect growing up with toxic family's can have on a child's mental health along with how it changes one's mindset while they grow up." i say avoiding eye contact with jack as i continue.
"i don't know, i just wrote about what someone would feel about themselves and their life if they were in that situation i guess" i say going quiet at the end.
Jacks the only person i've told about my home life, and about being kicked out of my home in australia. Ever since i've met him he's been like a brother to me and i tell him everything.
He pulls me into a side hug as i rest my head on his shoulder, we stay silent for a few minutes before i speak up.
"she called me today" i say quietly "i didn't answer though"
"maybe you should call her back, see what she wants?" he says honestly.
I pull out of the hug and dig through my bag and grab my phone, i look at it for a few seconds before looking back at jack.
"can you stay while i talk to her?"
he nods his head with a small smile as he grabs my hand under the table and gives it a tight squeeze.
i take a breath before ringing back the number, it takes a few rings before someone picks up as i hold the phone to my ear.
"h-hello" i say quietly
"hey darling, when you coming home? It's Christmas soon and i can't wait to see you" your mum reply's in a fake tone you heard her use a lot with her friends.
"cut the bullshit Alice, i don't live with you anymore" i say, my voice shaky as i feel tears prick in my eyes.
"don't talk to me like that brat, i figured since i spent so much work and money raising you, you could pay me back for it"
"you didn't do shit, i raised my self"
"yeah and look how you turned out"
"just- what do you want" you say angrily
"ahh right, since your so rich now i thought you could sent me cut from your paycheck, you know, paying me back for everything i've done for you the past 17 years"
"absolutely not, i earn that money, me. You haven't spent a single cent on me my whole life. I don't even live with you anymore so find someone else to give you money because it's not going to be me" i say sternly, honestly in disbelief that she would even ask me that after what she's put me through.
"awww but honey at least come home, i miss you so much and i really want to see you" she says mockingly but i can tell she's angry.
"yeah? well next time you want to see me turn on the god damn TV" i say angrily before hanging up.
i sigh as i stare at my phone for a few seconds until jack squeezes my hand again.
"i'm taking it didn't end well?" he asks slowly
"nope, she just wants my money" i say with a fake sarcastic smile as i feel tears rolling down my cheeks.
"aw honey, it's going to be okay" jack says as he pulls me into him. I try to hold back the sobs threatening to escape my throat as i bury my face into his chest.
The group of girls watch from afar after hearing bits of your conversation during the phone call. Each of their heart breaks seeing you sobbing upset, never actually seeing you let your walls down and cry. They watch as the unknown boy looks up and makes eye contact with them, his eyes widen as he looks back down to where u tucked into his chest.
"i know this is a bad time, but are you aware that your team are here" he whispers just loud enough for you to hear.
You look up quickly and spot your teammates sitting across the room from you, all watching you and jack with concerned expressions. Rapidly you sit up and wipe the tears from your face pretending like nothing happened.
"There going to think your my boyfriend, you know that right?" you say teasingly.
"i gathered that, they were glaring daggers at me before" he say nervously.
"yeah watch out, steph gave me the whole no dating talk not that long ago" you sigh.
"okay that makes me feel a lot better" he says sarcastically while rolling his eyes and getting up from his seat.
"i'll see you soon yeah, call me if you need to talk or anything" he says kissing me on cheek as i nod my head and smile.
Before i know it he's left the cafe and i'm sitting alone again, trying to find an excuse to use on the girls if they ask why i was crying, which they will.
I quickly pack up my school work and leave the cafe as fast as i can, ignoring the calls from the girls and walking down the street towards my apartment. i break out into a sprint as i realise the girls started following me.
It doesn't take long for me to get home as i quickly lock the door behind me, running into my bedroom and locking the door behind me aswell. I take a moment to breathe before dumping my school work on my desk, sorting through my wardrobe to find a comfortable outfit. I manage to find a pair of fluffy pajama pants and a hoodie of kyra's that i stole the other day. As soon as i got changed i heard a faint knocking coming down the hall and then it suddenly stopped.
I internally groaned once i remembered steph had a spare key to my apartment as i hear multiple footsteps make there way closer towards me.
"y/n! Are you here?" it's leah that calls out, i hold my breath as i contemplate what i'm going to do. I decided to gaslight them into thinking nothing had happened. I quickly toss my hair up into a messy bun and unlock my door. I come face to face with leah and steph and i can see katie, kyra, beth, viv and caitlin standing behind them.
"hey guys, what's up?" i say casually walking through them and into my kitchen as they follow behind.
"don't 'hey guys' us, you know why we're here" steph says with her arms crossed giving me a motherly look.
"i actually don't, why are you here exactly?" i say trying to sound as confused as i can while opening a cupboard and grabbing a mug.
"because you have a secret boyfriend"
"because you were crying in the cafe"
"because you had an argument on the phone"
"because your being distant"
"because we care about you"
"because we chased you here"
"because your like a daughter to me"
All their answers spilled out of there mouths at the same time making it hard to understand. Although the answers that stuck out were steph and caitlin's, you were trying not to laugh at how caitlin assumed jack was your boyfriend but you also tried not to cry at the fact steph sees you as her daughter.
You nod your head as you start boiling a kettle for your drink.
"okay and they are valid reasons to be here, but i don't feel like answering questions right now" you say shrugging as you open your fridge in search for milk.
"yeah we'll your going to other wise your benched and i'll call sam" leah says sternly making your eyes widen and a horrified expression take over your face.
"pfft you wouldn't" you say surely as you start to make yet another coffee. Leah unzips her pocket and pulls out her phone, you yelp as you quickly grab her phone out of her hands.
"fine i'll answer you stupid questions" you say annoyed as you take your drink and lay against the corner of your L shaped couch with your legs taking up most of it.
The rest of the girls take seats around you, filling up your couch although there wasn't enough room for kyra as she stood there awkwardly.
"come here ky" you say, beckoning her to come lay between your legs. She carefully lowers herself onto you and lays her head on your chest, wrapping her arms around you as if you would disappear. You look up to kyra a lot and she's by far one of your best friends, really the only person on the team that you could be yourself around.
"go on then, ask your questions" you say boredly as you lean your head back and close your eyes.
"Who's the alice person you on call with at the cafe?" leah asks, you take a shaking breath before answering.
"My mum" you say hesitantly, leading to the girls being confused on why you were arguing with your mum.
"why were you arguing with her?" steph says curiously you hesitate to answer and it's obvious.
"You can tell us anything y/n, we're not going to judge you" kyra whispers, you let out a sigh as you start playing with her hair.
"Alice kicked me out when i was 16 and now she's calling me to comeback for Christmas because she wants me to repay her for everything she's done by giving her money"
The other girls hearts drop, not realizing how your mum treated you, although you don't give them time to question you as you keep up with your rant.
"She's never spent a single cent on me and i was left to raise myself. I worked so many jobs at 13 years old just so i could stay alive, then they expect me to send them money. Like what the fuck, they had me scared and traumatized for so many years until they had enough and got rid of me, and now they want me back? what because i'm actually successful?"
I couldn't stop my voice from cracking as i felt tears roll down my cheeks, i take a shaky breath, trying to control my breathing. I could feel kyra shaking as a wet puddle started forming on my chest. I quickly wiped my tears with both hands and looked down to my best friend.
"K-kyra, hey it's okay, please don't cry" you say softly pulling her forward so her face is resting in the crook of your neck. You rub circles on her back to calm her down, you look over towards the other girls to see that there cheeks are also tear stained, you go to say something but steph bet you to it.
"why didn't you tell us sooner" she says softly, her voice shaky.
"i didn't want to be a bother plus i've been alone my whole life i'm sure i'll manage a little longer" you say softly looking away.
"kiddo, your not alone anymore, you have so many people who care about you and we would do anything to help you"
"beth's right y/n, you have us, your parents are so cruel, but you have us we're your family and we all care about you so much" Katie says which makes your eyes widen as you turn and look at her like she had 3 heads.
"who are you and what have you done to McCard" you say sounding as confused as you felt, never hearing katie talk to you without any sarcasm or teasing.
Caitlin tried her best to hold in a laugh but failed as she saw the look on katie's face, beth and viv started chuckling quietly while steph shook her head and kyra giggled into your neck. Leah kept her gaze on you with a stoney unreadable look. 
"If you're not going back to australia what are you doing for christmas then?" viv asked
"i dunno probably just sleep and watch movies" i reply casually.
"absolutely not, your coming back with me" steph says sternly.
"Do i even get a say?" you ask in disbelief, your met with an array of no's from all the girls causing you to internally groan.
"now that's all taken care off, who's your little boyfriend" Katie asks teasingly, making you laugh. Kyra shoots up so she's basically sitting on you, ready to have her say in the conversation.
"yeah as much as i love you, your not aloud a boyfriend so i don't approve" she says sternly you laugh as you pull her back down to lay on you.
"y/n i've already told you your not aloud to date" steph says sternly.
"anyways, who's the boy" beth asks excitedly.
"calm down he's not my boyfriend"
"sure as hell doesn't look like it" leah speaks up  coldly, eyeing you suspiciously.
"we're just close friends, he's like my brother" you say with a smile, as all the girls sigh in relief.
"oh thank god, i did not want to have the birds and the bees talk" steph says somewhat relieved.
"don't stress steffy, the baby's still going home to australia as a virgin" katie says with a laugh.
"please, that ship sunk a long time ago" you murmur under you breath causing kyra to shoot up.
"y/n m/n l/n! What is that supposed to mean!" she says looking you in the eye causing you to blush out of embarrassment that she actually heard you.
"what did she say" viv says confused.
"y/ns not a virgin! She just said it!" kyra says pointing to you while looking at steph and leah.
"WHAT!" everyone except you yells
"wow way to throw me under the bus" you say as you start tickling kyra causing her to fall off you laughing.
You get up from your spot on the couch and walk back into the kitchen with your empty cup of coffee.
"who? when? where? why?" beth says shocked as they follow you to the kitchen.
"not telling, a while ago and in a house" you say mirroring her shocked tone and expression while saying the last bit.
"And why?" leah asks sternly.
"idk, maybe because i was horny" you say sarcastically as you start pulling stuff out to make dinner.
"Did you use protection, take a pregnancy test" steph says sternly, causing you to start laughing.
"We do not want to be aunties at the moment, and steffys too young to be a grandma" beth says somewhat serious.
"Did you at least make sure you used protection" katie says seriously, you tried to hide your smile.
"didn't actually" you say casually.
The girls all give you scared and disappointed looks as you tried not to break into a laughing fit then and there. You took the moment of silence to go back to what you were doing.
They all looked at you not knowing what to say, so you gave in and broke the silence.
"im 100% not pregnant, so chill out" you say laughing.
"you don't know that because you haven't taken a test y/n" caitlin speaks up.
"i'm calling sam, she'll tell us what to do"
steph and caitlin say as they start to call her, it takes a few rings until she picks up. great.
italics- sam
"whats y/n done now"
"y/ns not a virgin! and we think she's pregnant because she didn't use protection !" kyra yells before anyone else got the chance to speak.
"I'm not pregnant!" you say sternly
"i don't even know what to say"
"how are you even sure your not pregnant" viv asks sternly.
"we'll i don't know, last time i checked a girl couldn't get you pregnant" you say sarcastically.
There's a moment of silence before everyone lets a sigh of relief.
"why didn't you say that at the start!" katie says annoyed.
"what, it was funny seeing your reactions" you say with a smirk as steph hits you on the back of the head.
"ow!" you yelp rubbing the back of your head.
"You had me so scared you little rat" she says slapping your shoulder multiple times
"jesus mum i know how to have sex using protection, i'm not getting pregnant anytime soon!" you say swatting her hand away.
"are you implying that you've had sex more than once kid? With different people?" sam says teasingly, knowing it would spark a reaction from the other girls.
"sam shut up right now" you say sternly, honestly scared on how they would react.
"i can't do this right now, Caitlin come with me" Steph says seriously, leaving you a little scared
"why? where are we going?"
"we need to update sam on some stuff" she reply's impatiently, as they go to leave.
"wait!" you say quickly, speed walking over to them and grabbing stephs phone from her hand.
"bye sammy i love you" you say to the phone, knowing exactly what she's going to be told by the older aussies. using a soft tone so she won't get mad at you after.
"bye kid, i'll see you soon, love you" she reply's in a soft voice, you nod your head and pass the phone back to steph before they walk outside your apartment.
"we'll we're going to head off" viv says as she stretches.
"call us if you need absolutely anything okay" beth says giving your hand a squeeze, you only nod as a reply.
Soon enough your lying on the couch again with leah, katie and kyra, steph and caitlin still outside on the phone.
"wait... is that my hoodie" kyra speaks up from the silence looking straight at you.
"not anymore, it's my comfort hoodie now" you mumble and pull the hood over your head, all the sleep you missed finally catching up to you as all the caffeine you drank today stopped having an affect.
"why'd you drink so much coffee today?" Leah speaks up, remembering how you had ordered your tenth coffee at the cafe in only 2 hours.
"i'm a teenager with a shitty sleep schedule, how else do you expect me to stay awake" you reply tiredly causing leah and katie to sigh.
"well i think it's your bedtime, you look dead" katie says teasingly.
"wow thanks" you reply back sarcastically as you slowly get up and walk back into your kitchen. Kyra follows behind you as leah and katie hang back on the couch having a quiet conversation with eachother.
"why is my hoodie your comfort hoodie?" kyra asks curiously as you sit on the kitchen counter.
"because your my comfort person, so your hoodies like being with you when your not here, if that makes sense" you say embarrassingly.
"naww your to cute" she says as she stands between your legs and hugs you. You wrap your arms around her neck and hug her back tightly.
One thing kyra noticed about you was how much you loved hugs. Always up for a random hug during the day and cuddles whenever and wherever. You feel yourself falling asleep as you and kyra stay hugging in the kitchen but it was soon interrupted by steph and caitlin walking back into your apartment.
"time for bed kid" caitlin speaks softly.
"fine" you murmured as you unlatched yourself from kyra at got off of the kitchen counter.
You trudge back into the lounge room to give leah and katie a kiss on the cheek as you say goodnight, then moving on to steph and caitlin to do the same thing. You turn to face kyra as she gives you a smug smile and taps her cheek, you give her a deadpan look.
"what your not gonna your comfort person a goodnight kiss?" she says offended.
"no, your my cuddle buddy instead" you say as you grab her arm and drag her towards your room.
" what! how come kyra gets cuddles!" you hear katie yell.
"because i'm better than all of you!" kyra yells back cheekily
"and you have caitlin to give you cuddles!" you add before shutting your bedroom door.
You climb into your bed and wait for kyra to slide in next to you, as soon as she does you lay your head on her chest and she wraps her arms around you. You fall asleep almost instantly, not giving kyra time to ask you any more questions.
Time skip
You wake up and quickly get ready for training, realizing that the other girls left late last night. The thought of the whole team knowing about the situation with your parents made you feel nervous, not actually ready to answer all their questions. And on top of that kyra or beth would've blurted out the fact that you weren't in fact a virgin. You take a deep breath as you sit in your car, you quickly post on instagram before finally driving to training.
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Happy birthday my love, so incredibly grateful for you and how much you've been there for me. Wishing you the bestest 18th birthday, see you soon baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@jack_jones: i love you so much.
> @yourusername: 💗
> @macca: 1.5 METER SEPARATION
>@alanna: surprised steffy hasn't hunted him down yet
>@katrina: i might if she doesn't hurry up
>@kyraCC: You guys are way to overprotective, their just friends
>@yourusername: WE ARE JUST FRIENDS! (get out of my comment section btw)
@StephC: whole arsenal change rooms screaming about this 😗
>@caitlinF: hope your ready for the team interrogation  🤣
>@yourusername: mentally preparing myself 😖
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canirove · 3 months
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 23
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“Yes. I know, yes. I… Yes, Erin. I know” Mason sighed. “I will. Ok. You too. Bye” he said before hanging up. “Erin wishes us all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”
“It will be merry and happy if we manage to get rid of her.”
“Mum!” he said, trying to look serious and not laugh.
“Sorry” Toni shrugged. “Anyway, have you decided yet what you are going to tell her to not go back to London and sign the new contract?”
That year for the holidays they all had decided to spend them in New York with Luca and Alex, hoping that putting an ocean between Mason and his agency would help them forget about them and everything that what was coming for a while. But judging by how Erin was calling him daily, it was going to be more difficult than they thought. 
“That I got sick. Like with a cold or something like that. Then that Addie got sick too and I want to be with her. And if in the meantime it wants to snow so we can't fly…” he shrugged.
“Your wish may be granted very soon” Adele said, joining him and Toni in the living room of the house their parents had rented. “It has started to snow.”
“Yes” Elizabeth said, walking behind her daughter. They had gone out to do some late Christmas shopping, Adele not being able to find one of her gifts for Mason back home. “It isn't too much, but if it continues during the night, it's very likely that this year we will also be having some white Christmas.”
“Ready for another snowball fight, Turlington?” Mason asked Adele with a teasing smile, walking towards where she was standing.
“I was born ready, Mount” she replied.
“Have I told you today that I love you?” 
“Not enough times” she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Ok, I think this is our cue to leave” Toni said, getting up from the sofa. “Fancy a cup of tea?”
“Please” Elizabeth replied. “Who knew they would become so…”
“Cheesy?” Toni chuckled.
“Yes. Adele has never liked that.”
“Growing up you were allergic to anything romantic too. But then you met the love of your life, and boom! You became a real life heart eyes emoji. It must run in the family.”
“I never giggled like that.”
“Oh, you did, Elizabeth. You did” Toni laughed.
“But do you… Do you really think he is the love of her life? The one?” she asked while looking at Mason and Adele kissing and giggling like two teenagers.
“I do. And she is his” Toni smiled. “C'mon, let's go make us that tea and give them some privacy.”
“Yeah… I don't want to be here when your son starts putting his tongue down my daughters throat.”
“Oh, shush!” Toni laughed again, linking her arm with Elizabeth's and leaving the room, Mason and Adele definitely not noticing.
“Addie… Adele… Don't.”
“Too late, Mount.”
“Addie, I swear I didn't mean to hit your face with that snowball, it was just my bad aim” Mason said.
“Excuses, excuses.”
“Addie… please. Remember that I need my face for work, that I make a living out of it.”
“But you are taking a sabbatical year, aren't you? You won't be needing it any time soon.”
“What about you, tho? Do you want an ugly boyfriend? One that can't kiss you because his lips are all swollen after getting hit by a snowball? Think about it.”
“Umm…” Adele said. “You actually are a really good kisser.”
“I am.”
“Then I guess I'll have to hit you somewhere else” she shrugged.
“What? Addie!”
“I'm sorry, Mase. It is what it is.”
“But I also need my body! Like, what if you hit my chest and hurt my heart?”
“What?” she laughed.
“And think about my abs. You love following the shape of them with your finger, and if you hurt me there, that will be painful and you won't be able to do it.”
“And what if you miss and you hit me between my legs, uh? Goodbye to our children!”
“Mason!” Adele laughed again. “I'm going to throw this snowball at you whether you like it or not. I'm sorry.”
“But Addie… Addie!” he said when she threw the ball. “Oh my God, Adele. And then I have bad aim” he laughed. 
“That was so bad, Addie.”
“Mase…” she repeated.
“You had to hit me, not the tree behind me.”
“Mason!” Adele said, throwing herself at him and pushing him down, a huge chunk of snow falling from one of the tree's branches just where he had been standing.
“Shit” he said, Adele on top of him. “That was close.”
“So close” she whispered, flashbacks from the previous Christmas coming back. “Did you know that during winter you have nineteen freckles?”
“What?” he laughed. 
“During the summer after being in the sun you get a lot more, but right now you have only nineteen.”
“Have you counted them?”
“I have.”
“Oh my God, Addie” he chuckled. 
“They are cute.”
“Because I am cute” he smirked.
“Seriously, guys? We are in a park, a public place where there are children!” Luca said behind them. “Can't you wait until we are home to have sex?”
“Oh, fuck off” Adele said, standing up.
“Hey!” Luca complained when she hit him with the snowball she had made as she got up. “That hurt, Addie!”
“Not sorry” she smiled.
“Not sorry? Oh, you asked for this!” he said, making another snowball to throw at her but hitting Mason instead as she hid behind him. 
“I'm sorry, Mase. But you deserved it for hitting me.”
“I… come here” he said, making a snowball and starting to run after her while she laughed and screamed.
“Urgh” Luca groaned. “I liked you better when you weren't together. You are insufferable now with your cute couple crap.”
“Shut up and let them be happy” Alex said from behind a tree before hitting him with a snowball. 
“You little shit” Luca said before starting to run after him just as Mason was doing with Adele, the four of them ending up fighting against each other like they used to do as kids, laughing and screaming until they were soaking wet from all the snow.
“Three, two, one… Happy New Year!” everyone in the room screamed.
“Happy New Year, Addie.”
“Happy New Year, Mase” she smiled before kissing him.
“Urgh, you two are seriously insufferable” Luca said, rolling his eyes.
“Oh, stop it” Adele laughed, hitting his arm. “It's not our fault that you are sad and single” she teased him.
“Actually…” Alex said, Luca giving him a murderous look.
“Actually what?” she said, looking between him and her brother. 
“Luca may be seeing someone.”
“What?” Adele and Mason said at the same time.
“You are seeing someone and you haven't told your sister about it?” she said, hitting him again.
“I'm sorry” Luca said. 
“Who is he? Do I know him? Have I met him?”
“Don't lie to her, Luca” Alex said. “She's into football, she's definitely seen him play.”
“He's a football player?” Adele gasped. “Oh my God.”
“Shh, lower down your voice” her brother said. “Anyone could hear you.”
“People are too busy dancing and celebrating. I don't think they are paying attention to our conversation” Mason said.
“Exactly. So spill the beans, Luca. Who is he? How did you meet? I want all the details.”
“Again, I'm not gonna tell you everything about him in a place like this. He isn't out, you know? But we met this summer in Miami.”
“Likely place for a footballer to be during his holidays” Mason chuckled.
“Yeah, well. A mutual friend introduced us. When he said I was your brother, his friends started to talk about how hot you and mum are, that Mason is the luckiest guy…”
“I am” he grinned, kissing Adele's cheek and making her giggle.
“But then when we were kind of alone, he told me that he thought I was the hottest member of the family.”
“Smooth” Adele laughed. “So is he the reason why you've been going to London so often these past months?”
“Yeah” Luca said with a shy smile. “He can't travel because he is playing all the time, so since my schedule is more flexible…”
“He's actually thinking about ending his degree back home” Alex said.
“Yeah” Luca said again, his shy smile growing wider. “But I don't know, I haven't made up my mind yet. What I do know is that I like him a lot, that I have never felt this with any other guy, and that even though it isn't going to be easy because of his career and everything that surrounds it… I think he's worth it.”
“Aww, Luca” Adele said, hugging his little brother. “I am so happy you've found someone.”
“Thank you, sis” he said, hugging her back. “It was about time, wasn't it?” he whispered, doing a little nod towards Alex and confirming what she had always suspected: that he had feelings for him. 
“Yeah” she smiled. “Should we make a toast? To Luca and his new love!”
“To Luca and his new love” Mason and Alex said before drinking. 
“I guess there won't be a New Year kiss this time since you are seeing someone” Mason said.
“We actually made that up” Luca shrugged.
“You what?”
“Yeah” he shrugged again. “We don't have that tradition. We kissed so you would also kiss and realize that you were in love with each other. Though if I had known you were going to end up being so annoying, I would have not come out with that plan.”
“Idiot” Adele said, hitting his brother once again. 
“Anyway, I have to go. There is a phone call I have to make.”
“To your boyfriend living on the other side of the pond?” she smirked. 
“Precisely. So if you'll excuse me…” Luca said before leaving, Alex disappearing somewhere else too.
“I can't believe they made that up” Adele said.
“I actually can” Mason laughed.
“Was that kiss the reason why you were so weird the next morning? Because I said it meant nothing but to you it actually did?” she asked, remembering that night and what had happened after.
“Yeah…” he sighed.
“I'm so sorry I hurt you, Mase” she said, caressing his cheek. “But I was so confused and scared… Because I did feel things when you kissed me last year, you know? I just… I just didn't understand them. Or wanted to.”
“It's ok, don't worry. What matters is that everything worked out, and that here we are. Together” he smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist.
“Together” she smiled back. “I guess it did bring us good luck.”
“Definitely” Mason chuckled. “And we are gonna need a lot of luck this new year for your crazy plan to work, so I think we should kiss. A lot.”
“Can't think of a better plan.”
“Not even if I suggest…” he said, whispering into her ear some of the naughtiest things he had told her yet. “Shall we?” he said, meeting her eyes and making her feel goosebumps all over her body, her body temperature rising. Will she ever stop feeling like that when he gave her that look? Probably not. 
“Let's go” Adele said, taking his hand on hers and leaving the party.
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plussizefantasia · 1 year
Flufftober Day 10: Bakery AU pt2
Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Word Count: 0.9k
AN: This is a continuation of Day 1: Sweet Things. This one is a lot more dialog-heavy than the others and just a touch more spicy too. I think I'm obsessed with Bucky and Sweets so I'll for sure be continuing their story after flufftober ends. Anyway, please reblog if you liked it it means a lot!
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
Waiting until you got home after work to call Bucky was like torture. The note he left on the napkin after his departure was carefully folded up and placed into the pocket of your apron. When the traffic of customers lulled during the day, you’d pull it out and re-read it over again.
You’ve never really had a nickname before, but you liked Sweets. Maybe it was because it was the one that he gave you. 
When you finally were able to close down for the day, you rushed through locking up the shop and did the closest thing the running as you could without looking psycho all the way to your apartment. 
The phone hadn’t even rung twice before Bucky answered, “Hello?” 
‘Um. Bucky? You left your number on the napkin today, I assumed that meant you were okay with me calling.”
He chuckled, “More than okay, sweets. I’ve been waiting for your call”
You were surprised “Really?”
“Yeah, how many gorgeous women do you think I give me number every day?”
“Oh, Uh. I didn’t think you went around throwing your number at girls I just-”
“Breathe Sweets,” he gently reminded you over the phone and your body automatically responded, drawing in a deep breath and stopping your potential rambling short. “What are you doing tonight?” he asked.
“I was uh, gonna start to test out some new recipes for the holidays. Got to make sure they work right before the weather switches from fall to winter.”
“Need a taste tester?” He asked it so nonchalantly you’d think that the two of you hung out all the time. Not that this was one of the first few conversations you’d ever had that didn’t revolve around his work or yours. Before you could overthink though, you were sending him your address and he told you he’d pick up dinner and be there in twenty minutes.
You didn’t really know what to do with yourself so you busied your hands with prepping what you would need to make the new pastries you were gonna try and attempt to clean up the main area that contained your couches and coffee table. 
The knocks on your door were short and you nearly tripped over yourself rushing to the door to open it. 
Bucky was endeared to the breathless way that you greeted him and the way your hair was sticking out in every which way. It was obvious that you’d been doing something but the way your hair was mussed made him think less than innocent thoughts. 
He refused to follow through on them though, normally he wouldn’t have a problem with taking an attractive woman like you to bed right away but he really liked you, and wanted to see where this could go. He couldn’t do that if he let himself give into his more… animalistic… urges. 
“I brought Chinese hope that’s okay.”
“It’s great thanks, though you really didn’t need to get me dinner”
“I know I didn’t sweets but my mother always said that I needed to eat my dinner before I could have a treat.” You don’t think he realizes just how charming he is. His smooth tone and sultry smirk made you weak in the knees and you needed to remind yourself that he was here to taste test your recipes, not you.
“So, what are you making that needs my tasting expertise?” He set the food on your small apartment counter and began unpacking everything he had. It was enough food for a family of five. 
He suddenly got a little sheepish, “I didn’t know what you’d want.” 
“I’m sure I’ll like something here. Thanks again.”
After picking your meal for the evening you launched into an explanation of the treats you’d be attempting that night.
“I’m gonna try to make the cranberry tarts, peppermint bark brownies, and black forest bread twists tonight what do you think?”
“I think that a relationship with you is dangerous for my figure.” You couldn’t help but focus on the fact that he had said relationship, not friendship, a relationship.
“I thought you liked sweet things.” You leaned on the counter facing him and rested your head in your hand perched upon the little amount of empty counter space you had. 
He grinned and matched your energy, “I love sweet things, especially when they come in pretty packages.” his eyes raked up and down your body and you could feel the butterflies in your gut pick up their pace.
You tried your best to recover from the minor brain aneurysm he had just given you but you could tell that he had seen how his words affected you. And if the ever-growing smirk on his face was anything to go by, he enjoyed your reaction.
The night continued in the same way, Bucky shamelessly flirting with you and you doing your best to match him but getting too flustered to really pull it off. Bucky had declared the brownies his favorite but said that he’d probably need to start getting a bigger size of pants if he was going to keep being your taste tester. 
“You can be my official taste tester anytime you want, Bucky” you had told him at your door. He was on his way out after you declared that if you wanted to get any sleep tonight he’d need to leave.
“I’d love to taste whatever you give me, Sweets. Anytime”. All you could do was nod and smile at him as he left. He still heard the strangled groan you let out when the door closed though.
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reverie-starlight · 11 months
heloo saw ur req was open!
Can i req smth like a fic? (or hcs if u prefer) of mammon x gn reader!
Basically where reader is the type that enjoys horror movie and never flinches or might even laugh at some jump scare bcuz they think it’s horrible or funny! and mammon is like ‘what?? how r they laughing??!’ while he’s shivering and clutching a pillow like his life depends on it..
(I hope you can forgive me for taking so long to post it, my plan is to schedule this to be released ON Halloween hehe)
also I don't watch a ton of horror movies, so I'll keep it kinda general, but I hope you enjoy anyway!!!!
gn!MC, pre-established relationship with mammon, takes place in OG obey me.
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okay so
at first when you say you want to do a horror movie marathon with him, he's hesitant
yeah, human world horror might seem a bit lackluster for a demon, especially ones centered around possession or summoning- they might even see some as comedies if the execution was done poorly
but possession hits a bit too close to home for mammon, and he's never been a big fan of horror in general
you see him hesitate and before he has the chance to hide his feelings and force himself to agree, you give him an out
"hey, we don't have to if you don't want to... I just thought it might be fun since Halloween is coming up and it's a fun way to get into the spirit of it all. I won't force you, my love."
and he almost takes it.
but then he thinks about how you were probably really missing out on human world holiday traditions... and he sees the bit of disappointment you're trying (and succeeding for the most part- if he didn't know you as well as he did you would have fooled him) to hide
so with a deep breath, he sucks it up and shakes his head. "no, it's okay. we can totally do that! pick a time and place and we'll binge as many as ya want."
your eyes light up and you grin. "really?! thank you so much, mammon! I promise we'll start off with some easier ones and work our way up! I'll go make a list."
he doesn't regret his decision one bit and appreciates that you're being considerate of his feelings
until he realizes that your definition of "easy" horror movies didn't exactly align with his.
the first movie on the list was not "easy" at all, and at first he thought you were pulling his leg a bit
until he saw that you looked almost bored whenever there was a jump scare
it was almost embarrassing that he was clutching the pillow as tight as he was, but you were so focused on the movie that you didn't notice.
you did make sure to periodically check on him in between scenes and during bathroom breaks, but he didn't want you to feel bad, so he put on a brave face that seemed to sway you
he somehow made it through the first movie, and the second, but by time you were on the third (still in the "easy" category, you had said), he felt mildly sick to his stomach
during the movies, you had actually laughed during a few of the scary scenes.
how were you so desensitized to the horror genre?!
he usually admired your bravery, but this was a whole other level.
this third movie had to do with a zombie apocalypse, and you teased him, saying it reminded you of that haunted house you both got trapped in forever ago.
he tried to laugh with you, but at that moment the main character came into contact with one of the zombies and he wasn't able to hold back his scream since his guard was down
suddenly he was hiding his face in your shoulder, and shivering in your arms
poor baby starts apologizing and shaking his head when you pause the movie to check on him
"mammon have you been trying not to let on you were scared this whole time?!"
he tries to deny it but you give him a stern look and he sighs, nodding, starting to shake less now that the initial shock had worn off
"I just wanted to make you happy! I know how much you must miss human world halloween traditions and I wanted to make it feel more normal for ya..."
you smile at him and cup his cheek.
"mammon, that's sweet, but I'm literally in hell watching horror movies with my demon boyfriend, it doesn't get more halloween-y than that for a human," you giggle when he pouts and you lean down to kiss it away
"and if you were scared, you could have told me! we can watch something else, it's totally fine. it's no fun if only one of us is enjoying it."
he reluctantly agrees, still feeling bad for "ruining" your horror marathon (to which you reassure him that he didn't ruin anything, and then apologize for not realizing sooner).
so for the rest of the night you watch horror parodies (which are definitely more his speed) and cuddle up together under the blankets until you both fall asleep, thankfully nightmare free.
OKAY I really hope you enjoyed this, anon!!! and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!
I tried to keep it as general as possible because horror movies really aren't my thing, but if you're interested in more spooky mammon content, I have a fluffy halloween fic coming later today (it may already be out depending on when you read this) and I promise the quality is a lot better than what I've offered here :')
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toomuchracket · 1 year
he would want to rent a cottage/cabin or something like that (cotswolds/Joshua tree/nice/Yosemite) and play house with you when you’re not already living together. just cooking, exploring, fucking, sleeping and talking alllll day
combining with I feel like the vibe would be to get out of the city and just have some decompression time in the countryside. Regardless of AU, girly is working in a major city, Matty is jet-setting and both are likely city fatigued and need to spend some alone time with a beautiful view and about that holiday thing… i’ve had a really fluffy & romantic brainrot about driving to the english countryside with matty :’) not thinking about that one video OR maybe ireland?? i think it would be the cutest either during summer of autumn. don’t really have anything too specific in mind. (except they’d obviously have a lot of sex lol and if they’re staying at a cute b&b place they’d have to try and be pretty quiet because the walls are sooooo thin) just super cute, domestic cottage core/english murder mystery vibes and That’s so funny you should say that abt going away bc i’m on my way home from a weekend up at my family’s cottage up north and i would have loved to bring him along like a little lapdog in a purse 😭 like lazing around riverbanks, cuddling up and sharing a joint by the bonfire, finding cute little trails and having impromptu picnics sksndkdnfb
this to me feels quite birthday party coded, quite early in the relationship before you move in together, and before both of you busy little bees have properly developed the rhythms of being together and working and whatnot! anyway, it comes about because both you and matty are finding london exhausting, and you have the same week in late june free, so matty's like "fuck it. let's just go away for a few days, just us and mayhem and nothing and nobody else. i'll drive, we'll get a cottage somewhere nice and we'll just... relax", and you're like "that sounds dreamy let's do it". and in my head you literally stay in kate winslet's house from The Holiday (despite the fact it is not real), that cosy little cottage in the middle of a literal field - as soon as the door is opened, mayhem bolts in and settles himself somewhere unknown, which makes you both laugh (you find him later on a chaise longue in a spare bedroom snoring his sweet head off), and matty takes the opportunity to be like "i'm being so gratuitous here but just let me have a moment" before he scoops you up bridal style and carries you in, kissing you as he sets you down on the kitchen counter. you're like "we've been here five seconds and you're already acting like some austenian romantic hero. this is amazing. hitting several of my fantasies if i'm honest", and matty giggles like "give me five minutes to bring the bags in and then i'll carry you to bed and hit some more of them, if you want" - you're like "ok but if you take your shirt off while you bring in the bags you'll have hit another one already", and matty rolls his eyes but does it anyway because tbh his one goal in life is to turn you on (and oh, watching his biceps flex and back muscles ripple does it to an insane degree). so yeah, that's the first of many sex sessions in the cottage, after which you get cleaned up and redressed and walk hand-in-hand into the little village nearby to get some shopping; fancy wine, cheese, bread, fruit, all that good stuff, and ingredients for a proper cooked breakfast for the next morning, before heading back to just sit in the garden and watch the sunset together with your little cheeseboard dinner and a bottle of wine and honestly a joint too. matty abandons his "i am not letting you fuck up your lungs" bit so you can get high with him, and you sit giggling and kissing until you're sleepy and the two of you decide to go to bed - you fall asleep almost instantly, because of the wine and the weed and the fresh air.
the next morning, a lie-in after a great long sleep - more sex, then a shower, then matty cooking breakfast while you sit on the sofa with mayhem and coo at him (which makes matty go all gooey lol). it's not too hot or sunny, so you decide to spend the day taking mayhem for a loooooooooong walk along the river; he goes in for a swim and its the happiest you've ever seen him. naturally, matty considers moving out of the city then and there lmao. the three of you end up in a pub beer garden for dinner, you and matty chatting nonsense over your pints, before heading back "home" and having a bubble bath together with some wine, which inevitably leads to yet more sex. it's a perfect few days, which is something matty addresses when you're cuddled into his chest, listening to the birds and watching the sunlight stream through the curtains, on your final morning in the cottage - he's like "this has been perfect, waking up and spending my days with you. don't wanna go home", and you're like "neither do i. want to just be with you all the time". and then matty has an absolute eureka moment and says quietly "will you move in with me, please? really don't think i can go back to living alone and making breakfast by myself. s'a lot better when you've got your arms wrapped around me lol", and you kiss him softly and say "yes, i will", and you do!! i also think you write a little free-form essay about the trip when you get back to london, with an epigraph from another of your fav classic romantic female authors that perfectly describes how you feel about your own love interest: "whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" <3
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calmasyoghurt · 3 months
The joker out pride project.
In the second half of June I'll both go on holiday and work my local pride. I'll still try to finish this fic in time, but might not have time to be as thorough with spell/grammar checking. Anyways. Today's chapter, also on ao3.
June 12th, prompt 18. Clothes shopping.
Kris doesn’t have enough clothes. Technically, his closet is almost full, but that’s simply because he hasn’t rinsed it out in a really long time. But today he simply has to take action, because he’s currently wearing a pair of sweatpant-shorts and a Big Foot Mama t-shirt that is probably his dads. They’re the only clean clothes he could find that was clean and not too small, too girly, or too warm for the summer wether. It’s definitely time to clean out some old clothes.
Kris stares at his open wardrobe. Then he just starts pulling clothes out. Dresses, skirts, blouses, a few shirts, they all end up in a pile on the bed. Then, he sorts them in to three different piles. In one of the piles he puts clothes that he think are worth keeping until Maja is old enough to wear them. The second pile is for clothes going to donation, this pile becomes the largest one. Lastly, any broken or really old clothes goes in to a third pile for throwing away. Just as Kris sorts one last dress in to the donation pile, his mum enters the room.
“Why don’t you- ah, great minds think alike, I was just about to suggest you sort out some old clothes, but I see you’ve just done that. Are these for donating? My friend Marija has a daughter that would love these, we should go drop those of for them and then go buy you some new clothes”.
Marija and her daughter does seem to appreciate the generous donation of clothes, seeing how they thank Kris and his mum multiple times during their five minute visit. When the visit is over, the mission of buying Kris half a new wardrobe can begin. It feels like his mum is taking Kris in to every store in the entire city, and from most of them they leave with at least one new item of clothing. Kris does need them all, but buy the time his mum announces that H&M will be their last stop, he’s getting a bit tired. There are only so many shirts, pants, and shorts one can try on before becoming exhausted.
While his mum starts looking for an appropriate button-up shirt, Kris starts looking through the boys section. He didn't go in to this section a lot as a kid, it had to be done now. Suddenly Kris’ brain provides a memory from childhood. He remembers it clearly, how he had stood in the little girls section in this very store, holding his mum’s hand. She had wanted to buy a pretty, pink shirt with a princess on it. Kris had not accepted the offer, and when his mum had asked which shirt to buy instead, he’d led her over to a grey one with superheroes instead. His mum had bought it, but a few days later, the pink princess shirt had been laying next to it in his drawer at home. It had felt like a victory and a loss at the same time.
“Do you remember the time I bought you that princess shirt in secret?”. Kris’ mum has found him again, holding a couple of shirts.
“Yeah, I was just thinking about that”, Kris answers.
“I’m sorry for that, you clearly didn’t want it. I just bought it because I thought it was pretty, and hoped you’d change your mind about it. I promise not to do that again”. This time, there is no loss, only victory, and Kris could not be happier over the fact that his mum is so supportive.
“What do you think, white or black?” she says, holding up the two shirts she’s found. Kris doesn’t reply right away. Instead, he gives his mum a tight hug.
“You’re the best, mum. I want the white one”.
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bakerstmel · 10 months
Fall Favorite Fic Festival, Entry 5
Remember, winter doesn't officially begin until December 21, she said pedantically.
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I've delayed writing this entry because I was trying to define the reason (or reasons) why I love this fic so damn much. I read this fic at least twice a year, usually sometime in February and then again in the fall. It's a sports fic, and while I am not in general a sports person, I do love me some baseball. But the sport isn't the reason I love this fic, and I think I may have figured it out. Stick with me.
I started the link at Chapter 2, because Chapter 1 is a guide to baseball for the uninitiated. Some of it is out of date now, because MLB in its STUPIDITY has messed around with the rules this year because GOD FORBID people have to wait longer than a minute for anything to fucking happen on a sports field, and of course only HITS matter, but it is still fun to read. You don't need it to appreciate the fic, though.
Whilst I was processing this fic, I spent some time thinking about sports fics in general, and that led me to reread a couple of other favorites. One was A Study in Winning, by Jupiter_Ash. I really like that fic as well, even though I know next to nothing about tennis. I like the drama of the story, I like Sherlock faking his nationality just because, and I enjoy John being a petty little bitch to Moriarty there at the end. I feel like there for a while everyone had read or was reading that fic. Another one I went back to was Of Ice and Men, by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John, which is an OT3 set during the Winter Olympics. That one has John in the Paralympics, which gives the relationships an entirely new dimension. There are other good sports fics - throw your favorite in the comments, if you like. I'm mostly limiting my scope in these musings to Sherlock, as I've said before, but I'll read anything if it's good. Links to these two fics are below.
One of the ways in which sports fics have an advantage is that they have a built in structure. There's a match, or a tournament, or a season, and the relationship drama plays out against that backdrop. Writing classes always talk about the "ticking clock" approach to narrative tension, and almost every sport has some type of literal ticking clock. The Bang and the Clatter plays out over a full baseball season, including Spring Training and the postseason. That's basically a year minus the main American holidays, and EarlGreyTea does a really good job of letting the story play out at an appropriate pace. That's very impressive considering that she was posting this as a WIP over the course of an actual season.
(I need to take a minute to talk about my issues with EGT, and by "issues" I mean "soul churning jealousy." EGT is ridiculously prolific. If you go back into the fandom annals and look at the timing of some of her biggest fics, she was posting what became major reference points for the fandom in tandem, writing multiple fics at the same damn time, while, you know, teaching law or moving cross country. She is the best example I know of the importance of writing regularly. Of course, she's incredibly gifted, highly skilled at plotting, characterization, pacing, and just words. She has a fabulous imagination. Her dialogue rings true, and it's fun. But she can turn really good stuff out relatively quickly because she's limber AF. She writes. Anyone who comes to Word Sprints on Sundays or just hangs with me writing knows I'm not fast. I'm lucky to break 100 words in 15 minutes. Part of that is that I edit as I go, but it's also that I don't write as often as I would like to, so it takes me some time to warm up. I would like to be more like EGT, which probably sounds kind of creepy. I hope she doesn't see this. Anyway, she's written many of my top 20, and she actually finishes her stuff. So, yeah. Issues.)
So here is where I ended up: this is a good AU that takes advantage of the time crunch of the sport in which it is set, but that is not why I read it 2+ times per year. I read it because this is one of my favorite John and Sherlock relationships ever. It feels so in character for the way we see them in the show (at least through S2; this was written in 2013). We see them meet, we feel their attraction, we feel Sherlock's very authentic confusion. We feel their fear at being caught out, at first by each other and then by the world. They earn their angst. The way to my heart is good characterization, and this has that. Alongside the battery, the OCs (especially Sherlock and John's families) are complex and have issues of their own. Moriarty doesn't show up until the All Star Workout, which is halfway through the season for those of you who don't know, but it works because by that point, John and Sherlock have things to lose. Lestrade is the best effing choice for a beleaguered, exasperated baseball manager there ever was. Mycroft saves the day AND fucks it up, which I wish we'd seen more of in those days.
Also, John and Sherlock never get too far away from each other, and when they're separated, it's usually for narrative reasons. I like that in a fic, I've come to realize. I like to watch the characters' interplay. It's hard for Sherlock to keep secrets from John when they work together, commute together, and live together, and John is no fool. Their office isn't 221b Baker Street, it's a stadium in Austin, TX, where shit plays out in front of 30k people. John loves baseball. Sherlock loves John. They fight, they fall in love, they eat Chinese food, and they play baseball. And best of all, they are themselves together.
If you read the parts that EGT wrote after the big story, there's a mention of Sherlock pulling together a pick up game in London made of American ex-pats for John's sake, and I'll tell you what. That really pulls this fic together for me. This Sherlock would do that for this John, and we end up a little on the outside looking in, and it's just charming as fuck.
In conclusion, read this even if you don't know baseball, if you want great characterization, a chance to be reminded of how beautiful John and Sherlock were together back in the golden age. Pay attention to the ticking clocks in your favorite fics; intentional or not, there's almost always some time pressure ginning up the conflict. If you're a writer, the best way to get better is to write more. Feels like bullshit, but it's true. And finally, fuck MLB forever for going the completely wrong way on the DH. Pitchers in both leagues should have to/get to hit, and more to the point, DHs should have to fucking do something when their teams are out in the field. I will die on this mound.
(Also, if I'm being honest, Bull Durham is probably my favorite movie, so maybe I'm more of a baseball fan than I'm letting on. I do generally love baseball in popular media. But I still think it's the characterization.)
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austinsgirl · 1 year
Rather Die | Chapter 18
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word count: 3405
warnings: talk of pregnancy, mild language
master list
It's Black Friday morning. Austin, Victoria, & Ashley go out to The Grove, which is an outdoor shopping center.
It's all decorated for the holiday's; Christmas music plays in & outside of every store. It's Victoria's favorite time of year.
"So, what are we shopping for? Or who, I should say." Ashley asks.
"I'll be shopping for my family, Mila, Ashton, and the baby. I know she won't be here for Christmas, but if I see anything on sale that I like, I'm getting it." Victoria says.
"What? Not buying for me?" Austin asks her.
"I mean, I will, but not today. Can't buy for you while you're with me, Aus."
"We should stop into Pottery Barn Kids & look at furniture for the nursery." Austin mentions.
"Oh, definitely. We haven't even decided on what we want yet though. Like a color scheme or a theme."
"Do you have any ideas?"
"I was thinking maybe an accent wall with floral wallpaper, and the walls being a color to match the wallpaper. Probably like a baby pink or something. White furniture."
"I like that. Let's go see what furniture they have."
The three of them headed into Pottery Barn Kids and started taking a look at everything they had.
"Vic, do we want a bassinet or a crib?" Austin asks.
"Um, I'd say for the nursery, we get a crib, and a bassinet for the bedroom. She'll be sleeping with us in the bedroom for the first six months or so."
"With us? Like, me & you? In the same bed?"
"Maybe the first few nights we'll do that while she gets accustomed to being home. We can get a portable bassinet, take turns on who gets her during the night, and we can transfer the bassinet back & forth from my room to yours."
"Yeah, that would work. Especially if we both have relationships, we'll want nights off to spend with said relationships."
"Exactly. You think you might find someone?"
"Maybe. You never know. I might start looking, but if it happens, it happens."
Vic nods her head in agreement.
"Good. Maybe he's moving on from me." she thinks to herself.
"Do we like this bassinet? It's on wheels and seems pretty basic. We don't need anything too fancy." Austin asks.
"Yeah, I like that. Seems perfect to me. Do we want to buy the stuff today and take it home, or order it?"
"Uh, we can order it. I don't think I'd have enough room in my trunk to put everything."
"Okie, that works. Let's take pictures of everything so we know what to order."
They go over to the furniture sets and right away Victoria spots a dresser/changing table she loves.
"Austin, look at this one! I really love the gold handles on this."
"Oh yeah, that's sharp. I like that."
"Let's just get this one then with the matching crib, which is 4-in-1?! Woah. That's so worth it. She can have this like her whole life if she wants to. Eventually she'd just make this into a bed."
"Bab-Vic, let's look at the others before settling." Austin almost called her babe, but caught himself before he did.
They continue to look at the sets, but nothing was speaking to them more than the 'Ava' set.
"Are you good with the 'Ava' one? Or do you want the 'Larkin' one?" Vic asks.
"I'm good with 'Ava'. I really like those handles too. What do you think, Auntie Ash?"
"I think it's a good choice." Ashley says. "I love the handles too. It's different."
"Alright, furniture is picked out then! What about a rocking chair?" Vic says.
"Oh yeah, let's look at those."
Victoria sits in one and practically melts into it. "Oh my god. Good luck getting me out of here. This is too comfy."
"Let me try it, Vic." Austin says to her.
"Okay, but you're gonna have to pull me up."
Austin grabs onto her hands and pulls her up.
"Already getting hard to get up?" Ashley asks.
"Sometimes, yeah. Depends on the seat. Also it's just really comfy & he'd have to pull me up anyways or else I'd just stay there for awhile."
"Okay, yeah. This is super comfy. Goodnight." Austin jokes, making himself comfortable, stretching his legs out onto the ottoman the chair comes with.
"I think that should be it. We'll look online at everything else and add it to our registry when we have the wallpaper & paint picked out."
They headed out of Pottery Barn Kids, and hit up some clothing stores to get some family members some gifts.
"I have to stop into Victoria's Secret to get some new bras. The girls are filling up with milk and are getting bigger. Also want to get some perfume for Mila." Victoria mentions.
"I'll go in with you. I should get some new panties." Ashley responds.
"I'll go into Barnes & Noble while you're doing that." Austin says.
"Alright, want us to meet you in there?" Vic asks.
"Yeah. I can kill a lot of time in there, so take your time. I'm sure it's hectic in there so it'll be awhile."
"Okay, sounds good."
"I'm going to drop my bags off in the car. Want me to take yours?" Austin asks the both of them.
"Yes, please." the girls say in almost unison.
Austin takes the bags from them and heads out to the car to drop them off, then heads to Barnes & Noble.
He starts at Starbucks inside the store, getting himself an oat milk latte before walking around the store, seeing what new books he could find.
He picks up a book he's been wanting to check out, "City on Fire" by Don Winslow, a couple others before heading over to the parenting books.
A worker stocking shelves in that section, female, average height, medium length blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and freckles, wearing a white button down with jeans, notices Austin looking intently into the back cover of one of the most popular parenting books.
"That's a good book, by the way. I mean, I assume so. It's a best seller in this section." the girl says.
"Oh, really?" he looks over to her.
"Yeah." she chuckles. "I've cashed out a few of those & have restocked it a couple of times."
"Well, I guess I'll get this one. I have one already, but wanted something different, that more goes over every little thing. The one I have is just super basic info. Thanks for the advice."
"No problem. I'm Juliet, by the way."
"Austin. That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." he holds out his hand to shake hers.
Juliet blushes, "Thank you. I thought that's who you were. Butler, right?"
"Haha, yeah. That's me."
"It's nice to meet you." she smiled.
"Nice to meet you, too." Austin smiles back.
I loved your new movie by the way. You were incredible. I took my grandma to see it as she loves Elvis, and she cried."
"Aw, that's so sweet. Thank you. You'll have to say hi to your grandma for me."
"I will."
"Or maybe, one day I could say hi to her myself? That's if you'd like to go on a date with me & we hit it off."
"I'd really like that." Juliet smiles. "You're not dating Victoria right? I just want to make sure."
"Oh, no. We're not."
"Okay, good. I did see the announcement you guys made, but I just wanted to make sure nothing had changed since."
"Yeah, we're still just friends and co-parents."
"That's great, because I'd really like to take you up on that date."
"How does tonight sound? I can pick you up when you're off work? Maybe get some take out & hang at my place?"
"Actually, that sounds perfect. I've been having to uber lately with my car being out of commission. I'm off at eight."
"Cool. I'll see you then. And I can give you a ride home later. Let's exchange numbers so if there's change of plans or anything."
"Yeah, let's do that."
Austin & Juliet exchange numbers and said their goodbyes so she could get back to work.
"Hey, Butler!" Vic calls out as she seems him when she walks in.
Austin turns around with a smile on his face & walks to them.
"What are you all smiley about?" she asks.
"I may have met a girl, and got her number, and set up a date with her for tonight. She's coming over to hang out & get take out. I hope that's okay with you."
"Oh, um, yeah. That's fine. I'll just hang in my room for the night & watch some chick flick Christmas movies."
"So, who's this girl?" Ashley asks.
"Her name is Juliet. She works here in the store. She was stocking books in the parenting section and the book I was looking at, she had told me it's a best seller & we just got to talking a bit."
"Aw, that's good you met someone, Austin!" Ashley says.
"Yeah, that's great, Aus. Love that for you." Vic mentions.
"Thanks, guys. She seems really nice and she's insanely gorgeous. Blonde, blue eyes, so many freckles."
"Well, I'm sure we'll get to meet her & see her beauty for ourselves if it works out." Ashley says.
Austin cashes out at the register & they all head out to finish up their shopping trip.
By the time Vic & Austin drop off Ashley at her house & get home, there's not much time until he has to go out and get Juliet from work.
He takes his shopping bags into his room and puts them all in his walk in closet, then changes into black jeans and a blue button down shirt. He makes sure his hair looks good & sprays some cologne on before heading back out.
"Hey Vic, I'm about to go pick up Juliet, then we're stopping for food. Want something from whatever we get?" Austin asks her, stopping by her room.
"Oh, yeah. That'd be great. You know my usuals." Vic responds.
"Alright. I'll be back soon."
Austin heads out the door and drives back out to The Grove.
He sees Juliet waiting for him outside of the store.
"Hi!" She says getting in the car.
"Hey! How was the rest of your shift?"
"It was good! Just finished stocking and then put away the things people didn't want."
"Sounds easy enough. I'm glad you had a good day. No shitty customers? I know working retail on black Friday you can come across some crazies."
"I didn't have to deal with any, but my co-worker said there was this lady who thought these certain books we're half off but it was buy one get one half off. The lady would not give up on it, even though the sign was right."
"Damn. Not surprised though. I remember when my mom was working as an aesthetician, she would complain about clients not understanding the pricing and sales on the products they sold in the spa she worked at. Even my dad working in real estate would deal with 'Karen's'" he chuckled.
"Yeah, any kind of retail sucks. I can't wait to get out of it."
"What do you want to do when you get out?"
"Well, I really want to be a writer. Well, I am a writer, that has yet to be published. So, once I get published, and if I do well enough, I will leave retail."
"That's really cool. What genre do you write?"
"I write young adult romance, mainly. I've also written a romantic thriller. This girl is super obsessed with this married man, and she tries everything to get the wife out of the picture. I saw the movie 'The Crush' and was inspired. Have you seen that movie?"
"I don't think I have."
"This teen girl who is apart of a rich family, get's a really hot guy renting out their guest house. She gets a highly obsessive crush on him and tries to sabotage things in his life because she isn't getting what she wants, which is the guy."
"That sounds really interesting."
"We could watch that tonight if you want."
"Yeah, that'd be great." Austin smiles at her. "Any food recommendations?"
"Oh gosh, I'm not sure. What's good around your place?"
"Um, there's this really good Japanese place that has really good sushi."
"Ooo, that sounds good."
"Okay, we can do that then. If you want, you can look up their menu & see what you want, then I'll call them and order."
"Alright. What's it called?"
"Aji Ten."
Juliet looks up the menu & decides on what she wants, then Austin places the order.
They get to the restaurant with about ten minutes til their order is ready for pickup.
"So, Juliet. Tell me more about you." Austin says as they wait in the car.
"Okay. Um, I'm 27 years old. I'm from Anaheim-
Austin cuts her off, "Wait, you're from Anaheim? So am I!"
"Oh my gosh, really? That's so cool."
"Yeah, I grew up right by Disney Land & Knott's. My mom would take my sister & I all the time."
"We went a lot too! We probably crossed paths at some point."
"Probably! What else is there about you?"
"Hm, well you know where I work and what I want to do for a living. I have 2 older brothers & a baby sister, my parents are divorced."
"My parents we're divorced too."
"Yeah. My mom, passed away, when I was 23. They divorced when I was 12, I believe."
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Austin. That must have been so rough. I can't imagine going through them divorcing and then having to go through losing your mom. I can't imagine losing a parent."
"Thank you. It's definitely gotten better, but I still miss her a lot."
"Oh, I'm sure."
"Looks like the food should be about ready. I'll go in and get it. Be right back."
Austin goes inside and picks up the food, then they head back to the house.
"Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourself comfortable." Austin says, leading into the house.
They go into the kitchen and see Victoria unpacking bags and sorting the new baby stuff in the living room, which is connected to the kitchen.
"Oh, hey Vic. This Juliet. Juliet, this is Victoria." Austin says.
Victoria waves, "Oh, hi! Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." Juliet says.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to use the bathroom." Austin says. "Vic, we got Aji Ten. I got your usual, small miso soup & Cali roll with extra avocado."
"Perfect. Thanks, Aus."
"You're welcome!" He calls out as he heads to the bathroom.
Victoria looks over Juliet as she takes some plush bunnies out of a bag, watches her as she looks around the house waiting for Austin to get back. She sees Juliet take off her jacket and unbutton more of her top to reveal clevage.
"Horny bitch." Victoria let's her thoughts slip out of her mouth.
"Hm?" Julia asks, being caught off guard.
Vic looks down at the plush bunnies and starts talking for them, playing it off. "No, you're a horny bitch! Nooo, you're a horny bitch!" she laughs it off nervously.
Juliet laughs nervously as well, playing along.
"I'm back! Let's get this food." Austin says walking into the kitchen.
"I guess I'll grab my soup and sushi, & get out of your guy's hair." Vic says.
She gets up and grabs her food, along with a Sprite from the fridge.
"Have a good night, guys. Nice meeting you." Victoria says nervously before heading off to her room.
"What the hell just came out of my mouth?" she thought to herself.
She sat down at her desk, and propped up her phone to Facetime Mila as she ate.
"Hey girl, what's up?" Mila answers.
"Austin has a girl over."
"He has what now?"
"A girl. A really hot one too."
"Oh my. Do you think he's over you now that he's met someone?"
"God, I hope so. But you know what I did? You know what I fucking did?"
"I was watching her look around the house while Austin was in the bathroom, and she took off her jacket, then she unbuttoned her top more to show off cleavage."
"Okay, and?"
"Then I just out of no where, blurted out, "Horny bitch."
"You didn't...."
"I did. Thankfully I was holding these plush bunnies we got for the baby and I played it off as they were fighting on who's the horny bitch."
"Wait, why is that funny?" Mila laughs.
"Oh my god, stop. It was so embarrassing. Like why did I just blurt that out?"
"Maybe he's over you, but you aren't over him. Kinda sounds like jealously." Mila takes a sip of wine.
"Is that wine?"
"Lucky. I can't wait to drink again. Gonna be pumping and dumping when we go have a much needed girls night out after this pregnancy."
"Oh, yes. Once your body is up for it, we'll go and get LIT."
"Please, I need. But, let's not go to that one club though where we went for the cast parties. It's been Eliana's hangout."
"Oh, yeah. We'll go somewhere else."
"But back to you saying it sounds like jealousy. I am not jealous."
"You sure? Because I don't think you'd call the new girl Austin is seeing a horny bitch for showing off her titties a bit."
"I'm sure."
"Oookayy. If you say so."
"It was probably just pregnancy brain."
"I'm not jealous."
"Uh-huh. What does she look like?"
"She's about my height, blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles."
"She sounds cute. What's her name? I wanna look her up."
"Juliet. I don't know her last name. She works at Barnes & Noble."
"Got it."
"That was quick."
"Eh, I've always been good at finding people. You know, before I got into acting, I was kind of a geek and was really good at tech stuff."
"Really? I don't think I knew that."
"Yeah. I worked at Best Buy once upon a time, selling computers."
"Wow. I don't think you ever brought it up."
"Mhm. Anyways, she is pretty. Her last name is Moreno. She's from Anaheim. Big family. Italian."
"Damn, you're good."
"Aren't I?" Mila flips her hair.
"Austin's from Anaheim. I'm sure they've bonded over that."
Mila gives Vic an eyebrow raise.
"Jealousy, jealousy."
"Stooopppp, I am not!"
"Okay, okay. But are you sure?"
"Oh my god, yes Mila."
In the morning....
Vic walks into the kitchen to see Juliet wearing Austin's Mighty Ducks muscle tank, revealing some side boob.
"Good morning." Juliet says to Vic, as she makes herself a cup of coffee.
"Would you like some coffee?"
"Oh, no. That's okay. I can't have much caffeine and I usually just have a protein shake in the morning. Thanks though."
"No problem. I really hope we didn't get off on a rough spot..."
"Oh, because of what I said? That wasn't-
"Victoria, I saw you looking at me when you said it. I could tell it was about me."
"Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't even realize I said it until it was too late."
"You would have thought it either way though, right?"
"I don't know, but I'm sorry."
"I just hope you know that's not my intention with Austin."
"Good to know. Speaking of, where is he?"
"He's still in bed."
"No, I'm not. Good morning, ladies." Austin says as he walks in, shirtless in just his underwear.
"Good morning." Juliet smiles at him.
He kisses her sweetly. "I had a lot of fun last night."
"Me too." she giggles.
Victoria lowkey rolls her eyes & grabs a protein shake from the fridge and a banana off the counter, and goes to sit in the living room.
"I'll be heading out soon. I have to work in an hour and a half, and I want to stop at home first to get ready." Juliet says to Austin.
"Alright, sweetheart. Want me to give you a ride home?"
"No, that's okay. My roommate is going to pick me up on her way back from her hair appointment."
"Okay, sounds good."
When Juliet was leaving, Austin was saying his goodbyes.
"Call me?" he asks.
"You know I will."
He kisses her & sparks fly. Maybe he is over his feelings for Vic.
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tiikerikani · 6 months
"I feel that it is time for me to pursue another opportunity that is more aligned with my career goals and values"
I’m 100% quitting my job if they require us to use Gen AI
They did, so I quit. I gave my one months' notice today and will start New Job near the end of next month. Of course I have to credit random Recruiter Guy for showing up in my life at exactly the right time; I wouldn't have left without an exit plan.
I try to be a principled person and there aren't always opportunities to safely stay true to those principles.
When Recruiter Guy messaged me on LI last month, I was intrigued that it actually seemed like he'd read my profile (unlike the spammy messages I usually get). I've never worked with a recruiter before, so it was interesting having a sort of agent pitching you to the company and liaising with them instead of having to be persuasive and do all the arrangements on your own.
Since the technical writer role is a new position in this company, I figured that it would mean they would be open to ideas on how to do things and wouldn't be forcing me to use AI things.
When Recruiter Guy asked for my salary expectations, I gave him a number in the middle of the range that was in the job description. The entire salary range is a significant increase over what I'm earning now[1], so I had literally nothing to lose and everything to gain trying for this. He said he'd ask for a bit more than my figure. (And that's what I'll be getting.)
The role would be a massive step up in responsibility for me and I know it's going to be a challenge; as the in-house writer I'd be responsible for maintaining the entire documentation library[2]. In-house writer is actually the role that many technical writers aspire to. You get to work closely with and really know the products you write about, and you can give feedback during the product development process.
I would have asked about it anyway, but the interviewer wanted my thoughts about using AI, and I said something along the lines of "I know people who do, but I do not because I trust my writing skills and good writing that gets taken seriously needs to have a touch that only a human writer can provide." She agreed that AI text sounds really obviously fake, so I took this as a good sign.
There was a small sample task that I had to do on my own time (given a list of specs, write a brief product description). Not a huge fan of copywriting but a product description is still very factual and not usually trying to sell stuff to people who don't want it. I returned the assignment along with a thank you note for the interview.
The interviewer wanted to speak with one of my references, so I directed her to talk to my master's thesis supervisor. He made such a good impression that she wanted to read my thesis (which IS, in the end, the only formal writing sample I can provide because I can't divulge who I've done work for) and had Recruiter Guy set up a chat for me with their HR person. Whom I spoke to on Good Friday because it wasn't a public holiday in their country and I didn't have big plans for the Easter weekend anyway and I just really wanted to move the process forward as quickly as possible. They were also extremely impressed and went back to Recruiter Guy right away, who then called me that afternoon. I'm sure he would not have done this if he wasn't optimistic about my application since he was very well aware that it was a public holiday for me.
So yeah, I got the offer email just as I was about to leave for the concert last Thursday, and I wrote back immediately to accept it. Recruiter Guy called me as I was getting out of the metro and I really hate talking on the phone in public, but THIS WAS IMPORTANT ENOUGH for an exception. We discussed the start date and agreed that I could have a gap week in between to just...catch my breath and rest a bit.
New Job is a hybrid workplace and they expect people to come to the office at least a couple of times a week, so I hope some social life and networking can actually happen??? Their products include hardware devices so it also makes sense that I need to physically be there to examine the things to document them properly.
[1] With the amount of experience I have now, with a job that requires a university degree and specialized language skills, and living in the Helsinki area, I should NOT be earning BELOW the national median wage (across all industries)!!!
[2] A recurring theme in my art and what I try to do with it is wanting to be seen, so it would mean a lot to me to be able to point to my work and say "I did this," rather than writing anonymously as a contractor.
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natcliachen · 3 months
LOCATION: Along the Seine in Paris, France DATE: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 TASK: What was the last interaction your character had with Richard before he passed?
Natalia rang Richard during her lunch break, mindful of the six-hour time difference between Paris and New York. It was morning for him. She figured he'd be enjoying breakfast in the sunroom right about now.
She had sent him a package for his birthday: a bottle of Ricard Pastis, two shot glasses, and a bottle of mint syrup — a complete kit to make the perfect summer drink. It arrived yesterday night, and she'd coordinated with Mrs. Tristan to have it waiting for Richard in the sunroom on the morning of his birthday.
Richard picked up on the second ring.
"Richard," she greeted warmly.
"Natalia!" His voice was bright. It brought a smile to her face.
"Happy birthday."
"Thank you, dear." She heard some shuffling, probably him putting his newspaper to the side. "I feel younger every day."
"Do you now?" she asked, a hint of amusement in her voice as she tilted her head slightly.
"No," he revealed, dropping his jest. "My back hurt getting out of bed this morning. I'll have to ask Mrs. Tristan about scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor."
Natalia laughed lightly.
"I got your package," he told her. "Some… drink thing? For a personalized gift, you spelled my name wrong."
Natalia rolled her eyes fondly. She should have known he'd find a way to make some horrible dad joke over a bottle of Ricard Pastis de Marseille.
"Ricard," she pronounced the name they way it was meant said. "Pastis. It’s an aperitif. The main ingredient for a popular summer drink here. One I want you to try."
"How fancy. It goes with this... mint syrup?"
"Not traditionally, but this variation I'd like to make you does," she told him.
"And when would you be making me this 'variation'? Your presence didn't come along with this gift." Richard countered in return. "Shame you won't be joining us for the celebration tonight by the way."
She wasn’t sure; Geneviève always seemed to need her. "It's an occasion I hate to miss, truly. But maybe I could visit sometime in the fall perhaps? October?"
"October?" Richard repeated. "Nothing happens in October."
Natalia wracked her brain for something. "Columbus Day?"
"Oh, that’s no holiday," Richard said quickly, and she could picture the twist of his face.
"You’re right," she conceded with a sigh. "But soon. Most definitely this year."
"Alright then. If not soon, then at least try to make it back for Christmas. It's been what — over a year, Tal?"
Nearly two actually, she thought but didn't say. She knew she’d be busy during December as well, helping prepare for Haute Couture Week. "Yeah, sure," she said anyway. "I’ll try to make it back."
"Even for a day. I'll pay for your flight, you know," he said, almost like a dare.
She let out an amused breath. "Oh, I know."
Richard had paid for her flight to Paris. And the apartment she stayed in for the six months her internship was meant to last for.
Listening to him chuckle on the other end, her mouth curved into a warm smile. It always felt nice to her when she managed to get Richard's attention like this. Like for a bit, she could pretend it was the norm — that she was one of his favorites.
She wanted to keep it going, have him on the line a little longer. She opened her mouth to say something, to ask him what the plans were for this evening, but he spoke first.
"Well, I won’t keep you from work any longer. I'm sure Geneviève keeps you busy."
She wasn’t busy. It was her lunch break, which sometimes stretched longer than an hour. But Richard had a habit of doing that — cutting conversations short. She liked to think it was a bad habit he couldn’t break, forged from years of talking to important people with only minutes to spare. Not for any other reason.
"I appreciate the call, Natalia. It's nice to hear your voice." A beat and he tacked on, "And that it still sounds American." He let out another soft laugh, clearly delighted with how clever he found himself in the moment.
Natalia gave a lighthearted roll of her eyes before responding. "Of course, Richard. Have fun later tonight. Not every day a man turns seventy-five."
"I'll certainly try my best. It's terribly difficult eating good food and being surrounded by my closest friends and loved ones."
"Oh, absolutely. Such a chore," she played along.
Despite the ocean between them, she could tell Richard was amused.
"A bientôt, Natalia," he said the next moment, reminding her of his surprisingly fluent French — a skill she often forgot he possessed.
"J’espère, Richard," she responded in kind. "Au revoir."
"Au revoir," he echoed, purposely dropping the French pronunciation and sounding unmistakably American. It was a jarring contrast to his earlier elegance, and it made her smile.
They hung up, but Natalia held the phone to her ear a little longer, holding on to the fleeting warmth of their exchange. She knew that when it came to Richard, you never really had more than a bit of his time. Soon, more people would be calling him. If not calling, then visiting. People like Alison or maybe Celia. Even though it was a Tuesday, she knew one or both of them would find a way to make time. Especially to attend his birthday celebration. Her call would soon be forgotten, lost in the shuffle of everyone else in Richard's life who cared about him. Some people he no doubt regarded more fondly than he did her.
It was enough, she had to remind herself. It had to be enough. He wasn't her father. He didn't owe her anything — not his time or his affection. He was just the closest thing she had to one, so it was easy to forget herself sometimes.
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hergan416 · 1 month
@user-needs-new-hyperfixation Thank you for the tag!
Also I'm glad you answered this at the same time you tagged me, because reading your responses literally helped me understand what the heck kind of media this didn't exclude.
Rare writer ask game: name three pieces of media that are not novels/short stories or movies/TV that were formative for you, and tag three people.
Like you, I really don't consider this "formative" to my writing but to my sense of "self."
This is maybe a cheat? Because I still read it? But The Importance of Being Earnest. I really hope that a play is separate enough from TV/movies & novels/short stories to count for this because it really does seem adjacent, and like I'm being overly technical about it but ANYWAY. The unit on this play and on Oscar WIlde generally was like - I dunno. It was a lot of things to me.
So for one, The Importance of Being Earnest is absolutely hilarious, and I genuinely enjoyed reading it. For two, even though a lot of WIlde's statements about writing as a craft were made in relation to The Picture of Dorian Gray, our unit on this book also talked about his attitude in regards to literature and morality and art and aestheticism pretty extensively - I think because this specific literature teacher is awesome, but also because he was arrested during a showing of this play? But all of THAT was also formative. (I could also probably put Billy Joel's Only The Good Die Young here for the same reason - I tied the two together in my mind so if this play can't be it, then that can take over. But the play also was formative when I was trying to get myself back into reading stuff because I no longer read the kind of... "genre" stuff that I read as a kid/teen and I was trying to come up with something I'd actually want to read, and came back to Oscar Wilde like "hey you made me happy before... what's your other writing like?" I was not ... really. expecting. The Picture of Dorian Gray to be Like That the first time - what a tone shift! But that ALSO was formative much later and this is why that showed up for me when it did so.
Next I guess I'll just say "Green Day" - like all of Green Day. At least their discography up through 2009. Like - I already agreed with them, so I guess they didn't really change my mind or influence me much in that sense. But the Green Day obsession was certainly a personality trait for a while. And like - I still jam with King for A Day or Holiday or St. Jimmy or whatever. The characters on American Idiot absolutely made it into some of my fanfiction at the time. It was a major piece of my life.
And I'll end with Arkham Horror: The Board Game (1st/2nd edition) This game was something I was introduced to in college and I had never played anything like it. It is cooperative (games can be won by all the players at once!?! totally foreign to college-aged me) and long and complicated. It took several sessions of playing it before the owner of the game taught me how to set it up even. It's one of those. And without it, I don't think that I'd be who I am today. We also played D&D and Munchkin and Killer Bunnies and some zombie RPG where I played a prostitute and Catan and Axis and Allies and Starcraft The Boardgame... and so I probably would have ended up this brand of nerd either way. But this brand of nerd is horribly central to my world.
I work in a board game store. And this is the first job I've had that doesn't make me feel like killing myself. It's a lot of work, but at the end of the day I'm in the business of having fun. I get to sell people a good time. We're not so corporate that we have no lenience, but it's structured enough that I still thrive. The kind of people I met playing those games in college are why I shopped at this store and how I got this job the first time - and my personality is absolutely affected by this.
Uhhh ok yeah I talked a while here. Let's tag... @sakuplumeria @vitya-nikiforova and @dragontamer05?
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