#anyway when is valroux gonna kiss i think it'd solve at least 40% of their problems (accurate number)
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2, 3, 12, 21 and 22 for riya/victor, riya/audoire and meredith/nathaniel
you're diabolical for the sequencing of dead boyfriend > future boytoy and i love it xoxo this took forever bc i lost all my braincells this week ayooo // send a ship + number(s)
2) How’s their team work? Do they share well?
RIYA/VICTOR — starts shaking from the urge to make a horny joke about sharing. i’m so brave for keeping it in. i’m so strong. their teamwork was excellent because they were more often than not riding the same wavelength and shared similar values/opinions/etc, they ended up being in sync frequently because of it. they shared excellently! aka Riya would often grab for something and he'd just let it happen because yup. whatever you want, queen 💜 go ahead 💜
RIYA/AUDOIRE — they worked pretty well together in Orlais, that'll just improve with time unless one of them takes a drastic turn personality wise lmao. vibe check says they'll be pretty good at sharing, and that he will not be immune to Riya batting her eyelashes at him if she wants a part of something he has.
MEREDITH/NATHANIEL — Nathaniel was bitter for a while over the fact that they had natural effective teamwork due to similar instincts and training, but y’know once he'd gotten over the period of sourness it was given the proper appreciation it deserved. i don't think their sharing is up to the same level, but they aren't throwing fits about anything so that's good enough. and that's fully on Meredith, i know she's the type to bat your hand away from her plate bc that's hers, thank you. focus on your own.
3) Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
RIYA/VICTOR — some would say they were too open about it (it was Priscilla. she was saying it. often.), and tbh that's on them because Riya and Victor were having fun, be less bitter about it. i imagine there were numerous public gestures from Victor while he was chasing her in the beginning, so there was no reason for them to pull back into hiding once they became official. they probably bordered on annoying with their affection sometimes tbh. they were never too inappropriate but they didn't shy away from close contact and frequent kissing.
RIYA/AUDOIRE — i dare Audoire to try and keep the relationship a secret or anywhere near on the down low once it truly starts. good fucking luck, my guy. walk into a room covered in lipstick marks and hickies and try to say you were just taking a nap, let's see how it plays out. (goofing aside i'm not actually sure of his views on public displays so?? it's gonna be up to him to set the boundaries here because we all know Riya's loud and proud about her relationships, she's on that “let me sit on your lap while we have a conversation with others” type of unbothered.)
MEREDITH/NATHANIEL — the relationship is not a secret, but i don't imagine they're overtly loud about it all the time. plenty of basic gestures like hand-holding and little kisses that get the message across without it needing to be said aloud. i've recently decided that i think it's super funny for Meredith, the lady who cares about propriety so very damn much, to unfortunately love when displays of affection go a little over the top or too far. like she’s embarrassed that she enjoys when the proper decorum is tossed out the window in acts of passion/love. let Nathaniel turn a reunion kiss in the great hall into the beginnings of a proper makeout because it's cute seeing her try to pull the dignified queen air back into place with her cheeks pink and voice off-kilter.
12) Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
RIYA/VICTOR — such a brutal question for the dead boyfriend. clearly no wedding or honeymoon, and i don't think there was ever a proposal. maybe a joke here or there, and a short lighthearted chat about it (more focused on the excitement of a honeymoon before the actual proposal/marriage topic), but an actual serious discussion about it was probably tabled for later. they were both so avoidant with their noble "responsibilities” and deep in their fuck around eras, i don’t think either of them woulda been too keen on the questions it would’ve invited about how their future would have to change with an official union. their mothers also probably would've killed them for committing to such a match, so there’s that.
RIYA/AUDOIRE — 🤷🤷 they ain't even smooched yet, who knows what the future has in store. if everything goes Well and neither of them Die to the blight or party's rogue gallery, then hey. maybe, if that's something they end up wanting. i can only imagine they’d have a few serious conversations about this topic because just off the top of my head i know Riya would have some reservations, but they’d only be on his behalf. she’s a Warden and (on top of all the surface-level relationship drawbacks) that means she has a fairly limited lifespan, and that the Taint has significantly lowered her chances at being able to have children (and i’m sure there’s a whole host of other things to consider but we don’t need this answer turning into like 4 whole paragraphs). those two things alone can be a lot to tie yourself to depending on what you want out of a marriage, y’know? i don’t see Riya being so selfish that she’d brush right over those things, she’d need to be certain that he’s certain about making such a commitment.
also the idea of Riya being allowed time off Warden duties for a honeymoon is really funny. as if. she’ll be lucky to get one day off for a wedding, my guy.
MEREDITH/NATHANIEL — see this question was fun for a minute when i was like oh yeah, they'd be together in a sole ruler Meredith verse > she's a marriage girly, she'd want and expect it > haha she could be the one to bring it up and stunlock him > hahaha he'd be prince consort that's cute > wait a fucking second political shit and Warden responsibilities. now i've been sitting here staring at my wall for 5 minutes just Thinking. and i’m gonna be plagued by this for weeks, probably, so i’m just gonna let myself off the hook here and say hey. to be determined in a later post, randomly posted at 4:26am when i can’t sleep and suddenly everything locks into place.
21) Do they share any interests or hobbies?
RIYA/VICTOR — i think just due to how much time they spent together, they would've adopted many of each other's interests that they didn't share to begin with. dancing, singing, attending as many parties as they can, combat magic, gossiping, card games, tbh probably romance/adventure stories, definitely smut stories, likely more that i'm just not thinking of at the moment.
RIYA/AUDOIRE — Audoire likes to read…Riya likes to lay there and be read to…v interesting parallel interests…smth should be done about those. they may or may not share more but i'm not entirely sure at the moment, sounds like a fun thing to discover. wait i lied, i know they also both enjoy the history of the Grand Tourneys, but the difference is that he knows information from all (or many) of the tourneys, meanwhile Riya learned about the past like 4 or 5 and said okay that's enough, anything else is outdated. old news. clearly not relevant anymore. he's gonna take psychic damage from that one, sorry king.
MEREDITH/NATHANIEL — i think they'd shared plenty, yeah. archery competitions, assorted historical topics, obsessively keeping up to date on darkspawn sighting reports, a collection of board/card games that he has to persuade her into indulging instead of working. the thing about the archery and games is that they'll either engage them with a healthy banter the whole time, or they're descending into ridiculous competitive energies halfway through. they might get caught up in it but it's all fun in the end and usually results in a makeout at the least, so good for them.
22) Does their work ever interfere with the relationship?
RIYA/VICTOR — they had no work 💜 alright that’s not necessarily true. he did have responsibilities that he reluctantly (and infrequently) returned home to deal with at the insistence of his family, but in that way where you need to fake enjoying food so you just push stuff around your plate for a bit to give off the appearance you’re eating and then leave the table lmao. so they had to deal with time apart here and there, but that’s about it. the tourney training was something they both took part in so it never interfered.
RIYA/AUDOIRE — well seeing as they've not seen each other in 5 months already, i can only imagine that's going to be an unfortunate hurdle for them due to Riya's warden duties calling her all over the damn place. and that's without considering other quests, or whatever he might get up to on his end. hand-written letters and all of the communication spells Riya can get her hands on are going to be their best fucking friends. and the dream manipulating ones will be the bane of his existence bc she's gonna haunt him with horny like the demon she is.
MEREDITH/NATHANIEL — as with any Meredith relationship, her extreme dedication to her work/duties/etc will get in the way of proper quality time. i don't think he'd be that bothered by it, because i imagine her brand of “if you want something done right, do it yourself in painstaking detail“ fastidiousness was part of the initial charm of her and he's content sharing space as she works. also the perks of sleeping with the Warden-Commander are that she literally decides your schedule and assignments so Nathaniel's kinda got it made here, no need to worry about the Warden work interfering all that much. (eventually she passes on the job but like. she's still queen. leave her and her boytoy out of all that nonsense or she'll make your job hell lol)
#r: valeriya & victor#r: valeriya & audoire#r: meredith & nathaniel#there's a strong chance riya n vic would've married if he wasn't the family heir#maybe priscilla could've stopped it but they're impulsive hoes idk#it was wild of me to put mere/nathaniel on the cheat sheet bc i realized i stopped developing them early on#so many of these took a ridiculous amount of time while i sat there and pondered lmfao#anyway when is valroux gonna kiss i think it'd solve at least 40% of their problems (accurate number)
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