#anyway this made me a little distraught to imagine cas like oh I know exactly what will push dean’s buttons
steveyockey · 4 years
thinking about your gay aesthete post and how it's about sex and then thinking about "he came into my room and he played me"
okay this ask just made me realize a potential reading of the events of “the future” that feels completely bonkers. to take this a completely different direction than innuendo (but really maybe not all that different), dean says this after his only interaction with cas in the episode is him trying to give back the mixtape/“I needed to come back here with a win for you,” which could mean dean thinks cas actively manipulated him by playing into his festering romantic feelings for him. this would suggest cas does understand the significance of the mixtape, at least in part, and chose to play dumb to throw dean off his game. he has awareness of the impact his words have on dean! he knows that, if he tells dean he couldn’t return because he needed something to show off as a testment to his devotion to dean, it’ll bring out his affectionate side — ie, dean’ll insist on going and grabbing some beers so they can have a weird pretend-platonic hangout, giving him time to grab the colt where he already knows it is (this is the part you could plug in an innuendo but my theory would just be more that cas is attuned enough to dean and his sleeping habits he doesn’t need more than one guess even if he hasn’t literally had occasion to feel what’s under the pillow). now if we keep going along this line, dean pushing cas against the wall at the motel essentially reads as “you motherfucker, you know how I feel about you and you used it against me! do you have any fucking idea how twisted that is — I could fucking cut your throat thinking about how you made my heart sink just to make you understand what you did to me” but of course, as always, cas and dean can read the full truth of each other in their eyes, and all he can see is cas wasn’t lying when he said he needed the win. he did it all for dean. even when it hurts, he’s doing it for dean.
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Chapter Six
A/N: This is a rather short chapter, but I hope you guys like it. The next chapter should be longer. :) Let me know what you think!
It had been a few days since Madeleine and William’s first date. William had to return to Scotland for university the following night, so Madeleine hadn’t seen him since Sunday. 
William and Madeleine were enamored with one another, they’d spent every moment they could talking on the phone and IMing. They were in the blissful, honeymoon phase of their new relationship. And while the phone and IM conversations helped their relationship, it still didn’t make Madeleine miss William’s presence any less. But distance truly did make the heart grow fonder, and it made her yearn for his next visit to London even more.
William promised he’d be back in London to see her soon, and they’d even talked of plans for Madeleine to come spend a weekend with him in Scotland. 
They hadn’t told many people about their new relationship, because then it had a higher chance of being talked about to the press. Madeleine had only told her sister and Louise, and for right now that was enough. Their relationship was going so well; but it was new and so fragile. And Madeleine was terrified of losing him. 
She’d never known anyone like him. All of her past boyfriends from school never challenged her like he did. But William also made her feel safe, validated, and loved. She could see herself, no feel herself falling so deeply in love with him. Prince William was set to be her first love at this rate. 
It terrified her, for she’d never truly loved someone. It was a fear of the unknown, but she supposed that was what love was supposed to be. And she could only hope that this love was going to be a mutual feeling. 
While things between William and Madeleine were going well, the paparazzi still had not left Madeleine alone. They were constantly camped out outside of her flat and as of recent, were following her and Louise to university. 
She and Louise had taken to using William’s preferred entrance, the fire escape, in dire circumstances. And each time they climbed down that latter it reminded Madeleine of how much easier everything would be if she would just reconcile with her parents. 
She hadn’t talked to them in nearly two months, and she had begun to miss them. There had been many moments in the last few days where she wished she could call her mother and tell her all about William. And then it would be nice for her father to reinstate her security detail too. 
But things were looking up for her, and she was afraid letting them back into her life would ruin that. She was afraid of what her father would do once he found out about her and William. She was afraid of the help he’d offer, and the advice he’d no doubt throw in her direction. So for now, while she missed them, she wanted to continue to see to what her life looked like without them. 
The flashes were blinding, they were screaming her name so loudly she couldn’t hear herself think. This was worse than Stockholm ever had been. 
Madeleine and Louise were trying to make their way into class, but to no avail as the press followed them from their flat all the way to university. She desperately longed for her security detail, but found it was useless to wish for them in a moment like this. 
She and Louise were stuck in the middle of a crowd of about twenty photo-hungry photographers, all yammering on with questions about William and the British Royal Family. Madeleine's heart raced and her palms began to sweat as a feeling of claustrophobia set in. 
“Madeleine, are you going to see William this weekend?”
“Madeleine, are you planning on enrolling at St. Andrew’s!?”
“Madeleine, what do your parents think of William? Is it true they met him when they were in London last?”
Madeleine had never encountered this type of attention in her life. For the most part, the Swedish press were respectful of the Royal Family and their privacy. They came up with the occasional rumor, or nickname, but never would they have done this. 
New pictures of her and William hadn’t surfaced, but that only seemed to fuel London’s press on. Madeleine felt Louise’s touch on her shoulder as she looked over at her friend in sheer panic. She was scared as the vultures enclosed even further in on them. 
Louise shifted her eyes to the university library that was close by, and she took Madeleine’s hand in her’s. “Leni, ett...två...tre.”
Madeleine furrowed her brow as Louise counted to three in Swedish. Louise pulled Madeleine with all her might before Madeleine even realized what was going on. The girls used their combined body weight to force themselves through the horde of photographers. 
It took a few minutes, and some strength but they broke through and darted across the lawn of the university to the library just as campus security was showing up to escort the press off the property. 
Once in the library, Louise led Madeleine to an open, empty computer lab and locked the door behind them. 
“They’re absolutely awful!” Louise said to her as she slid down the door onto the floor. 
Madeleine, who was still standing, looked down at her friend. “I know, I’m sorry you had to be involved in that.”
Louise smiled up at her. “You’re my best friend, Len. I got used to it back home, but this is a whole other level. But I’ll get used to it too, it may take a little longer though.”
Madeleine slid down the wall and sat next to Louise on the floor. “Yeah, but we shouldn’t have to. I thought they would’ve moved on by now.”
“And once they find out about you and William being together for real, it’s only going to get worse...”
Madeleine sighed as she put her head in her hands. “I know, I know, maybe I need to ca...”
Madeleine stopped as she heard someone clear their throat from behind them. They looked in the far corner of the room to find a boy about their age with dazzling blue eyes and brown hair looking back at them. 
He gave them a small, uncomfortable smile and waved. “Uhm, hello.”
His accent. It wasn’t English. But it was Scandinavian, possibly Norwegian or Danish. And by the way he was looking at Madeleine, he knew exactly who she was.
Madeleine, turned to her friend for reassurance. This boy just heard her confirm that she was in a relationship with William, she immediately thought of the damage he could do to their new relationship. Louise squeezed Madeleine’s arm as they both got up off the floor.
“Look, uhm, Princess. If you’re worried about what you just said being spread past this room, I promise you it won’t.”
Madeleine wanted to believe him, she did. This unnamed boy had kind eyes and a genuine, innocent smile that matched. But she’d been fooled by his type before. “Thank you.”
Madeleine stepped closer to the desk and extended her hand out to him. “Please, call me Madeleine.” 
“It’s a pleasure, Madeleine. I’m Joseph. Joseph Reed.” He replied, smiling at the two girls in front of him. 
“The pleasure is all mine, Joseph.” Madeleine paused and gestured over to Louise. “This here is Louise.”
Louise and Joseph made their introductions, and Madeleine smiled over at him. She was trying to be as charming and genuine as she could be, she did not want anyone to have confirmation of her and William’s relationship just yet.
“So Joseph, I can’t help but notice your accent. Where in Scandinavia are you from?” 
“Denmark.” He replied as he fumbled with a pen on his desk. 
“I knew you were a fellow Scand. Nice to know we’re not alone, right Lussan?” Madeleine said nudging her friend in the arm. 
��Definitely.” Louise replied, smiling.
“Well, Joseph we’re going to be late to our next class but it was very nice to meet you. Hopefully we’ll see you around?” Madeleine asked as she zipped her coat up.
“Sure. And Madeleine?” Joseph replied as he rose from his desk.
“I meant what I said about keeping what I heard a secret. I know what a hard time I’ve had adjusting to London, so I can’t imagine how you feel. You don’t have to worry about me, honestly.” 
Madeleine gave him a genuine smile, she felt a bit of guilt as she looked at the seemingly harmless boy. He really did seem trustworthy. “Thank you, Joseph. You have no idea what that means to me, honestly.”
It was hours later back in their flat, when Madeleine and Louise found themselves rewatching their encounter with the press on the news. It looked every bit as bad watching it as it was living it. You could hardly see Madeleine and Louise with all of the photographers crowded around them, and now the gossip journalists had apparently nicknamed Madeleine as Diana 2.0, after William’s later mother.
“That is so disrespectful.” Louise said, looking at the television with a scowl on her face.
“I know, you would’ve thought they’d learned with what happened to her.” Madeleine replied, sighing. 
“Len, I think you need to call and get your security detail from your father. The press here, they’re dangerous.” Louise said looking over at her friend, her face displaying an overwhelming amount of worry.
“Yeah, I’ll call him tomorrow. I think it’s time we have a talk anyways.” Madeleine said as she heard her phone start to ring.
“Good, good.” Louise paused, smiling over at Madeleine. “Now better go answer, you know who is calling.”
Madeleine grinned as she sprang up from her spot on the couch and into the kitchen where her cellphone was.
“Why hello, William Wales.”
“Mads, my god. Are you alright?” William’s voice was coursed with worry.
“Oh yeah, today? It was a little much, but I’m fine.” Madeleine replied, touched by the genuine concern he had for her.
“God, but what if something had happened. I’m so sorry, Madeleine.” William paused, he was so distraught. “Are you sure that you’re okay?”
Madeleine wished she could be there with him, to reassure him in person that she was okay. She couldn’t even begin to imagine how he felt about the press after what happened to his mother.
“I promise you that I’m okay. They scared me a little, but Louise got me out. You seem to forget that I can handle myself, darling.”
William gave her a small laugh, “But maybe you should get your security reinstated? I know that you don’t like having them around, and you’re not exactly on the best terms with your father. But Madeleine, please. Or else I’m going to have to come to London and protect you myself.”
Madeleine couldn’t help but giggle. “I’m way ahead of you, Prince Charming. Although I am dying to see you.”
“You’re clever trying to change the subject, but promise me you’ll get your security detail back?” 
Madeleine sighed. “I promise. Although if I don’t get them, that means I get you back into town right as my personal bodyguard? So which one do you think sounds more appealing to me?”
“You’re the most frustrating woman in the world. But did I mention that I miss you? Because I do, terribly.”
“And I, you.” Madeleine paused as she heard the doorbell ring. “Now tell me about your day. I want to hear everything.”
Madeleine heard the doorbell ring again just as William was telling her about a fight two rugby players that lived in his dormitory got into that morning, when Louise yelled at her from down the hall to get the door.
Madeleine rolled her eyes and walked down the hall, with her phone glued to her ear; to ensure she heard every detail of William’s day. The bell rang for the third time just as Madeleine opened it. 
Her eyes grew wide as she stared at the figure in front of her. She couldn’t believe he’d come all this way, unannounced. She felt an overwhelming amount of emotions as she looked into his eyes. 
She suddenly remembered that she was on the phone, but she was too surprised to listen to William.
“William? I’m going to have to call you back.”
Once she and William hung up, she looked up into his crystal blue eyes; the very same eyes she’d inherited from him. It was her father, someone she never thought would show up on her doorstep like this unannounced.
“Hi Pappa.”
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