#anyway there is a junior research fellow AND a phd student at cambridge who have worked / are working on In Cath Catharda
finnlongman · 2 years
I love being able to message my friends and being like "Hey just so you know, somebody on Tumblr is being really enthusiastic about one of the texts you were working on recently".
Our field is so small and niche that I think it's easy to feel like our work doesn't matter to anyone except ourselves (at least, I definitely feel like this occasionally), so I always like to let people know that there are people who care in places they might not know to look for them.
Also, I find it very motivating to know that my work matters to people outside of academia, because even if everybody in my field cared about what I was doing, that would still not be too many people. Whereas Tumblr gives me an audience, and I love to have an audience. So I assume the same might be true for other people, even if they are not directly Doing Academia On Tumblr the way that I do.
(Please never stop giving me an outlet for niche infodumping. It's the closest I get to feeling useful.)
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