#anyway the tags are now like 3x the actual post bye
leejeann · 6 months
Tragic! Mildly insufferable character is actually uncomfortably relatable in a way that's also vaguely comforting if you squint. More at 11
(this is about Rampo, girl help)
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trashcanmarvelfan · 5 years
Best. Job. Ever. 12/13
Summary: Reader gets a job on the set of Spider-Man: Far from Home for the 3 weeks they are shooting in New York City as what she thinks is a production assistant, but a twist of fate has her reassigned as Tom Holland’s personal assistant. As she & Tom grow close during filming, will their budding friendship turn to more or will they go their separate ways after filming concludes?
Warnings: Language, but that’s pretty much it? This is basically a PG-13 rom-com. (Legal) alcohol use as well but since it’s legal do I really need to tag it?
Word Count: 2350 for chapter 12.
Author’s Note: As this was written WAY before Spider-Man: Far from Home was released (actually before Avengers: Endgame was as well) I’ve kept plot details and which scene was being shot on what day extremely vague. Also, I’m American but tried to write Tom as British as possible, although I do think he’d try to stay(ish) in character and use as much American slang as he could while he’s still playing Peter.
Chapter-Specific Author’s Note: I hope the wait was worth it! XD (I also hope this is coherent. I rewrote this chapter like 3x’s because I had certain plot points I wanted to fit in.) And I know I said the epilogue was coming today as well, but I’m exhausted and want to read through it one more time, so it’ll be tomorrow.
Requests are always open!
Cross-posted at AO3.
Y/N had started packing her things the next morning when her phone rang.
“Hey Laura,” she answered. “What’s up?”
“Hey Y/N,” Laura answered. “I was just on my way to set and wanted to see how you were doing today. Last day in NYC, huh? Doing anything fun?”
“Nah, just starting to get all of my stuff packed so I’m not running around like a crazy person tomorrow. I can’t believe how much extra junk I’ve accumulated over the past 3 weeks.”
Her phone beeped with an incoming call. Tom’s name flashed across the screen.
“Oh, hold on a sec, Laur. Tom is beeping in.”  She flashed over to accept the call. “Hi, Tom, what’s up?”
“Y/N, I was just checking to see if you were in.”
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“Do you mind if I pop over in a few?”
“No, that’s fine. See you in a bit.”
She flashed back over to Laura. “Hey, sorry about that. Tom’s coming by, can I call you right back?”
“That’s cool. I’ve got some extra time before I have to be on set.”
“Ok. Bye, Laur.”
“Bye, Y/N.”
There was a knock on Y/N’s door as she hung up and Tom’s head popped in. “Y/N? It’s me.”
“Hey, come on in. I’m just packing.” Y/N zipped her suitcase. “So, ready for the party tonight?” she asked.
“Actually, that’s why I’m here,” Tom replied.  “I was thinking maybe we could just head over together? You know, since we’re both going anyway.”
Y/N smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
Tom scratched the back of his neck. “And since today is officially your last day as my assistant, can I take you out for dinner beforehand, um, you know, for old times’ sake?”
Y/N smiled. “I’d love to have dinner with you one last time.”
Tom grinned. “Great! I’ll come ‘round at 5?”
“5 is perfect.”
“Ok, so I’ll see you this afternoon then.”
“See ya.”
Tom gave Y/N a brief hug before letting himself out of the door.
Y/N called Laura back. “Hey, sorry about that.”
“It’s no big deal,” Laura replied.
Suddenly there was another knock on Y/N’s door.
Y/N sighed. “Oh, shoot, hang on one more sec, Laur. I think Tom’s knocking again.” She walked over to the door and opened it. “Did you need something el--” She stopped.
Laura was standing in front of her door, phone pressed to her ear. “Surprise!”
Y/N’s jaw dropped. “LAURA?” She ended the call and pulled her friend into a hug.  “Oh my God, come in! What are you doing here?”
Laura laughed. “We had the weekend off from filming so I don’t have to be back on set until Monday afternoon, and you sounded like you needed your bestie, so… here I am!”
“I can’t believe it, I’m so happy to see you!” Y/N paused. “So wait, when you said that you were on your way to set, you were really on your way here?”
Laura nodded. “I had to make sure you were actually here and not out at a bookstore or on a tour or anything.”
Y/N shook her head. “I still can’t believe you! You’re the absolute best, you know that? You HAVE to come to the wrap party with me tonight, especially since you were on the crew for the filming in Europe. I can’t wait to tell Tom that you’re here--” Her eyes widened. “Oh, shit, I literally just made plans to go to dinner and the party with him. That’s ok, I’ll just let him know that I can’t go--”
Laura shook her head. “Absolutely not. You keep your plans, I’ll be fine.”
“No way,” Y/N replied with conviction. “I’m not ditching you when you came all the way from California just to support me. You know what, I’m sure Tom won’t have a problem with you coming too. Let’s go talk to him, he’s right down the hall.”
She grabbed her room key and opened the door, startled to see Tom standing at her door poised to knock. Harrison was standing next to him.
Y/N glanced from Tom to Harrison and back again. “Harrison! Wow, I didn’t know you were coming back into town,” She gave Harrison a quick hug.
Harrison grinned. “Hello, Y/N.”
Y/N stepped out of the doorway. “Come on in, guys.”
Tom and Harrison stepped into the room, Y/N closing the door behind them.
“Um, so I came to tell you that Haz came into town for the party tonight,” Tom began, “but I see that you have a visitor as well…”
“Oh, yeah,” Y/N replied, flustered. “I’d introduce you but it just dawned on me that you guys probably know Laura already.”
Laura nodded and gave a casual wave. “Hi, guys.”
“Ahh yes, Laura, it’s good to see you again,” Tom shook her hand.
Harrison gave Laura a brief hug. “Laura and I hung out on set during filming in Europe.”
“All the crew kinda bonded,” Laura added.
Y/N turned to Tom. “So about tonight… Since Laura and Harrison are both here how about we all go out to dinner together then head to the party?”
Tom glanced over at Harrison, who shrugged. “Oh, erm, ok then. That’s fine.”
“We’ll see you guys at 5 then?”
As soon as Tom and Harrison left, Laura turned to Y/N. “Ok, what are you wearing tonight?”
Y/N shrugged. “Probably just a top & jeans.”
Laura looked horrified. “Nope, nopity nope nope nope. It’s the wrap party, plus your last night in NYC. We're going shopping to find you something extra hot to wear.”
Y/N and Laura spent the next several hours searching for the perfect outfit, finally deciding on a sleeveless red and black lace dress. Laura looked up from her phone and nodded firmly when Y/N stepped out of the dressing room. “That's it. That's the dress. You'll knock Tom's socks off, and maybe even the rest of his clothes too.” She winked.
Y/N covered up a grin with her hand. “Laura!” she chided.
Laura laughed. “Come on, Y/N. You can't tell me you haven't thought about it.”
Y/N thought back to Tom wearing nothing but a towel and blushed.
Laura arched an eyebrow. “Mmm hmm, that's what I thought. Now, I saw the perfect shoes that will go with that dress. Change back into your clothes and let's go.”
When they got back to the hotel around 4 PM Laura begged off of dinner, claiming jet-lag and exhaustion from shopping, and saying that she needed to take a nap and would just meet everyone at the party.
Y/N had just finished getting ready when there was a knock on her door. She turned to Laura. “How do I look?”
“Amazing, girl. Now have a great dinner and I'll see you later, ok?”
Y/N gave Laura a hug. “Ok, see you at the party.”
She took a deep breath and opened the door.
Tom froze when he saw her. “Y/N, you look… Amazing.”
“Thank you,” Y/N replied bashfully.
She exited the room and shut the door behind her.
“Laura’s not coming?” Tom asked.
Y/N shook her head. “Laura said she was tired so she’ll just meet us at the party.” She looked around. “Wait, where’s Harrison?”
“He said something came up - phone conference or something - so he's going to meet us at the party too.” Tom shrugged casually. “So I guess it's just us, then.”
Y/N bit her lip. “Honestly, I don't mind. I'm glad we'll be able to have dinner together one last time, you know, just the two of us, before we go our separate ways tomorrow.”
“Me too.” Tom offered his arm. “Ready?”
They headed downstairs to where a black SUV was waiting. “Good evening,” the driver said, opening the door for them.
Tom gestured for Y/N to get in first and followed behind her.
“You know, between all the excitement and craziness today I forgot to even ask what you had in mind for dinner,” Y/N said.
Tom smiled at her. “Well, since we had our first official, non-meeting dinner together at Pappardelle, I figured we could go back there for our last as well.”
Aww, that's so sweet, Y/N thought to herself. “I like that idea.”
The car weaved its way through traffic, finally arriving at Pappardelle. Tom held a hand out to help Y/N out of the car, and to her delight, he didn’t let go until they were seated at their table.
Y/N noticed that Tom looked fidgety throughout dinner, but chalked it up to excitement over filming being completed and the wrap party happening.  She also thought Tom looked like he wanted to tell her something, but each time he would open his mouth they would get interrupted by their server delivering something.
Y/N thought they would get a chance to talk on the way to the warehouse, but their Uber driver was especially chatty and they didn’t really talk much in the car. Finally they arrived, Tom taking Y/N’s hand once again as they walked  into the warehouse.  
Y/N was in awe. Tom had told her that Jon would basically turn the warehouse into a nightclub but nothing had prepared her for just how different it would look from when they were filming.
Jon greeted them and told them to enjoy themselves.
They made their way around the warehouse, stopping to talk to various crew members before spotting Zendaya, Jacob, Marisa, and Jon Favreau, who was much more personable in real life than he was as Happy Hogan. Everyone gave Y/N a hug and Marisa, who was definitely the ‘cool aunt’ of the group, said to let her know when Y/N was settled in L.A. so they could have lunch together.
They eventually found Harrison and Laura, who seemed much more refreshed than when Y/N had left her earlier that afternoon.
“Hey guys, how was dinner?” Laura asked.
“Fine, it was fine,” Y/N replied before turning to Harrison. “How did your conference call go?”
“Conference call?” Harrison repeated with a confused expression.
Y/N glanced over at Tom. “Yeah, Tom said you had to skip out on dinner because you had a conference call.”
“Oh, right, my conference call! It went swell, just great. Got loads accomplished. Hated to miss dinner, but you know how it is sometimes.”
Oh, wait, look, there’s Toni,” Laura jumped in quickly. “Harrison, how about we go say hi?”
“Oh, that’s a great idea,” Harrison replied. “We’ll be back in a bit.”
He and Laura rushed off.
“Ok, that was weird,” Y/N said, watching them walk away as the lights dimmed and the DJ that Jon had hired started playing.
Tom tilted his head toward the makeshift dance floor. “Would you like to dance?”
Y/N grinned. “Sure.”
Tom pulled her out onto the dance floor, the memory of them dancing in the nightclub a few weeks earlier coming back to Y/N. After a few songs, the beat slowed down. Y/N took Tom’s offered hand without hesitation, Tom pulling her in close.
Y/N inhaled Tom’s scent, trying to commit it to memory. The realization that filming was well and truly over and that tomorrow would likely be the last time she saw Tom again suddenly hit her. “I’m going to miss you when you go back to London tomorrow,” she confessed, resting her head on Tom’s chest.
Tom cleared his throat. “What if you don’t have to?” he asked.
“What?” Y/N replied in confusion, looking up at him.
“What if I wasn’t going back to London for a while?”
“What do you mean?”
Tom looked around and spotted Harrison and Laura talking to a few of the crew members. “Wait, let’s go somewhere quieter.” He led Y/N to a small hallway off of the main warehouse floor.
“So, what were you saying?” Y/N asked.
Tom fidgeted. “Ok, so no one knows except Haz and my family, but a few months ago I bought a house out in Los Angeles because I’m planning on splitting my time between there and London since so much of my work is filmed in the States.”
“Okay,” Y/N replied.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you at dinner. My flight tomorrow isn’t going back to London, Y/N. It’s going to Los Angeles, where I’ll be for the next several months until I have to start filming The Devil All the Time. We’re going to be in the same city, Y/N, and I’d like to be able to see you.”
“Well then, yeah, of course we can hang out,” Y/N replied.
Tom shook his head and took Y/N's hands in his own. “I don’t mean as just friends,” he murmured. “You are beautiful, kind, funny, and absolutely brilliant. I’m totally mad about you, Y/N, and I’d like to take you on a proper date once we’re back in L.A.”
He caressed Y/N’s face, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ears. The familiar gesture brought back the memory of their kiss, and along with it all of Y/N's feelings she had been so desperately trying to forget. She blinked back tears and nodded. “I’d like that a lot.”
A relieved grin bloomed on Tom’s face. “Yeah?” he asked.
Tom held her gaze. “By the way, I’m completely sober right now,” he said.
Y/N wrinkled her brow quizzically. “Okay?”
Tom grinned. “Just wanted that to be clear before I did this.” He pulled Y/N into his arms and pressed his lips to hers.
Y/N melted into Tom’s embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck and tangling her fingers in his hair as Tom deepened the kiss.
Neither one noticed the fist-bump that Harrison and Laura gave each other before they slipped out of the hallway.
Taglist: @laureharrier @thoughstofaredhead & @greenarrowhead
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This is a long post because I went on a few rants, but there are workouts and stuff in there, I promise ;) stay tuned for commentary on vanity sizing and non-scale victories!
April 13 Thursday’s workout was super speedy. Legs and a quick stretching NTC workout. I meant to do curtsy lunges to finish it out, but I was crunched for time and my legs were already burning from the seasaw lunges and step-ups because my bench was higher than a normal one would be. I always get kind of frustrated when my NTC workout ends up being a lowkey stretching one, because I use it to replace cardio for the day. I’m starting to think I should either do more than one or just do cardio anyway. At least I got in a nice half hour walk at lunch; it was much colder than I was expecting since the rest of this week has been so nice! Still pretty out tho. And my skull shirt is badass. The end.
Went to Whole Foods with Ani when I got home to get some goodies for the weekend, and really stuck to my list (which I was proud of, bc that store is a literal TRAP) which included chocolate milk as a post-workout fuel… ASK ME HOW HYPE I AM TO START DRINKING CHOCO MILK AGAIN!!! (very. obviously.) Also started growing a mini protein bar collection because now I’m terrified of not properly fueling post-workout, so now I’m going to have very little excuse not to, since these babies are extremely portable. Just throw one in ya workout bag, and there you go. Don’t even have to remember to get it from my lunch box. I’m finally trying RXBAR and a few Quest Bar flavors (shoutout to @runningwhilenotdying for the suggestion, ty girl!) for now, in addition to the Luna Protein bars I still have. Still going to have to try a few to find out which works best for me.
Legs / butt workout 3x each 15 reps weighted glute bridges, 10# 15 reps goblet squats, 10# 20 reps step ups, alt. sides, 10# 20 reps seasaw lunges, alt. sides 15 reps weighted lying leg curls, 6# 40 s wall sits 10 reps burpee + high jump alternating leg swing stretches instead of curtsy lunges bc I’m a wimpy bitch lol
Listening to: “Under You” by Nick Jonas
April 14 Today is the day John Mayer’s full album is out, something I realized halfway through Friday morning while working from home, so I blasted the FUCK out of it in my apartment and haven’t stopped listening since. Ani took the day off, so it was just me at home designing, which is literally what I wish every work day of my life could be. Making my own schedule, eating and working out whenever I want and not having to worry about when I’m going to finish, not having to talk to people lol.
I decided to workout around 11ish and had to do arms / upper body without weights, which was a bit challenging considering my weak wrists and lack of free weights. BUT I made it, and my wrists weren’t ded afterwards, so I guess I’m building up some strength? Plus check out my schweaty knees, aren’t they purty? It was a dec workout, so hype it. HOWEVER, in the middle of my last set, this awful ringing started in my apartment, which I identified as the fire alarm after panicking for like 2 seconds. Then there was this weirdo announcement in our hallway as if we were in a damn dorm, saying to evacuate asap so I was like o fuck ok let me get my things. Ran outside with my purse and a jacket, ran into the woman who legit hates me and Ani for being loud on the weekend two whole times (fuck her tho it was a Friday and Saturday at like 11pm get your panties out of your ass amirite) and she was like idk what’s going on I’m probably not going downstairs. I was like ????? um if there’s a fire I’m not dying so bye. So I ran down 8 flights of stairs to find no one in the lobby. Sick. It was a false. Alarm. Bc they’re doing construction right in front of the elevators. Motherfuckers. So I had to go back up 8 flights of stairs once I got the approval from the doorman. Thx for the cardio break, how’d you know I needed that? 🙄 Finished my set, worked for a bit longer, then showered and decided I was done working for the day lol.
It was pay day and I was bored so I kinda went a little nuts on a shopping trip. As usual, I mostly bought athleisure, buuuuuuuuuuut there are some significant things about this shopping trip that I must share.
1: I willingly purchased two pairs of athletic shorts. I do not wear anything but leggings to workout in, because I hate the way my legs look, and I usually feel much more mobile and flexible in leggings, even if it’s like 90 degrees out and July. But I tried on two pairs of black shorts, and could actually see myself not only wearing them like to bed, but like… doing active things in them, and being ok with seeing my legs. First #NONSCALEVICTORY o the day.
2: I not only willingly tried on a one piece bathing suit, I tried on two, AND I purchased one. Every person alive knows too well the personal torture of trying on bathing suits, especially in dressing rooms that have awful fluorescent lighting that does not flatter anyone. But for some reason I was in a good mood about my bod (perhaps after the shorts win), so I grabbed two suits and said to myself, fuck it, don’t feel bad about yourself, but do not get your hopes up. This could go great, or it could not. Don’t let this be a reflection of how hard you’ve been working. It might just not fit, that’s not your fault. BUT THEY BOTH FIT REALLY DECENTLY OK. The one was like bright red and v scandalous and tbh I did not have the boobs to fill out that sucker. So despite it fitting ok, I couldn’t go with it. But the other was stripey and rouchey and pretty comfortable, so I was like welp. I need at least one suit for the summer, and can’t picture myself using any of the ones from last summer, and I don’t feel like total crap in this. So. I bought it!
3: I purchased at least one thing of every size (S, M, L, and XL), which proves that sizing is fake and literally doesn’t fucking matter. I like all my tops a little baggy and all of my bottoms tight (except those shorts I ended up getting, but who knew I would even buy shorts…). That’s just my personal preference style-wise. I went to four different stores, and ended up getting clothing that fit me, but when I was ripping the tags off when I got home, I noticed that all the sizes were different. I bought a shirt from Uniqlo (AMAZING STORE, btw, never been before today) that was a size small, which is something I haven’t done in like literally maybe 7-8 years. I also bought a cropped sweatshirt from Marshall’s in XL, even though I thought it was a large when I bought it. Either way, it’s not like my body morphed mid-shopping trip. I was the same size all day, but the stores decided I was all over the place. This just makes me a, hate the fashion industry for forcing this imaginary 00 system and ideals of size-shaming on us, but also b, feel better about myself because I know that I can’t be reliant on just being one size. I used to think of my weightloss in terms of pants sizes. Like last Friday when I was wearing actual pants, they were 12s. But like. A 12 at one store could be a 16 at another, or an 8. I used to say, oh I just want to be down to a consistent 8. That would be the perfect amount of weight to lose. If I get there, I’ll know that I’m good. But I’m really starting to see that that number and that size doesn’t exist. There is no universe in which an 8 at every store will fit the same. So judging yourself on a system that’s literally impossible to fit into is just a recipe for hurt and shame. So now I’m just gonna grab any size that looks like it’ll fit. It’s still not fun to see a higher number, but that’s going to be a mindset I have to get myself out of, and this post is proof that it doesn’t matter. I want to base my happiness with my fitness on phyiscal progress: what I can DO with my body, not just how it looks in the clothes I inevitably have to wear. But today, for a few reasons, I felt really good, and I’m proud to have seen not only one, but a few non-scale wins. Hype it the FUCK up.
Whew. That was a lot, sorry. I almost feel like a doing a ~haul~ like I’m on some fashion youtube channel, I bought so many fun things. But whatever, I doubt anyone cares about that except me lolol.
Honestly sometimes I think I just like to buy some things because I’m happy they fit me, not because I need them or are in love with them. Is that weird? I feel like I’m a pretty specific shape (very short and curvy, but not curvy everywhere), so when I find something I actually think fits me, I usually just say, yeah I’ll wear this. I definitely am spending too much money that way, but it’s nice to feel like a lot of things are fitting me well for once.
Arms / upper body workout 3x each 20 reps shoulder taps, alt. sides 10 reps pushups 20 reps walk outs + twist, alt. sides 10 reps tricep dips 50 reps arm circles forward 50 reps arm circles backward 20 reps lat pull downs + shoulder squeeze 35s, 40s, 45s plank 10 reps decline push ups 10 reps burpee + high jump + 5 jumping jacks PLUS 8 flights of stairs when my fucking fire alarm went off and the elevator didn’t work 🙃
Listening to: “Burlesque” by Christina Aguilera OR the Voices in Your Head a cappella version, both are fun
April 15 I was hella nervous for my run today; 6 miles seemed like a lot to me, and after last week’s long run on the treadmill, it had been a while since I’d done a long one outside. The last time I finished a long run outside, I felt like death. So this time I wanted to be really prepared; I read some articles and youtube videos on how to run longer without like dying, and made sure to focus on my breathing and warmup. Once I left my apartment, I didn’t start my timed run for about 10ish minutes but still ran slow to get my legs ready. Then I did some of the moves from the videos, and set off. Today I went towards the art museum and Kelly Drive for the first time, which was definitely busy for a Saturday morning, but it was kinda gray out and mid-50s which is like perfect running weather. I felt really good for like literally the whole run, and I couldn’t tell if it was the new place, good music, or what, but I was surprised at how quickly the miles came and went. I stopped at 4.56 miles to take the picture in front of the art museum, walked briskly up the hill to the building, then ran the rest of the way on the rest of the Schuykill River Trail and back towards home. I finished a little ways away from home and was inspired by a boy who seemed to be blind or albino who was running with a small leash with a girl, and continued jogging all the way home. So I really totalled something like 7.10 miles and they felt GREAT which is INSANE for me. Like that’s so many miles. And I haven’t run that far in so long, and they actually felt GOOD??? Like who am I?
I rewarded myself with a cinnamon roll protein shake, a little more shopping (I ended up getting the black Nike Tanjuns for anyone who saw my post last night lol), and Chick-Fil-A nuggets for lunch. Was considering making this day a cheat day when I saw the Chick-Fil-A, but I was good and only got the nuggets. My resolve was tested when I saw a girl with a Rita’s cup right when I got home and I wanted to be like OMG GIRL WHERE IS THERE A RITA’s AROUND HERE???!??! But clearly I held myself back.
Guess that means more Easter chocolate for me tomorrow hayyyyyy
6.02 mi 10'20" min / mi
Listening to: “Hair” by Little Mix
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