#anyway the solution here is clearly: write overt obvious and canon gay characters that are not by accident or incidental
precuretwinkle · 5 years
there's this weird hyper romanticization of heterosexuality in fiction that ironically ruins any kind of depth they could have in some media right. instead of showing us they earned their closeness they just have it (thats their privilege afterall)... and it can come off as weirdly cold/distant but the overt text is like constantly reminding you or throwing in FYI "btw these two people are deeply in love" bc otherwise youd forget i guess since they dont feel that way sometimes. and it's funny bc with that probably means there will be more fulfilling same-sex friendships that explore more nuance between characters that can be easily read as subtext for romance and thusly more SATISFYING as a romance than whatever purity bullshit you get with the straight main couple. now when you throw in writers who are bad at writing female characters and including them in the story at all in these sort of situations, stuff gets really messy really quick when it comes to fandom interpretations of why some ships are better than others. sometimes this misogyny vs homophobia tension appears within the fanbase when it comes to ships and characters but it's always funny to me because the problem is the writers/creators of this media being consumed. cant fucking write an interesting "main" couple, can't fucking write female characters as interesting individuals. what did you think would happen John? you write about the deep emotional bond between Ethentrol and Myrdefy, who have stated they would die without the other constantly, but Myrdefy and Galafdria have barley spoken a few sentences in your 400 page book. God, if you have to torture us with this annoying straight coupling at least give Galadria a cool wyvern princess mech friend so we can have Galafdria with some actual depth and another gay ship too smh. Also Galafdria and Ethentrol would be friends, not enemies. I hate (some of) your fans John.
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