#anyway that's miri's deal now and i have 0 details but it can wait for when it's not almost 4am
felseekers · 6 years
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so, over the course of the past 24ish hours, Ismirah has gone through an appearance change, a name change, and, surprising no one, she got a backstory
originally trained as a Darnassian sentinel, Miri turned out to not have even a shred of the discipline or dutiful personality needed to undertake a sentinel’s duties, and, for several hundred years, became a scourge on the seas instead--not long after Legion’s end, but before BfA, she would’ve been approached by SI:7 and offered a sort of privateer deal--she could continue to harass and attack ships, but they’d pay her to only target Horde vessels. given her prior history, her attacks couldn’t be directly linked to the Alliance war effort, but she took on a more prominent role in the conflict after Teldrassil.
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