#anyway thank uu for the ask eri :] you beat me to sending one to andrei actually HAHA
aubins · 1 month
The rules are explained to them and the three pairs begin making their way through the thorns, leaving those remaining to mill about, waiting their turn. Stepping from his teammate's side, Andrei makes his way to the familiar figure on one of the opposing teams.
"Yuri," he greets, a slight incline of his head indicating that this conversation would be best held further away from any prying ears. He heads a small distance away before turning back to the leader of his 'house'.
"What do you think is their business with us?" he asks with little preamble as soon as they are alone, furrowed brows betraying the unease that had never truly loosened from the very first moment he'd stepped onto the island, "There are many from the Abyss here. Ishtar—" he indicates the entrance of the maze, "—and Marni, even Professor Lambert is here."
And this situation is so unlike one of the monastery's official missions, where they were tentatively admitted based on the power and skill they are able to provide in alliance with the students and staff of Garreg Mach. Here, participating in these games under the watchful eyes of those running Happyland, it feels they are exposing themselves to risk for no real reason.
"Whether we've been gathered for mere frivolity, or if there is true danger lurking beneath the actions of this 'staff', do you truly think it best for us to remain here in such numbers?"
“Andrei,” is the name hummed as greeting in turn, mockingbird's attention shifted briefly from watching where the members of their team had vanished for their first trial in the ruins. They step away from their remaining teammate even before the other gives any indication for privacy, match his pace as they end up some distance away from the rest.
And so does the Ashen Wolf let not even a second go to waste once they are alone, launching into his question without further pretenses of pleasantries. Yuri shrugs, glances back at the jungle their companions had just entered as he rattles of a list of names. There's more than they expect, and likely still others that they've yet to run into. Abyssians these days don't seem to be much for hiding.
“So far it seems like they want us to be someone's dancing little monkeys,” is their dry remark once he is finished, gaze flicking back to Andrei. Someone indeed, but they've yet to catch even a hint of their supposed audience. A beat passes, then Yuri sighs and sobers. “Is the question us the Abyssians? Or the general populace of Garreg Mach?” The set of their lips twists into a grim smile. “Because for most people who know of us, Andrei, we're as good as cannon fodder. Most folk down there don't have anyone left to care about where they go.” Abyss may have been meant to serve as a refuge for those in need, but they had known all those years ago when they had been banished there that it was only a fancy name hiding another cage.
Lilacs pinch shut with a sigh. “Though, you know, I'm starting to wonder if everyone's become dispensable, the way we've all been dumped here.” Still, Yuri hardly believes that to really be true, what with the nobles among their ranks. The church can't be that reckless. They shake their head. “Anyway, anywhere the church sends us is bound to have trouble waiting at this point— that pattern's long since been established, even if I don't know the rhyme or reason to where we go. It stopped being a matter of numbers a long time ago.”
All this really was just absurd. Yuri could somewhat follow the logic of being asked to test out the attractions they'd pitched into build, but to turn it all into a competition centered around a concept as abstract as ‘happiness?’ No two people would have the same concept of it and not everyone's definition of the word would be easily measurable. So whose happiness was really being measured here? Theirs? Or, more likely, their supposed audience's?
If nothing else, at least Yuri knows how to put on a show.
“If I could help it, I'd rather not be here— I don't trust it one bit. But since I am, I'd rather find answers than turn tail.” And though Yuri has never believed the Ashen Wolves to be a house in anything more than name, they still bear the title of its supposed leader, whatever that means to their wolves. Their well-being is ever their concern, as it would be for any other Abyssian.
“I won't hold any of you to that, though.” Head tilts in consideration. “If you or any of the rest find that you want out, just let me know. I can't say how pleased our hosts would be if someone wanted to try getting out of here, but...” Yuri shakes their head. “Well, you just let me worry about figuring that out. I'll find a way to get you back to Abyss safe and sound.”
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