#anyway thank u for reading ilu 💚
silverlininghills · 4 months
so ive had this project ive been working on for over a year now, where ive been doing a textual analysis of everything the band has put out (songs, music videos, live shows, interviews, social media) in order to find connections and otherwise just like. Understand the narrative they've been telling for the past X years
and originally i wanted to try to get it out in some form before clancy came out, so that i cld like. idk ~predict~ what wld happen in it? for cool points or smth? idk man
but anyway i obviously didnt achieve that goal and now that a) clancy's out and b) we know it's not the end, i still wanna release this analysis, but i just feel like i shld wait, yknow? like wait until the narrative is complete and then go back over everything. its like i dont wanna complete a puzzle until i know i have all the pieces. and we're still, very obviously, missing pieces.
so anyway i guess i just wanted to ask like. is that smth ppl wld be interested in? like it wld be long as fuck, spread across many posts (and maybe even videos??? idk some of this wld be easier to show/explain in video form). i always get the like, imposter syndrome feeling like i have nothing new to add bc im such a new clikkie, like everything interesting or worthwhile has been said already. and i know intellectually that that's not true, but i cant help but feel that way emotionally.
basically what im asking is, is it worth it for me to construct this whole big Thing to explain my interpretation/analysis of the text, from NPI to clancy (and beyond)? wld ppl wanna read it? pls convince my emotional brain that what i have to say is interesting to literally anyone else skdjlkdsjf
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