#anyway sorry this is edgy and hashtag deep sorry I need to do my work now
sickjoonie · 5 years
fic recs for each ship
i love every ship and read fics for each ship... so i made a masterlist of my favorite fics for every ship lol. also i apologize in advance because i read really long fics
Precisely When Somebody Shows You to the Ocean - 21k - M
The longer Yoongi hangs around the tank in the aquarium, the more he thinks that Seokjin is, in fact, a real mermaid.
“You’re really real,” he says, keeping his voice neutral. “You’re not acting, are you?”
Seokjin smiles, yet it’s the saddest Yoongi has seen him. “I am acting, though. I’m pretending to pretend to be a mermaid.”
(we love a chaotic but soft duo)
hashtag trashbag - 15k - T
Hoseok plays video games for a living. Also, he's gay. Like, so deep in the gay, dicks in his mouth kinda gay.
(this one is fucking hilarious. i love reading it)
cotton candies and sugar addicts - 6k - T
In a final, desperate attempt to get Seokjin to notice him, Namjoon dyes his hair pink. However, Seokjin avoids him more than ever and Namjoon doesn't know what he did wrong.
(namjoon is an angsty overgrown teen but it’s okay jin loves him anyways)
The Golden Rule of Love Curses - 16k - G
A comprehensive list of things Seokjin expected when he took a job at the library:
a decent paycheck to mitigate his growing student loan debt
time to catch up on his reading
and by "reading" he means his DS. He's going to play video games.
admittedly this is bordering on ironic seeing as he's a librarian but a chef's life isn't all about food, so he figures a librarian can enjoy other pursuits.
his would be, though. If he was a chef, it would be all food, all the time.
An incomprehensive list of things Seokjin did not expect when he took a job at the library:
a talking seagull.
did he mention the talking seagull, because he feels like no one is properly panicking about a talking seagull?
oh, and also a wizard places him under a curse.
sorry, correction, a wizard places him under a spell. There is obviously a very significant difference, apologies Jimin. A spell is so much better than a curse.
(put the two sassiest members together and you get this)
i put the EEL in fEELings - 11k - T
"Average person expresses 3 genuine feelings a day" factoid actually just statistical error. Average person expresses 10 genuine feelings per day. Spiders Seokjin, who lives in a dorm and expresses -10,000 feelings each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
(Wherein Taehyung woos Seokjin with flowers, cooking, RJ heads, and a potato, and Seokjin... totally doesn't have a meltdown. Ever.)
(ao3 tag seokjin is bad at feelings but taehyung is a good boy)
Fake Sugar - 87k - E
Hedge Fund wunderkind and Certified Awkward Gay Jungkook needs a sugar baby to show off at work, and Professional Competitive Eater and Objectively Beautiful Human Jin just wants to stop working shitty side-jobs. Fake Sugar Daddy AU. A trope and a half.
(this is so long but so funny but also so sad. love it. seokjin eats a lot)
could roses bloom - 5k - NR
Yoongi looks up and finds himself staring at a gorgeous stranger with dyed brown hair and dark circles under his eyes. He startles a bit and watches as this other man sets a glass of lukewarm water in front of him.
"In case you get thirsty," the man smiles and it's like a fragment from a dream.
(this one is kind of like a sickfic and i think that’s mainly why it’s my fav lmao)
what rhymes with pug me - 62k - T
namjoon and yoongi share a sweater (and also some feelings)
You’re a Flame In My Heart - 29k - T
Yoongi is a permanently exhausted part-timer in a flower shop who hates flowers, and Jimin is a dancer that is allergic to pollen and needs a better boyfriend. Yoongi thinks Jimin might be his favorite flower, and he's biologically human, what the fuck.
(yoonmin often has yoongi as this cold, edgy guy. this fic accurately portrays them. also some soft, caring yoongi heals the soul)
my heart flutters from the sugar high - 5k - M
Yoongi and Taehyung sneak around together, cheating on their diets. The group? They've drawn different conclusions.
(also fucking hilarious. they’re oblivious)
let the light in - 65k - T
There is magic in the world, but for years Jungkook has shied away from his gift. (It's intrusive, unwelcome, dangerous.) Now, he's in New York City, battling loneliness and a college course he hates. Until on one particularly bad day, he turns down a side street in East Village and his life changes forever.
(you think you won’t cry but you will. you WILL.)
tadhana - 32k - E
The site was in English, and Namjoon really should've checked it over before Hoseok booked the room, but there's nothing to be done about it now.
They've got a ten day honeymoon package on a beautiful island, and they're going to make the most of it. Even if it means pretending they're newlyweds to win extra prizes from the resort.
(probs the least angsty fake dating au. i feel like this is the most accurate portrayal of them)
out of the blue and into my world, you could be the making of me - 23k - E
jimin and hoseok are spies who are deep undercover. everyone thinks they're happily married and at some point, the two just stopped pretending.
(wholesome soft husbands. also there are kittens, that’s important)
Vortex of Death - 16k - M
Jung Hoseok is mortally afraid of roller-coasters and water-slides. He’s also fatally attracted to the boy who works as a lifeguard at the theme park’s greatest attraction: the Vortex of Death.
(hoseok gay panicking for 16k words)
Jeongguk thinks Hoseok likes him. Hoseok thinks Jeongguk does not like him.
They are both wrong and get yelled at by Yoongi.
(character developement....chef’s kiss)
of dogs & men - 20k - T
I work at a vet clinic and you work for the mafia. You started coming in to get patched up and threatened me to not to turn you into the police. Little do you know that I remember you as my high school crush, and you have no need to threaten me, because I'm still charmed by you
(an ACCURATE mafia au. mafias aren’t sexy and this depicts what it is actually like. namjoon isn’t too deep involved, just as a spoiler)
i see the sun in your ocean eyes - 14k - T
Taehyung is a selkie who wants to live in the human world; Namjoon is a boy who doesn't know how to. They figure it out together on an island off the coast of Jeju.
(this is soft and sad. good for rainy days)
bees, knees, and emotional crises - 20k - T
Jungkook and Namjoon meet at the weekly farmer's market where Namjoon sells honey that he makes himself, and Jungkook has a crush the size of Pangea and also cries about bees a few times because they're important, damn it
(bees. bees! BEES!)
we feel the same within our veins - 12k - T
the au where taehyung wakes up glowing, jimin is probably his soulmate, and everyone is reasonably concerned
oh boy (will you awaken the hidden me?) - 6k - T
Jimin thinks he's lucid dreaming and kisses Jeongguk.
(shy jungkook is my aesthetic. they do some smooching)
Cinnamon Crisp - 21k - M
Jungkook needs his daily dose of cuddles and Taehyung likes to wear Jungkook's clothes. They don't care that alphas and omegas aren't supposed to be best friends.
(if you want non traditional/toxic abo fic... with soft taekook cuddles.... and soft warm fuzzy love...this is it)
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tracey1302 · 7 years
So it’s been a while... it’s taken a while...
As I begin to write this, I wonder if there’s anyone there to hear it.
Those who watched and loved Homeland as I did will know that there are a substantial number of people who have a) left the fandom b) chosen to bask in the glory of Season Four or c) are still in mourning over the loss of Peter Quinn and don’t quite know where that leaves them when it comes to Homeland.
I am somewhere between a) and c).
As many of you know, I was in China on a work trip when it happened. I can’t even remember whether it was the morning or the evening, but I remember going on WTH forums, sleepily scrolling through my phone and coming across a preview summary that read ‘Girls, Quinn dies about halfway through the episode.’ I felt a rock in my stomach, squinted at my phone, a nervous laugh stuck on a sob.
It was well over an hour before I sifted through enough posts on the forum to know that it wasn’t a joke.They had actually done it. They had actually killed off Peter Quinn. There was no hashtag PrayforQuinn. There was no ambiguity this time. There was no Carrie poised over his body. There was no mysterious ‘light’. There was just nothing.
There were some stunning interviews with RF, in which he, much like his hordes of distraught fans, tried to come to terms with what the fuck had just happened to his character, and more importantly, why it had happened.
I thought that these last few months would allow me some time to get closure on Season Six of Homeland. They haven’t. I remain utterly devastated that in one episode (which I will admit, I still haven’t even been able to watch) Alex Gansa and his motley crew have killed both my favourite character and my deep love for a show that was once intelligent, emotional, relevant, poignant and beautiful. Emphasis on the once.
Killing off Peter Quinn doesn’t make sense for three reasons for me.
1) It doesn’t make sense for Peter Quinn.
Throughout every season of Homeland, Quinn has endured more pain and suffering than perhaps any other character. Yet he has a heart of gold. More importantly, he spent the best part of his Homeland narrative head over heels in love with the female protagonist. It consumed him. It practically defined him. Most of his actions and his position in the plot centred around his relationship with Carrie. 
Due to the regular laws of story telling, we were under the impression that because he has a heart of gold, his suffering would be, to a certain extent, paid off. We thought that he would get some kind of closure, or happiness, or an end to his suffering. He deserved it more than any other character on the show.
When they ‘killed’ off his character at the end of Season Five, and then brought him back, I wasn’t in the slightest bit worried about Quinn surviving the Season Six finale. That’s why I basically laughed when news of his death filtered through. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t understand it. Why would the writers bring back a character, give him no emotional pay off, literally go nowhere with his story apart from pose more questions, and then kill him again? 
Why did I laugh? Because it’s laughably bad writing.
Peter Quinn’s character went nowhere this season.There was no emotional pay off. Instead, he lost one of the women he cared very deeply about, we uncovered sexual abuse in his past (which wasn’t explored either - I mean... what?). Yes, he died in service of his country, blah blah blah, but sorry after five seasons of investment in this character who was so much more than just a patriot, that’s not enough. It’s just not. 
That’s not to mention that Quinn really hated his job, and the work that they did for a great deal of his story on Homeland. He struggled against his own morality, with his feelings for Carrie, with his duty to Saul and to the agency, and through his loyalty and deep history with Dar. This makes his death even less satisfying than it would have been anyway.
I didn’t want him to die. But I definitely didn’t want him to die not getting any of the emotional closure that he deserved. He deserved to know that Carrie loved him. Even though her own work for the agency left her too emotionally stunted to actually say she loved him.
2) It didn’t make sense for Carrie Mathison
Maybe they did it because they didn’t want a romance. Maybe it was because they wanted to be ‘edgy’. Maybe they got well and truly caught up in Jon Snow syndrome but wanted to go the whole hog. But in my opinion, by killing off Quinn, they’ve also made Carrie’s future story exceptionally uninteresting. 
I’m not one of those people that needs a female protagonist to have a love interest. I was really quite happy that Buffy didn’t end up with anyone, for example. But in building and progressing Carrie’s story in Homeland, and particularly in her direction this season, her character was tied up in her complicated relationship with Quinn.
The romantic undertones to their relationship were always there, particularly from Quinn’s side, and we eventually got them from Carrie at the end of Season Four, and when Quinn was on death’s door at the end of Season Five. These romantic undertones were confirmed by the writers.
So, we go into Season Six, where Quinn is a lot (if not all) of the reason behind Carrie being where she is and doing what she’s doing. She is being rejected by him, time and time again, but she keeps going back, she stays with him. She is there for him, when he has no-one.
You saved me. Why? We never got an explicit answer to this question. We can guess. The ‘why’ scene is still so damned emotional and is the only scene in the whole season where these two actually communicate properly and barely anything is said.
Carrie’s relationship with Quinn, is as she describes, intense, and she values it very highly. She can’t lose him. Why? Because, as I’ve mentioned so many times before, Quinn is the only person that loves her unconditionally. He was the only person, and I stand by this, with whom she could have found happiness. He challenged her when she needed to be challenged, he comforted her when she needed comfort, he saved her when she needed saving.
‘There is no one who understands and accepts Carrie for exactly who she is, other than Quinn.’  Thank you, Meredith.
How can they possibly hope to continue Carrie’s character, Carrie’s journey through Homeland, without that person? The ultimate conclusion to Homeland should have been Carrie realising the value in that person (which she did) and telling him that she loved him (which she did), because recognising this was a massive part of her journey.
This makes Carrie’s story, from now on, very very unsatisfying. I’m just not interested in what she does anymore. Her character arc makes no sense. It has no possible end that I would be happy with.
3) It makes no sense for Homeland, as a whole.
They built this story, both the romance between Carrie and Quinn, and their separate character journeys. They’ve ended the romance, they’ve ended Quinn’s journey (and Carrie’s for me, as well) in the most unsatisfying way possible.
The first few episodes really showed a beautiful build up of the C/Q relationship. Quinn coming to terms with his disabilities, Carrie coming to terms with how she felt about him, and how she felt about him being in her house, with her daughter.
They did this, for no reason.
They built up this beautiful relationship between Quinn and Frannie... for no reason.
We’re getting to the stage where, as many have said, we are thinking that there is going to be some sort of love declaration, or sex. Or something. Something had to give.....
As we know, there were rewrites half way through Season Six. It shows. The whole direction of the show changes. 
Instead of including more intimate scenes between C/Q, we get distance, rejection and uncomfortable confrontations, mixed in with a few random hugs, and a truly stoic reaction from Carrie to Quinn’s eventual death. It doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t follow. It doesn’t work. 
They sacrificed the story they have crafted on the altar of political relevance. It’s bad writing and it’s going to be terrible for the show going forward. You can stomach a different plot or a different vibe for a show if they keep the character drama going. It worked for the first half of the season, it didn’t work for the second half of the season.  
I think Alex Gansa is going to be shocked to see that his show isn’t going to work without Rupert Friend. Rupert proved himself a sensational actor in Season Six.... he is Emmy worthy... without a doubt... and they sack him off the show? Yes, of course, that makes sense. Not.
Carrie has no one of her age, and on her level that she can interact with. Anyone else they put in the show will be a devastatingly poor Quinn substitute. Carrie, Saul and Dar can’t hold this show on their own. Again, not saying Carrie needs a love interest, but if she did have one, everyone would be looking at them and thinking, ‘You’re a poor man’s Quinn.’
Sorry this wasn’t as clear and eloquent as my usual posts, I didn’t plan it like I usually do these blog posts. I’m not quite sure if this will be my last post. Maybe it will be, maybe it won’t. But I had to try and get it off my chest, and hopefully let go, and move on.
But truth be told, even though it has felt good to talk about it, I still can’t understand it.
This was quite simply the worst writing decision I have ever seen on a television show. It was abrupt, it was senseless, and it was downright stupid. 
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