#anyway my collector rambles probably don't really mean anything to most of you i just like talkig about my collecty experience
moonsidesong · 1 year
akiba hobby having absolutely absurd shipping prices but also selling their products through yahoo shopping (which goes through buyee, which is significantly cheaper) is kinda funny but it makes it almost aggravating i was almost tempted to buy directly from their site. wouldn't think throwing a proxy shipping service in as a middleman would be the BETTER choice than direct shipping from their own website but here we are
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mildkleptomania · 2 years
Hello, Tumblr, welcome to my little artist hole in the ground, where I commit my Dark Work
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the work isn't THAT dark, really, it just sounds cooler when i call it my dark work, but anyway
You can call me Ishmael (or Klepto, because it grew on me), and this is my big debut post on this site (and the interweb in general, really) as long as you ignore all those other posts on the blog already shhhhhh
I'm going to be using this blog for... A lot of things, really, but probably most notably posting art I've done! This would mostly be original setting works, though I'm not ruling out the possibility of posting the occasional fanwork, in the event I do one
Also, I might develop a game about one of these! That's not going to be very soon, but I'd like it to happen eventually, and I'll probably link to them if/when they happen
Settings I'll post art about include:
A science-fiction setting featuring a Republic of (space) Pirates, space alien cat people, humanity being one of the older, more established civilizations in the area, at least one megacorporation, and a bunch of assorted Weird Space Junk [i don't have a real name for this one oops]
A monster collector setting where people escape to a digital world to ride out the post apocalypse, but the digital animals have gotten a little, ah, hostile, which is weird because they weren't programmed to be so that shouldn't be possible [THE SPIRIT ELECTRIC]
A spooky eldritch setting in an alternate Earth where a good chunk of the America-analogue's power grid used to be plugged into a giant divine-ish tumor! It's, uh, not anymore, though! Accidents happen, and some have heavier consequences than others [Phase Theory]
A fantasy setting with like elves and giants and dragons and stuff, which isn't the best selling point, but maybe the fact that magic existing has enabled some suspiciously post-industrial technology is a better one? Also the dragons are from space kinda [Tomes]
various offshoot settings that share names with, but are somewhat different from, the main settings, and maybe blur the lines between setting A and setting B a little
yes the characters standing behind my fursoña there are each supposed to be representatives of one of those settings why do you ask
other things i forgot
anyhow, NOT ONLY will following this blog get you art sometimes, BUT ALSO you'll get me rambling aimlessly about assorted nonsense for paragraphs on end! Stunning! Spectacular! Amazing! Some other word that invokes superlative qualities!!
Art will be tagged #my art, if something gets especially horror-y it'll get tagged with #horror and anything relevant, I'll try tagging the settings with the setting names, if i talk a lot i'm going to be tagging that with #rambling, uhhh
please don't be mean to me, i'm not here for shit and i WILL use all the tools at my disposal to obliterate you (by which i mean i'll probably just block you if i think i need to, which is functionally obliteration from my end, or maybe sending you to the shadow realm? idk)
also it should go without saying, but if you're in one of those genres of terrible person that wants me or my loved ones dead? Please Leave! On your way out, consider Not Doing That, or Dying in a Hole Maybe! Don't really care which, up to you honestly
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