#anyway it's grown in popularity again because of Tiktok!
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Out of curiosity, when did the, 'fanfic doesn't need to adhere to canon, everything is valid and good, don't give concrit unless specifically asked for' attitude become the norm? Genuine question.
I was active in fandom back in the LJ days, when sporkings and comms viciously mocking Mary Sues were the norm, but then I sort fell out of fandom spaces for the past (checks notes) fifteen years holy shit. The current attitude seems diametrically opposed to what I remember fandom being like (kinda shitty, it was 'cool' to be an asshole back then), and I'm just curious as to when and how the shift happened. I mean, I assume it was a gradual thing, but is there anything in particular that stick out to you?
(Also, because tone doesn't convey very well through ask, and I don't want to leave you with a poor impression-- this is by no means a defence of the 2000s attitudes, nor an aspersion on the current ones. I'm genuinely only curious about the evolution from one to the other; I hope that comes across.)
Hi anon!
TL;DR because my response got LONG -> Anon this existed before Livejournal as an attitude, in fact modern fandom was literally born out of being not canon compliant (*waves aggressively to Spirk shippers*) and this existed on Livejorunal too and there have always been big pockets of fandom that really frowned on sporking even there, like that was not cool when I was on LJ, unless you were a certain age, or in certain spaces in fandom.
But also AO3 was its kind of final death knell re: making it cool to bully 13-16 yo writers (who were largely the victims of sporking) and killing dreams, which was born out of meta happening on LJ and in other places about like... not trying to make people miserable for writing a free fic out of the love in their heart that someone else didn't like or think was good enough.
Anyway, the longer version of this under the read more!
(For everyone else, welcome to some of the uglier aspects of 00s fandom!)
So there was actually criticism around all the stuff you mention 15-20 years ago as well. I was also on Livejournal during that time and there was a pretty big proportion of people in certain fandoms who recognised even then that like... setting up communities to mock say, Mary Sue writers, was actually a pretty weirdly cruel thing to do to people who were providing free labour and the literal only 'payment' they could get in a kind of energy exchange was people just not being complete dickheads to them.
So things were already changing, especially in many LJ communities and awards communities. There were a lot of big debates over whether concrit should be asked for, and a growing movement of authors who said they welcomed constructive criticism for example, instead of assuming it should automatically apply. There was also a lot of meta around the function of fanfiction and whether it should even be 'good' by published standards if the author was just doing it for themselves, and for fun (esp if they were just going to get punished for it by folks who were elitist, judgemental, grammar purists etc.)
Things really changed around the time of AO3 (2009-2010 - literally around 14~ years ago, you may have just missed the big change anon!), Strikethrough and the Dreamwidth exodus. There was a massive swing away from leaving concrit unless the author specifically asked for it, and fandom became a lot more generally able to recognise that a lot of labour goes into fanart and fanfiction and that paying with public criticism is shitty actually. Also people were just more able to recognise that like most fanfiction writers aren't trying to become professional writers and many don't want to be.
(I would actually say things changed around the time of fanfiction.net too - rude comments there were definitely noticed and could create some pretty forward 'hey why are you doing this on something you literally don't have to read' responses from fellow readers - idk what fic sites you were on. The small indie fic sites where you could often only comment via email for example, definitely drew a lot more critical attention than sites that tended to have public comments).
The 'fanfic doesn't need to adhere to canon' literally exists since the very first Spirk slash fic in modern fanfiction in the last few decades. Literally, as soon as you write Kirk/Spock, you're not adhering to canon. Our fanfiction 'ancestors' literally paved the way for a legacy which is about not adhering to canon in order to see the world/s and thing/s you want to see, be entertained by, by turned on by, or enjoy, from the very beginning. You may not have been in slash circles anon, but the foundation of queer same sex fanfic is in many ways the foundation of fandom. But yeah, this is literally where fanfiction started! As soon as you're shipping characters that aren't canon for fun (or for whatever reason), you're making it pretty clear that you want stories different to canon, and you have to change things to often keep those characters in-character.
So yeah! That's been there for decades. Idk what circles you were in on that front! While it was fairly common for a while to criticise characters for being OOC (Out of Character), imho, a lot of folks started to recognise that they literally weren't paying for what they were criticising, and they could just walk away and potentially not like...blast the fanfic. Some folks started to recognise more that people were writing with ESL, or were teenagers (some 40 yos in fandom realised they were mocking literal 15 year olds in their proto-podcasts and websites and realised actually that's just...mean? Really mean? Not the way to nurture new generations of fanfiction writers. Definitely in no way encouraging), or were writing for themselves, or writing for like one other person, or writing for fun, or writing for free, or writing for personal reasons etc.
'Don't Like Don't Read' wasn't just about political stuff, it was also about just walking away if you feel the urge to slam a fanfic in the comments.
I've been in fandom for around 2.5 decades anon, and there were so many spaces that were not actually as shitty or mean-spirited as the ones you were in? Or ones that at least had a lot of different thoughts etc. Like, sporking (mocking/bullying badfics and sometimes the folks who wrote them) was disapproved of by a lot of people in fandom even while sporking was at the height of its popularity (the Fanlore page goes into more detail about this). It might have just been the fandoms you were in, or the people you were hanging out with (and that might have been dependent on your age or just if you were around people who wanted to be 'cool' back then - in the same way that being an 'anti' is cool among certain crowds today. It's possible to spend years in certain crowds and never get an image of broader fandom for example - we can all end up in spaces like that! I know I have.)
When I started writing fanfiction (which no one will EVER find lmao), generally giving positive comments was normal. Constructive criticism was actually pretty rare and there were already fanfiction aggregate sites that generally disapproved of it in their Rules of Conduct. People were encouraging and polite. And this was around 20 years ago on Livejournal and private indie fanfiction websites.
I would actually say there was never exactly an evolution from 'one to the other' because like thousands of people in fandom already believed this and argued in defense of supporting fanfiction and transformative works via accepting that people are labouring for free and that not everyone wants to become a 'better writer' etc. - the meta was there on Livejournal in the 00s. There were communities where sporking was seen as hip/fun, and communities where it was literally banned or at the very least, super frowned upon.
There were meta fandom communities where sporking was the subject of discussion and you know eventually in a lot of those meta communities, that's where a lot of folks decided actually that calling out the fanfiction of 16 yos as 'cringe' or 'badly done' maybe said more about us as human beings and what we wanted fandom to be, than it did about the actual fanfic itself. By the time AO3 came around, people built it with this in mind.
To this day on AO3 it's mostly considered appropriate to say you want concrit in your author's notes, and to otherwise assume as a reader it's never welcome if it's unsolicited. That started during the LJ era. And it was talked about at great length. There's obviously going to be people who disagree! But for the most part I'm a big believer in compassion and 'not everyone is here for the same reason' and 'they literally gave this to us for free and it's meant to be fun' (like yourself! What we do/think/argue 10 years ago on LJ is sometimes different to what we do 10 years later lol, I used to be against trigger warnings pre-AO3! Times change a lot :D )
So yeah, this was definitely something that was around before you and I came to fandom, and it was something that continued to grow as an attitude during, until finally it kind of won out on AO3. But yeah fandom as we know it was born in people literally not being canon compliant to make some gay dreams come true (Spirk shippers bless them all), at a time when there was no representation.
Even in the earliest days of fandom where comments could only happen via email, one of the earliest phrases authors used were things like 'flames will be used to roast marshmallows.' For those reading who don't know, flames are hate comments, critical 'this fic is bad because' comments etc. Except you emailed them directly to the author, because there was no place for comments on a fic.
And this started because authors in part got death threats for writing gay stuff.
So you know, from the very beginning, authors in fanfic have by and large had a very low tolerance for criticism / hate over something they're doing for free and making no profit out of, when they're changing/altering the canon as they please to create representation (or hotness lmao), that is literally a labour of love in a world of very little representation. From there, things have just grown. The whole 'flames will not be tolerated' existed even before Livejournal did.
Honestly there are still people who love sporking and you could probably find groups and Discords dedicated to that even now (actually you literally can, there's a Dreamwidth group for it), it's kind of wild but it started to get cool again. Just like 90s clothing :D (Which is also wild because I can just take that crap out of my closet and wear it again).
But yeah it also sounds like you may have been in some pretty crappy pockets of fandom! When I was on LJ in the 00s I avoided those places and still got to experience fandom across multiple fandoms (mostly NCIS, Captive Prince, HP, Profiler, The X-Files and some others) and communities.
I was super active in some fandom communities and saw a lot of meta happening, and my view during the early and late 00s was that sporking was largely pretty frowned upon after a very brief (like 3-6 month) era where it was cool for only some folks, and then everyone (including some - but not all - of those folks) was like 'heyyyyyyy hang on a minute.' It was something that the bullies did, and enjoyed, and otherwise folks kind of stayed away from it, especially once they learned people were becoming too scared to write fics, which is the inevitable outcome of mocking/bullying folks and fics that have been made purely out of love for something.
Like, publicly making a spectacle out of what a 13 yo (they were often teens - and it's kind of sad how many 40 yo women were doing the sporking :/ ) wrote out of love, just for fun/clout was not considered cool by everyone even back then, because like, a lot of us saw that as killing new generations of fandom (some folks who sporked considered it a win if a fic or account got deleted, this is not based behaviour), not actually creating good writing, internalised misogyny (Mary Sue hatred and self insert hatred), etc. It's hard to explain because I do really think we were in different corners of fandom at the time, but I don't know anyone personally from my time on Livejournal who actually liked sporking as an idea or enjoyed it or enjoyed listening to it or reading articles mocking fic.
I knew about it from very lively 'is this okay' 'actually no it's not even if it's just for fun this is trying to hurt people and saying 'it's just the fic' is not going to be the bandaid a teenager needs to understand why older folks (generally) in fandom are mocking them for being new at a skill' discussions on LJ in meta fandom communities. So this is how much I could be in fandom and not be a part of it and also have like a wildly different experience to your LJ experience!
I think if I'd been a teenager during that era it would have seemed a lot more appealing (in the same way that many teens are antis now before they grow out of it), and fuck it if I was a more bitter person who was just around people who liked to make fun of what other people created, perhaps I would have enjoyed it too, I can see a lot of reasons why a person would fall into that in LJ -> but I was an adult on LJ trying not to be mean to people or what they were creating, so yeah I was maybe just in very different spaces! (Don't get me wrong, I have my giant fucking character flaws, but I was very scared of people hating me so like I didn't want to do things that would make that happen, lol, and also I was scared to put up fic myself during the era of active sporking. I know for myself that sporkers didn't just scare away writers of 'badfic' - they...intimidated a LOT of people).
Before AO3 I was on FF.net, posting fics on LJ, posting on Schnoogle, gossamer, and a couple of other archives. So I don't think my experience was that 'narrow,' I just think I wasn't around like... anime at that time or other places where it might have been happening. I also avoided like...Draco/Malfoy where CC drama was happening and I know sporking was popular in that specific arena / pairing for a while as well (er, as well as anything to do with Mary Sues).
So yeah! That's about where that is. Generally gatekeeping fandom is just seen as not a great thing to do to people, and that creates other kind of beliefs that are generally upheld as being more inviting/nurturing. After all, if someone truly wants to get better at writing, they can ask, or do courses, but as we all know, everyone has to write some bad stuff to get good at it, but not everyone wants to be good. Folks are in fandom for different reasons. I'm rambling now so I'm going to finish my lunch! :D
#asks and answers#pia on fandom#pia on writing#god i do not miss sporking#but it's still happening tbh in some sections of the internet#and it always will!!!#there will always be fics that piss us off or that are just written painfully#generally speaking it's just encouraged to share that with afriend privately#instead of creating a website and recording an interview or discussion or slam#or writing an article for fandom to see#and using BNF energy to chase fic writers out of fandom#it's wild that it was actually around for as long as it was#on LJ#i feel like that was the mean-spirited click-bait era before click-bait then came around#anyway it's grown in popularity again because of Tiktok!#such is life :D
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Yall do realize Nina and Toby are both adults right?? Like? You realize that right? That’s not a hc or opinion. I’m just saying this to make sure everyone understands that I and my mutuals in this fandom would never “age up” a minor to put them w an adult. That shits revolting. I even did my research before getting into this ship to make 100% sure! As an adult in this fandom I want to be responsible with my platform and I would never encourage or support a minor being with an adult even if it’s fiction. I’ve always been against that and always will be. I’m not sure if I popularized it or not, but this ship wasn’t my idea! I saw artists on here shipping them like creek-ink and I thought it was so cute and Nina and Toby actually have more in common than I thought! So my brain did the rest! Anyway evidence/ research under the cut! Just so we’re all on the same page!
Here’s Nina’s creator herself saying she ships/ shipped/ was okay with Nina being shipped with Eyeless Jack. EJ was an adult man in college. (And also she says Nina was never in love w Jeff and I just think it’s funny that the fandom thinks that. The fandom is so silly I luv us.) But anyway the most popular EJ story is him in college and occult stuff and blah blah. And EJ has always been drawn/presented as an adult man because of that. So if Nina’s creator herself shipped him w Nina then it makes sense that they’re both grown ups.
Unless I’m misunderstanding she’s saying Nina has no cannon age and she can be written as an adult or teenager! Not strictly teen! And the creator herself draws Nina new and old as an adult.
Unless I’m misunderstanding again(English isn’t her first language and this was translated!!) here’s Nina’s creator saying not only does she ship OG Nina and EJ together but she gave them a kid together named Eyeless Alice. Or she’s saying she’s cool with it. And if Nina and EJ have a kid together then they both have to be adults. I don’t think Nina’s creator would let a 17 year old be with a 20 year old. That would be so nasty. Even if we’re going off her and Jeff they would both have to be adults too.
This confirmed Nina is an adult for me. Revamped Nina is an adult and if she’s saying they’re both the same age then OG Nina is an adult too! Unless I’m misunderstanding again but I don’t think I am.
Anyway TLDR Nina’s creator herself has literally put Nina with Jeff and EJ who are both adult characters. Ppl who wanna say Jeff is 13 and still put him with a 17 year old Nina…that’s still bad. So I thought it would be obvious that they’re both adults who grow up. Forgive me if I’m misunderstanding some things. (Again might be shit translations!) but one thing for sure is that she herself ships EJ and Nina. And I don’t think she would do something gross like put a minor with an adult. (Especially if she gave them a kid together/ is okay with them having a fan made kid together) She seems really sweet! So yeah Nina is an adult canon :3 Toby too but I don’t have to explain that.
Also just looking through Nina’s info has been so fun and cool!! Another thing Nina and Toby have in common is they both hallucinate their dead siblings. Morbid. I’m gonna do an in depth video on my TikTok bc this info is so interesting! Nina is much more interesting than I originally thought!!!
#creepypasta#creepypasta fandom#creepypasta hcs#creepypasta headcanon#crp#creepypasta characters#ticcy toby#ticci toby headcanons#nina the killer creepypasta#ninathekillerheadcanons#ninathekiller#ninathekillerhcs#nina the killer headcanons#nina hopkins#nina the killer#creepypasta nina the killer
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No because some of ya’lls Azems make me INSANE bc so many people choose names of Greek Mythology figures and just thinking of the way Azem’s story played out vs the symbolism of those names can tell me a lot about your Azem and it’s so spicy-
Obviously Persephone is a pretty popular one because of Emet Selch being Hades. The goddess of spring and the king of the underworld- the traveler that helps the living and the man who oversees the dead. It’s soooo yummy too because of Persephone not being around 100% of the time which is so perfect for the way Azem left and how WoL in their reincarnation to whom Hades/Emet Selch is a complete stranger yet again. “It’s time for spring” but spring and rebirth only come for Azem. Anyways I think Emet Selch should watch Hadestown
Another one I saw was Apollo which is more straightforward bc Azem is the sun. Nothing much I just love that a lot. Bonus points if as WoL they’re a bard.
I also saw Icarus which makes me INSANE. Oh my god. Icarus who flew to close to the sun but therein lies the paradox that Azem IS the sun. Maybe they’re self destructive, prideful, or they were ultimately their own undoing. Yeah I just have thoughts.
On TikTok I saw Hercules as well which is also very cool because Hercules is obviously a “hero” and you know, WoL is the hero of the main story so it’s just really nice. Like depending on who you are your WoL and Azem can be completely different or exactly the same or somewhere in between- but the fact still remains that Azem’s adventurous and helpful disposition are things that WoL inherited.
Now, personally, I didn’t choose a Greek mythology name for my Azem. I know most of the Ancients are Greek names but not me because I need to be quirky✨ Kinda jk but her name is Lucifer just bc I cannot think of a myth that suits her or her personality/theme. I mean, even then Lucifer doesn’t 100% suit her thematically but I’ve grown too attached to the name and already built a lot of her character around the title of Morningstar. Bc to me the Morningstar is a brilliant star- so brilliant that it’s a false sun and uh yeah you can probably guess what she’s about just by that word “false”
Okie I done rambling I go eep now
#Btw i haven’t actually hit shadowbringers yet i just know sum lore so no major spoilers plz#I can’t help it i am very nosey#And i fully believe that lore vs story telling is different so#Getting the full version of the game this summer super exited#ffxiv#Ffxiv oc#azem#ffxiv azem#azemet#Oh also i wanna fuck Emet Selch he’s soooooo…#Heheheheheh
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Hot take but people who are happy about TikTok getting banned are just like the parents from back in the day who'd blame shit like DnD, Video Games and whatever because instead of actually trying find and deal with whatever is causing problems with society, they'd rather blame something that either isn't the problem or is just a reflection of it. Besides, it's much easier than taking accountability for our own shortcomings as a society.
Banning TikTok isn't going to fix any of the societal problems it supposedly caused because there are already sites/apps like it.
TikTok spies on people and has their personal information?
Yeah but so are plenty of other sites in general. Google is so blatant about it that they're fighting against adblock even though people have every right to own one.
TikTok exploits children and exposes them to inappropriate content?
So do platforms like YouTube, Instagram, or any other platform that allows video sharing of any kind. YouTube has been doing it for a long time, but I guess since it's based in the US, it doesn't need to get banned.
TikTok is leading to people having shorter attention spans?
Do I need to repeat myself? Other platforms are guilty of this. Hell, we used to have Vine which has shorter content than TikTok but there wasn't this much backlash. Also, I find it hard to believe when long form content like video essays have been getting popular and streaming platforms allow you to binge entire series. Maybe you just fail to catch people's attention.
What doesn't help is that when people bring up this in terms of children, they fail to realize that the reason why they don't pay attention because a lot of curriculums aren't made with what the child needs in mind, especially in regards to disabled children who need special accommodations to thrive in schools.
I see way too many curricula that are too advanced for what grade the students are in, and grown-ups actually expect them to not get overwhelmed?
Let's face it, they don't give a shit about society, especially children. The fact that you guys trusted these mfs with this ban and what they claim shows how they benefit from your blind rage and hatred from a platform.
I hate TikTok too. Never had the app. But I also knew that banning it isn’t going to solve anything since, once again, all the problems we have with it are problems we have with other platforms.
What also rubs me the wrong way is that TikTok may get unbanned anyway if the platform is sold.
How about instead of banning foreign platforms that are just doing what US based ones already have been doing for a while, we hold all of them to a standard instead of giving government too much power to ban them under the guise of helping society?
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ARGH THAT SUCKS!!! Your migraines really said “I’m not a girls girl” SHSGSHS hopefully you don’t have any awful bouts anymore!! But OMG I just saw your post going to go read it after I respond SO EXCITED the name polar also hits so hard
FRRR ACTUALLY INSANE atp anything you want to be canon you just have to write into a fic and trust the universe
NAH FR LMAOOOO omg I can’t I’m imagining him in the flash outfit and it fr would look ATROCIOUS im crying his bright pink hair probably prevents him from getting so many roles imagine they try to cast him as lava girl in a reboot of shark boy and lava girl
LMFAOOO Tyler is just the universal opp name apparently that’s actually kinda insane how similar ours are but anyways LMAO lowk I feel like for the most part it’s ok especially if your audience is more American? Then they can better relate to and understand the story without it having like any super adverse effects if anything I think the little school setting intricacies can be bent a bit next Halloween you should just dress up as the American flag
LMAOOO (The reverse swerving is crazy /j) BUT FR reo and reader development the freaky Friday fic was so good though ugh this is just reminding me to read it again gotta see my man
LMAIAAO FR it’s like I just wanna know what was going through your head when you commented this honestly very entertaining
AIKUUU he’s fr grown on me in the past months def not in a omg he’s so hot marry me way but the oaeu REALLY makes me appreciate him a lot as a wingman/friend way
LSODISAB im crying the irony I mean I certainly wouldn’t mind reading a sequel to the kiyora one since you wrote him so well the first time but I don’t have THAT much of a stake with him that I’d normally go requesting around works for him soooo but I’m laughing seabird reader and sae lowk dissing rin saes like “yeah he stalked her for a week” “WHAT” anyways
LMAOO what’s funny is I just saw a TikTok about Karasu and chigiris sister again but I lowk forgot the details the only thing I remember is in the comments there was an oikawa (?) fan losing their mind over Karasu getting shipped with her and it’s so funny because all the other comments are like “that one oikawa fan crashing out for no reason” LMAOSOAOA
So real but omg RIN SWERVING??? LMFOAOAAO not the bro on bro violence /j I was actually kinda wondering how you ended up choosing the characters you mentioned like ego anri but now it makes sense LOL
HAHAHAHSAHAH in classic Mira fashion I can’t say I’m wildly shocked but GOING TO READ AFTER THIS expect a separate comments ask LOL
Realll YOU GOT THIS but FR LMDOAOAOAA INDIE IM CRYING I literally would’ve never thought of that though it’s insane but yeah going back to a topic from some of our earlier convos your blog is side character heaven
SAME but whatever people will try to get whatever “canon” content they can get their hands on for their ships and hcs but we’ll understand the true humor behind it fr
Crying the AOT fandom eating well blue lock when (if ever)
Sigh I really thought nagi was popular enough to get those really insane edits but ig the itoshis are just on a different level????
YEAHHH omg wait wait two sided required beef also sounds REALLLLY interesting haha wait love triangle second lead yuki main pairing Karasu wait…….but FR kiyora and rough and tumble yuki I can def see getting along I feel like they’d be pretty similar in personality too
THIS ADDITIONAL TIME WAS SOOOOO FUNNY SO TRUE KARASU ALWAYS LOOKING GOOD!!! I’m laughing Karasu schooling reo was so funny and otoya being his little lackey I like how they threw zantetsu in too
REAL of all the characters he’s one of my favs too so nice to know we’re on the same page hehe but if I’m being honest my favs besides him sometimes feel VERY different from my bluelock preferences but anyways….i will say though I’m definitely a lot less detached to Genshin in general just due to the recent content slowing down in hype and also the fandom (blue lock fandom on steroids I’d say genshins fandom is notorious for being absolutely batshit insane like mha levels which is why I NEVER interact with anyone beyond my own irls LMAO) is absolute insanity there’s so much drama going on that I just lost interest in looking BUT I really love lore diving into the actual games story they do a pretty good job with all that plus the in game visuals are stunning!!! Anyways FS keep me updated though can’t wait to hear what you think!!!
FRR the switch up parallels is so cool and because of our previous convo I did also think about the red and white and thought “Santa nagi?” LMAOOO
- Karasu anon
my migraines are like my debuff KSLDHF like i would be too powerful if i didn’t have smth wrong with me so i have chronic migraines and an imploding reproductive system LMAO anyways YESSS HHEHE I SAW YOUR ASK ABT IT I WILL RESPOND TO THAT NEXT BUT I’M GLAD YOU LIKED IT!! i actually had picked the name polar for a nagi one shot that i ended up scrapping and idrk where i got it from back then but i saw it in my drafts and it fit this au SO well like what with the snow and nagi being winter compared to shidou’s summer i was actually really glad that i still had it available because it was so simple but so perfect imo
HELP okay maybe instead of manifesting in our ask convos i should just start writing random fics involving our manifestations so that they come true…wait does this mean nagi + aiku or nagi + shidou are coming up next because i will actually scream with joy if that happens I MISS NAGIAIKU ALREADY
THE BRIGHT PINK HAIR DOES HIM SO DIRTY PLS yeah he would not be able to pull that flash costume off i fear 😭 wait actually though idk if this is me remembering some official art or smth but he would actually eat in the pirates of the caribbean franchise?? like i could see him being cast as jack sparrow even though they obviously look nothing alike i think he has like the charisma and vibes for it
one thing about men named tyler they WILL be characters like you’ll never meet a background tyler SKDJHF but yeah i do think that it’s not too bad if you’re writing from experience!! i’d rather read something that’s americanized than something that’s like a poor representation of the source material…some people find it to be a pet peeve but eh idk it’s not that deep to me as long as it’s written well that’s the most important thing!! i do think that most people who have an issue with it tend to dislike broader things like the reliance of the “college party” tropes if that makes sense?? so it’s not an issue with westernization just with poor writing ig 🤔 LMAOOO PLEASE IMAGINE I JUST WEAR AN AMERICAN FLAG WRAPPED AROUND ME NEXT YEAR that would actually be so lana del rey though HAHAH
reo’s the only one who activates reverse swerving in me idek why because i don’t like him anywhere near as much as i like nagi?? but it’s the same case in peregrine probably because he’s the only character to have spoken lines in every single chapter…like he’s so important to reader that i’m like “wait ik we don’t want to get with him because our parents suck but like. REO.” like if it weren’t for reader and nagi being sooo in love i would be like nah f this reo is this girl’s soulmate because their every interaction is so adorable (even though she hates him when they first meet like trust they have their development) ugh fr though i miss karasu too sigh my handsome loser bf come back to meeee
FACTS THAT’S ACTUALLY IT like who thinks to themselves “ah yes let me just type this insane comment and post it” and not feel even the slightest shred of embarrassment?? sometimes i wonder if people realize that the author/original poster of a fic or tumblr post can literally see what they’re commenting or reblogging because some of those thoughts should be like mental notes or smth idk 😭
STOP BECAUSE THE OAEU WAS BAD ENOUGH WITH HIM AS A WINGMAN BUT AFTER POLAR I AM SO SOLD ON HIM 😭 i dared to venture into the aiku tag on here and immediately dipped though because nobody writes aiku with the characterization that makes me appreciate him so much?? like i don’t want to read about sexy playboy frat man aiku if i wanted to read about a player i’d go for otoya because he can pull it off…i like aiku in the “solid dependable older brother with questionable humor but good intentions” way not the 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 way SLKDJF
yeah i don’t really care TOO much about kiyora hence why i was like “yeah i could keep going but i’m lazy rn i’ll do the rest as a part two if anyone wants it” and then the one time i was willing to keep going people were like nah it’s fine HELP okay because seabird reader’s younger brother is (in my mind) the same age as rin?? or like a year younger or smth so like she’s very very used to dealing with guys that age and she just thinks rin’s silly SLDKJH actually wait that’s another thing that would be hilarious in a seabird sequel is reader’s brother x rin chemical reaction because you know for a fact that rin would try to be all cool and nonchalant meanwhile reader’s brother is like YOOOO YOU’RE RIN ITOSHI!!!!
LMAOAOAO NOT THE ONE OIKAWA FAN GOING CRAZY PLEASE idk why but i love when comment sections are all making fun of one person or there’s like a little collective joke going on it’s so funny to me 😭 anyways the people can ship karasu and chigiri’s sister all they want…they don’t know about the dark horse on his way to snatch…KENYU “i pull my friends’ older sisters as a side gig” YUKIMIYA LSKDJFSDL wait more karasu yukimiya one sided beef lore yukimiya accidentally pulls both karasu’s sister AND chigiri’s which is in fact karasu’s final straw
WE TALKED SO MUCH ABOUT THE RIN AND SAE LOVE TRIANGLE REQUEST THAT IT ALMOST MANIFESTED INTO REALITY 😭 but actually i was always going to have ego be there!! he’s meant to be a retired jockey and trainer who helps reader with her pegasus because it’s a super weak foal that she has to raise and train herself so ego’s retired ahh decides to help her because he has nothing better to do and he wants her to race against kaiser and beat him (because kaiser is training with noel noa who is ofc ego’s opp) anri was a last minute addition though originally she was just the generic “best friend” character like in fwtkac where she’s never named but then i was annoyed by having to dance around not giving her a name so then i was like hmm tullia feature perhaps?? but THEN i was like nah because including tullia in just a one shot is like asking to be shot or smth 😓 in series people have time to adjust to liking her so it’s not as bad but in a one shot it would just cause unnecessary drama so i just went with the only female character in all of blue lock and made it anri!!
i will always be a safe place for side character and rare dynamic enjoyers 🙏🏻 it’s like i always say…if you like side characters that means you probably have read the media closely enough to actually know who they are and understand them enough to like them?? and if you can pull off a rare pair or dynamic well that means you understand the characters to the point that it feels convincing which is why i think having rare pairs or liking really random characters is like a green flag to me that a person isn’t going to have weird fandom opinions (not 100% accurate though sadly but def a good indicator)
unfortunately the aot fandom is like genuinely insane so they eat well but they don’t DESERVE IT 😭 aot as a show is very complicated for me because on the one hand i think there’s a lot that was done really well and i think the first three seasons (and even a bit into the fourth) were AMAZING but the fourth was. not utter TRASH but i think it could’ve been done better and conveyed the messages i believe the author was trying to convey in a clearer way 🤔 so i would neither glaze nor hate on the show!! but people either like to absolutely dog on it or they’re like twelve years old and the themes of the show went over their head entirely so they just say bs and it’s like “okay you need to attend a few more english classes before you’re qualified to have an opinion on this” yk?? so that means there’s a lot of crazy takes in both directions floating around abt the show hence why i don’t really post write or even think about it that much anymore
the itoshis are the FACE of blue lock i fear HAHAHA i think nagi was the most popular back when the first season first came out (so many mutuals i know that started the show for nagi but moved on whereas i did the opposite because i got into bllk so much later) but especially because he hasn’t been in the manga much and has been in a downfall arc he hasn’t been getting as much attention 😩 and the people who DO like him are mostly anime-only so they typically make the more basic edits 💔 in terms of canon it’s GREAT being a nagi fan because he always comes back (plus he has epinagi) but in terms of the fandom it’s truly rough 😰
karasu and r&t yukimiya having legitimate beef would actually be really cool lowkey…karasu naturally being who yukimiya is pretending to be which drives yukimiya insane because wdym he’s just…like that?? like he’s perfectly calm (jeirin pointed out the other day that we haven’t even seen karasu cursing ONCE which i haven’t checked myself but i trust her and lowkey given how the blue lock players talk to each other on the daily that’s CRAZY maybe that’s why he was voted number two gentleman 😭) has plans for the future even outside of soccer and is charismatic enough that he makes friends and people listen to him super easily ☝🏻 MEANWHILE KARASU DESPISES YUKIMIYA because see he doesn’t know that it’s all an act yk?? so he thinks there’s just this insanely perfectly perfect dude just chilling in bllk who’s handsome and likable plus just the general beef that karasu always ends up having with yukimiya in the miraverse somehow…but neither of them ever says anything about it because they’re both too mature to actually act on their beef but like they def don’t fw each other
KARASU SCHOOLING REO HAD ME CACKLING the way reo was so flabbergasted too had me cracking up the only way it could’ve been better is if aiku somehow spawned in because that entire situation is the most (miraverse) aiku scenario ever HAHAHA but yeah otoya raichi and zantetsu in the suits as professor karasu’s enforces were so silly i can’t…god bless bachira’s weird ass imagination for that one maybe i should stop forgetting he exists
yeah my friends have told me that the new stuff/region for genshin lowkey sucks HAHAHAH so my expectations are not very high and TRUST i have heard horror stories about the genshin fandom like they along with the kpop stans are lowkey like the stereotypical horrible fans imo HAHA so def a little scared of that but i do think even if i do get into it heavily i probably won’t interact much with other people in the fandom just because of that…it’ll probably be more like how i was with jjk for example where people can find me if they want but i won’t seek them out or be mutuals with them unless i know them through another fandom or smth 😭 but YAYYY alhaitham lovers unite ngl most of the genshin characters look super young to me for some reason?? like that is not an adult man that is a girl scout i’m not abt to be down bad for that 😔 alhaitham actually looks grown up and his design is pretty so idt i’ll swerve and like another character but who knows i always say that and i’m always wrong so 😓
SANTA NAGI FR except instead of a reindeer he has his freaky death aura LMAO anyways also i have tik toks hehe links below
WHEN I SAVED THIS IT WAS AT LIKE 7K LIKES NOW IT’S ALMOST AT 200K 😭 so you’ve probably seen it already but the queen don’t cry meme + barou genuinely has me CRYINGGG also nagi looks so pretty in the one clip he’s in
hayate edit…he doesn’t look QUITE as much like nagi electrocuted version in the anime as he did in the manga but he’s still a cutie pie also writing him be friends w nagi in polar also made me like him more (ngl that entire one shot just made me like all of the u20 guys sm more [except sendou because he was kind of an opp] which is like horrible timing because none of them are making it past this arc besides aiku and sendou 😔)
loser boyfriend karasu mentioned…everyone clapped
WE’RE GETTING CLOSER…nagi edited to that audio i said karasu needs to be edited to!!
more nagi because he’s soooo cute and i love him HAHAHA
very chaotic edit and i’m only including it because the way ego says nagi’s name in the intro is sending me for some reason 😭 everyone else’s name he says normally/with typical announcer flair but smth abt how he says nagi is SO FUNNY AND COUPLED W NAGI’S UNBOTHERED EXPRESSION IT’S TOO MUCH
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For the ship asks: what is the most underrated and overtated ships in your opinion? <3
Shipping asks!
Most underrated ship: At the moment I wanna say Parvati/Luna and Dorcas/Narcissa simply because I am in a mood for them and no one else seems to be. But seeing as those are also completely random characters to pair up, I can see why. In general, I'm gonna go with the 'popular' femslash ships? Even for just dorlene, which is definitely one of the more like established sapphic ships here, it's so hard finding it in content where it's not the sideship to wolfstar or jegulus. (Like legit if you go to the Marlene/Dorcas tag on AO3, M/M is still the most popular category and something about that just kinda annoys me sometimes lol)
There are obviously a lot of different reasons why that's the case, I'm not mad at anyone or anything, but it's a little disappointing when I just want the girls to fall in love sometimes. In that trend though, I will stick to my initial Dorcas/Narcissa and Parvati/Luna because those are girls that deserve some love.
Most overrated ship: Not to stir anything, I mean no hate to any shippers bc y'all look like you're having a blast and I'm very happy for you, but I'm so very glad for tumblr making it easy to mute jegulus posts. I don't get the appeal, I can't imagine it's something James would ever do except for very specific AUs, I just don't like it and it's grown SO much recently (especially on tiktok where filtering content is so frustratingly difficult lol). They've become one of the seemingly 'established' ship in half the headcanons I see even for other characters, and personally I'm just never a huge fan of it when that happens to any ship (simply because what I love most about the marauders era is that none of it is established) but with drarry and wolfstar, at least I like the ships you know. I just don't like jegulus and it's so prominent right now. But again, obviously, y'all seem to be having great fun and this is what they made muted tags and dldr for lmao, I'm not hating on anyone. (God knows I have no right left to judge anyway).
(I will say, I see Crimson Rivers excerpts sometimes when I looked for sirius and narcissa content on twitter, and one of the recent (I think recent) scenes made me cry without even reading the fic, so I very much get why good fics like that bring people in lmao)
#im gonna tag this as anti jegulus just so people can avoid it#but im not anti it im just tired but scared of upsetting people#dorlene#parvati x luna#dorcas x narcissa#marauders#answered asks#shipping#anti jegulus#mxlfoydraco#thank you for asking!
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Hi!! I hope you’re well! I’ve been reading some of your posts about Louis’ current image and your thoughts about how his promo strategy is going for fitf (re bbg, partying, and chav antics) and I really resonate with a lot of what you say.
It feels like Louis’ image, maybe not him as a person, is regressing fast, both in maturity/complexity and honesty. It makes me sad because I KNOW that Louis has grown so much personally over these past few years, but for whatever reason it’s become clear that he does not want to let that aspect of his character come through in these interviews. I think it’s in part that the people interviewing him ask the same stale throw-away questions and also that he and his team have taken big strides in accumulating younger, less mature fans (like starting a TikTok account for one thing). I want to hear about what books he enjoys reading and what he does to find peace of mind when he’s not in public, not hear about the Red Solo Cup game or regurgitated points about how much he loves us or how someone threw a chicken nugget at him. But at the same time as pursuing this young fanbase, you’re making a trade-off for the people who have grown with you and have an adult outlook on life and art. I feel like one day he’ll regret these pr decisions.
Anyways what prompted this whole thing was that I was watching a clip from 2013/14 today, it was of him discussing that One Direction fandom documentary that came out and how people generalize fans etc, it’s a pretty popular clip. The point is he went so deep into a pretty complex and nuanced topic, and spoke so eloquently about it too. Very different tone and depth than what we are getting these days. I just wish we got to see that more in recent times and that he let some of that side of him shine more.
Also sorry for any typos in here!!!
Hi sugar. I don’t know if they’re aiming for young fans so much as a broader fan base. He can’t continue to only rely on his existing fans and he has to expand his reach. TikTok is such a force in creating music trends and viral moments. Even though Louis surely hates TikTok, I’m sure he sees the need for it. But otherwise, yeah. Quips about chicken nuggets are cute, but he’s got so much more going on in that head of his.
I just had some bitter Betty ranting in my inbox about how Louis talks about this stuff because fans like it and it gets more engagement than him talking about his inspirations etc. which… okay? Again, this is marketing. It’s about creating an image they think will sell. Every artist does it. It doesn’t mean everyone is going to connect to it. But he/his team are leaning into these aspects of his personality and interests because they likely feel it’s helpful for someone breaking out of a boyband background and moving into the indie/rock/pop punk scene.
I truly don’t get the anger people have about me not caring for it. 🤷🏻♀️
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can you write a percabeth tiktoker fic
im pretty sure you sent this prompt to many people but yolo,, percabeth
Annabeth doesn’t get a lot of sleep. She’s simply a mess, constantly fretting over things she can’t control, and that makes it hard for her to really relax enough to actually doze off.
That, and she may have an issue with tiktok.
She’s so busy with school all the time that any chance she gets to do something for herself, she uses it. And that time usually comes at night around two in the morning which is precisely how she finds herself up at six in the morning with a class only an hour later.
That is also exactly how she stumbled upon his account.
Percy Jackson was a pretty popular account. He has a couple million of followers and after a bit of stalking, she finds that he was just recently verified.
Normally, she wouldn’t get so distracted by an account that she’s up so long without any concept of time, but Percy did it for her. It wasn’t that he was attractive (which he was so so attractive) but he was just funny. He’d make videos of pretty much any nature, but he always manages to bring a smile to Annabeth face.
So Annabeth’s basically become a zombie on her feet all day because she can’t get off of tiktok long enough to actually make it to the REM stage of sleep.
As Annabeth stares at her phone, she has no idea how this happened. She swears that she only made one video in the midnight hazed inspiration, but that one video turned into five and then ten and now she is suddenly at two million followers and she is absolutely lost.
“Wow,” Piper says, peeking over her shoulder. “That’s a lot of followers.”
“I just—” Annabeth gestures vaguely, clearly overwhelmed. “I don’t understand how this happened.”
“You’re funny and also hot. Also you have a fat ass.”
Annabeth blinks. “I have a... big? Butt?”
“No,” Piper stresses, leaning back against the chair. “I said you have a fat ass.”
Annabeth preens, but only slightly. She carries on making videos, though she doesn’t have the slightest clue as to what’s going on. That two million becomes five million in only two months. It all has Annabeth feeling a little lightheaded.
It’s kind of fun, she has to admit. Not that she gets much time to actually make tiktoks, but apparently that’s what makes her good to watch because whatever she does end up posting is usually her half asleep rambling on about whatever crosses her mind. She doesn’t think it’s quite healthy, and her comments let her know that but also demand that she doesn’t stop.
She’s having too much fun to stop anyways. It’s fine. She’s fine.
She continues to watch Percy’s tiktoks, and he’s grown to over twenty million. It’s insane in her opinion that so many people could follow someone, and she almost doubts it, but then all she has to do is take a look at her account.
People begin to recognize her too. It’s not often, and it always catches her off guard, but it does happen. She tries to look at least somewhat presentable, which basically means she at least redoes a messy bun before leaving, but today’s luck has clearly run out.
Annabeth is running around through the city, just trying to find the specific pasta noodles that her roommate had asked for. She’s sure she looks like a hazardous mess, wearing plain grey sweatpants and a red Cornell hoodie just to spite Columbia kids, but she forgot until she was out the door and it was too late. She finally manages to find the pasta and she snatches the last package off the shelf, ready to fend it with her life. She checks out quickly before she’s back outside, running down the New York sidewalk. She’s not looking up at all, instead staring straight at her phone, but so was the other person, so what happens next is really not entirely her fault.
She slams directly into someone, and her box of noodles go flying to the floor, hitting the pavement with a thump that matches the sudden anger in her heart.
She looks up, wanting to scold the person, and then—
Just her luck, Percy Jackson is staring back at her, a kind smile on his face. He takes one look at her scowl and his smile falls as he takes a subtle step away from her.
“I’m sorry,” he says. He ends up picking the box up for her, and she takes it from him with hesitant fingers. “I wasn’t looking where I was going, so it’s my bad.”
Annabeth just smiled painfully.
“Pasta?” he asks kindly. “Sounds good.”
Percy is beginning to look mildly uncomfortable as he shoves his hands into the pockets of his own hoodie. “Well, I guess I’ll just be going. Sorry to bother you, but it was nice meeting you.”
She has enough decency to mutter out a “You too,” as he turns to leave. It’s not until he takes a few steps away that it dawns on her that he knew her name.
“Wait a second,” she says more to herself, but Percy still stops. “You know who I am?”
“I mean... yeah.”
“But you’re you.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Yes, I’m me. Thank you.”
“You watch my tiktoks?”
“I have for a while,” he says, a slight smirk. “I didn’t think someone with millions of followers would be so surprised that I know their name.”
“You’re a lot bigger than me.”
He shrugs. “We’re both up there, I guess.”
She takes a step closer to him this time. “Modest.”
“I try,” he says. “So now that you look less ready to stab me, I can say that I love your videos.”
“I wasn’t going to stab you,” she says dismissingly. “But thanks. Yours are pretty cool too.”
He snorts. “Thanks.”
“You have no idea how long I’ve been watching you.”
“That sounds vaguely creepy.”
“So is running into you on the streets of New York.”
Percy smiles again, and she could drown in him. “It’s cool though. A sign from above.”
“What could this possibly be a sign of?”
“That we should do a collab.”
Annabeth pauses. “What?”
“Why would you work with me of all people?”
“For starters, you’re here right now, but also because I like you. I think you’d be so fun to do something with.”
Annabeth feels like screaming, but then she remembers that she is supposedly also cool and keeps her calm. “I would do it.”
“You look like you’re going to explode.”
“I feel like I’m going to explode. Percy Jackson? Wanting to do tiktoks with me?”
“It’s not as impossible as you think,” he says. “You’re cute.”
“Oh?” Annabeth did not expect that to be the next thing out of his mouth, but she can’t say it doesn’t make her beam. “Boosting my ego over here.”
“Good.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket, “so let’s exchange numbers and I’ll take you out sometime and we can make some tiktoks.”
Annabeth grabs his phone to put her number in. “Is this going out a part of the tiktoks or something extra?”
“Whichever you want.” Percy takes his phone back, flashed her the prettiest look that makes her weak. “I’ll call you.”
“I’ll be waiting,” she says. Percy ends up stepping forwards to give her a hug, and somewhere in the back of her mind, she notes how he’s the perfect height for her.
He leaves with a goodbye and another promise of calling. Annabeth turns away too so she can head towards her apartment, and she feels that her breath has been taken away.
Her and Percy Jackson?
More possible than she would think, apparently.
(Works much better than she would’ve imagined, too.)
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[[hwang hyunjin, cis male, he/him]] — wait i could have sworn that was [soren kim] we just walked by, the [twenty-one] year old is a [tiktok star] who has been living in the city for [four years]. normally i see them wandering around [venice beach] but they apparently like to [figure skate] in their free time so that could explain why they’re here. if you ask their friends they’re known to be [driven] & [savvy], but i’ve also heard some rumours about them being [intense] & [enigmatic]. something about them really reminds me of [athletic tape hidden under baggy clothes, designer cologne scented skin, & online analytics always in the green] but maybe that’s because they’re a [leo].
hi everyone! i’m cece and this is my newest child soren. i’m excited to play him here and figure him out further as i go along but if you want to plot something to go off of, we can do that too! just throw anything at me and i’ll probably say yes, honestly. also you’re gonna have to deal with gif icons because apparently not a single larger gif hunt exists for my boy sad. anyways, without further ado!
tw: injury, addicition, rehab
adopted by a ballerina and her choreographer husband, soren was destined for a life of artistry. while he was encouraged to dance from the moment he could walk, it never really clicked. he liked the music and could see his parents’ discipline and passion for it but it wasn’t until his family moved from their prestigious new york residence to colorado after his mother’s retirement that he found his true calling -- ice skating.
socializing was initially hard for soren. he had a soft spoken personality that directly clashed with his confident, ambitious and well-connected parents. as an only child, and an adopted one at that, soren had no one at home to really bond with besides the occasional housekeeper that smiled fondly at the sweet-faced babe.
with parents frequently busy with travel and making “appearances”, soren was often left in the care of his grandparents who owned a successful ice skating rink. olympic hopefuls would train there and soren would watch, wide-eyed and curious. his grandparents caught on and the minute they had training blades on his feet, the rest is history.
soren blossomed into a charming, outgoing and popular child on the ice. he was a natural talent and started winning local competitions as soon as he was old enough to enter. he grew up surrounded by success and admirers, even attracting the attention of a coach to start him on a more competitive level. he made his first friends in the competition ring and while they’d often be pitted against one another, going out for ice cream together afterwards never left them with ill will or resentment.
while his parents funded his endeavors, they were never any more present in his life to support their budding ice star. soren pushed himself harder and harder, hoping to garner their attention but besides a few spare compliments, it was more his grandparents doing the raising. he relied on his friends, even when they went long distance to meet with coaches, and kept himself busy although the homeschooling required for training of his caliber made the former more difficult.
now an olympic hopeful himself, soren started winning championships on a national scale as an early teen. with more eyes on him, the pressure ramped up so it was less about familial approval and more about achieving perfection time and time again. he pushed boundaries and tested limits, to the point that injury was practically inevitable.
[ tw begin here ]
the fall that put a stop in his career was a brutal one and very publicly documented. bones were broken and he couldn’t even get himself off the ice. the healing process was agonizing, both physically and emotionally. the doctors speculated plenty about whether he’d be able to get back on the ice let alone at the level to which he had grown accustomed. soren didn’t want to imagine a life without skating and so he pushed himself to get better just like he pushed himself on the ice.
he was lauded as an inspiration after his long recovery but things weren’t so simple. with his passion at a standstill, soren felt like his life was over but with the painkillers helping him feel better, he became addicted to the sensation. soon it became too painful to stop taking him and finally, his parents took notice.
how could they not? addiction is an ugly, crippling affliction that turned their ambitious, artistic son into a drug-dependent shell of himself. he was irritable and isolated, unhealthily fixated on his next fix in the same way he used to be hyperfocused on his sport.
he was sent to los angeles under the ruse of seeing the best physical therapist money can buy but secretly attended rehab on the side. soren knew it was more for appearances sake than out of actual concern for his health so the rehab stint put an irrevocable rift between him and his family. slowly, he got better but in the interest of spending more of his parents money, soren feigned his continued struggling, draining large sums out of their accounts. even after his extended stay was up and he was given a clean bill of health and the number of his sponsor in case things went south, soren decided not to move back in with his parents and instead took residence in los angeles on his own.
[ end tw ]
personality and present day: soren hides the troubles of his past behind fake smiles and a confident, almost cocky personality. he’s successful in a different way now, attracting attention for his physical appearance and impeccable online life. he started tiktok as a way to distract himself but the algorithm worked in his favor: an attractive former sport phenom now using his talents for dances and trends caught attention and quickly.
he ‘dates’ other semi-famous internet stars, maintains his audience and fabricates the perfect existence. he indulges in designer brand deals and his posts earn more than most people see in a few paychecks. he creates parasocial friendships with his fans and hangs out with other tiktokers on the regular. people know him but no one knows him.
he pushes himself behind the scenes to try and get back on the ice but it’s an uphill, and very slippery slope that may reintroduce the worst of his habits. he almost definitely shouldn’t get into competing again but with his age not slowing down, he wants to make the most of his ice time and the career he put on hold.
tl;dr -- popular, charming (and slightly self centered) ice skater turned social media star who probably makes it into snapchat news and twitter trends on the regular. his icarian past -- the fall, the injury -- is swept aside for his successful and lucrative los angeles future.
name: soren kim (birth name kim seojun)
faceclaim: hwang hyunjin
ethnicity: korean (adopted into a white american family)
height: 5′10
hair: blond (dyed) shoulder length
eye color: brown
sexuality: bisexual
tiktok handle: sk8rboy (like, figure skating -- so clever)
relationship status: single
publicly, he’s only dated women but he’s made it clear in his content that he ‘goes both ways’ and is often ‘shipped’ with some of the other guys in his tiktoks
(he doesn’t mind) (he thinks its fun really)
favorite color: black
aesthetic: think eboy meets sporty
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“Toxic Pony” by Britney Spears x Ginuwine x Altégo
Mashups never really went away, to be fair: in 2022, we just take it for granted that any given DJ could drop an utterly wild sample into a peak-time set and turn up a combination that would have been unthinkable pre-Girl Talk. But at as a concept, mashups have largely been relegated to the margins for the last decade or so - partially because their popularity peaked, fad-like, and also partially because as corporations have diligently worked to enclose the wilder spaces of the internet, it’s grown harder and harder to defend “fair use” in any kind of broad terms. Anyway: mashups have continued to vaguely exist on YouTube and Soundcloud, where the copyright algorithms can’t always detect them, subject to removal at any moment even when they clearly had no commercial impact or potential. And they’ve started to make a comeback more publicly on TikTok, to the extent that “Toxic Pony” is being released by RCA as a single. This is a song that started as a viral Tiktok mashup by a duo that does nothing but try to release viral Tiktok mashups (all of which FIT WAY TOO WELL TOGETHER or ARE A MAJOR VIBE.)
And "Toxic Pony” does bang! I want to be clear about that. “Toxic” will go with damn near anything, and “Pony” has an equally adaptable beat. Together, they’re absolutely fantastic. But mostly what “Toxic Pony” makes me wonder is how the labels have managed to monetize these mashups, because whatever they’re doing to profit on Tiktok (a deeply corporatized and corrupted platform) will probably wash over the Soundcloud DJ sets and YouTube ephemera I actually love someday soon. Earlier today I was listening to a sunrise set that dropped Lady Gaga’s immortal “Let's have some fun, this beat is sick/ I wanna take a ride on your disco stick” into the mix. Gaga’s been a hugely important figure in pop for over a decade now, but these two lines are sampled and mashed up so often that they may genuinely be the most indelible piece of her oeuvre. Once companies figure out how to monetize mashups at scale, will things like that DJ set still exist online? In other words: I like “Toxic Pony”, but I don’t trust it.
I’ll start where DV left off: “Toxic Pony” is two great tastes that taste great together. Well, almost. Ginuwine’s vocal is eventually mixed back into the track and he doesn’t fit well with Britney Spears, with her vibe especially, but also the harmonies. I do wonder why Altégo opted to go duet instead of having the first lines of “Pony” echo refrain style or using the chorus as a feature verse, but these are quibbles because the satisfaction of having every one of “Toxic”‘s explosive pop moments subsumed by the gurgle of “Pony”‘s beat is powerful. I can only assume that’s the point. An iPhone costs $1000, but the lifetime of addiction to a device, to a handful of apps, to glowing light as confirmation of your existence and your worth, inextricable, is worth more than any series of numbers after the dollar sign could possibly indicate. I’m sure there’s significance in the choice of songs, two indelible hits that appeal to Millennials in vast, boundary-crossing ways, and even in picking a Britney Spears hit and not, say, “Bossy” or “Bootylicious” because neither Kelis nor Beyoncé are currently a cause célèbre.
I’m a bit worried about what sort of malware this song is introducing to my brain, but I also accept that I clicked and now it’s too late and all I can really do for myself is touch snow. I can’t help but shove the lion’s share of my thoughts to Britney Spears who last week sent her sister a cease and desist and routinely posts to Instagram about how she can’t trust anyone and why should she? Indeed! Why should she? She hasn’t announced a return to music or even a desire to ever return to music but here she is, front and center, a perpetual hitmaker. It seems unfair, at best, to point this spotlight at her. Definitely in this moment, but probably ever again.
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I am married to someone with an intense, if only midsized, fanbase. Parasocial relationships have been a part of our lives since long before it was a buzzword. It is weirdly fascinating to us, but sometimes a bit frightening. Now that it is the buzzword of the hour, seeing it misattributed is one of our pet peeves. I have seen people claim any amount of interaction on the fan's end is "pick me" (although fan interaction is necessary for his job) or claim that him utilizing social media makes him more culpable for forcing parasocial relationships on the fans because of power imbalances. If he is obvious about promoting something, though, it doesn't go over well because audiences don't want to feel like their being advertised to. Parasocial relationships are sometimes hurtful and scary on our end. 1) There was a woman who had been following his career since the 90s, when he wasn't as well known. She would often send him letters, gifts. Within the past 5 years something changed. I don't know why, but she suddenly began to consider him a boyfriend of sorts. He had never responded to these letters. I discovered she had been catfishing me under my private, locked social media accounts under a fake name, pretending to be someone I knew from high school. He blocked her on all social media. She harassed his coworkers until they blocked her too. A friend of mine said she went on TikTok to brag about how overly sensitive celebrities will block if you call them out for not being better than regular people. Meanwhile, we got a letter from her last year begging for him to forgive whatever she did that offended him. 2) 15ish years ago, in a magazine interview, my husband states his fave color. 2 years ago, I was having lunch with a friend, without my husband. A younger woman approached the table. She asksnif my husband was around and I said that he wasn't. Immediately her tone and expression changed to something nasty. She asked if I would at least give him a painting she had done of him. It was all done in various shades of the same color. I commented on this and she sneered at me with; "It's his fave color." I am still trying to be polite at this point and casually go; "Oh is it?" and she ery rudely snaps that I am his wife and I don't know his fave color like SHE does, so I have had it and say, assertively that I've had enough and she needs to leave. I gave it to my husband and told him the encounter. He laughed about it and said that it wasn't his fave color anymore. I had never thought to ask about his fave color because it just didn't seem important to either of us. He had never asked mine. Her twitter handle was on the painting so I looked it up. Her and a few friends were discussing the incident, using my first and last initials and my husband's first. They were discussing how clearly they know him deeper than I do, that he must secretly hate me if his own wife doesn't understand him like she does, and she altered the story so that she had seen him there earlier so I was clearly lying and that she had timidly approached the table and I had screamed at her that the color was ugly. I don't watch his interviews unless he specifically asks me to, because this is like listening in on someone's work meeting. This has been misconstrued by "fans" that I don't support him. I absolutely do, 200%, probably more than they support their husband's jobs, but watching his interviews isnt how i support him. I support him in our home, in our phone calls, in other ways he appreciates in our personal lives. Parasocial relationships are absolutely fine, until people start to believe they aren't in one, or that it is somehow more substantial than personal relationships the celebrities have with their loved ones. They truly think that they can Sherlock Holmes someone enough to truly know them better than the ones who actually know them in real life. (Sorry if you got this multiple times. Tumblr said it didnt send my ask.)
(Same anon from before) What fans need to understand is that parasocial relationships are good. It is fine to be a fan of someone, support their career, analyze them and write fanfiction and draw fanart of them or their characters. This is how my husband keeps his job, this is completely normal fan behavior. It isnt bad for the sake of existing. But they need to be aware that it is parasocial. I think the problem doesn't lie with parasocial relationships so much as when those in the relationship aren't aware that it is parasocial. Those who are aware of it being parasocial aren't the ones claiming that I do not know my husband but that they do or sending him love letters thinking their in a relationship with him. Those who know it is parasocial know that there is a difference between him answering questions in an interview (after being coached by a professional on how to appear and how to speak, and going into it knowing 90% of the questions) and having a conversation when there aren't cameras around, behind closed door. There is a difference between remembering a list of favorite things and watching someone enjoy those things in the moment every day in person. You just HAVE to be aware that they ARE parasocial.
First of all I gotta say I'm SUPER curious who you are (obviously you don't have to tell me!)! I've heard and seen things like what you described happen in several different fandoms of varying popularity, and I'm sorry you have to deal with that. But you're 100% right, engaging in regular fandom behaviour is perfectly normal, even interacting with creators/actors/musicians/whoever on social media (or in person if you meet them). It's HOW you interact with them. You need to both have your own and respect their boundaries.
I'm a fan of a couple 80s/90s boybands, as you just... ARE as an elder millennial lmao, and I can understand how easy it is as a young teen to go too far and cross boundaries because you just don't have the life experience or really, emotional regulation to interact with your idols in a normal way. But I've seen that now carry on well into adulthood, the things grown-ass women TO THIS DAY say about the wives of some of these band members is shocking (maybe not to you though since you've lived it!). I've had several conversations where I've had to remind people that literally every interaction they've had with these people at official meet & greets and stuff, even to an extent their interactions on social media, it's like the famous-person equivalent of Customer Service Voice. They're working! Of course they're nice to you when you paid like $500 to talk to them for thirty seconds! It doesn't mean you're friends!
(Not shaming paid M&Gs, I've done them, I'd do them again, it's an opportunity my 13 year old self never thought she'd had but like... I'm not secretly dating a Backstreet Boy because I met them for five seconds, y'know?)
Anyway yeah... all this to say, you're right. Parasocial relationships are a natural part of fandom and they're FINE and GOOD you just gotta respect boundaries.
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2020 - The Great Greeting Card Revival
When I started my funny greeting card company, Swizzoo, back in 2018, lots of people said it was a bad idea. “No one sends cards anymore because it so much easier to text / message / email /post on Facebook /Twitter/Snapchat/TikTok etc. etc. etc.” But I loved sending cards and I loved receiving them, and I didn’t want this tradition to die, so I setup Swizzoo anyway. It turned out that my timing couldn’t have been better. After years of slow,gradual decline, the greeting card industry around the world has started to grow again. People are buying more cards today than they have for along time, and the upward trend started long before Covid invaded our planet and forced us to stay at home for Christmas and Birthdays. 2019 – The Revival Part 1 In 2019the US market alone grew by 3%. That doesn’t sound much, but given the market size is 6.5 billion cards, it actually equates to 195,000,000 additional cards. Valentine Day wasa particular highlight with card sales increasing by 10% to a value of just under $1 billion. What is even more gratifying is learningwho is buying the cards. The same people who told me that Facebook and text would destroy the greeting card industry, would also say the card-giving generation …. those who are 50 plus and who still read physical newspapers …are dying out and taking traditional industries like greeting cards, newspapers, books and magazines with them. Well all you naysayers I have some news for you! The greeting card revival is driven, not by the older generation, but by the young, and millennials in particular. And what is more, the reason the young most frequently give as to why they send physical cards is … are you ready for this … sending messages via social media is too impersonal. A physical greeting card says to the recipient, I thought of you before your Birthday, took the time to choose a card just for you, wrote a personal message in the card, bought a stamp and walked to the Post Office to send it. This is so much more meaningful than getting an auto-reminder on Facebook and posting “Happy Birthday John” on their wall! In other words, a physical card provides a way to break through the digital clutter and it says I really do care. 2020 – Part 2 - The Great Greeting Card Boom During 2020 my sales have grown by 250%. A large part of this growth will be down to the fact that many high street card shops have had to close at key times of the year, like in the lead up to Christmas. This has forced more people to buy cards online. Much of this trade will have moved directly to the online stores of the offline shops such as Hallmark, Paperchase and Card Factory. However small designers, like myself, who sell on Etsy, Amazon and Ebay, have also benefitted. It is going to be very interesting when the industry publishes their 2020 figures to see if the industry as a whole has grown, and if it has, by how much. My bet is that it has grown a lot. Covid and lockdown have forced people to revaluate what is really important in their lives and for many people, at the top of their list, is friends and family. Before Covid, we all took it for granted that we could see family and friends whenever we wanted, so seeing them was not a high priority. After all, they were on social media so we all felt we were in touch anyway. However, when you are suddenly told you cannot see family and friends, it is amazing how deep and profound the feeling of loss is. I have felt it, my family and friends have felt and I know from comments from my customers, they have felt it too. This year it has become really important to tell people how much you miss and love them, and greeting cards have become one of the most important ways of conveying this message. This year a greeting card has become so much more than a folded bit of paper it has become the physical manifestation of the bond of friendship.A text or Facebook post is a miserable and inadequate substitute. It’s Funny How Important Humour Is! All the card designers and sellers I have spoken to this year have also said they have noticed a big increase in the sale of funny greeting cards. The British have always been known for turning to humour in the darkest times, and the pandemic has been no exception. Cards that make fun of the virus and lockdown have been particularly popular. Google also reflects this trend with a huge increase in people searching for phrases like ‘funny birthday cards for friends’ and ‘funny Christmas greetings’ card. Beyond 2020 So what will happen to card giving beyond 2020? Well nobody knows for sure but I predict 2021 will slip back from the exceptional increase in 2020, but be higher than 2019. After 2021 I think the industry will stabilise and any increase will be small, but the decline will have been stopped for the foreseeable future. I believe the more reliant we become on social media and digital messaging for our daily communication, the greater the impact will be of receiving a handwritten greeting card through the post. Only time will tell. Long live greeting cards and the smile and joy they deliver! Original Source: https://bit.ly/3ivOI4u
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wassup 2023
Wow its almost been a year since I’ve written here which i guess means that i haven’t been doing too bad to have needed an outlet to write on or maybe it’s just that i rather burden my friends with my issues, but 2022 was definitely a year for me.
Honestly its crazy because it doesn’t feel like I’ve done much in the past year but looking back on it now I think I’ve achieved quite a bit I could say, and grown a lot as a person (at least I hope).
I feel like I should start this with a list of new year resolutions then get into reflecting about my year but maybe I’ll change it up and look back first.
So damn where do I begin, i started the year off feeling miserable I guess (remember that dance group that I mentioned being kicked out of) yeah, it took a toll on me much more than I would have liked it to. I was stuck in a place where i grieved my old friends, grieved dance and everything in between. I was torn between going back to dance with a different studio or just giving up and calling it quits after about 16 years of doing this. But unfortunately as much as I wanted to leave dance it didn’t want to leave me, I always caught myself dancing along to music, still practicing choreos in my head, it would not go, I couldn’t stop it, and it annoyed me because for something that used to bring me so much joy only made me sad because as much as I wanted to dance with others, as much as my friends convinced me to join another group, I just wanted to be dancing with my old friends again. And to be honest I did join a dance project with others, it was fun! I made some really good friends and although it was tough mentally and physically I was very happy with the end result and very proud of me and my team.
Unfortunately, I still wasn’t satisfied, it didn’t feel the same and I had to tell myself that it wasn’t even going to feel the same. I wanted to go back to my old dance crew but I knew how much I hated the leaders, how awkward it would be between us, how most of my close friends has already left, or how it would bring back all of the stress and complications that I had in the first place, I just wouldn’t feel happy I guess, and so I had to keep reminding myself that (also the fact that I continuously shit talked the studio so much I feel like my friends would laugh at me if I ended up going back despite my hate love relationship lol).
Anyways it took me months of trying to convince myself and moving past this to finally and I mean FINALLY be happy with where I am. It was tough and I was very mentally distressed but now I can proudly say I’m a dance teacher at a studio I love and I have great friends around me and have officially lead my own first project! it’s kinda surreal and makes me a little emotional to think of how years ago I was struggling so much to even just audition to get into a group and now I’m a teacher? Crazy! I’ve also started to notice a lot of progression within my dance abilities which is making me excited and motivated to keep pushing, I also found the courage to post on Instagram and tiktok wow since an old friend who’s pretty popular within the dance community encouraged me to.
Okay enough talk about dance, some other things that really made my 2022 was starting a new job midway into the year and making really good friends! (I feel like we’re too close to call colleagues haha) The job itself is bearable I guess, it’s the toughest job I’ve worked but the people there are making me able to put up with it I guess.
I guess I also just started being more positive, and had a more positive outlook on life, I started feeling excited for things more often and would try my best to go out more and experience more things and so I guess you could say 2022 was a learning year for me.
So new years resolutions damn I feel like I have the same few every year but I’m hoping (god please I really am) that I’ll be able to fulfill them this year. Mhm here we are:
workout consistently!
spend less time on social media
stop caring about people that treat you badly!! let go of them for good !!
be my own person, don’t spend so much time trying to be someone else
be serious in learning italian
save save save money !!
care more about my appearance lol
study hard !!
self motivation
explore different genres of music
outside more
start drawing again >>> webtoon?
All of these are pretty much self explanatory but I really want to focus on being my own person! For the longest time I’ve spent so much of my energy looking at others and comparing myself? Trying to look like others, I mean not to a big extent but just wishing I looked like that person, wishing I lived like someone else and I feel like I’ve already started to move past that the past few months because I’m doing thinks that I want to do, that make me happy. I just want to be my own person, look at my features and go “how can I enhance myself” figure out my own style (which is still getting there) and just not have to think about looking and living like someone else. I want to be truthful to myself.
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jan.12th.2022..fuck 2022?
recently, ive had no drive to write. to express my emotions and take the time out of my day to take a pencil to a paper and just mindlessly write. maybe its because ive been busy? im working finally and its taken up a majority of my time. plus, ive also started classes again. and, im in a relationship with someone. those three main things take up a majority of my time. i obviously do other things but they are all mind-numbing. scrolling through tiktok or other social media platforms, eating, watching some bullshit on youtube or netflix.
wow. its 2022 huh? a new year. we're 12 days into and it feels like so much has happened. i dyed my and cut my hair, my parents relationship is falling apart, the pandemic is still ongoing and getting worse, I'm questioning my major, I'm in a relationship and the world seems to be coming to a slow but sure ending. perhaps that's just me being dramatic. but things haven't felt right for awhile. but as a society we will continue to ignore it and focus on the now instead of the detrimental later.
its two days into classes and I feel as though I'm already lacking motivation. the need to succeed as they would say. but, I will keep pushing. if it means that my future will hold more possibilities. i know college is a scam but, I've already jumped into the water and there's no getting out.
i left home from break new years day. i couldn't handle being there another day. but when I leave, I feel guilty. so guilty it makes me sick to my stomach. seeing my mother so unhappy and stuck in an abusive relationship crushes me. there's only so much can do. and to see my sisters; my girls, go through the same thing I did...if not worse kills me. i want nothing more than to give my mother and the girls the world. they deserve it. but, if I were to give them the world..that would mean sacrificing myself and my future. Im pretty sure i wrote about this before but...for so long i hated my brother. He left me with my crazy parents. He had the saving grace of my grandparents. Sometimes I wish I could have stayed with my grandparents but I wouldn't be the person I am today. My brother was taken away from my house's bullshit in his early teens. He had things handed to him for the most part but I know he struggled with a lot.
the last time I wrote. i felt pretty heavily against my mother. but the more time I think about it. the more I empathize with her. she's just trying to be happy. she's been the number one in my life. the only person that hasn't switched up. its only right to do the same thing. a couple years ago, she felt happy with my step father. but years have passed and he's grown into a different person. the new person that he's grown into, she doesn't love. and that is okay. he is so manipulative and there's nothing I can do. you know how people say, "its much easier said than done"? that line has never been truer.
sometimes, I think of my sisters as my own. granted, I didn't birth them. but I stand by the fact that I raised them more than my step father ever has. truth be told, I did an okay job. not a good job but an okay one. it started from changing their diapers, to watching them, to introducing them to a new world of things. my 2nd youngest sister is on the varsity basketball team and is doing well in school. not that it matters but she is popular and has a huge clan of friends. my youngest sister, is having a hard time...but I see so much potential in her. she is going to do amazing things. she's good at drawing and is so creative. maybe its selfish and crude to say I helped raised them. but I guarantee you that I helped change more of the girls diapers than my stepfather did. not to mention, I was going to school, trying to make my own friends all at the age of 9 and up.
ANFDNFSDIFNSIDNFISDF anyways, obviously...my life has been heavily consumed in regards to my family. i try to steer away, but its so hard. as shitty as this sounds, sometimes I wish could be like Rue in euphoria and just not give a fuck. do harsh drugs and not give a damn where my life is headed. but as I said....Easier said than done.
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Best Marketing Tactics Using TikTok

Source: influencermarketinghub.com
As a marketing professional, it's important to know what are some of the best strategies for marketers using TikTok? In this blog post, I will share some of my favorite tactics for marketers who want to use TikTok to promote their brand or product.
TikTok is the newest social media platform on the market and has been quickly gaining traction in recent months. With TikTok, users can create short videos that can be shared with their followers or friends. The app was released in September 2017 and has more than 150 million monthly active users as of December 2018.
TikTok has grown from a small app to one of the most popular mobile apps in less than 2 years. It's become the next big social media platform with users of all ages and demographics, who use it for everything from music to comedy. As marketers, you need to know how to take advantage of this new opportunity.
How your brand should be using hashtags on TikTok - What types of videos work best for tiktok - Tips for influencer marketing campaigns - How brands should make sure they're not violating any rules or regulations while engaging with their audience through tiktok.
Use Your Tiktok Account to Market Your Business.
You're probably wondering how to use your Tiktok account to market your business. Well, here is a list of things you can do!
Create an account and promote it on all social media.
Create a catchy profile picture that will get people interested in following you.
Post about the latest trends in technology or what's happening in the world today. Your followers may be interested in knowing these things because they are constantly using their phone to find out information anyways.
You could even post about funny videos you've watched or memes that have been going around recently so your followers feel like they know who you are as a person too.
It has over a billion users and that number continues to grow every day. If you're looking for an app that will let your business get in front of more people than ever before, TikTok is where it's at!
Create An Interesting and Engaging Story on Tiktok, Such as A Cooking Tutorial or Beauty Routine.
A social media app that connects you with other people to share videos and content. It's more than just an app, it's a lifestyle. You can create your own account, make friends, and find new things to watch or do.
It has been around for about 3 years now and there are plenty of ways to use this platform for marketing purposes. One way is through the use of video ads on TikTok- meaning you can advertise yourself or your product on TikTok by creating an engaging story using their platform!
Share Links to Other Social Media Accounts in The Description Box of Each Video You Post.
We're all about to get a lot busier, so we need to start sharing links to our other social media accounts in the description box of each video. That way, when we post a new video on TikTok and it's not your favorite account, you can follow that person too.
I mean, what else are you going to do with all of this extra time? Sit around and stare at walls? I don't think so. You've got better things to do than that.
When you post a video on TikTok, the description box is usually blank. This can make it difficult for people to find your content and follow you on other social media accounts. The good news is that there's an easy fix. You can add links to your social media accounts in the description box of each video by adding a line like this:
"Follow me for more videos @username"
"Find me at username."
So now, when someone watches one of your TikToks, they'll be able to see all of your other social media profiles right away!
Reach Out to Influencers with Large Followings on Tiktok for Collaborations.

Source: econsultancy.com
In the past, it was nearly impossible to reach out to influencers with large following on Tiktok for collaborations. But now that we can see their follower count and other data points, there are ways to get in touch with them.
It’s is a social media platform where users create short videos of themselves lip syncing or dancing along to different popular songs, many times being humorous and creative. Since its launch in 2016, TikTok has exploded globally as one of the most popular apps among teens today. With over 500 million downloads worldwide (as of September 2018), it's safe to say that this app has become a cultural phenomenon - even celebrities have been known to use the app.
Post Videos That Are Related to Your Business - Like A Makeup Tutorial If You're Running a Cosmetic Company.
The popularity of TikTok has been attributed to its ability to post short videos as well as the filters, which can be used for artistic effects. As a business owner, you might want to think about using these features on your own account in order to promote your brand.
Imagine you're scrolling on your phone and you see a video that's related to your business. You tap it, watch the first few seconds, but then suddenly the video stops playing.
What do you do? Tap again? Swipe up for more videos? Search for something else entirely?
Chances are, you just swipe right and move on with your life. How many times have we seen this happen before deciding it's not worth our time to keep going (or even worse, tapping one more time)?
It happens because video marketing is hard: from finding a good quality camera to editing footage into a consumable format in order to get viewers hooked -- there are so many steps involved in making an engaging video that will actually be watched.
I posted a video of myself talking about my business in detail, and then posted another video with me answering questions from followers. It's important for your posts to have personality, and these two options gave me a chance to show off some!
If you're looking for other ways to share videos with your followers, here are some ideas: try posting short clips of yourself or others in action; make tutorials; talk about new products or services; give reviews of local businesses
Engage With Followers by Liking Their Posts and Commenting Back on Them.
If you're looking to engage with your followers on TikTok, try liking and commenting back on their posts. It may seem like a small gesture, but it actually makes them feel special and appreciated as opposed to just scrolling through their feed.
If you want your tiktok account to grow like crazy, then you know what you have to do: Engage with others! Whether they're just new or old accounts, likes and comments go a long way towards getting your name out there.
What marketing strategies have you used on TikTok? Share your favorite tactics in the comments below! And, if you're looking for more ways to promote your brand or product through social media platforms like TikTok, don't forget to download our free guide. It has tons of great tips and tricks for marketers who want to use this platform as a way to drive sales. Let us know which strategy is your favorite so far!
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from jin this is the first real birthday letter i've written in a long time how does that Make You Feel? also what the hell is this padlet i'm so upset i can't scroll properly but anyway happy birthday, you're very easily one of my favourite people in my life right now and it makes it all the better that you're dating one of my other favourite people. i know you two make each other happy, and from the moment yoongi told me you were together it's made me unnecessarily happy to think of you two, even when it isn't my relationship. i love you both, and having you two love each other makes me love you even more. maybe it's because each of you are making someone i care about happy, and that in turn makes me happy as well. whatever it is, i hope it lasts a long time. thank you for being part of his happiness, it was getting hard carrying it all myself:/ you mean a lot to me, i hope you know that. you make me feel better when i don't even know i want to feel better. talking to you comes effortlessly, as does the joy and comfort that always accompanies our talks. you put up with me sending you 50 tiktoks in a row, you send them back, you think of me in a way that makes me proud that i've grown up this way. so thank you for that, thank you for that friendship. and thank you for being nice to my members, all of them, even when i'm not doing the same myself. contrary to popular belief i care about them a lot:/ i've been too busy lately to spend as much time as i used to on tiktok, but i always find myself going there whenever you come to mind. and you usually do since it was getting near your birthday. again, happy birthday. i hold you very close to my heart and i hope you can feel the love even when i'm not around. i hope you have a good day, and i hope that i'm part of that good day somehow. with love and happiness and 100 tiktoks i've been saving for your birthday, worldwide handsome kim seokjin
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