#anyway it's 3:30 am for me bc i have to stay up until ungodly hours to have any free time lately
bilbao-song · 2 years
okay!!! everyone who has signed up for secret rocker santa so far should have their assigned number now :^) there are still like fifteen days left to sign up but so far there have been A Lot of people which is very exciting!!
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anxietalyn · 7 years
ACL reconstruction
so. last week on Tuesday I got ACL surgery, and I've looked on a few tags on Tumblr for tips and what to expect. but, I didn't find a lot, and when I did they weren't really descriptive. so ima do one to maybe help some folks out. this is tips and my experience so far.
Edit: this turned out waaaay longer than I thought it would
THIS IS ALL BASED ON MY SURGERY AND RECOVERY. I'M NOT SAYING THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IT WILL GO. I WENT TO A TOP ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON BC MY FAMILY HAD HEARD A LOT ABOUT MY DUDE AND THEY TOOK MY INSURANCE(he turns out to be one of the top orthopedic surgeons in Texas. If you live in the Houston, Texas area, the dude is Dr. Barrett Brown at Fondren Orthopedic Group in the medical center. whoop.) :
if you have the time, money, and availability, go to therapy a few weeks before the surgery. it'll strengthen the muscles in the injured leg, and the leg that isn't going under the knife. it'll help you after the surgery when you're having to use crutches or a walker. trust me on that. I was going to therapy 7 1/2 before my surgery. my orthopedic said that I should've gone at least six weeks.
when I went to therapy for the first time after tearing my ACL and MCL back in October, he was concerned. *I was also in a wheelchair for ten days*.
don't do that
I wish I would've looked up how or asked a family who is a doctor how to use crutches. because I was miserable in that wheelchair. my muscles in my left leg(injured leg) shrinked because they weren't used in a week and a half. and my leg muscles are pretty strong for my height and weight. that was the most difficult part of therapy leading up to last Tuesday. the fact that my strength and body changed.
if you're learning how to use them, or they are unavailable for a day or so, go ahead and use a wheelchair. bc, I'll be honest, it is a lot easier.
You might be at the hospital for a while before they take you in. I was told to be at my surgeon's office at 9:30, and I wasn't taken back for prep until 13:00(1:00pm)
You might also be in the prep area for a bit.. but there is where you get the hospital dress, no-slide socks, a "fall risk" bracelet(which I should've gotten when I started to walk when I was little bc I'm hella clumsy), your IV, I was offered a numbing shot for the area of the IV but I dunno if that's universal
if you have a family member or friend back there with you, ask for them to distract you. I had my goofy brother to make faces at me
if you are offered that numbing shot, they will tell you this, but for about ten seconds it burns like hell
at my hospital, everyone who would be in the OR had to come introduce themselves before surgery, so if you have any questions, ask! they are there to answer your questions. no matter if you think they're stupid.
my Anesthesiologist(the dude who gives the knock out juice) came over, asked if this is my first surgery, and when I told him yes, he explained EVERYTHING. He said that all the folks in the room(for me it was 6) would come by, ask my name, birthday, what was happening during the surgery, and which leg. he then said that the anaesthesia I would get was a non-narcotic which is to help you not throw up after surgery(which I didn't).
five more people then introduced themselves
when they were wheeling me to the OR, they said it would be cold so they gave me a second blanket
they wheeled me up to the table, had me crawl onto it, had a foam pillow for my head, and extended arm holders for my arms to lay outta the way
Steve(anesthesiologist) then asked if I was ready, I said I was scared. one of the nurses then held my hand as he put in the knock out juice. he then said I did good, and to help the anaesthesia work faster, put an oxygen over my nose and mouth until I was out.(last thing I remember)
when I woke up, I was still in the OR, but I was incredibly dis-oriented. I know ASL, so I started signing "want brother" over and over. none of the OR folks knew what I was signing, so they found someone who knows a little ASL and they interpreted what i was signing
they told my that I had to wait for a little bit so they could check to make sure my vitals and wrap up my leg(it's a 30 minute waiting period)
when my parents came in, I was offered sprite(You can't eat anything after ten o'clock the night before, or drink anything(even water) after midnight.) because my sugar level was low
!!!start drinking water a week before the surgery!!!it's so much more difficult to find a good vein for the IV!!! my grandma was poked seven times in different places to find a good juicy vein!!!
the anaesthesia will most likely make you feel weird.
I called everyone cute. everyone. nurse, doctor, patient, people who I don't know. everyone. I asked my nurse out on a date. I told my mom who Is married she's jealous of my "mad flirting skills"
You need to eat something on your way home. I stopped and got soup to-go. I recommend soup, just because it is easy on the tummy
You will not have an appetite for at least a week. regardless, you need to eat protein during recovery bc it'll help your Incision.
your leg will hurt. there's no way to sugar coat. it will hurt a lot.
find something to distract yourself. my Alma Mater was in the state championship for football, and I love football and star wars. I watched The Force Awakens an ungodly amount, that I could quote every. single. character.
just find things to do that you don't need to exert yourself too much. I like colouring books, reading, and watching movies. just have something to do while you recover. please.
you'll get prescribed four things: pain medicine, meds for muscle spasms, meds to help with nausea, and a shot that helps prevent blood clots in my leg while I can't move it regularly
I'm about six days into recovery, and the shots are the worst part currently.
The first three to four days are the worst of it. your nerves are waking up, you're getting used to not bending your knee, your learning how to walk again. they are just bad.
take the pain med when your pain level is a 3 or 4 on a 1-10 scale. it'll kick in right before it gets too bad
when you stand, it will hurt.
when you put pressure on it, it will hurt.
when you move it, it will hurt.
when you hit it(on anything), it will hurt.
when you have to adjust the brace strap that is riiiiight on top of the incision, it will hurt like no other.
that pain, will pass.
I PROMISE you that the pain will reduce. in the moment it may seem like your leg is on fire, but fight on, Strong Warrior. fight on.
elevate your leg from behind your ankle
elevate when ever you can. you're told to, and 10/10 recommend it because it will reduce swelling
you're gonna swell anyways. a little bit of swelling is normal. it's your body trying to heal it's self.
don't take Ibuprofen: it flushed out the good things that the swelling is bringing to heal your body
ice your knee. ice. ice. ice. it will help with over swelling
you don't HAVE to elevate your foot while you sleep though.
You will not sleep for a couple nights. it will suck. it will be frustrating. and it will awful. last night was the first night since Tuesday(it's a Monday) that I got more than four hours of sleep. You will eventually get sleep though. and personally, I was able to take small naps during the day.
I personally, have self-harm scars on my left thigh. so I was slightly uncomfortable with people being around them. You'll have to have someone wrap an ace bandage around your leg(mine is wrapped from my ankle to mid thigh.). Have someone you are comfortable with touching them wrap your leg.
You may not always be fully comfortable during recovery, but try to get as comfy as you can
Go to physical therapy.
it will help(and it's prescribed)
and for goodness sake. Do your at home exercises they give you. they seem like a waste of time, but they honestly do help.
find a PT group you like. **look on your insurance to find a place that is "in network". it'll cost a whole bunch less.**
for PT it's completely okay to go to different people until you feel comfortable. You will do so much better when you're with someone you trust and can tell they know their shit.
I'm curious by nature, and my therapist has the alphabet behind his name. so if you get a card, Google the letters!
for example, the alphabet behind his name is: PT, DPT, FAAOMPT. When I searched them, I found that PT is the good ol' fashioned Physical Therapist. DPT is Doctorate of Physical Therapy. and FAAOMPT is  American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists("The “Fellow” is a physical therapist who has demonstrated advanced clinical, analytical, and hands-on skills in the treatment of musculoskeletal orthopedic disorders and is internationally recognized for their competence and expertise in the practice of manual physical therapy." Basically, my dude knows his shit).
Warning though, if you're curious about what a certain exercise does, and you ask,they might touch your body and physically show you what muscle the exercise works. and while you're doing an exersice, if you're doing it wrong, they will fix your position themself. this is why I say find someone your comfortable with. They are very hands on. I was lucky because the first one I went to, we hit it off. we both have mutual interests, and he isn't annoyed when I sass him. he sasses me back.
In pictures of me within a couple weeks of the operation, you can see how swollen my foot is. the brace I have is a pretty general brace, and it I locked straight. I cannot bend my leg while I have it on. under it is two ace bandages, and then on my incision there is a steri-strip. My nurse said not to touch it/try to remove it because it's keeping it clean and helping it heal. I got four holes in my knee for a camera and tools. the graph that is now my ACL is from my Patellar tendon, so the incision is between 6-8 inches.
I'll continue to update this as my recovery continues. and if you have any questions, feel free to message or send me an ask!
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to {Part 22} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received in the hours before IWSY was posted ^^)
@jynxy24 said: I'm re-reading IWSY and liking whatever I havem't liked because I'M EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER AHHHHHHHHHHH
That’s so amazing that you’re reading it again before reading the new chapter omg c: You’re awesome!!
Anonymous said: I'm not really sure why, but the description of Jungkook's manor gives me a kind of Irish vibe. Maybe it's because of the country kinda aura idk but it's so vivid to me, like near the coast hidden on a cliff behind a forest 😂
It’s funny that you should say that because I am currently in Ireland whilst writing the series! My mother is Irish so~ I’m quite touched that you see it like that! :3
Anonymous said: You know how Taehyung said he reads fanfics sometimes? Do you think he's reading I Won't Stop You?
I don’t think he would be able to understand IWSY because of it being in English (thank goodness lol bc I’d be so embarrassed) Unless someone translates it into Korean haha! But, no, I don’t think he is reading it thank gOD
@coppertopging said: *enters with goofy happy dance* 🎶it's tuesday!!🎵🎶
Yay!! Can I goofy dance with you?!
@qigoyangi said: Just have to say I love Iwsy it's defenetly number one in my list of best jungkook fanfic and I'm sooooo excited to hear what the reader/I really is/am.  Thank you soo much for writing and I love you °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
asdfghj thank you so much!! ahhh I really hope you enjoyed the update love ^^
@mondimple said: Hi~~ I just wanted to say that I really love your series IWSY 😍 I cant stop to read it again again while waiting for next chapter! You're the best 💕
Thank you so much for liking it honey! *hugs you* you’re amazing!
@mocking-butts said: I've been sitting on my computer waiting for the next part because im so excited and i can't sit still I know i won't be disappointed with this chapter. Hit me with the feels please.
Awh bless you love! I really hope I didn’t disappoint with this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it my love ^^
@hemhings said: I thought yesterday was Tuesday and when 9:30 came I was like "what's going on?" Until I seen that it was only Monday😖 but it's Tuesday today!!!!! I'm super excited for this update! Thank you for writing this story💕💕
Thank you for getting super excited for it! And you’re so welcome, the pleasure is all mine my dear :D I hope you enjoyed it!
Anonymous said: THE ANTICIPATION WOAH IM SO EXCITED FOR IWSY 🙏 You're a really great writer. I can't say that I've ever really waited for a fanfiction's new chapter until now due to the series being amazing. 💕
I’m so grateful that you’re so excited for new chapters when they drop ^^ That’’s so amazing to me and I thank you a million times! ^^
@cursingmelly said: Okay so it seems I'm not the only one crying over your blog, refreshing the page every 2 minutes because your story is like the only thing that makes me happy right now x) You're amazing really, I wish i had your talent. I was thinking about starting a writing blog but when I read works like yours i feel so intimidated. >.<
Oh my god no, please don’t feel intimidated! You have nothing to be intimidated about, trust me. I feel like I am the least intimidating person to walk the earth I’m actually such an antisocial marshmallow lol! I am so happy to hear that my story can make you happy, that brings such a huge smile to my face; you have no idea :) Thank you darling, you’re amazing!
@moonlighthollow said: YEY OMG I'M SOOOO EXCITED!! it was such a crappy and emotional day for me i really need some distraction...🙇
I’m so sorry you had such a crappy day my love *hugs you tightly* I hope your day got better and I hope your week will be amazing!
@adoppelna14 said: I'm over here like: *refreshes tumblr account every 3 seconds to see if the new chapter is out*
Eeeee I hope you enjoyed it love!!
@jackyslittlesally said: Were you quoting Hercules in chapter 22 of IWSY? If so, that's dope! This entire story is dope! Well done! I've never been so excited for a fic before :)
As far as I am aware and to the best of my knowledge - no, I was not quoting from Hercules. Which part are you referring to? And thank you so much for reading and for being excited to read it too! :D
Anonymous said: Wow!! New chapter of IWSY was great!! I'm so impressed with how you made a whole history of vampires in your universe~ It's really great and creative, I just find it so.. cool?? That's probably lame but oh well. Also that ending!! Why would you do that to me?? I'm honestly going to cry
Ahhh I’m honestly so happy that you like the lore I created~ It’s not lame at all! It’s a huge, huge compliment and I take it with both hands - seriously. Thank you so much my love ^^
@the-unreal-fan said: THE NEW CHAPTER OF IWSY IS JUST 👌🏼👌🏼���🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
@mysr3 said: Saraaa Atmosphere in this chapter is so good! But really? more secret? I told myself beforehand that You will leave us hanging but at the end I cant handle it well. I think I have guess what would happen next (not in next chapter but later on) which I really hope it come true! Did I just smell smut is coming next week? Love this series, the characters interaction is good. "stormed like an angtsy little teenager to his room" remark LOL Thank you!PS I mentally survived the weekend! Thank you Love
I will always be here to shake up your day~ I gave you answers and more questions - I feel accomplished! hehe~ and yes...the smell of smut is definitely in the air haha :3 Thank you so much my dear and I’m so happy that you mentally survived the weekend! Have a great day love ^^
@jynxy24 said: THE BAMES ARE SO COOL WHAT! Domitor, Humani Generis. HOW DO YOU COME UP WITH THESE NAMES! I can't even spell correctly at times! AND WE FINALLY FIND OUT WHAT READER IS! AHA! I love how innocent the reader is :3333 (unlike me) AND I KNOW THE NEXT PART WILL PROBABLY HAVE SMUT SO PLEASE xD  This chapter was so cool omg, thanks, Sara. Stay awesome, love ya!
The names are Latin! Domitor is Latin for ‘tamer’ and Humani generis is Latin for ‘human descent’ hehe ^^Thank you so much Jynxy~ I love you too and I am so happy that you enjoyed the update!!
Anonymous said: I don't want to wait another week for the smut that appears to be fast approaching. T^T
You’ll just have to learn to be patient ;D hehe~ Thank you for reading the chapter love!
Anonymous said: OHHHHHHH MY GOSH IWSY GETS ME SHOOK EVERY CHAPTER. I was so glad there wasn't any secrets anymore for Y/N but apparently there's more? Anyways, I'm sooooo ready for the next chapter ;)))))))))))))))))
yes...it would seem there is one or two more things to be revealed. Did you think I would reveal everything? *giggles* Thank you so much love! I’m glad you’re looking forward to the next chapter ^^
@cursingmelly said: How are you even real? This chapter.... I can't  even.
*pinches self* I think I am real! Is this a good thing or a bad thing? :O
Anonymous said: Omg Sara you're going to be the death of me.. THAT CHAPTER IS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE. The whole story, the vampire history, the fight between Jungkook and the Reader AND THEN THAT HOT ASS CLIFFHANGER?! UGH. How am I supposed to sleep now x.x
Ahh thank you so much my dear ^^ I am so glad you liked it! And I hope you managed to get some sleep with a little image of sexy VampKook to help you drift off c:
Anonymous said: Wow! You truly never cease to amaze me! The chapter was beyond perfection, really. The vampire lore you created is extremely detailed and completely different from what I've read about vampires. I loved the fact that you decided to dedicate nearly a whole chapter to this! I was so looking forward to it and you did not disappoint! I can't wait to see what's next!  Thank you for creating this amazing story! (Oh and by the way, are we gonna have ANOTHER smut scene in the next chapter?! Yay!)
*cries* thank you so much! I was so excited to reveal the lore and I’m so happy that it is being well received :) I’m so glad you enjoyed it and...yes...maybe *winks*
Anonymous said: that ending. things are about to get kinky and freaky
It would seem so *wiggles eyebrows*
Anonymous said: Chapter 22 of IWSY was 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 but like JunGKooK dAMN tHaT LAsT paRT tHo
Thank you so much for reading it my love! And yes, the last part had me feeling a little hot when I was writing it :3
@theninjachan said: bihhhhhhhh this scene: "the person who gave me the ability to love…is the person whom I fell in love with – the person whom I want to love until my end of days” a biTCH IS CRYING AT 6AM in the mORNING    plus i'm highkey obsessed with jungkook and his sister chaewon bickering...how do i put this, their interaction is so human?? and serrena discipling them just like any other mother would do was quite amusing. and that "other little matter" they left out??? oh boy oh boy i can't wait for tuesday!
I guess even Vampire siblings can fight and have arguments! :3 hehe thank you so much babe, I’m so happy that you’re looking forward to reading the next chapter! And thank you so much for reading this one too ^^ Have a great day!
@mocking-butts said: I have made the most ungodly noises after reading this chapter oh my goodness gracious you're killing me here I can't wait for next week!
Hi again lovely! Ooooh, ungodly noises are my favourite :3 Thank you so much for reading babe! I hope you’ll enjoy next week’s too :3
Anonymous said: WELL WELL WELL I wasnt expecting that OMG Sara I CANT WAIT for the next update I can already feel da heat  -wifey anon
Hey there wifey anon! I’m glad I could ring you the unexpected :3 Thank you very much for reading it, and I hope you’ll enjoy all the heat next week ;)
Anonymous said: Is this dom Jungkook????????????????? OMG tell me it is!!!!!! Owwwww I can't take this Princeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said: I just have one thing to say about that IWSY part... I. Am. Shooketh'd. Good day. 👌🏼👏🏼✌🏼
hehe I am glad I could bring the shookness to you ^^ Thank you so much for reading love and I hope you have a good day!
@animeimmortal said: Wow ok first of all I was killed and brought back to life by that last scene, second of all the amount of thinking you must have done about the whole historical BG like wow and third of all that last scene I hope it has a continuation in the next part 😉 cuz damn that started nice. Like probs this fanfic is in the top three of my favs like its taking the first place now I swear I love I so much ❤  love ya~ ❤
Thank you for appreciating the background and history - it did take me a while to put it all together so I’m feeling relieved that you like it! I’m super honoured to hear that this is part of your top three - thank you so, so much my dear. You’re incredibly sweet for saying that! I love you too honey and I hope you have a great day :D
@moonlighthollow said: I don't even know how many times i said that and you're probably annoyed already😂but Jesus Christ!!!This was SOO good I'm so inlove with your FF i seriously love it so so much you have no idea 😍at the beginning where serrena talked about domitors etc. This was SO well written damn sara😲I'm so impressed of your writing skills👌 biggest fangirl ever🙋 Ps: all characters actually fit SO WELL to their"real"personality if that makes sense (tae, jimin, kookie)😂 i can image them being like this lol
No! I will never be annoyed at you sweetie :D sdfghj thank you so damn much, this really means so much to me you have no idea. Everything you said touched my heart and it makes everything so worth it for me. Thank you a million, billion times for writing this to me, I really did smile so much ^^
@fatimaloveskpop said: I just recently started reading I Won't Stop You and I AM SO IN LOVE WITH IT.Not exaggerating but it's honestly the best au or vampire au that I've read on tumblr.Your writing is incredible and you're so creative.I absolutely love your work.Tuesdays have become my favourite day of the week. ❤❤❤❤
sdfghjk gah thank you so much for saying that babe, you made me smile so big! *hugs you tightly* thank you for reading it and enjoying it and thank you for being so lovely and sweet, I appreciate it so much ^^
@jungkookbangtaned said: I totally loved today's chapter of I won't stop you! Apart from being well written and really well described as always, today's facts made me fangirl... Omg like this was very good😍 I love the whole back story and the questions you left us with😍사랑해
Thank you so much for loving the chapter! And I’m super happy that you loved the back story :3 Sorry for more questions, but at least a lot was answered for, right? c: I love you too babe and I hope you have a lovely day!
@noceurash said: I WAS AT SCHOOL AND REMEMBERED IT WAS TUESDAY- my friends yet again had to hear me being excited to read the next part of I won't stop you pfft. Ily!! Have a good day hun <3
Ahh thank you for reading it during school omg! Haha don’t worry about your friends having to hear you fan girl - fan girl to your hearts content!! I love you too and I hope you have a good day as well ^^
Anonymous said: THE ENDING OF THE CHAPTER THOO 10/10
Anonymous said: I like how you gave is insight of that vampire history! I actually find this chapter very informative and I just really enjoyed.... one thing...... THAT ENDING GOT ME IN THE FEELS AND LIKE NOW THERE IS A PRINCE KINK AND IT ALL SUCKS CAUSE I'M V BIASED...... Good job by the way~(sorry I seem way too bipolar here😂)
Thank you for appreciating the back story! I’m so glad you liked it and found it informative :D And muhaha YES VAMPKOOK WITH HIS PRINCE KINK ;D Uh oh...Taehyung is gonna have to keep a firm hold on you....:3 thank you for reading the new chapter my love and I hope you have a great week!
Anonymous said: SARA!!!! I feel like I say this every single week on Tuesdays... but IWSY prt 22 was BEAUTIFUL!!!! I'm so sorry for being so repetitive, but your writing is the legit definition of beautiful (1. pleasing to the senses or mind aesthetically. 2. of very high standard; excellent) and so are you! ily so much!!!at then end though... what is the 'other little matter?' oh well.. I can't wait for next week! <3 - army anon
ARMY ANON!!! You don’t have to be sorry at all, your wonderful words always give me so much courage and motivation to keep doing what I do and I appreciate them so, so much :D I love you too! And - the other little matter will be revealed in time :3 You will find out soon, I promise! Thank you for reading and i’m so happy you enjoyed the chapter ^^
Anonymous said: You know what would be a spicy yet bad idea? If Y/N just so happened to be bitten OR she was pregnant ( ͡O ͜ʖ ͡O) with lil hybrid Jeon who would be Domitor, Human, AND VAMPIRE. That'd be such a risk and a mess. Woooow. Where do you get all your information from? It all sounds soo true!
That indeed would be a spicy recipe for a disaster c: And as for my information - it’s mostly my imagination of how I have always interpreted Vampires along with a huge love for the previous lore that I grew up loving within the Vampire/horror genre ^^ I wanted to do something different but still keep certain elements alive ^^ Thank you so much for reading it!
@bangtansmistress said: Can I just say that I love your story to pieces and I look forward to it every Tuesday. And I am highkey hoping that sometime when Yoongi & Y/n are face to face again that maybe there's a chance she will give him his emotions back and he won't have to die because 😭😭😭 Bad guy turned good is my shhiiiiiit. Anyways, THANK YOU FOR YOUR AMAZING WRITING SKILLSSSSS I LOVE IT SO MUCH❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ahhh thank you very much for reading and enjoying IWSY so far!! Hmmm yes, I wonder if she will be able to tame him and turn him good? We’ll just have to wait and see :3
@myoddparade said: I've been following IWSY since you first posted chapter 1 and I've never been so amazed by a piece of literature before! Your writing skills are no joke and I hope you understand how utterly talented you are! I've been meaning to write a message of support for awhile but never got around to it till now, I sit here every Tuesday waiting for that update and the feelings you express through your writing gets me every time! Carry on doing what you're doing because you're damn good at it! x
Aghh!! Thank you so much for having followed it since chapter one! That’s incredible :3 Thank you for your patience with the story! Ahh, you are so incredibly kind to me, thank you for saying such lovely and wonderful things. You have really made me smile with this - so thank you for that. I will keep going and I will try hard not to let you down!!
LMAO YOUR ASK WAS AMAZING TO READ HAHA THANK YOU SO MUCH! Yes...dom VampKook with a Prince kink hello~~ Thank you so much for reading it and enjoying IWSY!
@koreaisanaddiction said: SARRRRRAAAAAAA!!!!!!! "what are you going to do to me" "everything." WHHYYYYYYY!!!!! i mean im so PUMPED!!!! but then i though christian grey even though i never watched or read 50 shades. and then i thought wasnt that originally a twilight fanfiction (which yet goain never watched or read) and now im so confused by the who"she'll find out in time" thing like FUCK!!!! all i know is im so pumped for the smut. your sucjh a good writer i got my friend into your story. LOVE YOU!!
Hehe, I wonder what everything means? :3 I’ve never read/saw 50SOG and nor do I care much for Twilight~ I mean, I can appreciate the authors hard work and writing her own lore. But I’m afraid the characters within the movie completely ruined the story for me. I personally thought that the acting was very bad :( I love you too my dear and thank you so much for reading and for also getting your friend into it too!! ^^
Anonymous said: This was just what I needed before I go to surgery tomorrow! I freaking love this story so much. I learned so much in this chapter but WTF WHY NO GIVE US THE GOOD STUFF. THEY WAS GETTIN READY TO BUMP UGLIES AND I WAS LIEK 'oh shit jungkook. Get you a piece of dat ass' THEN IT WAS LIKE TO BE CONTINUED AND JSHDDJKGNKEHSKFJKLD. I LOVED IT. (Side note: have you considered making a vmin chapter/spinoff so we can have more of teh fluff?) Thanks for another lovely chapter. I love you 💜 ~LilKookieAnon
Hello LilKookieAnon! AND WHAT? YOU’RE HAVING SURGERY? Oh my god I hope you’re okay and that you’ll recover soon :( Please let me know and keep me updated, okay? ~~ And yes, actually! I have considered writing a side chapter about Vmin, but it will be when IWSY is completely finished ^^ I love you too my dear and I hope you’re okay ^^ Thank you so much for reading despite going for surgery tomorrow!
Anonymous said: Once again your cliffhanger killed me!!! I love this series sm adgjklobxsfh tysm 😙😙😙
You’re welcome for another cliffhanger ;D Thank you very much for reading!
Anonymous said: Next chapter be like now chicka wow wow 😏 lol but seriously though, another amazing chapter 😁
Bow chicka wowow lmao oh my god I havent heard that in so long :3 Thank you for reading and enjoying it babe!
@clara-licht said: IWSY is way too amazing 😭😭 I've been wondering though, what kind of blood do they consume? You said it's synthetically manufactured, but aren't they human blood as well? Are they blood donations from humans? If so, do they donate knowingly it's for Vampires or not? And do Vampires have favorite blood type? 😂 Thank you!
Hi babe! Thank you for thinking IWSY is amazing, that really means so much to me! ^^ And yes - synthetically manufactured as in, they do not directly consume human blood. In the world of IWSY, synthetically manufactured blood is blood that is essentially a copy of human blood. Because Vampires are so intelligent and advanced, they have been able to do this perfectly ^^ I’m afraid I can’t provide answers for your other questions as I won’t ever give away spoilers! I hope you can understand c: Thank you for reading it love!
@toxic-seoul said: Omg part 22 revealed a lot more than I expect & I'm so amazed on how u came up with it all. You're truly an outstanding author tbh I love everything about this series. I want to ask something a bit serious tho. Are you okay? I know you've written other stuff but I'm not sure if you've had any pressure when writing those. With a series like IWSY I feel like authors can be easily intimidated or anxious about updating weekly and meeting expectations of readers cuz of how popular it is (cont.) idk I just hope you're doing okay mentally and physically. I know it might be a lot of pressure. You're doing amazing tho and I support you a lot, along with many others. I really hope you don't feel obligated to continue this series as well (even tho I'm sure u enjoy writing it & in love with it as much as us readers lol) anyways sorry it got deep lol I really hope you're taking care of yourself & I also hope for the best for you even tho I don't know u personally 💕
First of all, thank you so much for reading IWSY and for enjoying it, I am really happy that you liked the revelations in this chapter and you are way too kind to me^^ ~~ To be honest, you are absolutely right. I do feel a lot of anxiety and pressure when I post a new chapter. I’m always worrying “Will they like it? Will they understand the emotion I’m trying to convey? Will they enjoy what I’ve written about?” I am always hoping that the people who read my fanfiction realise how much time and effort I dedicate to it. Because you’re right, it makes me happy to write and to make people happy at the same time. I seriously thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to type this encouraging message, you have no idea how much this means to me that you took time to check up on me like this. Sometimes I feel like I have so much going on that I can’t breathe, but it’s messages like yours that keep me going and give a bit of life back into my system. You’re absolutely golden and I cannot thank you enough. I’m so emotional right now xD
Anonymous said: bruh why did u hav to end it like dat? Jfc. How do you jump into the next week? Help
*time travels to next week* hehehe ~~~
Anonymous said: I'm so curious as to what happens if Yoongi were to get his hands on Y/N in IWSY- I just love this series so much! You're such an incredible author and person- I just ❤❤
Yes...I wonder what might happen?! Hehe~ thank you so much for being so kind and sweet to me, and thank you for reading IWSY too! :3
@deboracorrea25 said: OMG!! All this revelations in IWSY, and I'm still very curious. What are her true powers? What does Yoongi want to do with her? So many questions, so many things to come. And this Prince is driving me insane! I just love this Jungkook vampire! Thank you for another amazing part. Love you!
Questions were answered and more questions were given too! :3 Prince VampKook is such a hottie~he’s gonna snatch us all R.I.P :3 hehe~ Thank you so much baby and I love you too! I hope you have an awesome day :)
Anonymous said: YOU'RE SUCH A CLIFFHANGERRR!!!!! WHY STOP AT THIS BOOTIFULL MOMENT?? I KNOW, YOU KNOW WE ALL WAITED FOR THIS KINKY JUNGK SO WHHAAYYYYYY???!!*cries in korean* (btw im speaking abt the latest chapter of IWSY
I apologise for any hurt or frustration I may or may not have caused you c: I hope you’ll enjoy what’s to come! ^^ Thank you for reading the chapter my dear ^^
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