#anyway im so fkn sad for these women who are abused. THEY dont deserve it at all :(((
g0thsoojin · 25 days
also i think it's so awful how someone on tumblr took a screenshot from reddit of a young woman who was scared because her boyfriend said "if you leave me i will kill you" during sex and everyone here are reblogging it and sexualizing it and that is a real woman who is afraid of her boyfriend. i cant even imagine the fear... like you have a bf and u love him and all of a sudden during sex he looks at u and tells u he will kill u if u leave. and the thing is that sooooo many men actually do kill their gfs. the fear.. and the knowing that NOBODY cares about you. when u post about it on reddit someone screenshots it and thousands of ppl pass it around and sexualize it and go "oh hot" "goals" and they do not care about your fear. if u go to the cops they wont care. if u go to your friends and family they probably wont care but if they do they cant do anything. if u leave him he might actually kill u. and if he does. nobody fucking gives a shit. you're just a worthless girl. a piece of rapemeat. u arent worth anything. nobody cares about you or your life. humanity is so vile. idk why i should "love" humans. y'all are fucking trash. u dont care about someone else beinng abused or traumatized or murdered. y'all are so fucking vile and only deserve the absolute worst suffering. but not even then will u give a fuck.
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