#anyway im gonna go have some tea and distract my mind and hopefully my second crack at sleep goes better
lunarflare64 · 2 years
I was having an enjoyable dream about the meaning of life and slowing down to enjoy the little things and not dedicating your whole life to a task that has changed faster than you did, and then I took a pit stop to talk to a guy, he's cool, takes care of water towers, has a bunch of spiders (I'm arachnophobic), I gave him a small spider I'd come across (she was sweet I was fine with putting up with holding her) when my dream decided to drop in some asshole who decided it was time to up the speed on my arachnophobia exposure therapy character arc and picked up a tarantula and put her on my face, and I immediately woke up having a panic attack and freaking out. What a cunt. What purpose did that asshole serve in my character arc because it felt more like a villain origin story, if he turns up in my next dream I'm killing him
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sanami-love · 5 years
Slow and Steady Ch.2
Alright guys! I’m back. It’s only been about a week right? Sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you guys like the second chapter! This one is a bit shorter I believe, and this one’s gonna be a bit more spicy, and may even make you question the title of this fic lol Anyway, here you go guys! :D 
Sanji worked tirelessly to fix the crew their daily breakfast. Despite the fact that he felt like if he closed his eyes for too long, he would likely fall asleep standing. Still, even his weariness couldn't do anything to take the everlasting smile off his face. He still couldn't believe that Nami reciprocated his feelings. His beautiful Nami-San...he couldn't stop thinking about her after last night. Little hearts began forming at the end of his cigarette as he began thought about her. The way her light auburn hair swayed on her delicate, lightly freckled shoulders, her pretty brown-red eyes, the way she smelled like tangerines and parchment, the way she often had ink stains on her little fingers...She was just so electrifying. Even when she hadn't just struck him with a thunderbolt! And then there were her curves. Those legs, that waist, those brea- "Gah!" Sanji winced, burning himself for the third time that morning. He couldn't tell if it was sleep deprivation or thinking of Nami that had him so distracted this morning, but either way he needed to wake up. Just as he began reaching for the coffee pot; "Saaanjii!! More food!!" Luffy yelled across the kitchen, sitting at the front end of the dining table, banging his silverware against it. "Oi! Luffy! Shut up! Nami-San is trying to sleep!" Sanji yelled back a decible higher, realizing he likely just caused the chances of Nami waking up to skyrocket. "I want more fooood. How much longer do I gotta to wait?" Luffy asked, laying his head on the table and pouting like a sad child. "It'll be a few more minutes Luffy, be patient. The meat still isn't cooked thoroughly." Sanji said, now in a much quiter tone. Turning back to the coffee pot and pouring himself a mugfull and gulping it down. As he turned back to flip the seasoned fish over, he felt the presence of an elongated hand behind his back. "Luffy." Sanji began. "Do you remember what happened last time you tried to steal the meat out of the pan?" Sanji inquired in an ominous tone. "You burned your hand, ate the meat and burned your tongue, and got kicked the shit out of by me." Sanji stated, recalling the incident. "If you're that desperate for more food.." Sanji said, reaching over for a nearly expired loaf of bread. "Then eat this. It'll only be a couple more minutes." He finished, handing the bread over. Luffy grumbled, but still ate the bread happily. Shortly after, Sanji approached him with a massive plate full of seasoned fish that could feed at least six people. Luffy's eyes lit up as he gladly began eating the fish before Sanji had even finished handing him the plate. "Thanks Thanji! You're tha bethst!" Luffy said happily through mouthfuls of food. Sanji was about to scold luffy for talking with his mouth full, when the kitchen door opened and their tall skeleton musician walked in. "Yoho, Goodmorning Sanji-San, Luffy-San." Brook greeted them eloquently. "Sanji-san, might I have some tea to go with my breakfast?" He asked, sitting at the opposite end of the table. "The usual, coming right up." Sanji said, giving a slight smile to his skeletal friend. As time passed, the rest of the crew members excluding Nami came to join breakfast time. At this point, Sanji would become lost in his work. Moving diligently to meet all the crews dietary needs. And yet, even as he focused on his work he still couldn't get Nami out of his mind. "Nami-san is my girlfriend~.." He kept thinking, unable to keep a grin off his face. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by some crew members. Namely Robin, Zoro, and Brook. "Oi. Shitcook. Stop imagining pervy shit while making my food. I don't want drool or any of your other bodily substances ruining my onigiri." Zoro snapped, clearly trying to wipe the smile of Sanji's face. "Fuck off Mosshead. Here's your damn onigiri. Try not to choke. Or don't, I don't really care." Sanji retorted, handing Zoro his onigiri and still smiling. Not even he was going to ruin his good mood. "Huh. Still smiling. Must've been a pretty good wet dream then huh?" Zoro sarcastically said, biting into his riceball. "Now now, boys." Robin said calmly, setting down her cup of tea. "Lets try to have a peaceful meal. It's such a nice morning." She said, turning to Zoro and patting his head. Zoro's raised an eyebrow at her, but relented. "Fine, whatever." He said, returning to his onigiri. "Heh. He might act tough but even he can't resist a pretty ladies charms every now and then." Sanji thought, giving a look of 'thank you' to Robin that she clearly accepted. "Guess I owe her a new book for that.." Sanji thought to himself. Robin had to admit, she was curious as to why he looked so chipper despite looking as if he'd had no sleep at all. She wasn't one to pry, though. Sanji made his way over to Brook, carrying a small serving of scones for the musician. "Ah, thank you Sanji-san." Brook said, eagerly taking one of the scones and dipping it into his tea. "Yoho, I have to say Sanji-san, you do look rather chipper this morning. Might I ask what has you so lively today?" Brook asked in his usual merry tone. "..What do I say? I don't really feel right about telling the crew about Nami and I's relationship without her permission.." Sanji thought for a moment. "Oh, I just had a good dream is all." Sanji lied, as he poured the musician more tea. "Ha! Knew it was a wet dream!" Zoro shouted across the kitchen. Sanji glared at him, and just as he was about to snap back at him, Robin reached over and pulled Zoro's ear, causing him to wince. "No more of that please. I'd like to be able to enjoy my morning." Robin said, giving Zoro a slight glare. "Ah, so it was that kind of dream. No wonder you look so happy!" Brook said, leaning over to whisper to Sanji. "Hey, hey, what color were her panties?" He asked eagerly, awaiting the cooks response. "Sorry Brook, wasn't that kind of dream. Mossheads just being a dipshit as usual." Sanji whispered back. "Sorry, I'll tell you later. Nami-san should be waking up soon so I need to bring her her meal." Sanji said, waving to him as he picked up Nami's platter and walked out of the kitchen. "That was close." He thought as he strolled through the cold misty deck of the Sunny. Truthfully he couldn't come up with anything convincing enough to tell Brook. Oh well, he was just happy to be able to get away from the others for a moment to see his beloved Nami-san. Currently, it was 10am. Nami should've had four hours of sleep and would likely be up. As much as he wished she could get more sleep, she was their navigator. Her role in the crew was one of, if not the most important jobs on the Sunny. Sanji reached into his jacket pocket and took out another one of his death brand cigarettes and lit it up as he neared the girls room. Taking a long drag just before knocking on the bedroom door. "Nami-san my dearest~..It's Sanji. I've brought you something lovely to eat." Sanji said in his usual chipper, lovey tone. A moment later, he heard a click and the door began to open. "Good morning, Sanji-Kun." Nami said with a smile. "Whatever you have, it smells amazing. Come on in." She said, yawning as she finished her sentence. Sanji entered the room and set the plate on the small circular table nestled between two red chairs. He turned to gaze at her, feeling overcome with joy as he did. She hadn't brushed her hair or gotten dressed for the day yet. She was wearing a long sleeve, form fitting yellow sweater and fuzzy blue pajama pants with little hearts on them. And yet she still looked so angelic. He pulled out a chair for her, and she sat down. First, taking a swig of her freshly squeezed orange juice.  Sanji took a seat in the other chair, sitting across from her. "You look so pretty today." He said, gazing at her. Nami raised an eyebrow, but smiled and continued to enjoy her meal. It wasn't unlike him to tell her she looked nice even when she looked a mess. "Whatever you say." She said, glancing away with a slight blush. Looking back to see Sanji had taken her hand in his own, gently rubbing his thumb against the back her hand. "So...now that we're dating...is there anything you'd like to do once we reach land?" Sanji asked, scratching his cheek. Nami blushed a little harder as watched him fiddle with some strands of his hair. "He's so cute when he's nervous.." She thought, trying to think of something she wanted to do date wise. "Um..Well, we don't have to be on land for a date. I do have one idea though.." Nami said, beginning to fiddle with her own hair. "Im all ears, my love." Sanji said eagerly. "Well...we could go down to the aquarium bar tonight and maybe have a few drinks. Sound good?" She said with a bright smile. That was a really good idea. The aquarium bar was a pretty romantic place to have a date too. He just hoped no one would just decide to hang out down there tonight. "Thats sounds wonderful, Nami-san. Its a date." He said gleefully, taking her empty cup and plate and stacking them. "You bet. And don't be late." Nami said jokingly as she stood up from her chair and walked to her vanity. "Wouldn't dream of it, love." Sanji said, watching as Nami began to brush her long hair out. Wanting to feel how soft her hair was. "Nami-san, would it be alright if I help fix your hair? I'm actually pretty good with hairstyling." Sanji inquired hopefully. He really wanted to run his fingers through those beautiful orange locks of hers. "So a master chef and a hairdresser, huh?" Nami joked as she handed him the brush. "Alright, show me what you can do." She said, standing back in front of the mirror. "Yes ma'am." Sanji said getting up from his seat to stand behind her. He began collecting her from around her shoulders and bringing it back, loving how soft it felt against his fingers. He brushed the hair out from the bottom and began to separate and braid it, bringing it up and putting together high braided bun. "Now, turn to face me." Sanji said. Nami turned around to face him, blushing from the proximity. She watched Sanji's face as he focused on fixing her bangs and pulling a few strands of hair loose to hang in front of her face. He was incredibly handsome. His eyes were so pretty, and his eyebrows had a strange charm to them. His jaw was well defined and his beard gave him a slightly rugged, sexy look. And his lips, they looked so soft. They looked so irresistably soft. Sanji tucked a single hair behind her ear, bringing his thumb to caress her cheek. He looked into her eyes, realizing she was staring at his lips. He began to look at her own, and couldnt resist leaning towards them. Their foreheads and noses touched, feeling each others breath on each other. Eyes becoming half-lidded, slowly inching closer until their lips were mere millimeters apart. Their lips brushed ever so gently, driving the two over the edge. Lips met eagerly in what felt like pure ecstacy, moving together in unison in a sweet, normal fashion at first. Sanji glided his tongue against her upper lip, begging for her own. Her tongue glided against his own, allowing their kiss to become more heated. Lips opened wider to fully taste each other as light moans filled the quiet room. He tasted like smoke and spices, and she tasted like sweet oranges. Sanji's hands began to wander down her sides, lightly running them up and down. Nami ran one hand through his hair excitedly, and one hand felt his chest with need. She ran her hand down to reach under his shirt, feeling the hardened muscle of his abs underneath. Sanji moaning slightly at the feeling of her soft hand and nails running against his skin. Sanji moved a hand to feel her hips, cautiously tucking his thumb in the side to feel her soft skin, and moving his other to just under her breast as he just barely felt her with his thumb. Nami began moving her hand downwards, slipping her fingers past his waistband, slowly trying to inch further downward. Sanji felt his hard member twitch with pure desperation to be touched by her. Nami slipped her fingers in halfway just as she heard the bedroom door open. The two immediately separated, faces stained tomato red as Robin looked at them with what was pure amusement on her face. "H-Hi Robin..." Nami said, dying of embarassment. She couldn't have walked in at a worse time. Sanji just had his hand on his neck, staring at the floor in sheer mortification. Robin couldn't have been anymore amused. "Well, I guess I know why you looked so happy this morning, Cook-san." Robin said smiling. "Sorry, I just dropped by to grab one of my books." She said, walking by the two nonchalantly and grabbing said book. She walked back to the door. "Don't worry, I won't say a word to the others if thats what the two of you want. Congratulations." Robin said as she began to close the door. "Have fun, Nami." Robin said with a teasing smile as she left. Nami fell to the floor in shame. "Well. That was completely mortifying." Nami said, glancing over at Sanji who was still an embarassed mess. "I-uh...Sorry, Nami-san. I got a little carried away." Sanji said, giving her a slight nervous smile. "Don't be sorry. I did too. Besides...it felt really good." Nami said, not daring to look him in the eyes as she said it. Sanji walked over her way and helped her back up. "Im glad you think so...It did for me too." He stated, placing a finger on her chin to lift her face up to his own. Sanji brought his lips to hers once again, but this time the kiss being short and sweet. "Nami-san...kissing you feels so wonderful. I honestly don't want to stop. But, we've got jobs to do. So, I'll leave you to get ready for the day." He said, bringing his arms around her for a moment. "That being said, I'll see you tonight in the aquarium." He said, smiling brightly as ever. "Yeah. Its a date. I'll see you then, Sanji-Kun." Nami said, smiling but still shaking from the prior embarassment.
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the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
some Original Content by yours truly eeee
I had to write this for school, its like a send off speech cause were seniors and stuff and I thought you guys might appreciate it cause it talks about memes and stuff
As a member of Generation Z, my mom often complains that I seem to speak in “code.” There have been countless occasions where I have had to explain the meaning of words such as  “same,” “mood,” and “me,” what a vine is, the notion that yeet is in fact a verb and not a noun, and, of course, memes.
As you are all aware, there are memes for virtually anything and everything you could possibly experience on a daily basis. From being stuck in traffic to stealing other peoples food, the internet and, by default, our brilliant minds, have created relatable images that oftentimes distract us from doing, say, our math homework. Obviously, we all want to pass our math classes, but when the homework consists of 48 problems saying “if Bobby has 16 apples and Susan owns a car that runs on vegetable oil, how many ice cubes will it take to cover the surface area of Norway” you can probably see why I procrastinate it until the last possible second.
It seems that schools teach us unnecessary things most of the time. If I were to ask something useful, for example: “What are taxes and how do I pay them?” it is almost certain that the school system would respond with: “Worry not. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
What do we need school for anyway? We already know everything, just ask our parents. We cram study for all of our tests and promptly forget the information right after, just look at our midterm and final grades. We write all of our essays and speeches mere hours before they are due, just check our turnitin receipts. Add in sleep deprivation, an unhealthy dose of anxiety, three cups of coffee, a slightly dark sense of humor and you’ve got an average high school senior. From our perspective, we have every reason to wish graduation were tomorrow. And yet, some of us are still apprehensive about leaving, even if we don't want to admit it.
Why have we grown so attached to the place that has been the cause of our self proclaimed demise? It is because shoved in here, in this massive cell, we have all become mitochondria. Whether we like it or not, we have all become accustomed to being around each other everyday, and now that must change. Cells are constantly renewing themselves, and now it is time for this cell to let us go so that it can begin training the next batch of brains. We must now become the mitochondria of our own cell, wherever that may take us.
Now, this is the part of the speech where I tell you all the sappy stuff like “just be yourself,” “you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take,” and “don't let anyone dull your sparkle.” I’m also sure there are many motivational memes you could look at that would probably do a much better job motivating you than I can.
But if you haven’t tuned me out by now, remember this: above anything else, high school taught us how to survive on a daily basis in a place full of lunatics and still get decent grades. So, if you survived this, you can take whatever the world throws at you, using your own mitochondria worthy brain. That is what high school was meant to teach us.
And if you still wanna know how to pay taxes, just youtube it. I’m pretty sure some bored millennial made a how-to.
idk everyone laughed in class when I read it today and the teacher died when I started talking about the mitochondria so
also gonna tag list cause why the heck not
hmu to be added
tag list @fairly-awkward-trashcan @well-the-kids-do-too @racetrackcook @bouncyscreamingnewsboys @ughwaitwhat @aw-jus-let-em-try @ben-cook-can-cook @the-woild-is-my-what-now @tommy-s-s0cks @voice-foundshoe-lost @galaxy-trees13
@stopthe-presses @ridin-in-style @pinecovewoods @i-got-no-clue-what-im-doing @bencookisagod @be-more-chill-evan-hansen @hellasoulless @stellar-alpaca @saxoph-ella @smolcanadiankid @disney-princess-sized @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @insane-tomato @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @have-we-got-news-for-you @thatfancyclam @myidkwhatmynameisblog @legoflambwrites @that-one-newskid @not-a-scab @albertdasillva-deactivated20181
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